We Legally Broke Into an Abandoned ATM Machine and FOUND THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS Inside...

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bam we're in this cassette is loaded with twenty dollar bills i like the sound of that go oh hey what's going on guys i know it's been a while since we last talked but i'm coming back with a bang we got another abandoned atm machine right here and these are my favorite kind of videos to film because i love the thrill treasure hunting and finding money i mean who doesn't but i know you guys love these videos too so stick around so you don't miss out on what we find now i bet you're all wondering how i got this abandoned atm machine well can you guys keep a secret i stole it all right all right before anyone calls the cops that was a joke guys if i stole an atm machine i'm not going to be stupid enough to break into and post it on youtube but in all seriousness the reason we're able to get abandoned atm machines and break into him legally is because my dad owns a demolition company and whenever he gets a job all the contents left in the abandoned building now belong to him and that includes atm machines vending machines and everything else left inside this atm machine was left inside an abandoned bar check it out guys pretty nice place huh and someone already tried to break into this you can see all the dents right here these are probably from the sledgehammer someone tried to break the lock up here but obviously they didn't succeed and that actually makes it a lot more exciting for me because if someone else was trying to break into this maybe they knew there was money inside of it so we're gonna go ahead and get started in a second guys i'm super excited to see if we can find money inside of this one we've broken into two other abandoned atm machines before one had absolutely nothing in it and the other had a decent amount of money so let's see what we can find inside of this one i'm gonna go get demolition dad and he's gonna explain how we're gonna break into it all right guys meet demolition dad what's up show them what you got and tell them how we're gonna break into it got the crowbar and the sludge hammer break this front panel open then we're just going to cut this open with the saw and try to get into the cash box like we did on the other ones sounds like a plan you ready all right let's find some money hopefully we get the jackpot again that was easy there goes the combo [Music] how thick do you think this is you tell somebody tried to break into there with the saw all right let's go [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] it's cutting pretty smooth [Music] [Music] [Music] switch batteries right [Music] so crowbar time there we go bam we're in smoky we got the safe part open now where's the cash box i don't see it bills we're going up here you just gotta feed down i hope it has the cash box there it is bam let's see it's plastic look what that says this cassette is loaded with twenty dollar bills let's see i like the sound of that all right how are we gonna break into this one this one should be super easy yeah it's only plastic all right cracker open ready give it a good hit set go go whoa anything in there oh that is actually a lot that's not a little bit holy crap no pull that out it is quite a few it's a whole freaking stack of twenties holy crap guys i gotta count [Music] payday i mean 20s are pretty good you can't complain about that how much do you think this is it's got to be at least i mean 1500 those are all 20s that's got to be a decent amount that's no no way no way if it's anything over a grand that's going to be their all-time record holy crap guys that's what i call a freaking payday no wonder they were trying to break into it look at all that money guys that is unbelievable are you kidding me all right but i'll take this any day you're going to complain about 20s i'm sure anyone would love to have that better than singles and fives yeah i wish it was hunters money's money guys you would imagine if this thing was full it was only like a quarter of the way full that's insane probably not even look at this wow what's counting no wonder no wonder people steal these freaking things parties on me tonight all right guys take your guess on how much money we just found i'm gonna guess 900 what do you think 1500 that's a lot i know but look 5 10 15 20. yeah hopefully why would they leave this behind you think they forgot the combination or something or couldn't get into it they leave stuff behind all the time like in the vending machines out of the buildings all right let's count it up and see how much we got take your guesses right now in the comments guys no cheating though let's see who guesses closest damn that looks like a lot of money i'm excited let's see how much we got 500 bucks right there that's a thousand guys dang this is adding up quick let's keep going wow we still got a lot let's keep on going whoa we're getting close we're gonna hit it bam that is two grand guys holy cow that's over double my guess what's that two thousand eighty two thousand and eighty dollars i can't believe we just found all this money left inside this atm machine that is unbelievable over two grand who would have guessed nice i get that new big screen yep let me just check one thing before i get too excited here let's make sure this is real it looks pretty real but just to make sure yep it's got the blue bird and the writing in there so that is 100 real guys check it out we just found over 2 000 inside of this abandoned atm machine our biggest jackpot by far it's going to be hard to beat guys all right guys we're going to go buy us a nice steak dinner and do some shopping because we just hit the absolute mother lode finding over too freaking grand inside this abandoned atm machine and i know some people are gonna call this fake and honestly i don't blame you guys because i still can't believe how much money we just found over too freaking grand this is absolutely insane this stuff does happen though guys and i just proved it it's crazy what people leave behind sometimes but if you enjoyed this video make sure you leave a like and subscribe for more abandoned atm machine videos also there's gonna be a playlist on screen of abandoned safes abandoned vending machines and more abandoned atm machines so check that out but that's about it we'll see you in the next one squad out
Channel: Abandoned Exploration Squad
Views: 869,201
Rating: 4.8089304 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned atm, abandoned atm machine, found abandoned atm machine, breaking into abandoned atm machine, opening abandoned atm machine, abandoned atm machine with money, legally breaking into atm, found money in abandoned atm, abandoned atm machine full of money, found thousands of dollars, thousands of dollars found inside abandoned atm, most money found, jackpot, abandoned safes, abandoned vending machines, treasure hunting, exciting, entertainment
Id: oRymqqJzL3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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