FOUND ABANDONED CASINO SLOT MACHINE WITH MONEY! Finding Money Breaking Into Abandoned Slot Machine!!

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oh i can see money in there dude look right there right hey what's going on guys yes today we're going to be breaking open this abandoned slot machine hoping to hit the jackpot by finding money left inside and i could already tell that there is going to be some money inside of this because when i picked it up and shook it around i could actually hear money in there let me try to shake it around and see if you guys can hear it i can definitely hear something in there but i'm not sure if that's just gonna be a penny or a hundred dollars worth of change but that's what we're going to find out so far we've broken into abandoned vending machines abandoned safes abandoned atms but this is our first slot machine so this is going to be exciting guys if you're wondering how we got this slot machine this actually came from an abandoned casino my dad does demolition he was wrecking an entire casino which was insane and this was left inside of it i wish i could have gotten a video there for you guys because that place was just so cool they took most of the stuff but they left the poker tables the bar area and some other stuff but it was just really cool to be inside of an abandoned casino but sadly they made him sign a disclosure saying he can't film or take videos there which actually a lot of places do including mcdonald's so hopefully this slot machine is even more exciting for you guys all right guys i've got demolition dad here to explain how he's gonna break into this thing what's going on everybody we're gonna cut open the side of this machine with the grinder and hopefully catch the latches or whatever is holding this thing closed try and get to the cash box inside we can't drill this out right because this looks like it's probably harder i mean we can try it but it's easier just to cut through the side and catch the latches i think last time i broke a bunch of drill bits trying to drill the lock out yeah these are like the similar locks to those vending machines guys so they're pretty heavy duty all right guys let's find some money so uh you got it nope still holding it shut oh i could see money in there dude look right there right there you guys see that peek in there oh yeah bunch of quarters those are quarters right this latch right there right oh there's just a little piece of metal you could probably just bend that over but guys there's money in there all right let's see oh dude look at that whole box full of money right there holy crap look at this thing is loaded to the top we pull it out oh my god guys look at that that's what i'm talking about baby look at all that money guys looks like it's all quarters must have been like a quarter slot machine and some fell down inside here sweet dude quarters add up quick this is a nice chunk of change right here stump it out on the table see how much we actually got banned wow yeah that thing is full wow look at all that money nice dump that box out too ooh this thing is still pretty hot i didn't even realize i was touching it this is so exciting yeah this is a lot less heavy duty than i thought it was going to be but guys look at all this money spread it out a little bit wow this has got to be what do you think at least 50 bucks right here and change 100 wow some of these look kind of old let's see that's uh just 1981 this one wow that is insane i knew i heard money inside of there i thought it was just going to be a little bit but look at all this guys this is literally like you can tell this is a jackpot for sure all right guys so we're actually going to count all this up right now because i'm super curious to see how much money is actually in there leave your comments down below on how much you think is in here take a guess right now i'm guessing 50 my dad guess is a hundred who knows guys this could be easily over a hundred maybe 200 i have no clue there's almost five bucks here already wow it's gonna add up quick guys that's the 15 mark guys 15 bucks already we still got all that to go that's the 50 mark guys this is way over my guess look at all those quarters we still have over my guess yeah this is like way more than we even thought 150 at least look at that huge pile still this is like that pile looks like at least double the size of this and this is 50 bucks right here damn those quarters do add up quick we're at 75 bucks guys and that pile is still huge and bam guys that's a hundred bucks look at that still got this entire pile to go wow that's insane my fifty dollar guess was way off and it looks like your hundred dollar guess was way off too we might have at least like double that so we might have 200 bucks here because that pile is still gigantic makes it better yep we'll take free money all day every day nice little payday right here and that's 150 guys looks like we're gonna be pretty close to 200. so i got that entire pile to go wow this is like 10 minutes of just counting coins i'm gonna speed it up so you guys don't gotta watch this entire thing but this is taking way longer than i thought maybe we should have just brought it to like coinstar or a bank but at least we'll know now and there we go guys 200 bucks and the grand total is 222 dollars and 11 cents well i can't even get this on the shot look at that guys entire line of quarters got some miscellaneous change too like some dimes and nickels a penny and looks like an arcade token but this is absolutely insane i definitely did not expect to find this inside of that slot machine guys this was our first ever slot machine hopefully we can find some more because that one definitely paid off like 500 bucks yeah that that box is only like a quarter of the way full i had no idea that that would hold so much now we're going to inspire some thieves here but guys we just found 220 something bucks for free inside of that abandoned slot machine can't get much better than that score so i'm kind of confused right now because before we broke this open we plugged it in and it didn't work and now suddenly after breaking it open it does work so yeah that's kind of weird but hey we got a free slot machine now a working free slot machine although it does have that big cut in the side it still does work we can clean this up put in our garage and i'm sure i could spend hours on this thing guys so now the only thing left to do with the slot machine is play it although we found a better way to get money out of it let's play it for fun i'm surprised it still works as good after being abandoned for all those years you'd think it wouldn't work at all ah you almost won let's see look at all the ways you can win up there guys just like the casino yeah stealing your money except with this one we just break it open again one more one more oh oh you didn't win i got a yellow you got three sevens i thought you'd win no i think you'd win something free game nice oh come on ah this is how they get you though you're so close to winning and you want to keep playing until you win until all your money's gone pretty cool though right guys we got a free working slot machine plus over 200 bucks not a bad day make sure you leave a like and subscribe for more treasure hunting videos free what'd you get i just won i want eight credits no money though no money steals your money i guess so we have to break it back open and get our money back right you're addicted now i can't stop but anyways guys make sure you leave a like and subscribe for more treasure hunting videos and make sure you go check out our abandoned vending machine abandon save videos i'll leave a card on screen but that's about it guys we'll see you in the next one squad out
Channel: Abandoned Exploration Squad
Views: 180,565
Rating: 4.8608489 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned slot machine, abandoned casino, abandoned casino found money, abandoned casino las vegas, found slot machine in abandoned casino, found abandoned slot machine with money, abandoned arcade, abandoned arcade machines, breaking into abandoned slot machine, found money in abandoned slot machine, found money in slot machine, slot machine jackpot, casino jackpot, slot machine wins, slot machine hacks, abandoned vending machine, abandoned safe, abandoned atm, found money
Id: k4e4j7tYtK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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