Moments of Hope - Exodus 5

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oh you're the friend to the friendless light in the darkness piecing the needs of their storm you're the help to the helpless where [Music] see [Music] [Music] see [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] i think you will cry [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a very good evening to you and praise the lord thank you for joining us today for another amazing time as we go through the bible in the book of exodus and welcome to this new week we believe that god is going to speak to us and also god is going to speak through us so you can invite the comrades the bible students and let's share the program with as many people as possible and let the name of the lord jesus be glorified let's begin with the word of prayer father in the name of jesus we bless you we honor you we magnify you and we exalt you we thank you for yet another time we thank you for the privilege and the honor even for entrusting us with this new week and dear lord i declare that at the reading of your word as we go through the discourse of even exodus chapter number five that indeed oh god your name will be lifted and your name will be glorified we give you glory and we give you all the honor in jesus name we do pray and believe amen and amen so thank you very much um i'm going to read this is exodus chapter number five uh and that's where we are going to begin this is moses going to meet pharaoh the bible says afterward moses and aaron went in and told pharaoh this is the lord god of israel let my people go that they may hold a feast to me in the wilderness and pharaoh said who is the lord that i should obey his voice to let israel go i do not know the lord nor will i let israel go so they said the god of the hebrews has met with us please let us go three days journey into the desert and sacrifice to the lord our god let lest he fall upon us with pestilence or with the sword then the king of egypt said to them moses and aru why do you take the people from their work get back to your labor and pharaoh said look the people of the land are many now and you make them rest from their labor so the same day pharaoh commanded the task masters of the people and their officers saying you shall no longer give the people straw to make bricks as before let them go and gather straw for themselves and you shall lay on them the quarter of brick which they made before you shall not reduce it for they are idle therefore they cry out saying let us go and sacrifice to our god let moak be laid onto men that they may labor in it and let them not regard false words and and the task masters of the people and their officers went out and spoke to the people saying that says pharaoh i will not give you straw go get yourselves a straw where you can find it yet none of your work will be reduced so the people were scattered abroad throughout all the land of egypt to gather stubble instead of strong and the stats the task masters forced them to hurry saying fulfill your work your daily quarter as when there was troll also the officers of the children of israel whom pharaoh task masters had set over them were beaten and were asked why have you not fulfilled your task in making bricks both yesterday and two days before then the officers of the children of israel came and cried out to pharaoh saying why are you dealing thus with your servant there is no stroke given to your servant and they say to us make brick and indeed your savant are beaten but their fault is in your own people but he said you are idol i don't therefore you say let us go and sacrifice to the lord therefore go now and walk for no stroke shall be given you yet you shall deliver the court of brick and the office of the children of israel saw that they were in trouble after it was said you shall not reduce any brick from your daily quarter then as they came out from pharaoh they met moses and aaron who stood there to meet them and they said to them let the lord look on you and judge because you have made us abhorrent in the sight of pharaoh and in the sight of his servants to put a sword in their hand to kill us so moses returned to the lord and said lord why have you brought trouble on these people why is it you have sent me for sins i came to pharaoh to speak in your name he has done evil to these people neither have you delivered your people at all now we begin a journey now in the territories of egypt and the pharaoh amin moses has encountered the fire moses has been released by jethro his father-in-law moses has met with arun and aaron was supposed to be the mouthpiece of moses and now moses first of all we saw in chapter number four that the first people that he met were the elders of egypt and he performed the three miracles and the three signs which were messages and assigned to them the one was to cast the rod of arun on the ground which turned into a snake and of course after sorry i don't know what is irritating me after turning into a snake it again came back into a road and that was a sign that god was going to deal with the ruling powers that were there in egypt the second one was the sign of leprosy which was a picture of god cleansing the children of israel and the third one was the sign of water turning into blood uh which communicated the message of judgment over the egyptians and so the elders saw the miracles and they were convinced that these are men sent from god and these miracles also vindicated moses and aaron as men that god was sending to come and deliver the israelites and this is amazing that sometimes you come into the place of leadership and the place of ministry and the very people that we call the gatekeepers when you go in every community there are people we call the gatekeepers these are the people that have a say and these people in their say they either can give you access or not you know community leaders and so the elders were like the gatekeepers at that particular time and because they saw these people and believe that these were men of god and accepted them as men of god at this particular time then it became very easy for them to advance their assignment and to continue with all the lord they told them and so here they are they go to the house of pharaoh this is the kill and it's good for you to understand egypt um the slaves who are 2.5 we are looking at around 2.52 million slaves who are under the rulership of the egyptians so of course the egyptians must have been many in number are more than these people so we are looking at a civilization that possibly had more than 5 million to 10 million people in that particular territory so we are looking at a ruler and later king that is senior majesty and powerful and with enough human resource with an economy that is moving and established i wanted to read this bible not saying to individuals but seeing moses and aaron confronting a leader of the day a super power leader of the day and confronting him was not an easy thing so the first thing is that sometimes god does not send us to easy places and sometimes the message of the kingdom will lead us to come into the place of confrontation of authorities that are ruling in different territories and terrains and so we begin that afterward moses and aaron went in and told pharaoh that says the lord god of israel let my people go that they may hold a feast to me in the wilderness this is the first time pharaoh is hearing about the lord of israel the mentality of the day the cult of the day was that um if we go to war and we win you and we defeat you then we take you as hostages and any victory in battle was a replication that also your gods have lost so at this time pharaoh had dominated the israelites for more than 400 years and um and and there is no one day when their god rose are to fight for them there is no one day when any historical pharaoh spoke about the god of the jews so this is strange two men one at the age of eight and the other one 83 showing up um uh 80 and the other one i think 73 70 showing up and and coming to say that uh the god of the israelites wants them to go and sacrifice you need to understand pharaoh and egypt had deities they had gods they were worshiping and their gods were visible gods they were not invisible they had images of their gods and we'll see when we come to the plagues they had images you know well carved there the system their gods were visible uh they had idols in those territory the supernatural was also common they had the wise men and the magicians so introducing another god you know coming to tell me that you want me to release 2 million people to go and serve and sacrifice to their god in the wilderness this didn't make sense to pharaoh it didn't make sense to pharaoh and so at this particular time uh he even launches out let my people go that they may hold a feast and pharaoh said who is the lord that i should obey his voice you can see the ignorance to let israel go i do not know the lord nor will i let israel go we can see the height his heart is hardened and of course god said this man will harden his heart but i know what will deal with his heart and he says this is not a deal so we begin to see the first level when moses and aaron went they went as a diplomacy shuttle it was a negotiation platform like we've been sent by the lord and he's in need of his people this time they're not even asking them to to leave and go to the promised land it was just let them go sacrifice and i believe the lord sent them to see how hard and how stubborn pharaoh would be so that now the judgments and the move of the plagues can be justified in zion and pharaoh said who is the lord that i should obey his voice to let israel go i do not know the lord nor will i let israel go we can see the arrogance of people that don't know our god you know we can see the arrogance of people that have seen power and and they feel like what they have is the real thing so they say the god of the hebrew has met with us please let us go three-day journey into the desert and sacrifice to the lord our god lest he fall upon us with pestilence or with the sword now this sounds like a threat upon pharaoh who has never encountered this god no historical writings and journals about this god um historians will tell you the distance between where they were goshen uh up to the red sea uh you know there was a pathway that would have led them to that wilderness the distance of that particular place was a three-day journey and and that's why you see there is this demand you know for three days uh so that they can go and worship the lord and the king of visits said to them moses and aaron why do you take the people from their work get back to your labor and pharaoh said look the people of the land are many now and you make them rest from their labor and of course pharaoh never took this very lightly and pharaoh decided to act and um he gave them audience but he felt you guys why are you trying to get people is it that you have too much time and pharaoh came up with a verdict and he said listen guys it seems you are too idol and that's why you want to go and worship your god and so right now there will be no addition of um straw as you're making the bricks for those of us uh those um that come from the village setup you know when you're making mud houses you used to mix some straw or some grass with the mud and then you'll pour water and step on the mud and and the straws used to make sure that the mud is in contact so that it doesn't disintegrate even when it dries now these people are making bricks and so the supply of the straw was there the supply of the clay was there because it was that the near the nile and so it was very easy for them to just mix them and work on the bricks and of course they were slaves and where the straws there was a team of slaves that would bring the straws and then another team would work on them so this team was suspended that no brain of straws let the people go and take the straws and let them produce the same quantity of bricks that they were supposed to produce so things begin to open up and one of the things we'll see here is the challenging of the leadership of moses and also the the heart of the people the response of the heart of the people so pharaoh becomes stubborn and he says so the same day pharaoh commanded and pharaoh and stars masters of the people and their officers saying you shall no longer give the people strong to make the breakers before let them go and gather straw for themselves and you shall lay on them the coat of bricks which they made before you shall not reduce it so you see same target but let them go and fetch the straws and they must achieve the same target this was a brutal kill this was a brutal king brutality was the odd of the day oppression was the end of the day and you see this oppression and brutality began when moses and aaron went to negotiate for their release when this diplomacy shuttle entered the palace the king rose and the verdict of the king was released that this is how it ought to be and for those who have been in leadership there are times you decide to take a path that god has called you and led you but it doesn't look like the path you are taking is the same way god had communicated now god sometimes speaks in headlines but when we walk in the details we don't understand what he's doing but when we come to the end we can join the dotted lines and see a straight line and this is a place where many leaders quit it's a place where many leaders quit because lord you've sent me to pharaoh when you called me and anointed me and i saw the fire i saw the miracles i saw the embrace of the elders and are lord i'm here speaking to pharaoh and this guy is so arrogant and so cruel and now your people the task has been increased and you'll see the complaint of the people and and and for me you know the narratives of exodus communicates a true journey of a leader a true journey of a leader that one god works from the end coming back the second thing is that there are challenges in leadership and the leadership is about solutions leadership is not about excuses leadership is about consistency and obedience to the instruction and the commandments of god you need to move even if no one is following and when people sense you are committed then people will begin to follow one of the leaders i think miles monroe is the one who john maxwell said if you are moving and no one is following then you are taking a walk but at the end of the day leadership is you have to be so consistent with the instruction and the commandment of god because there are times god instructs in the instructions of god we can negotiate in the commandments of god we need to obey so leadership we can negotiate instructions but we can never negotiate commandments because a commandment comes with either obedience or disobedience obedience as a reward disobedience has also its own consequences so it's very keen and this is moses now as a leader and and here the people the work has been increased and you shall lay on them the court of bricks which they made before you shall not reduce it for they are idols therefore they cry out saying let us go and sacrifice to our god let my what be laid on the man that they may labor in it and let them not regard false word so pharaoh is saying whatever these guys are saying this is a false promise there's no these guys are going let them not fool you let them let them not even think there is a god that is more powerful pharaoh i'm in charge so don't begin to buy this propaganda there is no way you're going guys you are here you are our slaves and there is this decree from the king that the straws should not be added and see again the work also their affliction increased and the task masters of the people and their officers went out and spoke to the people saying that says pharaoh i will not give you straw go get yourself strong where you can find it yet none of your work will be reduced and so the people now was cut out they went to look for the straw they needed to look for the straw then they needed to come and make the bricks and still continue and some of the leaders of these people that were working uh decided to seek audience with pharaoh so that begins to tell me there was a structural governmental order and system that helped the pharaoh hear the grievances of the people even though they were slaves but he had a way of operation that he governed and ran these particular systems of the slave so the people are scattered abroad and and the task masters forced them to hurry saying fulfill your work your daily quarter as when there was troll also the officers of the children of israel whom pharaoh's masters had set over them were beaten and were asked why have you not fulfilled your task in making breaks both yesterday and today as before so there are few people who are leaders of um the slaves there and they're the ones who supervised and monitored and made sure that these bricks were made so they're the ones who are punished by the egyptians and so there was the question of why why didn't you achieve the target and chapter number 15 we see these officers who get an audience they get an audience uh with pharaoh saying why are you dealing with us with your servant there is no stroke given to your servant and they say to us make bricks and indeed your servants are beaten by the fault is you know in your own people so the the communication idea is like it never reached the people so pharaoh here moses goes and pharaoh makes a decree these are kingly decree and one of the laws of royalty is what a king has announced is considered as law and so that announcement that verdict can only be nullified by another verdict so these people come and they are complaining you know they're just laying a very very basic complaint king we've been serving you but now we don't receive the straws anymore and we are still supposed to produce the same target and your masters are very tough on us so what is this that is happening and the king now began to tell them you guys are idol you are idol therefore you say let us go and sacrifice to the lord therefore go now and walk for nostro shall be given you yet we shall deliver the court of the brick um and the officers of the children of israel so that they were in trouble after it was said you shall not reduce any brick from your daily quarter so this was chaos then as they came out from pharaoh they met moses and aaron who stood there to meet them and they say to them let the lord look on you and judge because you have made us abhorrent in the sight of pharaoh and in the sight of his servant to put a sword in their hand to kill us as a leader this must have been a breaking point for moses and arrow and this there are lessons we learned here as leaders number one this was god's work the lord calls moses and says i have heard the cry of my people the man was busy shepherding his father's in law sheep jethro he he didn't apply for this call the lord interrupts his shady with the fire and and the man gets there and the lord tells him i want to send you and he makes all these excuses he gives him all these signs and the next thing moses has no option other than to obey and moses goes to egypt in obedience these are not these people these are god's people but according to the law of realms god cannot move on earth unless he has a man to partner with and moses undertakes the work of god as the lord has instructed him god tells him go to pharaoh he goes to pharaoh now pharaoh has reacted the people are suffering and now the people are blaming moses and and i think i can look at moses from a leadership angle he has not disobeyed god he has done everything the lord told him to do and here are the people now entering more operation and now the people are even not seeing him as a leader anymore and they feel we are where we are because of you and i want to tell you leadership is not easy my goodness always pray for your leader there are things you do and you have heard from god but before they fully before the full picture come into town people might think you're mad people might not understand you because even some people may get offended with you some pastors will tell you even when they were quitting some people thought maybe it's not because you're paying a good salary so they will come and say you know we have a better package but the call is so heavy and sometimes you leave that job and begin a ministry and in that ministry the first thing people do is to criticize you and you look at it and wonder lord i was okay i was okay selling bananas i was okay doing that business until you interrupted my schedule and this is moses i can i can imagine the disgrace i can imagine what aaron is even saying to moses you know this mission has failed before it has even begun moses you know you better go back and just continue with your chef at all i think i was doing something before you guy even before even god called us into this wilderness and you can see the people announcing judgment and saying let the lord look on you and judge because you have made us abhorrent of course they're looking at them and saying i think we didn't send you our affliction has been increased i don't know who made you our spokesman i don't even know who told you to go and speak on our behalf we were okay the burden was bearable now the burden is unbearable now when we look at it from an humanistic perspective we have all these reasons to raise and make it look like wow what a shame what a god you you call me anoint me and the next thing my first assignment pharaoh looks down at me and and and i go back i'm ashamed in the population of the very people you've called me to lead they now see me as the enemy yet you've told me that i'll be the solution lord what is happening what is happening this is what we can analyze with the lenses of humanity and there are many people who reached where moses reached and said you know what let this thing stay i think i was not called for this thing this is not my thing i i think i didn't hear him very well and sometimes challenges come and you look and you feel like was i really called i i thought calling is anointing power things moving without opposition this time the enemy looks like he's winning that a man can even say who is this god and god you don't even move in fire you still watch this guy insult you and do nothing and we can see as they came out from pharaoh they met moses and aaron who stood there to meet them and they said to them let the lord look on you and judge because you have made us abhorrent in the sight of pharaoh and in the sight of his servants to put a sword in their hand to kill us they couldn't fight them physically but these words pierce to the call knowing that that was not your intention knowing that whatever you are doing is in obedience to the word of god knowing that it is god who came called you interrupted you you had even refused to save your stomach i said listen i give speech to men aaron shall be your prophet and i'll make you like a god and i like it because moses understood the formula moses never went back to the elders moses did not return to jethro 22 it says so moses return to the lord and said lord why have you brought trouble on these people why is it you have sent me for since i came to pharaoh to speak in your name he has done evil to these people neither have you delivered your people at all this is the attitude go to the one that called you moses after after he sees all this the people pain has been increased the people are blaming him fair on the other hand he has despised him and even his god this is a leader and he knows you know the bible says and david encouraged himself in the lord that particular context david was coming from war and they get home their malachites have already attacked him and after attacking him the amalekites take their children their wives and they leave the city on fire and david you know they looked the city and when they arrived at that place the soldiers that were fighting with david begin to fight him and they say now our families are gone you man of war and at that time because it became very hard when the very people that fought with david were now fighting david you know it's very hard when the people who fight with you now begin to fight you and that's where we get the scripture that says and david encouraged himself in the lord and it is believed it is out of that scenario when the amalekites had attacked that the bible says david wrote the psalms that says i will lift my eyes unto the heels where does my help come from my help cometh from the lord the maker of the heavens and the earth and every leader and you know all of us are leaders in our different capacities everyone called of god and the leader of god there is a place you reach and all the things god had told you to do look like they are not moving and it is a very good time to ask the one who called you because moses was not called by israel moses was not called by the elders so he he owned them no explanation in fact it is the lord that owned them an explanation not moses and moses went to the one that called him and he laid serious petition and you're going to see the questions that he asked here and even this night i just want to tell somebody quitting is what every loser does consulting the caller is what everyone who knows that this mandate is not mine does you must come to a place and and know the vision is not yours the vision has an honor you are just a custodian so you cannot love the vision and own it more than the one who gave it to you otherwise the vision can kill you because you don't even have the grace to bear it and that's why enough times you just need to surrender yourself first and then surrender the vision my spiritual father was telling me once in a while you always come and tell god i read this church is yours and i surrender it to you and as you want it to be governed i also surrender myself release the grace because i have no blueprint i don't know what was in your mind you've called me all these challenges are coming all these things are coming lord if you don't intervene then i'm in trouble and anyone called anyone in leadership anyone in ministry anyone that has dealt with god you need to come to where moses came returning to the lord and saying lord the first question was why have you brought trouble on these people lord these people are innocent these people have been crying to you they need deliverance so lord why have you brought trouble the second question why is it you have sent me why is it you have sent me because the joy of leadership is success we all want to testify and say from the day the lord called me i have seen his heart i have seen his grace i have seen his masses but i want to tell you before you declare that the the the the beginning process you will come to a place of asking where are you why did you send me and then he begins now to lay the foundation for sins i came to pharaoh to speak in your name he has done evil to these people neither have you delivered your people at all lord you told me you're going to deliver the people but since i came nothing has happened and for me what matters here is moses returning to the lord the one that called him and the one that sent him because he knows the assignment and he knows the agenda very well now we can all decide to dwell on that particular view which is an amazing view and every believer goes through these faces but when i begin to read the story and you know the advantage is the bible the advantage is this story as you begin to go to other pages other things unfold so the first thing is that this first visit opened an opportunity for god number one to reaffirm his covenant and promises to israel it opened that opportunity to tell them guys i've not lost the battle i'm not out of my dealings in terms of covenant and i'm still on the assignment it opened that door the second thing negotiations failed diplomacy failed now the second thing a door was opened in the spirit for god to move in power this now from chapter number seven we will see the plagues beginning because when a negotiation fails then there is no other way god says tell pharaoh to let my firstborn go otherwise i will deal with this fastball because according to god israel was the firstborn and the love and the dealings and the culture of the day how you treated the fastball was special so at this hour a door was open we can't negotiate you know we can't just have a diplomacy talk so i will come now in my wrath because there was the sign of the water being poured and turning into blood and so now we will enter the lord a door was open now in the spirit for god not to make requests but god took place demands the face of request was over i sent moses you didn't agree on diplomacy now we are placing a demand and and we'll begin to see from chapter number six the lord begins to tell moses in fact it is pharaoh who will drive you out he's the one this time you've requested for him to let you go this time he will drive you out you he will not want you in egypt because our door has been open the bigger picture of this failure is that now the oppression of the people of god gave god ground to begin now to deal with egypt from another dimension of judgments and plagues so that has to be well understood so so of course we see god is a good diplomat diplomat diplomacy doesn't work and then now he knows you know what my plan must come to pass and my agenda must come to pass the rulers of the territories of egypt were not just pharaoh there were around 21 deities gods that ruled egypt and the door had already been opened for the judgment of these rulers and so we'll begin to see the plagues we'll see the first sign which was a miracle and we'll see them the the magicians and the power of duplicity they're the part to duplicate the miracle but we'll see as they advance there's a level 8 rich and they say this is the hand of god and they could not touch him and at this level every judgment every plague dealt with a god of egypt and that's why you see the journey moving forward you'll discover that there was a plague the heart of pharaoh still had heart of rose still had but as the plagues continued his heart continued to be melted why because the forces that strengthened his throne was slowly collapsing and it will reach a place where he will say you guys now you better leave you better leave so when i look at this um i see a divine opportunity for god to move now in the supernatural and god to move divinely through the plagues pestilence and plagues so that he can demonstrate his authority his sovereignty and judge the gods of egypt so for me as a leader i think there is a place whereby things don't work out if i was to look at the applicability of the scripture there's a place whereby god has called me and i've done what he has called me to do and i'm faithful i'm doing what he has called me to do and i'm not doing anything else and i know in my heart of heart this is what he called me to do the reality at that time with my natural eyes it may look like i'm a field leader things have collapsed and maybe i should consider another thing but the deeper truth that is an opportunity in zion for another dimension of engagement and another dimension of operation but majority of the people are not keen enough to stay and soldier on until they see sorry until they see the fulfillment of them of the covenant and the promises of the lord we live in a society where quitting becomes very easy we also live in a society where men opinion become very easy especially in the space and the time we are living in social media everyone can share their opinion and everyone can share you can train for a day because of just sharing an opinion and so we see the opinion of the men never moved moses this man came and said may the lord judge you that was the opinion and this never moved moses so as people that are called by god we need to go beyond what people say and our concern should be are we still in the game plan of zion lord are we still together on this matter why have you not delivered why have you increased it's only god who can answer this question so we must arise above people's opinion the second thing as a good leader and as a person called of god you must arise against the the stubborn nature of pharaoh you just need to understand that god will deal with his heart god will deal with his heart so we must arise against opinion there are people today who are not where they are because someone said or someone thinks and there are people who have not begun because what will people say those are opinions you know i always say the reason why we have a place called an opinion box i like it because in my high school there was an opinion box but i want to assure you there is no opinion that was implemented we used to raise crazy things so what do you want we want pizza for breakfast we want we want we want to be going for break at around three ah we want holidays you know we write and the teachers treated that as our personal opinion but that was not in line with what the school wanted so ideally opinions of men and i don't know why i'm dwelling there the other thing you just need to know if you have two friends you will attract two opinions if you have a thousand friends be ready for a thousand opinions and it is good to treat opinion as opinion and not criticism because if a person has a different opinion from the opinion you're hearing depending with how strong you are inside then you'll just say that's your opinion and this is my opinion i respect your opinion so respect my opinion it is just maturity and and there are ministries that have been hindered because of what will people say or because some people spoke or because some people expressed their perception and they felt you need to do it like so and so and try to do it like so and so opinions shouldn't make you quit the voice of the lord should be the guiding voice in the assignment and the calls of god we cannot submit under any voice we cannot submit under any other sound the one that called us has every answer to what we are doing and i tell you the moment you become a leader or a person or a man or a believer who runs to god when things are not working things he told you to do a business he told you to do you know you're in a marriage it's not working run to god someone told me pastor a person comes and tells you i heard the lord especially concerning marriage it's also very important for the other party to hear the lord so that when there is a crisis both of you can go to the lord you had and ask him lord what is happening here and so what do we need to do so tomorrow we meet we continue with chapter number six and then we continue chapter number seven where we begin with the plagues and the plagues will be an amazing journey so i really i believe that we are learning father we bless you and father we give you glory and father we give you honor lord i thank you because even in this work of our calling you've called us into leadership and you're not even in this work you you've not promised us that it's going to be a walk in the park we will face pharaoh arrogant people though we have your word they have no reason to believe what we are saying and also will face the populace the opinion of men and the judgments and the verdicts of men but above all god always remind us to lift our eyes unto you so that we can call upon you who called us and fight our battles and be the one to give us instructions and even commandments on what we ought to do thank you for tonight and thank you for everyone that is watching lord i pray for that man and that woman who has a calling but they decided to quit because of what people said who has a calling and has decided not to step out because they are afraid what will people say may this scripture become a provocation that indeed failure is not measured by resistability and failure is not measured by by people not accepting you but failure is measured when we don't do that which you have called us to do father thank you and it is in jesus name we do pray and believe amen so thank you very much today at least to finish a little bit arya thank you very much from everyone that has tuned in and everyone that has watched we bless the lord um let's continue growing in the word let this word dwell in you richly hallelujah and so it's time to give our offering time to give our substance and just time to be a partaker uh through our giving and the giving details are there zero seven two six seven one four seven one three and eight one seventy three seventy god bless you amen [Music] [Music] [Music] more [Music] 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Channel: Pastor T Mwangi
Views: 1,647
Rating: 4.9540229 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 52sec (2812 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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