What you need to know about the Spiritual Realm - Pst. T Mwangi

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a person with a spiritual intelligence on how to summon principalities and how to invoke the realm of the demonic and why do we just do what they do they do whatever they do so that they can have power to control the main essence of witchcraft is control so people now will begin to control cities territories and towns through witchcraft how does this happen they begin to do that control by summoning demons and opening doors and partnering with principalities and powers of darkness so that they can gain control now the concept of witchcraft is a concept of opening the doors and tonight i want to assure you if if you have ever as an individual participated in witchcraft may this be the night of repentance because by your participation you opened a door and you gave demons legal ground of access either in your family or in your community or even in your own life these are serious matters and we are seeing men because of desperation some because of cultural invocation others because of ignorance they show up in a witch altar and that's why where witches are they understand the system they must shed blood their incantation the summoning of the demons and and and and this blood and sacrifices are given as a talking now how do we just work number one is that there are seven ranks or seven dimensions of witchcraft we will come i'm just saying this i'm not here to talk about the devil i'm here to talk about jesus but we need to understand because our people have been careless our people when prayers don't work they go to what they call a traditional doctor that tariq or they are taken to some elders and they slaughter and they come back to church and no amount of prayer can deliver them because there is already an altar that speaks on their lives and so they come to church and life can never be the same again and so we need to analyze these things and not talk with it because one altar must speak in your life either the art of jehovah god or the altars of your forefathers now the training of the witches is always in different levels there are witches that can tell you they have intelligence of divination it is the least level it is the least level whereby they you just go to their old term and they are able to give you word that sounds like they are prophetic they cannot harm you they cannot attack you but they have an ability they have an ability to journey in the spirit and give you intelligence and what they say sometimes is true but the source is not the spirit of truth so they carry some levels of whatever they say is truth but it is not from the spirit of truth we saw this dimension in the book of acts chapter number 16 where the bible says and this damn cell kept on following paul and telling paul that indeed these are the men of god and and whatever the woman said was accurately true but the spirit that she was operating with was a familiar spirit this is where diviners operate from they operate with a familiar spirit what is a familiar spirit is a spirit that is familiar to your spirit that is the word it is a spirit that can interact and download and study your spirit and give fabrics and direction because it has details about your spirit and there are many people who have confused the prophetic ministry with the assignment of familiar spirit there are many people that open doors there are many diviners in our day who must carry us as as what do i call them they must carry us prophets and this is the warning that i want to pass many people that use the old testament practices and they don't introduce you to the new testament are covenants and realities majority of the people must correct as wannabe duma majority of them are into divination and they will tell you to carry stuff like salt they will tell you to carry stuff like water they will tell you to carry stuff like like like soil they will tell you to carry stuff like uh what what else like oil strange things because these are things that answer to their altar they will initiate you to what they call the salt covenant and they use a lot of old testament scriptures and some people get deceived because they don't know the truth of the gospel let me tell you you just visited a diviner and that diviner is operating on the elementary level of witchcraft and many have given their money and to divine us so that they can be told prophecies and directions and many masquerade as prophetess they have strange ways of prophesying these are girls and these are men that are not of god and some of the people that gave their money there tonight we are going to redeem our money from every altar we ever laid that money on i tell you tonight is a night of warfare i'm laying this intelligence so that you can be mad in the spirit because the days of ignorance are over maybe even some of you are bound i remember a lady came and this lady told us how this divine has killed her mother because they used to take money to that diviner and the diviner will give them direction and she began to threaten them and the diviner began to ask for for more money and these are people that fast they are people that observe external righteousness but they are people that mix traditions especially our african traditions they mix them with scripture you'll hear them mention about the maguma you'll hear me dimension about ancestors you'll hear them in their speech you can analyze that they are not a hundred percent submitted to the authority of scripture but they begin to bring up elements of our traditions and it is through the gates of channels of traditional altars that they have access and it is through those channels that they are able to exercise the first level of divination which is witchcraft nothing else it is witchcraft it is there in the body of christ it is they in charge today there are many people who exercise this and some of them knowingly or unknowingly have been victims of what is happening and tonight i want to believe is a nice of deliverance some people have laid their money there and sometimes you realize there is an attack over your money and sometimes i even remember a young man came and told me um a man called him and asked him meaning that there was a demand on his life because it looks like this man had placed a demand because of divination and the man never went back and we had to pray for him deliver him and cover him with the blood of jesus so that he cannot locate it church there is no business as usual we serve a jealousy called we serve a god that cannot answer you when you are dedicated to your altars and still want to come on the sacrifice on his old term we serve a god that is a holy god and we serve a god that is not limited of power neither insufficiency of authority and power choose ye today whom you shall serve so because there are many who knowingly have gone and others because of issues of life have gone it is still in that divination where we have the palm readers the astrologers where we hear of uh you are leo people who can study your destiny through astro projection it is imagine i'm calling this the least level of witchcraft this is elementary basic witchcraft but witchcraft is witchcraft now what is the role what is that the first level is that one the second level is whereby a witch not only can see you but they can attack you i remember one of our pastors of pastor jimmy was attacked in a dream a man showed up in a dream and said i am joining other we don't even know who that man is but today we are dealing with you in the name of jesus he said i'm john lette and you have been attacking and uh uh you have been attacking our children and the man attacked him in a dream and by the morning pastor jimmy was not feeling okay meaning that these are men that can attack you these are people that can harm you that's how people throw diseases to people that's how people throw infirmities and calamities and to people and they can attack but they cannot kill so that level is a level that's why we get addictions of alcohol that's why we get addictions people are bound they are in charge but they are bound or people that's why you hear people saying and it is in this level whereby we get the introduction of the food dolls uh i saw on ktn about this woman who was disjoining a couple that had uh messed up and the man went and reported them coupled to the witch and this woman came with two images that were bound they were an image of a man and an image of a woman that was joined together and she did her stuff and then destroyed them and that's how they separated because those are food doors those are things that someone gets an image and name it's your name and sometimes they pour alcohol and you begin to struggle with alcohol sometimes that's how you hear men only she can show condor when you tell me because you are tied and joined in an altar and you try to get out you cannot get out some people get those dolls and they pour alcohol some people get those dolls and they bind the destiny and until you have this intelligence you may not know what you're dealing with and and so there there are people sometimes you pray and you see and you feel like you're tired you're bound nothing seems to move because there is an image that carries your name and some of these voodoo dolls people take a garment or a point of contact they can take a shot sometimes they are told to take their inner comments and they take them there as as as as a point of contact so that now you are bound forever that level is a level whereby you can now harm you can even kill it's a it's a serious level that level is that you can harm and you can even kill these are the ranks of witches and the fourth level is a level whereby you are a commander of a territory there are things you might go to ask from a witch and they tell you i cannot do it and they give you a referral because they have no jurisdiction to do a couple of things and that's why sometimes you enter in a territory like this small town here keno was bound by a witch called nya cairo she died of course some women of prayer rose in canaan and she came up kikuyu and she died nearly muru and some guys went there in ktn and they wanted to cover her and when they stepped in our altar the cameras went black and she was in charge of keno she used to say makanis okon in sunday school so you are dealing with a territorial witch meaning that even this is where now you hear of pastors could prosper because they need to locate the territorial witch so that now they are given permission to survive in that area my jesus oh my god and so they are there they are territorial they govern sentence they hear there is a charge and they rise to attack it they send their agents and they do all these things i was in el dorado and and the man of god rose up and fought to pray and when he was in prayer a man came and he began to say in him was chinawangu and he began to mention the name of churches in that city and when we were in that city we discovered churches don't go beyond five years you rise to five years you are cut off and the man began to mention was tanawangum's channel they began to mention religions that are in that town and the man of god i told him this guy knows what he's saying he's not just talking this this is a territorial man and then he stood to the altar akansa could you park a lady game now you know lady gaga is not even being manufactured today lady gay is an old mafuta nakanzaku and the man of god knew these are rituals he's doing something he said my goodness and that's how they dealt in the spirit and the man left because i think he says there is fire even tonight uh we have the authority in the name of jesus i'm not sharing this to share fear i'm sharing this just to tell the church we cannot be asleep we must be militant so you get that level where people are territorial and then you get a level where now level five is where now you can move out of body this is out of body experiences and and out of body experiences means you can get out of a body and move as a spirit like yesterday night i had a lot of spiritual attacks at night i i could really feel that that something was happening and i knew i knew something is not okay there was so much attack uh at night i i even had to wake up at around i think two in the in the morning and i made a prayer my wife was asleep my child was asleep and i just told the demons please can you just live the way you came because you cannot torment me i could hear them speak around my bed jesus oh my god but we have authority in the name of jesus so i summon them out and i tell you i think i woke up at nine i overslept so don't allow these demons to make you lose your sleep you have power you have authority and tonight we are going to exercise that authority in the mighty name of jesus now the other rank that is there after um the out of body it is now when these people number six is where now they can change a form change form become a can't become a snake become anything they can change form and the seventh rank is now where they dine with lucifer that's a very high rank but many witches don't get to that trunk because the battle of territory eliminates so many of them because in this kingdom their kingdom you rise by overthrowing others so many kill each other in the process with their powers so they don't get to some dimensions so how do these men work number one you need an altar there is no witch without an altar number two you need a sacrifice because the realm of the spirit answers to sacrifices it is only believers who are careless when it comes to our nature of sacrifice but they understand you can never go to a witch and and they fail to ask for a sacrifice and sometimes they will ask for your problem now this is how it happens uh if you visit a witch every witch has a rank in the spirit so the matter you deliver is that's why they will interrogate you and ask you what do you want what do you want so the first thing you'll mention your needs as you're mentioning the needs they already know which principalities to summon and remember because of rank there are principalities at which of a certain rank are not summoned that's why they will tell you healing what does that mean because uh they they they are trained demonically to summon principalities and when our principality shows up it has demons under them it has demons under them so let's assume you want to you have a court case and you want to be you want to have confusion in the courtroom and so you go to a witch and you tell them i have a court case and on that day i want the judge to be confused and release me on bail so they already know the demon of confusion that is the demon to be summoned and so they know so you want confusion okay which day give me details and then they will ask for money now what is the money useful that money is a bribe to the demonic and that is what opens the door the sacrifice you give you discover every desire and every assignment attracts a certain sacrifice and a certain amount of money and and the money you give becomes a bribe to their spirit and to that kingdom and the second thing that's why you'll never reach you'll never see a rich witch because that man is not their money it's used as bribe i don't know how they bribe demons anyway but now you say i need chaos in the courtroom they know the demon of chaos is belial the principality is called belial so a witch is trained how to summon that demon there they are rituals that need to be performed they are enchantments and he must have the rank to summon that demon and so by the time the demon is summoned because of the sacrifices you laid on the altar they become as a token to service the realm of the spirit and so on that day yes the judges might be confused you might receive peace but guess what you have opened a door and demons have entered with your name so so you saw oh jesus so now you have belial in your system it was summon one for an assignment but you are the conduit of the summoning so they are legally there you went and opened a gate of hades so it automatically means work must be done work must be done and that's why also it's possible to be remember demons don't die it's possible to be born in a family where men were sacrificing and engaging in witchcraft meaning that there are demons that are legal in that family because the men that engage the altars and the sacrifices opened and gave the demons authority and legal ground of venture jesus i i know i know i sound strange i know to some people this may look like a passion you show what you're saying listen to me if these things remain as a secret to the body of christ we will remain defeated that one of the ways of warfare is intelligence you can never win without intelligence and many believers are showing up in war without intelligence and so they they are wasting time in the place of prayer without results so when you understand that indeed those who are open the doors of hades there are things that were summoned already you have an intelligence you have an intelligence and now you know how to deal with it and it is my cry in my spirit that them that are under the sound of my voice none of you will subject a generation under the curse of opening demonic doors because of appetite and desires and desperation the bible says when saul became desperate he went and consulted a witch of edo and this witch summoned she was a necromancer these are people that summon the spirits of the dead and have conversation now listen to me when a man dies when a man and this one i want to steal you free when a man dies when a man dies they are dead there is no engagement between the living and the dead how comes pastor i see my mother tonight listen you need to rebuke that spirit that's not your mother that's a demon that has won the face of your mother that is the truth demons wear faces they wear faces but past i keep on dreaming with my dead brother rebuke that demon that is a demon wearing the face of your brother that is not your brother and don't entertain those interactions because dreams become a gate of demonic attack and interference of course there are different levels of dreams they are dreams that come from the father any dream that is of god will give you peace any dream that is of god even if it's a dream of destruction you will sense peace in your spirit because god does not communicate to threaten us everything that is of the father is a defying even a rebuke anything that is not of god will take away your peace you keep on dreaming with death dreaming that you're in school you keep on dreaming you're in a ditch that is a silver system and you are trying to get out you are defiled you keep on dreaming that things are raping you and in sexual occurrences those are demonic attacks you keep on dreaming people inviting you for a meal oh jesus and and it looks like you are entering into a covenant because meals initiate men into covenant especially dreams of people taking meat these initiations of covenant and some of the faces you see in those dreams you need to rebuke them and interrogate them because some of our family members cannot face us when we are sober they wait for us in our sleep so that they can attack us and interfere with us solomon slept as a as a as a man that was not wise he woke up as a wise man meaning that there is a gate of dreams in the spirit that can be exploited and manipulated and how do you do all these things prayer you just need to take your place and authority and rebuke and cancel all this engagement of course there are dreams that come from the subconscious latest conversations dreams that come from a place of things you have just watched topics sharings you're just hearing those are just subconscious dreams and and they ought to be ignored i'm saying this so that again you don't spiritualize every dream but i tell you if you're sensitive in the spirit there are dreams you'll know there's an attack this was an instruction from yahweh and this is an essential it doesn't mean anything so so we begin to see these things happening in our african context we were introduced into something called the ancestral spirits and the reason why they were called the ancestral spirits is because sometimes they will show up in the images of people that we knew and people believed that territories were governed by ancestors men that were dead you cannot be in the territory of the living and you're governed by the dead the the reality of ancestors is demons demons that wear faces of men that you know and that's why there was a language of we need to appease our ancestors and how our ancestors are pieced by sacrifices those who are witches that is all your peace the ancestors they will tell you the ancestors are angry judgment is coming it automatically tells you some people have not serviced an altar and so these demons are on the loose and that's what they call the rod of the ancestors ancestral spirits doors were opened doors were open and so these demons only they lose and there is a demand there is a demand in the spirit that sacrifices must be delivered and i tell you there are many rituals we do unknowingly and this thing is so deep because you need to ask ourselves before even the bible came the spiritual system was there in our communities before even the interaction of the bible the the name evil and good was there in our communities so we cannot ignore these realities we cannot and the reason why the bible came with authority is because men now understood clearly the realm of the spirit and they knew these ancestral spirits are evil forces they need an old man a witch who is trained on how to summon these powers through invocation and incantation and all these things so ladies and gentlemen we the realm is very key doors are opened massacres open doors in the spirit a nation like this this post-election violence the blood that was shed that was a demonic activity i remember sitting with one of the guys in el dorado and he was just telling me sir i don't know what got into me in that time i remember i was with arrows and a bow and with boldness that i cannot understand and i was running ready to fight i don't know what got into me but today when i sit down i can understand it was demonic and you look even in this nation there are cycles that come and these altars begin to speak and make a demand because our door was opened the moment we used to have post-election they used to recur in 92 there was it was a 92 and then a seven there there was a sequence in the spirit that after this there will be war after this there will be war this is the last time before we got the handshake you need to understand the church prayed it is the prayers of the church that frustrated the effectiveness of these altars meaning that when men rise in prayer they frustrate the power of every existing altar jesus writes and says that upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hades will not prevail these are doors that are spiritual that are opened by men by sacrifices and rituals tonight if you're here and you're a victim of participating in divination or in witchcraft take time and repent take time and repent tonight just speak to god and tell him father i i went the wrong way i'm sick for his mercy why am i saying this because there is a level of demonic operation that is legal meaning that the demon operations are legal they didn't just come by self-revolution someone came to their territory and opened a door and they came in now they must terrorize and they must do something families have been held in bondage because someone was careless and selfish enough just to make money and open the door in the spirit and and and members innocent children have been victims of circumstances relatives cousins and uncles have been victims of circumstances others where we come from we know that this reality is with us we know that they are men who even service their altars nowadays we see banners of witchcraft wherever we go it is no longer secret the dance of the diviners are open some of them even worship with us on sundays but they are deeply rooted in their divination i tell you the truth we need to arise as the body of christ because it is not business as usual and we need to come to a place where jesus said upon this rock i will build my church what was that walk because i know i've spoken a lot about this realm let me tell you what the rock is the rock is jesus the revelation of who jesus is that is the rock he said upon this rock anyone that carries the revelation of jesus by the spirit i tell you no matter how big the altar is by the revelation of jesus we are able to close those doors and we are able to secure lost ground on territory it was peter that said you are the christ the son of the living god jesus says upon this revelation of who i am what do i mean in the realms of the spirit men can give sacrifices of bulls men can give sacrifices of chicken men can give sacrifices of gods men can release enchantments but in the realm of the spirit if you are to enter that dimension there is no sacrifice that is greater than the sacrifice of jesus in that realm when we talk and communicate the language of sacrifice in the freemason and satanism the biggest sacrifice you can give is that of a child because of the energies of the destiny of that child you see a young child has not lived any life meaning that the energies of their life are intact and strong and that's why they are always told to raise a sacrifice of a child so that they can suck the energy and the destiny of that child and suck them into their own life this is how we can men survive because they survive by offering fudging destinies my goodness and that's why we need to be very careful there are even men in our societies who have launched out in dating young girls so that they can make them pregnant and allow them to get a child and as the child matures to around three four five months they take them for an abortion to secure abortion and the entraits of the abortion are taken to the altars of of their powers and they suck life out of this young child and sometimes you see wicked men living for many years and they become prosperous at the expense of other people but in the realm of the spirit no sacrifice is greater than the sacrifice of our lord jesus christ and that is why the devil hijacked the message people have been taught about witchcraft and the devil hijacked the voice by telling people that they can raise an altar i want to tell you there is no altar that you need to raise you just need to connect with the altar of our lord jesus christ because in that realm there is no blood that is stronger than the blood of jesus i tell you when we just give speech to their blood and you stand on the blood of jesus whatever they are uttering has no power whatever they are declaring over your life has no power that is why he said upon this rock upon the revelation many people are in charge but they don't have the revelation of whom they believed in many people are in the house of god but they are still defeated because they have intelligence of the devil more than they have the intelligence of jesus i want to assure you even if tonight there are people who are slaughtering if we identify with the blood of jesus and the speech of that blood their altars cannot have power tonight even if men gather and slaughter and service their altars even if they face the full moon naked and begin to cast us by our declaration because of the authority that we are given with christ we can cancel and nullify their operation we need to know who we are in our lord jesus christ we need to understand the power the authority and the rulership that christ carries in the realm of the spirit that's why the bible says that a dimension of that name the name jesus the name jesus what does that scripture mean in the book of philippians that scripture simply means that indeed there is there was a man in ancient greek who used to run announcing that the king is passing and these men were called the preachers or the heralds they did not have the chest cause in those days and so they are men who used to run and they used to run before the caravan of the king and they would run and shout behold the king behold the king and when people heard that the king was passing they will bow down because they knew the authority the sovereignty and the power now the bible says in philippians because jesus became a born servant he was given a name that is above every name that a dimension of that name it talks about the three-dimension in the animation of that name every knee will bow in heaven on earth and even under the heart who are the dwellers of under the earth it tells me under the revelation of the rulership and the authority of jesus when we begin to declare behold the king they will begin to bow every demonic power will begin to bow why because there is a name that is above every name i never came to selfie i came to open your eyes because tonight we must deliver families tonight we must deliver ourselves some of us we know we have been in error we know we have been engaging in altars that are not of the lord he said upon this rock i will build my church what is a church ecclesia what is an ecclesia it is a team of a few selected men that are set apart so that they can run the affairs of a city and ecclesia is a team of few selected individuals who are selected by a king so that they can run the affairs of the king we are the ecclesia you are the cold one out the lord called you out of the bondage he called you out of the pandemic and the bondages of the enemy he called you out as a deliverer of that family tonight is a night of endorsing our authority it is a night of detroiting and enthroning christ it is a night of bringing down and a night we are entering with both apostolic and prophetic where jeremiah entered the bible caesar he was told to enter now and begin to uproot but don't leave it empty plant wherever you approach begin to bring down don't leave it empty wherever you bring down begin to build up tonight we are entering with an apostolic prophetic dimension we are going to uproot but we are not going to leave it empty we know there are altars that ought to be uprooted we know there are things that ought to be brought down but we are also going to plant we are going to plant shata bakonta lima kataya i am down with my message it is time to engage now we know who we are in christ jesus we know we are bought and redeemed with the prize wherever you are i don't know where you are but in my spirit ascends some of you need to begin with repentance you are struggling financially because you know where you took your money you are struggling financially because your money is bound in altars of divineness and witches and because of that binding you've tried to make it but things are not opening up the lord is full of mercy i want to believe he sent me tonight to you so that i can share these good news because the lord is willing to deliver you begin to raise a cry begin to repent for the ignorance some of you you are carried by your friends and they told you i know of a place where you can receive help and they took you to a house you are carried there and they gave you a kitamba you put it on your head and over your waist and they told you you need to look for salt you need to look for water you need to look for anointing oil and you have all these things in your house where if they are there take them out take the mountain bound and begin to disengage begin to disconnect the bible says when the gospel entered into the city men surrender their gods tonight we are surrendering whatever we you cannot mix the altar of god and mix with the altar of the devil the holy ghost is not in that enterprise he's gonna backfire on you it's going to backfire on you release it release it release it set it on fire whatever they gave you whatever they gave you whatever they gave you whatever they told you you need to apply on your body whatever they told you once they told you you need to enchant oh cancel it cancel it deliver myself take them mouth take them out let whatever that is not of the father let it be taken out of your life or begin to declare may the lord [Music] what is participatory deliverance it means you permit the holy ghost to interfere and intervene in your life there is a level where you have to surrender so that god can check it some of us are still holding unto staff yet we are believing god for a move it doesn't happen like that he's a god of order he's a gentleman it's time for you to release it and tell him jesus i put my trust in you i put my trust in you whatever they gave you whatever they gave you wherever you entered begin to repent tell the lord yes lord i showed up david said lord you are not entrusted with the sacrifices of proof neither you move to god with even if i feed your altar with many sacrifices but if my heart is not broken and my spirit is not contrite lord whatever i do it's just making noise tonight refuse to make noise come broken lay my heart on the altar yes we have messed up yes we were desperate like soul we were desperate we began to look for palm readers we were interested we were curious we began to look for astrologers to tell us about our spouse and about our destinies we were curious we went to the house of a witch little did we know we were opening doors in the spirit and now we are victims things are not working out we are bound we are stagnating there are demons that have legal ground they are fighting us day and night tonight tonight tonight you know yourself if there are strange idols in our own territory the bible says oh joshua joshua was given the land of canaan joshua decided to move and he decided to traverse but as they entered into the territories of i the bible says they began to lose in their battle they began to lose in their battle when joshua interrupted he discovered that there was the wrong things in their camp some of us are losing in battle because we have the wrong staff in our camp we have the wrong staff in our camp let this god be taken out let them be blocked out let them be eliminated the bible says when they were leaving their father laban and because of that when they got near to bethlehem richard died at the gate of bethlehem you can never enter bethlehem with the gods of your father there is an area you cannot access until you surrender the gods of your father some of us are still stuck to the gods of our fathers i hear the lord say release release those gods release those surrender them surrender them surrender them surrender them whatever you are given every point of contact let it be broken let it be broken let it be returned whatever god never gave you let it be returned [Music] allow me to say this because i hear a devil in my spirit the bible says joshua was given the territories of i they were given the territories of cana but there is one thing they call the scene of a child the man went and took stuff and because of what he took and hid in his camp they began to lose in the battle some of you are losing in many battles because of the idols and the things you have hidden in your own tent you know what they are you know what they are i tell you the truth god retreated from that war he said you have trusted on these altars i cannot be in that battle and some of us it's not that we don't pray but there are things in our counts the lord is saying there are things in our comes and he cannot move until these things are taken out remember rachel the bible says that recharecho went and took the cause of her father she took the gods of her father the destiny of jacob was in bethlehem but retro died at the entrance of bethlehem because she lost her faith in the god of her husband and decided to carry along the gods of our father tonight some of you you have a great destiny there is a place of establishment called bethlehem but you can never enter bethlehem with the gods of your fathers any god that you have carried along this journey let that god be surrendered i also hear this in the holy ghost people that were given things to apply on their body you are given things to put on water so that you can bathe facing a certain direction you are given instruction to face the moon and make some enchantments your blessings are not in that madness your blessing are in the lord whatever you are given from the kingdom of darkness burn it and disconnect i say burn it and disconnect some of you you carry salt because you think there is a salt covenant your covenant is in the blood of yeshua some of you came carrying soil because you think that's where the miracle is no everything you are given in that kingdom water peace whatever point of contact that is the point that keeps on introducing the demonic power over your children they keep on becoming sick that became the point of contact that is why alcoholism and diseases are taking you out tonight you must get mad and choose thy way choose thy way it's time to bring down it's time to bring down we begin to make a prayer ah father we repent we repent we have entered into divine stance we repent of god we have consulted witches some of us because of our frustration oh god because of life because of appetites we wanted to make it real quick we found ourselves as victims and now we repent tonight we repent tonight some of us even have men that we keep on consulting our spiritual matters our palms were read i see a lady in the spirit you went for a palm reading out of curiosity begin to cancel that thing begin to cancel that thing every order every other nation anything that happened over your life [Music] is [Music] may this be the night of your deliverance whatever was injected in your system every cutting that is upon your body that acts as a point of contact tonight [Music] is foreign foreign masses of god be released of our lives of flesh the bible says he's the anger he's just not for a minute but his masses and he was forever begin to plead for mercy bleed for mercy bleed for mercy plead for mercy some of the things we did without our knowledge oh [Music] foreign it it is my night to be delivered my night to be disentangled my night to be set free this is your night this is your night oh this is your night every power that operates literally over your life let it lose his hold let it lift his local ground in the mighty name of jesus every oppressive spirit every oppressive spirit every manipulative spirit every generation of spirit lose your hold [Music] [Music] every oppression from the kingdom of darkness every oppression every oppression let it be lifted up let it be lifted up is [Music] in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus christ [Music] i want us to make two prayers in the next few minutes and i want to declare this over your life anyone that entered into a divine stand anyone that entered into a witch then either knowingly or unknowingly tonight may this be the night of your deliverance in the mighty name of jesus as i was praying the lord was just giving me burdens of people and i began to see in the spirit people that were cohast i saw a person that made a slaughter next to the grave of his parents oh i don't know just to reconcile wherever you are may that activity never follow you again in the mighty name of jesus i also saw a man i saw a person in the spirit that was cohased by the elders to slaughter so that they can reconcile with a dead parent and you're told there are things you need to deliver all these are witchcraft syndromes may the lord deliver you from every activity and every ritual that you ever participated in knowingly or unknowingly some of you you are taken to which doctors when you are very young so that you can be given some elements to preserve and protect your life i disconnect you from those altars and i declare from today those altars have no authority over your life in the mighty name of jesus they can never speak they can never contain your destiny they can never hold you from progress they can never hinder you in the mighty name of jesus and now by the authority that is in the name of jesus i declare every demon that operated in your life demonically and also legally tonight may this be the last night of their operation we serve them and notice in the spirit let them live your life you are a child of god you are born of the father whatever found expression legally because of all because of rituals because of mediums whatever found expression in your life let it leave you let it leave you let it leave you now let it leave you now let it leave you now be released now in the mighty name of jesus i want us to make two prayers the first prayer i want us to declare that we want to deny authority over every every sacrifice money that people give slaughters that people made whatever sacrifice that was made we want to denounce it listen this is what we call participatory deliverance the first one is to release everything that you got from that kingdom the second thing is to denounce every activity that happened remember we are dealing with different sets of people some of us we are the ones who went others people went and did things on our behalf others we were taken when we were young and conscious now we are in christ but we must disconnect our names and disentangle and disengage from anything and any operation are we together are we together some people are struggling financially not because they don't make money but because there is an altar that raises a demand on the money you make some people operate is like they have holes in their pockets it is because of people places you went maybe you gave a divine money thinking that was a prophet and your money was tied and bound maybe you sacrificed on an altar thinking it was the altar of yahweh only to discover this was witchcraft taking place they gave you anointing water and salt and you discovered all these were elements of witchcraft i want you to disconnect your money in the pre in the realms of the spirit are you getting me because the realm of the spirit does not know time that's why there are places in the bible where the bible says and the monument was raised and it was supposed to stay there eternally that means these monuments were not just raised in that area they were also raised in the realm of the spirit some of the things you raised they begin to interfere with that realm there are things that can interfere with that dream and that realm is out of time that dream is out of time are we together so i want us to make that prayer and begin to disengage some of us our world is bound there illegally some of us we are struggling now financially because of our carelessness and our mistakes tonight is the night of deliverance i tell you tonight every goods that i in the enemies come tonight tonight is the night of deliverance begin to make that prayer begin to make that prayer masha [Music] in the mighty name of jesus christ foreign begin to separate yourself begin to declare that these sacrifices and rituals they have no power begin to disconnect separate begin to disconnect yourself from [Music] foreign foreign is i separate myself i separate myself [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] i disconnected [Music] [Music] [Music] in the name of the lord jesus let the businesses of the people of god be released foreign [Music] bring [Music] [Music] [Music] may the lord restore your money we announce those sacrifices can never speak again over your life we declare the sacrifice of christ is speaking over your life are you getting me are you getting me i know we like hiding under new revelation and the new creation realities but men are desperate and they go to emoji and they get begin to get solutions and i know this is news this is our problem as kenyans you know every territory has their own challenges and we must come to our place and accept that as kenyans our faith is so low and we tend to believe in things that are not of the father hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i want us to make another prayer i want us to deal with every territorial witch i want us to deal with every power them that exercise witchcraft you may never know it you may never know it but even people who come to your shop to buy things as a point of contact there are people who come to your house just to have a point of contact there are people who hate us for nothing it's not that you have wronged them it's not that you have done anything wrong some are even family members close relatives people who just hate us some even have our staff and they have altars where they have released our staff you keep on wondering why these diseases you make money you go to the hospital every now and then you keep on wondering why these children are almost making you commit suicide you never know we don't know we don't know some people may have made vows and said no one will ever prosper in that family we don't know what covenants they have made with our lives listen this is the night of warfare demons don't die demons don't die so you cannot make a prayer on monday and think it's okay on tuesday we live in a battlefield we must secure ground we must secure territory ah my jesus my jesus as long as the church is there and as long as the devil is there there will always be a contention between these two kingdoms i tell you the truth we never know who lives next to our door you don't know who you eat with you don't know who's your destination even in that office you think you're all in the sales department but someone has been binding yourselves you think you're in the same career but someone has been walking behind your back my goodness i don't know where your name has been laid i don't know which altar we are our garments or on which pot i don't know where our vessels and our garments have been raised i don't know what argument men hold together a man who agrees they gather how they begin they begin to cast us i don't know where they gather but i cannot be ignorant i cannot be ignorant begin to take authority in the spirit don't be quiet don't be quiet don't be quiet some of you you could be living in a place you could be living in a place you could be living in a place you could be living in a territory whereby nobody survives because there is a territorial power you could be living in an area whereby things don't work out marriages never prevail shield yourself marcum palira satire we are living in the last days the wicked shall be more wicked but the church of jesus shall prevail jesus said i shall build my church and the case shall not prevail we cannot be the defeated ones we are the prevailing church how does the church of jesus prepare they prevail by revelation they prevail by prayer tonight is our night to prevail we are prevailing we are prevailing we don't know arrows that they throw we don't know enchantments they are people who gather tonight naked mentioning our names casting our families casting our businesses casting our careers saying our children will never succeed seeing that no one will ever succeed tonight we are rising with a prophetic ruling and an apostolic mantle to destroy and to hinder and to counter every utterance made against us some of us are stagnating because some men have been loud in the spirit more than you it is time to be loud it is time to be loud [Music] our lives cannot be scattered [Music] every containment every vessel that has been made our names tonight we announce the judgment by fire the judgment by fire the judgment by fire let the angels of war let them be deployed in this territories bringing down their intelligence somebody begin to call upon the fire the fire of judgment in the name of the fire of judgment the fire of judgment the fire the fire let the fire fall upon their altars tonight in the mighty name of jesus let the fire fall every territorial power begin to call divine backup let the angels of war let them be deployed with swords of judgment in our territories now de our young man will not die because of alcohol our young women will not die because of prostitution lesbianism and occasion we arise over every territorial power in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus spirit of immorality spirit of lewdness lose your hold and lose your power them that gather this night them that cave on [Music] of drunkenness in our families the spiritual property we don't know our enemies we don't know our friends we don't know who we are [Music] is life rise in prayer rise in prayer begin to condemn the altars of those witches you are a priest in the spirit christ rise with verdicts rise with bodies bring down jesus jesus let them be brought down [Music] in our territory in our lives in our families tonight we take authority we take authority we take authority in the name of jesus we scatter we scatter we scatter we scatter we scatter we scatter release the fire of god in the mighty name of jesus let them be conceived tonight in the name of the lord [Music] matter they are wrong we arise in the name of jesus we arise we enforce the old town of calvary we declare the speech of the blood we declare the speech of the blood in our territories now in the mighty name of jesus wherever they sacrifice whatever enchantment we reverse we cut the towns of them that pass us we rise against the enchantment we arise against vows we arise against astral projects of demonic powers we arise against wickedness in our territories in the mighty name of jesus we arise against forces and powers of darkness any initiation every activity every darkness that is in our city in our lives and families tonight we rise against them in the mighty name of jesus we break we break every altar we break every covenant men that cover covenanting concerning our lives and our children and our families we break their covenants we declare oh god whatever they agree it can never come to pass confuse the town of them that cover to discuss and cast us confuse [Music] witchcraft can never prevail in my family it can never prevail in this church it can never prevail in our homes witchcraft can never prevail every food through alcohol immorality indulges where marriages have been broken we are two twelve have been led us straight into rebellious lifestyle we call them back we call them back where our wealth have been tied an operation in my family i command you now by the name of jesus live now demons of poverty demons of diseases demons of high blood pressure demons against this ministry we command you you have no power thank you jesus i sense we are standing on a live battleground my goodness my goodness i sense we are standing on a live battleground we are not just praying we are dealing with things right now jesus jesus we are dealing with real powers right now oh jesus things are coming down pray in the holy ghost for the next five minutes just just pray in the spirit oh this is our language [Music] m [Music] territories are being released [Music] [Music] may the lord arise may the lord arise may the lord arise over arise let jehovah rise let the enemies [Music] [Music] may the lord [Music] may the lord authority let him arise let him arise superior is tonight tonight at this hour at this hour where my name where my name or where names where names have been written have been laid on altars and given to witches and give them to riches so that they can they can destroy manipulate steal steal and kill and kill the saints that say tonight tonight we stand we stand as the church as the church and we declare now and we declare now by the authority by the authority that is in the name of jesus that is in the name of jesus every name every name raised on an altar raise on another left that altar let that now now catch the fire of judgment cast the fire of in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of every destiny every destiny every destiny every destiny guide to a demonic altar tied to a demonic families families children children marriages marriages businesses businesses careers careers lives lives i don't have the money culture tonight in the name of jesus night in the night we will declare now we declare now under the authority under the authority of the name of our lord jesus we will declare we definitely let those destinies be released let us just let them be released let the children be released let the families be released let their homes be released let the businesses be released let the careers be released careers let their families be released their families in the name of jesus in the name of jesus my goodness oh the lord is uplifting buttons amen the lord is uplifting patterns burdens burdens are being uplifted in the name of jesus burdens are being uplifted i'm feeling weight loads leave my back and i know there are patterns that are being uplifted every disease that is from the pit hall of hell jesus jesus one of the ways i design one of the ways that i design witchcraft battles there are some headaches i always have and always know they have gathered hallelujah sometimes your body can can can be can be a detector of war because our war is spiritual hallelujah there's a time we were praying and i sensed live arrows were being released but you know we stand on the winning side god has never lost any battle i say god has never lost any battle god has never lost any battle there are some of you you didn't even know but burdens heavy burdens are being lifted one of the ways demons are there to oppress demons can never bless you how do you study anyone that succeeded by witchcraft they died poor a man died and he had begun a petrol station through witchcraft two hours later his petrol station caught fire you can never leave an inheritance of witchcraft you can't man that began and live by witchcraft the day they die those demons come for their stuff because they operate with stolen goods can i go further in a territory where we just survive it is the saints that suffer if they don't pray because witches have nothing to offer the bible says every good and perfect gift comes from the father it means there could be a barren woman because there is a mother nursing a child through witchcraft power there could be a jobless brother because there is a man sitting on your job through witchcraft power there could be a man defeated in life in poverty because another man interfered with your grace in the spirit and they're prospering on your behalf it is time to fire and hire oh jesus oh jesus ah i don't know if you called what i said it is time to high on fire because we just operate with stolen goods it is time for the goods to be returned tonight is a night of attitude i say tonight is a night of atheists begin to make a prayer begin to claim whatever came carrying your name things you prayed for and you knew they were in the will of the father but you never got access whatever was hijacked in the realms of the spirit begin to call them back tonight some people will be fired they are people who are going to be fired call them back call them back we are dealing with powers of darkness we are not here to negotiate we are not here to negotiate some of our jobs are handled by men that use witchcraft some of our children are with men that are in the occultic world some men have prospered by tapping in our creases tonight tonight let the devil stand let there be a turning of tables let there be a turning of devils let there be an exchange let there be an exchange in the realm of the spirit whatever belongs to the saints whatever came receive what belongs to them in the mighty in the mighty name of the lord jesus let there be divine divine telepresence holy name of jesus christ [Music] there is one thing that the devil fights is anything that touch on the rim of the spirit a preacher open the church and these are these these are true testimony i'm giving you he opened the church and he engaged a lot in warfare warfares another preacher came he had a lot of money open the church next to him and he told himself i don't believe in these prayers of yours this thing of binding the devil every time and witches i don't believe in it huh it all democrat for me it works for me at that time this preacher the preacher of warfare the numbers he had in church were very small and so he looked like you know you pray you buy him to do all these things nothing happened the other one was doing very well charge fool rich man everybody was going there three years later the church next door was dying was attacked by the freemasons of the town the church was closed and the property sold this is true story in this nation the warfare preacher is still there preaching the gospel the church is still growing the one that's said i don't believe in warfare today is a business man you can't transact in this kingdom if you don't understand this language it's impossible you can't you can survive in this kingdom if you don't understand this language you can't survive some will come and sit with you and you think they are part of you they will pray you out some will even kill you some will even kill you some will even kill you a man went and set a church next to freemason temple he didn't even know he didn't finish two years his own child was amputated his leg was cut off he didn't know what he was dealing with next to freemason church as we are talking today the man does not have a church he died and you tell me we we cannot survive we know where we are this territory we know we know the kind of powers that are here the kind of covenants by the time i was coming in this city more than seven churches had closed down mother seven churches mother the last one closed to nausea ah it's not a territory to survive by intellectual preaching you survived by war hallelujah apostolic graces are graces of war jesus jesus we cannot be victims we are coming out with a testimony i say we cannot be victims we are coming out with a testimony there is a preaching in town that is killing the labors of prayer it's a grace preaching yes jesus paid it all but how do you deal when jesus tells you i know where you live you are aware of the throne of satanist and i know your works you go and study that scripture whatever they were calling the throne of satan of course it was the rulership seat of a pilot no was a pilot yes the roman governor emperor and he used to kill the christians with the sword jesus says where you are is where the seat of satan is they they have killed antipas my servant you study how antipas died who was an apostle he was put in it was it was a bro it was a bull made of metal but it had a lead and they used to what they used to do was to put a man inside and then put your head where the head of the bull is they will put your head there and then put you inside and cover it and then they will light fire so as you are crying the bull is releasing a sound demonically and he says where are the speed where you are that's where the spirit that killed antipas you think you'll deal with a spirit that killed the antipas casually these are men that are taking apostles and offering them as talkings to their gods and you tell me new creation preaching will change no i that same devil has not changed he's still there apostles died and they left us with a blueprint of war are you getting me that's why we have a church that is not territorial we are congregational we just have men in fact right now the church is not growing we are doing exchange program you come from life church then you go to deliverance then you come from deliverance you go to redeemed we don't have confessions we have management territories answer to all jesus and until men understand the language of war ah you will live defeated oppressed suppressed dying with diseases that are from hell cohabitating with the natures that are not of the father lift up your heart and say lord anoint me with the warrior spirit somebody say anoint me with the warrior spirit i refuse to be ordinary i shall secure territories in my day in the name of jesus where i live witches cannot survive in jesus name in jesus name may that be a portion in the name of jesus i say may that be a person in the name of jesus hallelujah hey today it was heavy today it was real war we have released the arrows and arrows have been released hey jesus father thank you father we bless you thank you for this night this was not a night for everybody but all the few you selected for yourself i know matters have been settled but don't have been lifted and i know destinies are set on the right pedestal lord even as we continue in prayer and some of us go to rest we declare that there cannot be interruption or any count attack not dreams from hell anything that is not of you is nullified in jesus name we pray amen it's time to give our offering what a time to give an offering midnight hour jesus wherever you are the giving details are there zero seven two six seven one four seven one three and eight one seventy three seventy 801 7370 those that are watching online it's time to give our substance and lay them on the altar and the lord is going to bless you hallelujah hallelujah those who are here you can release your offering on the altar some of you are continuing with prayers and that will be okay may god bless you may god keep you may god watch over you the details are there oh seven two six seven one four seven one three and also eighty one seventy three seventy um for those that are giving through buy goods and services may god bless you may god fight your battles this is our kenyan problem people have turned to witchcraft we need to address it spiritually and we cannot ignore it we are going to pray until we see our destinies change the devil wants us to look like these things are not there but i tell you they are there we will not keep quiet until we see the deliverance of zion hallelujah everybody that joined online those that share the broadcast those that are watching i know this night is your night may god bless you the team that is here the praise and worship the pastoral team the prayer warriors of life church what else can i say other than may god bless you amen let's continue killing witches in this territory i've given you the mandate and the power in jesus name god bless you have a blessed one good night god of vengeance has won my battles for me god of miracles has won my battles for me i'm a wienerman i'm a wienerman he has won my battles for me see god of vengeance god of vengeance has won my battles for me god of miracles god of miracles has won my battle who are you i'm a wienerman i'm a wienerman he has won my battles for me [Music] the god of vengeance has won my battles for me god [Music] [Music] [Music] he has won my bottles for me i'm a [Music] winner
Channel: Pastor T Mwangi
Views: 13,552
Rating: 4.8899999 out of 5
Id: 0SZtY5GUznA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 52sec (6172 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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