Midnight Prayer Hour

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] we [Music] um [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is foreign [Music] oh [Music] of your day [Music] oh [Music] [Music] where we were [Music] [Music] you were able [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] where we [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] by [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] i know [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you were able to go [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] know [Music] [Music] [Music] where we were [Music] oh [Music] you were able to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my me [Music] um [Music] we [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] wow [Music] [Music] there will be [Music] i know [Music] i [Music] [Music] gone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] just gave me the book of hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 hebrews 4 16 i'd like to keep on encouraging you that are watching us from from hope that are watching us online today because of the downtime that we are experiencing because of uh uh facebook whatsapp uh instagram all the things that belong to the facebook corporation that that we are gathering on youtube so you can take time to share this link on on on text message to all the people tell them wake up and it's time to pray and it's time to pray and remember as we say we are not gonna pray for you we're gonna pray with you so even as we press on tonight i i would urge and ask you to invite as many people as possible so that we can gather together and pray because i believe ramasove tonight is gonna be an amazing night now the bible says in the book of hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 says let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace or find favor in or a grace to help in the time of need there is a time set according to the parameters of heaven that men ought to ascend for a specific purpose that that purpose is to obtain mercy and to find grace to help in the time of need and this time of need here we have said time and time again that it is not a time when you are needy it is not a time when you have need this time of need is translated the appointed time so when you sense you have come into an appointed time paul tells us that you need to go to the throne of grace and do two things number one is to obtain which means mercy is readily available it just requires you to obtain it and then he says and find grace which means there has to be a seeking for there to be a finding so mercy is readily available grace needs to be sought after but guess what in this time of need these are the two things that you require so even as we are coming into this time where we are saying we are entering the seasons of harvest it is important that because we have sensed an appointed time for harvest we need to go to the throne of grace we need to ascend before the throne of the father listen the throne that jesus christ is sitting on right now is the throne of grace so we are ascending into the upper room and in that upper room there is a throne and above the thrones it's a man and that man has said in accordance to the principles and the ordinances of zion that his children might enter into a time of great harvest and you and i are sensing and we are feeling in our hearts so the time is now and because the time is now there are two things we need in this time there are two things anyone needs when they are coming into a time of breakthrough number one the bible says to obtain mercy and mercy here is god not giving you what you deserve [Music] because worry not for the mercies of god that they were forever in accordance the book of psalms most of us would have been smitten by now why not for them we are not deserving of harvest but because god is a loving father he has caused us to enter harvest and that is why in this time of harvest we need to find mercy we need to move with mercy we need to go and tell the father father i might not be deserving but i pray in accordance to the riches of mercy that you have lord [Music] i want us to pray i want us to pray for mercy before we pray for grace for us to pray lord may your messenger may your let us cry for mercy let us cry for mercy tyler granny vest is death but the gift but the gift i pray by the ordinances of your divine mercy may i not reap death but may i reap may your mercies abound toward us lord in this time where you did indeed declare to do a good work i pray may you be merciful towards me may i be considered not because i am the best not because i offer the greatest labor but may i be counted because of your mercy i kept my forever's cover yes i may have written myself off men may have written myself off the law might have written me off but i pray today lord remember mercy remember mercy remember remember remember yes [Music] let me show you what masa can do [Music] isaiah 54 from verse seven ah let's even read the whole of it let's begin from verse one but seeing oh burren you have not born break forth into singing and cry aloud you have not labored with child for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married woman says the lord listen when mercy steps in [Music] your barrenness every unfruitfulness is turned into fruitfulness not because you labored that but because god says so in chapter [Music] enlarge the place of your tent and let them stretch out the cuttings of your dwellings do not spare lengthen your cords and strengthen your sticks listen this is not god doing this is you doing ah in this season cabela foreign of your demand will determine the extent of your reception for you shall expand to the right and to the left and your descendants will inherit the nations and make the desolate cities inhabited verse 4 do not fear for you will not be ashamed neither be disgraced for you will not this you see pastor jimmy said this year yesterday when we were doing the the out of this and he said some of us have been put ashamed but in this season i declare for your life you will not be put to shame for you will forget i will forget the shame of my youth and i will not remember the reproach of my widowhood anymore [Music] no first four means peter some of us have gotten used to wilderness until when we get out of wilderness we don't know what it feels to be outside wilderness and the only stories you speak about are the stories of wilderness but isaiah tells me that what god is about to do i will forget that [Music] for your maker is your husband the lord of hosts is his name and your redeemer is the holy one of israel he is called god of the whole earth for six for the lord has called you like a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit [Music] like a youthful wife when you are refused say is your god the bible also tells me in the book of proverbs i think that hope deferred makes the heart sick there are things we have become sick of because we have been delayed but what would say you have been called like a woman forsaken you've been grieved because of trafficking ah but verse but with great mercies [Music] may your masses increase may your great mercies cause there to be a gathering where they was a down casting may your masses cause an uplifting where there was a scattering may your masses cause there to be a gathering ah may your mercies increase towards me ah great is your mercy i see may the masses of god that endure forever may these masses increase over somebody made the mercy of god that supersedes his judgment her campaign for skipper yeah perusa may his mercies that have been appeased by his propitiating sacrifice in paroches we came to inform the mercies of god ah we came to collect his mercies for we have stepped into a great season and the mercies of god and the mercies of [Laughter] [Music] with a little wrath i heat my face for you for a moment one of the things the masses of god does it it moves god from being rare to him being abundant that's why i said in this season we are not just harvesting material things we are also harvesting spiritual things because when the presence of god is not rare see if you see a man that is helped by god you see the glory of god over that man so the more god is with you the more glory increases but with everlasting kindness i will have mercy on you says the lord your redeemer verse nine for this is like the waters of noah to me for as i've sworn to that the waters of noah would no longer cover the earth so have i sworn that i will not be angry with you nor rebuke you ten for the mountain shall depart and the heels be moved but my kindness shall not depart from you nor shall my covenant of peace be removed i want us to pray that by this action of mercy may the covenant of the covenant of righteousness the covenant in christ jesus have its effect over our lives come on let's just pray father may may your covenant of peace may the covenant that is forever sealed that is before you and between you and your son this covenant that declares that in blessing you i will bless thee in multiplying you i will multiply thee i pray remember your covenant remember your covenant by your mercy so god remember your covenant i declare even as we are stepping into our appointed time our appointed time for harvest lord may your masses abound towards me may your messes increase towards me lord remember your covenant remember your covenant is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the reason why it is important to pray even as we enter such a season i remember while they were in the upper room waiting to welcome a season they were not just looking at each other they were not just enjoying each other's company ah they were praying praise the name of the lord and i say when the anointing of behaviors came upon them they began to speak in tongues and right about now even before we read on the scripture that i want us to present i want to tell you in the name of jesus there is an anointing for this season there is an anointing for this season there is an anointing for this season as it steps and comes upon somebody right now as you speak and as you pray you are being ushered into it is the anointing that divinely enables men to enter into that season as they do enter into that season the season has our own repair it was preached to us even during the lunch hour that is the lord of the earth and the lord of the harvest has released an environment for men to enter into the season as in the name of jesus let the foreign i just want to read this scripture and i'm going to be out of your way and i know god is going to bless us galatians chapter number six as we enter or rather as we continue to push at the agenda as the theme has already been given to us uh from uh from sunday and i know indeed god actually from friday because god has indeed been speaking to the life of his people begin from verse number seven and i know god is going to bless us now the bible says do not be deceived god is not mocked he says for whatever are man souls that he also will repraise the name of the lord praise the name of the lord now i want you to i want us to understand something that one thing is for sure if there is going to be harvest uh there must have been uh what we call sowing praise the name of the lord now the laws are quite clear that if a man shows he will rip so if you don't sow if if you don't sow that is what we call sowing nothing he will rip nothing we're together to that point but now but now i don't want us i don't want to look at this point because at this the way i want us to frame it is very simple you see we are entering a season of harvest but this statement can have multiple meanings derived out of it when the bible says god cannot be mocked it means what was sown is the same kind that must be ripped i don't know if you understand me so there are things you did not so so you cannot reap i don't know if i'm speaking to somebody you see when others are reaping disaster that was not the constituent of your sowing it is not the seed that went to ground when you were sowing some of us were swimming in tears making prayers you have to rip your breath through in the name of jesus listen god cannot be mocked so there is no chance whatsoever that the harvest is going to change i said there is no opportunity whatsoever that the harvest will be interfered with because we know the seed that we have because we have an understanding that the kind of the seed that we have sowed has to give us the kind of the results that that seed entails amaze will give me maize beings will give me beans i came to announce in the name of jesus many have sown in tears it has been prayer after prayer it has been prayer marathon of the prayer marathon it has been reading the word after reading the word it has been moments of hope every other day you have been sowing in tears i want to announce in the name of jesus i want to announce in the name of jesus it is the time to reap and there can be no interference because the seed has been sown and it is mandated to give according to his kind if i'm praying with somebody right now i pray that you open up your mouth and say lord i repay your complacence there is a relation between my seed and my harvest and i know in the name of jesus christ that my seed cannot be intercepted and has not been intercepted as i enter as i enter the place of harvest i announce in the name of jesus you are a god that cannot be mocked and i know you are a god that does not change his mind i say there can be nothing that will interfere i said there can be nothing that will interfere with the seas of men with the harvest of men because it has been sworn [Music] in [Music] [Applause] now listen to me the scripture says that indeed the kingdom of god is like a mustard seed and upon its sowing it it it grows and becomes something big a big tree a big plan praise the name of the lord so that tells me that that every seed has potency for growth you hear me very well so what we saw is the little but what we reap is much praise the name of the lord and i came to announce in the name of jesus i know in your own little way in the little time that you had you sowed it into the kingdom the little money that you had you sowed it into the kingdom the little talent that you have you sowed it into the kingdom but i say in the name of jesus it shall not be normal it shall not be business as usual because the seed may be small but the harvest is gonna be plenty no seed comes out of the ground in the same nature it has been transformed it has metamorphosized it has taken another order it has become what you never knew it would become and i announced in the name of jesus may every seed that was sown rapid country is a gallery begin to come out of the ground and take shape in the name of jesus it's gonna be bigger than you so aryakandra [Music] but when it comes to the harvest it is 30 falls it is 60 falls it is a hundredfold their harvest is bigger i said their harvest is bigger than what went to the ground [Music] as long as the earth remains there will be sick time and there will be harvest time praise the name of the lord and so now echoing what my brother has said it means the time between sowing and ripping there is there is a space between the time when you saw and the time when you rephrase the name of the lord and as i read that scripture i had there are men that sow and forget there are people that put to the ground and forget there are things you have done in these lives even nobody remembers but i came to announce in the name of jesus as we were talking about the appointed time the lord is beginning to remember every seed that went to the ground ah in the moment of harvest there is a remembrance of seed that went to the ground if it went to the ground it warranties a harvest to say it warranties a harvest and i announced in the name of jesus anything that went to the ground and men are forgotten about it i see people are forgotten about it i wasn't forgetting about it i say it's time to remember i say is [Music] [Music] thank you holy [Music] we go back to the book of matthew 9 38 because i want us to stop here here therefore pray the lord of the harvest to send out liberals into his harvest i say here that when we are talking about the lord of the harvest we are talking about our god and our god is not a god that is controlled by times and seasons so when god who is the lord of the harvest announces that this is a season of a harvest you know what i mean by that it means exactly thought and there is an assurance that the harvest that we are waiting for the harvest we need to be expected my god i pray may somebody's heart be so expectant because the bible announces that the expectation of a righteous man will not be cut off it is them that i expectant that are able to receive from the lord and i pray may your expectation rise may your faith rise and expect more from the lord in the name of jesus christ so we are talking about the lord of the harvest and at this particular time i want us to pray because the lord has assured us of the harvest but i want you to understand something when we talk about the harvest when when when you go when when we see the harvest has appeared in the fields we have to go to the fields and gather the harvest because when we leave the harvest in the fields it will rot uh and i want us to announce because we have to get aggressive here is where we get aggressive because the enemy is not happy with the season that we are in we are about to enter the midnight hour and the midnight hour is the hour of war is the hour of government and at this hour we want to announce that there is nothing that can stand against us and our harvest in the name of jesus christ the harvest that the lord has assured us off we are announcing in the name of jesus christ that there is nothing that can stand under i am announcing in the name of jesus that the lord of the harvest will bring the harvest to you and it shall not rot it shall not be taken away it shall not be delayed it will come at the right time in the name of jesus christ i announce in jesus name as sora there is no entity maybe human entity may be spiritual entity that can stand against you and your harvest in the name of jesus i decree and declare that you shall harvest it as the bible has told us in the book of galatians that our god is not mocked whatever we saw is what we shall reap i announce that whatever you have sown over their ears let the heavens show up on your side messiah messiah let the harvest show up let it show up let it show up let it show up you are sold your resources you are sold your time you are sold love whatever you have sown over the years i announced that in this season let the harvest compile let it show up by fire kapoor this one diamond here just give us the book of judges six the bible says then the children of israel did evil in the sight of the lord so the lord delivered them into the hand of the media for seven years continues and the hand of the media prevailed against israel because of the midianites the children of israel made for themselves the dance the caves and the strongholds which are in the mountains continue verses 3 so it was whenever israel had sown medianites would come up also amalekites and the people of the east would come up against them michael then they would encamp against them and destroy their produce they have as far as gaza and leave no sustenance for israel neither ship nor ox nor donkey go back to verses three i want us to deal with some midianites and amalekite tonight in the name of jesus christ we are announcing in the name of jesus there is no midianite there is no amalekite the people of the east they will not come up against your life in the name of jesus christ they shall not come to destroy your harvest you shall not be left you shall not be left without a sustenance in the name of jesus christ i announce prophetically that every millionaire leaves your camp right now in the name of jesus every amalekite leaves your camp right now in the name of jesus the man from the east the destroyers and the destructors of the harvest i announce that they leave your camp in the name of jesus i announce right now that your camp is surrounded by the fire of the holy ghost you are surrounded by the fire of the holy ghost messiahs give us the book of genesis is it genesis 25 or 26 i think 26. uh-huh give us the book of genesis 26 from verses 5. uh-huh go back to verses 4 let me show you and i will make your descendants multiply as the stars of heaven and i'll give to your descendants all these lands and in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed this is god that is speaking to isaac continuously because abraham obeyed my voice and kept my charge my commandments my statutes and my laws so isaac dwelt in gerald and the man of the place asked about his wife and he said she is my sister for he was afraid to say she is my wife because he thought lest the man of the place kill me for rebecca because she is beautiful to behold continue the herniated came to pass when he had been there a long time that abimelech king of the philistines looked through a window and saw that there was isaac showing endearment to rebecca his wife versus nine then abimelech called the israel can say quite obviously she is your wife so how could you say she is my sister isaac said to him because i said lest i die on encounter of her now have us stand under me like say what is this you have done to us one of the people might soon have laying with with your wife and you have brought guilt on us versus 11. so abimelech charged all his people saying he who touches this man or his wife shall visually be put to death then i isaac sold in the land and ripped the samir a hundredfold and the lord blessed him just go to verses one i show you what was happening in this land at this particular time there was farming in the land besides the first famine that was in the days of abraham and the isaac went to abimelech king of the philistines listen eyes are sold in the land when there was still for me why and he obeyed the voice of the lord of the harvest because the lord of the harvest is the one that controls the harvest and controls the time of the harvest so when our eyes are sword in the land in the time of famine he was able to reap a hundredfold even in the time of famine what am i trying to say i want to let you know some of us sold in the times of famine some of us sold in times that were not the right time for us to sow but i came to prophesy in the name of jesus christ that in this season may you harvest a hundred fold no matter the time that you sold i announced let there be a hundred fold of ripping in the name of jesus christ harvest i pray to you you are the god of keepers covenant and i announce over your people right now that the diamond time that they sold but right now being a have a season let them harvest oh let them harvest let them half be a harvest and let your harvest not be small let your harvest be a hundred i announced a hundred fold a hundred fold of harvest in the name of jesus a hundred a hundredfold a hundredfold in the name of jesus he [Music] is and we announced in the name of jesus them that saw in that time i announced that indeed we are ripping a hundred fools i say you are ripping a hundred folds i say you are ripping a hundred phones i say you're ripping a hundred folds and i say nobody is gonna go to the fields and come back with any harvest that has been tampered with that thing is gonna eat the grain i say in the name of jesus i say in the name of jesus ah you shall not be tampered with it shall not be tampered with i want to announce that every declaration that has been made this night may it settle in your spirit it's settled in your spirit and as we continue with the prayers we are gonna be back here tomorrow and i'm telling you it is all about the harvest by the end of this week i want you to announce to yourself that your life will never be the same again in jesus mighty name amen and and you know it is our prayer service and it is a service just like any other so at this particular moment in time i want to just bring it to you even as we always have done that indeed it is time to give our offerings and so please we don't do this for any form of offering but we don't deny you the opportunity my father likes saying strange hours uh strange prayers and strange givings i pray that in the name of jesus uh if you feel are persuaded and pushed to just give even as an addition to the prayers that you have made today i indeed you know these other days we were talking about that many uh as you saw the law is in the spirit and you must indeed begin to rape and i want to announce in the name of jesus that your your offerings are blessed uh and as you give them may god indeed continue continue to shine his face upon you amen so i wanna ask you we're still on our week of prayer and fasting and indeed we are going to be coming back to you uh every single day uh tomorrow we are gonna be having our lunch hour so uh you need to be ready for that we're gonna be having our prayers at five we're gonna be having the moments of hope [Music] quality [Music] where we need more
Channel: Pastor T Mwangi
Views: 1,463
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: L9J-dVNS9wE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 35sec (4835 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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