Moments of Hope - Exodus 9

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yes [Music] we wait on [Music] foreign [Music] we need you [Music] [Music] we will burn for you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] my [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] on you [Music] we wait on you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] harry [Music] now me [Music] [Music] a very good evening to you and praise the lord thank you for joining us today for yet another amazing journey as we go through the book of exodus and the bible study remember you can share this with as many people as possible and let us learn the word of god this is life and this is what the lord left us with and this will not just empower you but it will change your life and you'll be able to understand your faith and above all be stable and grounded even in the faith and it's just an exciting book but before anything share this with as many people as possible if you're joining us for the first time sorry my name is pastor t mwangi let's just open and believe in the word of prayer father in the name of jesus we thank you for yet another day thank you for the grace to johnny during the week even as we come to the close of the week we have seen you we have seen you speak to us we have seen you record mysteries we have seen you communicate to us in simplicity and clarity and even tonight lord we are subjected and submitted under the will speak to us and above all let your word come forcefully with revelations and truth and it is in jesus mighty name that we have prayed and believed amen and amen so just to give a journey now we are getting to exodus chapter number nine we began from chapter number one uh the introduction of the midwives if i was to give that i will call it the concept of the midwives the children of israel introduced living in goshen and then the midwaves are here they increasing number ferro system as a threat and announces that they need to be converted into a workforce and that's exactly what they are turned into and then we come to chapter number two you know there is a law released children less than two years old should be killed but and moses is born in such a time uh his brother was born one year before the decree so he was safe that his arrow and then now we come we realize moses is born in such a time he's rescued in the palace and he's raised by the palace raised by the mother and also raised by pharaoh's daughter and when the mother raised moses the mother handed over moses to pharaoh's daughter and so this of course introduced a conflict of identity and moses kills an egyptian and flees to the wilderness because in him there was a conflict between an egyptian and a hebrew and in the wilderness there is a burning bush encounter first of all he meets jethro uh rahuel who is uh who is a friend of god and he walks is given a wife and begins to minister 40 years in the wilderness meets the burning bush receive the call encounters the fire sees the snakes the sticks start turning into snake the leprosy and the water turning into blood and he's commissioned by those signs and he goes into the territories of israel he's met by his brother aaron because he complained that he was not a good orator and then the aaron becomes his prophet and he meets the elders of israel they exceed the sign they accept him and they go fast audience uh with pharaoh and pharaoh dismisses them and pharaohs even increases the work and then out of that now we see the plagues and we say the first plague was the plague of blood and in that particular plague there are different gods that are being judged so in that particular plague we realize that the god happy the god happy he's the one being judged and there was the plague of frogs and in that plague it was the egyptian god hecate that was being judged and then there was the plague um of lies coming from the earth and the god gables being judged and then we saw the plague of what we call the insects there were a little biting then we saw the lord uh kim free was the one being judged and now we are about to encounter more gods ten plagues but gods are being judged some of these gods operated it's believed in egypt mythology that there were almost 21 gods and every plague touched something and dethroned the authority and power so let's continue we're in chapter number nine we are still on the plagues and i believe chapter number nine carries several plagues and so we begin with the first one this is the fifth plague the bible says then the lord said to moses go into pharaoh and tell him that says the lord god of the hebrews let my people go so that they may serve me for if you refuse to let them go and still hold them behold the hand of the lord will be on your cattle in the field on the horses on the donkey on the camels on the oxen and on the ship a very severe pestilence and the lord will make a difference between the livestock of israel and the livestock of egypt so nothing shall die of all that belongs to the children of israel then the lord appointed a set time saying tomorrow the lord will do this thing in the land so the lord did this thing on the next day and all the livestock of egypt died but of the livestock of the children of israel not one died then pharaoh sent and indeed not even one of the livestock of the israelites was dead but the heart of pharaoh became hard and he and he indeed did not let the people go so the lord said to moses on aaron take for yourselves a handful of ashes from a furnace and let moses scatter it towards the heavens in the sight of pharaoh and it will become fine dust in the land of egypt and it will cause boils that break out in souls on man and beast through out of the land of egypt then they took ashes from the furnace and stood before pharaoh and moses scattered them towards the heaven and they caused boils that break out in souls on man and beast and the magician could not stand before moses because of the boils for the boys who are on the magician and on all the egyptian but the lord had in the heart of pharaoh and he did not heed them just as the lord has spoken to moses then the lord said to moses rise early in the morning and and stand before pharaoh and say to him that says the lord god of heaven let my people go that they may serve me for at this time i will send all my plagues to you to your very heart and on your servant and on your people and you may know that there is none like me in all the other now if i can stretch out my hand and strike you and your people with pestilence then you will you would have been cut off from the earth but indeed for this purpose i have raised you up that i may show my power in you and that my name may be declared in all the earth as yet you are exalt yourself against my people in that you will not let them go behold tomorrow about this time i will cause very heavy hail to rain down such as has not been in egypt since its foundation until now therefore send now and gather your livestock and all that you have in the field for the hill shall come down on every man and every animal which is found in the field and is not brought home they shall die he who feared the word of the lord among the servants of pharaoh made his servants among the servants among the servants of them among the servants of pharaoh made his servant and his livestock fleet to the houses but he who did not regard the word of the lord left his servants and the livestock in the field then the lord said to moses stretch out your hand towards heaven that there may be hail in all the land of egypt on man on beast and on every hub of the field throughout the land of egypt and moses stretched out his road towards heaven and the lord sent thunder and hail and fire darted to the ground and the lord rained hail on the land of egypt so there was a hail and fire mingled with the hail so very heavy that was not like it in all the land of egypt since it became a nation and the hills tracked throughout the whole land of egypt all that was in the field both man and beast and the hill struck every hub of the field and broke every tree of the field only in the land of goshen where the children of israel were there was no hail and pharaoh was sent and called for moses and aruna said to them i have seen this time the lord is russia's and my people and i are wicked and treat the lord that there may be no more mighty thundering and hail for it is enough i will let you go and you shall stay no longer so almost i said to him as soon as i have gone out of the city i will spread out my hand to the lord the thunder will cease and there will be no more hell that you may know that the ad is the lord but as for you and your servants i know that you will not yet fear the lord now the flux and the valley was truck for the body was in the head and the flux wasn't bad but the wheat and the spelt were not struck for they are late crops so moses went out of the city from pharaoh and spread out his hand to the lord then the vanda and the hill seized and the rain was not poured on earth and when pharaoh saw the rain the hill and the thunder had seized he sinned yet more and he had in his heart he and his servants so the heart of pharaoh was hard neither would he let the children of israel go as the lord has spoken to moses so the sixth plague is livestock disease is like life's livestock disease and so um [Music] sorry um i'm trying to look at something just a minute um okay i'll get it i'll get it i'll get it uh so so we are getting into the fifth plague and now we are still dealing with now this has everything to do with man and animal now before we go to the heavens so the fifth plague will have fake animals the fifth fifth the sixth plague will affect man and then the heavens remember the order there's the marine power the water the two plagues touched on the water that was the plague of the red sea the river nile turning into blood and then the frogs jumping and leaving the water there aboard these amphibians then we came to the land we saw uh the the plague of the lies uh and also the for the plague was the plague of them of the flies so ideally we are almost getting into the heavens into the heavens and we'll see what will happen with the heavens we spoke about the three territories the land the marine and the and the heavens the airwaves so at this particular time the lord said to moses go into pharaoh and tell him that says the lord god of hebrew that's a very powerful one let my people go that they may serve me for if you refuse to let them go and still hold them behold the hand of the lord will be on your cattle in the field remember this the economy of egypt was agriculture and so this is now touching on their very economy and touching on the very livelihood of the egyptian and now the judgment is not now going just to the gods but it is also affecting the people in that particular land and so the god being judged here the god that is being judged here um is an egyptian god by the name of hafour hathor and this is an egyptian goddess of love and protection usually the egyptian goddess was depicted with the head of a cow so we begin to see that this is the judgment of hathor the god of love and protection uh uh because god announces that there will be death of animals and remember the line has already been drawn from the time the insects attacked there was a safe area that was called goshen and goshen is where the children of israel used to live so they will interact with the people but when the rods of god began to fall they were separated of course this build the faith of the children of israel towards god knowing that god has come for them in the asian culture the children of israel were their slaves not because they were uh polly not because they were slaves out of abduction because they lost in any battle it is only that the man rose in wickedness and and of course by him suppressing them and putting them into slavery and looking at the spiritual infrastructure that existed in egypt pharaoh must have thought to himself that you know even their god cannot help them out and their god looking looked defeated so god moving in the territories of egypt he was also lifting the faith of his people their confidence and their trust also in him so that becomes very keen and it becomes very powerful so that one has to be well understood that as he's judging the gods on this side weakening the armor of the enemy the people on the other side are getting strengthened and also he's communicating his sovereignty so this is her four this is her for this is the god of protection and the god of love had the head of a cow and so as these animals are dying and now we begin to see mosses at play here uh for if you refuse to let them go um uh you see the bible says the field of the horse on the donkey and the camel on the oxen and on the sheep a very severe pestilence a pestilence of course is a disease and the lord will make difference between the livestock of israel and the livestock of egypt so nothing shall die of that but belong to the children of israel then the lord appointed a set time saying tomorrow the lord will do this thing in the land so there was a set time you have time and you release these people it will not happen if you had in your heart this thing will automatically happen so the lord did this thing on the next day and all the livestock of egypt died but of the livestock of the children of israel not one of them died and pharaoh sent some people to confirm to go and check in the territories of the israelites and see whether their animals died but none of them died this is divine preservation and divine protection and for me this scripture begins to communicate a couple of things that's that sometimes god will move in judgment but even today anyone that is not anyone that is born again you are not an enemy of god and because of that there is the possibility of even in our day for god to prepare a spiritual place called goshen whereby as he's dealing with the egyptian and dealing with the world you are preserved you are protected during this covered season many things have happened but also there has been amazing testimonies among some believers some people tell you it is in this season that you know this business began god has sustained it supernaturally there is an area called goshen where god preserves where god preserves and no matter the judgments and his wrath being powered on this other side of the city god is preserving his own and they leave as if there is no plague at all so the powers are being dealt with this is the god hathor a god of peace and pestilence i mean peace and preservation and so ideally at this hour there is the dethroning of principalities the dethroning of principalities that begins to tell me if i was an egyptian it will i will begin to doubt these gods because how comes all these things are happening and we are not seeing them respond i remember when when gideon went and brought down the altars in his father's house um the altars of baal the elders came and asked who did this thing and this was the very response that gideon that the father of gideon said if baal is god let baal defend for himself if baal is god let baal defend for himself and i want to believe this was the very picture being painted you've lived all your life knowing these are the gods you've drawn them you sacrifice to them you worship them and boom the nile is red the god does not preserve it boom the frogs are outed nobody's there to react boom the lies the insects and now the animals are dying these gods of course began to look very defeated in the eyes of them that served them nothing happened but pharaoh's heart you know if i was to give pharaoh an identity i will say pharaoh new lamb say you know pharaoh's heart is still added but god takes advantage of the hardened heart to continue demonstrating his power both to the egyptian to pharaoh and even to his own children and then we come now to the sixth plague so the lord said to moses and aaron take for yourselves a handful of ashes from a furnace and let moses scatter towards the heaven in the sight of pharaoh now we begin we begin to see the early faces of the miracle it was the road of aaron at play the turning of water that was the road of aaron the turning of the road into a serpentine creature that was the road of aaron the the the concept of the frogs it was the road of aaron now we are moving from arun we are coming to moses and this six plague of boils it didn't take around that begins to tell you that now at this level the lord is intensifying his judgments and because aaron was acting as a prophet and moses was acting as god it begins to show you now the intensity of the matter this one cannot be handled by the road of aaron this one can only be handled by moses in his godly stature because his one was given the mandate of being god so the lord said to moses and aaron take for yourselves handfuls of ashes from a furnace and let moses scatter it towards the heavens in the sight of pharaoh and it will become fine dust in the land of egypt and it will cause boils that break out in souls on man and beast throughout all the land of egypt the hebrew word for that boils is like the kind of wounds you get when you are burnt those are they were very painful the kind of wounds that you get on your pant so when this was blown into the air it now this one interfered with the atmosphere and it manifested as disease upon the egyptian and all of them had these souls on their bodies you can see and it will be fine dust in the land cause boys that break out in souls saw in souls on a man and beast throughout all the land of egypt then they took ashes from the furnace and stood before pharaoh and moses scattered them towards heaven and they caused boils that break out in souls on man and beast and the magicians could not stand before moses because of the boils for the boys who are on the magicians and on all the egyptians but the lord had in the heart of pharaoh and they did not hit them just as the lord has spoken to moses so still pharaoh came with his men but they could not duplicate anything they were defeated the boils affected them of course possibly they it was painful they couldn't stand before them they are the cause of these boils how do you stand before these people and of course there was a god under judgment and this was the god that was in charge of health and and and and this god is called um isis this is the goddess uh this is the goddess of medicine and peace isis the goddess of medicine and peace the goddess of medicine and peace so this was the goddess at this hour being judged now these gods cannot heal their diseases this god cannot intervene remember even when the magicians showed up they never solved anything all that the magicians did was to duplicate and to multiply that which was already taking place so they didn't solve anything they didn't solve anything so ideally the boils upon the people it is very painful anyone looking at the pain and the sores and the and the bleeding and all that of course this one began to communicate something different and still pharaoh does not loosen up still pharaoh is hard at heart but again this becomes an opportunity for the lord to move in power and to move in judgment of these gods then the seventh plague is the plague of the hails and these hails were spiced up with some fire so these were not ordinary hills they were spiced up with them some fire then the lord said to moses rise early in the morning and stand before pharaoh and say to him that says the lord god of hebrew let my people go that they may serve me for at this time i will send all my plagues to you to your very heart and on your servants and on your people that you may know that there is none like me in all the earth now the lord is telling pharaoh i'm about to intensify and this one will affect you big time the animals have already died economically the system is already affected people have already been affected with boils so ideally there is even if even if um i'm a part of that ecosystem there is a reaction now from the people on the ground we have lost our animal we are now sick pharaoh what is happening we are now sick and now something even of a greater disaster is about to happen and the lord tells him um you know let my people go now and this is what the lord begins to say if i had stretched out my hand and struck you and your people with the pestilence then you would have been cut off from the earth so the lord the all-powerful god is telling pharaoh it's very easy to finish you and even finish these people it's it's very easy but the way you had in your heart it's a divine opportunity but indeed for this purpose i have raised you up and that i may show my power in you and that my name may be declared in all the earth now this is very powerful because when you look at the bible every time god visited israel he reminded them of egypt i am the lord that delivered thee from egypt egypt was a superpower military capacity spiritually they had all these magicians and they had what i call spiritual advantage so this was a very strong economy and a very strong nation both economically military-wise and also spiritually because i'm not saying spiritually meaning godly but i'm just saying that it had their own spiritual foundation so at this time the lord is using sorry the hardness of pharaoh's heart to communicate who he is because generations will hear how god moved in egypt with signs and wonders and miracles and how the egyptians were incapacitated irrespective of their money their power their wealth and their military prowessness so the lord is taking advantage of this opportunity to communicate his dimension to glorify himself as the bible even here says um that as you you exalt yourself against my people in that will not let them go so pharaoh had lifted himself among the people and and he looked like this stubborn guy he looked like he owned the people and god also needed to lift himself among the people so that they can know there is one who is more powerful than pharaoh and one that is more authoritative and sovereign more than pharaoh and that is exactly what the lord was doing at this particular time so as a pharaoh had in his heart the lord manifested with a plague and a plague was a supernatural entry of power that could not be duplicated by the magicians and even the the witches and the spiritualists the celtic people of babylon they could not duplicate these dimensions of power so of course it communicated it evangelized to the territories of egypt and you see god has already separated so it continues here to say it didn't behold tomorrow about this time i will cause very heavy hail to rain down such as has not been in egypt since its founding until now therefore send now and gather your livestock and all that you have in the field for the hill shall come down on every man and every animal which is found in the field and is not brought home and they shall die so the lord is saying listen pharaoh from the time even egypt was founded there has never been such hails and these were killer hills they were not small they were killer hills whatever was outside perished whatever encountered the hills they perished the animals and the harvest look at it he who feared the lord of the lord so there are people among the population of the egyptians who had this one and because they honored and feared the lord they took their servants and also um made sure that their livestock are in safer places but there are those who are stubborn just like their leader pharaoh you know who is this god how can you tell us it has never happened so how do you expect us to believe and so some ignored and then we see now again moses is involved here then the lord said to moses stretch out your hand towards heaven that there may be hail in the land of egypt so we begin to see that you know this is what one preacher said um moses was needed for heavier matters the the assignment of moses was for heavier matters and we begin to see the man just stretches his hands and because of that the clouds begin to gather and there are these hail storms that are falling and says there may be hail in the land of egypt on a man and beast and on every hub of the field throughout the land of egypt and moses stretched out his road towards the heaven and the lord sent thunder and hail and fire departed to the ground and the lord reigned hail on the land of egypt so there was hail and fire mingled what a mystery because hail these are stones of water but fire still existed there so ideally this is a symbol of judgment and and the lord just bringing down the economy of egypt because what was not destroyed by the hail was destroyed by the fire and we will see that these people um it was during the harvest time so their barley was destroyed it's only the wheat that was not destroyed so ideally you are looking at a people whereby their cattle have died out of pestilence they have suffered boils and now they are here whatever was in the field the heels are falling and they are falling with fire and pharaoh still wants to harden his heart so there was hail and fire mingled with hail so very heavy that there was none like it in all the land of egypt since it became a nation and the hills struck throughout the whole land of egypt all that was in the field both man and beast and the hill struck every hub of the field and broke every tree of the field only in the land of goshen where the children of israel were there was no hail again the children of israel had been preserved and there was a god in judgment here it was not in vain and this was the goddess not annuity and this was the goddess in charge of the sky so this goddess was no longer in charge of the sky because the hail and fire came from the skies so this goddess was no longer in charge so we can see and this is what i wanted to see in your spirit that every plague dealt with a specific god or gods and this was the dethroning of the powers that ruled egypt and this manifestation communicated faith to the children of israel and so then not goddess lost it that goddess was no longer in charge of the skies the one that created the heavens and the earth was in charge his name is jehovah only in the land of gaussian 26 where the children of israel were there was no hail and pharaoh sent and called for moses and arunan said to them now we can see the tone changing so this is pharaoh and he's calling for morse as an arrow because the whole nation is under destruction and he says i have sinned this time the lord is russians and my people and i are wicked and treat the lord that there may be no more mighty thundering and hail for it is enough i will let you go and you shall stay no longer when i look at this story it gives me a very clear picture of our work sometimes that when we are faced with calamities we go to god humble but when the calamities are lifted up we go back to hardened hearts and this is how pharaoh behaves you know and he goes and tells moses and aaron you know call god tell that god to lift up and i'm going to do one two three and we see him promising and promising but not fulfilling though moses and aaron go they pray and the matter disappears but we see him not fulfilling his part and it begins to communicate even on a very personal level sometimes how we fail to fulfill our paths and we end up embarrassing the kingdom because we could not fulfill our part and this is exactly what was happening at that particular time so the man uh did not fulfill his part and he repented was this genuine repentance no what is genuine repentance is when a man turns away from his ways that is genuine repentance when a man turns away what was pharaoh doing he was saying sorry there is a difference between saying sorry and there's a difference between turning away so there are many people who apologize but they don't repent they just say sorry and they go back someone told me if i drop this glass it will break if i say sorry to this gra glass though i may have the ability to bring the broken pieces i will not take the scars away it will still have the crevices so sorry does not heal sometimes it is turning away that heals and it is turning away that the lord is interested in so moses said to him as soon as i've gone out of the city i will spread out my hand to the lord the thunder will cease and there will be no more hail that you may know that the earth the earth is the lord but as for you and your servant i know that you will not yet fear the lord moses had reached the place and they knew i've already known your template you come look like a repentant but you don't change but he's saying all these things are happening that you may know that the earth belongs to the lord pharaoh you are not in charge you are not in charge even of egypt god is in charge this goddess of viewers you are not goddess is not even in charge because that goddess cannot stop the sovereign god from doing what he's supposed to do and even as we read this for me it communicates the sovereignty of our father god is powerful you know i one day i was just preaching and the lord began to tell me sometimes we have praised the pen knife at the expense of a machine gun what do i mean when you come and tell people how powerful a pen knife is you know this thing can kill you one stab you're gone and all that and then you you have a machine gun there but no one talks about the machine gun when people come they will look at the pen knife and think the pen knife is more powerful than the machine gun and sometimes that's how the charge we have done we have made the devil to look so big in fact one man said the church has created a devil that god never created we have made the devil look so big that even christ himself never created him in that level most of our preaching is the amplification of what the devil has done are we saying that he's not doing anything i tell you he's busy he knows he has no time he works 24 7. but ideally when i look at these plagues they communicate the power of god irrespective of the principalities that are available in egypt and and we begin to see as moses saw this power his boldness increased even the way he's addressing pharaoh at this level he's not like a coward or a person seeking for sympathy you can sense boldness in the utterance of moses that you know what i know who the caliber of man you are i'll go and tell the lord but i know the caliber of man you are so so we see a lot you know for me the ten plagues not only do they communicate the judgment of these gods it also demonstrates the sovereign power of our lord that indeed he is god he is powerful and no one no witch no power of darkness will ever be above his power and and that should seek and sink very heavily now the flux on the body was tracked for the body was in the head and the flux was in the bud but the wheat and the spelt were not struck for they are late crops so we see there was destruction of harvest there was destruction of harvest and this was affecting the economy of the ordinary populace they cut all pestilence the hills are here we are just from healing from boils we've we've gone through the mice i mean the lies we've gone through the insects and our boils and then the hills now uh this is this was making it very tough and you see as a leader when you're not leader of people you are very concerned you know about what your people are going through and so this thing was only happening in egypt so there must be maybe pressure from within just to tell pharaoh whatever is happening are you not in charge can you not control but we need to understand also pharaoh was considered as a deity used to be worshipped and the lord dealt with all these powers one by one and we'll see what the lord what the lord did at the end of the day so moses went out of the city from pharaoh and spread out his hand to the lord then the thunder and the hail seized and the rain was not on earth and when pharaoh saw the rain the hail and the thunder had seized he sillied more and he had in his heart and he and his servants so the heart of pharaoh was hard neither would he let the children of israel go as the lord has spoken by moses so those are seven plagues so far those are seven plagues and so we need to do a recap so that we are able to catch up so plague number one plague number one was them was them the nile turning into blood and in that plague it was the judgment of the god happy plague number two plague number two it was the frogs coming out of the water and in that it was the judgment of the hecat goddess which was the goddess that was connected with fertility plague number three was the plague of lies plague of lies and this was connected with gabe who was god of the earth gabe who was god of the earth plague number four it was the swarm of flies and these was connected with the god came free came free is it yeah yeah came free that was the god um he had an insect kind of head and he was considered uh to be the head he was the head of a fly and he was considered to be in charge of creation and movement and then our plague number five we come now to hathor the goddess of love and protection that is the judgment which is the plague of the death of livestock the dead of livestock all of them cows god sheep all of them and then we come to plague number six which is the judgment of isis the goddess of medicine this is the boils the judgment of isis the goddess of medicine and this is where we have the boils and plague number seven hails and this is the god of newt newt uh this was the goddess of the sky the goddess of the sky and so will come to plague number eight nine and ten and we'll see all these things being judged and these principalities being brought down and and then after now they're brought down we'll see the passover the concept of of of of them of the passover lamp amazing so what are we what are we what is our take-home even as we begin to conclude what is our take home so one of the things that i really want you to understand is that god is powerful in every plague the lord was dealing with a specific or specific gods of egypt and god was stripping and dethroning these powers his children were just slaves and they left egypt without a sword or without war sometimes if we in our modern day will say they were delivered without the without a gun shot the lord just moved in his power in his sovereignty in his majesty and all the powers of egypt began to collapse and all the principalities that govern each were judged and condemned and even today there are many things happening to the believers we just need to operate with simple faith and know that god is above all these powers and know that our god is well able we didn't turn to a defeated god ladies and gentlemen we didn't come to a god that is not sufficient in power we came to this god because all the other gods are the works of men and all the other gods have proven not to have the power that we see in the god that we serve and this the track record is there and and it is very evident it's very evident so we'll continue from there tomorrow not tomorrow on monday we'll pick it up from them it's been an amazing journey let's continue to pray for one another and tonight we'll meet for the midnight prayer so make sure that you are there and exactly i will begin possibly a little bit early make sure we have time to worship and then pray one hour in the presence of the lord so may god bless you and also i overheard next week uh from tuesday we begin because the the month the the the month begins so next week will be our week of prayer i think i had something like that but we are going to confirm but may god bless you may god keep you may god watch over you father we bless you and father we thank you and father even tonight we repent for the times um we have looked at you and thought that you are not as powerful and some people have even gone to the place of raising their own altars and even doing all manner of things oh god may these stories remind us of your power may even as we read about these plagues may we be reminded of your sovereignty that indeed the devil is defeated the principalities are defeated and dear lord you are so reign you are almighty you are all powerful tonight have your way to night of your we begin to change somebody's mindset let them not think that witches are more powerful let them not think that cases are more powerful but lord we choose to look at you knowing that in you there is power we give you glory and we give you honor in jesus mighty name we do pray and believe hallelujah so it's time to give our offering time to give our substance as the lord enables you and as the lord leads you uh the giving details are already there on the screen all seven two six seven one four seven one three four seven six 714713 and also 801 7370 those are the giving details god bless you and thank you for always being a blessing see you you're so good so good jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] when you're so good so good so cold [Music]
Channel: Pastor T Mwangi
Views: 1,149
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: e7FUBtYjwhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 11sec (3131 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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