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hey friends I'm excited to catch up with you again it is so easy to underestimate the power inherent in you to influence your world positively impactfully for real change in the world and it's now more than ever that it is imperative that we become the change agency that our societies and civilizations need so that we use that as a medium to inspire others to be the change agency that changes our world I need you to do me a big favor will you post a 60 second video on your page and let the world know what you are intentionally doing to impact our world with positive change and use the hashtag SLC 20 19 or spirit life conference 2019 and when you do so I'm reminded of a man who got a whole community together and took them to another dilapidated community and painted the entire community's buildings and that new community look right with Internet at its best you don't want to miss the spirit life conference for anything in fact don't just meet bit there beat them [Applause] [Music] the contents together get a lot of praise all over this house oh you make more noise in that yesterday come on come on let's get doctor while you're standing on your feet it would be foolish if not this remains of a fool assured me not to acknowledge not only because protocol dictates it is appropriate to do so but I must acknowledge before you something that our whispered to pastor Paul on yesterday he was commenting about some of the messages that I had preached it I said it is because she pastor such a smart intelligent effective church [Music] you can only minister to people according to their capacity to receive and so when you get ready to honor the man of God you are really his honor for the Bible says that Paul said I have no need of commendation from men for you are living epistles and you prove the validity of my ministry and because you are the fruit of his labor let us give thanks to the source from which it emanates the Honorable pastor Paul and a Pharisee and lady Eve and who is a preacher in her own right give God glory for your co-pastor at your pastor as we celebrate my son and daughter in the Ministry of the Lord you have to do better than that you have to develop a man if you may be seated in his illustrious grace I'm honored and delighted to be here deeply thrill Joseph it the last few days in this pulpit sharing the Word of God with you I was grateful to the Lord when I looked out and I didn't really recognize her at first because there's something about women you can change your hair and your hat and turn into a completely different person and that's why I didn't recognize initially my friend lady a locket ah I'm so glad to see you in the service of the Lord you switched up on me I believe about who you were at first give God praise for her so delighted well to see her in the service of the Lord we we interviewed her in Ghana and we had her as a guest in Dallas at the potter's house and we were so richly blessed about the gift of God never get used to the gifts that God puts amongst you always celebrate them and appreciate her because if you don't somebody else will so you got to celebrate what God gave you a man and to the lovely first lady of the state of Lego so we bring greetings and commendations all the way from Dallas Texas we honor you and salute you in their prospective places and to all of the dignitaries and officials of this house the priests the prophets they held us we give God grace and praise for each of you in your respective places and we are grateful to the Lord that we do not have to wear the prompt of such ministry alone but God has surrounded us with such capable people that even if we were to stumble there are so many great men and women of God who could catch it and carry it on and continue to preach the Word of God give God thanks for all of these pulpit ears bishop in particular a gay man let's honor them and let's honor them less honor than thank God for you yes yes yes now I preached it Friday and I reach Saturday morning and there's something about Sunday morning there's always a little tough because no matter who you are there are some people who just came to hear their pastor so let me just address your disappointment I would like to hear him too but in his absence is Sovereign Grace he has allowed me to adorn the rostral this morning that I might be able to declare the Word of God and oddly enough this this kind of feels like the father's house so I feel at home in this place I won't be before you long I just want to leave a pop in your hearing out of the book of Acts chapter 16 verse 19 through 20 8 X chapter 16 verses 19 through 28 and it is my custom to stand for the reading of God's Word and I would ask you to honor it today if you will as we peel back the crust and open up the loaf and prepare to consume the bread of the Lord and when her master sees all that the hope of their gains was gone they caught Paul and Silas and drew them into the marketplace unto the rulers and brought them to the magistrates saying these men being Jews do exceedingly trouble our city and teach customs which are not lawful for us to receive neither to observe being Romans and the multitudes rose up together against sin and the magistrate's read off their clothes and commanded to beat them and when they had made many stripes upon them they cast them into the prison charging the jailer to keep them safely who having received such a charge thrust him into the inner prison and made their feets fast in the stocks and at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God and the prisoners heard them there was a great earthquake so that the foundations of the prison was shaken and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone's everyone's everyone's everyone's everyone's everyone's everyone's everyone's pounds were loosed and the keeper of the prison awaking out of his sleep and seeing the prison doors open he drew out his sword and what happened killed him the prisoners had been fled but Paul cried with a loud voice saying to myself for we are all here so says the Word of God to thyself no harm for we are all here remain standing I want to pray with you for just a moment my subject this morning is my prisons are not my problem my prisons are not let's pray spirit of the Living God I invoked your presence into this place the kind of endowment that is unique that kind of anointing that vest us to preach the gospel let it saturate us now that we might be used of you to impart life and wisdom to somebody who is hungry to receive the Living bread and we bind every devil that would hinder it from coming to pass we render you helpless in the name of Jesus we take the sting out of you the venom is extracted from you you will have no power in this place thank you God for the victory we claim it done in Jesus name somebody shout a man again on your way to your seat you can throw to people say my prisons are not my problem yeah don't worry about my prison my prisons not my problem don't worry about my kids in my prison it's not my problem my visit is not my problem don't feel sorry for me my prisons are not my problem don't cry for me in my prisons are not my problem don't feel sad about me because of my prisons are not my problem Oh God can the church say Amen I want to begin by discussing something that we shared over dinner and many people know some do not know that the book of Acts is companion to the Gospel of st. Luke then the same writer who wrote Luke also wrote the book of Acts that the book of John is interjected almost as an insert in a discussion as we are looking at the companion chapter to the Gospel of st. Luke the Gospel of st. Luke ends itself with the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and he told them the Bible said he led them out as far as Bethany and blessed him and told them he shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit has come upon you and he went on from MIT's acceptor one says the former treaties have I made out the awfulness of all that Jesus began both to do and to teach and then it begins to pick up and share with us the activities and the movements of the Apostles however you must understand the book is titled not by Luke but by King James because in reality while it is called the Acts of the Apostles it is actually the acts of God it is the acts of God through his people the God that has been with him is now in them and the same works that Christ did they go forward to do the enemy is quite agitated because he has with great stealth and tenacity planned the execution of Jesus to eradicate the work of Jesus but instead of destroying the work of Jesus now Jesus has imparted his spirit and many many others and they are running rampant preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ rapidly they run but strategically they ran for if you will read the book of Acts carefully there were some cities said the Apostles got ready to go in that they were forbidden to go in meaning that God had a particular strategy in how he released the gospel hitting pivotal points in the society where he can have the greatest impact God doesn't waste energy where they're not where there is not impact the thing of the conference has been impact impact is some measurable effect a power has on an object in other words it is not about the energy expended it is about the effect of the energy on the thing to which it is executed there is nothing worse than to spend great energy and see little impact many many souls become discouraged after they have worked real hard and they look and see that they have not gotten much impact for their labor in order to stop this from occurring in the early church they were guided by the holy spirit to those particular places where they could get the greatest impact and thereby cost the gospel to emanate around the world so the Holy Spirit chose places like Ephesus which was the banking centers of the world the first banks came out of Ephesus and so the seats of financial power was a place that God said I'm gonna for him that I'm gonna Oprah him those finances I'm gonna take control of them and I'm gonna infiltrate them with the gospel of Jesus Christ I thought you would shout right there because there are some of you that need some money and it's nice to know that God includes in his strategy a plan to apprehend the resources that are necessary so that the gospel can be spread when we start asking God to do things you must understand that everything that we ask him to do is up under his skirts it's up under his authority is up under his domain that you're not asking God to be lord over anything that he does not control so he took the financial power by preaching the gospel in Ephesus with such power and such clarity that it changed the way they did business they had to tear down the silversmith and the goddess of Diana because the preachers had gone in there and caused disruption we need disruptors today too many people want to be like this is not a popularity contest and we're not running to be elected for office we need people who will stand up and preach the truth and let God be true and every man a liar because real truth will disrupt some things real truth will change some things real truth will upset some people real truth will agitate some people real truth will get on somebody's nerves where praise will upset people some people don't like you just because you praise God just because you lift him up just because you magnified the name of the Lord doesn't mean that everybody likes you because you are a disrupter your God is a disrupter he sit them on into Athens and begin to take over Greece because the Greek language was prevalent in the society and the gospel couldn't be spread if it were only spoken in the Hebrew it had to be spoken in Greek because the preponderance of the people of that time spoke Greek and had the gospel not reached Athens and touch Greece then the New Testament wouldn't have been written in Greek and the word would not have that now there's one thing about God's word if he gets ready to get it out no devil in Hell can stop it from coming the past if God gets ready to move on the thing he can move and no one can hinder him if God gets ready to bless someone he can bless and nobody hit cars ship if it's ready to open the door you'll swing the door wide open and even your worst enemy cannot shut the door on your life I wish I had a hundred witnesses that will clap their hands and make some noise now in our text they have moved from these areas of Ephesus they have moved from Athens and now Paul has come to Philippi and he is preaching the gospel to the Philippian people and he has began to minister there and as he ministers he gets a follower who is a loud follower see his flamboyance she's excessive he's loud and rowdy and she's saying the right things but it's not coming from the right place the Lord told me when I get to this point to be careful to warn some of you that there are some people around you who say the right thing but it is not coming from the right place and you've got to be careful and you've got to use discernment because just because they talk the talk doesn't mean they're really one of you and you've got to know when somebody's trying to fake you out because they have learned the lingo and they've learned how to walk like us and they've learned how to talk like us but they're really not one of us at all it was this woman's activating praise that finally got on Paul's nerves to the point then he rebuked the devil that was operating in her life for you see the woman though she was declaring the wonderful works of God she had a spirit of divination she was a witch and the Apostle Paul recognized what was in her and not just what was on her there are some people that will come to you in sheep's clothing but behind it all they are a demonic force the devil is afraid to come to you as a devil because he knows you would rebuke him immediately but he will transform himself into an angel of light and try to trick you into filtrating your crowd but I'm so glad there's some folks in here that pray enough to have discernment to know the difference between talking the talk and walk in the walk and many people in this room would have been destroyed but the Holy Ghost warned you just in time that girl is not your friend that brother cannot be trusted that group you ought to get away from Allah some people only think God when he opens doors but I think him when he closed his doors after him for the job I didn't get I think him for the friend that walked away I think him for the person that he gave me he showed me was a betrayer I thank you for his protection and right now I ask the Lord shut some doors shut shut such that set such some doors shut some doors shut shut anything you don't want me to have said anything you don't want me to be sad anything you don't want me to enjoy and I promise you I'll praise you just as much when you shut the door as I do when you open the door I promise you I won't pout but I'll praise you and lift you up because you're why well it would be praise where they tippy praise worthy to be praised look back over your life and look at the doors that he's shut and start thanking God for the doors he shut the one you didn't marry the one you didn't walk away with the job you didn't take the door that he didn't open it was God protecting you it might have hurt your feelings for a moment but God has a way of protecting you from Eva ha ha but rihan's together and thank him for divine protection oh come on man you can do better than that thank you for divine protection you're here because he protected you you're alive because he protected you you're healthy because he protected you you survived because protected you he protected you when the enemy implanted himself in your camp for the things he has done Paul got sick of it and he cast the devil out of the woman he casts that devil out and when he casts that devil out her bosses became infuriated because they could no longer use her for great gain some people only love you when they can use they didn't hear me let me pin y'all some people only love you when they can use you as long as they can gain from you they'll let you sit at the table but the moment they can't get anything else out of you they will throw you away but I thank God that God is not like that then when God has a plan for your life he's not blessing you because he can use you he's using you so he could bless you somebody makes some noise in this place oh yeah the woman was gone and she could no longer be used for great gain and all of a sudden the magistrate's and the powers of the Roman empower ruling dominated Philip I became upset because this gospel was being preached and when they got upset they strip Paul and Silas of their clothing and told the jail you're in charge of this now the jailer is not willing to endanger himself with somebody that Rome is so upset about so he put them in the inner prison in the darkest thickness place them from getting out see when you are chosen back on the enemy will put you in the darkest place possible because you have the greatest anointing let me try that again the enemy will put you in the darkest place because you have the greatest anointing I know you think that if you're really anointed you won't go through anything but I came to disrupt your pattern of thinking the more annoying that you are the more the enemy will attack you the more the Lord has a plan for your life before the enemy will attack you the God is going to use you in a mighty way the more the enemy will attack you there are some people in here right now that are under attack and the only reason the enemy has thrown you in the prison is because you have so much power that if he didn't do what he did huh you would disrupt his entire kingdom and that's why you gotta get in the dungeon and you've got praise anyway I may be trapped but I'm anointed have anointed baby light on but I'm annoying today I may be frustrated I wish I had someone knowing tip people in this place that will open up their mouth and start making a noise under God I don't need all of the odds of see the hundred radical people who don't care what they got or they don't care what they look like and don't pass what people say [Applause] all that was appraised where everybody this is the praise for people who have been up a lot there a time who have had to fight hell and high water who have been installs and admire this is the praise for somebody who has to fight their way out [Applause] [Music] slap your neighbor tell em I'm still here I've been put back but I'm still here I've been cast down but I'm still here I've been through trials and tribulations but I'm still here you don't get rid of me that easy you might get rid of my labor that easy but never you messed with the wrong what this time I will praise God cuppa hell or high water somebody give me the fries right now [Applause] my god I feel the power of the Holy Ghost in this room let us be careful not to assume that the only burden they have is being cast in the inner sanctum of the prison because that is not true we overlook the fact that they beat them first and they beat them severely now most people when they talk about praising God in the prison they don't talk about being beaten first there is a difference between somebody who is just praising God and somebody who's got the stripes who's been through the fire who's been up under attack I'm talking about wounded praises wounded praises have a different sound and a different tenor at a different thrust little praises just praise it because they're trying to be cute but when you got the stripes of your back there's a different level of intensity you go through when you get ready to praise God a wounded prese when the lacerations across his back and blood running down his backside said though he slay me yeah trust in me here though I know there's got to be some wound it freezes in here the devil beat you up and body was go shut your mouth but the devil is a devil I will give God the sacrifice Batiatus rap in this price here at this place here at this place be rough with this right here at this place with us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that is the kind of praise that produces an earthquake it's not just any praise it's not but it's somebody that's been beat to a pop they call to hell and high water have been thrown if they intersect about the prison have been rejected and ostracize been alienated it yes Father they say you think I'm proper crime and you think I'm gonna quit and you think I'm gonna drop my hair and you think I'm gonna blow my brains out huh but I got a news flash [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but that Lisbon I know she'd not go praise God I know he's not gonna praise God after the week they had I know what they've been through I know you [Music] I'm still home free I'm playing but I'm still don't praise him I got chains on me but I'm still don't praise it I'm locked up in the back of the prison but I'm still let me sit with it I'm almost done bbbbbb the strange thing is that when they started praising God in spite of their wounds and in spite of their chains for they were chained hand and feet but praise is not just bodily movement see they chained their hands and their feet but they left their mouths loose [Applause] [Music] that's a baby said the powers in my mouth is it my mouth without but my mouth something is gonna happen [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you see from Jesus couldn't because the power of life and death is it your mouth glory to God and when Jesus got ready to back he had to shut up but as long as he was speaking up life was coming out of his mouth and you ought to be like Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] and so the text says that an earthquake hit the prison that's what the text says an earthquake hit the prison but the earthquake started in their mouth [Applause] and the Hawley reason that devil is doing what he's doing like he's doing it to you right now said you shut up and take it if you want to start an earthquake open up your mouth [Applause] [Music] let me show you something you can only produce awkwardly what you are you if there's no earthquake on the inside they'll be North Frank on the outside if there's no fire in your belly there'll be no fire in your preaching if there's no victory on the inside there'll be no victory on the outside but with you gotta be inside of you Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises under God they did the singing and the praying and all the prisoners did was hear them now I understand why Paul and Silas band should be loosed because they did the friend and they did the singing and it makes sense that if I do the praying and I do the singing then my bands ought to be loose but God said when he brings you out he's gonna bring everybody out in your house [Applause] everything connected to you daddy yes y'all gosh you are a holler for your daughter your son right now it took all day to get him in but it only took one moment to break the Palouse I want to talk to somebody who's been dealing with a burden for a long time God said he's not gonna take a long time to get you out I'm gonna give you a sudden miracle right now miracle and immediately miracle who am i preaching to me [Music] [Music] [Music] immediately everyone's pants we're loose old Christmas young Christmas Christmas Lane Christmas fine business immediately everyone's pants were loose there is an anointing that is so strong then if you get in close proximity to it it will break every yoke in this room there is an annoying thing if you get loose what are you praise if the wounded phrases in here start praising God then all the sunday morning folk who only come the tractor this Sunday will get loose because your news [Music] [Music] now to my text all of that was prelude to the text because it's what happens next that gave me this message the soldier the guard came in and saw all the doors were open and everyone's bands were loosed and instead of trying to apprehend them because there is a breakthrough so strong that once you get it came nobody stopped it [Music] you would think if he was the guard he would try to pull his sword and push him back in the jail but there is a deliverer ascetic on so strong that there ain't no going back is there anybody in here that made up in your mind I'm not so rather than to try to control the uncontrollable or conceive the inconceivable or manage the avantage above the guard makes a decision it would be easier to kill me then kill them they're unkillable shunda Boeotia ha ha ha ha I knew it's gonna take a minute for that to sink in there unkillable there is a point in your breakthrough that you've come to a point that there is no turning back and the innovative finally gives up on the fight I recognize I can't manage her I think control him I think stop that woman I'd never move it it'd be easier to kill me the moment the guy gets ready to kill himself get ready to kill yourself with the sword that's a commitment now call me a wuss but if I ever got ready to take myself out it wouldn't be anything as dramatic as the sword I might sleep awaited but if you ever find me in a room and I'm thrust through with the sword I didn't do it cuz I love me too much I love me I don't like to make myself when I'm saving I promised my mama I would take care of her baby and all of a sudden the tax changed with the guard about to commit suicide Paul the prisoner now starts ministering to the one who imprison him what kind of love do you have to have to be able to minister to your oppressor [Music] we got a shout just cuz you survived sometimes you gotta praise them that you're alive to tell the story somebody else will blow their brains out but [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are see that's why I love this church cuz y'all help me freaky fear not because we are look at what you survived look at what all you've been through look at how many times in and they tried to take you out look at how many times the enemy was after your blessing after your position after your career but this [Music] got me confused it got me happy but it got me confused cuz I said what are y'all doing still there the chains have come off the door is open the guard is about to commit suicide why are you still and that's when I realize my prison [Applause] i'ma piss all over here my president is not my problem now I understand why stay in prisons with doors open because Paul understood that the attack that we thought came from the enemy was the transportation of the holy spirit to put him in a place that what looked like a prison and what look like a problem this is a word for somebody this is a word for god for supplies what looks like a prison in your life right now what looks like a problem is really a platform [Applause] [Music] I'm telling you that God is going to use the very thing that they had a me set to destroy God is going to use it [Applause] [Music] and all this time I've been praying Lord if you just get me out of this prison if you just get me out of this situation if you just get me out of this job if you just get me out of this problem if you just get me out of this marriage if you just get me out from under this attack Lord if you just get me out if you just get me out and then that preacher comes from America and messes up my prayer life because he came and told me my prison is not my problem my prison was my platform and everything that happened to bring me to the prison was God maneuvering me into a place where I could have the greatest impact maybe you don't know that the Philippian Church started in the Philippian Jail all of that preaching Paul did out of prison didn't start the church it didn't do much at all he was preaching and preaching and preaching and getting no results except a crazy woman following him Harlan and that's a bad thing when you got one church member and they crazy when I first our pastor and I I asked the Lord winner you don't trust me with some same people he gave me some people who was a few good ones but he gave me some people to practice on I'm trying to make sure ain't none I'm here God will have you practice in a place of obscurity preparing you for notoriety and when the time is right you will know that you are eligible for promotion because you'll get an attack that'll put you in a prison promotions are introduced through problems all you said all the time you just don't say it that way you said this way it was good for me that I was afflicted for had I not been afflicted I would have never been sick I would have never known he was a healer if I had never been broke I would have never known he was a provider if I had never been heartbroken I would have never known he was a comforter if I had never shed tears I would have never known that he will wipe the tears out of my eyes so whenever he gets ready to reveal a different aspect of himself he puts me in a prison or problem as a platform so that he could show me a side of himself I've never seen before I don't know I'm talking to somebody that thing that you're dealing right now that thing that you're dealing with right now that thing that you're going through right now it's not a problem it's a setup God is getting ready to show you something about himself that you couldn't find out any other way so he won't let the people that you thought would help you let you down because you see if the people that you thought would help you really came through you would owe them the praise but because they said no and God did in another way who knew all the praise [Applause] now this is where it gets really intense Paul knew the prison was not the problem the problem with us is that we don't know that the prison is not the problem so we're trying to get out of what God got us into because until you have the right perspective you won't know how to manage the platform if you don't see it as a platform you can't use it as a platform the door flew open the chains fell off the prison was shaken and Paul was like cool that's fine this ain't a problem this is a platform God's gonna give some glory out of this we're shut up we're tired down we're in the inner sanctum of the prison Rick's didn't die in the morning but this is not the problem this is the platform not can you hear the word of the Lord when things get darkest it's just a platform for God to show himself strong in your life everything else must show itself weak [Applause] when everything around you begins to weaken and it looks like tomorrow is uncertain it's a setup for God to show himself strong but in order for God to show himself strong you have to perceive the prison as a platform now I don't know who I'm preaching to but what yeah we're all here I love that we are all here good I'm gonna keep right on that my lad you think I'm preaching about prisons and platforms but I'm not I'm really preaching about perspective see when I started talking about prisons and the bands coming off he started shouting and when I told you that the prison was not a problem you got happy and when I told you it was a platform you rejoice but I'm telling you in order to use the platform you have to change [Applause] if I don't look at it right it won't work right if I don't look at it right I will run from the very thing that God created to bless me a friend of mine lives up in Norfolk Virginia the flood came through and when the floods come through and they say the floods coming in they take what was our two lanes of traffic going on the highway and all lanes are committed to getting out so you've got eight lanes of people trying to get out of Norfolk as quick as they could because the flood was coming now with eight lanes of traffic going this way here come these boys running toward the flood and they had surfboards because what other people saw as a problem they saw it as an opportunity they said the waves are never gonna be as high as they are right now this is a good time for me to get in the Guinness World Book of Records cause if I'm right this way I want to talk to surface see which people know this when the stock market goes down that's with you about poor people when the market goes down they say give me my money rich people say I'm buying all of it they do the biggest transactions in the worst times because of perception poor people see it as a problem rich people see it as an opportunity and until you change your perspective you will miss your opportunity because you will see it as a problem and you won't run away from what great people run into poor people look at a building it's broke down and condemned and say oh look things are going down rich people look at a building this broke down and say I'm a bad for little of nothing perspective determines your outcome the occasion the walk oh sure if you do not see this prison correctly then you'll die in the jail this is an opportunity for people to rise up and do what you couldn't do before because others were in the way when you see them running grab your surfboard and run toward what they're running from because the difference between the pauper and less successful is not anything physical boffo have got two hands and two feet and two legs and two knees and two arms and two eyes and a mouth the only difference between the mighty and the my loot is prospective now you're a smart church so you are out to be able peaches if you get another perspective about what you thought was a problem somewhere in that problem is a platform for God to show himself strong in your life and when God gets ready to really bless you he gives you a problem the problem is the promise your whole Bible tells you this but you didn't see it right the disciples had the wrong perspective Jesus we got 5,000 men following us not to mention women and children and we don't have enough money to feed these people in they're hungry that's a problem only thing we got is a little boys lunch to fish and five loaves of bread this is a problem send them away jesus said no no no don't leave the prison what you perceive as a problem is a platform for me to show you who I am give me the lunch and he took the two fish and five loaves of bread and he used it as a platform because of his perspective the disciples were ready to run away the miracle can I go deeper now we know whatever Jesus preached that day was good because Jesus with no microphone no sound system no PA system had preached 5,000 men not to mention women and children so if there's one woman to every man and one child 15,000 people that's a lot of people to preach through with no mic and to preach so powerfully that they forgot to eat in a desert whatever he preached that they must have been awesome because they would rather face this shot then to miss his message look at how they valued the word they would rather pass out then to miss a word preached by a man who didn't have a mic to a crowd of 15,000 people let me blow your mind again none of the Gospel writers ever told us what he preached whatever he preached was awesome but we don't know what it was because they didn't write down what he preached because what he preached was not as dynamic as the problem he saw you are valued on the level of your ability to solve a problem the janitor has little problems the CEO has big problems the bigger the problem you manage the bigger your reward jesus said bring them to me give me what you got let me show you what I'm working with and it took two fish and five loaves of bread and set them down in groups of 50 do you know how long it takes to count 15,000 people in two groups of 50 and get them to sit down hungry in the desert in the hot Sun so they can watch you turn a problem into a promise the jesus says when they were all seated all them were seated he said let me show you something this is not a prison and this is not a problem this is a platform and he took two fish he took two fish and five loaves of bread with all eyes on him he didn't go over no corner he said no I'm not gonna do it today everybody sitting down looking see sometimes your problem ain't bad enough until everybody's looking at God wants him to be talking about you cuz that means they looking at it so that when he brings you out they got to admit that God was on your side to bring you poor that treated so he took and he blessed it he lifted up not enough and said thank you for not enough I know it's not but two fish and five loaves of bread but I give you thanks but not enough and then he after he blessed not enough he began to break it until it became God said I am NOT just going to meet your need I'm gonna give you leftovers I'm gonna give you so many leftovers that your problems gonna be gathering up what you didn't use but you'll never experience it until you change your perspective stand up on your feet [Applause] now listen to me why did God bring you here this morning what is it in your life that God is talking about that if you had another perspective on it the whole thing would change this is where it gets personal no slapping your neighbor no high-fiving no dancing there now what are you looking at the wrong way what problem is wrapping up your opportunity and if you change your perspective on it Gus Kahn used that thing or that person or that situation to bless you join hands with somebody the only thing that we all have in common we speak different languages we wear different clothes we wear different we different foods we celebrate different holidays but the one thing we all have in common are those moments and we want to run and the person whose hand you're holding right now may not admit it to you but there have been days they wanted to run but they are still here squeeze that's what a survivor feels like the person you're touching is not there because they haven't been in trouble that they haven't cried that they haven't been beaten that they don't carry stripes on their back but what the devil meant to take them out didn't even work and they are still here squeeze that hand that's a real person that's a survivor you touch it I don't know whether you know it or not that you hold in a miracle in your hands right now you're holding somebody that the enemy tried to kill over and over again they've been through the fire they've been through the flood they've been through the storm they've been through the rain they've been through the test but guess what they're still here if God don't do anything else for them they're already blessed because they are still here the very fact that they're alive is a sign that God has been on their side he's getting ready to take it to the next level he's getting ready to take you from survival to success asunder double handed it who said that the data doubles now and there because Shonda that ha right there in the middle of the prison God says to Paul start something and he started a church in a jail those of you that are dealing with problems in your house or with your kids and with your marriage or with your finances or with your job or with your company or with your business in the middle of the problem of God is saying start something the Lord said what you have been praying to me about as a problem is a promise out of what looks like a problem a promise is going to come I am going to use that thing David go ahead and face that giant that giant is not your problem he's your platform I'm gonna make all of Israel notice a shepherd boy by putting him in front of a giant Oh God give me my giant David needed the giant to set the platform for him to be king and you need this problem to show yourself strong in the face of the enemy squeeze that hand because you're gonna need courage no running no seeking no turning back no taking the easy way out no feeling sorry for yourself no more depression that got in the divorce deal was it do Busha aqua do equal shy yeah God said I'm getting ready to start something I'm gonna start something in your life I'm gonna start something I'm gonna start something right in the place of your pain right in the place of your problem right in the place where you praise me in spite of everything going wrong in your life of getting ready to start something in your life God said I'm gonna do a new thing in your life father I pray for every hand that's Benny Hill in every heart that's open in every mind that is receptive to receive the infallible immutable everlasting Word of God then out of the ashes of despair and bad news and agony and turmoil that something fresh is about to emerge squeeze that hand the dress is coming out of that woman's something fresh is coming out of that man something fresh is coming out of that ministry something fresh is coming out of that business something fresh is coming out but that circumstance right there [Music] he's about to do something that your eyes and your ears have not heard and neither have edited into your heart the things that God has in store for this then love him but it's gonna be a fresh fresh yes Lord the Lord told me to pray for your mind I pray that your mind would open up I pray that your perspective would change I pray that you get a new vision I pray that you get a new revelation sinner I pray that you would see it clearly I pray that God would give you supernatural discernment I pray that God would set before you an open door I pray the blessing of the Lord would follow either from the balcony to the back room that the Spirit of God would fall right now on somebody's standing and sitting I don't have enough I don't have enough piss I don't have enough that I don't have enough patience I don't have enough mercy I don't have enough money I don't have enough friends I don't have enough education doesn't give me a watch your God let me show you how my strength is made perfect in your weakness right now in the name of Jesus for every yoke that breaks and every bondage that is destroyed and every life that is changed today because give Him praise come on don't stop don't stop don't stop don't stop don't stop don't stop don't stop don't snob who's up I can hear y'all in the balcony come on let me hear all the way in the back all the way at the top no stops it almost won't let me watch it online I wanna hear you [Applause] there will be testimonies after this I want you to I want you to share your testimony I want you to speak your word if you have to testify to me hit me up at Bishop Jake's Instagram Twitter Facebook I want to hear what God did in your life go something is gonna happen after this word is gonna blow your mind make a noise [Applause] give me one more moment while you're yet standing with every hit bowed and every eye closed some people leave because of the prison's inner prisons emotional prisons financial prisons marital prisons will make you ask where is God and there are some people that will leave and some people who won't come to him because they say if God loved me I wouldn't have this problem well God loves Paul but he put him in jail God loved Jesus but he hung him on a cross god loves you and he's waiting on you to get the kind of faith that will praise him in the prison and so before I sit down to every backslider in this room to every person who has never come to Jesus to every person who has come to Jesus and you've allowed the waves of the Hurricanes of trouble to blow you away from your promise today is your day while hits about an eyes are closing people are praying all over this room I want you to step past seven and come into the nearest aisle and come down to this altar to say I'm giving my life to God every backslider every sinner in this room I'm coming back to God I gotta I gotta get myself together I don't want to miss what God has for my life because I didn't perceive it right and right now softly and tenderly Jesus is calling he's calling the poor sinner poor backslider come home come home ye who are weary come home if you're tired of fighting and wrestling by yourself I don't care if you gotta come out of the balcony I wait on you this is your moment do not miss it he's still watching [Music] he still has a plan for your life I know you got some scars on your back and your wrists or bloody and your ankles are torn but softly until Jesus calling poor sinner come home I want to come home I made some bad choices I made a mistake I wasn't looking at things right I hit the wrong perspective my life looked like a prison I was shut up emotionally financially sexually all kinds of issues in my life that then I felt like he did love me how could you love me how could you love me how could you love me and leave me like this how could you love me motherless and fatherless and hurting and wounded and I'm lonely I didn't know this was a platform for you to show me that if I got you I got everything I need but I know it now and I'm coming home I'm gonna wait one more minute for the person who struggles the most is the one that the devil hates to let go off why don't you come I see you coming I'm waiting on you I'm waiting on you I'm waiting on you I'm waiting on you softly and tenderly he's not gonna make you do it he's just gonna nudge you you want this you want me come home I'm getting ready to pray in just a moment I want you included in that prayer I don't want you to miss his prayer I don't want the devil to talk you out of missing this prayer I'm getting ready to pray I'm getting ready to pray and I think you're supposed to be in this prayer I think you're tired of doing it your way and you're gonna come home [Music] the only reason I'm waiting is people are still walking and I want you in this prayer and more importantly the enemy does not want you in this prayer father god I stretched my hand out over this people they have gathered and come from every direction some of running toward the altar because they want your blood to cover their sins and their lives and their struggles and their pain God as I stretched forth my hand over this house your sons and your daughters your wayward girls and your prodigal sons coming to you father I thank you that you shed your blood on the Calvary that they might be saved and you rose up the third day that they might have the right to the Tree of Life and there is no issue that's got a grip on them that will not turn them loose right now in the name of Jesus the bow the blind be affected the infected HIV positive I don't care what your situation is the Spirit of God gives life and I speak life right now over your life I speak life over your circumstances I speak life over your heart I plead the blood of Jesus to cleanse every sin in your life and set you free the elders are praying over you right now and as the elders reach through the crowded lay hands on everybody you can reach as you lay hands on everybody you can reach the very power of God overshadow you they're not above Spirit of God it's life and deliverance right now lay your hands on us right now I pray God that every one of them would be filled with your spirit that the anointing of the Holy Ghost SSS get in that crowd get in there get in there get in there get them go get the Bob what's that that's his son that's his son that's his son right there grunts his son I need about five thousand praises to jump up on your feet and praise God like the angels are rejoicing [Applause] come on the angels are rejoicing don't let him out shelter don't let him out shout yeah [Music] father I pray that he pointed these Souls up here pointing at them just punch your hand at him punch your hand everybody put your hand at these souls and myself I pray they'd never be the same again Micah come see me just reversing anything the Holy Ghost gives you I pray they'd never be the same again I pray that they would be completely restored I pray God that you would break every chain off of him the chain of addictions a chain of drugs that chain the perversion the chain of shame and guilt the chain of suicide and depression the chain said all their life I come into my command and I command them in the name of Jesus but then now if the name of Jesus they will not be his church like they came they will not be this church like they came they will be free they will be holding will be blessed they will be delivered they will rejoice a will they will they will they will they will they will they will they will they well they will have a new perspective they will have a new brain they will have a new idea they will have a new identity they will have a new identity they will have a new identity the old man is destroyed everything is new right now in the name of Jesus lift your hands and open your mouth and begin to praise Him all over this sanctuary all over this ultra all over this building [Music] but you see God intentionally working in your life and allowing the enemy permission to bring trouble that travel is not for your demise to have trouble is for your trial it is your position that is supposed to control your condition since it is God who's working the devil work in your anointing working his word working your faith working divine direction working intentionally through everything you go through all things work together oh and dear to say to you Nancy nothing yet [Music]
Channel: George's Diary TV
Views: 19,748
Rating: 4.8192773 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, church, christianity, gospel, news, good news, devotional, career, business, self development, nation building, elections, vote, election, tv, best of gospel songs, talk shows, life issues, marriage, relationship, love, romance, bible, truth, kitchen, delicacies, pastors, ministers of the gospel, answers
Id: RTfvedgGgVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 22sec (5242 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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