Module Making: Designing and Creating MELC-compliant Modules PART 2

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you you yes hello good afternoon good afternoon sir franco good afternoon sir angelo i am happy to be spending this saturday afternoon with you again and of course from all over the philippines as i mentioned last week i i'm sure that this week that you had was probably just as tiresome and uh nepal salamat because you decided to give us a few hours so that we can be together assist you with part two this time of our module making today is going to be a right shop on designing and creating melc compliant mode part 2 will actually require or will actually have another certificate yes we will have a certificate a separate certificate for a party i and so part one certificate another certificate for part two so just like last week uh we you will be spending your afternoon with us your speakers and moderators yours truly joseph angelo santos from lasalle green hills i am joined this afternoon again by sir franco nicolo adon from xavier school and angkor like from savior's school also see mr angelo maliari yeah so recolon puna then we had our part one last week that was july four and uh today is the part two the last part of our two part uh webinar on designing mglc compliant modules so what was part one all about we discussed with you we shared with you uh whatever we knew whatever our insights were about module designs concepts and principles so last week we basically set up the foundation for today's workshop mr franco later on we'll also be presenting you with templates and will actually even have a sort of demonstration he will be showing you an actual module that he produced and as i mentioned earlier we will of course have another set of certificates for this part too and we just have some reminders regarding that we request that after this webinar in in 30 minutes at the end of our webinar we request that you fill out our evaluation future in divorce the links will of course be available at our agape teacher support facebook page there are multiple links we will be opening multiple links and each would have a 1500 limit so if for example you try one link and you cannot access it perhaps um one five limit the solution to that is just to try and access the other available links please be ready also to answer webinar related questions because we would be asking you questions that are related to the webinar yes we want them to we value the learning of our teachers and of course i love the amount of teachers and essential measurements of successful transfer correct and uh just like last week the certificates will be sent via email so we request please please double check your email minsand spam right and i just hope that the email that you used when you registered are correct in very sensitive programs not in that require email addresses one wrong letter and please double check also i hope you double check also the information uh throughout the week we have been receiving dinama pero meron because that name is actually the name that will appear in your certificate in your e-certificate and our target is for all certificates to be processed within seven days earlier why not reserve your questions during the q and a um if you have questions that you wish to ask we also of course have our live chat questions it is close to impossible that we are able to address all of the questions within the period that we have in our webinar but marina cosmeto facebook page it is also actually a support group you are part of the supported and the supporters or you probably have a better answer support page so for our flow this afternoon parallel my idea more or less what will happen we will begin with magic abrahadabra of course revisiting the m-e-l-c uh this right shop this workshop m-e-l-c everything will be aligned with the melc hence the need for us to revisit that revisit also some principles that were shared with us last week and then we will talk about very quickly uh most important a very important part of the writing process in pre-writing and then the last part the major chunk of our webinar this afternoon will be the workshop proper all right uh so sir jambi uh let's uh start now we'll start with our revisiting me delivered by sir angelo give we before we show your presentation it's always good to have the goal before before we do anything it's good to start with the goal with our why and i think this is our why why we're do why we're really uh doing this particular workshop is for us to have uh our modules compliant with the m elc are the most essential learning competencies and it's good to revisit that particular uh idea in order for us to be directed towards our writing so i hope uh to share with you some of the things maybe some of them you already uh have an idea but it's good to revisit them before we formally begin with the discussion of the writing of our modules yeah all right thank you sir angelo uh for that okay so let's start with uh sir angela's presentation good afternoon again maybe your teachers before we dive into the mojo making it is good to look into and revisit the most financial learning competencies so for our discussion and sharing this afternoon i will be looking into the rationale of milk and its alien characteristics we'll also look into the structure which many of us have been used to because we have seen already the milk and i will also suggest how to use it in order for us to maximize the most essential learning competencies and some reminders towards the end as we do our modules first let's look into the rationale of the most essential learning competencies december of 2019 that had launched the as its battle cry to reform and achieve quality in basic education as secretary bryanas explained that educate will have the kite as its four key reforms first the k-12 curriculum review and update improvement of learning environment teachers up scaling and risk killing and engagement of stakeholders for support and collaboration these four reform areas hope to reach a better quality education for our uh students thus the imagery of the kite which somehow gives us the flight or the hope to a better education system step and prepares for the curriculum review and update we experience 2v19 and so that is effort to reach our students despite this pandemic have released the most essential learning competencies that recognize this the need to reform our curriculum at the same time because of this pandemic the need for multiple learning modalities and platform to deliver education they focus on the most relevant and making sure that education and learning will be more flexible to our students depending on their context thus the milk or the most essential learning competencies was formulated the release of milk is not a response to address the challenges of the current endemic but it's also a part of department's long-term response to the call of this sustainable development goal number four to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life long learning opportunities for all to develop a resilient education system especially during emergencies it is also a response to the findings that there are overlaps and congestion in the curriculum and we ourselves can attest to that that the curriculum is so congested and there are many overlaps and thus the male is a way for us to revisit this particular curriculum and focus on the most essential understandings or competencies that we want our students to develop also this is a reminder that it does not diminish the standards set by the full k-12 curriculum guides smell for the most essential learning competencies actually acts as a guide for teachers as they address the instructional needs of learners while ensuring curriculum standards are maintained and achieved we have to consider that we are in a pandemic we are in an extraordinary situation where one we will not have a face-to-face encounter in anytime soon second the different learning platforms and modalities which our students are in because of their context some of them will have internet access some of them might just have radios in televisions or even some will just resort to uh learning packages or modules that we are creating because of the diverse context and situations that they are in so the most essential learning competencies are competencies that a learner needs in order to continue to their grade levels and ultimately in life for them to be successful in life that is why in the process of creating the most essential learning competencies it focuses on one making sure that the competencies are aligned with the national standards two it is connected with other concepts or the interconnectedness of that particular concept that particular competencies to other competencies the applicability of this to real life or else it will be useless if they will not be able to use it in real life situation fourth the importance for students to acquire this particular learning competencies and lastly this particular competencies cannot be expected to learn ordinarily outside the school setting again it is reminded or we are reminded that mel is a way for us to ensure learning of students this particular concepts and skills through meaningful activities and scenarios relatable to them and within the context of students own environment why because if it will not be meaningful if they cannot relate on it and if not contextualized in their situation then whatever will be giving content skills will not be something that they will use forward in life and also it will not make impact or meaning to their education because this is the challenge of not only this company but this world that everything that they learn will have a meaning that they can relate to it that it's part of their context in order for it to matter to them so some of the most essential learning competencies salient characteristics are the following first is that most essential learning competencies are focused on the endurance which is what remains with the students after the tests or even after the study is completed that's why when deaf ed tries to look into the different competencies in the curriculum guide they look into what can be retained because this particular criterion is something not only as a prerequisite skill for the next level but it contributes to the lifelong learning of the students there are some competencies that can be merged or clustered because of the same objectives or learning intentions some are dropped because it is too specific or it's not important in this time and also some needs to be rephrased in order for it to fit the context of our students second salient characteristic and i think it's also a reminder is that milk the most essential learning competencies are actually guides and supplements it does not replace the curriculum guides that we already have already given by the deafness so when we use the most essential learning competencies we can use it side by side our curriculum guides what is good with the milk is that it is more focused on the essential but again it does not diminish the curriculum guides of each subject area this is just a support to that curriculum guide and it addresses the concern of the present time and the last salient characteristic is that it is contextualized it is accommodated for accommodating the varied context of learners teachers the learning environment and support structures thus depending on the modality that the student will choose this most essential learning competencies can still be applied so again regardless of whether the student will go blended learning online learning or the use of radios or tv or even the use of a printed material they can apply or they can still move forward and learn the most essential things because this is embedded or the milk is embedded in whatever modality in whatever context that they are in let's also revisit the structure of the most essential learning competencies or milk which many of us already familiar in the milk you will see three important things first is the content standard which is focused on the knowledge that the students should learn at each grade level second is the performance standards these are the skills that they need to demonstrate which is expected as they do their instruction their and the last one is of course the most essential learning competencies so looking at your curriculum guide you will see that what milk has offered is actually in the curriculum guide as well in the performance and the content standards so again milk is not something new because it is actually a supplement to the curriculum guide so how to use milk again as we use the most essential learning competencies we have to consider first the learning modalities because what we don't what we don't want to happen is that we structure our modules on only a perspective or what what do i mean by that is that it's just focus for example on online learning what we want is that despite the difference or varied in modalities math will still be achieved also the relevance of this particular situation this particular context of students as they undergo education the milk will help in developing that particular way of teaching and way of delivering the lesson and of course flexibility because we need to be flexible especially that we are in on certain times and we also have to consider the many other factors aside from the system that we are in or the situation that we are in we also have to look into the capacity of the children of the parents of our teachers as we formulate our modules which is milk compliant one way to do this is through integration which is to make meaningful connection across discipline so having a lesson is not just a separate lesson but try to integrate that with other subject matters or other content as well why is it that this is a good way for us to be milk compliant first integration increases understanding retention and application of concepts not only a specific concept but multiple concepts as well second it helps to develop diverse perspective and points of view as well as values this is very important because we don't want to have a one-sided understanding of certain topics it's good to look at it in a different perspective in order for us to value it and in order for us to appreciate the interconnectedness of our lesson to other subject matter and to life second a third increase ability to make decisions think critically and creatively and synthesize knowledge beyond the disciplines so again integration helps not only in achieving what the students need to learn at this point but also beyond what they will learn not only in our subject matter but also in the grade level so it helps them to be decisive to think critically to be creative in their learning and in their understanding fourth it enhanced the ability to identify assess and solve real life problems because we are living in a world where there are so many problems that we encounter integrating our knowledge to other disciplines will help us realize that what we are teaching is actually of help when we go out to the real world and solve real problems and the last one it promotes cooperative learning better attitude and it increases motivation so given these reasons there are many things that we can get from integrating our lessons uh our competencies to other competencies in order for us to achieve a more holistic education a more positive educational outcome for our students so integrative teaching is interactive it's collaborative and it's innovative and there are four ways that we can apply this integrative teaching using milk first is through thematic teaching when you focus on the themes so for example you have a theme about nation building so if you have that theme in mind he can put all the uh concepts can put also the competencies the knowledge the skills that they need in order for them to build our nation so in that way you don't need to separately teach this particular topics uh independently but because there's a theme you focus your attention to the theme and build that particular goal in mind using the different knowledge and skills that you have in your mail second it can also be a content based instruction where there's the interplay of the content and the language i think this is more for the language subjects where they integrate their content to the practice of the language third is focusing on inquiry which uh focuses on the questions that students will have or students may have as they go on to their education so the driving point for students to learn are the questions that they have and the last one is generic competence which focuses on linking other competencies to a one a particular generic competence or competency that they will be able to achieve for example if you want uh wellness so you can integrate the competencies of pe of arts of uh other subject matter that focuses on the well-being so those are just some ways on how we can have the integrative or integrative teaching as a means for us to be male compliant so before we move forward to our actual uh module making process or marshal making workshop here are just some reminders which is under the paradigm shift in this time of the pandemic and since we are living in a vocal world we have to ensure that we not only shift the way we teach but shift the way we think okay the way we think about content the way we think about coverage and the way we think about control first content uh many of us even i am guilty that at times we put so much content on a certain topic because we feel that this is what students know i'm not saying that uh we don't have that particular instinct or we don't have that particular judgment on what the students need to know but at this time of the pandemic it's good to shift our thinking of the content into focusing on the most essentials the most essential like if you remember in our discussion uh in the first part of this module making we have to audit our content because there are some contents that we need to let go because of this extraordinary situation we're not saying that those content are not important but because of this certain circumstances that we are in we have to let them go and just focus on what is relevant and what is important for our students second is coverage again i am guilty in this particular part because sometimes i too wanted to uh ensure that i cover what is needed for this particular grade level but again because of this particular situation we have to shift our mindset into just mere covering the things that we need to cover okay that's why we're shifting our mindset from just the content and the coverage to the most essential learning competencies and the last one is of course control uh even i at times as is guilty of this there is a sense of control from how i want to teach my students this uh how i plan to to impart the knowledge and in order for them to be able to uh get and uh imbibe those learning but because of our situation we have to consider their context we also have to consider the learning modalities that we have to prepare to prepare and in doing so we have to let go of control and what do we mean by that sometimes teachers we need to let go of making our students think the way we think also this also means that at times we have to trust them in their learning yes this is something that is frightening because we are embarking into uh uncharted territories or at the unknown but we have to trust our students that whatever we will be preparing for them is something that they will use and they will treasure not because teacher says to says so but also because this is for their own good this is something that they need to learn not only for a subject but in order for them to be successful in life so this paradigm shift is necessary as we create our modules for this coming school year so again thank you i hope i have imparted something uh important to each and every one of you as we move forward to creating our modules thank you good job sir angela uh sir um uh answer angelo can we just like give some thoughts on yeah why do we need to be reminded about the m e l c why do we need this in order to construct our modules it will be the one directing us to the design of our modules so looking into the that essential learning competencies mass magicking directed young acting uh focus uh on arting content and other delivery and other strategies yeah perhaps sir thank you so much for that now and also i'd like to highlight on that and emphasize on that new idea and looking and focusing on the skills and trimming modifying the content in order to achieve the skills sir angela thomas enabler so we do not focus on the content okay we rather focus on the competency uh our content our enablers in order to achieve the competency that's one of the things that you have to really uh look and really focus on the competencies so after jambi any thoughts on okay uh actually sir franco while i was listening to the presentation of sir angelo it got me into thinking uh when whenever we say m-e-l-c given the framework that we will be presenting or that you will be presenting to our um later it is actually very possible that these essentials will actually lead them to learning all the other things nine even i'm gonna discuss all right thank you so much for jumping inside angela for for those two so uh again go back to the we go back to the m.e.l.c alignment so uh that's the reason why our second part of this uh webinar today i will focus on making sure that before we write our mood okay we're actually able to target the alignment of our our module into the mdlc so that's what uh sir jambi will be covering for us i and so yeah thomas sister franco basically my presentation for you this afternoon will sort of provide the transition between the presentation of sir angelo in the presentation of sir franco later on again good afternoon to all our very devoted teachers out there in this session my task is to first give you a very quick review of the principles of design that were presented to us by sir franco last week principle number one deals with alignment so our modules according to cervanco should ensure that the knowledge and skills that we want to hit the activities that we are planning and of course the methods of assessment that we want to use are in fact aligned with each other the second principle deals with building blocks okay and this tells us that each module is actually part of a hole okay yes while each block is independent ultimately they form a bigger picture okay a whole they will lead to synergy principle number three deals with our modules being interactive and engaging simply put this means that our activities should always be student centered now what do we mean by that now this is a term that has been mentioned by so many people in the past how many years when we say student centered the word that safranco used and i'd like to return to that word again this week is empathy we have to empathize with our students we have to place ourselves in their shoes think how they think anticipate how they will react okay and find out what engages them find out what is interesting to them and work on those things principle number four asks us to go visual okay you will see the image in your monitors in your screens it says that in fact ninety percent of information transmitted to the brain is visual right so let's let's grab that opportunity let's make use of those ninety percent because forty percent of people will apparently respond better to visual information than just plain text and 96.7 percent believe that visual content engages best even in social media right so especially during this time when most of us will go online let us grab the opportunity of the availability of so many images to us right uh after all these images are what interests our learners more right if it doesn't help them learn better at the very least it is easier for you to grab their attention which is already a big step okay for us teachers principle number five asks us to provide our learners with a deep dive so uh every now and then we are fortunate enough to finish be able to finish our lessons with still more than enough time to allow our learners to perhaps better understand to better remember the lessons that we just taught them and the deep dive is a good way to be able to do that and how do we do that first providing them with additional resources so don't be limited by whatever is within your textbook there are other books there are other sources of information and especially again i'd like to repeat the set up we are going to be facing the school year the internet is uh providing us with just so many resources information is everywhere a second one a second opportunity for us to provide a deep dive to our learners is to connect whatever they learned to however they will apply it in their real lives i i remember learning about students who can hardly add can hardly subtract but if you just put a peso sign before the numbers and they think of it as money they think of it as something that is tangible something that is applicable in their lives they all of a sudden can add they all of a sudden can subtract so apparently the deep dive helps the real world applications help and finally we also want to be able to make them think critically or more critically how by giving them thought provoking questions by giving them situations right that would require them to think of not just right versus wrong but perhaps better answer the best answer alternate answers uh which they would in turn need to um give reasons for okay and that will help them think critically principle number six uh requests that we ensure our modules provides for structured uh independent learning okay uh again especially in this particular setup we cannot be by our students sides 24 7. okay in fact for many of us not not even a whole hour because that would just be uh difficult for the student difficult even for the teacher and very very difficult for our internet band with so we have to design our modules so much so that even if the learner is not guided by an adult it's not guided by a teacher or the parents it is clear enough for them to understand and know what they're supposed to do it also should be age appropriate now when we say age appropriate uh it means two things number one it is not too difficult okay so that uh they'd be able to answer it meaning they were prepared by whatever it is that they've learned in the past for them to be able to answer or to accomplish your lesson now but it also means that it should be challenging enough for them to continue to grow okay because that is important for our learners and finally um structured independent learning requires that our modules be accessible okay whatever it is that you require of them to find should be accessible to them okay uh you also need to be able to provide them with alternatives okay so what if for example you have an online activity and you have a learner or you have learners who do not necessarily have access to internet or fast internet so your module should be accessible enough the resources of your mojo should be accessible enough that they have other options and then principle number seven the very last perhaps the most important principle in uh module making in designing your modules is feedback okay the feedback mechanism first you have your checkpoints this means that your feedback cannot only come at the very end because sometimes uh if it's only one time when you will check whether or not they've uh understood really the lesson it might be too late already so it would be nice if every now and then there is a way for the teacher or for the learner to actually check whether or not he is in the right direction and in fact if the learner is able to check and find out that oh i am in the right direction that even leads to validation okay and validation leads to self-confidence the learner will want to continue learning and the learner will want to continue learning more right and again this feedback mechanism brings us to our very first principle it ensures alignment okay from the things that you want to hit the the knowledge and skills that you want to hit the activities that the learners are engaging in and the assessment that uh both formative and summative that you asked them to accomplish all of these would be aligned and the feedback mechanisms would help in ensuring that now on to uh our writing workshop this is again a right shop but uh let's first start with what we would like to refer to as the pre-writing now many of you would probably think that oh pre-writing that's this is an optional step okay in fact some of you might even say it's unnecessary or worse some may even be thinking oh free writing that's just a waste of time okay i am here to try and convince you that in fact it might even be the most important step in the writing process the pre-writing the planning stage and i'd like to use the principles that we reviewed earlier to prove to you that the planning stage is very important okay so for example we go back to knowledge and skills activities and assessment planning ensures that all these three are aligned with each other and that all three are aligned with our minimum essential learning competencies and planning would also provide us with an opportunity to constantly check okay not just at the beginning whether or not the the melc is consistent in all of our activities okay and what's nice about it is technology has made this step a lot less burdensome right so because we have technology this would require a lot less cutting a lot less erasing long papers connected together post-it notes we have a lot of programs which we can use sir franco could even share them with you later which would make this a lot less burdensome again because this is very important the pre-writing stage and again building blocks the principle of building blocks this allows us to see the big picture okay planning allows us to see the big picture which in turn would make it easier for us to determine what it is that we are supposed to do for example puzzles yeah you see three puzzle pieces in our screens uh i don't know about you but me whenever i attempt to solve a puzzle okay a jigsaw puzzle i would first refer to the picture in the box okay try and find out what the ultimate goal is right what the final picture is the big picture is or if that is not available i might even spread out the puzzle pieces first make sure that all of the pieces are facing up so that i can see all of the pieces that i have with me so the same is true with your modules you may want to see everything all your resources first so that you can properly plan and all the other steps that will follow would be easier more convenient now you might be thinking to yourselves but sir there are people who actually do not do that they they do not look at the picture in the box they don't even turn upside down or turn turn upwards the puzzle pieces they just dive in and go ahead and answer yes that is true because we have people who probably love the thrill who love taking risks but then again we're dealing with learners we're dealing with kids even we're dealing with people and i don't think it is wise to take risks with their education and again feedback okay just just the planning stage would help us identify these checkpoints i've explained already how very important these checkpoints are and the planning stage would allow us to identify okay oh i should probably have something that would check whether or not my students uh got the lesson in this part or probably the same is true for the students if it's independent structured learning and the planning stage being able to see everything would also give us validation oh i'm i'm actually in the right track because this is actually forming into one hole this is actually forming into the greater picture and we receive that validation before it's too late okay before we realize that oh i i now have six modules who are going in various places and again this allows us to maintain alignment we cannot stress this any further alignment is very important alignment of our assessment with the activities that we ask the students to work on alignment of our activities with the knowledge and skills that we want them to acquire and alignment of these knowledge and skills definitely with the melcs provided by the government and once we've done all those things all of the other principles would be easier it would be a lot less time consuming a lot less burdensome to ensure that our activities are interactive and engaging it would be a lot easier for us to go visual to provide deep dives and to ensure that our modules provide for structured independent learning so again not a waste of time not an optional step in the writing process but it might just be the step that helps all the other steps that will follow a lot easier and with that dear agape i thank you for having listened to me i hope you learn more from my colleagues with their presentations thank you yeah from that presentation again that was in preparation for the uh presentation of sir franco and connects it also with the previous presentation of sir angelo thank you sir so actually uh idea and pre-writing workshop teachers is that before we create our uh our modules is we do we laid them out first so for example we create a table uh and then lay out our competency what's what are the knowledge that we uh would like to show that we would like to target uh what are the um skills and uh knowledge that we would be targeting for our modules okay so now teachers um us will take a short break okay but um as far apart as uh breakthrough would be we would be assessing our weather because right now we have yet another thunderstorm don't know if the thunderstorm is scheduled together with our webinar but it could be none but unfortunately we have okay so still for a while we'll be assessing the situation and if not we'll let you know about our uh what's what's going to happen on the second third part of this web okay so stay tuned uh we'll still be here and continue our webinar yes health break he'll break um so it seems that um the rain is not subsiding okay but um we will still um that i think in terms of uh the weather in ilan it's a shared uh condition so what we're going to do is um we'll still post the evaluation for this webinar but we'll be uploading the workshop proper okay so the use of all the tools all the templates we've given you pero siguro analang will give you we'll show you some videos on the use of the templates but you can already start using them and then after that we'll just end uh the broadcast um with with those uh reminders for the use of the the mood the templates nice pictures some reminders for the templates hello teachers and uh welcome to the writing workshop part of our webinars [Music] but before that uh some reminders i hope that everyone was able to get copy or download the copy of the the templates so you could work with us while we're working with the materials there are different versions available so we have pages for those who are using mac os we have a word document for those who are using windows we apologize um matassion is set number version um for those who are using uh windows lower versions of windows might not be able to open it but we'll try to figure it out um so you could use it after the the workshop and pdf very short so for those who are not able to print um or edit or open it in their computers please download the pdf and use a guide while we're constructing the modules okay and compartmentalize sections so as you can see the files are separated i did not we did not put it in one file being that it's when it's transferred on a new computer or a different computer format or keyboard so we um we compartmentalized each each section so that you could preserve the format while you're working on each section and we use a minimalist design we avoided too much colors but we also did not open them a black and white that keep it appealing to our students uh we know that we're going to print our modules so we don't want to to put too many colors that it's going to be strenuous to the printer to print it and also um resource uh impractical in practical in terms of resources you maguagno madame sobrang colors and except if it's really important like a picture image related to the lesson and uh we use the paper size in folio okay the paper size is in folio size um this is the actual long band paper size it's 8.5 8.5 by 13. the usual setting in our computers is actually in the u.s legal size that's why sometimes because uh mass mahabharata and u.s legal size by one inch that's uh 8.5 by 14. okay so our long band paper in the philippines is actually the folio size okay so that's the reason why we um we closed this after those are working using the letter or the short one paper size will try to produce a version for that but you could also use it in in your module making and all the materials here are not subject to copyright reuse and modifications are permitted so please feel free to use them to modify them to edit them to use it the way you want it in your modules they change the colors change the the fonts or the elements of the templates what we really hope is that you use it and it becomes useful for you you know again teachers uh i'm a reminder time to start now writing workshop uh sir uh we'll just show um copyright issues uh so that they'll be guided when they use the templates the questions we'll answer later siguro para we'll just wait for the ring to subside a little the templates will be available uh are available by our facebook page for those who are asking all right so hello teachers [Music] complicated about it but i think it's also good to to be reminded about it so we don't have any questions that uh who owns the modules we will make okay so for the government employees that are teachers from the public school all your modules are owned by the government okay so in terms of ownership it belongs to the government but you have the copyright ownership which means that you can put your name there and the modules could be identified to be uh developed by you but that there is in no way that you can use the modules for commercial purposes so like a republication reproduction and then selling it to someone else and so we cannot sell okay that's the point we cannot sell the modules we're going to make that goes the same with the private school institutions since you are employees of a particular institution the modules also belong to the school uh but again just like in the public school you are you have the copyright ownership which means that you can put your names in the modules you're going to make and uh how do we make sure that we respect copyright so there are several ways we can go through in order to make sure that we do not infringe copyright issues or copyright um copyrights and usage rights okay so make um to cite resources okay make sure okay to write out to site resources okay that's why in our module maritime component of preferences our resources those are properly cited and [Music] mentioned in our work okay although again problem in terms of citations for non-commercial use the minimum modules not and we're not gonna earn money uh from from the modules okay so i would be those that are using their works for um commercial purposes okay um second create your own materials that's this is the best way uh to make sure we don't influence uh copyrights uh is by making our own material so let's develop our own materials that's the reason why uh instead of like pulling all just pulling all the modules okay where we want to teach you how to make your own modules so that you can make sure that the modules have been developed by you and not someone and also for for the graphics for the presentations that we're going to use in class um better to create our own materials and check usage rights of the materials okay um there's a way to go uh around that okay um maybe later later on we can go to um [Music] a demo but if you look at the google search there's actually an advanced filter a search filter that allows you to filter images or whatever um yeah images uh into in terms of their usage types because anima images just made a restriction in terms of usage rights modification or editing so google filter for the advanced filter for that i'll show you later on um for a quick demo you could also check this one this is from so she collated some of the websites for resources for images here or the resources here does not require attribution okay so you don't need to mention them okay um use google's advanced search filter as already mentioned and access for licensed free images or materials so see license as the creative commons um it's a organization website that curated materials that are [Music] issues that do not use it for commercial purposes so [Music] that's the time it becomes it gets complicated okay um because now that emojis are earning money it will be subject to many copyright issues for commercial purposes anyway uh i believe that are making our modules not for this but for for our students okay so if you have more questions about copyrights uh though we can't promise to be able to answer all of them um please um do um uh put it in our um in our check uh chat box later on um and we'll entertain it and try to answer it to the best uh that we can it's not thank you so much uh teachers uh before time against the last video young project uh i'd like to answer long some several questions one templates are available uh via our facebook page so you may download it from there uh evaluation will still proceed after this uh uh after 30 minutes after this webinar we will download the word proper let's just end with our last video on our next project upcoming project [Music] issues hello teachers for being with us here and joining us in this webinar so partner webinar nato is also the launching our of a new project called share drive it's basically it's a community drive we're in we're inviting you to [Music] and more details and guidelines for the use of the agape share drive soon uh we'll be posting it in our facebook page but i mean again once again uh for joining us today and we hope to see you soon on our next webinar yes good afternoon toilet and unfortunately uh cinebent mr franco but just as he promised we will be uploading his presentation number one watching from places also experiencing thunderstorms will not be bothered by your connectivity problems we can just entertain a very important question where can you find the guide that's your existing curriculum guide okay that's right correct we have uh curriculum guide codes because you can actually release mplc to existing curriculum guides that you have okay so just do this check it out it's in the left volume of the mplc although uh we've been updating it so not all currently available mvlc um uh files have all the codes but do check it out okay so again uh thank you so much teachers the weather is really testing our patients but we do not give up on you and for the use of the templates and the workshop itself i will be uploading it in a separate uh tutorial okay so you can check that out via youtube and get all the templates available in for use please use that as the way you want it or the way it's necessarily that's we created that for you and for your own use okay so teachers uh lastly uh please stay tuned because we will be following this webinar [Music] good luck good luck everyone you
Channel: Franco Nicolo Addun
Views: 23,125
Rating: 4.9885349 out of 5
Keywords: Module Making, MELC, Online Distance Learning
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 22sec (5062 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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