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hi everyone this is Denise with crates with love and today I want to go over just a tutorial on how to use your Cricut design space so pretty much like everything you need to just get started in design space and how to make your own projects and kind of how to navigate around design space as a whole so let me just go ahead and dive right in and I'll start at the very top up here we have the version of Cricut design space so if you ever need to know what version you are currently on because cricut is always updating our application this is where you'll find the version I happen to be on 5.41 and zero and today is February 3rd 2020 now you have your home screen this is considered your home screen you have a little toggle button here this is going to take you to a place where you can upload a picture if you like you also want to go here if you want to set up a new machine pretty much here a lot of this stuff here your it's not anything you're going to be accessing often but if it's something you're looking for definitely take a peek at what's here what's nice about here is if you click on the help desk it will take you right to crickets help desk it will open it in a separate browser so keep that in mind you can change your country and these are right here your settings it's pretty much just your default settings so if you wanted your canvas to look a little bit different you can switch to partial grid if you wanted no grid at all just white background you can select that so I like my non full grid and then your measurements depending on what measure you use in your area and then also now that we have the desktop application version my default option is set to cloud only because I know that if I'm going to be working somewhere I you know say I'm going to be somewhere where I know there's going to be no internet or maybe spotty internet connection before I go there I can chew to upload some images so that while I'm there I will have those images for me to work on and same thing even if you're at home you know maybe you could just put some images aside that on something that you want to work on and if there's a time where your guarantee is down you could actually go and work on that project even though your internet is down providing that you have those images saved to your computer so there's the difference for that so let me go ahead and close out of here okay and then over here you have my projects this is going to take you to your projects but also other projects so depending on how you sort this area here so it'll take you first to your projects and then if you want to get to some more choices you click the drop down menu you can also access some of these items also from the make it now projects which is on your home screen from here like say you wanted to make something that is free that with along with your cricut access subscription then you can click here and then let's say one a sort order even more say you only want to see things that are related to making a card so you could put a card and enter and then it's going to show you all the different and make it now projects that are related to Cricut access access subscription and a card so if you were subscribed to the excess then any of these projects would be free providing you supply your own supplies of course okay so there's that let me get back to the home menu okay this right here it's going to drop jail it's going to have maker cricut maker sorry and Cricut explore family so this is for people who have two machines but it's also in case you're someone who switches back and forth so I do that a lot so one day I might be on my maker the next day I might be on the Cricut explore depending on what I'm working on if that's the case just keep in mind and make sure that whatever machine you're using make sure you have the correct one selected to reason why let's say you were working on the could explore and then all of a sudden you decided to switch to the maker but you forgot to switch it here and now you want to engrave well we all know that the Cricut explore cannot engrave with the Cricut maker can so if you don't have this set to Cricut maker when you go to engrave the option is not going to show up so make sure that you have this matching whatever your machine that you are using okay and then right here is new project you will find also new project right here either one takes you to the same place it just takes you to the blank custom it or not Christmas the blank Cricut canvas so you can begin your project I'm getting all time twisted here okay this right here is just things that Cricut wants you to see it could be a trending item it could be a sailor having it can be a fancy campaign that they have going so it's always a good idea to peek and see what they have going on here this here is where I showed you up earlier this is all my projects I can either scroll to the right or I can select and view them all and same thing with the projects below these are all make it now project so depending they have different categories of projects that you can make napped and here we have all of the cricut make it now projects and you can see you can scroll down there's all kinds of ready to make projects they have different sort orders this one's just on the infusible inks this one's on their new materials so check back here often in these categories sometimes will switch so it's just a good idea to come here and and take a peek at what they got going on and then down at the very bottom is you'll find the community so this is everything that these are projects that you and I have made and we have made the choice to to share it so everybody else can see what we made and this is another great place to come for inspiration so keep in mind that these projects they're not going to just pick your project and share it's only shared if you decide from your end that you want to share it and you go through some very specific easy directions on how to upload pictures and the directions for the people to see your project and then in addition this if you like the the project if you click a star on it there's a sort order under projects where you can search for favorites so anything that you liked here and say I like this Wednesday I made it a favorite when I go to look for it see it says added to my favorites in the drop down category I will be able to find that so that is a great feature there okay so let me show you something let me go back here okay so we've got all of our projects I want to show you like inside of one of the projects let's say I wanted to make this cute little valentine card here now if I click on it it's gonna give me an option well first of all it gives you several pictures to take a look at so it shows you what it's going to look like on your design space and then it shows you what the done design project looks like at the end the final result it gives you it's an easy project it's going to take approximately less than 30 minutes you can print these instructions here it gives you just everything you need to do become equipped to make this card at the very bottom it's going to show you all the images and fonts that are used in this project and as you can see that has a little a what that means is that that means you're subscribed to the cricut access and so this card would not cost you anything if you are an access subscriber it would be free so you have two options you can either make it and if I just so in other words you're up here you see the project and you're like I want to make it just like this meaning you don't want to change anything you don't want to change the size of the card you don't want to change the colors you just like you want it to end up just like this then you would click make it what that does is it puts you all of your cricket mats you'll see over here so in other words we're not going to change to the design at all we're just going to make it so it puts it on to your virtual mats here and then you can see it's going to let you know that you're going to score draw and cut the only thing you might need to change for this particular project was if the paper that you had on hand was a different size than 12 by 12 and you would select this drop-down and say maybe it's letter size of paper then you would select that and it would rearrange it so that would fit your paper so that's the only thing it just defaults to 12 by 12 so just keep that in mind that you could change that and say you wanted to make five of the same card you could up your project copies to five if you wanted okay so I'm going to click cancel and I go back now let's say that you wanted to make the size of this card a little bit bigger let's just go ahead that means we would customize it so we want the same thing but we want to make it a little bit different so we're going to click on customize what that does is it puts the image back on to design space for you so that you can go in and customize it so here's the card and let's just say you wanted to make it this size instead which means if we made the card that size we might need to make them look bigger so we're going to make it a little bit bigger too so maybe that's all you wanted to do if you wanted to change the color of your hearts you could click this heart here and you could decide to change the color if you wanted to at the point when you were done customizing then if you want to make it then you would just click make it here and it's going to put it on that same map that you saw just a little bit ago so there's a difference between customizing and making it okay so I'm going to go back to home and let me go back here and show you something else okay so you could print these instructions if you wanted to like I said it gives you all the materials everything you're going to need to make this project but say you're brand-new you've never done a make it now project and you you just want to make sure that you have the instructions for you to see you have a choice to either print it or with this new design space you could actually make your Cricut design space smaller by don't you know getting that double arrow and squishing your app in smaller and then move this over right what we're doing is we're making room to open up another window on your monitor so go to file and click new window this is going to open up a whole new design space right it looks just like the other one did we're going to go to where that same project was it was right here and now you can make it in this window but have the instructions to refer to on how to put it together or if you need a little bit extra help here they'll take you there so I wanted to show you that it's awesome that we can actually have two to one to reference instructions one to be making the project you could literally if you had two machines you could have one project with one machine going and another project with another machine going here as well so fantastic feature that they've given us there so I'm going to quit that one and put this one back to how I had it and closed minused okay so let's okay so we're on home alright so that pretty much covered that area there so now what I'm going to do is show you how to make a new project so that will take us to the to the design space canvas right now we're on our home page because you can see homeless right here if we want to make a new project we can either go here or here they both take us to the exact same place it's giving me this message because I had just showed you that card was on my canvas it's a reminder to either have me save my project or replace it or cancel so I'm just going to get replaced because I don't need it so it's replaced that card canvas with a whole brand-new canvas so if I was just to open up design space and I was on home and I wanted to come to my canvas her new project this is exactly what you would see so if I go up at the top this will take you back to that place where the home option was so there's everything we had seen before or you can click here and it'll take you to the canvas where we are if you go to here we have my projects so these are going to be the project so that I showed you just a little bit ago and we have a save option so you are working on our project right now it's just untitled but if we wanted to call our name at something we would do that here it's grayed out because I don't have anything saved yet here is where you have the maker option or the cricut explore family so this is where you want to make a change depending on which machine you're working on so in other words say you were working on the the Cricut Explorer and you forgot to change it to maker when you want to go and engrave something it's then great option is not going to show because you're still sorted to the Cricut Explorer right if I changed it to explore my machine it's not going to be able to tell my machine to engrave because in Explorer does not great so whatever machine you're working on make sure you have the correct one selected you can just switch them back and forth like that make it is if you were ready your projects all here ready to be cut you would click on make it we have the layers panel here this is a place you will be looking at often as we build images and shapes and then color sync is another option I'll get into it a little bit and then within these groups we have these choices here more choices down here and I'll get to this in a little bit but first I want to cover the left side so we have the new this is for wind say you already have a project on here and you decide you want to start working on a new project that would be there we don't need that now so there's really nothing to cover because we're on a new canvas here it will just take you to a new canvas just like this then we have templates templates are awesome for when you want maybe you want to put some design on a shirt or any one of these items that you see here that basically this is to give you a reference point so as an example let me just choose this shirt here it's a classic t-shirt and it tells you right here templates are for reference only and will not be saved with your project so it's just to give you an idea of what your image size would look like on a shirt it's sorted right now defaults to amend sorts Li let's say you're working on a ladies short sleeve shirt and maybe you're working on a size medium it's going to size it to your typical medium size shirt now it doesn't look like it because they have it zoomed back for you so the shirt actually front and back fits on your design space if I was to keep clicking this higher it's going to make it the approximate size of a medium women's size shirt okay so we take it back down to 25 and then as an example let me just put three hearts on here just to kind of give you a visual of what you might use this for and I'm going to wrap a square around it like this so I can align it better for you no line bottom and then I'm going to distribute horizontally so now they're perfectly shaped or space and on the hip group because I want to keep them together okay so now I've got a group of hearts and I'm I can go mom would I like my heart speed the size would I like them smaller would I like them really small and maybe put them on my sleeve you know so see what I mean it just gives you an idea a visual of how it's going to look on your shirt and then once once you have exactly how you want it to be then you can click on make it and it shows you the back of the design because sometimes they want designs on our back alright so let me close out of here that's what templates are okay so we did templates and then if we go to projects it's going to take you kind of like where we were before the one thing that I do want to show you is they have so many different projects the best thing to do would be first to come to your categories and see what options they have to kind of break your your search down so let's say you want to work on something for Christmas and you know that all you want to do is like before just work on a part so I'm going to do that and it's gonna bring you up all kinds of different Christmas cards that you can make but really helps shorten your search down and helps you be quicker at searching they've done this because and they just did they really did recently improve their search feature because they have so many images and projects now that it's just it's amazing so definitely use your categories and your searches so that you're not spending all day looking for something unless you want to all right so images kind of the same thing now the one thing I do want to show you is images is what I selected here but from here you also have categories and you have cartridges ok so let's start on images which is where we were and again you know you have ways to filter you have right now if you look at the size of the square if I was to click here I can search many more because the pictures are smaller right so I can search more at a time so it's just a preference on what you like on the filter let's just say I want to do something let's say Christmas again okay so here's there's a ton I mean this will just go on and on and on and on and on sometimes you really want to try being specific on what you want unless you're looking for a very broad category but then we have the option to filter maybe I want to look for Christmases and something to do with Christmas that are just my images maybe there are things that I've uploaded maybe I only want free items or things that are under Cricut access things that I perch things that I've saved for offline someone Cricut design or when your internet is down or you're in a place that has no internet or a spotty internet you can go and look at what you have saved for offline so you can work on your project types layers you see all the filters here it's awesome just different ways to search for things so let me clear this to give you an example let's just do with something that would be kind of just to flower this is going to give you all the different types of flowers that there are so what I meant by specific right the flower is a category maybe you already know what kind of flower you want so you could do sunflower and go through and find the one that you like and actually I need one so I can show you something as we go further so I'm gonna go ahead and and just go ahead and insert it into my canvas so what I did was I selected it once it's green it goes here the eye is for the name of what the sunflower is if you wanted to give show somebody or tell somebody what sunflower was this is what it is and it's from the collection of close to my heart flower market okay so that's just for reference it's for informational purposes once you select it here it's also down here if I wanted to I could select all of these and they all line up and then I could click insert so in other words I don't have to do just one at a time if you decide that you don't want those then you just click on them again and it puts them back here instead of down here so I only want this one for now so I'm just going to put insert image okay and then I forgot these templates are here let me see let me go back here am i replace again and I might go to images get my sunflower back actually it was a stun okay so I'm gonna say this over here for a little bit later okay so we did templates we did projects we did images I did want to go back one more thing two images here so categories this is everything here is gonna be what's free for this week oops I have it on sunflower so it's gonna be there we go everything in here is free this week so after this week it if you don't have access there's a very good chance that it would not be free so keep that in mind and it does change every week so lots of awesome awesome awesome awesome different things ittle bit it's a lot each time they do it it's a bunch of images so now we also have if I go back to categories we also have ooh most popular so this would be like what's trending right now right okay so we go back to categories and then we have recently added this is a fun one because this is how you find out unless Cricut sends out an email this is a good place to check for things they are constantly giving us more and more images so another good place to just check once in a while it can just like literally go on and on and then we have cartridges so cartridges now are all digital and there is a bunch of cartridges and so again the best way to find you know you can go through and they'll just keep going and going and going and going but as before let's just say we want something to do with Christmas it's going to give you all the cartridges have something to do with Christmas and then you can go through now this is why I'm let me see I want to switch to something that I don't have I don't have the codes and yet I need to get one of those okay so let's say that we want this here you can see if you don't have it if you can buy it for $25.99 so and this one happens to have 17 images this one is a little bit more but it also has 50 images so it just you know it does vary just take a peek here and see what you're looking for okay so again we have those filters so that was the same owner our same filters that we had before for your searches okay so let's go on to I'm gonna go back to my canvas okay so now I want to go to text okay so now you notice when I select text it gives the options so that we can add it and one thing I wanted to show you here I have my design space pretty big if when it opens up to default its it's a little bit smaller so when you first open it up it might be you know maybe this size and as you can see it kind of took away some of the stuff that's up here so if yours happens open up small and you're wondering where the rest of this is you can select more and get to it here but it's also just as easy just to make it white again and then everything is on this line so I just wanted to show you that real quick I have seen some questions about that excuse me whenever you click on text here it opens up a box to put your text in it's going to default to crickets and as the font type so you could just type in China okay so here we have you are my sunshine bloom is over here and make it a little bit smaller so you can see it better and I've typed everything in one line I could try to get my box back where to go there we go I could also do you are my sunshine or my sunshine so keep that in mind when you're typing your text I could make a big small I could change it I can close out of it say I made a mistake I just want start over get my text get my text here all right there we go okay so say I wanted I didn't want this font we have all of these fonts to go through and there is a budget just keeps going and going and going and it'll tell you here if it's an access font or if it's maybe a these are probably system fonts that are on my system my computer system there's ones that would be here that even though I have Cricut access it might be a font that would cost a little extra money when you see this download option what that means is if you download the font it'll be ready for you to work offline so when your Internet's down you would have this font downloaded to your computer so that you could use it when your internet is not working or you're someplace that does not have internet what I like to do is use the search feature up here because they have so many different fonts you can search either all only your system fonts are only your Cricut fonts from here you also have the filter over here this one's really handy say I want only a writing font right I don't want a single layer I don't want anything that's I've saved offline I don't want a multi layer I just want one that looks like it's a writing style so I can select that now it's only going to show me Cricut fonts that were in a writing style if I select one let me go through here here's a good example this is a this is one that comes separated I wanted you to see that it automatically took us to a draw line type which is handy because if we were going to draw it out right it's a handwriting font now see how these letters are all separate they're not actually touching each other so you would want when you see a script writing like this you want to go up to your letter space and hit the down arrow so that the letter spaces get closer together you want to try that first now some fonts or writing styles they'll get really good at being real closest sometimes it's a it's okay and make it really huge just so that you can see it really really well you can see what happens look at the H and 9 to see those are overlapping now so they're too close together right so would it look as good so you get it as good as you can for most letters and then take a look at it and then decide that maybe you're gonna have to ungroup it right like see how this H is just a little bit from here but the rest of the letters look pretty good looks like I could actually do it one more closer whoops oh it the wrong way right about there and then see they're still separate right here so what I could do is go to advanced and choose ungroup two letters now watch what happens over here if I have this selected it's on one line this is my layers panel this text right here I want you to see what happens when i ungroup two letters now we have every single letter is a single layer so if I select the e it's only selecting the heat not everything but what that enables me to do is be able to move this e just slightly to the left so that it lines up how I want it same thing with the H I can select just the H and move it over just a little bit move a little bit right you want to make it look just like your handwriting or someone else's handwriting once you have everything put back together I'm not going to worry about all the letters just for informational purposes for right now but if you wanted to once you were done you could group all this back together I'll show you how to do that to moment but what's nice about being ungrouped as well was let's say that you wanted let's say you wanted to change the font style for just the word son maybe you want although all the font to be the same except for you want son to be a different font you could literally click this s go up here change the font I'll just change I'll pick a silly one and see what that that's a real silly fun but you could do that if you wanted I definitely wouldn't pick this one but just for informational purposes you can change one letter if you wanted or like I said the whole word you would just do each letter at a time and then group it back together or you could group just these three letters change the font to this font and keep these the same so it's nice to know that you have the options to resize single letters or multiple letters or none at all okay and I showed you or I said I was going to show you how to group these back together so you just take your mouse click and drag now everything's together and you click group and now it's back to one group so that everything loses stasis thing okay so other things you can do with your text since I'm here is you can rotate [Music] okay so let's go to text let's just do something we'll do you are my sunshine again this time I want to make it any easier font to see for sure let's do birthday bash okay so I showed you before how to change the writing style we chose writing in the filter but even from here say you you saw this font but you wanted to change it to maybe bold look what a difference that is so keep an eye on the styles for your fonts maybe I want a italic maybe I want it bold an italic so there's all kinds of different styles for some fonts some fonts are won't have as many styles but some will so it just depends on the font you can make the font smaller you can curve it by using this here can curve it either way okay so here this is a great example I could do Center I could do everything to the left you are my sunshine I could do everything to the right you are my sunshine this way or I could choose to go back to center so this is really good for working on a card or any other type of project where you're using font you want to change the alignment now we also have line space so the difference of space between each line is going to be here I want things closer together I can move them in I can also type in a number manually if I wanted to here I have ungroup two letters right that's what we had before but now that we have more than one line we also have the option to ungroup two lines so as an example what could I do with something like that if I select ungroup' two lines each line is now its own separate layer maybe I want to make this line a red color and this line maybe I want to make it Orange maybe this one yellow and this one I'm running out of choices or options will make it this color there we go so that's a great example of ungroup two lines maybe you want this one to be curved like that and then once you're done you can take it and group it back together so that you can move it around right or you might want to attach it we haven't gone over attach yet I will in a little bit so there is a good example for your text so let's move on to shapes let me get this I'll put this I don't think we're gonna need this okay shapes we have all different shapes these are always free you can use them as many times as you like you saw me use the hearts early score line is great for making that's how we make like box designs how to make the folds anytime you have a fold you're going to want a score line same thing for the fold in a card is what you use a score line for so whenever you making a card you are going to want a score line or 3d type objects things like that so like I showed you earlier you just click on it then if you can just keep clicking on it here to make more or you can go up here and hit duplicate and it'll keep making more if you want this to go away just click on your cricut design space if you want to change the color of your heart you can now change any of these colors here if you want more colors to choose from click on advanced and then use this to get you close to your color wheel that you want so you wanted some sort of blue and then you can click and decide what color blue you want watch it here for what color its changing to and when you find the one that you want you just let go of your mouse you can change them all to be that color if you want to change all of these shapes at once I would group them together and then I would change the color or if they weren't grouped together you could do them one at a time I could change it back to black to make your sizes bigger or smaller you can do them like this this if you don't unlock it see how there's a lot here and there's a lock here if you keep one or both of these locked the proportion that will remain the same for the size that you make it okay if you unlock it like I said you can unlock it here or here does the same thing you only need to do it one place or the other now you can change the proportion of your heart in addition to the size all right I don't know why you would want that size but you can see how that can be pretty fun with any image that you're working on right say I like that and I want to make another one I can duplicate have to that size once I'm done working with this if I know for sure this is what I want make sure you lock your image back up okay you can rotate by using this little wheel or you can rotate by using this little arrow this here we really won't be using that much this is for this is telling you where the position of this heart is on the mat itself so that's what that's for something ever since I gave us the align tool this is just something I really haven't been using because the line does everything that I need let me show you well actually I'm going to show you that a little bit so okay this is shapes this is pretty good for shapes let me get rid of this anytime that you want to quote get rid of something you can just click this text here or you can click delete or you can right-click on the image and click cut or you can go up to edit and click cut see you can see we have a lot of options to get rid of something if you want to get rid of for things really quick to me the easiest way is to grab them all and then hit that X and then now they're gone okay so upload this is when you want to upload something into your projects so let me upload an image here you can see you can do JPEGs gifts pngs BMP SVG or DXF files you can also upload patterns we won't get into patterns too much today except for that I'll show you where they are in design space but if you had a pattern to upload you would want to use this option for this option you want to upload image and you can either browse for it or I like to just put it on my desktop first and drag it once the background turns green there it is my image is already here I want a transparent background that's what all these squares are means I don't want to see the background I just want it to be clear there's nothing that I really need to do here beyond you know give it an image name which this is when I made this file I saved it as summer vibes with teachers maybe here I wanted to tag it with something that would remind me I can just do summer that way if I was to search for something summer this whole file would come up this really becomes important these things here is the more things you upload and save this is where these really come in handy so I just think it's great practice to make sure that you save and start naming things really good from the beginning and that way you'll be in a habit okay and then you click Save and here is your items so you click on it because now you want you upload it to your item that you want to use in design space now it says it's under your recently uploaded image you click on the image and then you click on insert image and it's going to put it right here on your map now you have just uploaded something of your own into design space so that now you can work on this project so how cool is that okay so let me close this we don't need that so I've covered everything here except for this right here is the feedback so this is any time that you want to send me you know maybe you were working on a file and you ran into a problem or or you're really excited or happy about it you can select the category and you know choose whatever you were working on let them know and click send if you have a screen shot I'm sure that would be very helpful for them to see this this great job so this is for the cricut design space team okay here on the man itself you can make your mat bigger or smaller let me just move it here so you can kind of see what it does so the bigger I make mine at 200% that should made that sunflower a lot bigger so sometimes when you're working on something you want to see it really quickly bigger that's a good way to do it at the same time you can also make it smaller very helpful over in this corner remember how earlier I said you had you could change your background grid right here if you click in this little empty square between the zero and the zero you can change your grid here so there's plane and there's back to regular so that's the full grade partial grid no grid okay so we've covered everything here this here the mat we've covered some of this okay so let me just duplicate this several times okay now I have three sunflowers so we're going to stop going over or start going over the top one here okay so you can see that I just did quite a few different things here now if I wanted to kind of go back to where I was when I had one sunflower I would just go to undo and it's gonna undo step by step each thing I did which is really helpful so now we're back to the one sunflower if I wanted to redo I would click the right arrow now it's gonna redo everything I had done so redo and then do okay now the line type is telling design space what you want to do with the Sun flag because I have it selected a time is T NS square it means it's selected right there that's unselected this is selected so if this is selected what am I telling design space that I wanted to be do I want it to be do I want it to cut out the sunflower or do I want it to draw the sunflower because it can do I want it to score the sunflower you could and be kind of crazy but do I want to engrave it right I have it set to maker so engrave is an option I can engrave the sunflower onto something I could embossed it D boss is what I meant to say I can use my wave tool and cut it out wavy I can use my perforated tool now if I was just on the Explorer family now look at the options that I have I only have cut draw and score because that's what the Cricut Explorers could do with this file okay so let's go back to cut [Music] okay now what if I wanted to change some colors maybe I don't really like the colors that that the sunflower is right now and I wanted to change some of that color I could come over here this is simply showing every layer of the sunflower maybe I want this top piece with all the holes in it to be a different color if I select it here it's looks at here as well see the little square I select the stem here it's going to select it here and change the color that it is see it's already green green and green if I select this it's that orange orange orange so if I want to change the color I could just change it to red if I wanted to now I have the red so I showed you how to change the color I showed you how they're all in layers what if I didn't want to see this red part see this little guy right here in the layers panel this is the layers panel if I click on that I it's like closing the eye and now you can't see that part it will always stay hidden until you bring it back if I don't want the stem I can just turn it off maybe I just want that part of the sunflower it won't cut it unless you unhide it or you could take it and delete it which I don't want to do because I'm going to show you something else with this file I can wrap my mouse around it and I can ungroup it or I can duplicate it or I can delete it so let's duplicate it now we have to when I have two of something I can arrange hey with color deadline type the color let's select actually let me show you select all so if you have you could have one thing or hundred things on your map if you hit so that's all it's gonna select everything so instead of doing this to select all if you want it to select everything on your mat you could just one click there so just personal preference and it means you can either cut it copy it or paste it now let me get rid of this one okay so let me actually let me do the select all okay and say I want to copy this sunflower to my little clipboard my little virtual clipboard right anytime you copy and paste something I always pictured like it's on this virtual clipboard in the sky and I'm just holding it there until I need it so I can click Edit and I can cut copy or copy and then I can maybe add a couple shapes or something I'm just working on something else but I know that I'm gonna use that heart but I just not really sure when I'm going to use that heart so I'm just kind of messing around and I got PO you know what I do wonder they're so far I wasn't sure before but I do so I'm gonna go ahead and go back up to edit and now I'm gonna paste and it pasted that sunflower now until I copy something else while I'm on this project I could do three more things and then I go oh you know what I think I want that sunflower again I can either right click and choose paste or and go up to here again and you paste so there's an option let me close some of these down actually I can actually go to edit and there's your cut feature or you can select it and delete here or select it and delete it here I can rubber band around all of this and get rid of all of them at once now you do see duplicate over here when I select this here right I can copy and paste under edit copy and paste or I can just duplicate it and I could do that a whole bunch more times it'll just keep on doing it the difference is that it's not going to replicate it's not going to remember it's going to keep putting them here and all of its little group of layers but it's not going to remember that that's where the copy and paste comes in handy is that it will remember the sunflower until you're done with this project so in case you need one more time that's what it's there for so I hope that kind of helps clear up some of that so let me I want to get rid of all of them let me move on here rubber band all these and we're back to our run sunflower I wanted to show you okay did we get across here oh I gotta do this there's so much fun things to show you okay duplicate to some flowers once here once here I'm gonna rubber band around them or drag my mouse around them now we're gonna go over the align feature you have different ways that you can align these sunflowers you can put them both in the center now it looks like you only have one but as you can see in your layers panel there's two sunflowers but they're just on top of each other you can go back and maybe align well it's not gonna lie to the left if it's in the center I have to distribute them so let's actually we just we undo it literally grouped it together there we go okay so we're back to our two sunflowers okay see how this the one on the right is a little bit taller okay so if I select them both and now if I select a line top it's gonna bring the one on the left which is lower even with the one on the right okay so if I have this down here and I want to align bottom it's going to bring the other one down to whichever one is closest to the very bottom so it's going to bring the left one down if I have let me do now I have for some bars I go to a line and maybe I want to distribute them horizontally now put them all horizontally but if I want them all the same line I would have to go up and choose how do I want them to be lined up do I want them to be aligned to the top it'll bring them all up to the top so a line vertically is really not going to do anything because I've already selected horizontal I can assume it's all I can do with these ones right now if I do a line left it's going to put them all on top of each other again there we go so super nice feature rate I mean because we can quickly get things lined up and it really works for great let me show you a trick here we've got three things I want to align them all top and I want to make I want to make it a group so now I can move them all at the same time but I also want to duplicate that group because I want real quickly I want to make that many suppliers that's a lot quicker than doing one sunflower at a time now you've got three groups of sunflowers okay now I want to show you flip but I want to show you flip with a different image we've done are actually arranged we've done a wine so let me bring in some shapes I'm gonna do some parts ok and I want to do them all in one car let's just go at will okay and then I want to bring one let's do it triangle so I'm gonna unlock it and make it more of a rectangle I meant to say okay so say I'm working on a car and let me go ahead and change this to okay I'm working on a car and I'm like dude did it to do and I've got oops I want the heart to be on the top but it's going underneath it so what I can do is go to this arrange and whatever is selected so I'll select the card I would go up to arrange and I can put send to back or move backward so the only difference there is depending on how many layers are underneath I know that there's only two things here there's either hearts or this card so sending backward or to back is going to do the same thing so if I put move backward now this heart is is in front if I send it to back it's going to put it behind all of these hearts because they were all in the area of the vicinity of this cart so that's where a range really comes in handy if I select the card again and I arrange send a front it's gonna be on top so depending on your project this is a really handy handy feature okay flip is actually let me let me do different flower flippers is a good one or actually when we have a parent which parent do I want okay let's just say where do you see us with is a force our associative parent this one over just fine for what I want to do okay so I'm gonna put that in there and get these out way okay so what flip is for is for flipping an image so let me go ahead and duplicate him and say I want to birds but I want them to be looking at each other where I can't flip it around if I turn them around it's not going to do anything for having them you know look at him but if I go to flip and I flip horizontal now I can have two birds that are looking at each other so you can see how that would really come in handy for a project right on all different types of shapes and images some images you really would want to flip vertically it wouldn't do much good for these birds but you can see how that would really be a handy feature to have so I wanted to show you that and you can do that with any image it doesn't have to be a bird it can even be a shape or or any type of an image okay so now we went over sizing a little bit but I did forget to mention you can do this to keep it in proportion or you can unlock it to make come skinnier lighter right for let's just say your work on something very specific and you knew that you needed you appear to be three inches you would just hit 3 and hit enter and now you've got a three inch wide parent if you want to change the proportion then you would unlock it and then you could change this to different sites so how about a really tall spinning pair it would be three by six right or you can just use your arrows there we go rotating you can move with arrows it's gonna make your bird rotate or the quickest way really is just to take this but sometimes you want it just a little bit agree at a time that would be helpful there alright and then position I think I mentioned that earlier but in case I didn't cover it good enough it's fits from where the position of where it's at on your mat so right now you have your X and you have your Y of where its position on your grid of your mat ok so back over to the layers panel here I've got a we've got one bird I've got three hearts and say I want to work on these hearts but I don't want to move them all individually the quickest way to get them to move them at once is to select them all by dragging my mouse around it and then clip group now I can move it wherever I want on my mat I can make it smaller bigger I can unlock the proportion make them different there but let's just say that I wanted to get rid of the remembered let's just say I wanted to actually let me add text it here okay let's group the word smile oh it's already grouped so let me ungroup it okay so now we have an ungrouped word okay now I'm going to group it and I have a group of hearts in a group of letters and let's say that that's all I want if I was to click make it right now let's see what would happen it's hard to tell because I picked black letters let me go back and change that color because I really want you to be able to see this changing okay so now we're gonna click make it even though I had those letters grouped together they're grouped in such a way on our math to save material instead of cutting out exactly how we wanted to see it now that would be fine if you wanted your words cut out this way but look how they are they're even backwards so it's really a good idea and the hearts would cut out just like that which would be fine so let me go back and cancel now let me go ahead and grab smile now I'm going to hit attach what attach does is it tells Cricut design space that you want everything attached exactly how you see it so now if I was to twist make it smile is going to be attached exactly how I wanted it okay so there's a difference you can group things but they're not that group is not going to carry over to these mats only if you attach something will it follow and stay attached as you go to each next map so I'm gonna click cancel okay so there was the group if I want to ungroup I can hung group now they're separate and now they're grouped now I can move them all around duplicate you saw me do I can duplicate whatever is selected is going to duplicate you saw delete now color sync is really it's just kind of a quick way like say instead of going over here and changing the color and changing the color of red to blue I could just do that right I can sync over here I have a red line and have a blue line and it matches here what if I wanted my smile to be in blue instead I could literally just bring all of this down here and now I have everything here will be blue so it's just a way to sync your colors but you could each do it you could do it individually over here as well but that's what it's there for I know earlier I mentioned about with the I how you can turn on the eye on and off what I wanted to refer here is with fonts some phones not all have what's considered a shadow layer so if you had just brought up this font you know this text and you notice that without doing anything you have an eye that's been turned off you have the option to turn it on and it's going to show somewhat of a shadow effect so as an example probably the best way to show you is if I was to send this to the mat make it right now it'll show you that first here's those hearts that we already had on our map but when you get to this one you can see that one of the words of smile is a little bit larger and not as defined like look at the eye here compared to the eye here so this is the back shadow and this is the front font so I just wanted to point that out so you know some fonts we can't tell or text we can't tell until we already loaded it onto our mat and we go okay that one has an extra shadow layer so that kind of comes in handy alright so now we're going to move down to the big five don't let that spook you I love these features we're going to go over slice weld attach flatten and contour now with these five tools it really expands your capabilities within design space and let me show you how with each one I'm going to try to show you some quick examples of how you would use this tool but there's going to be many more examples and some you'll find out on your own or by watching videos or along the way with different projects that you make so keep that in mind as well okay so the first one we're going to go over a slice now you'll notice that every one of these tools they're light in color right now they're not bold if we were able to use them they would be bold right now so basically what that's showing you is that right now slice is not available for anything that we have right here until we do something so my first example is going to be I'm just going to download a shape I'm gonna download a star and I'm gonna go ahead and just make this dark gold and then I'm going to duplicate it and the thing that you need to know about slice is you need to have two layers in order to slice if you have one layer it can't slice if you have three layers it can't slice it literally has to be two layers so I'm going to duplicate the star so I have two layers and I'm going to go ahead and just change the color of one just so we have a reference point what I'm going to do is make this one star smaller and then I'm going to draw my mouse around it what I'm going to do is align it to be in this center now I have two stars perfectly lined up on top of each other and if you notice all of a sudden when I have the two layers selected now I have the option to slice so I'm going to go ahead and slice so it's kind of like a cookie cutter if you've ever used a cookie cutter and baking you know that you put the cookie cutter there and then you have the one layer the layer that you cut out in the remaining layer so this was my intent I wanted this is why I sliced I wanted just the outside frame of a start but now with these I still could use these and I can resize them or I could just delete it I don't need them so I'm just gonna double them up wrap my mouse around them to select them and then hit the X because I don't need it so there's one example of slice I'm Musti another good example would be okay I got one so let's do a shape I'm gonna do it like a square let's pretend like this is going to be part of our card so I'm just going to make a white card but I want to write something on it with my Cricut pen so what I'm going to do is select my text and actually yeah actually that would have been funny okay so I'm gonna go with the brush stroke here I'm going to just write new okay so I'm gonna go ahead and move this on here make it smaller so fits on our little card and I'm going to select all of it and I'm going to align it so it's also in the center but you could have it wherever you want it and then once again you'll notice that I can slice right out of it so I'm gonna go ahead and hit slice now I can take out that I can still use this if I want but now you can see we have what we sliced out we have what we originally wrote and then this could be the outside of the card and if you just put like say a blue I'll just grab another square and I will turn it blue so pretend like you have a piece of blue paper and now you have a piece of white paper that you sliced out and you can put that right on top there and then you can see hello through the sliced white piece of paper so there's another example of being able to slice right through the shape that could be a heart that could be whatever shape you want it could be you know just use your imagination it's amazing okay so there's an exam another example of slice but these here I don't need them wrap my mouse around it and get rid of them another hmm this is a good one okay I'll try to do this quickly okay let's say I want to make a banner really quick and so I just grab this shape which is happens to be a square and then I'm gonna grab like a Pentagon I'm gonna change the color just so it's easy for you to see and I'm not gonna worry about it being perfectly lined up because I don't want to take up your time I just mainly want to show you the process not so much that my lines are good and straight okay so let's just call that good okay so if I take my mouse so what I'm trying to do is make a banner that looks like the black portion this is a square in order to get the banner effect I use the top of the Pentagon and just lined it up as good as good as I could at the bottom but you could take your time doing it if you were making this for up so I'm going to select both layers oh I also wanted to show you too when you're selecting layers I do this a lot but just so you know you also can go up here and click on the area of the the Pentagon hold down your Shift key and also select the square that right there has just layered it attached to two pieces together right we've selected now two two different layers are selected and then I can hit slice so I did want to show you that there's different ways to slice besides or just grabbing layers okay so I'm going to move this Pentagon out of the way and move this piece away and move this piece away and there we have a banner now granted I could have done a rectangular and made a Taliban but I was just trying to show you the process so in order to do this more effectively I could even use a little oval or a rectangle for this but I'm just going to do a little hole blue just so it's easy to see and then duplicate it so I have two holes okay now this would be the tricky part remember we can only do two layers at a time so if I was to select now you would think okay there's two the blue if I select the blue and then hold my shift key select the other blue now could I slice that let's see it don't slice it doesn't slice through this layer we never selected it because once we did I'll show you again by selecting all three so let me go back up here I'm gonna select the first dot hold my shift key select the second dot I'm still holding the shift key now I'm gonna select this one that those dots are on and watch what happens to the slice feature when I select the third layer it goes away right because now we have three layers selected so this is what's great about using this side panel or by using your Shift key I'm gonna let go of everything okay so what I can do is say I have these perfectly lined up which they're not really but we'll just say that they are and what I can do is from either this layer here or from here and here I'm gonna do it for here just because it'll be easier on me I'm gonna select the blue dot I'm gonna hold my shift key and then select the black layer now I can slice now I already know that this dot is here if it made you feel more comfortable you could bring this to the back but since I know it's there and you know it's there let's just go ahead and select the dot here actually no because that was a slice result so let's actually it would be easier for you to see us to go ahead and move this two back there's our dot so I'm going to select the dot hold my shift key select the black layer and then slice okay now we can move this out and you can see we've got our other layers that we slice them okay so that is another super great example of how quickly you can make a banner I guess if you wanted a short little stubby banner that would be perfect so there is three examples great examples of what you would be using this slicing tool and there's more but that's just a good start so let me just go ahead we don't need to keep any of this here right all of this here let's go over welding welding is also another one my favorites and we can actually use this as a great example let's just say that we wanted to make like a a hard border so I think for these yes they are grouped together I can see that in the layer so let's just go ahead and before i weld it i want to grab another layer of heart so i'm gonna go ahead and duplicate that layer i'm gonna put it together i'm gonna highlight all of them and i'm going to align top okay now they're all perfectly because these work horizontally distributed earlier so these are and then now they're all aligned top now i want to make like a little heart border so if I click weld right now right it's already all of them are selected and I hit weld watch what happens to the hearts it's going to unite them together basically welded each heart together so there's only an outside line it's not cool so you could make a border if you wanted to make it so it folds like an accordion you could actually put score lines down each heart or maybe every third heart you could turn this sideways and make it longer right especially if you had a longer mat you could do up to 23 and a half inches long if you like so there's a cute example of a heart border and imagine you could do that with with almost anything so let me go ahead and get this out of the way I don't you in fact I don't think I need this either well you could also not you know let me just go ahead and get rid of this okay so another example of a weld could be this is a super simple one let's just say you do a square here let's say you want to make a gift tag I'm going to unlock it make it more of a rectangle and let's say instead of putting a hole right here for a gift tag you'd like the hole to be up here but kind of attach to the gift tag so I would select a circle make it approximate the size that I want right I'm going to duplicate that circle because I actually want to slice a hole in that little circle to make the hole I'm going to use the align tool and Center and slice now I've got a little cute little ring and you get rid of this I don't need it I can put this part of the top of the gift tag I can select it I can align it if I do Center okay we want to Center horizontally that's going to put it perfectly in the center horizontally now I've got it selected both pieces together now watch what happens when they hit well now we've got one complete unit so there's another example of weld so you can imagine there's all kinds of things you can do with well you can put all kinds of shapes together you could let me try and think of it in it so let me get a dog and I'll show you how you can take an image so cute little guy and I duplicate them I'm gonna flip him horizontally I'm going to I'm using the grid lines to just line him up right about on that line like that now I'm going to use my left arrow key and just move him over so he's a little bit more attached right about there that way he's attached here and here I'm going to do one more time that's probably better now I'm going to select both dogs and I'm going to weld so now what we have here is a card I can add my score line let me change the dog to brown so you can see the score line better pairs the score line I'm going to make it smaller and then now I'm going to attach there we go so there is a cute little card that you can give to someone and it's all welded together and you could do whatever you want for the inside or the outside but there's gives you an idea of how you can weld images together and what you can use them for okay so let's get rid of this little guy now I'm going to say this is probably one of the most confusing things for people or something that people forget to do something that many many ask questions about and that is when you are using script writing let's just go with [Music] there we go let it go with rabbit okay so here is a perfect example let's do [Music] I'm going to show you what happens when you attach letters together like this so I'm mainly referring to a cursive writing but it also depends on what you're doing with your with your project okay so I'm not going to worry about these lining up perfectly let me change the color because I want you to really be able to see this okay if I was to make it bigger so you can really see okay see how well if you follow this age there's no lines that go across right you keep going and you follow the path but you come up to the a and there's a line right here and you keep going you follow the a loop and then you run into another line right here so if we were to just attach all these letters together right because before I mentioned if you want this to go to your make it map and look just like it did then you have to attach it but if you look real close on here those lines are still there that's not gonna be good let me show you the difference what weld can do we don't want these lines right we don't want it to cut on those lines plus these lines so in this case what we would do rather than attach and it's okay if you already have it attached like say you want to have it attached while you're moving it around or whatever but when it comes time to send it to your mat you want to make sure that you weld it now watch what happens to these letters I want to make it a little bit better watch where this H and a is and the P when I hit weld now everything is one smooth line it just continues and carries on you don't have the lines going across those letters so this is what especially if you're doing vinyl or if you want to cut this out this way everything each word is going to be attached and it carries through to your second mat it's identical to what it was on the first map so weld is very very important for using with your fonts I just wanted to show you that so make sure that if you do have them attached that before you send them to you to make it make sure you weld your letters very very important okay so I think that covers well pretty good let's go ahead and move on to attach so let's see attach what can I do let's probably we do a shape we'll do like a card so I'm going to unlock it make it wider I might change it to ye and let's go ahead and let's write a font right because if you write a font you definitely gonna want to attach it to your card so let's get some text in here let's do let's change it to there we go okay if this has oh I was thinking that it had we can still draw okay so this is an example some people call these bubble letters if you take a regular font that's not typically meant to be a right team font then if you do this the pen and this might be the look that you're after but a lot of people do get confused with this I wanted to mention it so this is not really the font that we would be after so it's really good if you run a writing front it really is best to just choose one that's going to be a writing one I'm not oh I put writing along with filter so choose writing okay should still be filtered for that let me just double check get Fitness okay so these are good examples of writing fonts there's a bunch in here but for just the quickness of the video let me just pick one really quick let's just do this one okay so here's smile we want to write this on the card I'm not going to add the score line because you know how to do that we've done that several times but let's say open up the card and you want it to have smile once you have your text written then you want to go up to here okay it automatically put it on draw okay if I was with an explorer you just change my machine or mic yeah it's still gonna be on draw right because you only have the choice of cut draw and score so we're good there so we have our letters let's say we this is exactly where we want it to write but what we do need to do is pick our pen color so here oops it went back to cut open tundra okay so when you see this outlined Square for the color that's where you click to choose your pen now crickets machine software really isn't going to know what pen you've put in there so really you don't have to do this this is more I mean you have to pick at least a color it'll default to black but let's just say that because you want to you maybe have a lot of different colors in your project and you want to keep everything straight let's say you have a aged elk and that you want to use anyone use blue so that is exactly how whoops it was on my cut line that's what happens I think mistakes to select my font it's already on drop now pick my color I'm gonna go to jail and pick blue I'd pick my card because I actually do want my card to cut not draw that's what I did and change it to white there we go so you have your ear writing we've picked our color but it's very important to select the to either select them both here by using your your mouse and your shift key or you can simply select them both right here and then attach so that way when you send it to the maker or a me to the map it's going to draw and then it's going to cut if I had a score line then it would also score as well so make sure you attach your letters your words for your your drawing with the pen make sure you attach okay we're going to cancel that I'm going to close this out and so basically attach remember when I mentioned earlier attaches for anything that you want to make sure it stays the position everything remains the same so that when you click make it it ends up the same on this map as it does on your your cutting mats so definitely you know that with the writing of the fonts if it helps attaches is a great reference is that it can be used for holding your cuts in the same position from one map to your cutting man so and then it's also just used to attach a score line or a writing font to a card so I hope that helps clear up any confusion over attach alright let's move on to flatten flatten is a fun one and it's probably one of the easiest ones as an example let's say let's go ahead and I'm going to unlock this should I wanted that big okay let's say we're gonna make a gift tag okay so and we're gonna add we've got writing fun so that's good we're gonna add to get smaller and whatever I'm just I'm not worrying about being perfect on my sizes I'm just giving you an exemple and say we want rather than use our pens what we can do is and then pretend there's like a little hole in there all right let me just I probably just have to put one there align it center horizontally and we've got too many layers there right if I do this to me layers it won't let me slice that hole so what do we do we go and select our layers over here using the shift key and the mouse so I want the circle selected and I want the tab there's two layers only selected and now I'm still holding my shift key and now I hit slice now we could take this out and this app we've got our holes and the tag to the back there we go okay so there is oh you know what I selected that it move that that's funny okay so here we go okay so we've got our tag and we decided we don't want to use our pins we decide that we just want to print this out we get released so in order to do that the cool thing is all we have to do is select all layers and simply click on flatten now what flatten does on let me show you by showing make it you notice up here it changed it to a cut in prep so let me go back I probably should have showed you so we have three layers we have our two or from layer and our tag all I do is select everything so if I wanted to since this is the only thing on my mat I could select all and then flatten not change it to a cut and print if I send it to the mat it gives a registration mark for showing you that this is going to be a print so it's going to send it to your printer first so you would take your paper whatever cardstock or paper you were using to print on you send it through your printer once you've printed it you take that piece of paper and you put it on your Cricut mat and it will cut out this tab and the little hole in it okay so another thing to remember for printing is that the the printable area for Cricut to print on is going to be I'm going to go ahead and do a template so I can show you visually it just makes more sense so the printable area is 6.75 for the width and then for the height is 9.25 and the mock it up so what I do if I'm trying to decide how many things are going to fit how many tags I can get to fit for my printer say I want to make as many as it will fit on this little guy so that's kind of a big tag but it doesn't really matter so I'm going to duplicate it and see if I can fit four across looks like I can okay I can't okay so must select I'm gonna hold my shift key I'm gonna select all of these tags and I'm going to align distribute horizontally and I've never seen that happen before that was weird okay just to make sure there's not something weird going on align distribute horizontally okay that one arced and then align top okay I've got my perfect grouping there you bring this back okay I'm gonna hold my shift and select all of these together and then group them and now I'm going to duplicate no it's selected everything [Music] [Music] there we go okay I didn't mean to group it with the black okay so select here and then hold down the shift and then select select select so only these are selecting and then group there we go okay so then duplicate your group and it doesn't look like we can fit two so had I made these smaller maybe I want these to be bigger so basically what this is just nothing the black is nothing but just a reference so you don't go outside these lines they don't meet it doesn't matter if you send them like this you don't have to attach them or anything because all they know to do is to go to the next map now you don't need the black layer at this point once you figure out how many things will fit on here then you can go down to the black layer and just turn it off or you can well it would be a good idea to group these just so you don't accidentally move something so there's that so you can turn the gray or that I'm sorry the black layer off and then select all and then group that way if you move them you're not going to get outside of your box so now if you click make it its gonna put them how they're best going to fit on that paper that's why I wanted to show you it doesn't really matter how you have them situated it will only cram what a candle into the paper which is nice and it's only going to print with letter size paper all right so let's click cancel so there is a way shows you how to flatten to turn it into a print cut and then also how many you can get how to make a template and how many you can get on that template turn the template off group them and send them to your printer okay let me go ahead and we're gonna move on to contour which is actually my favorite thing to do and let me bring something in to show you what contour is great actually this work perfect okay so what contour is first of all let me show you whenever you you find something that you want to contour out and let me just say what I want to do is I want to separate these three words I want them each separate because I want to make each one a different color or another way to use contour is maybe I only want the word dream I don't have this font in my text list but I like this font and I like this word so that's all I want that's another example of why you would want this so what I'm going to do I've decided that I want this in red dream in red and in white and Creighton blue so in order to do that what I'm going to do is make it small and I'm going to drag it down to the bottom middle of my mat and the reason I do this is because well first of all whenever I want to contour something I duplicate it at least once that way if I make a mistake or in this case I want several I want dream to be one and create to be one so I need to have two of them ready so here's one here's two we can see in the layers panel that one of the layers is the word end and dream and create is one actual letter so when I go to ungroup them there we go when I go to ungroup it this is one group and this is one group just like it showed over here so same thing with this by ungroup 'm oh that was the one I in group a little bit ago okay so we only need one hand for my example and we need one dream in one create so I know that I want that to be white so I'm gonna go ahead and change it to wait move that over here okay so I'm going to bring this down this one I'm just gonna use in a minute so it doesn't matter but this 1 I'm gonna make small and bring right down to the middle and I'm gonna click on contour now the reason why I brought this down here is because this doesn't move I can try to drag it it just doesn't move so that's why we bring here so we can watch what we're doing at the same time that we're doing so first thing I'm going to do everything you see here is here you have an option to make this bigger or smaller if you need to see it better I only go to here if I can't find it here like for some reason I can't find this little dot right here then or on here then I'll look for it over here but for me it's easier to do it here so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna I'm gonna work on I'm gonna hide all my contours and see what's left and it left me with just this and most of the time there's no rhyme or reason to this so I hide them all and I see what's left so I'm gonna go okay all we use the word create first I'll keep the word cream so click on you can see what's dark I'm gonna click on the sea and see it come down there now I need to get rid of the middle of the sea so I click there the middle or the little dot in the AR the dot in the end the dot and a and the dotting the E and that's it I've got my word create I close it and now I've got a complete separate word so this was the one that I wanted to make blue now we'll work on this one make it just a little bit smaller so this time I'm going to contour out create and I'm going to keep dream so I click on contour I hide all again and I'm just gonna bring dream out I'm gonna click the opposite little holes in there and get rid of dream or create so I think it got that it looks like it did so I'm going to close it'd make it bigger just to make sure I got the inside of that part and yes I did it's pretty tiny but I did there we go so we've got dream and create and so we've got we took one image we contour it we ungrouped it then we contoured and we've got a complete different image than what we saw are not completely different but very different from what we saw in Cricut design space so that is the beauty of contour it's a little bit time-consuming but really not that much when once you get used to it you just start click click cookbook and you're you're done before you know it so I tell you it makes it makes you look at images completely different because now instead of going Joe I want this and then ago no and then move on right you could look at it and go well I like it but I want to change the color but because it's already made for me like this I can't change the color but you can as long as you go and contour out what you do want or contour out what you don't want and so you know let's say this this heart is different than the regular heart that that we get from the shape from Cricut design space say all you wanted was this heart you could literally contour everything out but that heart so there it's so exciting to me I love it you know maybe you just wanted these stars you could contour all this out or you could even slice these things out and keep the stars it would take you a little bit more time but it just it opens up so many opportunities when you use contour I think contour and slice are probably my my favorite I don't know I like them all I get really excited so there is contour there is pretty much everything I hope that you enjoyed this whole tutorial it's a lot of fun for me to make it for y'all I hope that you find it super super helpful I'm gonna try and put when it's called like a timestamp so hopefully if I can figure it out so that would be like 1/4 slice a timestamp for well the time stat timestamp for attach and flatten and contour just so that you can come back and refer to it as needed right everybody starts in Cricut design space not knowing a darn thing so do not feel bad you see me make several mistakes today and I kept them in here and perfect and on purpose because because I still make mistakes and I've been doing this for years so I really really hope that you get a lot of help out of this if there's something that you want me to cover either more in-depth or if you want me to show you how to do something else within Cricut designs please please leave it in the comment section and I will absolutely reach out to you and help you or if it's something that more than several people are asking for I will create a whole video for it so until next time take care have a great day and create with love bye [Music] you
Channel: Denise Humphrey
Views: 773,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cricut, craft, diy, how to, home decor, cricut projects, cricut maker, cricut explore air 2, creates with love, denise humphrey, easy press, cricut for beginners, cricut tutorials, budget cricut, easy cricut, cricut design space 2020, cricut design space desktop, cricut design space tutorials for beginners, cricut design space tutorials for beginners 2020, cricut design space, cricut design space tutorials, design space tutorials for beginners, cricut crafts for beginners
Id: iIcaCqkGC0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 38sec (6578 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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