MODERN Decoder GLITCH TITLE Animation | Davinci Resolve 16 Tutorial

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what is up guys I'm Marcel and welcome back to the modern filmmaker in this video I'm showing you guys how to make a text animation that I call the modern decoder glitch so today we are diving into fusion to make a really really modern decoder glitch animation for text and you can use this with video footage or pictures all these same techniques will still apply in the same exact way no matter what kind of media you want to add which animation to so let's go ahead and hop on individually is all 16 and get this started so ring DaVinci Resolve 16 with a brand new project starting from scratch and the first thing we'll need to do is make a new fusion composition you can do this a couple ways you can go down here to effects that's under toolbox on the left hand side effects fusion you can drag this into your timeline a new timeline or a timeline jority working in or you can just go to the media pool you can also do this in the media tab go to the media pool right-click and new fusion composition and then you can set the parameters what you want the fusion composition to be like the frame rate and the duration and the name I'll change the name to decoder and I'll change the duration instead of 5 I will go to 10 just to give us a little more room in case we need it alright so I'm excited about this one because there's a lot of really cool techniques that you combine to make this effect that I'm sure you guys will be able to use in other applications and so to get in this Fusion composition just double click on it and it'll go ahead and open fusion and we'll have nothing here other than our spline window which I'll move over but I'll leave there because we will be making some keyframes and then we have our media out and I will also get rid of the media pool so we have a little more room for our preview windows and the first thing we're gonna start off with is just a plain background so I'm just going to click on the background here to make sure that the Meowth is not selected and then I will click background and it will throw one in not connected to anything and then I'll add a merge node to the background so we can connect it to the media out and pretty much this will just be the bottom of our node tree will make quite a few notes and just in case I want to replace the background later on I can simply go to the media pool and drag in some other media if I needed to or I could just get rid of the background by changing the Alpha to zero and you know that way if you don't want to background you don't have to use it but this way everything's set up to where if you do want a background it's there and you don't have to go back and like restructure things so we can just move forward with kind of a clean slate and I will right-click in this window here in the node window and go to range tools and range to grid this way when we move things around and we make new nodes and place new nodes they'll already be on the grid so if we make several you know a bunch of nodes then it won't get messy or it'll be a lot easier to clean them up and it won't slow us down later on and if you do have a bunch of messy nodes you can right click and go to line up all tools to grid and then align up everything making a lot easier to maneuver around fusion so I'm gonna go ahead and move these just down and then I'm going to add a text so that's what we starting with just our normal text and I'm actually gonna make two texts right here with them merged together and I will put this foreground one on the bottom this is the top I'm just going to connect this merge to the first merge that way we can see what's on the screen and in this first text I'll type the modern and then in the second one I will type filmmaker and I will change the position of this first one to be just above this middle one and I'm going to scale it down I'm just gonna try to stylize this real fast and with the filmmaker I will choose a more modern ask type font and then move the tracking outwards to give it more of that modern look I can size this up a little bit and then I'll go back to the modern text and just move this right here check this out a little bit and make it a little smaller and there's a first there's an animation I want these to do at first before anything else and that's just kind of a slightly shift opposite of each other so I'm gonna keyframe this first text right at keyframe we'll just start at zero and I will go to the Layout tab of the text and in the center I can change the positioning and a keyframe that so I'll make a keyframe right here at the beginning and then I will move let's say all the way to 140 frame 140 even longer let's go to 160 and I will shift the x-axis slightly to the right just a little bit this way we should have this text slowly shifting to the right I like that it's beautiful so one thing I am gonna do is make this a little longer so it goes a little slower I could also just shorten the amount of space that it moves but I also want this animation just to be a little longer and yeah now it's a nice slow kind of shift to the right and best ends at frame 210 so we need to remember that for text to where it says filmmaker and I'll come back to the very beginning go to the Layout tab of the text make a keyframe on frame 0 at the center and then I will go to frame q10 I'm gonna do this one a little differently I'm gonna make a keyframe here at 210 with the animation ends go back to the first one and then move the x-axis a little to the right that way this one will push to the left and now we should have them going opposite of each other horizontally but parallel and it looks really really good very cool so now we're going to get into the glitching or the decoding and in any glitch you know you can use animated effects or some presets or even some fast noise or some kind of matte piece of footage that has some some glitching on it to mask out things but really that kind of gives you a lack of control and if you you know when you watch movies and you see or TV shows and you see these cool like glitches that are really original and really high-quality a lot of time they're made just by hand and it doesn't take long it doesn't take long at all but there are some elements to making it by hand that's really helpful to know just to make your your decode or your glitch seem kind of have an artistic flair to it and seem unique and really pop out and so I'm going to just click this first text and I will hit the mask button here and this will give us a rectangle mask and I will also connect it to text to you this way anything we mask with this mask will mask both text very simple very awesome and let me move this back to you point five and what I'm gonna do is just make this smaller I'm gonna start masking out various sections of this text by going to the width and shorting it here and I can shorten the height if I need to you we don't really need to and then I'll move this to the front and that looks pretty good and I may even move this up so it cuts off a part of the F and the I just let me zoom in here I'm holding the middle mouse wheel down to move around this preview window and now I can really get in here and boom it looks like that F starts or kind of ends you know in between it kinda just looks like a sea which is cool and I'll keep that there and then I'll move this and you can move it anywhere on the screen that you want I'm just trying to keep things clean here I'll move this up here and I will hit the mask button again this will give us another mask that we have the first mask in there and if I move this mask over you will see that it masks things out until it gets to our first mask that mask will just stay there with kind of just doing its own thing so I'll move this back to the middle and start making another little shape here to mask out the next section of this word or these words and yeah that's a good little section they're just these what's six letters that'll work and I can go back and make another mask here under this one and two masks and we are already running out of space but that's totally fine go to mask the rectangle three and make another shape see what's not in there yet let's get this M and the R and the e actually you know I'm gonna go a little more detail another thing with any kind of decoding glitching the more time you spend on it and the more detailed you are with it the better it's gonna look you know you guys have seen if you've searched for this video or any other glitch videos you guys can clearly see kind of what happens the quicker it takes you to make the glitch most likely the the cheaper it's going to look so you know if you take time and really mask things out especially if you try to do it in kind of an artsy way then you end up with an artsy glitch that looks unique and it looks like it is very in depth which you know computers are very in depth so you really want to mimic that and so moving forward trying not to ramble too much because we have a lot to do here and I will make another mask under this number three rectangle and we will continue to mask out portions of this text and with this I'm going to get maybe I'll just get the M then go through here make another mask and I'll get the a and maybe look at the a and the K those two letters kind of look cool next to each other when they're lone so I'll make another mask and let's see rectangle six what are we missing we are mainly missing the Ian R so I will go ahead and make those on their own just to speed this up I could you know chop this in half but just to speed this up I won't make this too complicated all right I lied I'm gonna make this a little complicated just because a way we can do this and make it a little easier as if we cut off the top half of this move over let's see so we kind of have that same see again that we made with the F in the beginning and let's go back to fit and one more mask stuff is all over the place right now trying to keep it organized all right so with mass 7 I'm gonna widen the width and I will take the height down just to get this bottom half that way the whole bottom half of FileMaker will be on its own mask and then I'll go through here and I'm gonna move the levels down because with all these texts out of the way you know at this point we want to animate the text coming onto the screen and it's easiest to do that with the text out of the way so you can kind of see what you're making as you transform it or animate it onto the screen though so we will start with I want to start with something in the middle actually kind of random but with a glitch I don't just kind of want it to decode on I want to kind of just randomly you know seem like a computer that's just grabbing information from all over the place because that's kind of how hard drives the computers work they don't just like get something in a straight line they'll go grab information from everywhere and then put something together so I'm gonna start from the middle and we will go to keyframe 5 and I will make a keyframe at the level because we're gonna pretty much make a little glitch of this blinking onto the screen so I will deactivate the other splines so I can just work with rectangle 4 and we see we have our keyframe here I will hit the right arrow key to go one frame to the right and then I'll turn the level all the way up then I will hit the right arrow key again to go one frame forward and I'll move the level all the way down and then I will go two frames over one to make a keyframe one more one more frame to the right and then all the way up then I will go over one frame all the way down over one to three frames make a keyframe one more all the way up and then that should be good and if you can't tell we just did pretty much we made a keyframe with you the level the blend the opacity at zero and then one keyframe it's on it's all the way on another keyframe it's off and then it's off for one two three keyframes then it comes back on then it's off for one two three four keyframes then it's on for another frame and then with this one last thing we will do I'm gonna hit this button which is zoom to fit which will give us all the active keyframes put them all in the window here select all of these and I'm gonna press s which will smoothen these out because sometimes you can have really choppy glitches you know when you just have keyframes that just go straight up straight down they end up being a really choppy and with screens usually the light level kind of comes on so when you smoothing it out and makes it flicker more than it does kind of sharply strobe on you and now if we look at this it doesn't look like much yet boom and which have a simple one two three one two three very simple and then we can easily apply this same animation to the rest of the splines by just selecting all of the current keyframes here and then in control C to copy again that's ctrl C to copy now we have all of these splines copied so we can let's choose a point where we want the next one to come in and I'm gonna go right here where this one comes in because the first keyframe of the next thing will start at zero and then the keyframe after that we'll start at full full opacity so this will kind of help these come on against each other which is really cool when you when you do a glitch it's nice to give it like a rhythm you know when you have like two little egg shakers on your hand and your kind of going off rhythm with each other we're gonna try to do that same thing here where we have these different elements of the text kind of pop in against each other an opposite of each other which will give us a really cool rhythm to the encoder or a glitch animation that we're making so let me do 8 this one so we don't screw that one up because that can be easy to do in this blind window especially when it's this small and from here I will go to let's say let's go straight to this first one and I will make a keyframe right here boom then I can simply right click where this keyframe is with number one selected rectangle one selected right click and paste points and value boom now we've got another glitch that's happening kind of offset to our first one yeah very cool so we will come in here and that is kind of the same technique that I'm going to be using for the rest of these so I'm gonna go to C this one comes on it hafnium comes on this the beginning comes on then after this one I'm going to go to let's say I'm trying to be random so I want to go maybe close to where the last one was but not the last one so we're at key rectangle 4 we'll go to 5 I will deactivate this get out of our way and then make another keyframe here then I can go to rectangle 5 right click this keyframe paste points in value and voila like see this rhythm that we're making here really cool really cool and see what I mean it's like it's hard to find a premade animation or get like some kind of noise effect or even if you go into like the TV or simulators in the effects and DaVinci Resolve it's hard to get like a really cool offset kind of animation like that a lot of time you're just gonna get some kind of random seed animation that you you really can't dictate how it's going to come on the screen so this gives you a lot of control to make something really unique and really cool and really like customized to to you and your style so I'll deactivate this and let's see come somewhere in here and I will go to let's say number yeah let's go to number three I'll make a keyframe here select number three in the spline window right click and paste points and values so now we have a ton of things coming on very cool I like that and then we can come down to let's say which one we have we not got do yet let's go to number two and we will let's go before anything actually we'll make this one the first stinking one do you have to bait this third one make a keyframe for number two at the level right click paste points and values sick see it's almost like one of those cool like signs some of those like you what they call them and they like the fluorescent lighting signs or whatever very cool I like it so from here we will go on and do the same for six let's go like right here and level get off number two and paste points and values boom boom boom boom and then number six real quick number six is gonna come right around right we're number six start number seven I mean so right here I'm going to hit the level and with number seven selected right click and paste points and values whoops the spline window and the cut and paste or copy and paste can be very weird and sometimes like what just happened let me control these you guys can see oh it's not gonna show you guys nevermind there it is so it's for some reason I right clicked on this keyframe you guys saw me do that but for some reason even though number six is deactivated it put extra points on number six so watch out for that because that could just one of those one miss look like that could just screw up all the animations and you're like what the heck is going on so with those gone and number six gone I'm gonna go straight to number seven go to this keyframe I'll click that right click paste points and values now there we go yeah now that looks really good yeah it's almost like I don't know but I like that I like it so I'm going to let's see I'm in a group these masks I just hit right I select them all hit right click right click and then what to group now it's telling me to ungroup or expand group if I want to check them out but for now they're cool grouped and that gives us a lot of space to work with and I'm going to move all this stuff over here and then from here we're going to do something kind of unusual let's see and one thing is here's a little pro tip I should have used the transform to shift my text position because now they're being affected by the mask so learn from my mistakes I should have used the transform tool so for now I'm going to go to these keyframes and the positioning and I'm going to delete them I'm going to delete the ending keyframes in both of these so those keyframes made it to 10 I'm getting rid of those for now and then I'll close this and we can go ahead and do what I should have done in the beginning which would be click on this click on the text to hit the transform should be right here and you can do the same for text one transform this way it will move with the mess which is kind of crazy but it actually does work so if I make a keyframe at the very beginning Center go to 2 10 keyframe there I can go back to number one and shove this over to the left go transform to 10 I mean keyframe go back to the beginning make a keyframe and move the beginning over to the right boom should give us the same exact effect that we had made before mala very cool now the masks do not affect the text at all outside that beginning animation so from here we're gonna add some more glitch light effects some more computer type effects and the first one we're gonna add is a prism blur so you can hit I think it's space shift whoops yep to bring up D it is shift space don't press space shift shift space and it'll bring up the search and you can type in prison blur hit add and it'll plot this on the screen and we can now shove this in between our merge two in our merge one and it'll give us this here a little effect which is really cool already it's really useful when the glitch is happening but I want to go away once the word is actually on the screen so I'm going to go to right here right before the last bit of it comes on and hit the blur or actually the abrasion strength I'm in with the blur strength yeah I'll do the blur strength also I'm gonna get rid of all these other ones in the spline window because the supply window can get super messy now we have our prism blur with our keyframes and I'm going to move these both down to zero and blur strength aberration strength and go back to the beginning close to the beginning maybe keyframe seven or eight I'll move this up and blur I'll move up also not too much just a little yeah that's fine there let's see it's distance that's kind of cool too and now it's got a little more style but it looks a little more filming than it does computery and I want to look a little more computer esque so I'm going to right-click go to insert tool you could also search for this I'm going to the blur and mosaic blur which is in the resolve FX blur and this will give us more of mm let's see this will give us more of a computer type effect crank that up a good bit we don't really want to smoothen this at all leave that right where it is this can stay at black also and now and then we'll also want to keyframe this to turn off so if we go to the blend keyframe actually we can keyframe this on and off which would look a lot better so I will keyframe this on right where it is from the prison blur off go forward a few keyframes let's say 1 2 3 4 5 6 turn it off 1 2 3 actually just one to turn it on 1 2 3 turn it off 1 turn it on one turn it off now very cool and I'm actually going to turn down this prism blur just distance because it's going a little crazy I know this may not look like much yet but we have not gotten to you the real winner effect here boom so what I'm gonna do from here is add a duplicate duplicate is a really cool way to have things kind of jump out in z space or left to right and I'll show you guys what I mean right click mmm insert tool effects duplicate and with the duplicate we could make three copies instead of two and pretty much that means that it's just got three copies stacked on top of each other right here instead of just one and if I pivot this whoops not pivot but Center if I Center this you can see it pushes the other copies to the left or to the right whichever way I want to go or up and down which with something like this that can look really really sick see I'm going with this yeah but I want to keep these right where they were at 0.5 and I'm gonna go to this size push these towards us I'll move the pivot down like this now you guys see we're getting much much more glitchy encoder type situation here and this is really the thing that kind of it's the icing on the cake this is the thing that really turns it into what it becomes and let me see I'll leave it Center where it was keep that size there and there's a few cool things you can do if you put this down to two point like ten then you have like a low opacity a high opacity and then you have your normal opacity back in the back but from I'm just gonna go to 3 and then I'ma turn the blend down this way we have very light opacity in the front we have about half opacity in the mid way back and then our original taxes is normal now the glitch should look crazy yeah it looks insane so first of all we'll need to turn this off at some point so we'll need to keyframe that so I'm going to turn the mosaic blur off so we don't mess that up I'll shorten all these go to that duplicate and let's see I will go to the blend towards the end hit a key frame one frame over turn it off and I might even make it back here I might even make it turn off back here keyframe there go to our first keyframe and then delete that yeah that way it kind of gets smaller it kind of fades out it almost like it jumps out at you but then they kind of pull back as the word forms yes yes god that's sick that is sick and I used this same technique all over my intro I mean this is like kind of the foundation of what created my intro is this effect and it's doing this and then adding more glitches and more like distorted effects on top of that that made it what it became but this is like the foundation of what made you know the modern filmmaker logo and all the text jump forward and backwards and really kind of seemed really sporadic but yet well planned boom very cool so there's another thing we can do with this which is awesome if we come to you let's say the first time it pops on the screen boom you can see that the first thing that comes on is this mask we had towards the middle of the text and it's you know it's got the the original one the one in in front of that and you can you can pretty much see all three copies in every frame you can see all three copies which is not and particularly what I want I want to be a little more random than that so I'll come back to the duplicate and just hit the time offset this literally offsets the time of each copy so what I really want to do is have the furthest one to us or the closest one to us whoops the closest one to us come up first so let's see there we go actually I can live with like that that's cool there we go see now it's a lot more random it seems like it's just random grabbing random things at random times but we still had the same rhythm of the animation we made sick so sick now you have that and we have the opacity on the background turn all the way down so you can easily just drag that in to your timeline and start working you know if you had some footage under here obviously that would be a little more beneficial but now we have our full glitch effect right here in the timeline and it's that simple I hope you like this video I hope you guys learned something I hope you guys find ways to take these techniques and turn them to stuff that I never even thought of and if you guys did like the video definitely make sure to click the like button and if you didn't like the video click the like button anyway and if you have any questions comments or concerns leave in the comment section down below I always reply make sure to subscribe and as always I'm Marcel in this Midmark filmmaker now we'll see y'all next time peace [Music]
Channel: The Modern Filmmaker
Views: 31,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: glitch animation davinci resolve 16, glitch text davinci resolve 16, title glitch davinci resolve 16, fusion glitch davinci resolve, fusion glitch animation davinci resolve 16, fusion tutorial davinci resolve, davinci resolve fusion tutorial, fusion text glitch, MODERN Decoder GLITCH TITLE Animation | Davinci Resolve 16 Tutorial, davinci resolve 16 fusion tutorial, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, blackmagic design, davinci resolve glitch effect, davinci resolve text
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 10sec (2170 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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