How to make a Reel to land a job | Live with Qazi

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what's up guys hey let me know if you guys can hear me hey guys can you hear me okay I'm having some trouble with my picture this is my first time using OBS and I literally don't know what I'm doing so just give me one second guys I'm gonna figure this out all right let me know if you guys can see me now oh it still says unsupported resolution yeah you guys can see me now right awesome awesome okay perfect what's up guys what's up Jerry what's up baby what's up with Shaw my wife is on line I see some oh geez Jody what's going on man I'm gonna I'm so guys this is what we're gonna do the topic is how do you make a real tool and a job and what we're gonna do is for replays people who are gonna watch it later I'm gonna leave chapters and timestamps in the description to just make sure to check those out and just skip to whatever you want to see and guys today's agenda this is what I'm gonna cover okay there's five main things that I'm gonna talk about the first thing is gonna be I'm gonna move this over here so at least it doesn't look so awkward I'm just looking off-screen so the first thing I'm gonna cover is gonna be reels nowadays are getting irrelevant and I want to talk about why that is because you know 5 or 10 years ago that's the only way to get a job and I want to touch base on what's happening and what can happen to change that and then I want to talk about like top mistakes that a lot of filmmakers make when it comes to making a real a lot of us forget what's important and you know to the client do the other party then ourselves you know sometimes we just get lost in the process and we create something that's not marketable you know and I'm gonna talk about how to reverse engineer that like what they need to see then what you think is cool so we're gonna talk about that and then I'm gonna touch base on I'm gonna show you some of my reels and I'm gonna break them down okay so I'm gonna play them through let you digest and then I'm gonna go back in and I'm gonna break them down for you and just kind of tell you what's going on while I'm doing what's happening here and then also the aftermath success and losses I'm gonna tell you something came out of it or if it didn't work out and then and then at the end I want to share something a demo reel that I recently that's been a freaking banger I mean I am the success rate is 100% and I think everybody who's seeing it is telling me that a super cutting edge and I'm doing something that they haven't seen yet so I'm gonna be sure that sharing that with you and I'm gonna show you how I went about it and break it down step by step and I think that's gonna be very valuable for you I'm gonna pull this over to sorry sorry about some amateur-hour I'm just figuring out OBS as we go and then the last thing I'm gonna talk about is do's and don'ts okay about how to what's the next step so you made a real right so what do you do with it how do you go about it how do you distribute it and we're gonna touch base on that and I think that might as well be one of the most important steps in the process I'm gonna give it I'm gonna give it a couple of minutes or at least a minute or two for everybody to just get together and then I'm gonna get going maybe like in two minutes okay and in the meantime guys another thing that I want to tell you is go check out my Instagram page because there's a lot of content I'm just gonna show you I'm gonna show you right here like just check this out okay there's a lot of little nuggets that I put on there so like top 5 mistakes for filmmakers I'm gonna let me change the screen so you can see it right here so go go to my Instagram page the handle is the Cosman and check out what I post every day ok so I do a lot of stuff like that you know where we're showing like top 5 mistakes you know people make in a demo reel and it's a 1 minute quick video and it's gonna be super valuable ok I also give you guys like you know crazy breakdown so like look at this grade but then I have a video where I'm showing you what's happening ok and you can look at my no trees stuff like that and so there's like these are just loaded with that like look at that like I'm just giving away my no tree I mean when was the last time you saw a colorist giving this away like people just show the before and afters but nobody likes to share that so look what's happening here so this is what I mean check this out you're gonna get tons of stuff like that you're gonna get to see my reels and upcoming events and behind the scenes and things like that so I think it's very valuable handle is the cause man ok all right let's get into it thanks auntie I appreciate it man what's up sod how's it goin man alright guys so let's do this let's get going you know what just i'm so sorry just give me one second i'm gonna go live on instagram as well i'm not as fancy to have multiple people doing stuff for me yet so i'm new to this whole thing so just bear with me we're doing this together alright what's up IG fam all right so we're live on IG my main focus is gonna be this camera and YouTube and then IG people just please leave a comment do whatever and then I'm gonna cover that okay guys let's get into it okay so I want to start off with reels and when I said why it's they're irrelevant nowadays think about demo reels nowadays as let me just go back here okay so think about demo reels nowadays they are modern-day business cards and what I mean by that is that a lot of people its we are living in the social media age where transparency is everything right so back in the day like with demo reels and things like that it was all about smoking mirrors you know we're building ourselves into these professionals and betting out but you know putting our best work out which is true you got to do that but nowadays people want to see you know you breaking that fourth wall you know you connecting with people on a human level right so you know unless the real is you know very targeted and niche and has a purpose you know I mean just nobody's gonna watch it even if you go on my page on Instagram and just scroll through my content and see what gets so much attention compared to even like some of my professional work if I don't put my face to it if I don't give you a little backstory or break it down or something like that you don't want to see it you know why because we're spoiled because we see demo reels from we see trailers movie trailers we see commercials that are six million dollar productions seventy million dollars Auctions so what my point is that unless your reel has something to say and you know for you to add a unique touch it's just gonna get lost in the mix so that's very important to know so you know like I said it's a modern-day business card nobody cares about it like when you meet somebody you give them your Instagram handle you don't hand out business cards okay cuz it's gonna go in the garbage same thing with like websites like personal websites what are those you know what I mean like nowadays everybody is just doing the next big thing you know and and sharing that with people on Instagram on YouTube and stuff like that to just get exposure LinkedIn LinkedIn is a great great place and you know a lot of people are misusing LinkedIn they're still using it as like a career builder sort of thing you know where they're so professional and everything yes you can be but at the same time it's a great platform you know how Instagram or how Facebook used to give you so much exposure organic exposure and you don't get that nowadays you have to do paid you know promotions and things like that well LinkedIn is what Facebook was five years ago so like right now the organic reach is insane when I post something and I do two hashtags 500 people get to see my stuff and I'm not popular on LinkedIn I've recently started using it only four or five months ago like when it comes to making posts but but my point is that you want to get out there you know get a head start use a platform like that okay thanks Vishal all right so now I wanna let's let's see okay now I want to talk about the biggest mistake ok that's happening with current filmmakers a lot of them and a lot of them we're doing it right and a lot of them are doing it wrong and the people who are doing it wrong I was one of them up until you know a freaking year ago year and a half ago and all I'm gonna tell you what I'm talking about you know I I know so many people you know that get a full-time job or something like that and it'll be a entry-level video producer gig or whatever have you and they are spending all their time you know just working whatever they're working and they're living in a cave they're not sharing anything they're keeping everything close to their chest and what's happening with that is that you know you nowadays like you have to understand the power of social media okay because if you're working a job you have a full-time job you think you're secure you're not something is gonna come up something is gonna change you know and you get laid off or something like that and all of a sudden you have no connections you have no rolodex you can't really reach out to you know Joey or anyone you know because you didn't make those connections while you were working you were so inactive you know you were a ghost so that's one thing that you got to keep in mind I was the first one to admit it that I was the craziest eye roller when it came to social media like going live on Instagram That's not me like something like that would have never happened you know or even doing this like it just the mentality was completely different you know old school you know thinking and stuff like that social media as to waste time it's not to like provide value or share something that you have to say that can help many people and you have to internalize it though like you know because if you if your outlook on social media is that it's a bad thing then you're gonna then that basically that means that you're putting out stuff like that and then sure don't waste your time don't do that then this this advice is not for you but if you genuinely think that you can make a difference you can share something and I don't mean like in a narcissistic way like I'm sitting here you guys are here to like listen to me blah blah blah I'm a big deal that's not what I mean I mean you genuinely just share what you do and what work for you and you sure you try to be as honest as possible like I said later on I'm gonna tell you what I thought is gonna be the greatest thing greatest hit and it didn't work out you know so I want to share those things too and keep that in mind so when you go on social media be transparent and don't get disheartened you put something out there it doesn't get any love blah blah blah you always have to start from the start you know I mean I've been shooting my stories since I had like zero subscribers on YouTube and now I have 20 100 subscribers in like 3-4 months and it's amazing to see that growth and how I have changed over time and learned so much from the process and you know you can't just wait you gotta get in there and get going you got to do it today if I had a youtube channel four years ago I might have had like 400,000 subscribers by now but I don't live in regrets it's great that I'm doing it right now I'm 33 so by the time I'm 40 I might have a million subscribers or more you know and so it's never late and never too late but you gotta take action take actions and just get started like do it right now do like start posting stuff and start posting think about it what interests you what made you come to this webinar right now what am i doing try to take you know my process or somebody else's process that impacts your life a little bit or a lot and then reverse-engineer it like you know how can you try to do that but with your own Flair and share that with people right so you know that's you know am i tape that's something that I can give you from that okay um also like I mean you know and one thing that I can tell you to get started with like social media because some of you might be like I don't have a lot of stuff I don't know what to do like I don't even know what's the first thing how to begin you know promoting myself or just getting these words out there let me just show you what you can do I would say do a one-minute behind the scenes of anything that you've done it could be a wedding video that you shot it could have been a freaking birthday party of your son like whatever it is that you did it doesn't need to be a project with Honda or Nissan or anything like that and if you have those great just take a piece of that chunk of that talk about the inspiration why you did it keep it short keep it simple you know yeah I would start with something like you know even like this webinar like so if you go look at my latest like Instagram post it was top 5 mistakes you know filmmakers make when making a demo reel and then that led him to come join me and watch this you know that was just one way to approach I could have also approached it with from authority perspective where I could have set up work with Toyota I work with Visio work with P&G blah blah blah listen to me because I have something important to say that's a different like you know angle so there's so many different things that you can do and play around with but you don't know what works unless you start putting the stuff out there and then analyze the data and then that's what's gonna tell you you know what people want to hear you know and not necessarily what people want to hear that you know you're just you're gonna turn into a people pleaser but more so then you're gonna understand the psychological aspect of it like what works what doesn't work okay and and I can't tell you enough like no joke I cannot tell you in the last three months since I started my youtube channel and got heavy on you know social media how much work I've gotten since then and people just reached out to me from all over the place you don't even know like I mean I might not get like I might pull something on LinkedIn and it gets like you know 500 views but like two likes but then that one like one person reaches out to me and goes hey we're working on this pilot we don't really like the editor that we're working with watch your stuff love it blah blah blah can you come in you know can you help us out and I went and did it they loved me and now they're in the like we're in the talks of like you know me taking over the entire show being the lead editor for the entire season and the icing on top is that they trust me now to a point that they want to give me a hard drive with six episodes and see me in six months that kind of job you know where I can work remotely so I did that because they saw me providing some value a lot of the times you know we just put out our demo reel and think that everybody gets it we assumed that these big head honchos they know what to look for they get it they don't get it I worked on a project where you know my client says hey I really like this shot it matches and it was a stock footage that I was using and they were like I really like this shot it matches with whatever else we shot you know so this was really cool and I'm like can I tell you a fun fact and she's like go ahead and I'm like okay so you know we're trying to show that it's a middle-of-the-night we're in the middle of the ocean it's a rogue wave that's hitting this freaking ship and this shot that I got the stock footage it's like a 60 frames a second you know the ship is just cruising and it's an overcast day I changed it to day for night turn it into a freaking night I added rain so it's raining and then I added tons of shake to show that the waves are hitting you know the rogue waves are hitting the freaking ship and then I added like lightning in the back her mind was just freakin blown away if I wouldn't have explained that to her like she just wouldn't have known you know there's no way because if I show you that right now you wouldn't know did that happen but I did that you know so sometimes it's not bragging or anything it's like letting other people understand what goes into that and educating them and then that will give you the leverage you know so just another little nugget okay now I just wanna go through the top five mistakes that film makers make with their demo reels and I want to look at some of these comments - thanks Ricky what's up ass Mon your right side yep my wife is right Dane of all trades shoutout to my wife she's like social media is just not media anymore the keys listen engage and build relationships I couldn't agree more seriously like you know before I always like just cried about like hey look at my content like my brother just rolls a camera big you know like pulls out a freaking phone and just puts the camera to his face and makes a video and it gets like freakin fifty shares and four hundred you know bookmarks and blah blah blah and I'm like showing these sophisticated new nice on project that I worked on blah blah blah and it's getting three likes what the hell is going on well it's a one-way street I'm not communicating with people I'm just basically saying hey I'm shoving information down people's throat and people don't want that people don't care for it now it is you know they're too smart for that you know and I'm just saying watch this like this and my description is like one line work with Nissan you know it comes off just like being a jerk face you know it's not cool like people want people want to connect they want to ask questions you have to give them some context everything has to play in context before I will make a video on YouTube and then just like don't do anything for Instagram or just whatever is the leftover afterthought would go on Instagram so of course I wasn't getting any engagement because you have to respect each platform and their audience it's significantly different right Facebook owns Instagram tell me that these two audience just couldn't be more different right then you look at YouTube then you look at LinkedIn Twitter it's just different audience you know so you have to create you have to tailor-made you know messages for each one you know so that's important like try out you know dry that dry out that well before you just think that there's no water left you know like really get in there and extract everything out of it you know before you just think that and whatever you know okay let's get into five mistakes filmmakers make with their demo reel and the first thing that I want to say is that I've seen many many demo reels where people do that like they save best for last they think that you know ending on a high note is the way to go you know you must be really narcissistic to think like that that people have time that they're gonna watch you know the first minute and I have two minutes of your demo reel to see the ending I mean just it's heartbreaking just when I go and look at my retention for all the videos that I put out on YouTube it's like you know the good ones are like 60 70 % but they're short the long ones are like 33% 38% 42% and it's heartbreaking because I'm like man like the effort was equal like you know what I did in the beginning I did even more later on you know what the hell is going on like people just stick around like please you know but you can't force people so you know I would say just take a 180 switch it so that's the first tip you know don't say best for last like start with the freaking banger so people their jaw freakin drops and then they watch the whole thing and then yeah you spread the you know stuff out and just breadcrumbs like throughout the whole thing and another thing to be that you need to think about is that a lot of the times like you know people will then do the opposite when I'm recommending but then it will be the first that five 15 seconds are gonna be freaking banger and then that's it the end don't do that either you know have figure out a way to spread it out evenly but starting off with the beggar is billion times better than save best for last so that is number one number two demo reels that are irrelevant or because there's no context it's all over the place okay I start watching a demo reel and I'm kind of like I mean I know that it starts with let's just say a cinematography reel but then I'm just watching it and it's like boom boom boom like you know it's just I'm just like okay look what am I really it's just a hodgepodge montage you know and it just goes all over the place and maybe it's like - Cudi and I can't really concentrate on one thing you know you got to think about who you're catering to your cinematographer maybe I want to see oners you know I want to see long dragged out shots can you hold your you know focus can you boom-boom-boom this like composition like what's the composition like what's the lighting like like let me absorb that maybe if you were a trill or editor then you give me like da da da da da da da da da da like you know you can do those and I'll buy it because that's what I'm looking for you know and if you cut dramas you know then you just gotta think about that you know maybe like clump your shots and give me a little story move on to the next one it's okay I'm not gonna skip you know to the next step more real because now I'm looking for that you know so things like that number three that's another thing that I noticed the demo reels are either too short or they're too long so think about this right so the best way to understand how long your demo reels should be is to look at the big players okay so let's just say I'm a colorist I go on company three's website and I look at their demo reels and this is the company that pretty much does every major Hollywood film and Super Bowl commercials and everything that dominate the color grading space okay so now I go on their website and I look at they're real and they're freaking real is like two minutes long and I'm like what the hell like I thought I have so much good content that my reel should be five minutes long and people should sit through and watch it do I have better stuff than Company three spoiler alert F no I don't you know so why is my reel five minutes long and theirs is two minutes long have some humility look at it from a broad mind set and analyze it like what be realistic about it optimism is great but you still have to be like to stay in the game you have to be realistic so go study some of that analyze it and then work around that sometimes like I said it's too shorts to Cutty like you know you're thinking you're pandering to like the freakin views and like what people want to see and you're making a 30-second demo reel you can't do that you know that's it's just it shows that you have nothing to show for and it doesn't matter again you could be shooting like wedding videos and parties you know but that's okay take pride in it and tell a story and then don't rush yourself but at the same time just know just know what's too long what's too short do your research Vimeo is a great place and then I'm sure like best place would be let's say your businesses making corporate videos then I will go to like intel's website and things like that and watch some stuff from them or research production companies that do corporate videos and then look at how do they make their demo reels and then kind of take that throw your flair on it you know your sauce on it and then go from there for and this is with every demo reel okay and that's very subjective but not really and I'll tell you why music is either too dull or too jarring in your face death metal that's a no-no don't effing do it doesn't work it just doesn't work I don't care unless you're applying for a death metal band and telling them that you want to tour with them and just you know cut stuff for them in social media pieces whatever then do it then that's great but other times the music is too dull you know freaking you know Paul Thomas Anderson you know I mean I'm not trying to like on the dude but you know phantom threat could have been a great movie if it was an hour long hour and 20 minutes long it didn't need to be like five days long I mean come on dude like it stopped being pretentious okay don't just drag things you know because you think that you have something to say and then other people's time doesn't matter and then throw something on there that's so sleepy that it's hard to concentrate and look at so even let's just say personally that's your music that's okay but don't think about that think about who's gonna be watching it on the other end think about them and the biggest thing the biggest indicator what kind of music you need to use is gonna be the driving force is gonna be your visuals so and the editing style that's gonna tell you right there what kind of music you need okay so something to keep in mind and then the last mistake that filmmakers make is one size fits all real and I'm telling you this is the ultimate worse and I used to do it and this gets you nowhere I mean it's one of those things that all put out a freakin crazy Bangor real and like months go by and I'm like what the hell's going on I thought after making this real my life is gonna change I just tacked on all these new clients and blah blah blah blah blah and like you know I have impressive like shots in there and all that like what the hell is going on why am I not reaching anyone because when you make a one-size-fits-all real it's really easy to see that and when you send it out to people they look at it as a spam like you're just spamming everyone because you don't really and you're kind of scattered you don't have a direction which you're applying for you're just like boom boom boom boom like you know anywhere and whoever calls me is great you don't even want to get that call because if they call you is gonna be like some crazy position and they're just gonna overwork you it's not good it's gonna be a lose-lose situation you're not gonna be able to produce what they want or you're not gonna be happy and you're not gonna be happy with what you're gonna be doing because they were just like you know you're they take you as a joke so thing to just keep in mind one size fits all real no go that's right baby yes exactly ballek send like yes that's the movie I'm talking about with Daniel day-lewis I mean I love the cast I like the premise at the end of the movie but come on man this is 2019 like let's frickin roll you know what I'm saying I don't know if you got such a noble on HBO just a little side thing I don't know if you guys seen Chernobyl on HBO but check it out best thing ever happened to humankind okay I mean a five-part series it's a freaking heavier than the the production value is more than frickin phantom thread like a lot of movies big-budget movies or TV shows and it just gets right in like the first five minutes you're hooked and until the last second of episode five and the series ends you're just like I wish they had 50 episodes and I will just give up on life and watch this all along because it's amazing so that's my point okay and it's critically acclaimed and it's you know rotting at hundred and it's on not its nine point nine or nine point seven on IMDB so it's no joke but there's different ways to tell the story but in 2019 chop chop let's go that doesn't mean rush but just do it right and you can you can make things compelling and still make them you make them do them right thanks Shiva appreciated man Masterclass yes Ricky so for those like you know for for the courses I can touch base on that later on let's stay on topic like you know and and stick with what we got going on right now but I'm definitely gonna talk about my courses at the end of this and just kind of give you guys a I actually need your feedback okay I mean I said it in the last webinar courses take forever to make and I would I need your help I don't want to make something that's not gonna bring any value to you and you know I got a family I got a son I got a I got a lot of clients you know I'm running a business so I don't want to waste my time but more importantly I don't want to waste your time I don't want to rob you I don't want to take your money so I just want to make sure that I make something that is gonna bring some value to you okay we're gonna talk about that later thanks thanks for bringing it up Ricky okay guys now now let's get to the meat and the potatoes let's get in there I'm gonna show you a demo reel that I did last year when I started the post village and I'm gonna play it through so digest it I'm gonna play it through it's about two minutes long just giving you a heads up but just watch it please because I want you to participate in this like watch it and then just drop a comment and let me know what's sticking out to you like if you notice something like yes this was good like I like how it went from this to that boom boom boom or whatever right so just mention some things if you can in the comments because that's gonna help this conversation even better because you know the point of this webinar what I want to turn these things into is a two-way street you know I want to keep looking here and just read the messages and then like have a dialogue right because that's much more interesting than you guys just looking at a dude talking you know for an hour so let me play this real for you and then once I play it all the way through I'm gonna go back and I'm gonna start breaking it down and tell you exactly what's going on and how I made it and it's gonna help out a lot and I'm also gonna end it and that real with the wins and losses okay so let's get in there thanks Shiva appreciate the vote of confidence okay so I'm gonna switch screens there you go let's do this I'm gonna show you this real let me know if you can hear me and if you can hear the sound I'm gonna try to keep it down and it's coming from my iMac so it might not sound the best but whatever you'll get the idea is just music track anyway so here you go this is the show real that I did when I launched my business last year this is a company real so it basically you know my company offers editorial in color so this was for that so let me play it through [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] he won't give me imma take [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so hopefully you guys enjoyed it I was showing it to my Instagram family too so I had to move the camera around all right so let's do this so hopefully you liked what you saw and just drop some comments if you have anything and then I'm gonna get going I'm gonna do a breakdown okay so like I said this is a company real let me just get in there so this is a company real and this is for you know editorial and editorial and color these are the services we offer and the call to action comes in around here you know where I'm just like we do color right here like we do color and then it goes into we do editorial and we do color right so here's the thing this is so this is the thought process this is how you know it all started I started this general with the music track music track was the first thing a lot of the times the catalyst is the music track because it's gonna give you the motivation and you're gonna start seeing things you're gonna start building a story in your head so what I do is a lot of the times I might be driving to LA and I'll literally be on music bed just going through different tracks music bed is a website royalty-free you know website where you can sign up you know per month or you know purchase a track so I will literally just be going through their playlists and pick artists that I like and just going through their playlist while I'm driving you know to work and just analyzing and internalizing just trying to think like how everything is gonna play out so that's the first thing that I do I think that's the thing that you should look into doing if you don't already and but hopefully most of you already do that so start start with a music track that you think is gonna set the tone and it's going to be the right for what you're trying to say I am heavily influenced by hip-hop I get going with it like I I love that you know so that's just my thing it's true to me so even if I'm come creating a company and it should be more businesslike and have like a plain-jane corporate music that's just not what's gonna happen because I'm the boss of this company so I Drive it I do it however I see fit and this is you know and nowadays with social media and like just the influencers like this is what's hot right now you know this is cool this is hip this is different so I did that now let's go back into let me share the screen and let me tell you how it started so okay so now I got the real right now where do I start so this is what happened this was the first section so now I got the real not only I got the real or or I got the music when I got the music I started listening to it and you see all these markers you can see the markers on the music track all these markers like have different things on them some say what it says like you know I should have like a world I should have this and that focus on that maybe there should be a bird flying when this is happening you know and I dropped these cues on my music track to kind of help me line up these sequences because as you can tell like there's so many different projects that are used on this there's so many different projects that are dropped in here so how do you go from one thing to another you start off with doing that listen to the music and if it has like lyrics like try to make sense of it and create a story at the end of the day you know it doesn't matter it could be a real it should still tell a story it shouldn't be just like a freaking crazy montage that makes no sense okay because it needs to be compelling for somebody to keep watching it so I started with this sequence right here that's what I started with like right here and I'm gonna show you why just listen to the words and you see this marker that was the marker ever placed on this music track alright let's listen to this and see what's happening and what the words are saying so just look at it supernova I'm showing the world like boom boom boom this is happening like you know like little beats like where you know I cut her twice like show that little mmm you know when he says oh you know and then we're showing the world like you know you take the world and can you flip it over and I'm like you know boom doing that adding some quick little Effects and Premiere not getting too fancy you know and like taking this and kind of morphing it into that world you know a speedo product and goes into that and then it goes into that two different you know spots one for speedo goes into Visio seamlessly and then as soon as the Visio Visio then it's Turtle Beach and from Turtle Beach we go back to videos different spot and then supernova sequence boom boom boom and then we go into our PNG Olympics commercial that we did so you know this is what's happening that was the first bit and when I placed that in it kind of just gave me the vibe and the feel for how the whole thing is gonna play out and I build out sequences like that so you know that's one amazing tip that I can tell you if you want to burn through demo reels and just like kick them out really fast but methodically and have them done right and then besides that I can show you that throughout this demo reel there is a I'm gonna go shot by shot and show you like how there is you know what's happening there is a color coordination we're kind of gradually going from one color to another like the color palette to another same thing is happening with shots or spots like I'm going from one spot and transitioning into the next one gradually you know nothing just like hits you in the face so if you watch this like you know how this is dodge and then from dodge we go to P&G but we're going to P&G but look at this red I'm taking this red and I'm going in there and then from that red I'm going to alpha my own spot that I did and it just like bleeds into that so nicely and then you know her red lipstick right and then even like just the way she's grated you know it's like warm and it goes with this like the fields and then we go into that and then it cuts to this like you know dude you know different music videos you can cut to that and kind of goes with that and then we go to just like this is just a transitional piece you know this doesn't really do anything but this is again from PNG so transitional pieces that transition us to this and then look what he's saying here and then what I'm placing here like you know it's a hero shot go Cersei on you like we know Cersei is a badass she's a woman so like I'm doing that I'm thinking about that I'm building that out like you know this is whole sequence I'm building her up you know silhouette boom boom boom and then we're cutting to that and then we're giving a nice little breather and then boom like look at eyes - cars headlights nice swipe light leak boom boom boom just leads into like we see some blue and red here and then it goes into a blue you know raffle or rocks are Indian company that I did a commercial for rocks are and then it goes into that and then we pull out like boom like we see a little Brown here like the dirt here and I take that and then I boom open up blue and you know dirt and then we go into the next shot then we do some transition and just look at that you see the blue and the you know dirt and then boom from there we transition into that like the skin tone and then the blue shirt you you get what I'm saying and then like it's it's fast fast fast it's slow it's fast fast fast it's slow you get what I'm saying but it's everything is tied in together like nothing is without any purpose every shot is thoughtfully meticulously placed okay so let's look at this blue shirt you know and warm asphalt here going into you know the fields and the blue Jeep you get what I'm saying another blue Jeep you know look at the look at the dudes shirt goes into boom boom two quick shots changing the gear boom jumping down long and then like as he's plowing that you know sand into our face and the camera goes into a snow and then boom do this do that so now you're getting the idea and then like look at the sequences where there's gonna be a buildup I'm actually literally doing a build-up by showing like the car just picking up and it's about to go down and boom it goes down okay so then now take a listen to this section see you get what I'm saying so did you see how I build that out like took that and just ran within so many different things are happening right different spots and different everything so that's what I mean and then like even just look at this like we see this creepy dude you know jarring image and then it goes from her flipping like he's flipped over and then she is flipping over she puts the foot down she puts the foot down and the girl is running with shot of the feet and boom boom and when you watch this play out like it just feels like wow like what is happening like is he using some sort of like you know transition effects or presets or things like that no this is just all in there you know live so that's what's happening here right okay I just want to see the broadcast is going everything is looking good okay alright going back in there and guys just you know don't be shy just write something out like if you guys are here and like you know if you guys are watching the stream just let me know what's happening like if everything is going good and then we'll just keep moving on okay so now moving on to this like you know we go from here to the grass grass boom boom like a little out of focus we quick like look at this feet jump as has the foot his foot comes down he kicks she kicks boom boom two shots and as soon as the ball goes look at this like I'm taking this momentum and leading it into the car like almost like she kicked that car like boom right so when it plays out it's gonna be like right so I mean that's what I'm talking about I'm thinking about these things they're completely different things this is rav4 for Toyota in the you know a spot that I did for Toyota this is B and G so I mean boom she kicks it so these two things couldn't be more different right but I put them together I figure out a way to it for it to go seamlessly and then dirt dirt dirt we see all this dirt and then look it I pull you up right here then this little beat right here just look at the music beat and how I'm using it now I don't overuse these cues okay because I mean if you just do 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 if you just go beat beat beat beat beat ah it's kind of stale it's kind of lame it's kind of young like you're a new editor so don't do that but then know when to use it you know when you when it's gonna have the most impact so just watch this through like a little hey you know and like boom like just like this debris like boom because we saw this car picking up pace so like boom dirt and then we just go to ship me in a Chevrolet so this is for Chevy this is a Silverado Chevy commercial we just like transitions from transition from toyota rav-4 bone into chevy so and then again like boom boom boom and then as soon as that happened we go in here and now look at that so this is Silverado cut to that so that you see the little dirt speck on the right-hand side right here I take that and I transition into a tour to a Honda spot that I did so we go from boom duh pinata exploding exploding hold it hold it and then red so I transitioned into Mazda here's a Mazda spot I did so we just go into Mazda so let me play this through so you can see it get what I'm saying so this is like I mean hopefully this is this is doing what I hope it's doing you know I've I've never done a breakdown like that with anyone but like when I'm cutting it this is the dialogue that I'm having with myself so hopefully it's coming out it's translating into what I wanted to do so going into that we go into Mazda we like the car is driving and it's kind of swerving so then the dude is swerving and then we just the waves take over the shot and now all of a sudden we're underwater waves come over we're underwater get what I'm saying look at this okay if you're not gonna give it to me imma take it he's gonna take it he's taking it you get what I'm saying like you know you think it's literal it's not literal it's cool because when you're listening to this when you're watching this I mean it's just a one big story so you're just following the story and these things are happening and they just come off cool you know so he's gonna take it and he takes it and then it just goes into that and then this is gonna transform into a you know universe or earth and then that's gonna go into that and then we showed you the supernova sequence and just look at the colors trend color transitions right so I go from this the speedo so Mazda to speedo speedo to Visio Visio to Turtle Beach okay boom blue blue blue blue you know and Turtle Beach yeah right there you know you see the globe we see the face you know in a similar position so transition is very smooth and then right there we go back into PNG PNG spots we go into a music video running running running music video and it's kind of D saturated bleach bypass look so like what can we do with that like we're just gonna go into something crazy stylize we go into that he's running he's he's putting his car in a freaking eighth you know eighth gear were going into like boom let's go fast he's running fast you know transition and do something like this black and white I mean this is the like this is the best shot that I can find you know to transition into black and white because everything else is like created nicely and saturated things like that boom and that you know it's like pedometer is like car is picking up so like it will be nice to see a car driving by see all these shots and then going back to now we're into Alfa Romeo rights I mean you saw this shot was so nice the movement and then it kind of mimics that here and we see the red button in the middle we see the red car we see more of that car behind the bushes we transition into Mazda from Mazda we pulled back and then you know keep going with that boom boom boom colors just keep an eye on the colors and how I'm transitioning so this is me Angie this is Mazda and then he looks up he looks up and he's looking at that the car is doing its thing he is looking up and then I do the shot and the actual cut B shots a reverse but just look at what's happening y'all my take okay and everything is moving in the same direction and then you hear the bird you see the bird flies by you see the clouds moving in that direction you guy you see the guy on a mountain just like enjoying the scene and then cut to showing the scene like we're on like you know point of view I level and then look at that so this is sunset you can obviously see in the shot like you know Sun is going down moon came up and then as the moon is coming up flowers blooming and then you get what I'm saying like are you following the pattern here what's happening like not just the colors but the whole story and the everything is different this is a Toyota Tundra commercial and we're getting back into Visio and we're picking different spots from Visio you know this is not just a one-string out like you know two different shots from two different sequences and then like listen to what he's saying and what she's doing and then what the guy is you know he's I I'm watching you you know sort of things we just watch this you get what I'm saying if you don't give it to me imma take it he takes it she takes it and he's like I'm watching him I know what you did he's laughing that's funny you know and then everybody's laughing everybody's having a good time because this is the end of the reel so I want to have that human thing right so in the beginning I showed cause this and that I'm ending it on like wow this was a one fun experience you know and everybody's having the good old time you know laughing dancing singing boom boom boom like feeling himself going into this is what we do and then I ended it with this and I'll tell you why soccer is my favorite sport like this is just my thing I love it to death so I just had to end it on something that is just near dear to my heart so that's just you know that was the direction on this little bit and it's a cool couple of shots and then at the end we build authority by showing all the brands and everybody everything everyone that I work with companies and then it goes into my logo that was small and then boom it takes over the world the post village will rule them all so that is the breakdown on that I'm gonna switch the cameras a little bit so you can see my face and I can tell you interact with you like a human so let me know in the comments like what do you what do you guys think if you guys found this helpful because I mean that's something that I'm experimenting with if you guys found this helpful I'm gonna start doing that more and more not only just with the editorial and the things that I added but I'm also gonna transition that into color and do color breakdowns like this and I think I personally think if someone did that for me it would have made all the difference in the world you know I mean I learned so much with trial and error because you know a lot of the content out there is just teaching you how to it's a lot of how to so you know what do you do like just let me know if you've ever seen anything like this you know what I mean like I mean it's like this is what I think needs to get out more you know like seeing a cool you know timeline Tuesday is seeing the cool timeline and not having some context behind it or people just not willingly sharing that stuff is not doing anyone any good you know I mean they're just it's at that point they're just flexing good for them but you know that has nothing to do with me so I feel like this is hopefully helpful and if it is I'm gonna start doing a lot more of that okay so let's see where we're at okay so now so this reel you saw this reel and you know how everything worked in here and how thoughtful it was and all that good stuff right so this is all great so the wind that came out of it is that I landed I was hired to do a 20-19 reel for Ultima I did a sizzle or Nissan Altima because of that so Nissan reached out and I did that for them which was epic so that was a win that was a big win they saw that it was cool and then that real was something similar to that but you know obviously like all Nissan and then I'm gonna show you right now so that's that Nissan job that I did right so I mean but it's like a lot more involved a lot more but like you know a lot of sound design and things like that different shots you know graphics and all that stuff to kind of sell that so I mean I don't know if you just drop a comment to let me know if you want me to play this through if not no big deal I can you know do a quick breakdown or whatnot of this too but you know so this was something that I did for Nissan so that's a good thing that came out of it ended up doing a bunch of other things for them because of it ended up doing a bunch of different things for them because of it like did some gt-r work like mesmo the new GTR that came out recently so did a lot of promotions but promotional stuff for that so I mean that's what happened from that company real that I just showed you now the L that I took from that real and the mistake that I don't want you to make because just learn from my experience is that yes it was a really cool reel right it's amazing it's great like all the things are behind the scenes that I told you like you know like the thought process this and that it was wonderful the problem was that it doesn't have a direct message okay and there's some things that I did really really wrong with that that I see today and I go what the hell was I thinking and what I mean by that is that why the hell I'm saying what I do at the end editorial in color what the hell was that about why am i establishing my authority at the end because once again I'm preaching to you that don't do that put your best stuff first you know establish your authority first but I did the opposite and that's I'm telling you that because I've learned from it so nice on job was amazing and then crickets after that like nothing really came out of it referrals and like how I get my business but not through a demo real because it was irrelevant and it was just there was no direction you know it's a cool piece okay good but that's the end of it you know it doesn't really provide some value to my client or somebody who's gonna hire me to go oh wow okay I see okay you also do this you also do that or this is how they do it that's exactly what we were looking for done you kind of have to answer their questions and anticipate their needs I did not do that so as cool as that real was that's one of those things that don't do it because it is sort of tiny bit like one size fits all real okay so that's what I'm gonna say about that let's see okay so this is so this is the thing right I mean so what I'm saying instead so I just told you that hey don't do that so then what do you do instead and this is what you do instead you create a real package okay and I so do you I just started doing it recently like the beginning of this year and it changes everything it changed my entire process and how many leads I'm getting and how it's working it's like a freaking light bulb okay real package is basically repurposing your reels like repurposing your stuff so say you have tons of car stuff okay don't just create a overall reel that has corporate like one corporate spot like I don't know to promo videos and then six car pieces that kind of offsets it it just kind of its kind of off-putting because then if when I'm watching it I'm like car car car car car car car well what the hell was this about what is this like you know all of a sudden I see something corporate and I'm like that's kind of weird you know so make a dedicated reel make an automotive reel it doesn't take that much I'm gonna show you what you need to do start with the longest form reel so it started so what I would say is that what I did you know a couple of weeks ago or a month ago is that I started with the company reel because that was gonna include most of it you know so I started with that so I get familiar with all the footage and what I haven't started dropping markers and all that but I had a long-term goal I had I went in with the plan I had a real package set up that hey I need to apply for automotive I need to apply automotive for editorial so I'm gonna hit up all these x y&z companies with that real I'm gonna hit up all small businesses with corporate real that's gonna have Intel and you know Queen Mary and a couple of other like clients big clients that I work with and small and that's gonna target that I have a Fitness real that's gonna be basically just hitting up like you know all these like Fitness you know gyms that are opening up every day you know because everybody is so health-conscious so think about that I maximize it I only had done a couple of gigs but now I'm looking at and I'm like that's upset substantial I can put together a 40 second 45 second thing that I can mark it on Instagram you know Facebook because that's where these guys live anyway they don't go to Vimeo to look at the real and the traditional way of sending them an email is gonna end up in a spam anyways so that's the way to do it so I see so I'm creating that real then another biggest thing that you need to do is that you have to create if you're an editor you need to create a real teaser which is gonna be a minute minute and a half long real that's gonna you know basically show your body of work and then you're gonna make an extended reel which is gonna be all your projects it could be a 25 minute long reel I'm gonna show you I'm not gonna show you the whole thing but I'm just gonna skim through and tell you what I mean by that it's basically my top 16 best projects put together and they're about a minute and a half two minutes long you don't have to put the entire show let's just say and even then you have to get granular so let's just say I actually just applied and got a gig because of it I put together a real four pilot episodes okay because it's a huge thing well people who are editors out there when you're work on a show it's much easier to just jump on Episode one of season three you know the formula is already there you just got a plug in play you know you've got to plug the pieces and move them around and you go from there but when you are doing a pilot you are as almost playing as a you know floor director you're pretty much leading the charge creating a structure you know like different montages gonna have this sequence that's sequence it's gonna have this many acts like all that stuff you know and that's a huge deal so I created a real is specifically for that I had couple of shows I started with show openers and then I just did some excerpts excerpts are like little scenes from a whole show so I just added some excerpts like some pieces like some scenes that were like really well put together I put that in in you know in a pilot reel and sent it out got a job right away and just did a did a gig for them and obviously everything is freelance did a gig with them and that's the same company that wants to hire me to take on the entire show and work remotely so this is sort of like a dream come true amazing situation and an ideal situation this might not happen to everyone but I'm just telling you how effective that was and you know a lot of you might not have thought of it thought of using reels like that but again it's all about context is king if it fits you know within that context then it's great do it okay and then the last thing for the real package so the first thing is teasers right to just get their attention the second thing if you got their attention they're gonna click on the extended versions they're gonna watch your body of work scrolls through things like that but that's sort of like a linear fashion right the 25-minute reel and I open it in QuickTime or whatever I'm scrolling through like I still have to do some work three you can do something that Vimeo let you do which is showcase links and I'm gonna show you that right here practical information that you can take and use so let's go to Vimeo and just look at that okay showcases right here so look at how actually let me split change the screen so you can see it right here so you go to Vimeo and you click on showcases and just look at how I you can break them down however you want click on showcase and just give it a name and just drop stuff in there but this is what I do I will if I apply for an editing job I will give them a link to my teaser I'm gonna give them a link to my extended reel and then I'm gonna give them a link to my showcase and then that way actually let me do it a different way so you guys can see and then I'm gonna give them a link to my showcase and then they get to see it like this so like look how cool that is right because now they can just go through this is your portfolio creme of the creme your best work they can go through and go oh this looks cool let me check this out boom you got that job this looks really cool let me check it out boom you got a job you know what I mean it sounds like you're helping you gotta help them out as much as possible because if there is one thing that I can tell you that is don't give them the benefit of the doubt just don't do it the benefit of the doubt thing does not work and I'm telling you it's just you know the assumptions are the worst thing that you can you know do when it comes to sending out demo reels and you know waiting to hear back from them don't assume anything just spell it out spell it out regardless of like if you're applying to a you know a young kid on Instagram who doesn't know the first thing about video or you're applying at a huge behemoth like you know company and they're you think that they know everything still spell it out so that was the real package so now I'm just gonna like I'm not gonna show you all the breakdowns but I'm just going to show you what I mean by that so let's open up resolve and so you know like I said so I created a color wheel and I'm just gonna I'm gonna fly through it and kind of show you what is happening here right so this is so this is what's happening here I created a color wheel and in my color wheel I like look at the first shots are all Vizio and then I ended it with the banner like what it is it's a spot for Visio then I go into PNG the second spot and then just look what's happening then it just it's all PNG it's all PNG like best shots from PNG and then I go into Ram and it's all the shots from Ram and then I go into speedo all the shots from speedo then I go into rocks are all the shots from rocks are and then I go into Turtle Beach boom boom boom so the point being right Visio Visio Visio good times so actually I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I didn't change the screen so you guys weren't even looking at it so I'm just gonna go through really fast so you guys can see it sorry about that so it starts off with Visio basically what I'm saying is that you got a clump your shots together whether it's a color wheel or editorial okay and how that helps is that it gives context to your viewer because he gets to see that okay you can hold your own when it comes to grading because everything matches everything is in the same room and that's the most important thing when you work on something you know when Mazda hires you they want a certain look and they have a certain color palette and you got to stick to it and you can't do that if I put this shot next to this shot like it just doesn't work like that it looks cool but it doesn't really do anything so I do this like this is you know RAAM RAAM RAAM that was a dodge job and like look it kind of fits in this world then we go into speedo and teal and orange sort of thing and it fits in this world and then I go into rocks are and you boom like that's pretty stylized and it fits in that world and then I go to Turtle Beach and that's that super pop bein colorful and then I show you how I can grade a black and white interview make it look super cool and then this is for Genesis and then I go into Jaguar and then I show you all that and it fits in that world like the contrast and everything you can just watch it right and then look at this like super heavy teal and orange sort of look for Mazda and it all fits together so when I give them even when we come out of the car or come out of like this surfing you know scene we go into that and all fits together so that's what I mean and then I'm ending it with like a little boom like this was for Mazda you know spell it out to spell it out that's what I'm trying to say and it's just really quick it's four four seconds goes away and now I'm like showing Visio and I show everything from Visio and it's bunch of different spots for videos not just one spot but again it's Visio and it fits in the context so I'm showing it and then I moved to Silverado and that's how I graded Silverado so basically what I'm saying is that it's give them a snapshot not the whole thing in like a minute you know so this was like about a minute and 30 this real or minute and 40 and it's basically just giving them little snippets like this is my Visio I work for Visio this is my work for RAM this is my work for PNG this is my work for Honda like you're just giving them little snippets but they get to see it that holy like there's all these different color palettes and all these different styles that he's playing with and he can hold it you know because you're demonstrating like from one shot interior to exterior and this and that and like you can show it all of that in like quick three four or five shots doesn't need to be choppy this real is by the way on you know on my Instagram and Vimeo so you can see the whole thing for yourself when you get a chance and then I'm gonna show you what I would recommend for an editing real so let me open up this guy got something really crazy in my eyes okay so now for the editing real here is a couple of things that I would recommend highly highly recommend and hopefully you guys will find it helpful let's go look at that editing reel okay so this is my editorial teaser okay this is about how long is it it's about a minute long okay just one minute and this is what's happening with this I'm starting off by letting them know who I am what I do okay so that's my name I'm an editor I'm local seven hundred so I'm part of the guild like MPEG Motion Pictures editors guild and you know boom hears that and I do commercials and brand films that's it I do commercials and brand films can I do a short film can I do a long form of course I can let's not confuse people because I spent a decade doing this stuff and I'm great at it and there is enough to do these two categories for the rest of my life for seven lifetimes so stick with it like build your brand this is how you build your brand I'm saying commercials and brand films done this is what I do this is what I use and I can back it up I am an advanced user an avid premiere DaVinci Resolve final cut 10th you pick a software and we'll go from there no big deal and then as soon as I get in there look what I'm doing again once we're gonna start it off we're gonna go project by project so boom this is couple of shots this stuff I did with accurate done this stuff I did with Intel done the stuff I did was Motor Trend and worked on bunch of their shows I mean they were on Netflix Amazon and all that and on their on-demand Channel I'm building that authority you know right off the bat boom boom boom boom boom boom-boom plugs of the shows I don't need to show shots of the shows because not everyone but he will know I know for a fact that you guys probably never even heard of them and each of these shows have hundreds of millions of views on YouTube and now they're live on Netflix and all that stuff okay and then you go into that here is my work for Nissan there's some stuff for Nismo here's my work for Toyota let's go places here's my work for Nissan Altima here's my work for Mazda this is Who I am email me thank you very much you get what I'm saying so this is how you want to break it down look at it as like a business proposal like look at it as your pitch how do you want to present yourself what do you think will make the most sense and keep it simple like a lot of a lot of times people spend so much time on reels because they don't know where to go what to do and if you just keep it simple what I just showed you like look how easy that is don't you think you can do it right now today like it doesn't matter you can have like some short films you can have some student projects whatever it is pick out the best three or four projects break them down into little chunks you know story and then plug them in and drop some music and you're done your reel is done just make sure you have a good title card intro title card that like it's true to who you are just stay true to who you are don't up you know fake it till you make it don't do that it's garbage like you know just own what you're doing I work with a dude who shot weddings and made $20,000 a wedding and shot Britney Spears wedding in Hollywood I mean this dude was banking Sony was hiring him as an ambassador when fs7 first came out they gave him two FS sevens to keep and $10,000 to shoot a wedding and this dude was crying because he was like they're paying me pennies and at the time the camera was ten thousand dollars so they gave him two cameras twenty grand and ten thousand to shoot a wedding so he made 30 grand and he was crying that he wasn't making enough so just go figure how much he was making and he's booked a year at my point is freaking on it just whatever it is own it and then just run with it and you will see all of a sudden your acceptance rate is gonna freakin skyrocket I promise you because I know it I've done it I experimented with it and I know it for a fact okay so let's see alright so those were some of my suggestions about the real packages and then okay so let me show you really quick I'm gonna show you really fast my extended reels just to kind of give you an idea okay so this is my extended reel and this reel is basically look at how long it is 25 minutes this reel is basically everything so this is commercial work automotive corporate all of that is just one long extended reel okay and this is gonna have those that I said excerpts like little pieces from the projects intro sequences things like that so this is sort of like the Bible of my career editorial and this is just editorial I'm sorry this is not color so this is just editorial and then I end them with like you know title cards to just show which companies that work with and things like that and then obviously it seems lates beginning and intro and they're just all linear it's all linear like I start off with short videos but like you know if it's nice I'm stick with nice on boom-boom-boom a couple of nice on products go into Toyota a couple of Toyota products go into Honda a couple of under products and then build from there you know what I mean don't think it's gonna get stale because if somebody is looking to hire you they're gonna spend more than five seconds to like really dig in and see who they're gonna beginning and then like I was talking about breaking it down then I have like you know editing automotive real so now this is an automotive real and this is also extended it's about 20 minutes long but this is all things automotive as an editor you know so just look how granular I'm getting you know I do color but I'm gonna do a different reel for that so this is editing this is automotive real then I have a teaser of the automotive real you understand what I'm saying build packages and you're gonna freaking love me forever so have a teaser or let's just say you should wedding videos a wedding video teaser real a wedding video extended reel with excerpts and things like that and a Vimeo showcase of the best ones you know curate your best weddings and put them in order with the best thumbnails and send these three links and if you don't get a job the next day sue me okay let me see what else okay so do's and don'ts when applying for a job so guys I gotta tell you I mean when you are when you are applying for a job so now you got your reel right you got your reel what do you do with it how do you where do you go to find work and I'm gonna start with rookies people are just starting out two kind of people who've been doing it for a while okay so people who are just starting out Instagram okay I'm telling you Instagram and other social media outlets start hitting up people okay go look at somebody who's in your area because you can even do a place Reese place search so do a place search and look for cool filmmakers near you that are making content and you start off with like somebody who's doing promo videos things like that and hit them up and just be like hey I'm gonna tag along I'm gonna I'm interested in job shadowing I'm gonna help you out carry your cases whatever but don't sell yourself that short but just basically say I have value to offer you know because after whole PA situation you know you moved to California you work in Hollywood making hundred bucks hundred fifty a day for 17 years to hope that one day you're gonna do something and then you hear other people like oh this guy started as a PA and now he's Roger Deakins which he didn't but I'm just after that that's one in a freaking 10 trillion and don't leave your luck and your fate in somebody else's hand just take control of that okay so for the newbies go on instagram search you know place search or whatever around your area reach out to those people and just DM I sort of got it works just DM them and say I'm gonna do it for free I'm gonna do it for 50 bucks like you know I just want to come out it start with free because or else you're not gonna hear back if you're nobody and if you don't have a lot of work on there to show and impress them they're not gonna they're not gonna bother you know they're not gonna waste their time so it start with like I got something to offer I got some value to offer but just be humble have humility when you say I have something to offer don't come off cocky say that hey I need you more than you need me in these words seriously cuz this thing works all the time say I need you more than you need me but I promise you I can bring some value I'm passionate I'm compassionate about I have a lot of compassion about this and you know I can bring something to the table and you'll be amazed because all you need to get going is couple of good projects on your real a couple of good projects to get going and then the real package that I told you about you put those things together I mean you can do all of this in one month if you go online right now and start hitting up 20 people a day on Instagram or LinkedIn whatever 20 people a day I know for a freaking fact even if you have jack-shit on your reel even if you don't even have a single video whatever if you start doing it and if you come off authentic and tell them you know your trajectory and where you want to be what you want to do and how passionate you are about this somebody's gonna give you a shot you go work with them one gig and you just kill it they're gonna call you back you work on something else with them and boom next thing you know in one month you have like four different projects you know that are different enough to cut it into a reel and then you're off to the races and do exactly what I said the real package then you start building real packages and the rest is history your career just took off and people who've been doing it for a while like even myself again similar thing applies to you but you know good for us a lot of it is like going through preparing all our content get our real package ready and to go and then do the same thing but on a bigger scale so I will go on LinkedIn and I have a list broken down into three different tiers so Tier one companies tier two companies two or three companies and I start hitting them up I don't spam anyone I go and I learn about each company because this is important I'm not just hitting up some randos okay so this is a meticulous work I'm not kidding like sometimes that is my task for the day and it's worth every penny because sometimes I'll turn into a thirty five thousand dollar project in a month which I don't even have to do all the way I can outsource and then just kind of monitor it and just you know kind of play the quarterback so you'll be amazed what you know if eight hours can earn you 35 K I think it's worth it right so what I'm saying is that even people who are pros go on LinkedIn go on Instagram reach out to these people offer them something I mean I will even go as far as you know offering people free color sessions you know hey I you know I'm gonna go find some DP who's really cool and doing kick-ass stuff in Germany and I want to connect with them and you know I can reach out to them and let's say that our body of work is kind of similar he does badass DP work I do kick-ass like color work I reach out to him and I said bro I want to collab do you have something if you have something throw it my way I'll do it for free I don't care I just want to get more on my reel and then I do it for him it's a win-win I learn a lot from that I built that a little more importantly I build that relationship overseas now I got a contact there and you cannot believe let me just say this since 2012 there has been very few times when I had to go out to get a job like a cold call sort of situation I put out my work and I shared the stuff that I'm sharing with you and I get contacted a lot of the times or crazy amount of 80 plus percent of my work from referrals okay so that's it's going back to that honesty thing like if you're doing a kick-ass job you're gonna get get a call and you're gonna land that job but when that happens you need to be prepared that's why we're doing this webinar you know you need to have that real to land you that job because that's the last bit that's the missing piece it can't be just a it's really hard like you really need to have a crazy spine to like get a job without a real or a good real but even if you're twenty-five percent in the door and you have a kickass like real package that I'm sharing with you you got that job and then I know for a fact once you're in there you gonna make it work and then you're gonna be their go-to person so that's what I would say to people you know the do's and the don'ts and the don'ts the biggest don't is don't think that you got some magic you got a good thing going on and you got to hold on to it and you don't want to share it and the only plain-jane vanilla crap you want to share on Instagram or whatever is just a aftermath the picture of like your great color or whatever without anything without any context nobody gives a because you don't you're not better than Tom Poole okay you're not better than many those big dogs out there and even they have humility and they're connecting with people because they're learning that that's just the name of the game nowadays okay so get a head start get on it I sort of got it really pays dividend to like just go in there be honest be active on social media and do it with some value and some some and have some honesty and have a giving attitude give more and you will receive like will come back like all the love that I get from you guys I mean there's 16 people still watching this you know like I've been going on for almost an hour maybe a little over an hour yeah I mean I've been going on for hour and a half and you guys are still there with me I mean this makes me want a freaking cries this is insane I love you guys so this is my point okay if you have something valuable to share people are gonna stick around and they're gonna be in your corner so take pride in that and give give give guys now I'm gonna give you a goldmine now I'm gonna share that cutting edge reel that I was talking about my 2019 company reels that I just put out that's been doing insane and it has already landed me a couple of gigs and I'm coloring something next week for Genesis and it all happened because of this and I'm gonna show you what I did in that and I'm gonna do a quick breakdown and I know we've been going on for crazy long but this is gonna be worth your while so let me show you that real okay so I'm gonna play it through it's not that long and then I'm gonna take you through what's happening here and I promise you this will change your life because there is so much great stuff in here so let's watch it through [Music] [Music] all right so as you can see there's a lot of exciting things going on in this real like the DNA is there meaning like I'm still doing the thing like where I'm blending in my shots going from one sequence to another but so much more is happening from my failure last year with the post Village Rio I've learned so much that all those things are taken care of and I'm just gonna give you a super super macro overview of what I'm talking about so let's get back in there and let me show you what I mean so freaky in five seconds so I start off with a couple of cool shots to get people in and once I draw their attention like boom six seconds in we're learning about what this company does editorial and finishing then we just do a one quick shot of like the breakdown of the editorial one shot of the color and like how deep we get one breakdown of the color and then right there we start establishing Authority by testimonials head of sales you know big dude big big you know VC you know giving my company a testimonial and then went back showed a couple of shots and then we go right back work with some of the top agencies in the business and then we go right in there Saatchi and Saatchi I mean you can look up these companies and see how huge they are they handle all accurate stuff and you know Motor Trend does everything and then we go into our PA that does all Honda stuff and then designer E that does a lot of Nissan and Intel and all those big big companies out there and then we go so Authority Authority Authority we're showing how legit we are we're showing cool backing it up with cool imagery we go back into our testimonial group creative director from Discovery you know talking good talk about our company then we go back into some cool visuals and then their clients like you know and then we build that up we're building it up half way through through it so at the threshold you know we're already building up our authority soul much but it's not in your face it's all flowing through then I go back with more testimonials you know big block is a huge company my friend you know an editor left a testimonial for me so I'm using that for my company and then going back and now here's is something very different that no one does and this is what's something that actually got me the my recent gig and which was that they were like we always knew that you said you run a virtual post house we didn't know what the hell that meant so here I'm taking a time in a very cool way showing you exactly what's happening and breaking it down that process for you visually because I can give you a fine print that's 11 12 pages long you know like a white paper and you'll never read it but when you see this you you know you digest it you see what's really happening so we do color grading sessions through TeamViewer live you know and then we do frame i/o which is the traditional remote review tool you know that they can go and leave comments and then I can just come in and see it in my editor and then fix those comments then I go back do a testimonial and then we wrap it up by a call to action you know wherever you are you know you we come to you you come to us who work remotely you can expect this you know just hone in that you know that you're gonna provide the best service best value that they can get and you know one more testimonial and then it goes right into let's connect another call to action I'll find out what you need and just keep it simple and close it off so you know that's that's what I mean you know by this is the real guys you guys want to take that template it's on my Instagram go on there handle is the cause man and look this up and I sort of got probably downloaded and just go through it kind of study it how I'm placing all these things because I'm telling you this is over a decade like 1213 years of experience and just a lot of critical thinking running my own shop and being so profitable but like how do you take it to the next level this is the sauce this is the sauce it's working magically like it's just a freaking miracle and I want to build on that and I my reels that I showed you I created those after this one the editorial reels and the packaged ones and that's where the DNA came from this like you know in those reels that's why they each each sequence has a book ending and then it leads into the next one and then it leads into the next one and things like that but this was for my company so I built it like that but I will highly recommend if you're super new and if you want to just you know penetrate through that market and start getting some work you actually can take this real and have this be the infrastructure and have this be the infrastructure and build on this sort of you know timeline and and have testimonials and it doesn't matter once again like depending on like you know who you work with or whatever just find somebody who can drop a line for you and use it you know it could be a buddy who is a producer on a project that said something great for you but just be true don't make stuff up you know you have to be honest and then just drop those things and nuggets in and build authority in the start whoever whatever whoever you work with whatever it is and kind of follow this pattern and let me know what you think but this is working out like a freakin charm for me so far let me see what else if there is anything else that I want to cover so that's basically pretty much it guys and again just make sure to check out my Instagram because I'm telling you there's a lot of value that's being provided there I do a lot of like IG stories too or I will just like you know share one experience from a day like you know a job that I did for Honda or something like that and what was the XY and Z and I'll share that with you and now I know we've been going on forever guys please if there are any questions drop your comment questions in I want to do a quick Q&A and I'm sorry went on for this long I want to start you know shortening it to like 34 or 45 minutes but then open up the Q&A you know floor so we can get some questions and in and I can just answer some stuff for you so if you have anything write it in here and I'm gonna go through some of these messages right now guys also I'm gonna be dropping a in the description for the YouTube video once it goes up this live webinar I'm gonna drop a link for a lunch pack it's gonna have a teal and orange left a black and white LUT and it's gonna have a bleach bypass a lot like those are created by me and they're amazing let's I'm gonna drop them in here so you can grab them okay so once this goes live the link is gonna be in there because I appreciate you and I thank you for sticking around alright so let me see you're not showing the second screen yeah Ricky I'm sorry man one-man show just doing my best first time using OBS so there was some of those hiccups but thank you for mentioning it Rob to answer your question if these are cold calling or submitting your reel so no so that's what I was saying so you know Rob brought up a great question like how am I getting these gigs so as I mentioned most of my gigs come from referrals I work with companies and build this relationship with people and you know they you know I'm the kind of dude that goes beyond just like you know the working floor you know well go grab like you know beer and hang out and chill and talk and just talk life and I'm that kind of guy so I get in people's lives like not intrude but you know just get to know them or you then just over the surface and that goes a long way but that's just who I am I don't do it to to get business but that's just part of my personality and it works out most of the time so most of my jobs come from referrals and then I do more than hitting up or DMing people at this point in my life I have done that a lot and I do it sometimes but now a lot of a lot comes from me putting all this content out there so I've gotten really dope gigs you know after starting my YouTube channel and this one guy emailed me that I had emailed in 2013 and he said cause II you know it's been a while I don't know if you remember me but you reached out to me for some freelance work when you were starting your freelance career and he's like dude I'm so sorry like I never wrote back to you and he's like I've been seeing you everywhere everywhere on social media and oh my god dude I want to work with you I'm running a color house and he's like I want to do some work with you and you know so that's that you know so it's like a lot of it is happening because of it now because I'm just putting my stuff out there and people are reaching out to me but every now and then yes I do like I do put my stuff on LinkedIn and I'll DM someone big you know that I'm connected to through someone and then I'll start a conversation based on that and then just you know pure value I I don't do that let me buy you a cup of coffee I mean you're not tricking anyone like the people can buy their own coffee so I mean that's that's sort of like an old-school tactic like I do most of the like you know this is what I do and if you know you ever need help but this this and that like I can work with any budget blah blah blah like I'll tailor made a team for you and you know just show people that you can go above and beyond and you can provide a little bit more than the person that they're already working with or somebody that they're looking for all right let me see more questions but that was a great question thank you rob appreciate it man Sode ass like if can you elaborate on you know the cutting style for your real like he's saying that hey aggressive and then slowing it down like what is it based on and it's based on its but it's not necessarily based on music like I said I mean if you keep giving into feeding into the beats like 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 it's gonna kind of turn into like you know a one pony trick so you don't want to do that but what I really mean by that is you know the it's the blend of everything it's the feeling like you know it's something in here that's gonna drive it right so I mean when I was showing you how everything was seamlessly falling into place and then I showed you where I started I didn't start in the beginning I just created a little segment that gave me a boost and the vision that I needed for it and see it you know come to fruition and to life and then I started by taking that confidence I started building it all out like it's like just chess it's like a chess game you know you're just putting all these pieces together and then see you know and just make sure that they don't fall apart and like you know you stay on course and that's what it is so I would say more than going like in a very linear fashion like this or that it's more coming from here but practice makes perfect I've been making them I make a lot of demo reels by the way and make a lot because that's how you're gonna get better don't treat it like a such a pious thing that oh my god it has to be done like this and that like you know don't do it like because when you put that pressure on yourself you're just never gonna want to do it like do it as like it's a you're gonna make a demo reel for Instagram like a 45 seconds to a minute long reel like it's just gonna be for Instagram it's not that important whatever it just put something together like you'll be amazed by practicing for one week straight your next reel is gonna be freaking astronomically better and you're gonna look back and be like holy hell I didn't know that I had that in me you know and get excited when you get those wins when you get those w's like freaking sometimes my wife runs into my freaking room she's like why are you screaming and I'm like I'm screaming because I'm freaking kicking ass I'm the like look at this cut and and I played through the cut and she's like holy this is really good and my wife is not the one that's just gonna you know tell me that I'm the greatest for no reason like you know she's just like oh this is actually really good like so I give myself props more than anyone else I am my own biggest hype man so all those things go hand in hand thank you sod so Shiva asked like how to color grade all your footage for color grading I use division resolved I don't mess with you know premiere or something like that you know if if there is a forecast that I got I can if there's something that can forecast right now I can tell you that five years from now resolved is gonna be the freakin tool to use like I'm telling you right now already hundred percent of the companies that are doing color work and finishing or using DaVinci Resolve and the biggest pain-in-the-ass those who know what I'm talking about is the conforming process where you take premiere or average project you bring it in to resolve and you have to spend a day or something like that more than a day conforming everything when you edit in resolve you don't have to conform anything you just go into the color page you start grading that you know every all the information is already there so that right there saves tens of thousands and doing them for movies and stuff probably hundreds of thousands millions of dollars okay so I know it for a fact their long plan long term plan is to be the one-stop shop and I recently a month ago started using resolved as an editor and I don't want to go back like I still use premier because a lot of these shops like commercial houses and stuff are still pretty heavy on premiere but I'm telling you they're gonna be the first ones who are gonna adapt like DaVinci Resolve because they do finishing and the process is so expensive and so you know clunky and things like that and you know error-prone and once they find out and get bought out you know bought into how strong resolve is it's gonna change everything because all these big commercial companies are gonna start using resolve and then premiere is gonna be history when it comes to an editor because it's been around for so long but it's so glitchy it still feels like a freaking beta and resolved has been playing romancing with the editing and the sound design and you know that territory and already feels so much mature and that's coming from somebody who edits in resolve premiere Final Cut an average so that's my two cents on that so I would say Shiva I would say get on resolved start editing and resolve and then great and resolved because luma tree ain't jack I'm sorry like if you guys use luma tree and think that that's the it's actually just it's nothing else like when you understand the power of resolve and what you can do and how fast you can do it and how proper it is it will blow your freakin mind let me see Thank You Pedro appreciated man Sothis who does my graphics for me I do my graphics and it's just all done in after-effects and a lot of them are based on you know paid motion graphics package that I might purchase and then I will just redesign it and just mold it to my needs so a lot of it is like just repurposed you know and then I build on that okay so rs hard to ban like ass like brother what do you do and you receive something basically I think what you're saying is that how do you do how do you create a footage that's basically shot in standard it's pretty simple you don't have to spend that much time all you have to do is just bring up like some information so most the time if there's one tip that I can give you stuff that shot in standard the middle wheel which is your mid-tones which is your gamma that's your best friend like that is it because with the rec.709 look baked into the footage it's gonna be clipping it's gonna be hitting the top and the bottom so you don't have to worry about the top and the bottom it's always gonna be the middle section like it might be too crushed or something so when you take your gamma and you just lift it up boom you solve that problem that shot is done move on to the next one a lot of the times the saturation is gonna be baked into it too so just like you know keep an eye on the saturation and obviously temperature if it's like shot wrong like if it's not if it's outside and shot 3200 and step 15 you have to you know correct that but the biggest like two cents that I can give you don't overanalyze it don't overthink it don't try to like re-engineer make it a log like a lot of people I know a lot of newbies like they'll take a wreck 7 or 9 footage they'll turn it into log and then they'll like try to remake it into like a film look or something doesn't happen like it was shot one way you can't really take it there you can you know you'll end up damaging the footage more than helping it and introducing a lot of artifacts and things like that so with grading if you go on my Instagram and see one of my post recent post I said that you have to be gentle and aggressive at the same time and I think it might not make any sense and until I show you what I mean but color grading is all about that balance all about that balance all about that balance so like you do something that's just you know you've got to start off like aggressive so like just throw it all in there and then start pulling back and be gentle be gentle be gentle save everything save the highlights save the you know shadows don't crush anything like keep that saturation then at the end go aggressive again go ham again and push it push it push it till you just feel like it breaks it breaks right there but it's holding on that's a great because when you go and look at like all the movies and stuff like that it's just on that cusp it's sitting there I mean they are pushing they're exercising that like they're pushing it so much and then they're keeping it there and the difference between a professional colorist and an amateur is that they keep it right in the middle like too safe too much over the top and it just it's finding that balance okay all right guys if you guys don't have any other questions I'm gonna wrap it up thank you so much for watching and guys again like for the courses like right now I'm working on a course for how to be a profitable basically freelancer you know so how to start off your career as a freelancer and what goes into it and I'm gonna touch tons of different stuff in that and it will have a little bit of a technical knowledge but it's gonna be loaded with what helped me I'm gonna basically in that course be super transparent show me my pay stubs and things like that like what help me with what and how I got where I am and you know what's my future looks like and where I'm headed you know and all that stuff and then the other course is gonna be how to color grade a TV commercial so in that one we're gonna get technical and I'm gonna show you like how to go about it how long should it take and I'm even gonna take it a step further to kind of like get in there to help you how to even land that job and then do that spot like create that spot and then when you're delivering it like what to look for or like if there is different distributions for Instagram bla bla bla what are the things that you need to worry about different color spaces and things like that but I'm gonna keep it all fun you know how I do I mean I just make this stuff so practical that you can just hear my words take it and apply it I don't believe in like the color theories and this and then it's just all boom boom plus just know it's boring it just puts me to sleep okay and the proof is in the pudding so that's all I'm gonna say I'm gonna leave you guys on that note love you guys thank you so much for sticking around really means everything to me guys I'm gonna drop a link to a two let PAC make sure to grab it and I love you guys see you hopefully next week
Channel: Waqas Qazi
Views: 29,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, color correction, videography, film tips, video production, film production, tips for beginners, grading, filmmaker, filmmaking, live stream, livestream, live webinar, webinar, waqas qazi, freelancer for beginners, freelances, freelance work, how to become a freelancer, how to become an editor, how to become a colorist, tips and tricks, filmmaking tips, color grading, editing, editor, demo reel, sizzle reel, showreel
Id: 7zI02eMlLyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 38sec (6638 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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