3 KEYS To Better AUDIO in Fairlight | Davinci Resolve 17 Fairlight Tutorial

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what is up i'm marcel and welcome back to the modern filmmaker in this davinci resolve tutorial we are going over audio and some really easy but advanced techniques to get that pro sound especially in those situations where things didn't sound that pro when you recorded them but you have to deliver pro sound uh so let's jump on it [Music] so i'm just gonna jump right into davinci resolve because we kind of need to take a listen to this and deconstruct it and then reconstruct it step by step so you guys can use these techniques on your own projects so if i just go ahead and play a part of this edit we can kind of take a look at what our conditions are so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was very upscale very contemporary with just a little bit of warmth [Music] with contemporary it can start to lean a little so obviously she's in a bathroom of course like most bathrooms this is a pretty echoey room but even more so because of the size the materials they used the best i could do here was get this law of honor and hope for the best because i want to get these wide shots this is one of the designers from the firm that designed this house so the whole point was to show how sick their rooms and designs were and so if we go ahead and deconstruct this in the fairlight tab you can kind of see where we started if i hop over fairlight i've got her just on this audio one track here and if i play this back this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective one thing that helps a ton is the music alone and if i take away the music so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here well you're really here quite a bit contemporary room if i come down here to the eq and you can see i've done quite a few things here in the eq and if i go over here and turn the eq off let's go ahead and listen to it with it on real fast so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here is very upscale very contemporary with just a little bit of warmth that's a pretty huge difference let's play that back so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was very upscale very contemporary it was just it's pretty crazy off that's pretty crazy and now if i go up here and turn the ns1 off so this is with no noise suppression this is just the eq and the compressor so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was very upscale i turn it on contemporary with just a little bit of warmth so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed sounds terrible so a lot lies in the eq which i went over in one of my last videos i cannot express it enough the more you can learn how to duck these frequencies before you noise uh reduce them the better you'll be because as you noticed even with the ns1 on the noise the noise was just terrible with these was very upscale very contemporary with just a little bit really warm really need that eq dialed in which we'll go over so i'm just going to go ahead and reset all this stuff here i'll reset the eq we'll reset the compressor as well and reset the ns1 let's delete that plug-in entirely and so the first thing that i did uh is set the order i like to start with the eq then go into effects and then dynamics now why is that that's because i want to go ahead and duck all the bad frequencies that i can first i want to kind of use that eq like as a surgical tool to go in and pull down these frequencies that i do not want that way i'm going into the effects or my noise suppression noise reduction any kind of plug-in from there i'm going into that with a much cleaner signal from the beginning then after that i can go in dynamics and now once we go to the compressor because the compressor is going to squeeze things so we kind of want to make sure that we have all the noise out of the way because if we squeeze things with any noise in there it's going to squeeze our good signals with our bad signals and we're just going to get a muddy mess so for instance if i open the dynamics right now and go into the compressor unless we play this back so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was very upscale very contemporary just a little bit of warmth it's almost compressing it down into the echo which is why we always want to go into compression with the cleanest signal possible uh to make sure that we're not squeezing the bad and good signals together so from here i'm going to go down here to the eq and we'll just start there and the first thing i'm going to do is come through to these bands and i'm going to change the bells instead of the shelves that i have here i'm going to change these to bells the 5 and the 2. just that way we get just these little curve adjustments we can make and i'm going to come down here to the q factors and i'm just going to turn these up all to around 8 or 9 all around the 8 to 10 region and then i'm going to come through and play this back i'm going to try to identify the frequency that i don't like the most first so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed i'm just hearing a lot of mid-tones right away so if i come through here to four and think about getting something in this region and knowing that i can get the high something in the in the real high region with the five band i'm gonna come in here to the mid high band with the four and shove this up and then stroll these frequencies back and forth to try to find that frequency that i'm hearing so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed and instantly you hear that distortion around the 1 1k 5 region we listen to that back again so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective and what we're listening for is not just that distortion because the most prominent frequency will make distortion like that as well if you crank it to the max so not all frequencies are going to have that distortion or not all bad frequencies going to have that distortion if you crank them up but we're listening uh for the distortion uh mixed with an echo mixed with a lingering sound like once she quits talking we still hear that frequency lingering behind up here was very upscale very contemporary with just a little bit of warmth yeah i feel like i'm hearing that even in between her words like even when she breathes because the echo is kind of causing this frequency in particular so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed and i'll turn this frequency down so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective to about 11. so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed and then from there i'm going to go to the three band and kind of do the same thing i'm going to crank this up and then scroll up to find the frequency that i'm looking for here so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was very upscale very contemporary with just a little bit of warmth so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was very upscale again i feel like i'm hearing distortion even when she's not talking it's like a lingering so this is the master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here i'm gonna keep going the bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was that sounds like an echoey frequency as well it sounds like it's not so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here because it almost sounds like that is is the frequency that's making it sound like she's in some kind of tin can so let's try to turn that one down so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was widen out the q factor by pulling that down so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was very upscale very contemporary with just a little bit of warmth okay let me go back up because that one i'm not too convinced that that's the one we're looking for we'll play this back this is a master bathroom that we recently definitely maybe somewhere around here so this is a master bathroom that went recently completed the objective here was very upscale so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was that sounds about right now there's one more frequency in the low mids that i'm hearing so if i come down here to the band 2 and crank this up and then i'm going to come most the way up here and play this back so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was very upscale very contemporary with just a little bit of warmth oh you hear that you can hear that one trail off a little bit of warmth with contemporary it can start to lean a little bit masculine yes that sounds great we turn that band down and now of course with every different voice and with every different room even with the same voice in different rooms you're gonna have different bands that you're looking for so don't just copy my bands i mean it might work depending on your situation it might get you close but definitely try to go through there and see which ones in your particular situation are causing uh that more echoey boomy sound because one thing about echoes they do tend to be in that mid-range now echoes are you know things bouncing off of other surfaces and coming back and that's what you're hearing is that reverberation of sound waves bouncing off things and coming back at you and so by the time they bounce off the wall and come back at you the highs are pretty much gone and the low lows are pretty much gone so what you're really getting back is a lot of mid-range which can help just in knowing that to know where to start when you're looking and so and a lot of time too it's in that mid high and mid low it's in that break between the mid and the highs and the mid and the lows uh where these echoey frequencies are usually going to get muddy uh so if you can look around there so let's listen this one more time so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was that sounds really nice i might widen out this cue factor the two the band two so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was very upscale very contemporary it was just a little and then maybe skewed this three bands this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was three very contemporary with just a little bit of warmth that sounds much nicer now let's work with this five band real fast because i am hearing something in the highs uh so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was very upscale very contemporary with just a little bit of warmth so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here that sounds really smooth now there's still a little bit of echo there you know there's still a little room noise now that's probably not going to go away it's going to take something like the noise reduction or a gate to really get that fully away because i mean you can only cut so many frequencies before you're just going to cut her voice out as well and you don't want that you kind of want to retain a good solid well-rounded you know audio signal as well as you can you don't want to have to destroy it completely to where you give it back to the client and they're like my voice sounds like a mess so this is a master bathroom and then i'm going to go ahead and cut these lows with the band one with this shelf i'm just gonna move this up a little bit maybe to the 75. so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was very upscale very contemporary and then go to the six band and i'll do the same thing but i'll scoot this back up so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was very upscale very contemporary now if we turn this off so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was very upscale very contemporary with just a little bit of warmth that's nice second maybe this band 4 can i can widen the cue master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was very upscale that sounds much better now if i come up to my effects and i turn on my ns1 or any other noise reduction i'm going to get a much better result turn this up to 20. so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was very upscale very contemporary with just a little bit of warmth it sounds good with contemporary it can start to lean a little bit masculine so to give it a little warmth we went with these inset walnut vanities okay now as far as our side chain let's try this again so i'm going to reset the side chain and we'll come back and we'll set that all back up so i'll turn on our music and i'll even reset our keyframes here and we'll redo our keyframes as well and so with our audio file selected we want to have it at the volume we want to have it at you know just originally so i'm going to go ahead and turn this back up to -2 which is where i usually have it to start [Music] if i zoom in here and then right there on that snare [Music] i'm gonna make our keyframe there and then press play [Music] and then right here i'm going to move it down to 12. and we can delete this earlier keyframe so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was very upscale very contemporary with just a little bit of warmth nice that sounds a lot better already so if i come over to our dynamics and come over to our compressor and then click listen i'll go ahead and move this down to maybe minus 22 move this ratio up to maybe 4.5 attack down a little and let's play this back well first we'll have to actually go over to our track one in bus outputs click this plus menu and then side chain and here we go so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was very upscale very contemporary that's great but it's it's like every time she anytime she stops talking like in between words the music tries to jump back in there it's like oh no i'm here too so we got to turn the music down which we will do that with the hold if we go to the hold in the side chain compressor and just turn this up to yeah maybe around 300. so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was very upscale very contemporary with just a little bit of warmth nice and if we come into the dynamics the compressor for the audio track one where we have our audio our vocal audio we can compress her too if we solo that track so this is a master bathroom turn the compressor on now the compressor just quickly here the threshold is pretty much at what point do you want to start compressing and at 15 at default it says at 15 db anything over that it's going to try to squish down it's going to try to hold down and it's going to do that by a ratio of 2 to 1 and that's this curve here you're seeing so this line here is your threshold at 15 db so anything that jumps above this line is going to try to bend and say well get down so we'll pull this ratio up a little bit just to 2.2 and then we'll move the threshold down maybe to 18 and then what you can do because it's going to lower the volume uh if you you know pull the threshold down it'll push it down so this is a master bathroom you'll want to use the makeup and pull the makeup up so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was very upscale very contemporary with just a little bit of warmth and of course you don't want it to clip so you kind of want to watch out for uh that makeup and how much you're clicking so this is a master bathroom light down a little so this is a map and then if we turn this off solo now we have the music so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was very upscale very contemporary with just a little bit of warmth with contemporary it can start to lean a little bit again without our eq let's try that again so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was very upscale very contemporary with just a little bit of warmth that sounds terrible before so this is a master bathroom that we recently completed the objective here was very upscale very contemporary with just a little bit of warmth that is a pretty massive difference if you ask me now do you still hear a little bit of room yes you do but you know the music kind of helps hide that and the the side chaining definitely helps hide that and kind of makes it all feel a lot more full than like you have this girl in a room that has a little bit of room tone in the background so as always guys if you like this video definitely make sure to give this video a like down there and if you didn't like the video maybe give the video a like anyway and of course if you have any comments questions or concerns leave them in the comment section down below i try to always reply and feel free to subscribe if you like videos on davinci resolve and videography and i'm marcel and this has been the modern filmmaker i'll see you next time peace [Music] oh
Channel: The Modern Filmmaker
Views: 2,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 KEYS To Better AUDIO in Fairlight, davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 17, fairlight, davinci resolve 17 tutorial, davinci resolve 17 tutorial for beginners, resolve 17, davinci resolve audio editing, blackmagic design, how to use davinci resolve 17, Davinci Resolve 17 Fairlight Tutorial, fairlight davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve fairlight tutorial, davinci resolve voice over, davinci resolve fairlight, the modern filmmaker, fairlight tutorial
Id: o8wbQrgBxwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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