Modeling a Table and Generating PLANS AND A CUTLIST! Autodesk Fusion 360 for Woodworkers 3

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whoo what's up guys Justin here with the fusion essentials comm back with another fusion 360 for woodworking tutorial for you so in today's video I wanted to show you how I would model out a table for fusion 360 and we're gonna set this up in such a way that we can get a parts list out of it a little bit later so let's go ahead and just jump into it and so for this example we're gonna create a very simple table we're gonna assume this table is going to basically have a plywood sheet or some kind of a sheet making up the top and then we'll make the wood down on the bottom we may do a more complex table a little bit later but I don't want to focus as much on measurements as I do just kind of the way all of this comes together so to start off what we're gonna do is we're gonna draw our top sheet and one thing you need to be aware of when working with when working with something like this is you need to think about how you want to model your table so you have to decide if you want to start from the bottom up or the top down in this case we're gonna start with the top down and so we're just going to say that we're gonna create a sketch right here and you're gonna mouse over this to tell this which plane you want to draw this on in this case I'm gonna set this for right here and we're gonna draw either a line or a rectangle that's kind of up to you I'm gonna show you how to do the rectangle but we can do this with the lines as well the two-point rectangle is going to allow us to set a point right here and then we can type in our two distances that we want this to go so in this situation you can see how the distance on the left is selected I'm going to type in 48 then I'm gonna hit the tab key that's gonna move my selection to this other piece I'm gonna type in 48 again and hit the enter key so what we've done is we've created a 48 inch rectangle so now we can use this in order to extrude this up to create our top panel of our table so to start off we're gonna click on finish sketch then we're going to activate the extrude tool in order to extrude this up so one thing that's going to be really important about this is we want to create a new component rather than a new body so if we create all of these objects as components then we'll be able to come in here and like schedule them out a little later with like a cut list so we want to make sure that we're creating this as a component we're gonna start with our distance which we're gonna say for this exercise is gonna be three quarters of an inch so we're just going to type in a value of three quarters and hit OK you can see how this easily extruded this up to three quarters of an inch and so what we have is we have our first piece in here and notice that this got created over here as a component well what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna label this and label this as if it shows up how you wanted it to show up in your cut list so for example I'm gonna type in three quarter-inch plywood and then I'm going to type in the dimensions so I'm gonna type in 48 inches by 48 inches and hit the enter key so now this is labeled so when we schedule it out later it's gonna show up properly so now what we need to do is we need to model out our legs and our base pieces so like our apron and then our legs we may put a support across the middle I'm trying to keep this as simple as possible for this example but what we want to do is we need to start by creating another sketch so I'm gonna rotate down click on create sketch and in this case we don't need to click on one of these planes we can click on the bottom of our table and make that the plane that we're trying to draw along so you can see how when I click on this this rotates my view around so that I'm aligned with this table and so for this kind of table this is actually going to be fairly simple we can just type in our to activate the rectangle tool and I'm going to draw a rectangle across this face but then what I want to do is I want to activate the offset tool with the offset tool will do is that will allow me to offset this in by a distance that I dictate so in this case because this is square I can just dictate that I want this to be offset in five inches and hit the enter key offsets this line in and we can use this to model out the wood that's gonna go around this edge and so we're gonna offset this again just by mousing over this so one thing you may notice is when you select this you should be getting all of these edges selected if you don't it's because you don't have chain selection selected so you can either check this box or you can go through and just select these manually it doesn't really matter but chain selection will make that work a lot faster but in this situation what we want is we want our boards going around here to be an inch and a half thick because they're going to be two by fours so what we can do is we can actually do math inside of this and notice that you can't offset off of this line because this line was offset already you have to use the perimeter again but what we want to do is we're going to offset this in to a distance of five inches plus the thickness of our boards so in this case we can actually do this math inside of this box so I can just type in five plus 1.5 and hit the enter key and so you can see how now what we have in here is we have a whole face inside of our sketch making this up and so there's a couple of different ways we could do this from here one thing we're going to want to do though is we're gonna want to create these all as individual pieces otherwise you could just come in here and you could adjust you could just extrude this down and just create your whole apron as a single piece but because we're trying to model this as if we were gonna do a cut list what we want to do is we just want to draw lines along the edges using the line tool while we're in sketch mode and so what that's gonna do is that's gonna split all of these up into individual faces then we can click on finish sketch so now you can see how I can mouse over these I can actually extrude them down by selecting these and using the extrude tool and one thing that's going to be important when you do this is make sure when you extrude this down that you use the new component operation rather than the join operation and when we do this we can just type in a value of 3.5 and hit the enter key and so notice that this gets created in here as a component and so now we have one copy of our component making up our base piece here and we need to create three more running around this edge so there's a couple different ways that we could do this in this situation what I want to do is I want to create a mid plane and so I just want to create a mid plane which is basically a construction plane that goes between two points you're just going to go to construct mid plane then we're gonna click on this space right here we'll rotate around click on this face right here what that does is that creates a construction plane right here and so basically what we're doing is we're looking for the center point here and so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna create a sketch real quick right here I'm just gonna draw a line on that plane that runs down I'm gonna click on finish' sketch you could also do this with like an axis if you wanted to but in this case let's go ahead and do this so all I did is I just created this central point well the reason I did that is because we're gonna go in to create under pattern we're gonna use what's known as a circular pattern a circular pattern is gonna allow us to select this component it's gonna ask us for an axis to rotate this around I drew this edge so we can draw copies of this object based on this central point and so what I want to do is I want to set this so that there's four copies so you can see how now when I finish this this is going to create four copies equally spaced around this center point so if I click on OK you can see on now I have four copies of this one component and so that's something I want to talk about here is when we look at this component these are all instances of the same component and what that means is that means that if I take this and I rename it and let's check our lengths on these really quick so I'm just going to measure between here and here all right so these are 38 inches long so what I could do is if I rename one of these by double clicking in here I could call this you could either do raw dimensions or actual dimensions that's kind of up to you but we could say 2 by 4 by 38 inches well you can see how because these are all instances of the same component when I made when I made a change to one the others changed as well what that means is if we schedule this out on a drawing these are going to show up and you'll actually get a count of these pieces so if you name these and you can leave you can put inches in here as well if you decide that you want to do that but now we'll get a count of these on our final drawing page so if you model these as instances of the same component you can actually create a cut list of different things that you need on that page we'll talk more about that in a second but I want to go ahead and just really quick model out a couple legs so we're just gonna create one more sketch and these are gonna be very simple legs so I'm just gonna say maybe they're four by fours so we'll just draw a little rectangle in here and we'll just call it three and a half by three and a half and again very simple table but we can get more in depth on something else in the future we're just gonna draw a three and a half inch by three and a half inch leg we're gonna click on finish' sketch then we're gonna extrude that down so we'll just use the extrude tool will select this will extrude it down again remember that you want to create a new component with this and we're gonna go ahead we'll give this a height of will College will call it 36 inches just for this exercise and we'll click on OK so now we can do the same thing and remember this is a component so we can call this 4 by 4 inch or 4 by 4 by 36 inches and then we can just use the rectangular pattern tool again or the circular pattern tool to select this component select this axis and create four copies and click on ok and so now we have our very simple table in here you can turn your sketches off for the moment so obviously there's nothing super special about this it's not a very complex table but it allows us to kind of demonstrate the way that we can put these pieces together well now I want to talk about how to create a drawing from these so we've got our table in here and we need to go ahead and save this so go ahead and save it as whatever you want to call it so I'm just gonna click on save and I'm just gonna call this simple table click Save and then we can click on this drop-down right here to go into the drawing workspace so we can just click on this button go down to drawing and click from design and it's gonna ask us what the reference is in this case we want to create new I'm fine with eleven by seventeen you can change that to whatever you want if you just have like a letter printer or something you can also do eight-and-a-half by eleven but and we're gonna go ahead and leave our units as is Eirene click on OK what that's gonna do is that's gonna take us into the drawing workspace and it's gonna ask us to place a base view so in this situation I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna click up here in order to create a base view of my table so if you click on OK and you get out of there you're gonna notice that this drops this viewport onto your page and so you can right click on this you can click on edit view in order to adjust this view so for example let's say that I wanted this to have an isometric view I can adjust that using these settings notice that there's different styles in here but you can also adjust the scale so let's say for example that you wanted this image to be bigger you could go ahead and you can set this instead of 1 to 20 and set it to like 1 to 16 or 1 to 5 so you can adjust the size of this object on this sheet by adjusting the scale so let's say that I wanted an isometric view here I could set this to 1 to 10 click on close and notice that you can click on this point and then move your mouse in order to place this view but then you can also add other views using this option right here so you can add for example another base view and come in here and click and you could create a front view of your table so I could create this front view right here I can adjust this so it's a little bit bigger and click on it ok but then you can also start adding things like dimensions will get a little further into this in a future video but notice that I can add dimensions based on objects that we've placed in here but then the other thing that I wanted to point out is you can also insert a table the table if we select a drawing view so in this case we're gonna select this object allows us to create a table and what that's going to do is that's actually going to give us our parts list based on the components that we created in here this is why creating components is so important as you can see how this actually gives you a count of your different quantities of different things in your model so you have one 3/4 inch plywood sheet you have 4 2 by 4 by 38 inch boards then you have 4 four by fours so in depending on how detailed you get you could add more things in here like screws and other parts and pieces one thing you're gonna notice right now is this is telling us that our material is steel that's because we haven't adjusted our material inside a fusion 360 if we were to apply a material so and the way that I usually do this is I just type the S key that allows me to search for a tool and then I can just type in the word material and look for the option for physical material that's going to pop up a little window over here for the material library well let's say that we wanted this to be we'll go ahead and call it oak for right now I can actually drag this material on two different objects inside a fusion 360 and then once this is in here you can see how it shows up as in this design I can drag it on all of my other pieces and notice that when I drag it on one component it gets dragged on the others as well and then if I save this so if I click on save click OK go back to my drawing you're going to notice up here there's a little there's a little you get a little warning down here and also up here saying that changes have been made well you can update this by clicking on this button right here so now instead of my material showing up a steel it's showing up as wood we'll talk more about creating different plans in a future video but you can see how by planning ahead with your components then you can easily create or set this up so that it'll generate a cut list for you in the future you can also create plans with dimensions and other things like that so that's where I mean in this video leave a comment below and let me know what you thought was this helpful to you did you know you can do all this in fusion 360 I just love having that conversation at you guys if you like this video please remember to click that like button down below if you're new around here remember to click that subscribe button for new fusion 360 content every week as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this I really appreciate it and I will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The Fusion Essentials
Views: 47,067
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Keywords: fusion 360 tutorials, the fusion essentials, the fusion essentials tutorials, fusion 360 lessons, fusion 360 for beginners, getting started with Fusion 360, getting started autodesk fusion 360, autodesk fusion, autodesk fusion 360, autodesk fusion essentials, autodesk fusion 360 essentials, fusion 360 woodworking, fusion woodworking tutorial, autodesk fusion woodworking tutorial, autodesk fusion 360 woodworking, fusion 360 cutlist, fusion 360 parts list
Id: TkaMjUR7grA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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