Making a table in Fusion 360

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hi guys we're going to create a table that looks something like this on fusion 360 today so this is um just a quick table that i drew and so um informed to get a sense of how you can use fusion 360 to create a cad model of something like a piece of furniture or a product that you would like to demonstrate so let's start first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to do a new design and i'm going to start with the legs so in fusion 360 one of the most powerful tools is the sketch tool so i'm going to sketch this and i'm going to sketch it on this plane right here okay and i'm going to make this um basically this is 20 centimeters here so i'm going to make this 20 by 10 centimeters so the table top is 20 centimeters long and 10 centimeters wide just to make my life easy and i'm going to start with a rectangle and i'm going to start by putting a square here at 20 and 10. so negative 20 over here and 10 on the x on the y axis and then i'm going to add another one centimeter rectangle there and another one centimeter rectangle here and these are the four legs of my table all right so there we go and then i'm going to finish my sketch now i'm going to extrude these so what i'm going to do is i'm going to pull these two-dimensional shapes into the third dimension so let me just do that so i'm going to click on the extrude button here i'm going to select my four table legs and then i'm going to pull these up i can pull them up in two ways i can pull them up using this arrow or better yet you can type in the exact amount that you would like to pull them up and i'm going to pull them up let's say 8 centimeters all right there we go and so here are my legs right here zoom out just a little bit okay so there are my legs now the next step that i'm going to do is i'm going to add these horizontal so if you look here on my model you can see that i have these horizontal pieces right here so i'm going to add those next so i'm going to create a sketch and i'm going to use the same plane that i used before and i'm going to draw a rectangle on between the legs there we go i'm going to finish my sketch and i'm going to extrude these up so i'm going to select both of them and i'm going to extrude them up one centimeter and then hit enter okay now they're connected they're actually joined here i may not want to join them because i may want to see them as separate pieces of wood if that's the case you can always edit a feature by going down on your timeline and right clicking on the feature so this extrude feature and i'm going to click on edit the feature actually i don't want to join them i'm going to make them a new body okay my next step is to add this horiz this horizontal bar between these two horizontal pieces so i'm going to again sketch so this time when i sketch i'm going to sketch on top of these horizontal pieces that i already drew and i want to zoom in a little bit because i want to get them between this line so basically i want them to go all the way across from here let me minimize this palette okay so i'm going to get them to go right down the middle here so i'm going to do another rectangle i'm going to select that corner and then i'm going to come over here and select this corner i'm going to finish my sketch okay i'm going to zoom in and now i'm going to extrude now notice when i'm extruding it's not extruding this little square right here so i also need to select that and i'm going to pull this up one centimeter and i'm going to make it into a new body and click ok this is now separate pieces of wood so this would show like for instance if i was building this out of wood i would need one two three four five six seven pieces of wood to make this so far okay now it's time to sketch the table top so i'm going to create a sketch and i'm going to sketch it right on top of this plane right here at the top of the of the uh the table legs and i'm just going to make it one square bigger than the the where the legs are so i'm going to use the two-point rectangle i'm going to come over here and place my first corner and i'm going to just make it one square bigger on all sides finish my sketch and now i'm going to extrude this up and just like before notice that this square is not being selected okay so i need to make sure i select all that surface and i'm going to click one now i don't want to join i want this as a new body click ok all right so there's my table so my next thing is i want it to look like it's made out of wood so i'm going to adjust the appearance of this to do that i'm going to click on the a and i'm going to find wood in the list down here so let me just pull this up okay so you can see there's wood down there but you can see you have a whole bunch of of choices so i'm just going to click on wood and i like this sort of um why don't we go with walnut so i'm gonna put walnut on there maybe that's a little too dark how about mahogany oh yeah that looks better let's go with my hobby okay so i'm going to drag this on all of the separate bodies that i created so mahogany on all of these there's one piece that i created on here that i can't see right now and that's this back leg over here so i want to just drag mahogany on that okay and when i'm done i i should have this nice table that is looking good okay made out of mahogany ready to go alright thanks for watching
Channel: Aaron Thompson
Views: 315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ptV7_m2a0Z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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