Fusion 360 for Woodworkers Part 3 - Creating Common WOODWORKING JOINTS in Autodesk Fusion 360

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what's up guys Justin here with the fusion essentials comm back with another fusion 360 for woodworking tutorial so I thought I'd create a video showing you some different ways that you can create different kinds of woodworking joints inside a fusion 360 so let's go ahead and just jump into it so I would say if there are any joints that I don't cover that you'd like to see in a video leave a comment below and let me know what else you'd like to see but to start off I figured I'd create a mitered butt joint and so there's a couple different ways that we can do this because this is gonna be a joint that basically goes 90 degrees around the corner so you could either model your board standing up and then you could remove the material or you could model the profile um and then extrude it up into a board so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna model my board up and then remove the material just so you can see what we're doing so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start by creating a sketch and we're just gonna click on this plane right here and I'm gonna assume that all of these are done with one by fours just for simplicity I know maybe some of these joints don't necessarily make sense with that but that'll allow me to kind of move through this a little quicker so what we're gonna do is we're gonna start and we're just gonna model this with the dimensions of a 1 by 4 so we're gonna do 3 and 1/2 inches tall and click and we'll draw another line and this is gonna be 0.75 or 3/4 of an inch then I'm going to tap the R key to activate the rectangle tool I'm just gonna single click here single click here you could also draw a line in order to close this face in but now I'm gonna click finish sketch and what I can do is I can extrude this whatever length I want my board to be so in this situation we're gonna say this board is gonna be 24 inches long and so what we need in this situation is we need to cut this edge off at a 45 degree angle so the way that I want to do that so I want to create another sketch by clicking on create sketch I'm gonna click on this top face and basically what we're gonna do is we're gonna model out our angle right here and so the way that we can do that is we can just activate the line tool and click on our corner and either one of these corners will work I'm depending on what direction you want this to go I'm gonna click on this corner and then you can see how when I click on the line tool I can set a number of degrees well in this situation what I want to do is I want to type in a value for degrees but notice that right now the value of her length is selected well you can adjust that by doing a shift tab or a tab and you can jump between these different values and so in this situation I want this to have a hundred and thirty five degree angle so you can see I can type in 135 and now that's gonna lock my mouse to 135 degrees and then I can just mouse over this edge to find this point and then just draw lines across this in order to create a face so now that we have a face in here we can go back and use the extrude tool to click on this face and remove this material so you can see out in this situation what this did is this automatically shifted to a cut operation to remove material that's because it saw that we were extruding something through an object and so this is good this is where we want this to be we're going to click on OK and one thing I should have done that I didn't do when I initially extruded this out was make this a component we'll do that for our other pieces of wood we're not gonna worry about it for this one but now what I want to do in this situation and people would handle this differently depending on the conditions that are created and all of that for me now that I have this 45 degree angle created it's really easy for me to come in here and create a sketch and click on this bottom face and now I can just draw a line along this edge and then I can draw a line from this point the length of my other boards so we're gonna call that 24 inches as well and then I can just draw a line from here and I can inference a cross until I get to the same point or I get to the point that's level with this one right here and I can click click again and click finish sketch well now I have a filled-in face that I can extrude up to create my other board and so one thing it's gonna be important when we do this we're going to activate the extrude tool we're gonna extrude this up three and a half inches but we want to make sure we don't select the join operation if we select the joint operation it's gonna take this board and make it a part of this body what we want to do instead is in our operation we want to select the option for new component and so new component is gonna create this new board as a new component completely separate from the other one then we can click on it okay you can see how now that shows up here my other one is in bodies I could probably right click on this and click create components from bodies that way I can make this first one into a component as well you can see how these two are now in here as individual entities that you can turn on and off so now we want to create a little half lap joint so the way we're gonna create a half lap joint is I'm gonna start by creating a sketch and we'll just draw it on this axis again and while this time I drew out my board standing up for this other I'm gonna draw this with my board laying down so I'm gonna start my point right here and then this is going to be 0.75 inches thick so then we can click and then I'm going to draw three and a half inches for the width and then I'll use the rectangle tool to finish that in and so I'm gonna click on finish sketch we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna extrude this out 24 inches and we're gonna make this a new component and so what we've done is we've modeled out our first board here we're gonna click on OK but what we need is we need this to have material removed for our other board with lap over top of it so the way that I would do this is I would just create another sketch on this face and I would draw this to be the width of my board so 3.5 then I would use the rectangle tool in order to close that in and then now we want to extrude this down half the width of our board so in this situation we can just do the math in the cell so for example if we type in basically we know this is 0.75 inches thick so we're gonna type in negative point stub 7-5 but then we're gonna type in divided by 2 and hit the enter key what that's going to do is that's going to remove half of this material right here and then do something very similar to what I did with my with my 45-degree joint over here I'm gonna create a sketch on this face and I'm gonna rough out the size of my board so I'm just going to draw a line from here to here I'll draw this line to be 24 inches long and I can also draw lines along here here here and here in order to close this in then we'll click finish sketch and so now what I can do is I can extrude this into its own piece of wood so in this situation the width would be negative 3.5 and again make sure that you set this to new component so then that will create both of these as their own component inside of your model so that one's pretty easy to create so the next one is probably the trickiest and so the next one is going to be the mortise and tenon joint so the way that we're gonna create that is we're gonna start with a sketch and we're gonna model our board laying down so we can just do this front view and we're gonna model out our board to be 3/4 of an inch stick three and a half inches wide then we use the rectangle to close this in and we're gonna extrude that to our length so again we'll leave it at 24 make sure you create a component and click on OK and so what we want to do in this situation and this is probably a little bit better for a thicker piece of wood but we'll go ahead and create it for this for right now what we want to do in this situation is we need to basically rough out the hole that we're gonna have in here so the way that I'm gonna do that is I'm gonna start by creating my hole so the way that I'm gonna do that is I'm gonna create a sketch and click on this face and it might help if you turn off these other components that are back behind these so I'm just gonna click on this one I'm gonna do a shift-click and I'm gonna select all of these except my last component and I'm gonna type the V key on my keyboard and what that's gonna do is that's gonna turn those off so that I can work just on this face without the distraction and so what's helpful for me is to start off by drawing basically the outline of the board that's gonna butt up to this face just so I can see it it's kind of a visual thing for me you don't have to do that but you definitely can and so what I want to do is we're gonna we're gonna start our hole from their very center of this object so notice with the line tool active if you mouse over at this edge and find the central point then you mouse over this edge you can move your mouse up to find the center or the center point of this edge and this edge would intersect and so what I'm gonna do in this situation is I'm assuming that we're gonna want an inch of material on either side of our joint and so that's going to remove two inches and our board is three and a half inches wide so that means this piece needs to be an inch and a half so in this situation that means that I'm going to start from the middle and I'm basically going to do an inch and a half divide it by two so that's gonna give me half of the width of the box that I'm going to create and then I'm gonna go halfway to this edge you can see how this edge is 0.375 so what I'm going to do is I'm going to type in point three seven five divided by two and hit the enter key and then now I can draw this line to be an inch and a half here I can go ahead and draw this the same way so 0.375 divided by two then I can use the rectangle tool in order to close this in and I'm gonna go ahead and so what we've done if we click on finish sketches we basically roughed out the size of this hole we've also created a face out here and so we really want to do two things with this the first thing we want to do is we want to extrude this in the depth of our hole so that's very easy to do because we have this face created and we just want to activate extrude click on this face and then give it a depth so in this case I'm assuming this is gonna go half of our three and a half inch wide piece of wood so negative 3.5 divided by two and hit the enter key and so what that's done is that's created our receiver piece of wood well now we need to create the piece of wood with the with the joint coming off of it so the way that we're gonna do that is we're just gonna use that same sketch that we had before and notice that this got turned off when I extruded this so I need to go back into my sketches and turn this sketch back on but what we need to do is we need to create a piece of wood in this hole because right now this is a hole that's been cut out so the way that we're gonna do that is we're gonna do the same distance so negative 3.5 divided by 2 and for our operation we want to create a new component so what that's gonna do is that's gonna create a new component inside of this piece of wood we're gonna click on OK so what that's done is that's created this piece right here and it helps to turn off your other component once you do this so that you can kind of see what you're working with and what I want to do is now we actually do want to use join mode with the extrude tool so we're gonna use the extrude tool and we're gonna select these two faces we're going to extrude this out a little bit and notice that this goes to join operation automatically assuming this is going to be 24 inches long we want to extrude this 24 inches - we want this to go 24 inches - three and a half inches divided by two we're gonna click on okay so now if we look at this we've got our mortise and tenon joint with our two components contained inside of our model so now I want to talk about how to create a tongue and groove joint so the way that I'm going to create a tongue and groove joint it's gonna be somewhat similar to what we've done before so I'm gonna start by creating a sketch on this axis I'm going to draw out my piece of wood so 3/4 of an inch stick three and a half inches wide then I'll use the rectangle tool in order to create this rectangle and so I'm gonna start by extruding this into its own component so we're gonna extrude this to 24 inches long we're gonna click new component and click on okay so now what we need to do is we need to model out our recess our groove so the way that we're gonna do that is we're just gonna create a sketch on this face and we're gonna find the central point right here and I'm just gonna create my groove and we're gonna say that this is gonna be a half inch I'm not really sure if that's quite what we want in this situation but we'll go ahead and call it good for right now so what we have right now is we have a 3/4 inch thick piece of wood so 0.75 inches and I'm assuming that I want this groove to take up 1/3 of this edge and so the way that we're gonna do that is we're gonna draw a line right here and because overall this would be 3/4 of an inch I'm going to do point seven-five I'm gonna divide that by 3 and then I'm gonna divide that by 2 so what that gets me is that gets me this overall width divided by 3 segments and then we want half of this because we're moving this up and you can see how that turns out to be 0.125 inches so then I can just come over here and draw a line that's point 1 2 5 inches and we're gonna go ahead and click on this and we're just gonna close in our shape so we can use the rectangle tool in order to do that so what that gives us is that gives us two faces right here well the first thing we want to do is we want to extrude this across in cut mode and notice that it goes into cut mode automatically because we're extruding us through an object that is what we want you can always tell when it's in cut mode because it turns red but we're gonna click on OK for that one and what that's done is that's created our groove well now I want to use that same sketch in order to create our tongue so we want to extrude again but we need to turn that sketch back on so that should be the last sketch in your list we're just gonna click on sketch 10 right here to turn that on now we can see that and we can extrude this into a new component so we're gonna click on extrude make sure to select both of these by single clicking and then we're gonna extrude this to a length of 24 so we're going to type in or negative 24 you can see how this automatically goes into joy mode remember to set this to new component and click on ok so then we can turn this component off and we're just left with this object right here before so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna create a sketch on this face and turn these off I'll leave this one on I'm just gonna use the rectangle tool in order to create a sketch across here and the reason we needed to create a sketch instead of extruding these faces is so that way I can turn this component off and I can just extrude this we want to make sure it's in joint mode and we want to extrude that to three and a half inches minus the width of our tongue so in this case I think we said that was a half inch so three and a half minus 0.5 and hit the enter key now we turn this back on you can see how we have our tongue and groove joint model the inside of our model and so for this last object I want to create a rabbet joint so the way that I'm going to do that create a sketch and we can go ahead and just click on this face and align it with this face that should be just fine and we're gonna use the line tool by tapping the L key in order to draw our profile so again 3/4 of an inch three and a half inches rectangle tool to close this in finish sketch then we're gonna extrude this negative 24 inches and so for this one it's gonna act a lot like the half lap that we created earlier it's just that our other wood piece is gonna stand up instead of laying down so the way that we're gonna do that is we're going to start by removing our material so to do that we'll create a sketch on this face gonna turn these off I'm gonna turn and we're gonna sketch out where our piece of wood is going to go so we're just gonna use the line tool and in this situation we'll start right here draw this to the width of our piece of wood that's going to be sitting on here so it's going to be 3/4 of an inch we'll just use the rectangle tool in order to draw a rectangle we'll click finish' sketch then it can extrude this across to remove our material and click on OK and notice that I forgot to make this a component again so we're just going to right click on this and create components from bodies and now what I want to do this one's actually really simple for our second piece of wood because this is already in here as a face and it's the size of the piece of wood that we want so we're just gonna click on this face and click on extrude we're gonna extrude this down and make sure you put this in new component mode so new component mode give it a distance 24 inches and hit the enter key and so what that's done is that's created our piece of wood it's going to be standing up here so creating this joint this is probably the easiest joint of the ones that we've created so that's Herrmann in this video leave a comment below and let me know what you thought was this helpful to you are there other joints you'd like to see at us love having that conversation with you guys if you like this video please remember to click that like button down below if you're new around here remember to click that subscribe button for new fusion 360 content every week as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this I really appreciate it that will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The Fusion Essentials
Views: 33,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360 tutorials, the fusion essentials, the fusion essentials tutorials, fusion 360 lessons, fusion 360 for beginners, getting started with Fusion 360, getting started autodesk fusion 360, autodesk fusion, autodesk fusion 360, autodesk fusion essentials, autodesk fusion 360 essentials, fusion 360 woodworking, fusion 360 woodworking joints, fusion 360 woodworking tutorial, autodesk fusion woodworking, fusion autodesk woodworking tutorial
Id: GnheMOQzbYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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