Modeling a Bookshelf in Fusion 360 - Fusion 360 for Woodworkers Part 2

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what's up guys Justin here with the fusion essentials comm back with another Autodesk fusion 360 woodworking tutorial for you so in the first video we got familiar with the workspace and other things like that and now we're gonna go through and I'm gonna teach you how to create a simple example model using the tools inside of fusion 360 so we're gonna use this to learn how to use the sketch tool as well as how to extrude different shelves and put everything together into its into its own complete model so let's go ahead and just jump into it alright so in order to create our bookcase what we're gonna do is we're gonna go through and we're gonna model out the different parts and pieces that make it up and so we're gonna start by creating our side pieces that make up the supports that are used inside of our bookcase so to do that we're gonna start off by creating a sketch if you remember in fusion 360 you use a sketch in order to rough out a shape before you extrude it into 3d and so we're gonna click on this plane right here the plane between the Green and the red axis so we get a straight up-and-down view and so now what we want to do is we want to draw this out to a length or we want to draw the profile of one of our side pieces and so what we're gonna do is we're gonna start by drawing either a line or a rectangle depending on how you want to do this it doesn't really matter so if we were to draw a line we could just click on the line button and then mouse over our center point right here and single click and then you can see how we can move our mouse and this is automatically inferencing to the different points in my grid so right now my grid for example is inferencing to every half-inch and so if this wasn't if you wanted a value that wasn't on your grid you could also type in a value so in this case for example I want this to be 12 and 1/2 inches thick so I'm just going to type in 12.5 and hit the enter key and so now what we need to do is we need to close this in and so in order to do that we need to finish drawing this profile and you're gonna notice right now that my mouse isn't inferencing to that 3/4 of an inch point so this is where typing in that value can be really helpful and remember that you can either type in 0.75 or also 3 and hit the inner key in order to draw this line then I'm just gonna draw another line down the same length then I'm going to close this end and so what you're going to notice when you do this is when you do this this is going to give you this little shaded area so this is basically indicating to you that you've closed this in and now there's a face inside of this perimeter well that's good because we're gonna extrude this up so to do that we're gonna click on finish sketch and that's going to take us back into solid editing mode well now we can use the extrude tool inside of solid editing mode to extrude this up and notice that since I had this selected this automatically tells me or gives me the sole arrow right here and also this value right here that I can adjust for how far we want to extrude this if you click on the extrude tool and this isn't letting you move this up just make sure that the select button is selected and then click on this right here and then from here what we're gonna do is we're gonna type in a value so for this value we're gonna say that this is going to be we'll call it 55 inches high so what this has allowed us to do is this is now allowed us to basically extrude this side panel so now we have this side panel inside of fusion 360 and this has been created as a body so if you were to go over into your browser and click this drop down you can see how this is now called body 1 and if you wanted to you could label this as we go so for example I can just click on this name and I could call this something like side panel 55 inches high or something like that and so now there's a couple different ways that you can proceed depending on how you want to do this so you could either model the top piece across here you could copy this across or you could start modeling your shelves and so what I want to do is I want to come in here and I want to model out my bottom piece but there's something about that that we need to kind of we need to kind of figure out and the thing with that is for this particular bookcase this is going to be up off the ground maybe like six inches or something like that because you're gonna have like a little cap piece around the front and so what we want to do is we want to draw a sketch in here but we want to draw it six inches off the ground and so probably the easiest way to do this is to add a construction plane or an offset plane so an offset plane in this case would be us marking the location where we want to draw our bottom shelf piece so in this situation for example we would do a construct offset plane and what we want to do is we want to start with this base piece because that's where the base of our bookcase was and we just want to click on that and then you're gonna notice that you've got this little arrow where you can move this up and down and so in this case I want to type in a value of 6 inches and hit the enter key and so what that's done is that's given me a plane six inches offset from the plane that we selected so it's given me a plane six inches above the ground plane and even six inches maybe a little bit high I may want that to be more like we'll call it maybe four inches so I'll just add another offset plane I'll just type in a value of four and hit the enter key and so now we can rough out our base shelf piece so to do that we're gonna click on the create sketch button and notice how before we had these three options for the three axes well now you can also click on this new plane that we just created so if I click on this plane now it can come in here and draw and anything I draw is going to be three or four inches off the ground depending on what value I typed in there so now I can just draw my line in order to make up the outline of my shelves so we're gonna say this shelf is going to be about 29 inches wide I draw a line here and a line here and then this is filled in and we can now extrude it so when we click on finish sketch now our sketch is going to be in here and we can extrude this up and notice that our sketch was created on that plane which is up off the ground and so what we want to do is we want to extrude this to a thickness of 3/4 of an inch so if I click and drag this up you can see how this is too thick so instead I want to type in 3/4 and once you type something in right here you don't have to just hit the inner key you can also hit the tab key to tab out of that so that you can move this around one thing you're gonna notice is what this is done is this is automatically joined the side piece with your shelf piece and we don't necessarily want that because that's going to basically combine the shelf piece with my side panel and I don't want that so what I want to do is I want to change the operation to new body instead of to join because we want these to be in here as individual parts and pieces so that we can look at them later so you can see how the difference is if I turn join on there's no line separating these two if I click on new body then this is created as a completely separate body from this other piece right here and so we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna click on OK and now you can see how we've got a base shelf piece and we've got a side panel piece we can come in here and rename this as well so we can just call this shelf for right now and hit the enter key so you can kind of manage all of the different pieces in here by renaming them over here in your browser and so now what I want to do is I want to make a copy of this side panel so this side panel is what's making up the structural support of my bookcase well I want to make a copy of that so I have one of these on each side so there's a few different ways you could do this you could use the rectangular pattern tool or you could also just use the move or copy tool so the move tool actually allows you to create copies of objects inside of fusion 360 so the way that that works is we can just activate that tool and we want to make sure that our move object is bodies and this is the other reason it was important to not join our shelf with this is because we don't want our shelf to be copied when we do this we only want this side panel to be copied so I'm gonna go ahead and click on selection and I'm gonna select and I'm just gonna click on this side panel so when I click on this side panel you're gonna notice that this gives you options for different angles and distances that you can adjust this in here well what we want is we want to make sure before we move anything around that we check this box for create copy and so what that means is that means that now when we move this like this we're creating a copy of this object instead of using the original and in this situation this is going to be 29 it's gonna be 29 and 3/4 of an inch across here to make sure this is flush because you've got to move it based on this corner point so you've got three-quarters of an inch of a side support and 29 inches of a shelf so we just want to type in a value of 20 9.75 and hit the enter key so now we have our two side panels in here and we have our shelf in here and so now we need to model out the top part of our shelf so and like I said for this one what we're gonna do is we're going to use the rectangle sketch tool in order to do that so to do that we want to create a sketch and in this case instead of finding a plane we already have a plane which is the top of the shelf and so we want to draw this sketch on the top of this shelf so we're just gonna pin this face and what that's going to do is that's gonna orient our view straight up and down and then you can use the rectangle tool either by clicking on this or by tapping the R key and then single clicking here moving your mouse across and single clicking here and then we can click finish sketch and if we rotate out of this you can see how this created our sketch on top of our bookshelf and so now we can extrude this and so now we can extrude this using the extrude tool and one thing to notice about this is you need to make sure you pick up both of these faces when you do this you can see how for whatever reason this split this right here so we just want to make sure the we pick up both of those in our selection so when we activate the extrude tool when we select our profile just make sure you click on this face and this face because we went extrude them both and when I click and drag this up you can see how again this automatically goes to a join operation we want to make sure this is set as a new body and we want to set our distance to be 0.75 or three-quarters of an inch and I'm going to hit and I'm going to hit the enter key to create that so now we've got our top-shelf piece and we could go ahead and name this so we could call this shelf top and maybe put the dimensions in there so I think it's 12 inches deep and it's 30 and a half inches wide so we do 30.5 inches wide by 12 inches and so now there's a couple different ways that we could copy this shelf up depending on how you want to do this so in this case let's go ahead and let's use the rectangular pattern tool in order to create equally spaced shelving so what we want to do because we need to create multiple different copies of this the rectangular pattern tool is a great tool for that because it lets us create multiple different copies so we're going to or we're gonna click on the button for rectangular pattern and then we need to select this body right here so that we can copy it so in this situation I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna select my shelf body and then I'm also going to select a direction because what this once is this wants to create an array or multiple different copies in a certain direction so in this case we're gonna click on select and then we're just gonna click on this line making up the front corner of this shelf and that's going to tell this that we want to make a copy of this along that direction so you can see how what this does is this now allows us to create multiple different copies either based on an extent so if I wanted this to be based on an extent we could do that or we could also do it based on a spacing so if I wanted to take this and say that we're gonna multiple copies every 12 inches or something like that we could type in negative 12 and then we could just create multiple different copies and those are all gonna be 12-inch copies and so really what I want to do because I want to make sure these are equally spaced is I want to create this last copy at the very top of my shelf so in this case that looks like it's gonna be about negative 51 inches so I'm going to type in negative 51 and then now I'm able to create equally spaced copies from this point to the top point right here and you can see how by adjusting this value right here I can set the number of shelves that are going to be in here so in this situation let's say that I wanted there to be we'll say five shelves total I could use this tool in order to do that and one thing you may want to do is make sure the suppress option is checked and then you can come in here and you can check the box to toggle these different copies so we can set this so that we don't create this very top copy because there's really no point to that we don't need it because we already have a top piece on top of this so now if I just to click OK you can see how I have a shelf in here and I've got my various shelving pieces in here at an equally spaced spacing and so now let's add a back panel to this bookshelf so let's say that this bookshelf is gonna have something on the back so that it isn't just see-through here all we would have to do to do that is just draw another sketch on the backside and we'll just align it with one of these faces then we can just use the rectangle tool and draw a rectangle across this whole back piece and click finish' sketch now if I go home and I orbit around you can give that a little bit of thickness so and that's not gonna be very thick depending on what you put back there so we can just extrude this and we can extrude it to like an eighth of an inch or something like that so we'll call it an eighth of an inch for right now and remember we need to make sure in our selection that both of these planes get picked up we also need to make sure that this gets created as a new body then we're going click OK so now we've got a back panel on our bookshelf and so a lot of shelves have a little kick plate on this front face so or that run across this front face so let's go ahead and add a kick plate in here so in order to add a kick plate or a bottom piece depending on what it's there for we can just use the create sketch function and we can go ahead and we can tell this we want to create a sketch on the inside of this piece so now let's say this is gonna be recessed maybe an inch or maybe like half an inch so all I would do is just draw a little line half an inch off of here then we could draw our little kick plate piece and notice that you can rotate around if you want to so you don't have to be in this straight on 2d view to create a sketch so let's say that we were to draw a line up here draw another line that's going to be 3/4 of an inch and then we'll close it off and finish our sketch and then we'll just extrude that across to this phase and so one of the cool things about the extrude function is not only can you do this by distance so we could just drag this over here until we find the point that we need or we can do the math to figure this out or you can also set your extent to be to object so and when we set our extent to be to object we can just click on this face and this will extrude that to that extent so it'll find the point at which this face intersects with this one and it'll extrude it that far and then all we have to do is click on new body and click on ok and so what that does is that gets brought in as your kick plate so we can just call this kick plate we can call this back panel so now we have a full bookshelf in here with all the different parts and pieces with this very simple workflow so you can take this and you can apply this to other kinds of creation as well so that's from an in this video leave a comment below let me know if you had any questions if there was anything that I missed in here I just love having that conversation with you guys if you like this video please remember to click that like button down below if you're new around here remember to click that subscribe button for new fusion 360 content every week as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this I really appreciate it I will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The Fusion Essentials
Views: 31,972
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Keywords: fusion 360 tutorials, the fusion essentials, the fusion essentials tutorials, fusion 360 lessons, fusion 360 for beginners, getting started with Fusion 360, getting started autodesk fusion 360, autodesk fusion, autodesk fusion 360, autodesk fusion essentials, autodesk fusion 360 essentials, autodesk fusion 360 for woodworking, fusion 360 woodworking, fusion 360 bookshelf, fusion 360 woodwork tutorial, fusion 360 woodworking for beginners, fusion 360 for woodworkers part 2
Id: xtZY1X-eDb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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