Modeling a Cabinet in Fusion 360 (Fusion 360 Woodworking Tutorial)

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whoo what's up guys Justin here with the fusion essentials comm back with another Autodesk fusion 360 woodworking tutorial for you so I thought it would be fun in this video to show you how I would model a cabinet inside a fusion 360 note that we're modeling this to a level of detail like you were building it as a woodworker so let's go ahead and jump into it so I'm gonna do my best to model this out properly or all the different parts and pieces of the cabinet are in here one thing to note about this is I am a 3d modelling instructor not a woodworker so if some of my dimensions are a little bit off or the way this comes together isn't perfect I apologize in advance but you should be able to take this method and use it to create really whatever you want inside of fusion 360 and so the first thing we're gonna do is we'll go ahead and start from the back and work our way forward and so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start by creating a sketch and then drawing on this vertical face right here and so I'm gonna start by roughing out the size of my back sheet so I'm assuming my back plywood sheet it's gonna be 42 inches high so I'm gonna draw a line right here that's 42 inches I'm gonna draw a line across here it's gonna be 29 inches and so then we can just use the rectangle tool so just tap the R key and then click this corner and this corner and this will rough out our back sheet and then we're gonna click on the button for finish sketch and so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna extrude this to give it thickness and so the way that we're gonna do that is we're just going to select it and tap the e key in order to activate the extrude tool and remember that all of the things that we build here we want to create as components rather than bodies and the reason for that is because we want to be able to schedule all of this stuff out a little bit later so we're gonna extrude this back we're gonna select the option for component and I'm assuming this back sheet is gonna be a quarter inch thick so I'm just gonna type in in this box one quarter inch and hit okay and you may need to type in 2.25 if it's being finicky like this so one thing you may want to do as you go is you may want to real able these components so for example I'm gonna label this as usually I like to use the dimension and also what it is so in this situation for example I'm gonna type in plywood and then we'll say quarter-inch - 42 inch by 29 inch you don't have to do it this way I like to do it this way because we're gonna schedule this out a little bit later and if I'm descriptive than everything that shows up on this list can show up in my schedule a little bit later but now let's go ahead and let's create our side panels so the way that I'm going to do that is I'm going to create another sketch and in this situation I'm going to create a sketch on this vertical face right here and so for these what we're gonna do is we're gonna do the same thing we're gonna draw a rectangle so I'm gonna use the line tool draw a rectangle that's going to be eleven point two five inches deep and hit the enter key and then I'm going to draw a line up that's forty two inches high and you can use the rectangle tool in order to draw a rectangle across this face and so then we can click on the button for finish sketch so what that's gonna do is that's going to give us our side panel so I'm going to take this side panel I'm going to tap the e key to extrude it extrude it in this is going to have a thickness of I believe 3/4 of an inch so we're gonna go ahead and we're going to type in point seven five make sure that you select the option for new component and click on OK and so what we've done is we've now created our side panel I'm gonna go ahead and label this as well so I'm gonna call this hardwood - 3/4 inch - 42 inches by 11 and a quarter and actually this should probably be 11 and a quarter by 42 inches so usually I put the height second but really you can do that however you want just figure out whatever your conventions are going to be when you do that and so now what we need to do is we need to put our slots that are going to go on the side right here so the way that we're gonna do that is we're gonna create a sketch on this front face like this and then we're gonna rough out wherever we think that recess is going to go so in this situation for example I'm gonna draw a line down and I'm assuming that my top plate or my top piece is going to be 3/4 of an inch thick so I'm gonna draw a line down 3/4 of an inch then I'm gonna draw a line back up 3/8 of an inch so this is gonna go up 3/8 of an inch and so then I'm assuming this is gonna have a quarter inch recess so point two-five and then I can use the rectangle tool in order to finish roughing this out I'm gonna click on finish sketch and what I can do is I can come in here and I can use the extrude tool in order to extrude this and in this case we want to extrude this to the back side of this piece so this piece is 11 and a quarter inches deep so we're gonna type in negative eleven point two five and we want to leave this in cut mode so that it removes this material then I'm gonna click on OK so what I have here is I now have my recess that my top piece can sit inside of and so I want to do the same thing I want to go down about 15 and 3/8 of an inch so you can either create a new sketch or you can turn this sketch back on by going into your sketches and clicking a little I then right clicking on it and clicking edit sketch so if you want to do that then you can in here you can add this to the sketch so that you don't have a bunch of different sketches in here and so this is going to be where my fixed shelf is going to go so I'm assuming I'm gonna have another fixed shelf maybe like 15 inches down or something like that so I'm just gonna draw a line down 15 inches and then we'll do the same thing we'll just draw a 3/8 of an inch well we'll draw a quarter inch deep 3/8 of an inch long recess just like this and we'll click on finish sketch so then I can do the same thing over here extrude this by negative 11.25 and hit the enter key and so there now we've removed the material on this side then we're gonna do that one more time at the very bottom so I'm just going to edit this sketch again so I'm just gonna right click on it whoops click on edit sketch and then we'll just draw something from the bottom here this time so in this situation I'm assuming that this is going to go up 3/8 of an inch it's gonna go up three-eighths of an inch again and then that's where our recess is going the beam so this is going to be a quarter-inch and we can click on finish sketch we can use the extrude tool to remove this material so negative eleven point two five and hit the inner key then we can turn this sketch off and so now we have here as we have our side panel so our side panel is here on the side and in a second we can come in here and we can model out our shelf pieces that are going to sit inside of these recesses and so now what I want to do is I want to create a copy of this object and so the way that I'm going to do this is a little counterintuitive but it's going to work better so what we want to do is before we use the Move tool to move it we want to create a mirror so we want to go down to create we had a mirror this object and then in this situation we want to set our pattern type to components that way we can select this piece then we want to select this as our mirror plane so this face right here so what that's gonna do is that's gonna mirror this or create a flipped version of it I'm gonna click on OK so now I can take this object which got created as a second component and I can just use the Move tool and I can move this across here so the way that I'm gonna do that is I'm going to use the point to point option so I'm gonna click on point to point and then I need to set an origin point which can be this point right here then I want to create a copy or not a copy I want to create a target point right here so I'm going to click again in order to set this as my target point and then I'm gonna go ahead and click on OK so now we have is we have our two side panels right here ready to go so now that we have our side panels it's really easy to come in here and create our fixed shelves so the way that we're gonna create our fixed shelves is we're just going to create a sketch so create sketch and we want to place this sketch on the front of this object and if it asks you if the components have been moved and capture position go ahead and click on capture position we probably should have done that when we moved it initially but what this allows us to do is this allows us to come in here so that that'll basically capture the position of that component so that's stored as data so now this knows that this object needs to go right here but now it's really easy for us to come in here using the sketch tool and just sketch out our shelf so that it fills this hole click on finish' sketch and then we can extrude this across into a new component so and if you wanted to you could select these edges and maybe offset these in a little bit if you wanted this to be a little bit smaller I'm gonna leave this as is for right now I'm just gonna extrude this across just like this and I'm gonna give it a depth of negative 11.25 so same size as our side panels that we had right here and notice that you want to make sure that you select new component when you do this you don't want this to join you want this to be created as a new component over here on your list so in order to do that we're just gonna select new component we're gonna click on okay so what that's gonna do is that's gonna create a component over here then you can go ahead and you can type in hardwood you can name these however you want by the way this is just how I keep them organized but for this one we're gonna say that it has an 11-inch and eleven and a quarter inch depth by 28 and a half inch width in cabinets you might have like a cleat running across the back here or something like that I haven't included that in here but you can definitely have that we're just gonna keep this simple for right here and just say the shelf runs all the way to the back if you did have a cleat in here you just model an extra piece and then you'd have this run back until it intersects with your clean and create that as a different component for the sake of speed we're just going to kind of leave this as is and so now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to create a couple copies of this so I've got my one object right here that I've created well I also want to use the move tool in order to create a copy and so we want to go down to move object and set components I'm gonna select this component I'm gonna create copy and we're gonna use point to point again and we're gonna set a target point or a base point we're gonna set an origin point right here a target point right here you can see how that creates a copy really easily then we're gonna do the same thing or we're gonna click on ok then we're gonna create one more copy the same way so create copy origin point target point and click on OK so now you have your different shelves in here and for the sake of speed I'm not going to model out holes and adjust shelving in here um you can definitely do that just by drawing circles on this face and then moving them upward now I'm gonna go ahead and leave this as is for right now and let's go ahead and let's model our front panel and then the rails that go along the outside of that front panel and so the way that I'm going to do that is I'm gonna draw a front sheet so I'm just gonna create a sketch then draw a rectangle that runs across this front face like this and click finish' sketch and then I'm going to extrude that out so I'm just gonna click on this face and make sure that you pick up all the faces that need to be a part of this profile so make sure that you've selected both this face and this face because it looks like these kind of got split in here and what we want to do is we want to create a new component and I'm gonna say this is gonna be 3/4 of an inch thick for right now so we'll just type in 0.75 you might do that with a different kind of material but we're gonna leave it at 3/4 of an inch thick for right now so that's gonna be our front door we're gonna click on OK so that's gonna be our front door right here let me go ahead and type in hardwood and it's actually probably gonna be plywood and a lot of this depends on the kind of wood that you're gonna use to create this honestly I'm not a hundred percent sure you guys can let me know if this would be plywood or hardwood I'm gonna call it plywood for right now we'll call it 3/4 of an inch and we'll do a dash and we'll do this should again be 42 inches or 29 inches by 42 inches high so that can be our front piece and then let's go ahead and add our rails they go on the front of this and so the way that I'm going to do that is I'm going to start by creating my first rail and I'm gonna do that just by creating a sketch on this front face and I'll draw a line here and we'll call this I assume these are gonna be about an inch and a half so 1.5 I'm gonna draw a line across like this draw a line across like this and so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to model out this side piece or the profile of this side piece so the way that I'm gonna do that is I'm going to type in 1 and 1/2 again then we'll draw a line here that's gonna be an inch and a half thick and you can use the rectangle tool in order to draw a rectangle right here and click on finish' sketch and so what I've done is I've basically created these two profiles here that we can extrude out into our rails and then once we've got these set up where we can extrude these out into our rails we can just copy the objects that we create so I'm just gonna extrude this give this a thickness of a quarter of an inch make sure you set it as a new component and click on okay then we'll do the same thing and we need to make sure to turn this sketch back on we'll just extrude this out again a quarter of an inch again make sure that you set it as a component and click on OK we need to make sure to name these so we can call this hardwood quarter inch - 29 inches by one and a half the same thing over here hardwood quarter inch then this one should be 42 inches - three inches so 39 inches by an inch and a half and then we're just gonna create copies of our objects so I'm going to turn this sketch back off and then I will copy this first object right here we're gonna create a copy we'll set our origin point to this corner set our target point to this corner and click on OK and we'll do the same thing with this one so we'll select the move tool put it in copy mode set our origin point right here is that our target point right here and click on OK we might want to add another rail across this face so maybe I should have had these vertically run all the way up and these other objects stop on the side here but for right now we'll just go ahead and model something else out and so we're just gonna create another sketch on this face and let's say that this is going to go down maybe 15 inches then we can just extrude this out do a new component buy a quarter of an inch and so let's go ahead and let's apply a wood material to this so we'll go down to modify we'll go down to appearance for right now and we're gonna go down to woods there's a few different options in here so there's some finished options like a mahogany you can drag on here or there's also a cherry there's a bunch of different woods that you can drag on here and try so in this case let's go with the oak semi-gloss and I'm just gonna select all of these and I'm gonna drag that oak material onto this object and so this gives me a cabinet model inside of fusion 360 so that's permanent in this video in the next video I may go through and talk through how to create a plan from this cabinet maybe an exploded view leave a comment below let me know where you'd like to see me go from here if you liked this video please remember to click that like button down below if you're new around here remember to click that subscribe button for new fusion 360 content every week as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this I really appreciate it not we'll catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The Fusion Essentials
Views: 32,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360 tutorials, the fusion essentials, the fusion essentials tutorials, fusion 360 lessons, fusion 360 for beginners, getting started with Fusion 360, getting started autodesk fusion 360, autodesk fusion, autodesk fusion 360, autodesk fusion essentials, autodesk fusion 360 essentials, fusion 360 cabinet, fusion 360 casework, fusion 360 woodworking cabinet, modeling cabinet in fusion 360, fusion 360 cabinet modeling
Id: ixN7f1i1tHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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