Creating kitchen cabinets with Fusion 360 Part 2 - the carcass

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okay welcome back to this series on creating a kitchen cabinet in fusion 360 if you follow along ultimately this series will end with putting the cabinet's together and installing them in my house 18 the 36 inch cabinet modifying it to for the 24 inch cabinet and also the top cabinets as well and all as well as cutting them out on the CNC assembling creating the doors hopefully this will just go from start to finish so in the previous video if you haven't watched that yet go back and watch that it shows real simple entering all the parameters I find useful in creating the kitchen cabinet and this video will be actually creating the kitchen cabinet I might combine these videos to be weird just watch someone type parameters into a box and in fusion 360 so here we go okay so we're gonna create an ad sketch and I like to build from the side side to side rather than bottom up so there what the effusion seems to be a little bit slower when you're recording what you're doing so the first thing we're gonna do is make a box so there's our box is nothing special it's not even the right dimensions so when you are putting the Box in you have the option here to enter your dimensions you could tab through them and enter your dimensions but for the purposes of demonstration here we'll just create a box for atom size random length and we're going to start to dimension them all so you can use the sketch dimension tool or the quick key this keyboard key D there you okay so the depth of the cabinet here now we already entered the depth of the cabinet in our parameter so there's cabinet depth right there enter whoops and the height of the cabinet is what are you doing new cannon height so there is the cabinet obviously a bunch of stuff is missing so we're gonna add that now something to note right now I use pocket holes to assemble the cabinets do however have two dedos and I in each side there's a back dado for the back piece and a dat'll for the bottom I find it squares cabinet up nice makes it easy to assemble so let's see so we're gonna start with the toe kick so here we go we'll make another square and we will dimension this Square to toe kick depth and toe kick height and there you go there's your toe kick now one thing I did is or something that's super nice Bob fusion 360 are the use of constraints so I'll just show demonstrate that real quick if I just make a box you'll notice all four sides of the box of blue that means there's nothing there's nothing about it that's locking it in anywhere I can it can be moved or changed or whatever you want so I want this edge of the box to be locked in to the front edge of the cabinet so up here you see in the sketch interface constraints this one in particular the collinear I want those I'm on this line right here to be in the same plane the same line as this one so there you click on that and move that box over and you could see I'd still have I still got an issue here because I can move it all around so I haven't dimension the box yet so I'll dimension the box this in there is be the token depth and now I have a black line there that line can't be moved it's locked in place because the front of this box is collinear with the front of the cabinet the back of the box is dimensioned so it's locked in place so now I need to do the same with the top line and the bottom line so I will use this little quick I want to make that collinear with the bottom and now the only thing left is to mend to dimension this top line so that's just a quick little aside I suppose a big broke all right there we go so now we're going to do the bottom shelf so we make a box kind of in the general area it doesn't really matter and we want the bottom of this dado to be collinear at the top of our shelf there I'm sorry at the top of our toe kick and this is going to be a blind date oh I do not want it to come all the way out the front I don't want to be able to see that when you open up the doors so I'm gonna dimension that I just want to stay back blind date I want to stay back about a half an inch so that material is gonna stay when I cut this out so that you can't see the the cut in the plywood just a design choice I know it makes it a little more difficult the Shelf would get it's sure whatever it's called when you applied the finish to the side of plywood it escapes me right now doesn't matter but it'll come off it'll come straight out the back so I'm gonna make this back line here collinear with the back so now it comes right out back and we'll dimension this top line to the material shelf and there's the bottom dado all right now we're going to do the back deal so same thing it's a lot of repetitive stuff here but create the rectangle I want the bottom of the rectangle I wanted to go all the way down and sit I want my back to come all the way down and sit on the bottom shelf so they would go and now you know you can change it later on but whether the back shelf comes up and hits the back where the back and sound hits the Shelf I suppose it doesn't really matter much and this is going to be straight up to the top and it's going to be collinear with the back Oh No hey there's one thing that I've forgotten there's nailers in the back here and the nailer the thickness of the nailer is going to depend soomi nailers and so the thickness of that nailer that I use if I'm using a 1/2 inch or 3/4 plywood it's going to change the location of this back so first we're going to do the mailers so they're just vertical pieces that are going to be pocket all screwed into the sides so we're going to mention it and it's just going to be a 4-inch piece of material it is going to be whatever I decide my nailer is going to be and cool in here to the top and pull in here to the back that's my nailer and there's another one down at the bottom I mention that to the material nailer and again it's just four inches I could make a parameter for that if I change if I can't imagine wanting maybe more than four inches to nail the cabinet in you know I may go pretty heavy with the dimension the parameters but not everything needs it for all right stereo all right so now what's nice about parameters and parametric modeling is this Naylor is now attached to this corner so if I make the cabinet taller that nailer is going to follow it or if I make it deeper that nailer is going to follow it and so as such we want our back dado to follow the mailers so we're going to constraint this box and now to mention that and that is our material back so this is a dado and when that material gets measured and put into our parameter that is going to update the thickness of this dado so that I can slide the back and right back along these nailers and everything's going to nice and tight okay so the last two things that we need are the top these cabinets are just gonna be an open top so you can it's gonna be a couple pieces of wood on the top so we just draw a box to mention it it's going to be 4 inches long it's going to be our material native top and it's going to be : here into that corner and same here dimension absolute material top 4 inches make it : here to the front of the back dado so now that the gap where that data was gonna be between the top and the top rear nailer is going to be updated whenever I change the material backs let's just see what that looks like so if I go in and change material material back plywood so if I change my plywood from let's say I got a really bad batch of plywood and my quarter-inch plywood is 450 thousands I'll watch all this updates it moves that front and nailer that I'm sorry that top forward to create room for that dado keeps the nailer at the very back of the cabinet so we'll go back and change that back so that's the powerful parametric modeling as a prominent youtuber might say all right so the other thing that we need here is a divider for the bottom of the drawer so that is something that we didn't add here so we can go ahead and add material drawer we'll just do divider horizontal and that'll be our plywood that gives us something to close our doors to underneath the shelf so we are going to also need to know our shelf death I'm sorry our drawer depth so door death make it four quarter inches and we're going to go our our drawer front is what do you think foreign core might get six inches tall that should work so now what we want to do is draw a box catch I'm just going to go a bomb here and now I got to kind of think about it so it's going to be collinear with the front it's going to be four inches deep it's going to be material horizontal divider and now the drawer is gonna fit in here so if the drawer is the drawer front six inches tall I wanted to fall 1/32 of an inch short of midway through this divider and 1/32 of an inch from the top so we're going to dimension that let's see so this is where it can get a little tricky we need to know I'll tell Oliver how tall our drawer front is which is changeable and how much reveal we want between the top of the drawer front and the top of the cabinet and the top of the drawer front and the top of the doors so for simplicity I'm gonna have the top the bottom of my drawer front fall at the midpoint of the drawer divider at the horizontal divider and 1/32 of an inch down from the top so we need a reference point you didn't know where midpoint of this is so we're gonna draw a line and if you come in and the hover in here the triangle will tell you we're halfway is me there so now we have a line but we don't want an actual line a normal line what a construction line it's called so it's kind of just a reference line doesn't doesn't divide anything doesn't play a role I'm extruding anything it just tells us where 1/2 inches so we're going to mention that from the top and I want it to be short front - 32nd of an inch there we go and now you need to add shelf our first shelf pinhole we're gonna do two rows of holes front and back I'm gonna just do the through the first hole now extrude it create all the features and then I'm going to pattern the feature which means the pattern for the front row and the pattern for the back row will change depending on my parameters but I don't need to sketch out all the holes I only need to sketch out the first the first hole in each row that will then be patterned so we're going to draw a whole circle and obviously it's not that big but is going to be shelf in whole shelf whole diameter and I'm gonna start I'm gonna start at 2 inches down from the top and it is in front ends that spacy which is 2 inches so there's the first hole and we're gonna model the second hole which I wanted to shelf diameter and I wanted to be shelf full spacing from the back just 2 inches now it's two inches from dado not back at a cabinet and I want it to be on the same plane as that and to be honest with you I'm not entirely sure which constraint I need to use from look they look right there I'm just not sure let's see four come in here and reflect that just like that there we go now we can go over here and do two inches there so you learn something new every day all right now all that's done and we're going to go ahead and extrude all this so we're going back to solid create and we're going to select everything except the toe kick and what I like to do is to go right now I have a my zero zero zero point I guess the sketch plane is at all zero I like to go back I want to extrude it this way into the cabinet I want to extrude it out away from the cabinet because that leaves my sketch right here on top where I can easily adjust things and not have to worry about getting features of a sketch onto a different sketch there's ways you can do that but I'm for this video I'm not going into that so this will be material side there non did you notice I typed in with cereal side and came back out into the positive so I wanted to be in the negative whoops so I'm going to add a negative in front of material side and I like to do component so okay fine there's component one this is going to be left side all right so well just one thing I didn't do is I didn't select the holes so let's try it again and select everything deu up everything and deselect that I don't want those lobbies already just like to just get the darn thing selected come on dude all selected there we go everything about the tailgate no negative material site new component okay there it is left side so let's turn that sketch back on so we want to be able to see it it's in fusion whenever you're extrude something it tends to sketch that you chew from off so now what I'm interested in is [Music] these two I want to create my data so I'll go to modify and it's in the negative plane so negative material side divided by two so knowledge is going to cut in half way so now we can see there we go you got a nice deal all the way around these you're just you know so this is where the back slide in and this is where the bottom slide end adds a blind date over there you can see that so now we're gonna work on our shelf pinned holes so we're going to press pull select that one and now on it'll be negative shelf in she'll hold depth just quarter inch all right so now what I want to do just turn off that sketch for a second create a pattern the rectangular pattern so in pattern and pattern these holes we're going to select features I'm go in there select that feature and that feature is selected and we'll select the direction which is in the vertical so you can see we're getting our holes now so we're going to type in our shelf full spacing so that's where that's where three holes will fall let's try 12 oops forgot we need the distance type is spacing extent means it will stick all of the holes 12 holes evenly inside of your distance so in this case one and a half so we want spacing so I'll go where are we here okay so we got spacing and now we type in a shelf hole spacing there we go but that something looks off about that doesn't it we're gonna cancel and try that again create a tag Euler pattern features spacing select that and the other one in this case I'll automatically selects or select the direction which is vertical shelf full spacing and then let's see what 12 looks like 12 looks good and I don't think there's much that will fit underneath the shelf if you add it on the bottom so there's really no reason to drive those holes all the way down to the bottom it okay alright so now if we change any parameter about these holes they all will update so as proof of that let's change our front incent shelf whole inset front to 6 inches and you will see these holes move in 6 inches but only the front ones did it's the back ones are their own their own thing all right now we have one panel done obviously we need to we need a lot more panels so what we're going to do is create some construction planes to mirror this panel so that anything we do to this panel will be done to the other panel as well so what we're going to do is first we're going to start with something called an offset plane so we go up to the construction plane let me create an offset plane now we select the outside edge of our first panel as our first plane and now we want to extend that and we want to extend it to cabinet with oops negative cabinet with which I'm not sure why I have to be in the negative because it's in the positive in origin but whatever okay so now we have an offset plane so now this plane and this backside outside of the cabinet are 36 inches apart and they'll always be 36 inches apart so what I want to do is I want I'm here I want to make another one of these so we're gonna create another plane called a mid plane we're gonna select this one and our construction plane it's okay now we have a mid plane so we've got the outside edge outside edge middle we're going to use this vid playing a lot so we're gonna create mirror we're going to slick components click on that component select our mirror plane which is the mid plane and there you go there's your new there's the other side of your cabinet exactly 36 inches and we can verify that by selecting a lot edge or a face and that face and there's 36 inches so we could turn off plane number one and plate number two for now and we are going to turn our sketch back on so now we want to make some new amount of make some stuff novel so we're gonna start from the back so we're gonna create a new body here or a new component so I selected the sketch turned on and I selected the back nailer back nailer I get extrude I pull it out a little bit so I can make sure it's what I want and now there's a couple of things to remember I don't want that to be connect I want it it's own separate forward so in the operations join I want new component and I wanted to come all the way up to this this plane right here so for the extent instead of distance where you type in how long it is I can select two so I can select two object and I want to be that object so now I have a new bar a new a new component right there so we might as well keep everything tidy and right get everything named right side that's nailer all right and we're just gonna go through and we're going to do all do that to everything so click on that it extrude click on new component click on to object select that there we go ok and this is kneeler bottom and now we'll do talk just like that new component Justin change the extent to and it there did that face so all these are going to be these nails they're just going to be pocket hole screws into the sides of the cabinet but now you can see here's our slot for our back plywood to slide down into and that's going to make everything nice and square and strong and the other top new component to over there okay and now on the bottom your component too and now I don't want to select this plane I want to select inside the dado because I want my bottom go all the way down to the dado okay okay and now you can see that the bottom doesn't come all the way to the front that's a that's a problem so there's a easy way to fix that because we want that to come all the way to the front we can turn on our bottom when we use components we can turn on just that component and it makes everything else kind of disappear and might also show me a mistake I made does not appear that my shelf goes all the way inside the dado so I must have selected the wrong plane when I created it so we'll try it again all I see is because it's sketch was on see so we gotta get underneath that sketch or we can turn the sketch off for now and select that plane and create from that plane there we go new component to there's a lot of little things that can trip you up all right there we go okay now you may have noticed something else I screwed up I didn't mean to extrude the back out with it but it did it created a new component all as one I don't want that I don't want fit the back connected so what I can do is create a sketch on this plane create a sketch on the wrong plane it's like great sketch I can go in I can select this plane inside the Daito and now draw a line in that corner to that corner and now that separates that separates the two dedos so I can create two separate components from that so we'll select that one goes extrude and now as I extrude that bottom all back doesn't come with it so we'll make that its own new component to object all the way into that date off and now that looks right that looks better it comes into that detail so we need to now make that bottom come all the way out to the front of the face the front of the cabinet so we could turn these sides off let's see I want to turn them off I just want to make the bottom the active component and now they can extrude dad see there's a difference between modify and extrude and most of the time I find that I want to be using extrude extrude make sure joins I wanna I want my new extrusion to be joined to the bottom to the front of the cabinet okay now if we go back here turn that on you can see I've extruded the bottom of it to the front of the cabinet but we have some interference issues so what we want to do is turn off everything but the bottom and the sides so we'll turn off the top the back I'm gonna modify combine there's a lot of stuff in here I'm just glossing over that might take you a little learn I'll just learn it target body is the bottom tool lottie's our sides we want to cut we want to keep the tools and hit okay so now what we've done is we've gotten rid put a little jog in there for the blind date Oh and our cabinet is beginning to take shape we have one more thing a couple more things create here we get into a view that we can see that Naylor often want to get in here into the back dado and create the back from that remember new component to flip it around and get in there and there's a back and it goes down and sits on top of the bottom click the name I turn the bottom off something something went wrong so when we back see the problem is I got it I didn't extrude from that sketch I created that separates this these display know so we'll turn that sketch on it now create a new component to object the inside of this there we go now you can see the bottom stops right at the top of the bottom I'm sorry at the back stop the front and the last thing that we need to create is the toe stretch so I didn't add that to the original sketch so sketch one if you double-click on the sketch here you can edit it it brings you back into the sketch environment and so here is our toe kick so we'll create that box the toe kick stretcher and we're gonna make it Col in here with the back of the toe kick : you at the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the cabinet and collinear with the very bottom of the carcass and we'll dimension that last line out to be the cabinet let's see material toe-kick stretcher all right finish that sketch and we'll turn that sketch on and here we go create a new component to object to that plane done name it pull stretcher Street your stretcher right baby and there's your carcass well almost there's your carcass we forgot something sometimes when you move stuff around it it does that gives you a warning to capture the position I'm not sure exactly what that means but I've never really had an issue with it and there we go there's the divider for the drawers and there is going to be another vertical divider that holds the two inside drawer slides but this video is already 42 minutes long so what we are gonna do is take this and ground it so now it doesn't we have something that we can create the joints from so I'll be in a future video so thanks for watching stay tuned for part two or three finishing the drawers the drawer box is the center divider the doors at the front of the cabinet and ultimately modifying the 36 inch to get the 27 inch I'm sorry the 24 inch cabinet and modifying this for the top as well see we went through all the work of doing all these we can leverage all this information to create every cabinet we need in the kitchen
Channel: TLAR
Views: 13,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fusion 360, Parametric modeling, kitchen cabinet, DIY cabinet, CNC Router, CNC kitchen cabinet, CNC, Router, woodworking, DIY woodworking, DIY Pprojects
Id: 7w7Z00BBkaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 2sec (2582 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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