100 Mystery Buttons But Only One Lets MARIO Escape (Preston/ Dangie Bros 100 Mystery Buttons parody)

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mario is trapped in a box with exactly 100 buttons some buttons give her a ward and some will punish mario but only one button will let mario escape and complete the level if mario can press the right button without getting tricked then he'll get to hit the mega button and see what happens or will he choose the tiny mega button we have got a lot of buttons to choose from buttons on the floor buttons on the walls buttons on the ceilings we've got some boomerang bros and a fire bro here but they're not attacking us yet and we've also got a captain toad so you know what i think the first button that we'll go for let's go for this gold one here oh my goodness there were upside down goobbas that just floated up towards the ceiling okay let's try going for this pink button over here oh my goodness we killed a boomerang bro but this pink button killed another boomerang bro that was from over there okay you know what since that boomerang bro is gone let's step on the button that he was guarding let's see what happens if we step on this one another goomba flies up water with these goombas why are these goombas flying up to the ceiling are the goombas on the ceiling going to be able to press any of the buttons that are on the ceiling for us we've just got goombas up here on the ceiling now look at their faces we've got some ceiling goombas up here all right you know what i think this red button right here with a p on it is looking a bit tempting so let's try this one oh man a large goomba fell from the ceiling wow where did that koopa come from we didn't see it a moment ago when we were looking up there okay you know what let's try going for another red p let's go for this one here whoa the fire bro fire bro are you okay fire bro what is happening to you oh my goodness what happened to that fire bro what did this switch do to that fire bro all right let's try doing this blue one here oh we've got a wide goomba over now oh no the fire bro just got us okay okay the fire broke on us watch we're still alive we're still alive we're still okay all right you know what let's try going for i think this yellow switch over here what are we going to get if we do this one let's try this oh man oh man oh man the floor is lava oh and a green star appeared from there okay okay okay i don't think that the lava is coming up i think that we are still safe for now i think that the oh no the fire bro got us so this yellow button gave us lava floor now hold on i think this one was the green star okay so let's get that green star now and that one activate oh my goodness the fire road just defeated the boomerang bro for us whoa whoa whoa whoa oh no there comes the white goomba oh no wait a minute the playroom isn't going as crazy as it was before oh man oh man oh man where should we go where should we go what should we do oh man oh man oh man this is going to make hitting these buttons more difficult you know what we haven't hit any of the buttons on the wall yet so let's try hitting a button on the wall let's try going up here okay and we took care of that one okay what do we have here we have a pancake goomba over there whoa the pancake goomba's coming towards us wow jumping on the pancake goomba makes it very very flat you know what let's try going for this piece switch right over here a magma ball has appeared oh no oh no okay okay we got this oh man hitting that switch made more goombas appear okay i have to go for this star because i was worried about i was worried about that magma ball coming towards us so i had to go for this star that was in the corner here luckily we were able to take out all the goombas very very easily with that okay you know what while we are down here let's step on at this red switch right over here oh the floor and the level is all gone oh no oh no oh no now we can fall into the lava that is there this is some frightening stuff for mario right here okay you know what let's try making our way across okay okay okay we're doing pretty good you know what i think i'd like to get to that green one right over there i think this will be a nice one to get let's go for this green p right over here okay so that spawns a warp box and we don't know if that wartbox is going to get us out of here or if it's just a trick so let's see if maybe we can get a switch and you know what since we just stepped on a green switch let's try stepping on another green switch oh and a green star appears there okay that is so nice but you know what before we get that one oh man i thought i would fall into the lava let's keep making our way back here let's keep making our way back here you know what i want to head over here i really want to get that yellow switch that is right there right in front of us please don't fall into the lava mario please mario i'm counting on you to not fall into the lava the level is back all right all right all right all right this is so much less scary now oh man now i don't have to worry about missing a switch and landing into the lava floor instead okay so you know what we've got to get that green star gonna get that green star okay and okay great we got the green star but we're still missing the first green star we got the second and the third green star but we don't have the first one and we don't have this stamp either okay so you know what let's pop into the warp box and this happens you're in an infinite loop of warp boxes you can't escape you can't move you just keep popping out of that warp box into the warp box and teleporting back fantastic i don't know about you guys but i wouldn't consider this escaping from the room okay so what we'll do you'll go for this one whoa the switch turned off the lights in the level the lights have been turned off here this is now a dark room that is what this switch did it turned up the lights here you know what let's also go for this switch that is right underneath here [Music] okay that spawned a stingy oh no and look there's a miniature super bell hill that's spawned over here it's just floating over here let's get a closer look at that oh and another warp box appeared and there goes that goomba flying up okay and this stingby is just floating around us menacingly okay let's do this let's get this black button right over here i think that'll be a nice one to get let's see what this spot ah there's a large blue oh no oh no no no whoa this killed it okay and that's the green star okay and we do have to get the green stars again because i had to reset the level because we were stuck in the infinite warp box loop so we've got to get these green stars but how can i get that one oh and that's the next green star okay perfect what was this one ah the fighter bro is active oh no oh no no no no okay and there goombas are coming kumas are coming okay let's take out that guy man the fire bro is going crazy fire bro please calm down mr firebro please mr pyro please stop throwing your fireballs please please please okay it looks like i'm safe here the firebros fireballs are hitting that switch and i'm safe here so i think maybe we could get that green star very nice okay and you know what i don't think we've been into that warp box yet so let's go into this one okay we are in a new room are we going to escape now or no there are two buttons let me know in a comment what would you choose blue button white button door one or door two what would you choose here let's try door one first okay we end up here but is this actually the same room is this really the same room or is it a different room okay let's try this first we'll go on the blue switch first okay a warp box appears let's go into it and it pops you onto the white switch okay now then we haven't been in this warp box yet and there's a pipe that appears let's go into this first here you go into the warp box you pop onto that dwarf box then you pop onto the white switch okay so that is repeating and let's check this door okay so when you go into this door you can see that everything is here so these doors are actually just repeating the same room this goes from one door to the other door so let's go into the pipe and hopefully not get killed by the fire bro right away oh the fire is shooting that way oh no oh no fire bro oh no let's get to a safe spot are we safe here i don't know if we are safe here okay we are not safe here yet you know what let's get closer to that fire bro let's step on this one right over here this yellow one more captain toads have appeared what okay let's try this one that makes goombas rain down on us and the goombas are just poofing into nothing when they fall down there oh no the poor goombas and more goombas are still how many goombas are falling i've heard of it raining cats and dogs before but now it is raining goombas you know what i don't think we've done this yellow switch yet so let's try that upside down captain toad and then he turns upright and he is floating we have got a floating captain toad we have been blessed by the floating captain toad but you know what we haven't done this p-switch this blue one right over here let's see what this will give us the goombas are coming back up the goombas are oh my goodness and they are in the floor the goombas are raining upwards what is happening to these goombas they're stuck in the floor they would like to raid in the upwards direction the goombas are ascending the goombas have all ascended they're all just up here look at them all look at their faces oh my goodness all of the goombas what is happening the koopas are all stuck here on the ceiling oh my goodness this is the natural habitat of the ceiling goombas who reside on ceilings and live upside down oh wait a minute this one looks a bit out of place this one's facing right side up oh man that's a lot of goombas up there and you know what one i don't think we have checked this one right here with captain oh man if you hit that the lava comes all the way up okay so you don't want to do that one okay we still need the first green star you know what we haven't checked this white one right here this white button let's try this one oh are we in water we are in water oh okay good thing it isn't flooded all the way you know what this makes traveling from spot to spot so much easier oh my goodness let's see let's try a higher button some of these buttons do absolutely nothing so let's try a button like this oh if i could reach it i don't even know if i could reach that button that button might be too high for mario to reach let's try this one okay and that blue button it looks like it does absolutely nothing man this makes it so much easier to go from button to button if you'd like you know what wow now we can float around and choose what button we want to choose so easily okay you know let's drop down that one is that a green star i haven't gotten yet that looks like a green star that i haven't gotten yet we have gotten the green star but you know what one i don't think we won we didn't get this one yet did we oh okay oh the boomerang bros just defeated each other that was fantastic that worked so great for us okay so it looks like that red p-switch up here that's the one that activates these boomerang bros okay and this one makes the level disappear oh man oh man oh man the water goes down all the way to there okay so we're still in this water and i think this one made lava appear right yeah okay that one makes lava appear okay so we've got water on lava here minecraft players can let me know what is supposed to form when water comes in contact with lava you know what we should try though yeah let's first take out this fire bro very nice and let's try this switch right here i think it's orange i think this one might be orange i can't tell if it's orange or yellow because of the lava in the water let's try that a new warp box let's try it and okay we've got a sign that's telling us to go to the left this looks like it's the end of supervale hill there are some switches there can we and of course there's an invisible wall here let's take a look at this stuff so we've got this switch right over here and we've got the mega switch up there which one would you guys step on would you step on both of them would you step on one which one would you step on first let's first try stepping on the mini mega switch and what happens is invisible walls are put all the way around you and you can't escape mario is trapped if you do this and you can't get out all right so mario has stepped on the mini mega button so what happens if mario makes his way over to the giant mega button what happens when mario lands on it [Music] it is raining coins and we've got a coin path over there oh man so many coins so many coins mario's finally being rewarded for all of his effort there hitting all of those buttons losing so many lives he gets so many what ups here now let's follow this coin path now we know not to step on that anymore let's follow along this way okay it looks like we are going to have to jump across to there now and now the invisible wall isn't here anymore so now we can continue this way which is very nice and now we are going to oh okay okay okay okay okay okay okay and let's just okay good good good we made it very nice and here is the stamp that we needed we have got a wide toad ready to give us the stamp thank you so much my dear toad friend now we can head on and finish off the level let's just drop down here oh man i missed all those coins now let's just drop down here collect these coins let's get the final coin as well there we go and now we've got captain toad toad sprixies and plessy all here to cheer for us as we complete the level a level like this takes so many hours to set up and design and create so i'd really appreciate if you could click the like button for all of the effort that went into making this you can subscribe if you'd like to see more fun gameplay custom levels and experiments in games i'm wishing all of you an amazing day ahead of you thank you so much for watching i do appreciate it very much and take care everybody
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 3,888,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 mystery buttons, mario, super mario, funny mario, 100 mystery buttons but only one lets you escape, only one lets you escape, 100 buttons only one lets you escape, 100 mystery buttons mario, mario mystery button, mario animation, zxmany mario, zxmany mario mod, zxmany mario 100 buttons, 100 buttons mario, 100 buttons, mario challenge, funny mario challenge, super mario 3d world, bowser's fury, mario 3d world, zxmany bowser's fury, zxmany mario 3d world, nintendo, switch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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