Modded Character, Tainted Job!

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what is up everybody my name is hudson welcome back to the binding of isaac repentance today we are going to try tainted job more items dire misfortune deus custodia fast custodial being our pocket active item i can't use it in any normal room i don't know what it's all about you start with a rotten heart and half a soul heart which is probably the weirdest starting health i've ever seen we look super cool in some pretty normal uh base dps stats okay probably going to want to do that how do you resist a horse pill how do you say no to something like that so i worked with the mod creator and i also was able to unlock everything for job without having to put the work in because i'm a big lazy butt head no i just figured uh i'm not sure i would make it through the you know 10 plus episodes that it might have taken uh okay okay okay okay i like both of these items but there's a crosshair they ask custodia possibly doing something with that and what if i just take one okay it says more items they ask custodia that that gave me a broken heart it bonked me i would have really liked both of them oh wait wait wait wait we do have it we have it it's in my items list i don't know what that means maybe something would have happened if i had not used my deus custodia as custodia what does custodia mean what's the root word of custodia cuss city we just ripped through that guy um i i can i have both of them yeah i don't see any adverse effects from that why would i choose to take it through custodia and get a broken heart hmm maybe custodial's custodian like we're cleaning something oh there's options we could have even more items look at that tall boy look who it is look cool it is i got hit in the same room coincidence oh i was grabbed i didn't like that took away my health upgrade and my fire rate upgrade what is that about can i only keep an item in a room i've used my custodia in what the heck got me some sprinkler and some guy low tine here's to testing what if i only take one item from the room then what you're still gonna get grabbed on guillotine can be cool but uh kind of confusing and it hurts you sometimes nice shot oh come on shot speeding those guys is insane so i love the knockback shot so oh why didn't i lose my devil chance for getting hit directly in the face praying alter gives you passive item duplication similar to damocles without the sword you will become haunted by the altar fiend getting hit by them will grant three broken hearts and remove the buff i'm already dealing with broken hearts here and i don't know if i want to do that sounds super cool though right before the boss and i'm super low on health too awesome great idea gotta run now i gotta deal with the turdlings and saw oh my goodness gracious i'm overwhelmed to the max right now don't get touched i can't afford these three broken hearts a son of a gun i didn't get a single thing duplicated oh my god well how do i handle this situation there's custodia the damage upgrade so it doesn't get stolen from me take this it's just you can have it i'll take the pills you take the item back it doesn't help me speed up we got to go angel rooms i mean look at my broken hearts this character is really going to be looking for some uh confessionals dyches dude this is like too punishing now we go to get grabbed again probably we kept the pills oh that's right because we deus custodial in the same room by pills i mean mom's coin purse but we lost the sprinkler because that was the room we grabbed an item and did not deus custodia that's gotta be it it makes sense to me so if i am to claim anything at all i have to claim a broken heart which puts us in a really bad position because of that praying alter oh good my shot speed was just it was too high you know saving grace here would be homing homing with slow shot speed is delicious basically we get more than just the plain amount of items at the cost of broken heart pieces but also we can take them for the current floor knowing that we will lose them bag lunch chance to spawn health upgrade when getting hit that sounds pretty good oh i don't have any bombs dude oh my jesus this isn't going well they haven't been able to tell bombino not not gonna be good i do like the idea of knockback on this bombo though like what are you supposed to do to that what he's how he's supposed to dodge in that absolute maze what is this fight [Music] holy brah my deus custodia is not even ready i don't even want these i guess i could just take them both buy some health maybe great shop chops how do they work probably gonna lose this guy it's not got a chance today as custodia anything 12 room recharge is like okay maybe once before parody and rosary yeah we'll day us that day is custodian speed upgrade that's not what i wanted am i going to do this with one key just to get more deus charges yeah hey i got a key back wow that's a lot of bombs and stuff look at me and my health all the way back from half a red heart on the bombino fight bombino more like no thank you come on right guys what's up parappa [Music] nice tinted rock set up there with that tnt barrel thank you crawl space too um belly jellies and hem up isis hemoptysis ideas isn't ready deus may never be ready so that would be kind of silly for me for example to go into the cursor right now because best case scenario it gives me an item or teleports me to my angel room where i can only temporarily hold that item because my deus custodia is not ready what's the other description on deus custodia remnants of his aid yeah sure no i don't even need a bomb for you i'm full health i already said i'm full health next floor how many items are gonna lose like five items ooch yep wait rosary why did we lose rosary but we kept the sneezy i just don't know i got a damage upgrade though be a purity all the items that it took though were items we see we saw on the last floor so i don't have any reason to believe that it could take items from previous floors oh that's gotta be free right that's pretty good he's a good i bet i can't verb that roon back if i sneeze on him does it do more damage in that laser kind of like uh the azazel thing hallowed heart plus one boneheart container upon entering a new floor sacred assistance plus speed tears damage luck but every time you get hit you lose 20 percent of the buff that sounds pretty good 20 of the buff i'm assuming that's literally what that means and not 20 of all of my stats if i meet cleveland and a dad's lost coin that is a pass on that one yeah no nice room oh son of a gun five pretty good phil bethany's also pretty good let's see about that angel room twice my deus is ready angel time rag mega time for you to go like rag mega needs some sort of a rework great stuff there that's a lot of great stuff and by a lot of great stuff i mean that this one's okay dave's custodial why aren't you pointing at it i got it maybe i'll also take uh duality there that's to like guarantee that we can get angel fight this guy anyways sure let's not forget we're down to five possible heart containers that's that's nice thanks for the hit in the face this trick is pretty much almost dead um i i didn't really think about the fact that it would okay yeah i'm gonna go with that one and i'm not even gonna take the key piece because i don't know why and when and how it steals things from me i don't know is it a random three every time how does it work i don't remember say you pooptosis i want it i'm gonna take everything i'm gonna take everything to see what happens i gosh darn it i don't know guys golly gee please don't take my god head please dad's lost coin meet clevar proptosis with godhead that probably wasn't not two three available five six seven eight nine items if i understand this correctly it's gonna take eight items from me i mean seven all right who are we getting i don't know how this works meet cleaver dad's lost coin the range upgrade the sneezy sneeze it did take the range in the sneezy sneeze it didn't take tripica my that was two floors ago so i wonder if it's just a delayed reaction if we're going to eventually lose a bunch of stuff and once again that was only three so maybe we can overload this beasted i don't think it's taking anything from me that was the s custodian though still why has this got to be so confusing regardless we have a good run thankfully because we have max 5 health first of the unknown we to mess with this i guess so we're against humanity plus the trinket very nice we're loaded we're loaded rich a bunch of random stuff that we don't know take it all once again hoping that it'll take those things instead of my godhead or my proptosis bombing into my boss trap room again are they latchkey and a glaucoma horrible i'm gonna make this demon really think hard about what it has to take from me another dice from what's the chances of second five it's a six i think i liked what i have going what would the demon do though if i six-roomed and re-rolled everything you think it would get pretty confused all right destroy the boss snack jesus juice god there's so much stuff there's that we got the relic and a soul locket clobber this guy take these the bibble seraphim i wonder if we could take away my transformation please don't take my godhead took my proptosis and my dead onion i took four things i don't know what to believe anymore maybe i should just ask the creator i don't think we can afford today as custodia anything else i think we just got to keep going or just be good on the temporary stuff right just be good with the whatever we get at each floor womb is going to be rough though screw tons of stuff in the item room go for spun they might not be able to take it from us but i really like mysterious liquid never mind let's say you hear cage fight and it's done we're powerful angel room oh i had duality at one point in time didn't i yeah i'm fine with nothing there next floor what is gonna do your move took three items took one of my mom's keys the mom's key still got our godhead that's all i need holy life pretty good too though so possibly when you're running this character we should have probably taken most of the items from the get-go not with the custodia say the custodian for the godhead say the custodia for the holy lights for the proptosis random dice room effect i gotta say no i can't afford a re-roll right now and i don't even know how that would work with this mod i could please just get a top secret room with a confessional for the love of mary for the love of jiminy crickets please you dog jacob's ladder or lead pencil they're both oh that's right i get it both that's left to right oh look at that keepers can we get spiders for every rock we break and a dry baby consolation for fire rate vipin's kiss top secret room with a confessional speed-up double bombs are key it looks like it switched them but then added like what fifty percent back great shot speed up on the up and up now i should have yara at that room dancing boy he's dancing pump and dump in the machine stop your mom break more rocks would you i could spot oh she's dead isn't that spun let's start with one of these that we want we already have spun that's our fourth syringe just not been paying attention down we go what is it taking now not godhead fire rate damage jacob's ladder and a syringe do we still have that spun damage i don't know did i just fight mom without using my bible i did and i lost my devil angel chance and i'm down to two hits until i die strength card for some temp health there nice oh free stuff we got spun back so we know that we lost spun when we lost the syringe and joined not that bad with godhead still going to be happy about it once again i think these are going to be the most punishing floors because of the lack of items we can pick up we're going to lose more than we gained probably we're bombing rocks randomly thanks keeper skin find a room with healthy amount of rocks boss fight you dead we are powerful give me that ceremony of robes delicious and some divorce papers six three four fire rate 10 damage yowza and we're losing little brim wait a minute duality and little brim i got little brim from the lilila thing you can't take that sacrifices had to be made a little bit i'm sorry but the fine print so i got my godhead feeling good dps untouched it only took two items from me i think that's probably because i went faster so we probably want to speed run gotta go fast let's do it rip it fire the missiles i got time for this i got a bomb out i don't have time for your hands i hate waiting on enemies double key room what do you got it's a one room i'm not re-rolling i'm telling you it'd be a big stupid done angel room nice angel room glad to have that angel room he's dancing though he's dancing in the robe look at him up we go you're gonna take only two items this time again he's not taking any items because i didn't pick up any items if you're gonna leave me alone at this point in time i'm just gonna win i'm just gonna go ahead and win new strategy only take items if they're really really good if they're worth trading or something like godhead maybe it's not a demon maybe it doesn't want to like be mad and evil maybe it just wants to trade maybe it grew up playing pokemon cards and just loves uh sharing with itself don't grab though see i can has big brain inevitably there's probably some obvious thing that i'm just not seeing or remembering but don't worry you guys comment section will bring me right back down to the ground where i belong directly into the trash thank you comment section for continuing to decimate my overall sense of self-worth in reality though you guys most of the time you guys are super super helpful and so overly nice to me i know that i appreciate you guys i tease i tease confessional there's no red hearts on the floor i don't really know if i can get away with that red hearts in here that's not a red heart has to spawn an item when getting hit though i'll go at once [Music] it didn't work well kids sit and try who's got red hearts over here getting rid of those broken hearts would be just phenomenal they are plaguing me right now oh that didn't hit me yeah right got him got him got him got him got him next floor so we didn't take anything again in this floor cause you're not gonna take anything from me correct correcto that's a lot of gobbledygook why didn't i hear that i have a yara doesn't matter was i really going to take anything realistically it's the last floor technically we can take everything they can't take anything else from me i should have heard it should have aired it come on along with us everybody let's go come on we can do it i know i'm gonna put my foot in your ass fine you know what be really really cool in this mod what if there was a final boss like a super final boss that you had to fight and you could only use your deus custodians items to kill that boss right to just test like how well you did and how many good things you got screen goes dark and it's like ye be judged and i'll suddenly start sucking out all of your items except for the ones that uh you deist that would be crazy dope honestly the true test of this character here and god had saw us through i am did you see a portal i didn't portal what's a portal i don't even know what that is i'm just glad that we won i'm just happy that we are a big winner here today thank you guys so much for watching there was no way i was gonna go to the next floor we took like so many items i wasn't gonna do it um no we would have had to plan for that anyways if you liked this hit the like button let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below and i will see you in the next video see you guys
Channel: Hutts
Views: 287,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: o7247O_9gtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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