Godhead to Delirium! - Repentance Modded Character

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what is up everybody my name is such and welcome back to the body of isaac repentance today we're gonna do another god head run you guys seem to really like it last time let's try them out let's try them out a lot of people were saying that they think the godhead is incredibly balanced because he has a really really bad damage multiplier my fire rate of course is at 2.0 speed 0.75 i don't think that the bad starting stats makes that big of a difference personally because the game is it's much easier earlier on that looks like secret to me right the sky i think is also just unnecessarily powerful speaking of being unnecessary powerful what's up smushed head blank card let's get a card immediately okay it's yours up great and some protection on that that low health another tears up okay well i i think that is an overpowered character and also that so i mean regardless of whether or not it's overpowered we are overpowered is that a nickel belt you have on there sir are you just happy to see me it's a necklace it's a necklace it's hard to tell this body's very small let's bust this thing up let's see how crazy we can make this huh can't forget about the lost buddy we want him to stay alive especially at least on the first floor you gotta get good maybe at directing the lost buddy tim i see you i don't have a bomb huh why don't you have a bomb you idiot first item room we gonna have some bone spurs bone spurs are pretty good and you know what i think i'm just gonna take it because offensive items are gonna help me keep the lost buddy alive and i'm gonna try to bend over backwards to keep the lost buddy alive to no avail because he's doomed he's not gonna make it all right this guy yeah a little lost buddy's alive and that's gonna definitely give me a speed upgrade i guess her damage is pretty bad what are you gonna give me give me speed we got a bomb out of it [Music] how about a top secret room kidding i'm kidding i'm gonna go get the god dang tinted rock there you are i was worried that you're gonna make it two soul hearts thank you tim and onward shane that we don't have five cents for an arcade next floor but can i really complain about our situation buying cards in the shop is probably something that we're gonna want to do maybe even more so oh another defensive item that's good he wants to live lost buddy chose life get behind me now it is just going to take lucky rooms and good plays in order to keep this little dude alive again the best fitting gives you items isn't it slipped rib and angel remind him though i thought he was supposed to pay out with angelum items specifically maybe i'm wrong maybe it's just like a high tier item room gish you know selling's pretty good oh lost buddy get back get back hide this one's gonna be tough when to keep them alive and he's gosh darned little monstro dudes spend a key for shop and card no cards for sale lost video you're gonna make it two floors is that even possible oh my goodness are the tears up you know we have a decent amount of health we can think about going double rooms we can still get angel rooms after going devil so like because we have the active contrition right that started us off with the tears up and the ability to get both jell-o oxy now you lost me there because i have a blank card i don't really want an active item jello is like super cool though great item just don't make me pick between the two of you i had two bombs are we going to be able to bomb could have been able to bomb no into the curse room and the boss trap that would have been one hell of a secret room there you know what screw it i'm going into the curse room if you teleport me to my deal with the devil hey one guppy piece please only cost me one red heart which is pretty okay and now we have all the more reason to go uh double too bad the flies don't get godhead am i asking for too much here oh thanks bud this is great i kind of need consumables i should do that thanks for the consumables lost buddy i played chicken with him i thought he was gonna die every time i play chicken with those leech dudes i take damage every time i don't play chicken with them and i run i take damage phenomenal enemies just a phenomenal enemy olden key before i've opened up any doors and used keys in this floor are you sure you want to give that to me really is it my birthday i just want piercing i think piercing would be really great you could smelt the fish in box of friends and no cards come on you're giving me like super good and also really good wait a second what if my box of friends doubled my lost buddy and so let's just say he was alive and act super freaking dead i doubled him in the boss room and then i left to the next floor would i get two prizes probably not because the next four would only have one you know i worked that out in my head and i decided no that's silly shots speed down that's really good because it's better for homing first room again hell why not oh god little brim great if we could pull off conjoined here too i think that would also be really great with homing and slow shot speed and godhead with homing this also takes little brim out of the deal with the devil pool which is phenomenal right mega hit him before he goes into oh that was good that was really good next floor [Music] i you know i tried to move that troll bomb to get the nickel face guy ended up killing my own friend [Music] i will never forgive myself blood rights so many actives on this one i'm gonna carve for sale in the shop no card for sale pick my restock grab this pill okay bomb this nickel keeper one of these rooms smells like top secret room got it nope don't want it fall and fight i do enjoy a good fall and fight as one bomb when they spawn and voila little delirium not too crazy about that that's touch there it is there's my piercing that we wanted look how big my godhead aura is too that is great that is perfect first room give me guppy not bad oh god the god head plus piercings just it's magical it's so magical thank daps1 2020 yes double my godhead aura minus 0.91 damage i can handle it still can't believe we haven't gotten a single card yet that's crazy but it doesn't matter i mean we're dominating oh god give me a cigarette into my cursed room you dog didn't actually expect it was gonna be there it's a great flight positive part there besides the money is that all the doors are open i save a bomb what do you got hey oh well it could have been cool imagine getting a joker card hmm that would have been a freak up one on quotes free i'm still paying my life force probably worth it to bomb these for cards huh yes loving those cards let's try that again [Music] the thing with using the joker card before we go to the boss room though is that it will decide for us whether it wants us to have an angel room or a devil room i don't know if joker card has a preference i don't think so but we see if we can earn it first not that angel rooms would be bad i just you know i get caught up with trying to go for things like guppy we're looking back on it now worth the wait worth the wait on the uh blank card there definitely yeah jello right now i'd be pissed i mean jello with 20 20 godhead sights it would basically be like a 40 40. that doesn't matter that doesn't matter you know what i meant shot speed down you dog give me all the shot speed downs they're just gonna be floating through the enemies what do you got health up that'll be great for the deal the devil i'm beaming right now this is great cause i'm walking on sunshine i don't even know he was still alive to be honest i got distracted by all the other good things going on in our life oglebombs hell there's options hell put that in the bag too humbling grundles god darn it yes you son of a i'm in look cots i'm i'm tim morty i'm to morty just don't tell my grandma that i said that damn tim i could hear that from the basement you son of a gun gotta run you're gonna pay for that tears up again yes didn't get the deal of the devil so go it shows angelum this time wasn't expecting that and we could have asked for better but a 10th respawn i suppose we'll have to do steps two all right lost buddy stay alive this time you can do it shot speed down oh we're at a minimum it didn't even move game's like dude what do you want i'm gonna make it lower you cheater we're walking as fast as our own tears when we're walking our tears are literally just falling to the ground that's how tears are supposed to work why would the joker blank car be a two room recharge are you a nut bag are you a bag oh nut okay that's all right look isaac curse of the maze took me into the mom fight before i found my shop and item run got her another angel what are you doing you know what going negative ah you're dumb i'll take one of them okay you know what i'll take both of them if we're gonna go for that many deals of the devil it's going to be worth it probably maybe possibly if it gives me deals to the devil that is here we go you son of an angel room purgatory eight ball and range upgrade my item spawning luck is through the roof through the roth what are you a dog are you making dog noises now shot speed down again i don't even care that we're at a minimum it's not the principle of the matter shot speed down gotta go for it unidentified going for that too oh run little lost buddy spend my money for a better trinket there it is chance to get soul hearts when picking up pennies mr fred not a horrible boss to see got him didn't get a deal with the devil or angel health that's maybe go joker devil room first we were already here that's right we have four deal the devil items we're gonna take in the last floor so i suppose i suppose i'll take this lost buddy stayed alive right what you got you know there has to be a limit i said that uh we might get the opportunity to choose between an angel or devil that's not how active contrition works i i understand that that sounded confusing last buddy get it go there might be a way though that we can make it deal with the devil or angel specific we can tilt it in one's favor or i could just pop the joker card and see what what happens let's just rip it i ended up getting this anyways diviner invention more blocking i kind of i'm a big fan of the angelic prism here we could fight mega satan if we took both key pieces but the deal with the devils are basically just off fine i'm going to angel then got him the lasers oh god the lasers were going to take my little buddy out that was his biggest threat so far stand behind me stand behind me buddy i'll take the damage to my own face i got you don't forget we're going down joel hey that's nice joker hey that's pretty good 0.39 damage oh lost buddy get down devil fight nailed the timing boss bloody stay behind me i'm serious the what how did he die and i didn't take damage i was firing to the right the entire time he was hidden behind me devil works in mysterious ways or that the lord i don't know all right rip see what we got last chance for gupp a chance for gabrino guppy we were one short we still have one more joker to go though this is a definite yes ventral spirit sure last joker room go hey you know we got the devil room we didn't get the guppy piece that i would have liked but incubus is a pretty close second this is really good 20 20 incubus there's my 40 40. okay we're taking lots of damage here we have some respawns but uh oh godhead depression does that work oh there we go soul heart drops from my blessed penny i did pick up the head of the keeper so we're dropping more pennies as well good combos nice look at all this god head godhead aura is so thick you can taste it and for the final battle wait we have mega satan though don't we got em delirium as well that's a lot of health that's so good that's so good plus penny you're beautiful kind of feel like full clearing the dark room here for items gilded key all locked chests also contained extra cards pills and trinkets i didn't know gilded he did that great trinket but uh blessed penny a shovel am i supposed to have the shovel here hey oh full health baby touch gup oh wait didn't i get the boat the key pieces got him didn't even realize it didn't get him both two two key pieces i'm gonna give myself the first key piece that i apparently walked by and we're gonna do this fight i'm not gonna walk away whatever y'all want me to fight this guy send it all this money in the ground is so good if ever i am to take damage like i would ever take damage ha i shudder at the thoughts phase two crack them finish it [Music] got em fine we'll do delirium as well he says with a smile on his face last joker jar of whisk you know i said we just find a better card first item from delirium what bad luck gonna kick your butt early then godhead i believe is gonna be really really good constant low damage ticks on them is good because the boss armor whole thing my little lost body system a for effort dude a for effort just a little bit farther okay good shot there got him gg you guys this has been another god head run uh a weird one but awesome a very good run only 3.92 damage so the damage multiplier i like i said i really don't think it matters his godhead is so strong but then again if we didn't have piercing alone i think that we would have struggled a little bit and then on top of that we had 20 20 incubus so quite a good run quite a good run let me know guys thoughts in the comment section down below leave a like if you enjoyed this thank you for watching and i will see you in the next video see you guys [Music] i'm so sorry about this yeah 15 cents into a shop look at me oh i can't see what it is anyway we'll take the help then he'd be dancing spider-man's got oh i didn't even see that guy he killed my dude the most innocent things in life suffer the most that's deep ow
Channel: Hutts
Views: 304,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: xT45bSJDc1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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