Modded Gungeon Update ft. @Retromation

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what is up everybody my name is suds and welcome back to end to the gungeon i am here with a special guest retro hello i think i think i might have been a very special guest last time have i been demoted you know the more comfortable we get each other you know as soon as you can be like yeah there's that guy he's here whatever yeah he's here i guess against my better judgment i invited this guy back i don't know why but we're playing mother gungeon yeah we're doing mod the gungeon uh retro is going to kind of step me through do you prefer retro is that like a that's a that's a good way to call you right yeah it'll work i get all kinds of ones like the the general shortening people just call me rito it came from like a discord thing but i also get retro then some people just go full full name i don't mind okay whatever feels comfortable i don't like that my name is retromation because it sounds like a company because it is company like there's a couple companies called retrofit it just kind of sounds like a yeah like there's a one that's called reformation that i have unfortunately dwarfed their website on sorry to any oh we'll miss the key sorry to any people's jobs i've maybe destroyed so there are a couple secret floors i think you saw the jungle secret floor didn't you uh yeah so what is up with the floors on this there's like there's the jungle floor which is an optional a tertiary second floor right and then i know about like the random showing up uh glitch floor and yes there was also yeah you took that for me thank you dear god get down mr president this is a too small of a room for this big a boy oh what the f really that is an amazing random get i mean yeah go you can have it all right i guess with the lag and everything i'm probably like you don't get hit yeah i i mean like like oh i guess we both got hit but yeah there's the uh the jungle floor basically replaces the sewers and then you need to go to the jungle floor like you know how you can get the old crest you go to the abbey that's your gun uh in the current update of this expanded gungeon there's also a crest in the jungle that's a different one that'll take you to the belly of the beast which is yeah yeah yeah i made it there on the first time that i played and it was weird yeah okay okay there's those and then there is basically like an alternative to the rat floor there's the old west all the west i think that's the the newest one i i was not it's a mimic it's good uh i was yeah i was not not aware you made it to the belly fake fan fake fan i mean i think unless i'm just making it up this is garbage by the way yeah i'm like oh you can have no no no i insist you take it yeah minnesota nice you can have the fossilized gun you are gonna light my ass on fire by the way so this thing is oh god gotta run uh oh shoot we don't have the uh the descriptions on for some of them but this i think makes it so the chance kids that can show up drop more stuff and keikins also drops like the chanckin stuff with four keys i feel like uh we don't need to spend money to buy a key right now like we're pretty good yeah yeah i think it's i'm like not excited about it but it isn't i always have that weird thing with the modded series i'm like well i gotta get the new thing right even if i know it's like a waste of money [Music] i mean i want to get the nod key right we need to save up money to get that thing because that is true whatever west thing is it's four keys you might get the ability to steal even yeah come here guys on some brown chest though i will say there is a lot of modded items in brown chests that don't stop so i mean okay i i know it's a tough it's a tough thing to learn also i mean like you can't argue that was obviously the right choice the drill and the key back actually wow i mean you can't argue that one always oh god i'm still learning the controls sir please if one of us gets hit do we lose the uh the upgrade probably no good because we have double the firepower i think that would be fair yeah i think that it's like double the firepower but the enemies do actually get like a little bit of extra hp on top of it run run rito i'm trying huh why is the battling don't have to be scary today the controller makes it feel like i'm i don't even know if it works i think it's an item that it used to tell you very poorly what every item does but it used to just give you like the worst like kinder kindergartner grade text for every single item and it was really great awesome but i don't know i don't know what it is anymore i might have that i don't know i'll take this you take the master oh you need a fire to open up the tree yeah yeah that we could use yeah perfect perfect have you ever died in the credit screen no and uh that sounds horrible i have and it was when i was technically doing like a paradox streak thing roughly when like feral arms came out yeah and it was like it caused a stink because the person who was like in the lead was like i you know i don't i don't want to be a stickler but that counts as a loss no it doesn't i'm like like we we're trying to figure out whether or not you know in the community if we if we would allow that if it's happening because apparently like it happened to a couple people at that time and that this person said it didn't count i they they thought in their opinion it was like a don't count things like how could you don't just step on the step on the fire uh you know during the final boss fights like well i how would anybody know that the fight the fire is bugged in this specific yeah it's not even your fault right it's like yeah well my thing is like i didn't care because it was just like a it was just a fun thing like i'm streaking paradox for this week i'm never going to get any kind of like high score thing because i just like i don't know if there's a certain point in in gungeon when you're super familiar with it where like i uh there's less rng in it than a lot of other roguelikes with the the items like so it's easier to streak in gungeon than it is in isaac because there's some isaac like especially if you do like an eating streak or something you know you're more likely to get a run that just sucks yep in in binding of isaac and it's less likely so it's just kind of like who has the most time is basically dungeon streaking is really all it comes down to before i shoot the bubbles i have to remember which button is dodged i feel i feel like i'm learning video games for the first time and it's it's such a familiar game it's so crazy breathing life into it for you i'm gonna go ahead and uh drill oh that's what it does now it tells you if it's an item or a gun now but oh okay oh girl isn't working i can't open it oh god just look away just look away the spawn chest blue it's invincible it's the final boss that just wakes up how dare you i think this is a spawn chest blue situation yeah you know in my series whenever there's something where like the game literally breaks in a way that we can't like handle it i'm like come on like we know yeah we're not using a key in this way but yeah you know we were gonna do it without taking damage anyways uh which one is this this is the old journal you want it it's not the i'll take it i can take it if you take it open up the ammonomicon let's see what it does because i don't remember some of them have loose definitions about what they do oh god one of the gun or one of the one of the mods that's unlocked not taking damage slightly increases it okay oh i like that a lot actually yeah i think that there's there's some items from like the cutting room floor mod which these were items that were originally going to be in the game and i think that was actually going to be hunter's passive uh and it was instead replaced with the dog when they liked the dog idea more yeah that's that's hard to compete with yeah i mean like i feel like it's people are like the hunter's my favorite character but it's really just because they like i like the dog yeah there's an item in expanded gungeon that i would think would be very confusing and interesting to get right now that literally adds the co-op cultist as a familiar and i'll be honest i think that might crash the game i don't know if it i don't think i'd crash the game because it just uses the sprites but i think you would crash my brain yeah you have to figure out which one you are more proof to the whole like they probably didn't test this with a co-op partner i mean they programmed a co-op partner to come in because you don't have one i feel like most people just forget this game has co-op because it's not online you're like oh no no that's not the dodge button that but that works too yeah that actually really like that worked it's not online but here we are playing it online yeah it's true it's true how's the leg by the way it seems like you're you're doing well the leg is actually like not bad at all the uh the resolution sometimes gets to be like 180 p but the the lag is not not nearly as bad as you would think is the uh obviously the old crest variant thing if we want to try and do it legit maybe save it for laughs for sure for sure this summer you get a custom boss since you last played as well it's it's i mean it's a reuse of one of the past bosses like the robot's past boss so but there's a bunch of ads that come in and i don't know i always thought that i was kind of disappointed that the pass was so cool but there's not a lot of reason to like feel like going back to them after you've beaten them yeah go right in hey you give this slang i i want to say yes but i don't know it's hard to say with the controller i can give it a shot yeah go for it because i've got the polaris it's like it's hard for me to not use this yeah it's pretty darn good but uh as far as the pass go i always thought it was a missed opportunity that they're so little used i thought like a like a hard mode version of them that you unlock later would be always a fun thought because it just doesn't feel like it's where you're supposed to end your run yeah i always have that in the back of my head i'm like yeah but it's it is the credits but i know that i'm like taking the easy way out it just feels like why did the why not to choose between helen past is like why why like why can't i have both of those things and we don't talk about the advanced dragon we don't talk about him no i'm i i generally just i'm like i fought him before you guys i don't need to do that again like i i will say one of the mods does indeed add rewards for fighting him you get a guaranteed black chest and a synergy chest for fighting okay i like that so that's something there's like actually a reason yeah and there's also like uh they added uh you can get an hp upgrade for perfecting the blobby lord too and stuff like that yeah that's a good good touch yeah just little things like that and there's a couple uh a couple mods that change up some guns that are in the game like gilded hydra is actually busted now so that's nice i i always just open up everything and then complain when i don't have trash cannon okay if we can get it that it shoots the recycled um oh that's true bulletins that gun is like really good very very good that it's very much uh let's put it in the back pocket and hope it gets good later done yeah well do you want to put it in your back pocket or am i going to put on my i like the chicken flute but yeah we could just give ourselves the rad key i mean you know it's chicken flavor i'm the devil on the shoulder i'm not gonna tell you that we can't cheat i'm definitely not gonna say that it's chicken flu look at this guy this guy you can't you can't argue with this man look at his like walk like his just like his strut he is absolutely fantastic have you ever been killed by a jammed chicken [Laughter] no i cannot say that i have been sounds like there's a good sounds like a good story though [Laughter] it's just you know like one of those runs where you have like a gun that just polymorphs everything but you also have head curts or something it's just like they they're land mines is all they are killed by a cursed chicken i keep watching you walk into the room and i'm like why am i moving so far yeah what is this guy doing there's the boss all right you ready for this yeah did we do everything i don't know i'm ready uh looks like we did yeah it's yeah it's definitely a different type of florida traverse so yeah there's holes in the floor holes in the floor she spawns a bunch of ads too commando sarah boy okay bring it on i'm not even gonna possibly try to bounce my shots off the wall for the bonus damage with controller that sounds impossible oh man oh man man oh man in the the past just not lizards i thought yeah they did different yeah i think so well wowser wowsers we don't get a health upgrade for that command no not this one not this one how about you take the shield and the shield gun is that what this is ac 15 better for more shields oh man better it's much better when you have shields you already got one so i think it logically makes more sense for you to have the shield gun all right should i take the crest yeah go for it that counts as a shield yeah just take the crest uh carry carry the ring the mordor don't you dare get it well if you're my sam then you're carrying me up the mountain so i couldn't make it far without myself hey it i'm not even humoring that room by the way do you want to use this thing because you can tell you put the trash can in and the fossilized gun i mean it's not going to give us anything good out unless it's a modded gun probably but i'll do the worst thing i'll feed one and walk i don't know i feel like the payout of these these used to be better when the game had more ammo issues pierce the heavens it's not going to give us anything good out he's not going to give us anything good god destroyer oh my god i mean here's the double meme what if this gun actually sucks i you know i'm looking at her right now and i'm thinking that it probably does suck don't yeah yeah it looks so bad oh my god that's the stupidest i've ever seen that's so great yeah there's a couple of the guns that are really very goofy like there's one that's literally the tread knots cannon like it's literally just sprite for sprite the treads not cannon there's uh one that spawns an army of bullet king and a bunch of crazy sick shoot it okay i i you know had suspicions that it was melee i'm assuming it is it sounds like a gun shooting but yeah it definitely sounds like a gun but i don't know it's a drill unless it shoots invisible shots that doesn't seem that bad it doesn't seem that good but yeah it's mostly just the range can i shoot through walls with it see that'd be strats there you go that's the strat you know uh i mean you know about the whole when you throw guns at empty ammo with like fat bullets they get bigger do you know about that whole thing the guns get bigger yep it's a it was a bug that they never took out uh no i didn't know that yeah i gotta say i am deeply curious i know it wouldn't change the hitbox but i am so curious how big this gun would work he's countered me uh sling does it dude extra damage on mini bosses yeah and in fact it's extra good on mini bosses if i can aim i could aim not bad at all that was very quick yeah because many bosses don't have boss damage caps so that is it might be the worst gun in the game all right got my friend back well you'll never lose yourself that's that's for sure yeah that's honestly that's pretty nice i'll carry you for a while master frodo yeah part of a return of the king where sam takes out the massive drill that's three times excited i remember that part yeah and the nozzles were like oh damn all right i'm gonna try this again and see if this works in this floor it should be yeah drill is is good drills real good oh my oh come on no come on oh man did i get anything or is that just you i can't tell i i think i might have body blocked it oh god oh god oh god yeah i need help and i hate a romantic uh enemy i hate that it's an option in this room i'm gonna die from oh god that's yeah do you want it locked armor frost key and akron's hunger could be like every door you unlock you get a piece of armor for it that'd be my guess i mean that'd be good it it'd be bad if it was every time you get hit it deletes a key first oh yeah that'd be a negative item yeah i mean we could just take it and find out we have three keys we could keep under lock and key the gates damage as long as this bearer has a key uh it might be taking a key first oh no uh i could drop it it seems a little yeah it looks like it it gave us keys though oh good okay so now i can buy the rest of the stuff we just stole frosty just letter it cold open he increases coolness oh yeah that's good an accurate hunger is this a risk of brain item i don't even remember acrid is a character in risk yeah no i can see it yeah that's the character you'd probably be more likely to know what this is there anything like like this in risk of rain i mean he's like a poison guy that like does this little jump butt slam on people and i got it my dad leaded stomach and so he left with a new hunger to be left alone dodge roll into enemies under 48 hp or in kill range to eat them gain one percent damage but lose one percent movement speed and dodge roll distance for each enemy in your belly press reload to spit them out i hate it i hate it alright you know what you were taking this item and i want to see you try it because you're melee already i wonder if like this is broken enough that if you took the locked armor you wouldn't take my keys let's try i have a feeling it will but we can oh wait did we make it here without you taking the damage put it right here if you did yeah buddy sweet so we'll go in there later yeah i thought i did do this but maybe i didn't i went somewhere else this is belly the beast then okay so i i did not go belly the beast then i did something else that was like this desert thing that was like this ginormous room and they like you had to have flight or to get across turned into the old west it it's been polished up and shrunk down that's why i said there's 1.5 new floors because that one's that's gone it turned into the old west and it's a much smoother more normal floor now okay does that mean that you can eat them i'm thinking so kind of looks like maybe you can i'm gonna i'm trying to get closer get closer yeah yeah spit them out okay so like poison happened over here that's like i'm i'm immune to i think that that poison might be related to the record hunger thing i have yes it's just scripted to leave the poison at your feet even though i have it because i guarantee that nobody coded with co-op in mind i guarantee it right this is working out better than i thought it would though so i'm happy it looks like you took damage still you did that and it took our keys okay well that item's going away how do i select oh god the delay on the oh no if i hold it down steam remote blade thinks i'm trying to do something oh are we cursed can i drop it for you yeah let's see if you let's see if we can no while i'm holding this can you can you go over to it while i'm holding this no um we just uh give ourselves master key and we call it a day yeah that sounds good oh my god you're cheating wait no if we give ourselves back then are we invincible i don't know i mean i can look into we've gone far i could change my controls my menu comes up with a different button how do you drop it triangle okay you got it okay okay all right now we never have to worry about it again skelly boy it looks good is it it's just a gun i love them you want to give it a shot i got this i got this modded gun are you sure because i've got some good stuff yeah i probably should rattles what the hell it comes out of his crotch oh it comes up his mouth that is awesome it is awesome i'm in love i'm going to pop this [Laughter] okay see what rooms are like this is this is why i do it man this is what i do it for um let's let's pop the green and then run out and then fight him in a bigger room yeah yeah yeah yeah give me a little [ __ ] not bad let's get rid of that i guess we could set a trap oh well forethought not necessarily oh i want to eat him so bad actually i don't want to eat him delete our item it might delete our item okay so this is a shotgun it's just a normal regular shotgun that gets a lot of bonus effects on rainbow mode hang on use it drop drop the skeleton for a second it should be down in the d-pad oops i got to try something do it part bar doesn't work all right i'm done that's all i wanted oh it's telling us what's in them it's telling what's that's what's in them i guess wait topaz soul gem wait what what where does it say that it said it in the upper left i don't know i just in gungeon i just i know if i pick this up i'll never use it yeah see topaz soul gem it did where did it let us cheat a little bit i don't know what it does though you don't want the snowballer i i mean i'm literally not going to use it so i maybe though synergy though which one frost key the snowman frost key is there anywhere to look this up it's supposed to tell you when you have it on the left i don't know killing enemies generates stones ephemeral effeminate well you talk about the gaps of water you know he's not that easy i'm just gonna go ahead and say it this gun is amazing by the way oh look at the content on this that's your health by the way graviton graviton it's b i don't think we have even gotten a b yet i don't think so you go for it i've been taking i don't i don't think you have any modded guns never let me down okay is that when the song's supposed to start and they're gonna load you down i don't think so oh god that was it wait when i reloaded it fire so i could like maybe just like build a wall of bullets yeah no anti-grav tears yeah not as useful as i think that you know but it's b-tier so it's got to do some maybe yeah right oh controller uh don't tell me you died now i mean i'm still i can still see everything and it's more crisp than ever but my character just can't okay now i got kicked out oh that's me oh oh we switched characters oh no no freaky friday yep i fixed it because i'm a genius yeah absolutely the brain is just it's bigger than my mega drill speaking of i uh remember to buy this oh my god i know right the first time you thought the noggin couldn't get any more swollen and look at our look at our money oh my god i mean could it be better it could so i'm gonna let you do this this room i'm not gonna throw anything because i think that you'll appreciate it we shipwrecked chasing a terrible monster managed to lure and trap it in this weird dungeon full of living bullets alas i could not slay the beast but managed to trap it in this chamber i used a teleporter prototype to teleport the key to this chamber far away i don't know where it ended up but i hope no one finds it so spoopy oh is that a wall flash am i shooting do i shoot i'm shooting suck my trap let's go wait this junk over there i didn't get that yeah uh i'm not i don't know if this is gonna cut it it's not doing anything we gotta we gotta go into his mouth don't we yeah oh eat meat daddy don't know you don't even get eaten it's just mike get down mr president oh no well now i didn't cause it okay okay i was gonna say hopefully it doesn't cause an issue that i went in and not you oh belly of the beast what if we take the whole gungeon from over here and push it over there oh look at these doors look at this yeah is that a zelda sound on the door yeah that's what i was gonna say i have it on good authority the sound effect for the door is literally from the moon uh health that's for you oh is it worth it jumping with a whole skeleton in hand i have your son i have your son don't shoot sounds like [Laughter] [Laughter] oh that's good but there's yeah this this room there's a lot of like pit jumps on this floor that are uh spookier than a normal pit jump yeah this one seems a little daunting okay oh we gotta go back we didn't look at the map this gun is amazing i love how it shoots bones too yeah out of the mouth i mean where did they all come from yeah i was gonna say where are those bones coming from insert some like really funny comment in chat right now about some over sexualized who's boner yeah you just you made it now we don't have to wait you got to beat them to it you know whenever i make an egregious misplay in a video i just like make fun of you going and i just i just i make the oh i knew it i just make the comment but yeah just just making the uh the back seat comment yourself first doesn't stop them but it definitely lessens sticks and stones may break my bones but words will hurt forever it's true sticks and stones may break my bones but i'm holding on to that thing that jenny said in first grade and this is item item ooh bullet upgrade potentially or is it a gun that shoots guns that shoots bullets no no it's not a classic there is a gun that shoots guys that shoot guns that shoot bullets i think this is just a damage upgrade if i'm going to be honest all right well should i stack it up my polaris yeah go for it wanker okay uh i've regrets the pointed slugs and elongated bodies of these bullets allow them partially ignore air resistance and fly farther faster used by sniper shells you'd think that like it would have a synergy with my sniper rifle then wowzers corgo tell me i don't like this room because it is actually really difficult to not get hurt but uh it's very much there's a right way to do it and it's very goofy and it's doing it from the bottom and you have to literally make like four passes through go up when the fire is down yeah open up the chest and then continue running through i mean and then just keep on running through and then you just pick up the item on the neck on another pass through spikes uh what is that that the uh downwell gun you shoot behind you thing yeah it is a little bit of a so yeah then do it from this side and run through and pick it up it's literally it's not too bad to do without taking damage if you are willing to spend a lot of time same same process definitely going for the black chest oh all right they're radiated i sprun bullet i think it's called i think it's a modded item and i think it's it might be an active so this may get extra messy okay i could be wrong though i it is um i'm actually fine we're probably we're good on keys so i think so so that item is uh unless it's been nerfed probably the most overpowered item i've ever seen in my gun so all right cool you know the gun you get from sprun yup it gives you that and invincibility for like a long time awesome it's really good plus we have keys for coolness for charging it i'm good i'm gonna do it i'll do it i can i might i honestly might die gosh this is such a tight arena yeah yeah yeah parasitic abomination if i remember correctly he's got a lot of health too so i'm a little scooped this chubby little chipmunk cheeks the thing is like going through all the the bonus floors and everything this is probably going to be one of like the hardest parts of the game for us right i i'm frozen i'm frozen oh no my you are you me i got hit uh what hit me that time i did not see a pool i look forward to looking at the footage and then being like yep i'm an idiot oh the freaking spun gun man i totally forgot i forgot yeah it's really like honestly it's like i said one of the most overpowered things in the he's game on it like an idiot all distracted i have a fully special gramophone i mean i i say you you need some more passives i am i mean i think we share a lot a lot of them don't we it's playing music is that bad is it copyrighted i don't know it's i don't know energizes energizes companionable companionable listeners so does that mean like my chicken oh it's playing the really special loot music okay just just all the time um i'm i'm in ooh eye of the storm it's pretty good it's it's pretty good is that a thunderstorm synergy i do do i do i want it uh i mean i guess i i kind of i guess maybe i should take a gun that has range yeah it may be a good idea legend of the gun um i'm scared you might not have ow okay so now we're not using that yeah what a rip i'm not using that so that's the exit oh okay okay that's what i was talking about it's kind of i don't know if we're done just a jam and chicken right there too yeah they're bopping [Music] bye we have rat key that's going to be interesting co-op that's true that's oh boy might be a bit tricky shock shells ruby lotus and the peashooter uh ruby lotus i've had is very very good you get a lot of damage up based off of how much red health you're missing i'm concerned i'm missing a lot of red health all the time sounds good for you shock shell sounds like that could hurt you uh i think it makes it so when you hit an enemy with a bullet it has a chance to do an arc lightning i don't think it actually puts electricity on the ground so i think it's just a i think it's just a pickup quality b i think that's actually that might be better for you because you i think you're putting out a little bit more bullets sure i'll give it a go especially with your melee if you can get some arcing on that oh some rapid fire stuff right now what is that hungry caterpillar he eats our red health and after he eats a certain amount he gives us the ability to fly i'm gonna just get him he's gonna do it if nothing else he's cute yeah he's just a friend guys yeah what happened i'm not looking good this run was so good earlier what happened i don't know that's run which is you know it does take over your stuff not a fan oh okay sorry i'm getting it i got it i got it i got a guy [Music] not a fan yeah it's just for me it's just the fact that he's got so much more hp than the other enemies on this floor like he actually statistically actually does and it just feels weird he doesn't he looks so frail why is he so beefy because he's freaking love crafty and from a different universe realm so just a reminder you do have this front bullet to make this very easy for us yeah sorry i was trying to wait till a good time to use the invulnerability but i suppose i could uh save save you some pain by just popping it done and it's a hard boss oh should i take these before the worm does what do you think um oh he eats hearts on the floor yeah grab at least one i thought you meant he ate them like from me oh no now he runs around very slowly and eventually [Laughter] um now we want to find the rat door so you said that we uncovered it do you know where that was we we did but we can't go there and the old west unless we cheat oh right so you want to do old west instead i'm in for content tm reasons otherwise we could cheat and do both obviously we just need another key man rat fight sounds horrible co-op yeah yeah wow live broadcast please stand by uh the game yeah the whole game crashed whole game went down is that is that a normal thing that happens to you on modded gungeon uh not for a very long time i it happened in like the first couple episodes if you launch it again it might it might pick us up i'm genuinely confused why it would crash there because we weren't even on a modded floor but every time that it's crashed like that it's because i've tried to enter like the belly of the beast or something um it did not give us a continue option okay so i guess that's a rip rip all right pete i guess that's it i mean it's out of our control i i liked what was going on we got so many modded items and saw some new content fought new bosses but dang now is it always a shame always a shame but there's nothing you can do definitely not our fault [Music] you
Channel: Hutts
Views: 189,862
Rating: 4.9657192 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Enter, gungeon, enter the gungeon, advanced gungeons and draguns, supply drop, update, free, hardest, game, impossible, secret, easter egg, shooter, shooting, rogue, roguelike, dungeon, crawler, random, randomly generated, best, top, worst, fail, epic, pixel, art, amazing, color, bullet, storm, bullet hell, a farewell to arms, gunslinger, paradox
Id: uvfrKAsxjc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 0sec (2220 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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