Secret Ending! - Samael, Modded Repentance Character

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what is up everybody my name is hux and welcome back to the binding of isaac repentance today we're gonna try to see the final true ending to samuel and to do that we're gonna have to go chest i've heard rumors oh god i've heard rumors you guys oh jeez i've heard rumors that there is a final ending that we have not seen yet and to see it i gotta kill isaac and blue baby and take all the stuff that they give me come on let's not forget that i got the pocket active that charges up every time i do damage xl floor though hey that's maybe a good thing reroll machine nope mod gives me a huge boost to my stats and it makes me invincible for like three seconds it looks like it gives me flight but it does not goblin can do things like this thanks bud as samuel we have this slicing scythe and we can charge it up and throw like a like a scythe beam thing if we have to be arranged we can be but it's really weak if i get two health upgrades in a row then i say we go devil nice health upgrade gold effect judas's tongue produces devil prices from two hearts down to one well you're making me want to go double a little bit more gold effect that should just make it free i'll use my devil here i'm going to use my molecule i take one of them out immediately slice get gone you're gone nothing sucka i like my red scythe here this is dope no health upgrades gotta go angel then sorry tongue secret room okay ash could be good a cash no cash here's my thought we take the curse the tower we're melee based so we'll take tons of damage but we also have this scythe and kind of like the forgotten we can battle any bombs that get too close or we can mullah come on at the right moment defend it do we be super risky and molecular into the curse room would i dare or latchkey oh we got the health back that's positive on health actually item room come on give me some luck here heck i gotta know what it does oh it's got like a laser blade that's really cool i like that a lot yo that's really cool i fire out laser circles i just shoot out a laser hey look at that i don't have to like let go it just fires a laser okay that's nice look at us getting synergies this guy's worth bombing you get that angel room 85 percent chance what we gonna get please make it good zap zap zap zap pop cigarette nice ooh bomb you for 90 chance top secret room ooh two keys for that i'm in oh yeah well maybe like forgotten a range upgrade will actually make the scythe reach longer i don't know i'm just making things up trying to make myself feel better there we go look at that moloch mod moloch mod automatically activates the curse of the tower and the bombs explode before my invincibility ends that is another synergy unexpected boosty a pack what do you got emperor question mark sun card question mark feel a fortune hi priestess here's what i'ma do i'm gonna go in here get my flight which is just phenomenal wonderful look at me i'm a spoopy little angel demon boy that make any sense no it didn't use my sun car in this sucker that's right you like that that's right moloch modem oh you're screwed get my key piece on and then use my emperor question mark takes me to another boss room where i fight another boss for another boss item i believe oh my god double trouble dark one yuck i believe it was mom that's when we would get stuck oh good shot i don't know what to say about that ah god dang it how am i supposed to see those ah they spawn behind their heads wow was it worth it synthol right my god that was an absolute nightmare that was actually the worst that damage though we're going to need a miracle at this point in time some health maybe secret room with roll over key you dog look at him he's dancing he's dancing why do i feel like i need to just pop my r key now i feel like i need to pop my r key now start all the way over even though we haven't made it very far ah i don't know we're just one hit away from being killed by a champion if i die with the r key i would never forgive myself give me some help yo i can go in and moloch mod out yo come on i need you to work with me here polygon best friend double tap to shoot the little red fly okay i still think maybe dude is his tongue just in case i get a deal with the devil they got some health for me that's kind of the opposite of health snap zap zap zap oh my god again molok mata is from probably the secret over there maybe we should wait on that nice tentacle guy oh these guys could one shot me there we go lure them down the middle make them go back glue them down the middle oh genius blackheart u-s-o-b rusted key more keys appear sorry judas's tongue hey look a key spider one's got lacrifagi i don't know what that's gonna do probably gonna make my fire rate go to absolute trash didn't touch my fire rates okay now what oh okay that kind of ruins my laser it's not gonna lie is that all it does that looks like that's all it does okay just spawn these little laser nubs into existence and like why am i here laser nubs is also coincidentally i didn't see that was gonna hurt me coincidental is the name of my band unidentified pills help me that's helpful all right judas is tongue now maybe wretched like oh more health upgrades look at that we're gonna make it all the way down to the chest and then our key potentially if i can make it there i'll do it oh yes oh maybe what does it do nothing oh it looks like it pops more of these uh hungry tears out when i'm lasering okay there we go that's a net positive i don't know if i'll be teleported when i'm charging these things oh my god you see the explosion right there iframes last longer after getting hit probably health upgrades crawl space to what depression crawled into the crawl space and found my depression steam sale in the shop that's gonna go a long ways of this r key empress what does that do again let's do red hearts one point three five tears up can i use empress to steal deal the devils then ask me for a friend i know has got that guillotine guillotine kinda is confusing but if i just look at where the scythe is that should be able to mark my body yeah this isn't so bad my head already blocked a shot and sent to the donation machine for angel and holy mantle please crazy good crazy good we did get a deal with the devil you sob what is it yeah yeah well ah take that and then just go can't see in my house so i don't know if i can cheat stuff in or not by that i mean use the empress to get myself temporary health i don't know how much health i have find out this next floor eh not a bad amount purse rooms they're a must nice wooden chest paint out with an item that's rare amy wouldn't cross first time i take damage every floor i'm gonna maybe stick with the one i got soul of lilith amy dad yeah that's so good broken modem love it oh good top secret room ghost bombs now so every single time that i use my molok mot and all the bombs explode i spawn all these ghosts ghosts go oh my god the ghosts actually did it okay we gotta go chest here take the polaroid deal with the devils got this ugly guy in it done library by brary trace dancing in circles faces red like a strawberry uh satanic bible is pretty good at least use it once before we get rid of it bookworm here book of shadows would be pretty saucy with this character oh well we can't get attached to any active item we see on this part of the r key on this side of the run six room no i think it rerolls my active djs more health succubus i'm gonna take that thank you satanic bible devil's crown treasure rooms now contain devil deals do we want even more devil deals amen only gonna be good once we restart with the r key i understand that gimme twisted pair [Music] devil question mark on womb two that could be uh pretty good for the mom fight think of the devil bam i gotta deal with the devil with that that's got bloody guts take damage get uh speed and tears up the current floor yeah let's stop being picky you know all right now we blast the chest or cathedral rather first then i want to focus the chest and then i want to r key before we fight blue baby oh wait a second we're gonna have to take isaac's head here as a trinket i totally forgot unless it shows back up on the second run then i don't need to take because i really don't want to get rid of my trinket right now the trinket that gives me devil deals in my item rooms i want that for the r key dice room on the cathedral why does that look so weird one no take your stuff though thanks bye isaac fight good work good work plant all these hungry tear bombs he's dead so i'm supposed to take the isaac's head to blue baby and that's what unlocks the official secret ending i'm assuming it'll show up the next run too if not or console commanded in even the goods baby flatstone blackstone gotta know what it does anything nothing come on chess give me some items here i know you got em hand them over come on [Music] that's got to be a record not a single extra chest on the chest really all right arcadis guppy starting off strong remember we get deal with the devil items in our item room you can see the red icon on the map look at this door too yeah just take all of it let's hope we get like mom's key or something so that we can get more uh keys back when we open everything that's not mom's key take it though boogers oh i love it but no one of my favorite trinkets right there magic 8-ball let's get a planetarium goat head would be really really nice to see as well you wouldn't mind you know you tried little abaddon you're coming with me what's gonna happen when we get conjoined well probably nothing to the scythe again but these lasers coming out if i could triple those with the hungry tears that would be really good jump into that devil deal no we already got it right never mind psych sanity check yep item rooms got little bram conjoined show me yeah look at that look at all the hungry tears we're filling the room with yes guppy isn't that our third guppy just our second guppy dang it just gonna buy everything in the shop just send it keeper sack would have been amazing still bummed another deal with the devil god just take it all oh did you see that you guys when i use my molok mot it puts a large black powder bag ring on the ground look at that good synergy dave's two item room nail i'll take it got some health generation now kind of [Music] planetarium what do you got mars or tara i love tara the damage up and now we can break rocks look at my scythe it's a rock scythe oh you see that like rock thing on the ground so when i was striking people i'm loving all these samuel synergies here surprised we didn't see any of these before more curse rooms i'm in elf uphill i'm in look at that yo scythe tears is that every strike it looks like every single strike summons the rock grounds thing that's gaming geologists professional rock thing namer that is o-p-a-f wow deal with the devil what you got rotten baby and book of the dead screw it let's roll book look at how powerful this is all right now give me the real sauce here item room brimstone guppy we don't need another guppy no we do hey and harbingers uh screw it come on now we're officially guppy okay that's like the third time i thought we were officially guppy but we are officially officially guppy yes thank you maybe on this one what does it look like okay kind of lame damage up yes please mom fights shouldn't go better this time yeah a little bit better best part about i guppy is that with all these golden chests that we're getting we can decide not to open some and save our keys like that one it's not gonna give me a key back don't want it get done hp upgrade right before the deal with the devil that's gonna give me [Music] brother bobby he's my empress get two temporary hearts and take that for mom's coniferous what is that gonna do okay every single time i tap i throw the sight okay just at varying distances everything is different now everything is different no more hungry tears mom's knife though is usually pretty dominant i like seeing new things i'm okay with this [Music] okay wow oh my goodness bam one shot mom's heart go with the devil what do you got i'm still gonna pass the dark prince crowns it's not like it's not my thing i support you being you dark prince crown but it's just not for me isaac fight please give me the head back animation we got it we got it chest number two we're slightly more powerful than when we came here oh my god dude my dad's key luck on the chest is through the roof also i've never seen a super chest here speaking of luck also is that spun you dog larynx let's do a full charge larynx blue baby bomb blue baby bath bomb judgment what say you judgement health upgrade flip charged larynx nobody here is worth using it on any other item anemic not my favorite but it is therefore i am therefore i think holy crap is so deep dunce i mean just throw it on man i don't even care anymore i think that dunce is lining up with the conjoined shots so it's like a multiple shots going diagonally it's weird i don't know ooh tough love key bum come on going for it toxic shock me and now the moment you've all been waiting for oh heart second soul hurt let's go that's dominant that's dominant so now we take this fates reward with the isaac's head it's working it just takes us to the dark room okay i mean i thought there was gonna be like a big thing excuse me should there be a big thing i don't mean to be a pain but uh i was thinking more thing i mean this is cool too right can we get a whole another chest with guppy's tail to farm up some items newcore microsis speaking of oh fate's reward is shooting out look at that and doing a big split shot with the bouncy sides weird finger rock bottom kind of a little oh and actually no that's great because then we uh permanently get to keep the succubus damage boost up to 17 3 damage yes wait my fire rate's also at 12 19. because epiphora oh good gonna go higher 16 22 fire rate 22 fire rate i really wish they didn't have mom's knife right now holy crap if we had tears we would just be the game would be broken i guess here's our chance the d100 but uh that would also get rid of rock bottom kind of making everything not worth it what you got to do it or no balls are you offering me your balls if i do it or are you are you threatening to cut mine off yeah i don't really know and at this point i'm too afraid to ask pow final boss it's the lamb it's the dead thing look at all my bomb upgrades wowzers cut the lamb in half too wait what that's not the ending i'm fighting the devil now there's a body dug in the middle i can't really see what's going on because demon babies is camping out over it i'm fighting satan is it just like a like a boss rush i'm fighting the angels [Music] done [Music] [Music] [Music] oh so we are samuel or i looked there like we were deaf right and we found isaac's dead body and then we were i looked like we were walking off with him in the end there kind of like the delirium ending i think it's a delirium ending where you have like the the figure that's walking off with isaac's dead body except for this time it's samuel and i i guess you know it's a symbol of like him taking him to the afterlife cause isaac had wings that was pretty cute all right you guys true samuel ending thank you guys for clueing me into the fact that that existed thank you for watching enjoyed this leave a like and leave a comment with your thoughts down below and i will see you in the next video see you guys [Music] don't forget you guys i am live every tuesday thursday at 3 p.m central on twitch which means i'm live right now so don't miss it follow the link in the description and i will see you there look at him he's dancing he's dancing [Applause]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 341,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, ending, true
Id: -yeY29i6ozk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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