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oh my god oh god he does alone as well oh there he is he's massive ball spirit Cap'n take on the biggest whale that's ever existed hello and welcome back to another episode of fish feeling really is just literally this second update and there is a new part of the great map in survival as well as new characters there is a beluga there is an orca and as there is also a penguin and a new boss the Moses saw is no longer the biggest know there is a sperm whale in these waters so there's an Arctic section 20 is a lot for orcas oh yay let's let's be said Orca oh I'm excited this is gonna be interesting I'm spawning it oh I look so cute this is awesome okay now apparently if there is a known book that if the camera leaves the water like the fog sorry the fog doesn't change so this is new I have no idea where we are just kind of wondering like I'm a mammal do a circle okay we need to go to warmer waters then there's nothing here oh wow oh hold on hold on I was gonna say those starfish but they're not go get him go get him go on you know you want to if I was to bite him would you then go for him oh god I'm really hungry okay I'm going I'm so hungry I can't swim hold you okay well we're entering the Cold War's oh sorry warm waters this rora wanted to be there's a lot of dung Colossus around here health is slowly depleting need anything starfish yes please oh thank you oh God that'll do that'll do okay after the surface Oh God it's hard starting out as a killer whale there we go okay oh no the camera left now I don't know if the folks gonna leave a like if you guys are psyched oh I can't wait I can't wait to get huge we need to take on the the newer then you boss that sperm whale I would how big he is I mean it's gotta be pretty huge but there it is there we go just like a normal killer whale feeding on crustaceans and starfish hey I could live on these all day so I'm pretty darn big um I need to breed as well I need to get these coins back I think I got half if I get up to adult but I need more well I got this bubbles Kabbalah taught me that's awesome just get a hunger under control first before we decide to do anything drastic yeah before we decide to take on the biggest of the biggest kind of wonder I don't even know how much damage I do would I be able to kill a hammerhead oh no he's after me I know thanks up okay let's see if we can one of these I mean they look the same color as me Wow why do 16 damage can we please move away from that Moses or a bit worried about him can you eat Oh God so I rethinking all these changes behavior I need to see that sperm oil though yeah I can't wait is he a big guys I mean I would have thought that I'm Moses so small that I'm gonna sperm whale that's just me though Wow right the bot we kill things so quickly this is awesome look all the Marlin I feel like they've changed the way things spawn now there's way more of everything Oh God oh Jesus oh we got completely rinsed oh look at this all these people's lovely jubbly this is like eating jelly beans oh well I found out where they spawn yeah oh no oh no there you go oh then they all spawned they've got a spawn zone over here either that or they all just swam over here I'm going to become an adult oh yeah oh my god I went numb and huge oh the music oh look at me right I'm fighting those bloomin em Marlins come back here you go you're all dead get me killed by a killer Willy oh yes try somewhere yeah you try to get away oh oh God gimme God get him very forty not there Oh suck it all the stories and there Nemo's here this is a different story Yeah right I kind of curious whether I can take on a great white because in real life orcas kill great whites and I look big like I look big enough to eat this kill him oh-oh-oh he's after us he's after us oh no you go down son oh god no you know anybody takes a man and he takes a man hold on huh there he is he still got his wounds no hiding from me mr. gray white BAM ah fifty-five damage fifty-four damage always oh yeah that's right yeah he's cowering away now oh he's paid yes we got him just like a true killer whale oh it was great look at it dead spins all the way there is a great xre a killer whale that was known to kill great whites and just eat that liver as like a delicacy oh yes num-nums I'd be going I've big road I'd be grown bigger swim my precious you're going to die yeah oh one hit dead that's what you get son nothing you can do when you mess with the black and white oh wait what oh there is okay maybe I should be careful of him yeah I you know what as big as I am I don't think I can take on the Mosasaurus like everything used to have a draw distance but now it's opened up oh there's more Arctic Ocean over there Ohama heads look at them they're having a little party over here am I invited ah oh there is already feasting on the zebra fish we got him BAM oh oh oh look at you you've got some fight in you I like it you're all so tasty I like that too alright guys just kind of listen and be right back Oh God well hello there Hey look time come for the little tidbits oh now you're scared level 13 is where tiger sharks get scared I see oh no we turn oh we turn around a have some you my son you want some Aggie some oh there's a great white go on man I'm level 14 now son I knew 90 damage on a bite how much do you do I don't want to know yeah actually I'd really don't - no all right hello men let's see oh oh no it didn't even bite us once there you go it's like a balloon oh maybe I can see everything clearer because that's just how the author is could be a hundred a damage did I get him oh he's dead yeah okay I'm just gonna chomp this guy up in two loads of bits and then just eat them all at once Juna come back here Wow there you go mean stuff oh wow the the less oxygen I have the less damage I deal so I was doing 102 there so if we go up to the surface oh and then we come back down I should deal loads of damage Oh 155 still doesn't kill him in one bite though okay guys well level 30 I'm going now to look for the whale that huge whale I'd imagine we're still not really in a great situation to take him on but I just want to see how big he is oh god oh god there he is oh my god he's massive yep yeah that's that's a that's a huge sperm whale that's interesting okay so anything on the icebergs they're supposed to be penguins and stuff but I don't know if I want to take him on he's just so big oh whoa oh wow can we breathe oh we can oh no don't be scared don't be scared come on I got one egg okay that's it I can only have one baby right so I'm gonna get my points back I'm gonna kill that Tigershark loads of times and then just like my baby feed I'm gonna chop all this up actually because it's quite big it's probably too big yeah there you go so chomp up all of that right now let's uh oh look a look so happy okay ready go on name oh I did Oh nope nope nope not not fancying it at all no want any of what this is okay alright maybe you're like fresh food I'll jump up him I was gonna say yeah be aware there is a tiger shark here now yeah he's dead oh yes you gone for stuff I think he did you like yeah like oh he's lets out a squeal if there's a tiger shark nearby or an enemy don't worry he's not gonna get you I just it's okay I got you I think he is actually maybe he doesn't like old food already scare him away oh my god what I don't want my babies not eating it's so weird oh we can't hold did I just I think I did yes oh this is all mine hopefully I can eat my baby I was gonna say yeah there we go awesome that was an XP each now well we need to get big if we want to take on that sperm oil oh my baby's gone did my baby did I eat my own baby oh no barriers oh he grew big Oh went you will breed with me I need more points yeah there we go oh let's go say kibosh go eat it all I can't even tell oh yeah oh wow we can eat the big chunks oh look at him go just like mapa like I'm a baby who's playing around and then realized there's a shark there I've got a hold of him he's not gonna respawn you eat your little bits he's trying to get ward off his head yeah that's another killer whale released into the ocean okay let's just eat all of this oh god yes all of the orcas in the ocean are their descendants from me it's about time to go for our level fifties oh my god I'm actually Titanic how big are we in comparison guys look at this okay we need to find this Moses or Wells an ichthyosaur here there he is he looks about the same size as me Oh God it was like I love you I'll tell you what if you want a fair fight I'm gonna get some air here we go this is it Clash of the times I think this is an even fight actually I think it was like 500 damage a fight if he does I'm getting out of there but let's give this a shot really BAM oh sighted 300 oh my god Oh God he does alone as well he almost killed me jeez he did like 300 and then bleep Lee bleed was like a hundred so it's like each bite was like six hundred damage whoa oh my god I don't think I've ever been close in a fight that was pretty good I enjoyed that I'm glad I didn't die because I would have been a lot of progress lost but if I could barely face up against this thing what a UH that big killer whales gonna do the big sperm whale I think we need to make this a second episode I feel like that needs to happen do you think so or do you think we should just make it one episode tell you what if you leave a like right now I will we'll keep on going okay I'm not gonna do anything until you do okay cuz if you don't leave a like I'll be sad face okay let's take this let's say this Moses or somewhere else where I don't think he's gonna spawn right come on come this way I need a breathe as well actually you're gonna take you to the surface we're going to the surface Moses or see if you spawn back okay and then breathe oh thank God give me all that health oh it only gave me 700 though mmm a pretty but I'll die oh god he's back oh no oh I need to get back to my tiger sharks as fast as I can go like a blooming summer in there it is back to the tiger sharks oh it's nice to be home and get all the health back instantly there you go oh I just made another adult killer whale there who instinctively bolted straight from me some way too big okay guys there it is level 100 and we are ginormous so what are we gonna do before we take on the way look I want to take on the Moses or last time we had 1800 health and we barely survived this time oh my God look at oh there we go we have to load in obviously there's like a registration thing there where it has to register where everything is it's like you're way too big we're also starting to get the screen shake so here is the Mosasaurus the previous boss who is now absolutely pure so puny I think we should be able to play as him told you Yeah right how much damage do we do from one bite by 800 800 and can we get up again he's not even good for us oh and that's it he's dead the Moses all gone I was gonna say I wouldn't be surprised if we could just eat him hold on look all those juicy pits my bits an esport like right next to us look at them after the old mosasaurs ah hey you little Poli oh my god he does it does have some fight in him alright but you're dead now yeah see how I used to do 800 damage and now do 600 that's all because I'm running out of oxygen well we found out where he spawns though so that's good you know I don't even think he means to bite us I think he's going for the food ok so there's only one thing left to do guys and that is hunt the monstro early such what I'm gonna call it cuz that's what a bloomin well is Oh killer whales only made it back here that's great we're shaking the earth as we come but where is he oh my god he's gone scaredy-cat could we spy hop and see what I know we can't even look out the water anymore it's just too big eating the baby killer whales yeah they'll bogey it there you go Adam fee you can thank me later but there is oh my god there he is yeah he's not much bigger than us now look at him chomp oh my god I didn't realize how big I was he was huge just say receive belugas look at that bow bow bow Oh is he dead no he's not dead he just doesn't Oh it he's dead now though let's take it to the surface whoa but just like that done we did it there you go belugas you're all safe now you'd have to worry about him but where does he spawn because we could constantly find him and kill him oh there he is ball spear dad Cap'n take on the biggest whale that's ever existed and I'm not talking about me look at him not a chance no I toast out a fight is he dead oh wow yeah he's dead he died just like that oh that looks great there look at that oh yeah that for a screen shot ma'am his loads are these like sardines for they are little mackerels come n I can't eat your hole but I can't chop you up into bits there is again he doesn't stand a chance yeah he does he barely goes for you as well but he spawns like right ah yeah alright he's gonna hold of it oh I'm so much bigger ah there you go I think he's dead I think I got him bring up to the surface oh no he's alive no no he's dead and might there is a good aura gazing compact he's just so big but that's all bye I quickly heal heal and then they attack him again oh my god this is it this is the boss Paul we were all facing we're all wanted oh my god he likes to start the fight as well doesn't he come on we got this there you go he take the three bites and he's dead and the four or five in his turn into ciao ah that's right die that's right run away look at them Scarpa oh maybe he was dead okay well guys I think we've pretty much done everything we can do in the game we killed the Moses or at least is the killer well we've killed this huge sperm whale now yeah even though he keeps her coming back and what a fight boy really at this point you're just a nuisance he doesn't give you enough XP though that's the problem like I want to be leveling up every time I kill him but I have to kill him like three or four times and now now he's scarper and they go level a hundred and turn get a huge bite mark on me he'd okay guy I'm gonna rough this hub business awesome though if you enjoyed it leave a like until next time I'll see you later Oh buh-bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 3,919,590
Rating: 4.9255662 out of 5
Keywords: new boss, new whale, sperm whale, eating the whale, fish feed and grow, fish, feed, grow, feed grow, update, shark, boss battle, boss, huge shark, huge, biggest, huge fish, barracuda, salmon, new fish, new, new shark, tiger shark, record, glitch, river, cat fish, gigantic, agamingbeaver, thegamingbeaver
Id: l3dvL2JhChA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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