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latched on yes yes just grip just grip just quit hello everybody and welcome to me I am Zeke hub and welcome back to fish pin grow it today we're gonna have a pic adventures with the crabby kind this weird a little ghost crappie think it is I have friggin no it's got one really big right hand look is like you think you know what it is but you don't know why yes I ever become for reason we don't need to be this guy cuz that's not what we're doing no we're gonna be Lucy scorpion the Megillah grabbed us or whatever it's called so it only cost 15 it has a really cool ability which is sting which injects venom into court prey after five seconds delay the prey is paralyzed for 10 seconds it takes equal to 10 times bites oh god of glitchin hello I'm alive look at me he's like a little rave crab oh I can't swim look at me go unlike a regular sea scorpion oh god crab I mean shark well I'm gonna go to the surface where we will grow we okay nothing's on us sting sting sting Oh God already is it ready hey sting of sticker paralyzing parallel we can come on we can take him I think I stole him I think I stung them I think I did don't they all God it says oh yes I got him I think is he paralyzed it's still going oh good he's a bigot what I need to grab oh I need to grab no no no no this could be the end this could be the end of this sea scorpion I need to go down or in the darkness okay let's swim up so what you want to do is grab and then sting I was just biting constantly and that's not what we want to do so no idea where I am Oh God look how good at swimming I am a barracuda Oh Barracuda if you worry about maybe I could even go for it I don't know I don't have my limitations yet whew but I know I can eat this more give me more ooh a turtle should we try and sting it okay I'm gonna try and go for it and see if it works so I'm gonna grab onto the back flipper and then sting there we go okay okay we've got it we've got it I'm just gonna hold on he's gonna hold on yeah there we go yes oh it's working look at that how long is it stunned for oh good camera angle there James hold on and sting again yeah okay it's not getting away it's not going away [Music] oh my god this thing's awesome there we go we've got a level five already yes look how big we are Oh cuz we're a little bit slower though oh we've got why do I have eyes I don't know we have eyes if you didn't know it's the sea scope you could actually go it can it fly it could fly Oh God Oh No wait is that a human oh god swim swim get off is stupid Nigel's Oh freaking human our cause hey Nigel Marven just pick up sea creatures from time travel little bugger well seeing as I am pretty capable of taking on a turtle I'm just like gliding around everywhere this is awesome I'm gonna go find another sea turtle look at this go effortlessly gliding around this is amazing I love this sea scorpion you know this is another episode of fish feed and grow guys so you know what that means can we kill the mosasaur cuz that gets views is but from the bottom of deaths the new Kraken strikes can I even get him yes Basti dragged him through the depths I think it's dead its eyes are closed we did it oh my god now time to grow massive oh my god like a drunken sea scorpion No oho you want some you want superb on level 9 sighs oh come here you come here oh my god I'm too fat the crab camera is so weird oh my god there we go we're straight again oh look a crab ah I was gonna say can't eat them whole there's no point in stinging in no point whatsoever I don't really have too much help though here we go here we go ready for another another attack there he is there he is we've spawned I pray we've spotted him Oh sting there we go okay right grab him drag him down and wait for it to take effect there it is 13 damage now we don't even need a sting up again I don't think but just in case ah yes he is my god this guy is awesome why isn't a we saw like the plasmas yes everything was dying oh oh you couldn't eat your friend well you'll die as well sting sting ray stigma hope you swimming away but he's not gonna get far yep there he goes come back here you oh my god my belly's so full I can't even move properly there it is level 15 hello poppy you coming to see daddy put this thing in here yes I just realized that's why I'm doing so much damage to Turtles cuz I can break their shells whoa they eat that thing hole oh my god where's Nigel oh and I get him come here your booty you were on fibia s' dah dah dah dah doo nom there we go easy peasy oh yeah look at me go he's flying it oh yeah crops have the uncanny ability to literally scale any surface so Oh God oh wow Oh that was horrendous hold on Oh like a spider yes I climb no don't fall crab no come on up we go again come on we can do this yeah Oh sideways is the way that's the way to do it oh I don't think I've ever been up here what's up here oh my god I'm king of this land but you can see everything from up here Oh God there's the Arctic oh we got like a volcanic area over there or some sandstone is that off-limits alright you ready we're gonna surprise Oh hold on we can see everything can't wait okay there doesn't seem to be any turtles interesting Oh like some adventure music look at us go we're literally flying okay down we go oh one thing I don't want to take on is a huge great white actually so I don't know if you really want to be here forgot to be honest just doing a little happy shimmy shams hey wait wait whoa that was mine you come back here you did everybody else watch that episode of walking with monsters that ha I think it was the sea scorpion wasn't and it was like it would attack the fish that would swim over the little bridge oh I see a turtle scaling the cliff two turtles have the same why okay hello mr. Tully oh I'm coming to get you you think you're safe up there Clifford really I could scale it to come down to the water with me would you precious there we go 26 damage Oh Oh God in an instant oh and there's the Moises Oh hold on is it possible for us to kill the mosasaurs in our state as long as we stay behind it guys this is it the David and Goliath story can we take on the Moses or the only thing that I'm a bit worried about is my staff because I can't stay like airborne for that long oh look at that turtle go don't worry what was that behind me okay it was just a criticism ahead oh is a bit worried that a great white is given over hopefully Pam yeah there you go there you go the huge sea scorpion comes out of nowhere and snatches the prey carapace are stronger then yeah yeah they probably wore 21 21 and then all the damage is 7/7 done don't answer oh you want to go do you son I'm steve-o and ichthyosaurus oh that might be a prize worth winning oh look at this from above oh look at this he doesn't even know what's gonna hit him I may be able to just get to him before falling this is the one oh wow there we go and now just to fall with it all the way down to the bottom you don't get away look at there it is sinking to the depths of the crevasse and another sting for good measure they go war that is scary when you think about mind you just swimming up there and there's this creatures lurking from the depths okay but there he is Oh guys Oh God full full full full there we go there it is there it is there it is there's the target tail latched on yes yes just grip just grip just quit wait for it to take effect wait for it yes yes I think we're dragging them I think we dragged it down yes yes again again with this come on come on oh god he's circling is circling Oh God and tail tail tail tail tail tail oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god swim swim tail tail yes sting bravery to take effect great friend yes go go go thirty thirty yes yes yes okay ho oh my god that mouth is right there sting sting yes there he goes okay we really need to stay away from that head though sting sting sting there we go there we go okay swim around swim around come on swim away zoom away okay I don't know which way he's gonna go I don't really don't know which way he's gonna go I'm gonna stun him in a second yeah there he goes oh my god that was epic looking at nine nine wow you need to be quite big in order to take him on oh no please don't please have mercy I'm just a little whippersnapper this is what used to be me out why are ye with who I they biting me spotty yeah I'll buy all of you come on sting him I've got him steamed there we go okay beautiful one tied up there serves your right your boogers you Oh Lord I'm actually adjusting loads oh I didn't realize you could engage flight mode well that's gonna make things a lot easier no you don't know he's kidding one of me oh yeah cheeky git you hey I don't all right there you go see I saved your booty don't worry [Music] alright guys we are now level 40 so we can at least survive a bite from the Mosasaurus boards okay I just want to take him down I will take him down when I'm not too big because that seems to happen all the time we always take them down in one bite or a couple of bites a man it's really mature but I want I wanna fight like we had last time like maybe two minutes ago but I've been grinding since that's what I want loop like I'm not gonna say no to a turtle sandwich also the grip on the claws is crazy for Pam look at that I found with the fact that we're a little bit bigger oh we still bears the wounds if I like encounter before yes oh there we go we're getting speed we're getting speed okay here it is he relays he's coming in so am i BAM there we go just stay there stay there don't make sure you can't bite the tail but okay yes 14 yes come on 44 45 sorry 45 45 45 hold on hold on hold on sting again wait for it wait for it yes got him got him again oh god oh god oh god hey head is right here okay I'm holding on to the belly and sting again sting again he's gonna flip forward right his head's gonna face forward not right on me okay huh huh recording no he's dead oh my god we were so close last time yes look at that crumpled body reduce the mosasaurs eyes necks broken alright well I guess there's only one thing left to do and that's eat the Moses or if I can break it get up there geez yeah we do 51 Doug I couldn't oh okay pop popping him through the floor apparently I couldn't imagine how much damage we could do it like level 300 cuz we feel 'evil 300 before there it is oh just a little bit closer yes 54 Jayesh alright let's go find ourselves another Moses or one that doesn't have previous battle wounds and see if we can take that guy on I kind of want to take on the whale as well engage Swimming's yes yes here we go here we go this is it this is it battle of the goliaths whoa aah sting um yeah just grab a weight from to fall way from the stun and there it is there is oh look at the lighting again Filipe he's gonna pretty fight me in 100 yep there's a fight there we go come on keep going keep going keep going keep going you did by me I think he may be still alive he's still twitching yep there he is again just gotta be down this time that's it he's out of it yeah a big meatball a spicy meatball oh my god crippled he even bit us and to be honest because we've got like Armour ability because we're we're a thick skin does a shelled crustacean basically we didn't take much damage from that at all and real gaining loads of health and attack guys there's only one thing for it we need to find the whale here it is the Arctic Ocean approaches some crazy be bad areas where the Mosul's just got ahead this guy's mouth goes all the way back so nobody runs away from the girl oh oh god please don't fight again please don't bother get out yeah there it is okay here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go take the bites take the bites we do 169 I think he's dead yes oh what a beauty oh come on with your food hangover not being able to fly come on towards it come on yes yes scuttle out go we can do it out galesburg oh yeah there you go yes oh I am Victoria ooh look a killer whale can I fish on a grab it yeah and now I don't even have to expend any energy just yet there you go boom oh no there he is what else he to have the Arctic Ocean he's like the Arctic Ocean belongs to this weird creature look I can grab him so far away but he couldn't bite me oh that's amazing there you go so yeah I'm sorry your kind of deed it looks like a puppy dog bless it there it is nom nom nom well guys that is gonna have to wrap up this video Missy scorpions so much fun the ability to grab prey quite far away and then like the venomous sting I didn't know what it was gonna be like to play us but it's unique animations all of this that's got going for it make it really really cool I love it so if you try this really guys leave like until next time I'll see you later Oh Bob I can eat a brow rag hole yep yeah that's all we needed to know
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 3,536,913
Rating: 4.8659792 out of 5
Keywords: GIANTS SEA SCORPION EATS THE MOSASAUR, scorpion, mosasaur, giant, fish feed and grow, fish, feed, grow, feed grow, update, shark, boss battle, boss, huge shark, huge, biggest, huge fish, barracuda, sa
Id: s3-hZL7Mglc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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