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Oh wrote oh my god the size of a continent welcome to fish fear to grow whether it's I can't being another plenty update just because the devs can't help themselves so they've done loads of changes bouncing with fish as well as adding in loads of new ones so we'll the one of the new ones is the Moray Eel but why not also the angler fishes has changed to its body so it's got better fins and a tinier eyes don't really know why but hey there it is oh they're purple poems if fact in US and not only that but you don't have the brown rag anymore the brown rag has been changed to Dunkleosteus which is what it was anyway and then even bigger than that you have this thing which is the title nixies which i don't really know what is but about apparently it was a huge thing so we're gonna be working our way towards there's a fact on us the fish that could eat other fish whole but first I have no money which means I'm gonna have to go all the way to the beginning and start as a little bit push but don't worry I'll get there in a second oh my god whoa that's the biggest change is that like tiny fish don't swim that quick Oh quickly health well there you go II didn't get any of that that was great oh so when they think oh going on do they get the red eyes without just the sound it could be the sound you know what sod it wow I cannot get any food here dammit really I can't seem to catch a break here yeah I got some okay right well gang off bugger off would you I knew three starfish apparently starfish bits give you more XP now too [Music] see there he is our target he's after starfish come on guys get him get him going on please help help somebody can we yes are you gonna go from okay apparently I have to go from where is my cap Oh God Oh for some odd reason the might I call him don't need to anymore yeah I go all of that I'm only losing like my whole side but hey hang on please you kept red eyes as well oh that depends on your meter so if you're really like you're dealing a lot of damage really quick then you have like super red eye it's just like the lost world you're a sick part for the places you won yes there you go that's what you want to do Bom Bom I'm your worst nightmare yes oh we made mincemeat out of that guy who did it did it do killing things is loads of fun oh one of those hakuna matata fish oh my god oh wow he turned into nothing Oh Marlin going for a cuddle fish oh oh my god that's a huge Megalodon Oh oh wow we killed that Marlin so quick red ah he's oh God I won't need to be careful where this magnet is though oh he's so big ooh a hammerhead shark now we're talking going up the food chain this time and you want to go for me son didn't oh all the damages okay I do 15 though I do for 15 look guys like I'm gonna get this toffee I'm gonna do it Oh No yeah that's right it's mine I'm damn damn oh oh oh this guy's a big in oh he's a big in all good 20s though yes got him got him awesome oh god I thought I was the most it's scary like that is he going for me oh no he's not okay okay come on it's just gotta get another hundred no the hundo Oh God all the great whites have spawned over there going for those fish when danger alley by the looks of it oh look like that guy was zoning in on me actually because I'd see the tuna oh god there's this effectiveness of the brown rags aha I knew spawn back almost instantaneously I just keep a red eye of death oh there you don't is my meal back to us to my classes Oh God I just gave them a love food or how about Nixie source yeah how about you oh that was close I was really close no no no no no so you say this is mine I worked hard for this meal violence and you're dead you're dead yeah 32 suck it no need to be worried in this slightest all right you prehistoric scumbags come back here you're going down son Oh always got honor oh they have armor oh I did not realize this Oh God for mistakes were made mistakes wait oh god did I just kill him oh yes oh my god that was awesome oh the gray white oh can we take him on that is the question probably not oh there is 28 Cornish oh yeah even if I wanted to I could become that but here we go so we have your velocity is multiplying damage on next hit max so the faster we go the more damage we inflict and we have the gang on ability so let's go 300 oh my god why am I being oh we were born out of a mouth Oobleck aah oh my god look at this yes aah now if you didn't know the fact Ernest was a fish that could eat other fish hole and in fact that's how it preferred to eat its prey was in one singular bite and it would open its mouth in a way like a trapdoor so that would create a vacuum that would suck in any other or all prey that was outside of its own mouth so we have a hundred health we also have armor so multiply 139 Jesus I hate that thing hole look at them like spaceships so we do $139 of the bat cost you okay so we don't really want to be taking on great whites because I'm pretty sure they could kill us very quickly even with that like zooming bonus I can't eat these guys hole oh why not whoa there's a torrent of a black tip reef sharks here so just destroy all of them dull Oh get away oh I'm wondering whether they put some code oh oh look at him twist in turn [Music] there's a black tip reef shark oh it's not much of a chance bless him oh you want some teeth no you don't do you think you do yeah yeah I'll have it oh oh my god level 20 oh I kind of just want to go full speed 800 damage guys we can surely take on a great white eight hundred and max velocity surely swimming around as if their life is complete they don't know I'm coming to them were worn by pitch everywhere crazy where's your friend a how it's done what do you think guys Oh [Laughter] if we kill things in won't buy it's fine but if they don't die in one bite we're pretty much screwed so let's go over to the whale sharks before we tackle bigger prey oh we're as big as the mangle done at this point of the mosasaur but I would some whale shark through this level 33 oh yeah your friend he'll turn around push he's also dead who would ever go to eat today perhaps sinner one or maybe even seal oh that yep yeah I swallowed him whole oh my goodness eels Oh or at least not fats ears like these ones oh no no I can't have mind but can we kill the Mosasaurus in one bite if he turns around and I get a quick little nip on him I could do a fair bit of damage I just wanna see hold on Wow Oh God let go let go No hold on away from the turnaround and then all right oh yes I think I Krista's head two hits oh that was beautiful oh come on yeah oh that bounty oh yes oh there's one right next to me Oh God push Oh $700 yes oh my god oh oh yeah he's dead oh my god this is the quickest I think I've ever been able to kill like the Mosasaurus Oh $3,000 mm damage Oh all dead 68 Chris effectiveness is a famous fossil found if you don't know that was found with the surfactant is inside a notice of factors in other words you try to eat something was too big choked and died for they both died you're all beautiful 8,000 damaged magadhan terminated right next to me are you freaking serious oh that was awesome oh wow yeah but now that's a shot well guys hope you enjoyed that video is actually a lot shot go Salzburg I was like no no I'm not having that we got so far and then I died instantly I wasn't I wasn't happy with myself cause I didn't want to make a video I was like oh no that's it hello is fun I just want to see how being gay because it was pretty quick we've got eleven thousand so be stupid not to just go back straight aways as a fact on us okay there he is again let's mount the offensive oh god let's not let's not Jesus that's not a bush yeah there we go that's more like it fail and all the levels ah 57 okay now we're gonna continuously go for the Mosasaurus cuz I I think maybe I don't know I feel like the Megalodon is actually better than the Mosasaurus now because the Magnum got an upgrade so I mean technically a mega dog would be better than a Mosasaurus oh jesus oh god abort abort oh I did not realize one bite will always kill me again swim swim cricket until we could kill him in one bite oh god we have to be careful there we go yeah got him on the side beautiful oh there he is the mega dog that friggin killed me I want to see if act I know I can kill him in like two bites or I see you hide in there yeah little boobies you die die and die yes beautiful now my num nums come on I need all the help I can get take on whatever these big things are oh that's a really big fish as well down that but oh god oh god yes yes Oh God did it spawn back this one back oh it's over there okay good whew that was awesome okay now that's not really big Titanic these whatever its called I don't moray eel Oh two for one right here oh wait never mind I just killed him or eel well let's just get the speed up clocking to take it on this Megalodon one bite and we're good he's good I think something's attacking him but I can't always have two little shoal of sardines come on speed speed speed push speed speed get speed up did we do it sound too good oh no it's behind us [Music] let speed push look at this mm oh god oh god oh it's made spindiski die yes 511 where are you sugar posh and another one come on then come on are you ready go Oh God there is boo boo he's not going to I made too big from is that eight always below me now get him get him get him Oh oh god oh god oh god like a freakin boss Bush always fail okay okay we got this Boosh right you don't even though get the biggest level possible 130 I'll make sure he did it oh he's not going for as low am i - babe I think I might be too big yes 143 4000 he'll look at all of this good we're a massive I want to get as huge as I can until I can eat them whole that's where I want to be oh oh don't you dare don't you dare go for me he's not yeah I don't think he's go for me anymore this is like kill them over and over and over learn all of this we just look at that look how tiny he is now look like he's trying to go over me yep I'm too big for him he's tiny oh Jesus oh oh my god oh my god oh that's the first time he's ever attacked me Oh cos sharks like to attack at the sides that's right oh so maybe when I was facing them head-on he wasn't gold for us little cheeky Kate hey ouch ouch ouch ouch please stop oh that was one always penny again oh oh I'm too big I got like ten by you think you're going with a turning radius the size of a planet I can eat you no matter where you go oh oh oh no oh god please don't please oh no please don't kill me please don't kill me Oh God flee flee flee [Music] dough is too big mr. BAE come on eat eat eat yes oh we're back fifty thousand I was so close oh oh it's like a turn hit everybody turned into junks how about we go explore the rest of the ocean see what it has to offer shall we I think we've spent a lot a lot of company in and the company implemented on oh he's still gone for me though look at them learn of his massive there he is Mosasaurus dead ahead now will he go for me come on you can do it no Ryland you chowder Oh God am I even gonna be able to get over I'm a bit huge I've also got a little kissy on me come on oh my god commercial it's damaged oh dude that velocity 30,000 damage was that even three 320 mm ouch there you are there it is there's monstro surely monster will go for me right yeah Oh mouth mouth open yeah a nice one buddy well you did oh he was spawning in the air I'm just so big I'm catching him yeah there you go welcome to the rest of the video oh I think he's yeah he's spawning oh no there we go we're gonna we got a bit too big oh my god the fish that ate too much 500 aah stop it he's got guts though I'll give him that if I saw something this big and I was as small as him I don't know if I would bite it try and pee it off but he does it every time Oh Oh well the size of a continent whoa I've never gotten so big that you could literally just not fit in the ocean anymore like there's nothing I could do I'm just stuck out you wow this is awesome out you little bugger you know kinda back in the water I think a perch of our self precariously on a rock I like the seals up here Oh Oh Mike like a nice baby blues the incredible flying fish oh god where's the whale well there's the whale [Music] literally just launched myself into oblivion Oh No oh my god well there you go guys that is it that is the fruit of all of my my labor I got so big that I was literally pelled into space at a rate of knots and rubbed it into the atmosphere with 309,000 coins to my name oh my god I'm so glad decide to continue joins video you guys leave a like a load but I wouldn't do that with every fish now see how big we can get leave a like me until next time I'll see you later buh-bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 4,678,606
Rating: 4.8454061 out of 5
Keywords: NEW FISH CAN EAT EVERYTHING WHOLE, eat the mosasaurus, eat mosasaurus, eat megalodon, fish feed and grow, fish, feed, grow, feed grow, update, shark, boss battle, boss, huge shark, huge, biggest
Id: Og-xu0DVwms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 06 2018
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