THE GIANT SHARK SHOAL!! - Fish Feed Grow | 21

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oh I love it Oh No hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of fish feed and grow and today we're gonna be taking control of the black tip shark could you have a player sure I could actually don't know if there is a new shark in is the black tip it has two abilities a passive rip apart when bitten when biting into prey here we go tears into pieces while dealing additional damage okay they tears int into pieces that does not make sense okay anyway active electroreception the sense of reveals nearby life even though even through obstacles at cost of some speed due to concentration so basically so now and more by T by T ability so that's the first time playing as I blacked it so well yeah let's say spawning only cost like 20 and luckily our points continue over oh look at us we're beautiful oh my god hold on I'm gonna see my face there we are oh my god we're so stupid looking look at this get a good look at me oh wow that is oh oh what the hell's going on here oh that's a tuna yeah there's a new fish in here as well bluefin tuna oh my God look at it go get it jockeys get it oh I think it's dead I think it's dead they did it yes can I have some please yeah awesome oh that's great yeah maybe I couldn't for the first time ever stick with my parents maybe that's something I could do so we got 1 out of 5 growth e points that's good okay now we've leveled up we've gone a little bit less stupid looking don't woman talking about oh good man our mama's got a scar on her I love this game it looks so cool but the early the depth of field the focus oh hold on ooh starfish but you come for the starfish really you're a little tiny pity how hungry you madman oh hold on we're gonna know oh we got a Marlin oh yes kill it kill the swordfish did I squeak like I was scared I think I think I might oh it's dead it's dead yes Oh like real black fin and oh what the hell's art this is a shark at the top of this water hold on oh god they're tearing it up for me that's good I think they might just eat it whole hold on there's something at the top of the water though at the surf or what almost adult-sized already holy crap it looked like a hammerhead Oh God in comes mama yeah come on yeah I can breathe enough my own beat puppies oh look at me I'm yeah there's still tiger sharks here okay there's something at the very top of the water yeah what's this oh it's the black tip oh can i breed with it what [Applause] what with attention oh we're so good I died dude yeah I said can I you know I might as well just push that to the surface so I can click II and I can see things we'll need to check that out all the way up you go I can eat you if you explode come on yeah there we go it feels like slightly clay feeling like you get this close and you feel like you're looking at clay toys hmm level six well look at me go yeah like a stingray so yeah guys if you didn't know bluefin tuna can grow bigger than a man they can grow over seven foot long but like so big I know right ironic that they come in tiny little cans yeah but it's kind of funny because my friend he was like at school one day oh you guys you do when you're a kid and he was tally saying like that tuna could grow massive and his forms like modo de Coubertin econ's idiot you're like no honestly the thing was everyone else didn't know that like how big tuna cruise they all sided with the other guy saying yeah you idiot they're on tiny that's like being serious oh bugger oh but no yeah tuna grow massive they eat fish to the fish they that fish to the G to fish now if I remember right I could be wrong now certain sharks oh well at least the sharks that we know of anyway give birth to mermaid purses right so it's like egg sacs and you can see this like the baby shark inside ooh or an ammonite whatever you want to call it it's at all I did I did loads damage to it there I want the zebrafish actually that's why I should go for is the zebrafish I do have babies but I do like no damage should I just like hold on I feel like I should just hold on to the victim should night yeah there you go oh that's great so if I just do I can find out to Moses or not that I really want to and just do loads of damages where do you think you're going all the damages you're doing to yourself oh it charges up okay but like could I just stay a hold of it though anyway the more you real the more damage you'll deal so it looks like you can no not leave you can oh now no no you can no longer hold onto prey or at least with this guy anyway you can't hold onto prey indefinitely good great white oh we're no great white will follow well there we are beautiful okay frickin come on Noah he has the bloody radar I'm sure of it here we go level nine right where is this reef I need to have my poppers from the dead shark who sacrificed itself to give me a bit of tuna let's do something weird look at that it's like multiple of my faces underneath and that's really weird okay go here this seems like a good place to raise the poppers okay ready they were gonna give birth to live live young I think so oh there we go oh they're so cute okay right well it's gonna be starfish's for you for a while all right I don't know what happened since I gave birth like a huge one appeared oh I said I said stay here okay there we go look at them go surrounded by babies oh and by this love okay we don't want to we don't want to take on those things no well not will not take on those because they will probably eat my babies that's really cool how like it sends out a radar and then scans everything that's near you oh that's awesome they all do they all grow green do you think so I think I could take on the mahi-mahi oh my god no my babies no boy okay trip the pod Oh a mahi-mahi could take on Oh No Road babies flee I'm a shark I wouldn't fly be able to kill am I am i instantly in real life I would I'm sure of it ain't no me reading biologist but look there's a brain oh no oh God I do so well for me be a little maggot attached to it good I'm gonna pull it to the surface I'm gonna reverse oh my god reversing works really well come on to the surface with you yeah okay time to eat Wow that Sheena almost made me fall like an adult-sized awesome oh god another tuna Oh God boy subway Oh God the lone black tip searches for her babies they're all probably dead though oh are you mine oh my god you're my previous baby but you don't recognize me no no unless you're not huh no your aunt is just three of them they made it no but they don't recognize me at all oh that sucks so they're just off well you know what oh wait what how many of you guys survived four only lost two well I guess I'm happy with us no responsibilities yeah but there was a few parents at which they could just do that what's that children walk away no no it who the parents with no responsibilities I'm going out drinking yes got it awesome well I got away or maybe you are I don't know she pirouetting into the distance is it worth taking on one of these I don't like the way he's uh he's gone for me there oh I think always decide he's trying to back off he's trying to I mean I'm not doing really that much damage although he did buy me come on every tonight yeah we killed him awesome who better to go that when I saw he was actually attacking me he usually to copy things they were they will attack you so uh I was a bit touch-and-go but we did it and Moses saw in the distance level 1000 what's going on here blocked it with a hammerhead attacking oh they're working together oh nice pray with me oh you're big how can I breathe with the Hammerhead is that possible Oh oh my god I can or at least its oh I've just heard hammerhead baby what kind of abominations if I could have pre doubt hybrid sharks well what are ways decides to like disappear instantly but they seem to be normal okay well let's find your nice zebrafish there ya go oh look at all the meat for you boys yeah Oh what grew big already I knees off yeah first taste of Independence and you bolted right out of that any oh I got a babies yes let's take him away take him away from the rest of them cuz I'll probably eat each other yeah there ya go I'll turn that up for you come on is who oh there's one there's another one oh just like spies like oh god they're coming for us quickly eat up oh god there's an ichthyosaur okay please eat that cuz this success all could come and get us did I did I lose my baby or did it grow come back here Bri with me yeah okay you guys you stay there okay I'm gonna try and do something I'm gonna see if I can lose them have more babies and then hatch those Oh God look at the babies go your legends oh they're attacking this dude and they'd caught him as well okay guys I'm gonna have you all the way in the corner here okay oh this is cool I realized I actually had seaweed oh I look great against the rock oh that's awesome yeah you come all the way here okay now stay here I'm gonna make the biggest baby horde in the world yes yeah there we go okay can I compete with this guy right oh by recruiters Jesus oh well I'm sorry I'm gonna love you leave me oh he's gone he's a goner it's like a horror film just before they get down to it they get gawk stuff yes it is it's one of my babies it's tiny come on can we even breathe oh hold on yeah okay okay um now if I go over there will I lose my babies or do I ha ha do I have to hatch them here a hutch these guys here follow me okay let's let's find the other babies hopefully they haven't just vanished get over here don't die oh yeah look at them I found a way to get like so many babies oh that's awesome look at all of you I'm gonna put you guys over here again okay and I'm gonna get more eggs and I'll hatch him all right okay you stay in the kelp look at them go oh yeah okay you guys stay here I'll be right back Mama's gonna do a thing you know what I'm sayin okay yeah I have a lot of babies I mean like genuinely if so okay guys if you want to like stay here this time a little bit further away all right so stay here because there's a there's a black tip over there all right so stay here I'll be right back a promise oh god oh god go guys run babies run babies Oh No he's killed one whoa babies free over this way I don't even know what's over here is this new seems like a new area okay babies you all stay here not all of you okay oh no what is this this is new okay guys yeah do not go into the middle of there yeah this is a new area OOP there's another one up there's three more off they go as we say do not fight the lobster I think there's some remnants of other previous dead blacktip reef sharks here yeah can we get away from that please yeah he's going for you he's Rick can we can you come here please yes thank you kill yourself another time yes whoa we got seven eggs from that okay oh there they are look at all of my babies beautiful so many of them glorious oh this is great oh I love it oh no oh my god no it's amazing holy crap guys really to make like attack of Moses so with all of this okay wait here stay here you legends none of them dies oh there it is come here you little baby making you oh oh I don't like that's a really cool shot but I don't like it why is he coming over here there's all me all the other ones come on join them join the flock if that mosasaur came here you would just gobble all of these up in one Biogen floor maybe that's probably why we throw in the type of Moses or ask her we'll get one more batch and we'll attack the Moses or there you are look oh I'm doing just used all the time he's small but he packs a punch how much you bet after this video goes live there's gonna be loads of youtubers doing this exact same thing spent hours just getting a hundred of them it's gonna happen I deserve credit have you just listened to it it's gorgeous do you think this is enough to take on the Moses or do you think so follow me we'll find the Moses aw oh look at all the babies go yeah well I got the etat they have to touch me you have to rub themselves this is just so many it's gorgeous imagine if you saw this in real life he's so cute Hey look it's a tuna let's see if we can make short work of this oh you think you can kill my babies do you know it's okay it's okay don't worry don't worry look I got it I got it look help mama yes yes yes oh no I lost two babies although I need to eat this before you grow up there we go no but with other they are blessing one bite baby and Jimmy right well before any more die let's find a Moses or or a great white you know whatever whatever comes first really just see the big show coming da-da-da-da-da no you can't eat it or us you won't be my babies anymore and you'll leave me I'll just listen to that there's just so many of them they made this work was like an ocean sound effect alright oh we could easily kill a mahi-mahi now he wouldn't stand a chance where the Frick is his Moses all hold on let's get this thing kill me when I was younger I want to get it oh it's having to come up for air yeah let's go let's go get it get it baby babies oh oh you're freaking me kill it kill it go get it no oh my baby [Music] well they probably would have just hop with the Moses or and I would have died instantly anyway so pretty good effect no difference leave a like and until next time I will leave this show love small baby blue sharks to probably yeah cuz that now that I'm not there Oh unless this is adopted them that would be really cool nope they're all run away to fend for themselves in the ocean I'm sure they'll be fine until next time I'll see you later Oh buh-bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 7,117,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new shark, fish feed and grow, fish, feed, grow, feed grow, update, shark, boss battle, boss, huge shark, huge, biggest, huge fish, barracuda, salmon, new fish, new, tiger shark, record, glitch, river, cat fish, gigantic, agamingbeaver, thegamingbeaver, prehistoric, ever, biggest ever, biggest shark ever, PIRANHA ATTACK, ATTACK, PIRANHA
Id: hw3VyOwFwR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2017
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