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[Music] hello everybody and welcome to fish feed and grow where I have been played there's been an update it's been half day guys oh my god yeah you can see you I'd be playing as a hammerhead I've got myself up to level seven we'll be feasting on some turtles some mahi-mahi and cuttlefish to get us up to this level doesn't take me too long if I gotta be honest now no we're not here for a hammerhead no today we were gonna play right off the bus as a whale sharks if we go into fish select it costs two hundred and that's exactly what we are gonna become severe hype for this episode leave a like if you don't leave them we're gonna cry let's get on with it shall we oh well I'm gonna go fight or no oh balls I just gave it to the pipe the freakin Bebo's hello where am I hello hello oh there's loads of me hello oh God yeah well Oh what wavin hi so are those squiggly dense we got 309 health there I'm gonna Oh weak yep we can eat the ammonites okay yep they are back on three I want to get so big I can eat other whale shot oh look at that so is this new oh this looks so cool down here check there look at me I will check it and actually guys whale sharks um would you say the carnivorous that they're not really they feast on plankton and fun fact if you didn't know whale sharks are the biggest fish in the entire ocean yes you may be thinking what about whales but we also actually mammals so this is where they are whale sharks look at this my mission for today ah [Music] history to the entire world well I don't think that's possible as you can see we've already eaten a couple of things and we haven't really grown too big but we can eat things 50 percent our size so you see these barracudas here oh oh good lord yes seven one thing I don't want to run into is the Mosasaurus or at least not just yet I see some tasty ichthyosaurus the need eating or tending to oh my god water although that's tuna well they're all why now look at me you think you could get away where a massive whale shark a mission is to eat the mosasaurs but boota boota there's something we need to do first before we can eat the Mose a source and nowadays gorge ourselves on a tiger sharks so the whale shark eats things a bit like the catfish does or the grouper does but this guy can eat things a lot bigger than himself Oh what there he is there he is don't know now you know I hope you don't mind guys if I just pay you a lovely yummy visiting coz I do get eaten and I'm very close to respawning back as a Welsh ogre soon as you get to whale show this is death much by the way so everything levels up a lot quicker I was up where's the mosasaur okay so there it is boo this is where the tiger shark spawns yes I can already see one to be gobbled up oh wait can I not eat him no no big enough yet maybe level four maybe that'll do it okay let's go eat some other things so maybe he's too big maybe he's a very big tiger shark how about this guy nope can't eat him the whole show for now almost every five can I chew I can mouth things blue it's like spying on them so here is one now where do you spawn Brad your spot your spawn here do you sport instantly here what oh there it is that yes and that is it oh you look so cute I kind of want to see a baby one I wonder if that is in survival a baby whale shark but what's really good about this is the first time in survival that we can play on the great map that means that we can pretty much get anything really high level and probably eat the Moses old baby guy level 10 we can start eating maybe tiger sharks we'll try level level 12 just to be safe oh hello it was like no cheetahs it dried up no I'm over there even a where I am can't believe that baby insides well we now know the great whites don't like cheetahs well that's a bit disappointing it what are those what are these things they're crabs oh they have nu crabs woo ghosty crabs okay oh the most so somewhere here mosasaur has not seen us that's really good the great white is now just killing literally everything he's yeah he's chomping down on I'll go to the tuna like at the tuna stain Schultz not really tiny blue fin tuna grow huge oh sorry these are the blue Finch you know I don't know what I was eaten before okay just keep a watchful eye like a great white would kill a whale shark but way too big right the tiger shark died and away from me okay let's check level 10 if I could eat that tiger shark over there yeah there we go come here you can I eat you do I need a big gulp for you no yes haha got you okay well I'm big enough d tiger sharks now so now we need to go to where they spawn which is right over here and thank God about I'm quite fast as well yes oh well I didn't seem to respawn this disappointed the change with the tiger sharks board okay there we go level 18 yes need to get at least level 20 guys I don't know about you but I want to get like so big and the fact that this whale shark has such a big gulp I think if you've got big enough we could probably eat the entire ocean in one huge gold oh he's so cute though look at his little dopey face back can we eat Oh surely we could eat other whale sharks well I need that great white come here you I'm level 25 you don't want to mess with me come here oh Jesus oh no no no please let go oh god he's got me I think I think he's gonna get me oh it's good oh yeah bogey right well I guess there's no prisoners is it we're just gonna stay there into a level 56 and a half hours later guys guys guys never mind no okay okay go go go tell me the way to the other don't follow me okay yeah that is one rogue Mosasaurus I've never seen them come over this far you little bugger you no no really you just came in for me when I don't like a 2000 for cuts every time he comes by no boys your Saurus I like a little Welsh out peeping out I think he might be outside hello yeah there he is it's also okay level 35 still no sign but you know what I'm not gonna risk it I'm looking at my size and I thought I would be a little bit bigger so I'm gonna wait here and get bigger [Music] I've just had an idea what if I can eat other whale sharks Oh off we go let's go let's go find and eat our own brethren now these a chi e whale sharks now things that can eat things whole usually can eat their own car oh yes oh and they spawn instantly here and how much experience they give what thousand eight hundred although I know what dwells in these Arctic waters and it's none of my menu in fact I'd probably be on its menu look at that one hiding like please no I'm gong for that is tempting yes anyways just flung him oh the boat abort abort abort now Jesus I think yeah I think I can read them I think I can eat them yes by the floating bloat fish yes oh no that is a bigger great white though that's the one that's been eating me constantly do I try he is looking pretty big should I you know what sorry Yolo defeated oh there's nobody in my way anymore now I can consume all of the Sharks and so the whale shark room at on his diet of block aa-23 shop well guys now that we can either great white we can get up to Titanic proportions now let's get to level 100 and so the whale shark through massive orders died of black to three sharks level 80 and as a grouper to eat the mosasaur I think we have to be a level 300 but I kind of just want to get a size up in comparison to the most so at the moment also I just also want to eat everything yeah as when I go out and into the world Oh Oh there okay he's big he's a lot bigger than I thought he was okay yeah we need to we need to grind a little bit more um yeah level 100 I think nope we're not really shaking at all oh my god it must have something to do with the model but I think for sure we've got to be able to eat the mosasaur now right I mean look at us look a big we all right okay let's find him I've charged up we've got a full good mouthful ready to swallow where is it yes there it is there it is can we eat it oh we can't oh god no oh god no swim swim swim yes mr. tiger shark one two three four all gone up Davos for all they seem to spawn so the guy has changed where the tiger sharks spawn if they get eaten in a certain location so if they get eaten in their spawn then they have a different spawn not too far away but if you're big enough you can you know go between the two [Music] oh now we're starting to shake the screen that's a good sign that means we can even mosasaur soon should we get to 120 let's get 220 [Music] there we go we just need a spin now we're certain like look how far we can cope them away from that's it level a hundred two is a saw here we go shaking the screen and everything Parise there he is go on mr. open do we want to attack him from the front end just in case you can actually kill us oh I don't know do you want to be doing that well he's underneath his hand oh no oh no I can't eat him I can't eat him mr. big he's too big what there it is level a 114 you know I'm just gonna eat everything Beth just for good measure right oh there is he's coming towards us are we big enough are we surely I'll look how big we are in comparison to him right you ready guys three two one go oh my god I still can't eat them you serious I'm trying yeah try and eat them oh no hundred fifty must be hundred fifty okay ten more levels guys let's do this go on the home stretch hundred and friggin fifty come on this time this time we've got to be able to eat them whole yes come to me come here you I gotta be scared he's running scared he's so friggin close are you serious I still caught in him can I bite him theft Oh 56 damage never mind eating of whole I could do loads of damage ah yeah oh but oh my God he's covered in flood balm yeah he stands no chance fifties look at him just I've turned him into like a pepper Rami won't even go with it oh my god Oh looks horrible he's still alive look at him zombie boo see if I was true clickbait outside new zombie moser discovered he's still alive but he's not it doesn't seem bothered at all not in the slightest oh my god this is disgusting now looks like just a bit of raw meat doesn't even resemble a Mosasaurus anymore we've gotta be honest is he dead we caught him yes I still however can't eat them whole but what I can do is bring them to the surface there it is into bite-sized pieces I still want to eat him hold though I feel like I haven't achieved it that's what I set out to do what haven't achieved it that oh you know Moby Dick could come and find me oh he's having a good time of it as well actually when you go he was here a second ago wasn't he well we didn't technically eat the Moses or suppose he can't lie oh you know what these guys maybe because we killed that Moses or the new on that spawned is actually smaller so we might actually have a chance of eating that guy and now we're like four levels bigger which I really don't know how much that's gonna help but let's go there he is okay we might be with a chess team this guy now please say we can yes oh thank god finally so we can eat him he's definitely a little bit smaller and nobody maybe there was only three of them but we did it oh no there's another one there's another one oh yeah just light it with the tiger sharks he's got two spawns but they're pretty close together so we could just constantly eat this guy over and over can we have the Moby Dick then oh hold on so this is it this is how you eat them you just eat one turn around eat the next one okay right since we've eaten this guy live a hundred and sixty volt yes they're mere snackage is now well guys I think it's pretty pretty safe to say that we we we accomplished our mission whether it's eating the Moses or in little bits or eating them whole I think we're pretty much done here and it's been like over an hour at home okay leave a like until next time I'll see you later buh-bye [Applause]
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 3,536,283
Rating: 4.8914351 out of 5
Keywords: eating mosasaur, mosasaur, whale shark, fish feed and grow, fish, feed, grow, feed grow, update, shark, boss battle, boss, huge shark, huge, biggest, huge fish, barracuda, salmon, new fish, new, new shark, tiger shark, record, glitch, river, cat fish, gigantic, agamingbeaver, thegamingbeaver, prehistoric, ever, biggest ever, biggest shark ever, PIRANHA ATTACK, ATTACK, PIRANHA
Id: 8dgMma6X6OE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 09 2018
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