Mixing Every Oreo Flavor Together

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think celebrity deathmatch meets your favorite cookies [Music] a ton of Oreos here and what are we doing with them Carly we're making a Franken Oreo that's right we've got every single Oreo flavor we could find and we're going to be combining them into one single single Oreo but with a little twist yeah we're gonna be turning this into a little competition we've dubbed the Frank off which is basically a Franken experiment but Tyler and I have differing opinions on how we should approach it so we're gonna try out both methods separately and then come back together at the end to see which one was better and my Approach is sort of the more conventional one where I'm going to be deconstructing every Oreo I'm going to be separating the cookies and the creams and then making a Franken cookie and a Franken cream and then sandwiching them back together and My Chosen method is the unconventional but potentially tastier method which is to make a Franken cookies and cream ice cream by crushing all the Oreos together as the cookies in a homemade ice cream because I figured the cookies and cream ice cream already features the Oreo so let's frankenize that so we've got 18 different flavors of Oreo here so let's see who can make the best Franken Oreo all right let's Franken so for this test we're going to be trying each of the Oreos first my thought is this might help us train our palettes to search different flavors in our final Franken concoction and I will say these flavors get pretty out there and our first flavor is of course the classic Oreo first Oreo of the day Cheers Cheers I mean it's good classic you can't knock on classic have not improved on the Oreo well I guess the question is has Oreo improved on the Oreo it's a tall order now just to keep things simple we're going to show you guys us Franken the Oreos as we taste them just so we don't show you all the Oreos three times so this is the Tyler assembly line we have all the Oreos over there which are gonna get passed to me I'm gonna take one Oreo out chop it in half oh and take that half and put it into a Ziploc bag over here and at the end I'm gonna smash them smash them all into one Franken Oreo cookies and cream thing that you can put into the ice cream batter dusting crust topping no that's uh mixing mixing mixing like Cold Stone and then for Sophia's method I'm gonna start off by separating all of my cookies into cookies and cream oh that was a clean one I'm gonna put my cream into like one Pyrex little bowl a little flop a little plop and then put my cookies straight into the blender for a future blending purposes sounds right sounds right in theory but wrong is a Franken I mean flavor-wise just that's generally our plan Frank on Frank off Frank on Frank off all right so back to the Orioles in the classic category next up we have gluten-free we'll see how close they got to that original cheers oh hey very crunchy but still pretty good solid oh this is not going to come off that nicely oh why why have you done this to me okay goodbye all right next up we got golden I love goats this is like the vanilla Oreo yeah it's like a blondie very sweet good though you like that but I feel like a good cloy oh yeah not the cleanest not my best work and to finish out the classics we have mint mint I do like that that's good let me tell you something that's a different Vector than the original but that's good this is um this is something to write home about oh it's lifting up oh it's oh it's beautiful oh it's beautiful how beautiful then we have three chocolatey ones starting off with chocolate that's a revelation it's a very solid cookie I'm tasting a lot of the traditional Oreo flavors but just a little bit richer and deeper yeah that's amazing yeah that's better than the mint yeah I mean when Robert California says they haven't ever really proved in the Oreo they might have here do they consider all the Oreo options I think that was very good that's the sexiest damn thing I've ever seen close to it next up we have dark chocolate oh whoa those are really dark yeah they're like matte it's kind of like a black business card with black ink yeah it's American Express Black Card which is super hard to read to me the cream in that tastes the same as the cookie so it's just like one flavor throughout I like it that's a good that's a good cookie oh this one's soft it's lifting off nicely though oh it slid off all right now we're going to ultimate chocolate we've had chocolate dark chocolate ultimate chocolate ultimate chocolate extreme chocolate X Games chocolate Edition I don't like that no I do yeah yeah it's chocolate will you up all right wipe up yeah I'm sold put me in coach I'm sold then we have three nutty ones starting with chocolate hazelnut almost like your Nutella route here yeah oh that cookie was a little crunchy that's really Hazel nutty oh yeah next up we have peanut butter that's pretty strong it's a very potent flavor no oh that was nice and smooth now next up we have chocolate peanut butter pie and this is one of the cases that I cracked open the last couple weeks and tried oh yeah it's kind of interesting I'm curious to see what you think on this one squirrels are two gardeners as Tyler is to Carlos yes es and Tyler 's been like so somatically opening boxes and taking like one or two or four you can't just put all these Oreos in the apartment with me That's dangerous what am I supposed to do yeah look at that stale Oreo I love it what do you think of that I don't think I like it no I know yeah I didn't want it to influence your opinion but that one's weird Oh I thought you liked it I ate like five or six people you're trying to get me to eat one too but I assumed you told me that because you liked it no because you didn't like I mean five of these Carly you should try it I was trying to call you agree with me but it sucked then we have two candy-ish ones starting with chocolate marshmallow it kind of tastes like um if you consumed a dry Swiss Miss packet you mean the ones that have marshmallows in it that's a good inscription yeah flip your pancake oh yeah this one is toffee crunch oh sounds kind of like an old-fashioned flavor don't you think Cheerio toffee it's a nice little toffee yes it was cracked it was cracked just like I am say crack say crack again crack then we have two caramel ones starting with caramel coconut oh wow wait I'm confused because that made it seem like it was a fresh packet but this is just it is our only Amazon cookie that is Jeffrey Bezos he did that to us that one I think is really good though I think caramel coconut they're not a match made in heaven to be on the surface but they're a good match goodbye and then we have mocha caramel latte oh a lot of flavor that's good the coffee cuts it a little bit a little more bitter than what we've been operating in recently I like it beautiful come again this has been going impressively fast listen you want a job done you got to call the expert okay now we have three holiday flavors starting with carrot cake which is another one that I actually cracked open as well I'm just I thought this one was disgusting but let's see what you think of this this one's pretty fragrant spicy yeah smells like a Michaels oh [Music] I don't think I like that then we have birthday cake oh whoa yeah whoa it's pretty this one this one's a kick this one why does it smell like Nestle strawberry milk oh it does no it doesn't taste like that it's disgusting this one's a bit softer than some of the other creams yes yes that's pretty good though yeah well I do know how to do this so and then we have firework this one has popping candy in it oh it's crunchy I'm crunching on some crystals it's not oh it is popping oh can you feel it yeah yeah Pop Rocks Dynamics it's still happening yeah I can hear it inside my brain tastes good though and then finally we have lemon which is just by itself tardy and delicious that's pretty good yeah oh this one's this one's a bad one guys we're ending with not a bang that's awful oh my God this this Cookie's gone the cook this cookie is going going gone come on stay with me hang in there there we go there we go clean cookie yeah boom all right so that's all 18 Oreos tasted separated and in a Ziploc bag and now we're gonna go ahead with my method so now we're gonna do is take a rolling pin and mash them up ready yes oh that was satisfying to see those ones get squished yeah so the creams are sticking to the bag a little bit a bit of a flaw in your concept huh how dare you looks like soil it does have soil Vibes it's almost like worms gum worms and dirt throwing worms that's a thing yeah right you make that that's Oreos and uh gummy worms it smells good as I'm standing over it I'm getting coffee and lemon you smell you smell you're getting dominant sense of mocha don't you think yeah I did get a lot of that mocha and I'm also getting the mint as well coffee butterscotch which is not in there but it's kind of like toffee-ish lemon mint yeah and now that we have my cookie dirt it's time to make the cream so I need to make some vanilla ice cream from scratch yeah first I'm going to combine a cup and a half of whole milk one cup of granulated sugar oh that looks good oh you nailed that yep thanks man and a pinch of kosher salt tiny measuring spoon what is this ice cream for ants and then I'm gonna mix them together on low speed beautiful then I'm going to stir in two and a half cups of heavy cream and a half to one tablespoon of vanilla I don't know Tyler I don't know if this looks like an Oreo to me me this is gonna get really ugly it's a really ugly competition you better watch out you know what a little birdie told me you can't even read I can't read okay and Carly can help me I can't read either Carly Carly can't read either I'm then gonna cover that up and refrigerate that for at least two hours Sevilla this is your competitor right here this is my Champion choose your fighter all right it's time to get our mixture out of the fridge oh I'm gonna whisk it real quick combining it a little bit and then pour it into the ice cream maker okay let me get that last little bit we're gonna leave it in there for about 40 minutes until it's thickened oh yeah and then we're gonna add in our Oreo mixture okay so our ice cream machine overflowed a little bit um and it's also very thick now so I think it's done actually so what we're gonna do is take out the ice cream okay I'm gonna try to dull from this into there perfect okay this is very creamy and then just mix it by hand with our Oreo concoction all right ready yes and cookies and creamify this looks pretty great it looks good oh okay so now that it's mixed together I'm gonna cap it and put in the freezer but let's do a quick smell test smell it you coward I'm getting hints of mint but it also smells a lot of ice cream so maybe my my taste buds will give me more of an indication of what won the Franken battling there congratulations you made mint chocolate chip hey I'll take that as W all right now it's my turn again and we're gonna start by microwaving the creams yeah I'm getting some big hard-boiled egg Vibes at the top here that's because it's got the two like Funfetti and Firework ones and then the yolk in the middle farewell friends are going to a better place melted at the bottom I'm gonna mix it and then re-melt it if we have to oh it's going oh it's soft oh the green oh I see it oh I smell the mint after the green was mixed in I smelled the mint nice batter and then I'm gonna lay it out on this wax paper in like almost a sheet a sheet of cream if you will I'm just spreading it a little bit thinner I still I want it to be nice and thick but I feel like that seems good it looks good from here so now that I have my Franken cream let's put it in the fridge shall we it's fridge time for like 10 minutes 20 minutes 15 to 20. 15 to 20 minutes then I'm going to blend all of my cookies together why did that scare me I knew it was gonna happen there's one full cookie just dancing battle royale cookie Edition I declare the winner the Frank off complete that looks pretty good that looks very Blended yeah it smells like mint and coffee to me it looks like soil all right so now I'm going to melt some butter to add to our thank you our Franken dust our Franken crumble if you will and mix all right now it's wet yeah wet dirt finger looking good then I'm gonna press that mixture into one of our fancy silicone Oreo cookie molds damn get in there get in there looks good how does that look Carly it looks good I don't know if you just want to like use like the heel of your hand to press so you can get the Oreo print oh yeah I will I'm just squeezing that butter right out of there that's good oh yeah you can see that all right A little dab to get rid of that butter I'm just tapping it off a little it's a little oily all right so now I'm gonna put my cookies in the fridge and take out my cream that looks pretty good oh streaky looks good to me all right so now we're going to be using our Arby's vodka shot glass to cut out a Franken cream I'm just gonna do a couple just to have this bag just to have them come on oh no oh oh good did I make it too thick perhaps that was stuffed all right they're a little bit stuck to the wax paper so I'm gonna have to like siphon them off but overall this is looking good koi fit those are great all right those are four Franken creams so now I'm gonna de-mold my cookies yes it's not ready oh okay yeah it's ready all right ready yep all right show me [Music] that's a Franken Oreo that looks good oh damn that's really good that looks good this is stiff competition not feeling so confident now huh anyways for a winner oh you want to go add your frosting all right I'm going for it and with that we have the Franken Oreo whoa whoa whoa a rendition of a Frank and Oreo no it's sliding buttery here's the only problem with that is that Oreo cookies are pretty crunchy and dry and this one might be like grainy and Soggy okay really upselling this thing you do sort of see an interesting not gradient but just like variation in the cookie the cream is much more uniform but it looks nice it looks amazing it looks nice overall actually just smells like an Oreo mostly at this point very Oreo heavy a hint of mocha nothing distinct in terms of scent but we'll see how it tastes I think it might be time to get Tyler's ice cream out here ah she blows and we'll see who the true winner is uh we're gonna find out very soon yeah okay yeah why are we talking so quietly I don't know why are we whispering looks like ice cream to me it looks really good unfortunately doesn't look like an Oreo but it looks like ice cream to me there are Oreos in it okay okay let me scoop some oh that actually looks like it's scooping pretty nicely ready I'm gonna release it yeah oh almost missed the bowl rocking around in there I think we should probably taste yours first save the best for last oh wow I think you're trying to be uh courteous and say yours could melt but okay that was about to come out of my mouth and then I thought better of it ah yeah oh the texture is good though yeah I got some uh cookie crunch as I scooped ready cheers bite holy that's the greatest remember whoa oh okay this is not fair this is enhanced because the ice cream base has its own flavor it tastes good it tastes like vanilla ice cream like really nice homemade vanilla ice cream mint there I got some mint there I also got mint in my bite big time men oh a dash of cinnamon just appeared oh I got some cinnamon on that bite right like at the end there's something salty was that the toffee I think the toffee's winning a little bit in there no chocolate and also not a lot of um of that mocha flavor we're talking no mocha no coffee mocha is a dominant scent yeah this is so freaking good though I can't put it down the flavor is is exquisite I'll give you that all right let's go to new bulb and a scoop of scoop for silver Coral Carly from behind the cam tell us oh out of nation that's pretty bad oh I taste the mint now okay there's mint there's mint is that a courtesy bit oh something else that tastes like big red cinnamon I'm telling you the aftertaste is cinnamon well I guess we'll see how mine tastes let's taste yours we have no idea yeah mine will definitely taste worse because it's like a single greasy Oreo but I have to get some points for like form I was really confident until yours tasted pretty good there we go you did make like a whole batch of ice cream and I'm like a single Oreo cookie I should maybe I should have made more I didn't even think about that we should have made just a giant one next shot Frankie Girl Scout cookie we'll do that cheers ready it's gonna go a lot flavor that's a really good frosting that's good okay that's good but that's not good awesome tasting oh man and it's that was an organic double stuff too like a lot of frosting I do taste the mint yeah I taste the mocha the peppermint mocha you get into that toffee or am I just convincing myself into there there is a little bit of a sweet and salty taste in it the butter the could be the butter I think the butter helped all right a lot of different elements and hints in there Carly's coming in the Carly taste test oh it tastes like an Oreo it's minty but I like I actually like that it was mushy right I like the mushy the mushy buttery cookie it's an interesting Arena that maybe Oreo should play with all right so those are the facts those are the cold hard facts people let's hear who you guys think is the winner in the comments below is it my Franken cookies and cream or sauce soggy single cookie hey if you like that video make sure to smash or gently tap that like button and if you want to see more videos like this one you can smash or gently tap that subscribe button here are various social media things handles but here's our merge website and with that we'll see you guys for next time what that one's really stale yeah and whose fault is it that
Channel: Tyler Williams
Views: 1,220,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mixing together every flavor of oreo, oreo, oreos, cookies, franken oreo, recipes, food, food haul, taste test, cooking, baking, tasting, testing, eating, mixing, safiya mixing, bad makeup science, safiya bad makeup science, franken, safiya franken, safiya nygaard, safiya and tyler, tyler williams, safia, sofia, sofiya
Id: 7k6vpI-2yao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2022
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