Making Custom Nail Polish Colors feat. Simply Nailogical

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I feel bad because Cristine is very sweet but wow her personality just grinds on me. She brings it out in Saf too - I'm glad they have fun together but I can't imagine ever being in public with them lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 327 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rosie1881 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The shades were cute. Looooove that mauve.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 60 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/iamleighanne πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don’t have a problem with her filming videos in advance. But I do think that recently her videos have become repetitive at least in my opinion. Gets kind of boring and predictable.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 221 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chellekathryn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't really know if either of these women can truly be considered BGs but they have been adopted by the sub.

Something that struck me was that Safiya clearly filmed this a long time ago, does stockpiling videos for so long harm her viewership?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 118 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thoughtful_human πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

honestly, i love safiya and cristine so much, i’ll watch whatever they put out. i don’t watch a lot of beauty gurus anymore (because i don’t trust them) but i love these two. i just finished watching this video and i think their chemistry is so great, i love when they do vids together.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 89 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fuckmylife-666 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Cristine in a group setting acts like my four year old does when she feels like she isn't getting enough attention.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 41 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheMurtaughList πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

i like their weirdness and nerdyness, including cringy dance moves, so this is fine by me. you can tell christine was very tired, i remember her videos from that time, she was so overwhelmed. pretty sure the delay in posting the video is because cristine's products that were shown in the video weren't ready yet (as others have mentioned here as well).

edit: fixing an apostrophe.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Menega_Sabidussi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I wish we had more of these custom nail polish/lipstick type stores around the country! I know there's a lipstick company that does this in Texas but still thats so far away! I would have so much fun doing this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IndigoHollow πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

anyone know of a dupe for the mauve color? it's gorgeous

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/catomic_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
*Dope intro* Hello friends and welcome to another video! This week we're gonna be mixing up custom nail polish colors with Cristine from Simply Nailogical. [Cristine:] Holo there, and welcome to another video! [Saf:] For those of you who saw her "Giving Safiya Wedding Nails" video in July, this is our half of the collab. -We're a little late. -[Tyler:] Yea, just a little. - [Saf:] I'm getting paid for this right? - [Cristine] I promote your wedding, You promote my nail polish. [Saf:] So previously on our channel, we have gotten a lot of custom stuff, Like mixing up custom lipstick colors at the Bite Lip lab, two of which are part of our color pop collab (restock coming soon!) [Ty] Real Organic And we've also gotten custom shampoo, foundation, mascara, and clothing from this weird suit So when I saw that ORLY had opened up a custom nail polish mixing bar in LA I thought that, since Cristine was going to be dragging her FROZEN butt out of Ottawa for VidCon, we had to go together I mean we both have some experience mixing up our own cosmetic concoctions - [Cristine] Ben! Come have a sip! I made you something special Ben. - [Ben] No, I'm good thanks [Saf] And Cristine used to make videos about nail art - [Cristine] This is a nail art channel in case you forgot. What the hell else would you subscribe for? So it seemed like a perfect activity for the two of us: mixing + nail polish + adult supervision (Safiya cackles) Be safe with blowtorches, kids Alright So with that to the ORLY color lab we go Or I guess we went So I made us an appointment at the ORLY mixing bar in West Hollywood In the early afternoon on a weekday just so we hopefully wouldn't disturb too many other patrons and um We're just standing behind this desk because I think the lighting is better at this angle [Cristine] Welcome [Safiya] Yeah, we're welcoming people into the store now. It's our new job. We work here now. We live here now. Because we do have a tendency to disturb the peace. Wait, am I allowed to be here? Now for context Cristine does have her own nail polish line "Holo Taco", which is what we're talking about. I guess I'm gonna be plugging a lot of things in this video, Cristine's nail polish, our Franken-Lipstick collab and ORLY is also a company that exists. This is not sponsored, but they did let us film there. - [Cristine] I don't work here. There's no affiliation. - [Cristine] This is not a conflict of interest is this? - [Safiya] You tell me, man. I think you're in charge here. - [Cristine] Oh god. - [Safiya] so anyway the way they make your custom nail polish at ORLY is that they have bottles filled with different colors of Polish that they squirt into a cup and stir together To whip up your shade, from there You can make adjustments to the color as well as add any extra fixings like shimmer or pearl [Safiya] I was thinking maybe we should do one for each of us and then we should do a third color in which we just mix all of the possible colors they have - [Safiya] Together to see what happens - [Cristine] you can't help yourself can you? So with that plan in mind it was time for us to get our sh*t together and start a mixin' [Safiya] I'm eating my hair right now. I feel like a mess today Cristine. Will you help me make this video? [Cristine] I don't know if I'll be able to help with that [Safiya] All right, let's see what happens let's see if the professionals can help us here [Safiua] Yeah, just mix it up Cristine. I see you in my peripheral. Just get that cauldron going. - [Cristine] Safiya Don't make me dance alone - [Safiya] Is it this? See I told you we were disturbing - [Safiya] We can't use that - [Ty] no, we're using that - [Safiya] we'll be banished from the internet - [Ty] how are you guys not banished from the internet - [Cristine] I don't know. S: So to start the custom color choosing Elina from the color lab introduced us to their iPad interface Which was sort of like an interpretive mood board with Artful inspo pictures to draw you in. - [Elina] the way works you click on any color that you like This gives us an idea what direction of the color you want to go But it's not the exact color that you're gonna get because we're gonna make some custom at the mixology bar - [Safiya] So this is more of like an emotional process. - [Elina] Yes. - [Cristine] What do you feel - [Safiya] exactly [Tyler] It's like a Meyers Briggs And then once you picked a jumping-off point there were a few other questions you had to answer before you could go up to the bar - [Safiya] Cristine you want to go first? You want me to go first - [Cristine] you go first - [Cristine] I'm gonna watch - [Saf] okay, so I'm gonna click night - [Cristine] Of course - [Saf] on brand As for what color I was actually hoping for I hadn't really gone into this with too many preconceived notions so I was just gonna let the photos speak to me. [Saf] I am intrigued by this kind of teal color - [Safiya] I guess they're calling it scaffolding teal. - [Tyler] Yeah scaffolding - [Safiya] and to be honest they were saying a lot of different things This is kind of an interesting sort of industrial Moody exposed lightbulb. The other one I like is jellyfish A lot of these things don't exactly jump to mind when I think of a cosmetics product - [Cristine] Imagine if this spoke to you. It's just a brick wall. - [Safiya] Well that also speaks to me. - [Cristine] That's what I speak to. - [Safiya] Yeah - [Cristine] most of the time But I did appreciate the creativity. - I think the scaffolding is really speaking to me. I'm gonna go for scaffolding I'm scaling a building with this teal after that You can pick if you want your shade to be lighter or darker and also choose your shimmers But Elina had recommended that we not add those in now, but wait until we had mixed up our color to decide What would look best with it. - Oh crap, I have to name it. Yes, they do make you name your shade before you see it. [Tyler] That is a lot of pressure Which actually presented quite the challenge [Cristine] teal scaf? - [Saf] scaffolding saf? - [Cristine] Scaff teal. Scaf saf! [Saf] scaf saf. what does that sound like scab? - [Saf] Scabby teal, but we eventually hit some I wouldn't say gold - [Cristine] teal time [Safiya] teal time! But maybe some bronze - [Claire] here for the teal? - [Safiya] Here for the Teal! -[Cristine] I like that that's like a drama channel - [Safiya] here for the teal is actually quite good All right. I'm going for with "here for the teal" So with my form done it was time for Cristine to step up to the plate. - [Cristine] So Ideally, I did want to try and make a holo But apparently the ORLY color lab Doesn't currently offer holo because their custom formula isn't thick enough to support the glitter - [Cristine] So I'm gonna change my idea and I'm gonna go a little simpler. - [Saf] Mmm. - [Cristine] and I'm gonna make something for my boyfriend. - [Saf] awww, [Cristine] So sweet, but not really cuz I don't think he really wants me to paint his nails all the time But you know, it's the thought that counts - [Saf] No, I like that. - [Cristine] I saw this banana and I immediately thought of Ben Guess Ben's brand is kind of built around bananas [Cristine] Because he likes bananas [Saf] It was the angle of the banana that reminded her of Ben [Cristine] No! actually no Everyone thinks that but you're all - just there's something wrong with your mind. Okay? So Cristine went with the banana because Ben likes bananas and for no other reason - [Saf] All right, what are you gonna call it Chiquita banana? - [Cristine] no just Benana - [Safiya] just Benana, okay - [Cristine] Because his name is Ben [Ben] I think everyone understood that [Safiya] Because his name is Ben So after filling out our forms - [Cristine] first name Simply - [Saf] Last name Greatest. - and not reading any of the fine print - [Ben] make sure you're not signing away the rights to us [Ben] Like giving ORLY permission to make this nail polish for you [Cristine] Please contact my lawyer It was time for us to head to the bar where we met Emma our mixologist for the afternoon - [Safiya] All right. So, where should we begin? - [Emma] Well I have what's essentially a recipe for your polish on here - [Emma] So we start out with that and then I show you a swatch of it and we go from there. - [Cristine] So it's like Starbucks - [Cristine] I would like two pumps of this syrup - [Safiya] And my recipe called for a heavy dose of green a bit of blue a dash of yellow and a smidgen of white and then she whisked all of the polish together with a mini mixer to make our first iteration of "here for the teal" - [Saf] I mean that's a really pretty color I could maybe use a little more blue. - [Cristine] Yeah - [Saf] yeah I think my instinct was that I wanted more of a nighttime Scaffolding vibe. - [Emma Do you want it to be like a deeper teal in that case - [Emma]I would just add also a little bit of black. - [Cristine] You probably want that - [Safiya] you could add a little black - Which seemed to add the right amount of duskiness to the mixture - I think that looks good. -Yeah, I like that a lot. - Then it was time to add the shimmers - [Emma] So I probably recommend one of these three things - [Safiya] and Emma thought that perhaps a gold shimmer a blueish iridescent Pearly one or a blue metallic shimmer would work well with our polish - [Safiya] I think that I want the blue pearl and the blue metallic - [Emma] okay - [Saf] Yeah, I think that's what I want - [Cristine] that I love that for you - [Emma] Party. - [Safiya] So Emma scooped and dumped our powders in - [Cristine] I want to rub that all over me. - [Saf] all over your body. - And then once they were satisfyingly blended into our concoction Emma swatched the polish on my nail so I could see the shimmers in action - [Saf] Oh, yeah, that's what I'm talking about. I like that we went for the middle finger here. - [Tyler] Yeah - [Tyler] That's not bad - [Safiya] I was pretty pleased with the way it was looking on my nail so we will bottle yeah, let's bottle it - [ Saf] So I guess that was my polish - [Cristine] Look you get your own custom label - [Safiya] Oh, does it stay "here for the teal"? - [Emma] Sure does - [Emma]That's for you. - [Safiya} Amazing Thank you. And I think we were all here for the teal. - I need to like smack the camera. Here's the Teal - [Tyler] Well it is on your middle finger so it kind of works. - [Safiya] Aside from the now very worn out Tea jokes I also really did like the shimmery turquoise-y shade we had ended up with. - [Cristine] I think it's beautiful - [Cristine] Good job, I approve. - [Saf] Cristine approves everyone - [Cristine] not legally, but just really good illicitly Cristine approves [Cristine] That's nice it suits you And with that we moved on to Ben's benana - [Cristine] Wait, is this it this is it We're just taking the whole gonna just walk out of here Cristine, okay Cristine's recipe started out -unsurprisingly with a lot of yellow. - [Cristine] Oh yeah banana yeah Along with some white and a pinch of orange - [Cristine] Its like creamsicle. - [Tyler] Oh, that's good. - [Safiya] And after blending it up like a Jamba Juice smoothie. She's swatched it for further inspection I love the color But I think we need to make it more yellow and maybe If we add a little bit of like brown or maybe peach just to dull the color a little so it's less neon Yeah Yeah I think Cristine wanted more of a realistic banana color -versus like a runts banana - [Tyler] Are we talking about a ripe banana? Or just like a... - [Cristine] well like a tiny bit rotten wanted it to Emma: If you wanted it to be like really a neutral yellow color. I could do like a drop of black - [Cristine] Shocking I'm curious though how that works. - [Safiya] So we went ahead and added in a splash of black -And then swirled it in - Oh - Oh - [Safiya} Something happened. - [Cristine] See now. It kind of looks dirtier this perfect. That's what I want. That's it. Yeah, that's fair - [Emma] So what are you thinking about in terms of shimmers? - [Cristine] What are you thinking? -[Saf] I'm not gonna put the montages in don't make me do it at this point is just a white screen So for Cristine's polish Emma recommended that she go for either a gold shimmer or a bronzy one - [Cristine] What if we do gold and a bit of the bronze shimmer - [Emma] We can do that. - [Cristine] Let's do it! - [Saf] A sprinkle? - [Cristine] Just the whole thing actually. Can't you just put the whole thing in there? - [Safiya] Ooh It was almost like changed it a little bit. - [Cristine] It's deepening it. I like it. It's aging the banana - [Cristine] It's now three days older. - [Safiya] So we had arrived at not only dirty but also aged banana Oh - [Emma] How's does that feel? - [Cristine] That's really nice. - [Emma] Yeah? Ben you'll look great - [Cristine] Ben looks great. - [Saf] So Ben in all of his filthy glory got bottled, labeled and delivered to his girlfriend - [Saf] Oh, it looks so cute. - [Cristine] They actually work together. - [Safiya] They do work together. - [Cristine] They accent each other nicely But before we could try them out we did have our third polish to make A Franken polish that consisted of all of the shades they had in their little syrup bottles and we have gotten the okay to - pump it ourselves which we're very jazzed about. - [Cristine] Why they trust me? I don't know. - [Saf] Don't ruin this for us So we were ill-advisedly allowed behind the mixing bar. I'm gonna get murdered by a tiny like a stick mixer It's fine. And because we didn't want our cup to runneth over we decided to go for a half pump of each of their shades - [Cristine] ahh! - [Safiya] Is that a half? - [Tyler] Eh, it looked about a half. - [Safiya] What did you scream? Cristine squawked. And so our mix-athon began. Oh, this is fun - Oh, that one was explosive. As we worked our way through the rainbow. - [Cristine] Oh we missed, gotta hold it in there - [Cristine] There ya go. - [Tyler] Okay. Got a dribbler? - [Safiya] Yeah, we got a dribbler there. Yes. Yes - [Safiya] My power is growing. I guess you could call us Madames Mix-a-lot. - [Cristine] One more [All] Oh yeah See that's marble time. So we grabbed our stick blender and went to town. Oh, yeah - [Tyler] That was good and it's the Franken-phora. - [Cristine] It kinda looks like your lipstick! - [Safiya] Oh my God, it does it looks like the Franken lipstick color Oh my god. Oh, it smells good. I mean don't breathe it in don't breathe in it I guess it's not surprising that it turned out to be this berry purple, which keeps showing up -But hey, I just like mixing stuff. - [Cristine] Mauve. Is that how you say it here? Mauve? Mouve? - [Safiya] Do you say it different in Canada? - [Cristine] "Mouve". - [Safiya] "mouve"? I think "mouve" is acceptable. - [Tyler] Yeah So once we had blended our polishes it was time to mix in every powder They had also. Alright, so we've been left to our own devices -So should we put the shimmer in? -Now in total ORLY has nine different shimmer powders a blue metallic. -Ooh - That looked like a firework! - As well as a pink red gold - let's go for the gold. White pearl, silver, bronze, blue pearl, and purple pearl. - [Cristine] ready, aim, fire! Was like a deep mixing sound "Rrraahh" - Like a cat in heat. Our formula was definitely shaping up to be on the thicker side. - [Cristine] Sounds like I'm at the dentist But it was looking pretty nice That looks really pretty actually it kind of like lightened the color a little bit - [Cristine] It gives it like a kind of a silvery shimmer. - [Safiya] Yeah, shall we fill a bottle? - So we folded our cup to make a lip. - Why does this make me nervous? - And began pouring in our Franken Polish [Tyler] Oh, well you're making it in. - Which I'd say I did a passable job at. - Alright. I'm in. I got a little messy around the rim, but I'm in. I feel like a baby - Please help me! - So then we popped on our cap. - How did I end up down here? What am I still doing down here? - And our Franken ORLY came to life - [Safiya] Look at what we made together! - [Cristine] It's a monster! - [Safiya] My thighs are working - [Saf] This is a thigh workout right now. - [Cristine] My knees hurt! - [Saf] Listen, we are three day old bananas. We can't be like this. Oh wow yeah. - Unfortunately, though we were completely stuck when it came to a name for our shade. - [Saf] "Mauve" - [Cristine] "Mauve Over" - [Cristine] "You Mauve Me"! - [Saf] Maybe ORLY is on to something by making you name your shade first. - [Cristine] "Let's See a Mauvie" [Saf] "Let's See a Mauvie" - [Saf] "Mauver"? Like "mother"? - Because our ideas weren't getting any better. - [Saf] We're gonna think on this - [Cristine] "I Don't Mauve" - [Saf] "You Don't Mauve" like you don't know? - [Cristine] Yeah. It doesn't really work. All right, so we're gonna think on the name for this. Oh actually, maybe that's a good job for the audience - [Saf] Hey - [Tyler] Really natural. Really natural transition there So if you have any ideas for what you would name this mauvish color? - [Safiya] Let us know. Help us. - [Cristine] Comment down below. - [Safiya] Cause we had a good time mixing it, but now we're at a loss So with our work behind the bar complete we took our three newly minted polishes to one of their tables - So Cristine could put them on me and we could see what they looked like in action. - [Cristine] I'm gonna paint your nails finally - [Cristine] I'm painting your nails. - [Safiya] but you're gonna do more of that later - [Cristine] Or before depending on which video went up first - Yes, it was Christine's video hers came out like three months ago. - [Cristine] but in real life, I have never painted your nails yet - [Saf] No. - [Cristine] What is wrong with us? There's something wrong with our relationship! [Safiya] There definitely - there are many things wrong with our relationship. Just schmash it again. Yep [Cristine] SCHMASH DAT MOTHERF*CKING LIKE BUTTON - [Cristine] Okay, so we're gonna use the peel off base coat - [Saf] this is Cristine's "secret" peel off base coat - [Cristine] No, but actually - [Saf] oh, wow. It is literally called "Secret Peel Off Base Coat". Wow I called that This product was actually very recently released, but at the time of filming, it was a prototype. I'm the guinea pig here or More like the human, because you know cruelty free [Cristine] Yeah, we don't test on animals we test on Safiya So once the base coat was dry, it was time to apply our polishes! "Benana" first Oooh ahhh! Followed by "Here for the Teal" and then "Untitled Mauve". It's like the Untitled Goose Game, but nail polish. Oh, I love that one I mean, I like both of ours but I think I actually like our Franken one the best and even with just one coat I can see the shimmer - [Cristine] because [Cristine] There was a lot of shimmer relative to - [Saf] There was a lot of it and Cristine gave me a couple coats of each to get them nice and opaque - [Cristine] All right. Now all we need is a glossy taco. - [Saf] I wonder who has one of those? Well, not officially But there's a secret one! - This product is also already out. - [Cristine] It's a secret glossy taco. - [Safiya] It's not a secret anymore It really isn't a secret anymore. But regardless it was applied to my nails. - [Cristine] Ooh yes, she gone dry quickly - [Saf] and with that my tricolor custom manicure was complete - [Cristine] I like the spirit of this actually. - [Saf] Yeah! - [Cristine] In a strange way these three colors kind of worked They did sort of come together into a muted summery beach umbrella kind of way Does that make any sense? Kind of like a sparkly beach umbrella. Surprisingly, the one that seems these sparkliest to me is the middle finger closely followed by our - Franken polish and Ben, though I know there is sparkle in him is more of a cream. - [Cristine] He's a hidden gem. - [Saf] Yeah He's a diamond in the rough Personally no offense to Ben or to Tea channels I think that the star of the show was our franken polish - both because it seemed like a pretty Universally flattering shade, and also because the amount of different shimmer that's in there makes it kind of multi-dimensional feeling But I do enjoy the unique Andy Warhol vibes of the "Benana" color as well as the cool sea green Scaffolding shade which I'm actually very excited to wear. I think they look great. Actually, I'm pleased. How do you feel? [Cristine] I think they look good - [Cristine]I think I also did a good job painting them. - [Saf] Cristine - - [Cristine] Just wanted to point that out. - [Saf] Cristine did a great job painting them That was not the point of the video but Cristine did a good job painting them. - [Cristine] But you have to demo the product. - [Saf] Overall, I had a lot of fun at the color lab besides the chance to wreak small amount of havoc. Sorry - [Saf] This is your store. We should be letting you do this. - [Cristine] I'm just gonna go to the back [Cristine] I'm just finding your washroom I think it's a great opportunity for people to perfect their favorite nail polish shade or maybe even make a custom color to match your Favorite lipstick or phone case or cat? For example? He's like a shark! And though we sort of teased it The iPad situation was actually kind of useful because even though the images are more Philosophical it does get the creative juices flowing and help you think of colors You might not have even considered. Like I never thought I would want scaffolding on my fingers But here we are and I'm not sure that Ben ever thought that his predilection for Bananas would be immortalized as a nail polish, but here he is Thank you guys so much for watching And once again a thank you to Cristine for coming with us to make some custom nail polishes Thank you for inviting me Also a big thank you to the ORLY color lab for letting us film there and not kicking us out which they definitely could have done. If you liked that video make sure to "schmash" that like button and if you want to see more videos like this make sure to - [Cristine] "schmash" - [Saf] that subscribe button. - [Cristine] Shout out to "Hahaha", thanks for watching, "Hahaha". [Saf & Cristine] and we'll see you guys a-next time! - [Saf] Yeah exactly. Yeah, that's perfect That's actually - you've nailed it. You've absolutely nailed it. You've "nailed it"
Channel: undefined
Views: 10,425,656
Rating: 4.9396071 out of 5
Keywords: mixing custom nail polish colors, making custom nail polish, custom nail polish, nail polish, custom, orly, safiya, cristine, orly color lab, frankenpolish, bad makeup science, simply nailogical, glitter, shimmer, safiya cristine collab, wedding nails, safiya nygaard, safia, safiya and tyler
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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