I Tried A Custom Lipstick Printer

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Like she said if it had a CYMB cartridge system it would be a lot better and give you literally infinite options.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 502 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Tulle_Tulips ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 13 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

So basically it doesnโ€™t work lol

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 272 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/dcr108 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 13 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I saw Tina Yong try a different lipstick mixing product on her channel and all I could think of was how much better it was than this weird overpriced product.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 75 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/dinadii ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 13 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Man, this is very much in line with every other video I've seen on this thing.

I do wonder why they decided to do this extremely clunky system of three cartridges for each color story that you have to change out to even see results. Was it just not feasible to include a more versatile range and keep it the same size? I do imagine you'd need wayyyyy more pink/red/nude than anything else, because they're not wrong that that's what people wear. So if you did CYMK, the magenta and yellow would have to be huge compared to everything else... but honestly they could've troubleshot that. They could've had four slots and made the cyan and black much smaller, and just made it possible to buy the refills individually.

It's a cool idea, but IMO the ~color universe~ cartridge system means it won't actually catch on and will stay firmly in the category of extremely expensive gimmick.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 168 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ediblesprysky ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 13 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

At this price, they really should have done CMYK? Also I love the term โ€œunauthorized waterpik-ingโ€ lol

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 131 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/JunkInTheTrunk ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 13 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

even adding white and black would expand the options so much

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 35 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/LadyKT ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 13 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Robert welsh did a review and said it needed more colors like blue, grey, black and white to really make custom colors

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 91 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/LeeSalamander ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 13 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

As soon as I saw the cartridges, I knew this was going to be a miss. How are you supposed to get a light shade without a white cartridge? How are you supposed to get different tones without a blue or a yellow? None of the cartridges are particularly dark, so youโ€™re not going to get a rich darker shade. The fact that you canโ€™t even mix the cartridges from different packs means youโ€™re super limited in the colors you can create, and she ran into that problem again and again.

I think that the concept is nice, since it automatically dispenses the correct proportion of each color, unlike the custom lip pallet she tried years back, where you have to do it by eye each time, but this version is very much lacking in customization of color.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 28 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/gibsongal ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 14 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I'm watching it just now and the fact that you can't even mix and match with the sets is just a no for me, nevermind the lack of CMYK renders it a bit pointless. I'm disappointed for her.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 21 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/carpelibris ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 13 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
foreign s and welcome to another video this week I'm gonna be testing out a smart at-home custom lipstick printer yes it's the future times baby and we're all just along for the ride so as some of you guys might know I am a lipstick feed and in my time on the internet I've created some custom lipstick colors here's Brucie melted hundreds upon hundreds of lipsticks together to make Franken lipsticks this further confirms that I am the Augustus Loop of lipstick and even made some lipsticks from scratch crafting a wide spectrum of colors from the blue-green Brucie to the midpoint shade of all lipsticks Berry me and lipsticks I mean even our merch is about my unhealthy obsession with lipstick melting was that a smooth product placement no okay moving on and besides being a dirty dirty lipstick lover I am also very interested in innovative Beauty gadgets and Technology because even though new and better product formulations and new colors are always great I am interested to see how technological advancements can change the way beauty consumers interact with products this is the HairMax and it uses lasers to stimulate hair growth seriously my head's getting pretty warm right now so over the past few years we've tested out a lot of customized Beauty gadgets and printers and apps you're doing great thank you I'm sorry I called you evil Siri evil Siri to varying degrees of success but what you guys probably don't know is that there's been a whole host of other Beauty inventions that I've seen online and then tried to get only to find out that they don't really exist yet and even after years of waiting are still yet to hit the market I'm looking at you smart hairbrush so this device that we'll be testing out today and I don't speak French so don't come for me the YSL Rouge custom lipstick printer is a device that I've had my beady little eyes on since January 2020 when L'Oreal introduced it at the CES conference as the L'Oreal perso a small handheld makeup printer that could spurt out custom lipstick colors as well as perfectly matched foundation and customized skincare formulations and since then I've waited and waited and waited and then in early 2021 I saw that YSL a subsidiary of L'Oreal was coming out with a slightly paired down but much more Glam version of the perso machine and I thought this is it finally so I put myself on the mailing list and settled in for some more waiting and then lo and behold like a month ago I see that a bunch of people on tiktok already have their YSL lipstick printers and are happily printing their own lipstick colors to their hearts content what no one told me it was coming out so I rushed over to the YSL website and snagged one and now I'm like the last person on the internet to be reviewing this thing even though I tried to be early but after two years I do finally have this thing in my hands actually in my panic I bought two of them so I'm gonna be doing a subscriber giveaway for the second one so if you're interested make sure you're subscribed and then check the description box below for more details and with that let's test this thing out all right so here is the machine and also the things that go into the machine the cartridges the ink cartridges for my lipstick printer here it comes it's very slow and dramatic yeah there we go that looks luxury so the way this thing works is that there's like a machine body and then also a detachable head please sir Madame monsieur oh that has three little holes for the ink to come out of and by ink I mean lipstick all right so I'm gonna attach the head to the body recapitate if you will okay or I guess capitate oh my God it's magnetic oh yeah okay all right then I have to attach the magnetized lip brush to the back of the device what are your hobbies magnets oh wow oh my God it's a weapon yeah ready deploy the lipstick and then once everything is magneted together oh I thought it would be more like fully magnetized it's just a little dongle you basically have to download the corresponding app ah here we go lipstick as you don't know it an Infinity of Shades to wear you can create over a thousand different shades with a single cartridge bundle fetching device oh yeah I'm pairing it's pairing me haha and then you have to load up one of the cartridge color sets oh all right so they want me to pick a color set right now which one should we start with I kind of thought that we would like choose a color and then it would tell us which like things to put into yeah I kind of thought so too and they have four of those the red set the orange set the pink set and the nude set [Music] oh damn okay here's Barbie pink boom Oh that was smooth yeah this is very satisfying and the idea behind the color sets is that the machine will Dole out different proportions of the three lipsticks to create different colors it's like you're loading a tranquilizer gun yeah a little bit you're trying to take down uh T-Rex you can't cause and match the color sets at least not yet so you kind of have to just go for one I personally would have loved to see more of like a CMYK color scheme like a real printer has and you can just get every color ever that's what I want but for now this is what we got haha so my app has automatically detected the pink cartridge set and after calibrating our cartridges sounds like a horde of bees descending upon us oh ketchupy wow that just squirted out we were pretty much ready to Dive Right In And there are a few different features that the machine has one of which is just you pick a custom color from their shade wheel to print yeah oh my God and it applies the lipstick to me oh my God this is wild oh oh Tyler this is so weird another one which is a shade stylist that will try and create a lipstick color that will complement your look so it's like what color would go best with your outfit oh these shades are not that bad they're kind of they're kind of good and the third which is the one I was the most interested in is a shade matching feature where you can take a photo of any item you like eyedropper tool a color from that photo and then turn that into a lipstick so let's do that I know this seems really early for things to go wrong but this is where things went wrong for us oh okay it says no match found uh-oh we had thought up a few different tests we had wanted to put the machine through okay it's searching for a shade match no oh no both inside and outside we're gone to see what colors we could successfully turn into lipsticks no I can call her too and we filmed them all and almost all of them ended up failing dab you YSL they said that during the day the shade matching would be better but it's off it's worse and it wasn't until the very end that I realized we had been using the machine kind of wrong can I match my lips to this Berry no it's hard to explain exactly but basically I would boil our problem down to we didn't change the cartridges enough let me just try something okay because say for example you're trying to match a red color if you don't have the machine on and the red cartridges in the machine will tell you there is no match for that color even if there actually is a match in the red Family come on come on oh did I know for you dog no match found wow it will suggest a red color on this screen but it will only say match found if the correct cartridges are in and we found this out after about six hours of filming oh okay I figured it out wow I feel stupid now so with some new knowledge in hand we decided to just start this video over from the beginning back into the breach dear friends once more go through all of the features like print a custom lip color from their color wheel yeah like that could be good I like the look of that see what kind of shade they would recommend for my outfit in the shade stylist one pin two pin yes perfect and then go out and fulfill my dreams of being able to go outside take a photo of something and then make a lipstick out of it so for our first test of printing something from the color wheel I decided to pop in the oranges so we could go like super pale peachy Coral it looks a little deranged on me but you know we could or we could go over here and be kind of like a blood orange color aura over here and be kind of like a deep terracotta and I settled on kind of like an autumn leaf shade so I'm going to pull my cursor probably like right there maybe confirm and then let's create it shall we here it goes oh and it is just one of the colors a couple of other times in this video but there is this slightly disappointing phenomenon where sometimes the machine will just print out one of its base cartridge colors that's okay I think it'll be a good color it just doesn't feel very custom no you could say this one is my fault because I chose this color from the wheel that's good orange but it is a bit of a downer I kind of messed up on the application I over humped a little bit a little overwhelmed though I would say that this is a pretty good match to the little circle and also to the AR Tryon and the lipstick formula feels pretty nice and smooth there's just a small matter of the overhump but overall I like this color so autumn leaf a check and use case confirmed it's like little prairie dogs see whack-a-mole Vibes for sure now our second inside test was the shade stylist feature I picked this fiendish Behavior merch t-shirt to wear today because there's like um some pink slash purple in there so it's not just a black shirt yes because I have a lot of those and I'm gonna pick the pink cartridges because I feel like those will complement my shirt the most that might sound like I'm leading The Stylist a little bit but I was worried if I didn't it would fail again confirm alright so it's given me essentially four recommended Shades two shades that match my outfit and two shades that Clash my outfit they gave us like a blood pink a kind of magenta color a very light pink and then like a nudie color I like this one but I like this one even better kind of like a very deep deep berry look I like it mmm that's pretty custom multiple colors I I love when I see multiple squirts in varying proportions I think this color turned out pretty well uh we likey likey likey I overhump again maybe it did end up a bit lighter than the original AR lens had it looking what do you think Ty does it suit me and and my shirt but I think we agreed that it did pair quite well with my outfit I think it does actually complement pretty well yeah me so overall not a bad shade recommendation from YSL all right so with those two features under our belt now we can get into the shade matching so since YSL said that natural light is best we decided to take our printer out into the Wilds of Raleigh to try and find one IRL object to turn into a lipstick using each of our four color sets starting with red Craft Center we have returned they're like damn it I can't get rid of them right which brought us back to the NC State Craft Center of big mama blowtorch Fame okay so I had this idea the other day when we were here taking pickups at the outside that perhaps we should try and match a lipstick to the icon Sonic NC State red color that's on all of their signs logos branding everything wolf pack red oh yeah is what I'm gonna call it yeah Wolfpack red it's probably already called that yeah it's this color name yeah that's what it's called yeah I came up with that actually so to rectify our mistakes from last time we made sure the red cartridges were in and the Machine was on I guess we could have tried earn burgundy right I didn't really think about it no let's go wolf pack red okay yeah if wolf pack red fails we can go to earn burgundy I'm earn burgundy and then we took a photo of our beloved sign to drop her look at that sign look at that sign look at that that's a nice red that is a nice red I feel like they could match that I hope wolf pack red has been identified that looks good I'm pleased I'm very pleased I'm feeling a lot of school spirit here yeah all right let's go sit down and make it okay yeah let's do it here it comes let it rip now wolf pack red ended up being just one of their base colors no yes how dare they say that it's so much more which is always a little disappointing but the color was nice and vibrant very blood red it's giving me all Morticia Vibes The Vampire Diaries I guess wolves and vampires are enemies but you know what I mean yeah Team Jacob team Robert you mean Edward whatever and it seemed like the match ended up being pretty good what do you think it looks good so overall not bad I even kind of matched that sign too what me design although I would say that the actual lipstick is a little bit of a better match than the virtual one don't make me tell people this is the Craft Center don't make me do it I won't do it oh you are the sign now now for our nude test I decided to take a few steps to the left to take a picture of the brick wall and make some kind of bricky nude color see I feel like that could work I mean I hope they don't just print out this exact color but it's kind of Ricky they tend to do that don't don't say that with an earshot of the machine don't give it any ideas it'll spite us it seems promising all right let's find a good brick hmm that's not bad all right shall we try yeah let's do it confirm shade found shade bound boom it looks nice I'm trying to like have the brick in the background but then it washes my face out a lot I I am the brick house I am the brick house or rather the brick Craft Center all right let's try it I gotta probably sit down to Creator yes I have to wipe this off yeah all right let's go to this ledge all right crab walk and for this one we ended up with a color that had multiple squirts involved so yay all right ready I'm gonna mix it up and once we mixed it it came out looking like a pretty good color match yeah that looks pretty bricky not bad not really a lot like the AR thing but pretty close to the brick my brick lady do I rule NC State University with a brick fist I think it's pretty good what do you think I like it I think it's a little pink okay but it's not a bad color yeah it's like a it's like a take on brick yeah all right I'm gonna now stand next to the brick and compare my face to it so with multiple potential lipsticks made that I could use to camouflage myself around NC State it was time for our next test the orange one which we took off campus all right so when brainstorming a possible orange color that we could find out in nature or outside I was thinking what about like construction zone barriers not quite traffic codes but you know a lot of stuff around construction sites are orange so we scooted over to a nearby construction zone okay there's the crane there's the construction and we are approaching remember um our custom nail polish we made back in the day scolding blue so I I can try and mess around all right ready yes let's see pound that's a good color now though our machine did say shade found I wasn't a hundred percent convinced we were gonna be able to get a color quite that fluorescent I just cook it up and my suspicions seem to be confirmed with our first printing is that orange I think that could be orange why does it look so pink it does look pink you're right which I think had actually gotten slightly cross-contaminated from all of our testing is this right not orange enough for you it's very red all right well you want to try to just I want to try and print it one more time print it one more time yeah and though the second printing seemed more right I feel like that looks better I think it looks better I still wasn't convinced that this was construction zone Orange it's better it's still a little peachier but it's more orange for sure I was kind of willing to let YSL just kind of like Get Away with one what do you think yeah I like it do I look like I could direct traffic with my face but when I actually went to compare the colors were pretty close I think it kind of matches me too yeah honestly on the camera my skin is so pale that I look like both of these colors together I think it's pretty good it's the construction in the background then constructing entire building me struggling to make a single lipstick now for our final test okay where are we going here Sophia we needed the pink and my first instinct was to go for flowers but since it's winter most of them were dead but we did see this one singular dying flower bush that still had a couple of flowers on it yesterday so hopefully they're still a single petal left for us to color match it's still there's still a single one alive yeah that one it's not super alive but if not there's also some graffiti that says local cops that is pink nearby I think that's like a local popsicle company two good options for tape now I was pretty happy with the droppers we found on these mostly dead flowers that looks pretty nice very nice confirm please but I think the colors were just too pale and cool toned for the printer so there was no match the closest suggestion is not that close either see do you see how like a fuchsia e this color is yeah no no no no no no no all right let me try another part of the flower and I couldn't find a match anywhere I think it's too big yeah even in like the shadowy corners no okay all right here's a robust now I had slightly better luck with the Loco pop sign oh okay I have a close match found okay what do you think about that however I couldn't get over that close match hump I just I want that Rush of match found you know okay same thing close match found in fact I can't tell if they're changing up the close match or if it's all just the same so we settled for whatever color this is yeah I can see it yeah close match oh that's pink that's a fun color it's a good color now I know that this wasn't supposed to be a perfect match and it definitely was not the same as what the AR filter had shown us okay am I Loco for Loco pops but because of like the gradient of the graffiti come in and squat swing in it's not way off I actually think I blended into the wall quite well there are parts of it like right here that might be where I I went but that was pretty good then maybe maybe I like it so we weren't a perfect four out of four but I'll take 3.5 a pretty successful outside Excursion for for us and our lipstick maker I'm proud of the YSL printer now though we came a long way from absolute fail to like moderate success with this YSL printer there are some shortcomings with it besides things like the cross-contamination in the machine I'm not going to do any unauthorized water picking of this machine right it feels like he could use it and how often it seems a color match just ends up being one of their base cartridge Colors oh it's just they're it's it's just that one they are pretty Limited in the shades they can make even in the families they have they can't really make anything Dusty like our Frank and phora color all right I'm searching for another shade match and no match found okay and they also can't really make any super light colors like this hollow Taco shade like this is the lightest pink they can make it's not really giving me the Vibes that the nail polish gives me this is a little more salmon Barbie but overall I had a lot of fun with the YSL printer dude this is so great now that I know how to use this machine the price point is very high and it doesn't feel like something people need and I would like to see them try to maybe add more shade possibilities and or make a more affordable version but I do have to give them some props for actually coming out with this thing friendship renewed friendship friendship renewed yes right yes and now I have my eyes on a fair amount of things that I want to make lipsticks out of okay let's try the Earth [Laughter] we're coming for you earn burgundy thank you guys so much for watching if you liked that video make sure to smash that like button and if you want to see more videos like this make sure to smash that subscribe button here is my Instagram here is my Tick Tock here's my YouTube shorts Channel and here is our live streaming Channel also if you're interested in this bad boy make sure you're subscribed leave a comment down below and then fill out the Google form in the description that's the first time I've said Google successfully and with that I will see you guys next time
Channel: Safiya Nygaard
Views: 4,144,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i tried a custom lipstick printer, YSL rouge sur mesure, custom lipstick, beauty gadget, gadget, safiya lipstick, frankenlipstick, loreal, loreal perso, CES beauty, CES, makeup printer, safiya nygaard, sofia, safia, sophia, lipstick, safiya and tyler, safiya shorts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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