We're Getting Married

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I love how much thought he put into the ring, it’s just so fitting for her!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 745 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/talldrankofH2O πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

And in the comments, ppl are asking her if she is pregnant ... will they ever learn that this is not an appropriate questions to ask EVER?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 353 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/let_them_drink_latte πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

That is so great! They honestly seem like the perfect couple to me.

Saf's comment under the video made me sad tho ( "edit: also no, i am not pregnant! if i look heavier it is because of stress, lol.ο»Ώ") It's so sad to assume people are only getting married when the woman's pregnant. Can people pleaaaaaaaase stop speculating pregnancies and asking fertility questions. It's so rude.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1358 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/germaniumest πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

that ring is so her omg :')

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 519 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was a cute proposal, knowing that it’s a frequent filming spot and the spot of their first date. Also it was very well executed to catch her by surprise.

(And I was very impressed by how nice the ring is, personally I have a strong dislike of pure black diamonds but the natural smokey stone was very pretty.)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 727 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/vagueconfusion πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I cried. I’m so happy for them!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 478 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/roryn58 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I gasped when I saw the vid and literally cried when I watched it. It was sweet, sincere and really-heartwarming. Tyler's attention to detail is everything! So happy for them both 😊

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 182 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/savageexplosive πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh my god I'm so happy for them 😭

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 73 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fuzzytwinkies πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Title is pretty self explanatory. :) A long time coming for these two having been together and inseparable for 4 years. CONGRATS!!!!

ETA: just because the comments are probs coming - she mentioned in the comment section that she is not pregnant, just stressed. (I really wish people would just stop speculating about things like these whenever someone gains a bit of weight or is bloated.)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 286 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/offbeatandontrack πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
[amazing music] Hello friends! And welcome to another video. Today, I'm going to be taking over the channel and I guess, hopefully getting engaged. I guess we'll all find out in a few minutes... as of now, I still don't know. So as you guys may or may not know, Safiya and I have been dating for like over 4 years. and since then, we've done a lot of stuff. We've seen each other through career changes, we've traveled the world together, we've adopted and taken care of a dumpster cat together. Hey buddy. [cat makes smacking noises] And for the last couple of years, we've worked pretty much non-stop on this channel together. So we spend a lot of time together. When I say 4 years, I mean like, literally 4 years. And because we're always together, it's gonna be like, really hard to surprise her. So I'm going to have to film this video in chunks, probably while she's at yoga. That's like the one activity that she does that I don't like to do. It's just so hot. Now I think since pretty early on, it always felt like we were gonna be together forever, sort of like we were already married. Saf: Oh my god, leave me alone. Tyler: I'm bitter. And although we've been talking about getting actually married for a while now, I guess the only reason why we're not yet is because when we started dating when we were kinda young, but now we're less young, so it seems like a good time. and I don't know, I just really want to marry her. So, I'm gonna ask. Full disclosure, I am a little nervous, but I'm not planning on using something like a jumbotron, so I think I'll be okay. [crowd booing] But as for how I am gonna propose, we'll get to that in a second. For step one of this plan, I needed a ring. So as you guys may also know, Safiya sort of thinks that she's a bat. I know, this is the woman I'm marrying, or at least trying to marry. But with that in mind, I thought it'd be cool to get a black engagement ring to kinda go with her whole motif. Presumably she'll be wearing it a lot, she'll be wearing black a lot, it'll be good! After doing some research, These like really black diamonds are actually treated to get this black. But there are these natural black diamonds that are more like a smoky grey that I think are pretty awesome. So I scoured a few jewelry stores in LA, as well as many online stores looking for natural black diamonds, and after finding several pretty good options, some with extra diamonds around them, some with little skirts, I finally found one that I really liked, and I ordered it Here it is. Safiya does not know we have this right now. I've been hiding this in a random mailbox the last couple of days. And the delivery guy came when we were working, so I had to play this off as though it was a box from Urban Outfitters. I'm not sure Safiya bought it, but we order a lot of stuff from Urban Outfitters. Tyler: Oh, yeah. - Oh, that's awesome. Okay. So here it is. I think it definitely captures that bat vibe that I wanted, though it leans kind of Eye of Sauron-y, which was unintentional, but kind of welcomed. Yeah, that's awesome. This is exactly what I wanted. Let's see if it fits me. I have chubbier fingers. Okay, so it's like... At my knuckle. I could wear it. So I think it looks great, and I think she's gonna love it. So now let's move on to how I'm gonna do it. Down and... [box clicks shut] away. Well that's a nice click. One more time... [click] good noise. Okay, so as I said, it's gonna be kind of hard to do this as a surprise because of aforementioned being together a lot. But, I think I have an idea. Now oftentimes, maybe once a month-ish, Saf and I will go to Disneyland. Usually at night after editing all day or uploading a video. So I was thinking, I could just sort of offer up the idea of going to Disneyland tonight, and while we're there, I could propose. And Disneyland is actually kind of a great place because in addition to us going there a lot, it's also sort of the location of our first "date." More like the "unofficial-before-we-were-dating" date. It's actually kind of a point of contention because Safiya complains that I didn't "make a move" on said not-real-date. - There were many opportunities and he did not take them and then when he dropped me off at home afterwards I was waiting for him to lean in for the kiss and he didn't, and I was like, mildly offended. - I was sort of looking at it like a transitional date. Like moving from friendship to courtship. But since then it's kind of become our go-to date spot. And we often film wearing ugly clothing items there. So within Disneyland, our key destination is the Snow White Wishing Well. Which we go to, throw coins into, make a wish, etc., etc., every time we visit. We came here the first time that we were on our first "date" but also Saf, you always come here, right? - So I'm thinking that's the money spot. Now the next question is, I'm thinking it would be fun to film it and share it with you guys. So we have to get a camera down there and someone else there to film it happening from afar. Unfortunately, we're not currently filming something that would justify me like bringing a camera there. And definitely not another person. So if I did either of those things, it'd be a pretty big tell. So I'm gonna have our editors Emily, who you've seen drop a rock before, And Claire, who's also in that video for a brief moment, take one of our cameras down to Disneyland before us and be waiting strategically by the well so that they can jump out at the right moment. Alright, so I'll see you guys in a few hours? Alright, so that's the plan. I guess Saf is probably gonna be home soon, I don't have a watch. So I'm gonna go re-hide this ring. [box clicks] I think we're gonna be working for a few more hours and then we'll see if Safiya wants to go to Disneyland. She usually does. So I guess this is probably happening tonight. What do you think? Pretty good, right? Would you say yes, Crust? Ah c'mon, you'd say yes. Bring it around town! He thinks it's a snack. Okay, so this is happening. We are going to Disney. Pretty sure Claire and Emily are down there waiting for us, I'm gonna text them in a second. But this is not a drill. This is happening, so... I'm really excited. Emily: Alright so we're here at Disney... We are going to go to the secret hiding spot? - Secret filming location? - Secret filming location. - Yeah, that sounds less sketchy. - Okay, so we just got to Disneyland. Safiya is in the bathroom. We have to head in the direction of the castle and the well so we can sync up with Emily and Claire. And I just texted Emily, told her I was nervous. I am a little bit nervous. I have to be careful not to telegraph anything to Safiya. I almost told her on the tram that I was nervous, which would have been obvious. But I didn't. And I don't think she suspects anything, so we're about to find out very soon if this was a good idea or not. Fingers crossed. Hey, Saf. - Yeah? - Do you wanna close your eyes and do the flippy thing? Alright, you go first. Hey, Safiya. So we always talk about Team Tysaf and Team Safty. And they're always in this together forever. But I just wanted to see, do you wanna... make that official? Will you marry me? Are you crying? [people clapping and cheering] Do you like it? I got it, it's like smoky and dark. Left hand, okay. I gotta get used to these things. Yeah? That's pretty good! (Safiya sobbing happily) - No, it looks pretty good still. - Okay. - The guy at security totally saw the ring so I had to hide it from him. Hey, guys. Here, gimme a high five. Did we get it, do you think? - I feel really weird. - Okay, so Saf said yes. - I did. - There. - Yes. - On the finger. - Did you like the quick hand up? - That was pretty good, yeah. I put that there. - Congratulations. - Thank you. (both laughing) Okay, so were you surprised? - I can't say I didn't suspect ANYTHING. - Right. Fair - In all of the days and weeks leading up to it. - I'm not that discrete. (both chuckling) - But I will say that I was definitely overwhelmed with emotion. - You cried. - I cried a lot. - A fair amount, yes. - I didn't expect to be such a crier. - Yeah, it wasn't too much crying. I think it was the right amount of crying. - We did cut some crying. - We did, w-we had to. - There were some squawks. But I me- like in the moment they were cute. - Is this normal? - I have no idea. It's a good cry though, right? It's a good cry. So did you like my speech? I was rehearsing that in my head, I was thinking... That's why I wasn't talking on the way over here. I was nervous. My original plan was I was gonna end the speech with, "Will you marry this dingus?" I don't know why. On the tram I was like, "Oh, I got the best final line." But then you were crying and I just forgot to say it. I wanted to be like, "Are we gonna get married?" - I mean, I think that I would have said yes even if you said, "Will you marry this dingus?" - Oh, that might have reversed it. - Oh, no, no no. - You would've been like, "Let me think for a second here." - I might have had to do a loop around the well and come back. - Okay. Let's think about it. Alright, so... Here's the big question. Well, I mean, it's another question. - This is the big question? - This is a video full of big questions. Did you like the ring? DO you like the ring? - I LOVE it. -Yeah? - I think it's awesome. - You wanna give me a little high five for the ring choice? There you go! For anyone in the comments: she likes the ring! - It does kind of look like the Eye of Sauron, which I'm like very pleased about. But it also looks like... the dark grey version of Elle Woods' engagement ring, seen in Legally Blonde 2. I'm just worried that I'm gonna lose it. - I'm really worried that you're gonna lose it. - Yeah, just because I feel like I don't usually wear a lot of jewelry. And I just feel like I could easily put it down and then... 10 minutes later, be like... BAAAAAAH! So I'm just gonna have to be REALLY careful. I also like that after the proposal, you tried to film me and the ring in various locations for no reason. - I'm trying to get a shot of you and the... The background, it's cool. I don't know, maybe show the ring? Yeeeeeah! Sparkly! It was an action shot! I'm already evolving into the video cam dad. I was just like, "Let me film it! It's on your finger! Let me film it!" - That's Tyler's final form. - Yeah, that's coming. Because all of that footage - we looked at it - is completely unusable. - I think I sort of sealed my own fate there when I just... initially gave you the camera. - Oh. I thought you were gonna say you sealed your face when you said yes. - Oh! Fair enough. - So, that's kind of our announcement. - Yes! We haven't set a date yet or anything, we've sort of talked about it. I think we're shooting for late next year. And we're probably gonna do a couple of videos about it. - Right. - We're not gonna turn into a wedding channel necessarily. - No. - And by "necessarily," I mean we're not going to. But we are going to make some videos as the content appears. Also I just wanted to slide this in here. We do film a lot of our videos out of order, so if you see me not wearing my ring, it's probably just because we filmed that before this. - Yes. - I also do though have an irrational fear of dropping this into a steaming vat of lipsticks. So I might also not choose to wear my ring in strategic videos going forward. So if you don't see me wearing it... It's not a big deal. Is it okay if I don't wear it? - Yeah! I don't want you to lose it into a vat of lipstick! - Okay! So... I think that's it. - Yes. - Tyler's abdicated all responsibility. - I'm just taking this outro off. - He's like, "I did my thing, and now I'm just gonna chill." Thank you guys so much for watching. If you liked that video... Should we ask them to shmash that like button? I feel like that might be a little shameless. - Hey, it'd be nice! Why not? Like away! I don't know! - And if you want to see more videos not necessarily like this, make sure to shmash that subscribe button. - You can only really do it one time. - Ideally. - Yes. Alright, well... we're engaged now! That was the Tyler takeover. And I guess we'll see you guys a-next time! - Yes. Alright, sorry- (stammering) I'm excited to film! - Okay, fine. I'm not going to. I am like dad home videoing it right now. - I'm like... "smile!" - You said yes!
Channel: Safiya Nygaard
Views: 13,553,447
Rating: 4.9903374 out of 5
Keywords: we're getting married, proposal vlog, safiya and tyler proposal, safiya and tyler married, safiya and tyler, safiya nygaard, tyler williams, safiya, safiya vlog, tyler vlog, safiya and tyler wedding, married, wedding, proposal video, proposal
Id: khOUvmOQExc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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