Mystery Car Found 45’ Underwater in River While Scuba Diving

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you know this is an episode you're not gonna wanna miss I've never had a car take two days to actually get out before this one was a feast quite a story a lot of stuff inside fact we still don't even know what kind of car it is so stay tuned we're not gonna want to miss this episode you gotta go like this watch like oh hi today's episode is sponsored by OTS we use these full face helmets to stay safe katkat today's episode sponsor is pair lens look on that side that's their logo Carolyn has dive cameras do you know how to eat these things will go don't quote me on that I've been using for over a year I should like have this stuff memorized by now incredible sponsors of ours they've actually I think they're one of our oldest sponsors on this channel most really cool is it actually records your depth and the time I'm sorry that the depth and the temperature and with that depth and temperature you can set it to Celsius or Fahrenheit you can set your depth 2 meters and or feet it's a pretty cool small minutes it's just it's just a book bomb or bulletproof you can drop these you can yeah they're pretty solid so check out that little information on the side of the screen in our underwater footage check out the link in the description below and back to the video with today's mission a little dangerous is that the most dangerous one we've done today because we're actually heading down 77 feet we got rain who's that overcast tell some of the other dangers that we've got today Scott so I think we're taking this with a lot more serious today because the fact that we are going to just about 80 feet we have a limited amount of time 80 feet you know we've got about 20 minutes of no decompression time so we can't be hanging out down there for 18 minutes and then bolt them to the surface that's not a good plan we've got we've got a creek running there it's running freshwater a lot of silt so the visibility has gone from really crappy to really really crappy this area here as you know drops off with a cliff and there's logs and there's fishing line and cables and old logging here so that's one of my other concerns as you know coming up under bunch of logs or a fish or whatnot so I think the plan is I'm gonna go down in and clear the the wreck or the car it's a mazda 6 from all the the dangerous tables and and and fishing line in whatever and then i'm gonna shoot up a buoy marker and then you're gonna take it from there something good something bad [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] newsboys two cars say hey that looks like the Martin come new title of this one found family car with treasure chest inside we're gonna do that when the wrecker gets here huh the cable to that then that suckers gonna come out okay right now the car is facing up on its side right now the back is up a little bit higher I'll hook on to this one you go down and hook on this one I'll inflate this one once I'd know that uh get out of the way and done then I'll come over and start monitoring that one and start inflating that one yeah I think two bags will do it today [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] how many bags are connected two bags is he filling them up you know one bag is probably half full and the other one is probably half full there's no idea what kind of car this [Applause] [Music] one more tank one more bag no really so we have a one and a half bag inflated right now I'm gonna take one more bag down it's kind of it like wedged into some logs which kind of pop out of there pretty violently hopefully yeah so I'm gonna head down with this one hook it up to the front crank it on they just come back up moving pray yeah do you know what type of car it is yet huh do you know what type of car it is oh no no idea what color is it do you know exactly okay alright where's the [Music] hold on he's gonna complain that I'm doing a mom shot let me get down there there you go oh I could tell by the intensity of your bubbles and the smell of gas said something's gonna happen here pretty shortly where's the car at the cars not coming up why it's not punching give me another bag whip we need another bag we need another take so I've never had this much problem getting the car out before Tatum knew we had the Cougar that had a log on top of it you know if we popped the back of it off but when you came up that log came shooting up - out of the water yeah right now we have roughly 4,000 pounds of lift down there we're going to take this one down there husky goes 5500 and then we'll pop off the other bag all right I thought processes I have a fresh tank yep I'm gonna head down with just a chain in fact go go and spill analyze where it's caught up at and what my best anchor point is gonna be good I'll get that attached come back for the bag and the tank perfect so I brought my four lifter thanks hey Liv thanks you know comes up with a chunk of a reef okay okay so we come right into a little weird situation whoo that hasn't happened yet this car is either so heavy and full of silt batter it's maybe tangled up in some ropes or fishing gear or logging equipment or something so we've actually run out of lift bags I've got this other 250 pounder here that Jarrod thinks might put us right over the edge Jared said he was able to actually get right out of the cars in a position where he can lift lift it up on end by hand but it's just not enough to get to float up right here Jared right [Applause] he's gonna follow the bubble we don't have a bottom marker right now but we're able to see where the car is based off those bubbles the visibility is literally this far at best so the bubbles are quite bright and shiny you can follow that bubble stream down and I'll get them to the bags and then you can find his way around the car I'm exhausted okay let's make the call let's not take multiple shots though let's bring that camera down so that way my mom shots and it's raining out here yeah but if you get down lower I'm not getting any lower Tatom get lower ah show everybody the beautiful landscaping over the rain seelix see doesn't that look a lot better than we're talking about the dangers of what's going on it does me being exhausted putting Scott in the water at this point making appropriate calls higher risk of me dropping camera to don't drop the camera all right well we have at this point is I'm like completely exhausted we've got our you look exhausted do you haven't even done anything okay we have Scott down in the water right now with that we have roughly 400 more pounds of air that we can put in these bags top them off see if that's actually going to lift it if not there is a local dive shop for Les Schwab do where we'll actually just end up getting an inner-tube suit we can float this it's teetering right now like it's just like it's right on the brink of being buoyant and floating but it's this is the heaviest car that we have ever done don't know what's inside the trunk is closed all the windows are sealed I'm excited to see what's inside we are going to get this thing because we've not this is car number 25 yeah and we have not failed yet and we're not gonna fell today so hang tight where you were gonna bring a car still are we coming up what's going on Wi-Fi the boat I found the other car but I didn't find the car well you you found the Toyota Corolla or the post I found a boat we need a boat what kind of boat I'm looking at blue hole that's right just take that the wooden boat Oh little little I don't know I got about halfway down and then the current is taking the bubbles of different directions and you're kind of trying to stay ahead of them and I really Mewtwo down line all right so the situation goes like this we've got a leak telling showed up we have no car oh yeah we do have a car I will have to do it we can do that for Doug tomorrow Doug's gonna come tomorrow oh you're not gonna be here Scot spelling on us he's got to go home because we have it like icy conditions up here in Oregon right now but that's not gonna stop Tam and I we are gonna double up on some of our lift bags for tomorrow come back and get this car rich it's going to be here and we're not gonna fell we are getting this time we're back for day two I've never had a car guys that has taken me two days to get out of the river a boat six days but never a car two days four bags and two failures well that's not me you know the other two guys we're with them yeah yeah really not a failure it's never a failure and like we actually give up so at this point today what we have is we have the car there's currently upside down kind of leaning in this direction like this dis direction like that we have a back here back here a back here in the back here maybe about two bags there anyway right now we have 6,000 pounds of lift on it I don't know why that car is not coming up I think is we have a car that weighs 6,000 pounds and we have five thousand 999 pounds of lift no be my guest so we had to come back for Day two luckily Scott here he's got some bags of his own and look at this we brought in mr. CIA himself he's undercover so we'll blur his face mr. Oh wheels we got to change the name also Dick Clark is a yes given name I know Richard this is you have a name oh I can't say any of that he's undercover chain him a couple things to listen first off I'm either called Jacques or laser that's all I'm also on the captain if there's an issue I'm gonna command you do something I want you to get on it quickly try my best [Music] glad you find it I didn't fart well judge bubbles right there what do you want to fool with well first of all we don't want to put at least one more bag on the front there okay well I'm angered so we can anchor this thing off or I won't drift doesn't think it's drifting yeah what I would like is that your bag that has the chain on it I want to take it back down real quick and attach it to another part of the axle up here do you know what car the card is I still have no idea hey the windows still intact I'm hoping so I mean should we just bloated it up okay I can only do what I can do man what's a good opinion thing I don't know joking if it's the one I thought it was I thought it would be like some sort of mercury or hey Jeb you still alive oh good if this your first time here let me tell you about elite towing these these guys come out on their own dime to help us out with all the cars we've been getting out of the rivers this is car number 25 today for us which make car number twenty one twenty two ish twenty-two for you guys we didn't put on those wheels oh we're good treasure of course you guys already know this Tracy okay Oh hidden compartment and there's mud always mud in the trunk you know what it is yet no I have no clue but it's the one I did see on the drone in Italy with all the bags up we should be able to lift it now you better not miss this shot Tatum which one the one where flips over [Music] junk in the trunk slight paint damage on this one yeah rub the carfax I bet you explain I see hey Nene hey thanks for coming out on your birthday yeah I can't think of a better way to spend your birthday yeah can't think of anything more fun to do I got your car you know I mean that makes perfect sense a bong in a gangster car yeah I would not to be judgmental all gangsters and blue cars have blue bombs all the habits works I have no idea why should I believe this the smoking apparatus goes here but you put your mouth on that it's gonna suck it up and go up and around and just go and there's Bywater there's so much weight inside of this car Tatum is that we just simply cannot the tow truck doesn't have enough juice so once we gets up on the deck the decks not going to be able to finish tilting up so as a result you know or don't know it ain't them who he have to actually call for your tow truck technically we need a bigger rig to pull something this heavy now as the way the truck is set up with a single line it's not meant to move this much weight however we're going to attach a snatch block to the end of the vehicle which will cut the weight down in half and it'll take our one line in the two lines and it'll allow us to move this vehicle a lot easier and more efficient you know and I'll leave a link to a smarter every day just did a YouTube video about snatch blocks and the way that these things work half-birthday be out here for another tatum hearing the way move yeah yeah then you're in the kill zone you're still in the kill zone [Music] [Applause] well I think what you just proved snatch blocks work Doug right not about how big the truck you guys about - how you drive it mechanics [Music] let's going maybe [Music] so I'm thinking if we drive get the car up so we can move the rig and up the level ground that will put the weight over more and be able to set the trailer or the bed down or turn and go down have to accept your wheel is way off the ground in it oh wow can you change the tires it's just too much weight really another truck a bigger steel deck you know what I we got Matt Moss here he's like incredibly smart he had a suggestion let them out out of the doors heard back in the water yeah won't take long to get rid of a thousand pounds if you can get the door open Tatum that's the worst spot for the wait we still don't know what's in the trunk we'd open the trunk oh yeah so would you like me to go pick up some lunch for you less weighty good we might be here a while yeah I'm thinking that we're at a stopping point yeah here we have to snatch block it off the truck now way too heavy for aluminum deck we got calling a bigger truck all right so we're just putting it back in the river like we're just done we're now walking away no hey think about how much money you guys are gonna get for this when it's so loaded it weighs a lot I know Brandon says you can drop them off with just packed full you get paid more no way no they're all melted down so it's not that the metal that recycling the dirt this put cars back in the river [Music] I think they actual just came off yeah I don't know how we're getting on the new track now Saturday [Music] class CD I think it would be a seed before that film that was on the windshield Yeah right here we've got mud over here we got more mud in here we got mud back here we've got mud basically where everybody we've got mud how much fun probably six to eight thousand pounds of mud and a quart of oil [Music] yeah [Music] hey you're they looked at her wheels up again up front your I'm walking away yeah we might have to get another tow truck to pull the tow truck out you don't have noticed quite a bit with the two operators here they do a lot of this when they're with me before they do a lot of this all right can we say that we are officially one isn't one you know no no no no not yet let's let's not say that yeah well I'm going to go ahead and say it and here's how we do it if you learn done so make sure to subscribe [Music]
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 376,158
Rating: 4.8828549 out of 5
Keywords: found car, found car in river, car in river, found car underwater, car underwater, scuba diving, river treasure, treasure chest, treasure chest found, treasure chest found underwater, best river treasure finds
Id: FFQP4eC4ehI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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