MISSING 4x4 Chevy LUV Pickup Truck Found Underwater in River

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Chevy LUV! If you want to see us get a Chevy LUV out of the river today you better watch this video, it's gonna be a good one Sam The Adventure Man, Sam disrupt you're trying to shoot his intro if he and he's messing up really excited that because we do have Sam Sam The Adventure Man back we've got John back Helping us out with camera as well as topside stuff I don't know who else is showing up today people are not supposed to be showing up because my wife said hey when you go to Portland don't let anybody else come because we're still in like Covid covid or whatever so we are going to be doing our best for social distancing right John? Of course. We just got done shooting like a little promo set up of like all the gear that we actually use we've got the lift bags we've got some extra chains and the way that we use them and if you buy a lift bag you actually get like a full training video of all of our gear that we use for lifting cars today's target we are back at the Tualatin river and with that John here if you want to hold this, we'll kind of give them a rundown as to what we have going on but over here underneath this tree that's hanging in the water we have a Mazda I think the windows are down on it I can't remember but would be crazy John we got a Mazda 6 yesterday that had a body in there what if we got another Mazda with another body like two for two so we'll check it out and we'll see what we got good like if all the windows are up on it 100% we're going for that Mazda but if they're down on it we can tell I have another game plan all right I've also been told that there's a van out here by some other divers who came after they saw the Corvette video as well as the rx-7 they dove this area they found the van only they never found any of the other cars over here. From there we have a Datsun pickup truck what year were the LUV trucks? 70s okay so we have a 70s love truck then we have an older Ford I think it's 150 or it's they had f100 so I think it might be an f100 that's really old then yeah and then right next to that is a Chevelle that I think we're gonna have to like pull that up in different pieces like that thing is like really really old wish us luck we're gonna suit up get in the water. Check, check, check audio check, all right I'm good to go Whew what am I forgetting? Something didn't feel right. Things are better now, Thank you so there's nothing in the seatbelt that we can feel at the moment We're feeling in the sunroof there. Side window is open We're going to check that out. Reaching in. There's nothing in the passenger seat, it's halfway full of silt and stuff. So we'll probably not get that one right now it looks like the back window and it's trunk is crumbled and opened let's check the back seat on this one, it's clear on the back. Let's give that one the all clear for now. We'll see how good Sam and Cory are today, alright cuz I did it get a little cold on that one without my thermals on so I'm going to take some time just hang out with you guys for a little bit, put my thermals on in the meantime we're gonna see if they can actually find the truck on their own, good luck-OH! I'm a better throw than i thought. The Datsun pickup, should be sitting here and with the LUV right next to it but it is almost like he's swimming around it like he knows he's on it. But we're gonna want to get the one that's closest in yeah like my clean yes with the other one yeah like here you know we had rx-7 then we had the Mazda then we had the Silverad. If he's not on it try coming this way about 30 feet which one did you find? There's a pickup truck with a bed no canopy older model pickup truck. So right next to it almost touching should be the LUV truck. Did you see the other one? Were they they small pickups or was it a regular sized pickup? It looks like a it looks like maybe a regular sized pickup but I I mean it's the VIS is pretty low so I couldn't see the one over the front of it. We might have new vehicles infront of it. That happens to us quite often we go in for a vehicle and we run into two or three more that we just didn't even know we're there - yeah the vis was too terrible like the silt is kicked up. Yea we'll switch out bottles. I know this is your little recovery mission yeah but what I would recommend is take at least one or two chains down with you and see if you can go around the frame yeah but it's on this wheels right? Yes. Okay so you're gonna want to bring this whole vehicle up on all four up at the same time so you know it is brittle you don't want to be flipping it yes and we want to bring it up high and just keep it level so you're only gonna do like a quarter a quarter quarter quarter in each one and then go go around the circles that go around it have fun Sam. I appreciate the tips. yeah you're welcome okay I'm gonna be up here hanging out that looks like where you were last night that's actually closer than I thought I'll keep that arm up that's about yeah we doesn't care about what you're saying we're checking out some of your art. okay all right we good? yeah yeah. All right Cory I just want to make sure that you're seeing what I'm seeing the one truck is kind of sitting on top of the other right yep. So look your vehicles aren't even in the river so this here, this this formation is gonna be right in here so I'm thinking that this you know we ended up pulling and put that right yes so you said you attached to align to here a pull line to here? The original marker was attached right here yes I moved off the back and I couldn't attach here I couldn't get to either or so I found it this tire back there put it here like the frame so I'm thinking uh we'll go down there catch a few J hooks you know lift this thing up here get it like this and then maybe go and catch two more and see if we can lift that thing up and then just pull it straight in so straight to the ramp yeah so we'll just up here and real slow like and kind of see how it goes in okay sounds good yeah where do you want me does it have a trailer hitch I didn't even see there gonna happen catching our bags - driver side front rear yeah we're gonna okay I'll lift this up off a little bit maybe use that it's kind of a pivot point I think you only need one bag then on the back yes like it like if there is a hitch dead center back yeah let's go with that one yes we find the hitch then leave your marker where is that okay. We got the back end floating up gonna go down with one more lift bag and see if we could ride it you're gonna want two Two because otherwise if you just have Two bags on there you're gonna flip it no matter what so you need two on one side and one on the back. The greatest water carrier hey what kind of hooks do you want on these what's up J hooks mini J's I got it right here okay then just throw it throw it at him. I'm gonna set this J hook here toss it perfect you two I only see two bags though there's a where's the other bag at? We should be coming up I'm coming in this way. Front or back? Right now we're coming in sideways. So we bottomed out there Sam? So we have that big ledge right there my suggestion is we're gonna have to throw a fourth bag on there with this back one here and so that way we can get it up over the lip for the tow truck just don't worry you can hook up with them onto chain or mini J what's that okay taco sponsors and today's taco sponsor brought to you by Matt Moss. Matt thanks for being today's taco sponsor absolutely if you want be a sponsor a gear sponsor like Dave Mack here make sure to click on in the description there's a join button you get in that added benefit such as videos early and that's pretty much it. What do we get? You get early videos. Anyway your financial support is appreciated and it can afford to donate financially we do appreciate you just being here today supporting the show by watching it smashing that thumbs up and commenting and anything else. off a little bit on that note let's get back to the show so we've got the truck sitting it's ready we're waiting on Elite Towing we actually have a viewer that showed up Jason who also happens to have a truck with the winch or something on it. So we have like an hour to kill since we don't have Nate today who normally has his winch let's say fire. Do you do you mind playing like fire up your truck? Let's do it alright let me get my car out of the way and let's see if we can get this thing up on a dry land waiting for Elite. Sounds good let's do it there's a little bit of a coolness factor to Jason's truck like he just went up like 14 points. That's a brand new winch on there - never been used today's episode sponsor is o three custom dry suits if you are a diver and in the market of a dry suit any dry suit at all pick yourself up and o three custom dry suit because they will make you a custom one for the same price or cheaper than most of the other dry suits that you can find hanging on a rack somewhere the link is in the description. So Jason what's the story on your truck people are going to want to know if it's a for sale. For sure I'll never part ways with it we'll just put it this way yeah this was actually my grandfather's truck he passed it on down to me I grew up in this as a kid all over the Sierra Nevadas camping fishing you name it we did it out of this and we pass it on down to me in 2008 and here we are we just used it. Grandpa if you watch any of my videos how come you couldn't have ever had like a truck like this and that you pass it down to me like how come other people get like all the cool grandpa's? Maybe I'll let you borrow it I appreciate that use it on any of your adventures I appreciate that anytime brand new winch let's get that. It'll be the first time we've used it let's get that puppy dirty Jared Jared Jared look at this Jared jared look at that Jared Jared you got to come here Alright Cory you clear? clear. let's give it a go yea we're coming up to the ledge now. If you don't get this Jason you may not be invited back alright oh oh it's coming. I'm gonna give you a cup. Can you bail some of the water out of that? yeah don't run that over We're gonna have him winch it back as I'm backing up at the same time see if we can I wasn't sure how it was hanging Iooked over I saw it around the wheel let's get Elite on it now so we got a James back from Elite, who I was on the body one yesterday he's never actually pulled a vehicle out for us but these guys are here on their own dime it's volunteering their time their services so if you need a tow anywhere in the Portland metro area be sure to use Elite Towing and if you need a like and get wonderful Jeep Wagoneer what's this called J ten yeah make sure you hit Jason up let's get that tow truck down here let's get this thing out of the water all right get off there I'll get it closer oh my arm's not quite that long take a quick peek inside James I'm going to look inside. Good not like the Mustang so Sam the Chevy LUV emblem is intact on this side and you were the official dive commander on this entire thing if you want that one is first souveneir. You may want to grab that Sam. Yeah I'll take that souvenir. But actually I'm gonna give that to my buddy Cory. It's his first time hanging out with us There it is okay what kind of engine is this John? Isuzu four-cylinder POS. POS does POS really stand for what I think it is? Yes. okay why is there an Isuzu engine In a Chevy LUV? Because Chevrolet couldn't make a small light duty pickup truck so they imported them with Isuzu and they just slapped the Chevy nameplate on it Hey Jared, ya. We're cleaning up the environment out here, you left this tailpipe from the Mustang. Where was that at? Over there. Ya clean that up. oh man oh yeah that one in there yeah it's got jammed in while we were moving you can probably knock it out with this one well what do you think for your first time Jason? you know the heck of a ride lots of fun man thank you. That wraps up another episode of Adventures With Purpose, where this isn't my show this really is a community effort everybody here's volunteers so if you've not already done so. Make sure to subscribe turn on that little bell notification, you guys don't need me anymore the show is now Sam's, he did this all on his own with the help Cory and Dave and John and that's it so I'm out you guys don't even need me anymore show is yours Sam later later bye-bye you
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 283,215
Rating: 4.9452438 out of 5
Keywords: chevy pickup, chevy luv, chevy, pickup truck, 4x4, 4x4 pickup, found truck in river, found truck underwater, insurance fraud, car insurance, car insurance fraud, investigations, true crime, found car, found car underwater, found truck, stolen cars, stolen cars found, scuba diving, full face mask, found car in river, fraud, stolen, crime scene, crime scene investigation, drysuit, drysuit diving
Id: XTQ9LlbbXrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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