Minecraft Manhunt, But There Is Custom Defense

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this is minecraft manhunt but there is custom defense in this video i disabled the armor slots and instead made 10 different consumable items that give you one defense and one special permanent ability some effects were harmless while others were insanely overpowered so make sure to watch the entire video to see what these effects can do this plugin was actually made by none other than craigs himself so make sure to get this plugin over at his patreon and as always make sure to subscribe to be a part of the poo poo gang and leave a like to help me out with gear's dad i mean here's that i mean here's that i mean here's that yeah just start recording now and he'll come if he comes what dad why are you taller than whisper what friendly fire friendly fire friendly fire stop friendly fire guys am i hitting you why am i hitting you am i hitting you give it a second keep trying it might work in a second keep keep trying keep trying why are we wearing sunflowers oh my god here oh my god what are you what why are you here in the line behind me guys who are you talking to me who's whisperer why do we have sunflowers on our heads answer my question we're angels with a son okay no this is like an angel ring you know you mean a halo yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly how do you have a sword as a sword keep as a sword i also have a sword stop saying my name i'm talking to the pierre though i'm trying to over the months oh i don't know i don't know who's who get him get him oh my god he's right here cheers i'm gonna go get here no i ran into one here left which care is this here are we friends that's what i'm saying like an idiot here i don't think you want to do this i'm full health bro i hear you i know are you dead oh you're in the cave okay i'm fine then here what's the twist since you're speed running wait i don't know the toy sorry you'll have to ask here yeah kira what's that twist are you asking me i'm asking here here aren't you i don't know anymore i don't know what the freaking twist is in my video you're speed running right now though i don't understand who i see you here i see you oh my god i'm actually gonna cry well i just tried to make an axe with only sticks let's go wow oh guys chill booster is getting stone aged i'm just stacking up here here why are you tripping dog it's confusing let's just start calling everybody yellow one see who you feel yellow wasn't here what are you talking about exactly wait what you're saying that sorry you're stepping up are you following me why is yellow singing i don't know i'm gonna name my baby cure same oh my baby is named cure and he's delicious what what wait we just got acquired hardware i do not accept that what who's that guy in chat what the heck that imposter oh i can't wear armor yes can we kick one of the cures why would you want a friendly fire here friendly fire is the best kind of fire why do i feel so good at parkour right now strange i also feel good crack that parkour but awful stop piping in my parkour skills i got sunflowers in the spots that have cursive binding have you not opened your inventory this entire time no bro wait there's another gear there's four tiers in this car what there's none that's actually crazy why have i got a sunflower on my head i just opened my inventory for the first time okay yellow i get it this is what it feels like who's placing sand on my face i think here might be holes what is happening what is happening i think he did go up i think he did go up yellow yellow see i think i did a pretty good impression yellow he's right here he's right down here he's right down here in game stay in game where are you all right no okay okay okay okay okay he was literally invisible yeah he was he was you guys want a hint give me a hint i'm so confused first hint for the first thing is sand you can craft glass that makes you invisible you're so dumb here like what the why would plastic be invisible the glass that turns you invisible are you kidding me that's a completely logical idea yellow do you guys want to know something here is on the right track sounds like something that would do that please can you mute him chocolates wait wait booster's like right here we might have to exterminate yellow wait why would you exterminate here i would never do that to my boyfriend see what you see what you've done whose idea was it here that's that's kind of sad bro here wouldn't you like right above me as well [Music] why are you underground here you're scared i wouldn't be surprised if this is worm v2 when you're building up right design building out wait what i'm so confused i hear him wait no he's invisible and he made a little trap [Music] place my slabs do you like those slabs those are half slabs oh yeah yeah yeah he got me in a trap you can just swing up my feet like a bed wars trap or something i'm loving it i told you guys the first hint and i told you kira was on the right track i don't know what you guys are doing thanks guys why wouldn't you be able to wear armor again because you're a scumbag you're a horrible person how do you have drawings if not by wearing it the second hand smell thing they already told us that sand smelt cramped we already told us that too trap something with glass you have to craft something with glass panes think about armor guys here look at this kid look at this oh my god i'm wet i'm soaked what is happening bro oh baby the next one is going to be hard who's right how is crafting glass armor make any sense just do it but like what the hell does it mean i made a helmet nobody just didn't work why are you making helmets because you said make armor you did say make armor yeah make armor why are you making homemade chest plate invisibility cloak wait that piss fur is like here he's chasing me it's like pushing your key i didn't see the name i'm not chasing you he's on me he's holding but i can't even put it on guys does it say consumable yeah wait you eat it then why can't i make armor still oh wait wait wait wait wait you right-click guys where are you wait do you guys hear something well yellow if you could turn around that'd be good i'm here on your place oh never mind i just need time to eat he's invisible some voice user too let's go out here oh jesus guys hey booster yo here come back i'm invisible dad why didn't you make an invisibility i have one i'm not gonna waste it yet why not it lasts forever oh that's it hey that's my ball oh yeah true yeah we'll get them how did you get that food okay it's not the one you can eat armor how many armor sloths are there guys how many ways ten different ones oh hell yeah i'm gonna try to be easy with the hints um i already have the cloak is what i mean there's custom diamond armor diamond armor there's custom diamond armor hello shut up why oh [Music] you guys are gonna love this one you guys want the second hand yeah yeah [Music] yeah come here just turn i got blindness i got blindness i got blindness i can't see anything do you like that blindness okay not the right word there he's towering up like uh yo there's two villages let's go let's get some let's get some ink where did you get ink over here i'm actually leaving like crafting recipe uh necessary items behind everywhere and you guys should easily figure out what it is you know the second hand is the redstone guys the redstone doesn't blind you no that's not the blindness one once one is the third one you got a crafting exact order boys yeah everything is a chess play it's literally called my grandma home i can't consume chess please yeah bro this recording is going on for a long time oh my god i'm gonna die aren't i i mean oh my god that blindness is like bad i'm faster than you guys it yeah wait he actually has speed that's how he was getting away i was like how's this guy getting so far the second one is redstone but there's a redstone block in the middle i would have guessed that i mean you guys can ask what how is because we're so fast bro i'm just better at parkour and i have a boat let's just build a trapdoor titties i want to come please please let me go wise let me come back it's happening please let's do this please wait he's in the overworld yes he is what are you doing did you guys go for this yes he went through his portal how did he get past you oh you guys are here yo what's up what i'm so confused oh he's invisible he's invisible him dumbass i can't see anything devin going around i'm going around there okay one sec wait i'm not with you i'm in i'm in i mean i'm in no he's like he's low he's low cut him off cut him off where'd you go yeah my warming dude my warming is on point today sorry finally bro finally guys he found something exact so like you need to go to him now to find out what he found here i got the drip do you think that's what he's found go let's go guys oh i wish i actually made that [Music] i'm coming oh i see your name here you place love on me i'm in his worm tunnel bro that did so much damage what the heck he might love a bucket you yeah guys guys let me be please this way go craft the redstone thing where are you going like you're just going up and down i am a professional warmer oh nice bed guys nice chest oh so many hay bales you [Music] oh let's go let's go let's go we're all here we're all here oh how does that feel gooseberry you look so stupid with my skin on is this what you guys see when i'm running around all the time yeah yes okay no wonder i get roasted if you guys don't stop chasing me out i will kill you here um i don't know if that's a good idea are you holding off i'm gonna break his ball oh that was so close how did he get so far i'm just good at parkour guys i still need stuff from the overworld okay yeah it's a typical booster manhunt though what do you mean typical it doesn't get into another in the first hour who needs the nether dude i have an armor that instantly fills the end portal what that's true i'm quitting right now so you're serious you're serious oh my god he's serious why am i not even like phased or surprised but it's gonna save me so much time in the nether damn i found redstone ew crimson plates that's ugly yeah look what it does though is the player permanent regeneration i have enough i have enough some give me some give me something oh you guys don't know look how ugly it is what's next you guys are gone you guys have no chance you remember what yellow said about the ink yeah you need to use the ink to craft something then use that item that you craft to make the chest okay black wall black wall oh yes first try what yo what is up i mean what's up daddy do you want to lose everything right now no way there's no way there's no way that look at this he's got a diamond sword enchanted what about this oh wow okay that just makes sense he has a bow that does all my she leaves me with two hearts dev it's the blindness one black what was the blind this one please don't please don't kill me this is how i die please please don't please don't please don't i'll let you run free holy crap he's got a fire aspect diamond yeah i know the next graph is it's an enchanting table in the middle that's all i'm going to say i'm not even doing that yeah you guys sure you don't want to do that oh we have like none of the resources uh gunge lord oh what hello what is happening right now i guess you guys have an extra hunter guys well if he comes near me i'm slaughtering him i don't trust him i don't trust him so he's got no teammates then are you gonna hunt me [Music] oh okay i guess he is on your team guys if you think that's annoying wait till you have to get the thing after because i'm getting the thing after now why are you here you're gonna die do i care though we already lost a hunter yeah yellow really just dipped yeah he get away from me here where are you i don't know man you're literally gonna die if you come for me though so bad i know how but this seed is super good you ruined me frick i didn't even know kira was coming at me that was guys all i'm saying is don't throw out any ingots or auras yo car what's up no that's not starting that's not starting don't call me car why is car coming at me again no that's not catching on that's such a bad one ah that's right booster that's right look at this look at this day who's the better player and i won't kill you what's up bro what is that bow chance all tools and weapons in the inventory with all possible enchants oh so that's why he was destroying me what there oh my god guys oh my god guys i just have oh i actually have the the crafting uh materials for the next one as well i'm consuming let me try another one guys oh after the end chance is all ores all random auras it doesn't matter what order i guess i'm done i can send you the crafting recipe how about you send us the items oh should i make potions i'll actually be mad i'm already brewing why i'll literally blow yellow i'll pull a yellow right now holy yellow is that what we're calling it oh yo here what's up how about you you're a fun player you're a fun player put like some insane dubstep hardcore yeah [Music] it's gonna be so funny like you're just spamming me without doing any damage it's just dubstep music i'm just standing here critting him over and over and again as fast as i can and he's just standing there not even reacting where is that by the way trying to build a portal without a flint and steel is impossible here come here come here you can get this this this i'm not getting it back because the portals underground let's just hang out i'll come along with you yeah that was a joke that was a joke that was a joke very cool oh oh hey hey hey wait wait that wasn't that was a prank bro don't you don't you know to have fun like come on buddy buddy oh my god yeah i'm back what's up don't you dare punch me in again did i hit you yes but not into the thing damn it close no what i was saying here [Music] oh i'm gonna mine your bed i'm gonna go mine your bed right now okay i'm gonna go no he's going to break and he broke the portal i want to actually process this you really just broke the portal against someone with nothing [Music] ah wait what dab don't come down okay do you guys want to know the next one explosion tnt in the middle and gunpowder i have not seen the yellow or gun floors that every single one of your twists makes me depressed this swiss wasn't even planned to be depressing oh yes okay wait yellow just got diamonds oh my god all right force vest uh what's the next one the resistance shield in the middle and iron again i just threw out all my iron oh my god i am losing my mind oh go make me lose my mind you literally broke here i think i know yeah why is somebody mining on me why are you here i'm just here to hang out give me some water so i can crawl with you let's crawl together so this is the pov of the wormness look at this look at this i'm gonna find diamonds now he's x-ray he's running down right dev get diary he literally just if you find diamonds there that's hacks what dab it's just can i kill you now oh my diamonds have smell now i have to get seven lime wool yo editor put some insane montage music into this oh i see gunge lord yeah i'm going to go kill a gun [Music] [Music] what dev just had his viagra let's go i was muted you being here doesn't even cheer me up anymore ruined me oh i forgot this doubles now we can craft this this is so not worth it is that well please give me extra armor say that i've never heard of you didn't need to throw all my eyes are breaking right now you only have two eyes no i don't have it anymore the thing is like if i go in i'll do absolutely no damage to them so there's no point that when we consume the resistance two thing what was the downside fall damage double you know i don't remember that it says zero eye i don't have enough eyes guys yes you do you do have enough ice see i told you well guys i want to wish you luck you'll need it [Music] i'm in i'm in oh no because i'm not adam's panties it literally hurts right now easily oh come on breathe nice try though oh you wanted to blow me up didn't you look here you're here no a short world was the crafting table i don't know what's going on here wait oh i can get another one i can get another one why are there enderman i'm gonna die bro the fire aspect dude it's literally just you def because my damage doesn't do anything oh nice ball i'll just jessica all right oh i got one hit let's go i'm getting combos oh what just happened you uh punched me away with the explosion mask yes yo gunglord's here he's in get away from me oh you know wait is he wait who's there oh my god come on dragon let's go kill guns there he is is yellow literally just shooting at me that's how um
Channel: Boosfer
Views: 637,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Manhunt but, Minecraft Manhunt but I secretly used, Minecraft Manhunt but OP Loot, Minecraft Manhunt but OP Enchants, Minecraft Manhunt but I can go into creative, Minecraft manhunt but drops are random, Minecraft Manhunt Dream, Dream Manhunt, Dream Manhunt 1v5, Poland Manhunt 1v5, Poland Manhunt, Wisp Manhunt, Dream Latest Manhunt, Minecraft but lava rises, Minecraft Manhunt but custom, Manhunt 6 hunters, Boosfer Manhunt 1v6
Id: k6oycOb7_5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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