Minecraft Manhunt, but Fall Damage Heals Me

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once again the man shark wrapped himself maybe a plug-in where fall damage heals me instead of dealing damage this means that i can now outplay my opponents by hitting them a couple times then falling off a cliff and hitting them again without dying but this also means that i had to pick my battles on high surfaces which would allow me to jump off a cliff whenever i need it and as always don't forget to subscribe leave a like and enjoy the video boys why some particles on your feet oh he does i do i can see you running that that's you oh he's gone oh my god a bunch of people's information i literally saw running particles on your feet i'm running thank you thank you because because i'm running like what the hell that was not my fault i was holding it back you guys holding the exit what happened okay yellow press alt f4 okay hold on uh which one is that option what the heck oh he actually did it it's forced [Music] [Music] yeah no it didn't even like show up that he turned red oh okay yeah that sounds just like lie actually oh okay i don't know i don't know you may be right because he took no fall damage i took fall damage what the heck i just did two and a half hours of fall damage i didn't see i didn't see him there did you okay i just took like three hearts as well okay bro thanks so much for for making me take full damage when i didn't need to yeah i'm dead oh i'm dead all right great yeah i swear doesn't that involve a weapon lagging it's lagging [Music] with a weapon because i just tried to take power damage he's getting food i might just kill here the next time i see him what did i do what did you do you know exactly what you did what did i do oh i told you to log out christopher what the freak this time i thought you believed that not my fault okay that's not fair you have food sup what's up [Music] you literally have food it takes four crates with a wooden package to kill a pig wait so booster did i guess the twist right what was the twist that you don't take fall damage [Music] oh yeah it's the twist yeah i okay that's not the twist there's something else to it yeah i actually i don't trust yellow whatever he says here whatever he says the twist is don't believe him because it's always wrong trust me cuz i don't even know it no it doesn't say anything it's [Music] stop yellow go away please be kind with my little brother oh wait what do you mean wait what what is going on oh i see i'm burning here please what is it what is it it's a yellow wolf we're all stupid definitely didn't play no but seriously burn that did you burn did you miss for legit i dug it underground and placed it where i'm i'm coming to get it i'm coming together i know there are more there are more sheep in the sea in the sea i'm gonna kill every sheep and break every yellow flower that exists so yeah i can never find any other one again well good luck because you can break sunflowers for yellow dye as well so no cure this is your thing oh ooh that's who sings it what's up here oh that's not even a name i i'd respond but i'm in the middle of a chase but that's chase right now come on i'm in the middle of a high speed chase guys chill [Music] you guys still don't know that song oh oh booster i see you yellow don't miss your hits guys i think he's like one shot that was so close yeah he just jumped off or something yeah yeah he just jumped off like a good distance without taking any fall damage oh yeah let's not listen to cure i don't trust him oh there he is that's the first freaking time wait wait i got food here wait actually you're too far i'm food [Music] that is the worst freaking time to run out of sprint holy freak you got to be like two hearts or something and if it wasn't for that no fall damage thing you would have been dead he's got food yes play some flowers i'll get him so he can still heal no i'm lagging so much right now it's crazy why is he just jumping off cliffs i'm so laggy he's continuously jumping off this cliff okay okay so no that means okay something right is he just trying to prove that he can't take fall damage or something what can he does he give him health maybe i think fall damage regeneration what's up why does it don't happen for us i don't know what you're talking about all right guys um if it's almost cooked um all right let's go i'm on the mountain i'm about to take some fall damage see if it works yeah i beat him to the portal he ran away see him i see him i see him hey yeah he ran away from the portal i beat him to it yeah no he's going back who's watching he's going to it wait i got all the stuff though okay but he's still at it wait is it fixable is it fixable what portal i don't know i've got i'm going uh it is it is it is maybe he's trying to freaking there's no obsidian in the chest though yeah i know oh no he's going up a mountain this is bad for a fight because he's just going to jump off and take ball damage and heal and i'm at the portal talk about scumbag oh oh scum head at let's go ahead right i'm coming up oh i need to stop placing that oh my god my blogs oh my god i'm right now here here i don't die are you being pursuing him we're all running after him wait i think he's did he jump off i'm already so hard right now wait why don't i just use my compass where did he go where where is he he's this way oh what the heck god you're an idiot bro i don't i did not see him what the heck would you do would you say that's amazing literally never owned a freaking pc before i'm stopping to get food i have no food he's getting grabbed he's getting grav actually actually go away go on the junk because like he won't be able to take any fall damage what he's gone i'm in the wad i'm in the wad i'm running in the river i'm running in the river uh i've done it many times right here make a bed please i'm running i just i used i used all my wood just running away from the booster whoa i call it wood oh no no he's gonna take all the food no thanks for saving me i love how i come into you guys with a stone axe and nothing else that you guys just scramble away i guess i had three hearts i was just eating oh you guys were almost dead all of it someone says i was just cooking your food you just took it off do you have any wool yeah bro i'm low i'm low skeleton's going to kill me i'm low let's go there's a creeper i need food food get food please please please i don't want to give it to you though i'm being honest okay thanks yellow you're a real friend this is melons over here you can get there what i found a parrot oh no i was taming it right right he's just making use he was so young you have to play the game in terms of you don't want to die exactly making it bad will just automatically make you feel like oh i can die now because i have a bed so guys guys guys where are you guys uh i'm getting some food um i'm getting in bed christopher i'm i i don't want to go back to the beginning again here you go here you go come and get this wall [Music] then we can make a bed yes no yeah we'll actually do that then we can make a bed i should get it yeah i should get it do it yellow go get it come come into this hole and get this wall here character that's for please no you want to do that come on yellow huh i'll be there i'll be right there in second situation as always we'll be there to fix it i see you boys that's actually my favorite biome now jungle hedge what are you poisoning us for yeah what what's going on yeah exactly he's too garbage for that already found like uh oh there's gonna be a lot of opportunities to get take fall damage in the nether ready look at that why are there no anywhere he found a jungle temple that loki looks kind of cool thank you guys guys jungle temples are useless leave us alone if i'm being honest we're trying to start our last player yellow and you're kind of like intruding on that sorry christopher can i stop sights [Music] there you can [Music] this wasn't that hard don't worry oh let's see if i see if i see him i see him oh that was right over here i like his diamond chest plate booster oh wait is diamond chest plate yeah yeah you liking the diamond chest plate definitely in diamond chest platelets oh that's as cheap as spawn how lovely bro i'm in awe with this biome i'm in awe tell me it isn't a cool biome though like be honest what how'd i miss him and how do you wait wait that was him i thought that was you you have your own yeah i know i got this though you guys are a different breed you know that i'm gonna get i'm cooking more food i need more food so have fun oh well you know i had tons of food but somebody decided not to help me okay i saw him whoa how did you just do so much damage yeah he did what the heck yeah like actually actually though it's damaged to me it's five and a half five and a half hearts normal for a what he's he's got something no why do you guys have so much weird stuff what yes he found a room for him just carry such weird stuff why do you carry so much weird stuff like the weird person name one weird thing he's a weird guy named one weird thing i was carrying other than the 30 sunflowers yeah the you guys had enough ingots to make a shielding you didn't make a shield i didn't have any angus what are you talking about i didn't have any ingredients yes you did nuggets didn't you make any stupid bro i wasn't thinking i was thinking in terms of like you can make latitude not longitude you could make it you could have made a shield petrol what the hell is a petrol sorry i took my dad with me to get gas today i went to get gas from the gas station who the hell used the word petrol no that's what it's called no it's glass it's petroleum oil what do you mean that you don't call water h2o no but you call it water exactly you call it yeah guys guys do you want to get a glass of h2o oh yeah maybe later oh my god let's go take h2o shots oh my god oh my god oh my god you're not american why do you oh my god let's get hbo shots guys this is so cool everybody no shots guys think about it logically it is we're totally logical we're so educated that's literally like calling uh a liquid gas skeleton just dropped the boat a skeleton just dropped the boat potato let's start farming um everyone just farm arrows yeah oh my god guys don't do it should we just do it let everyone get both and just them ruin this video yeah since you're in the nether go to another fortress get three i came back you sounded like the freaking burger king fruitless guy there for a second okay fortress and guess what there's another fortress get some blaze rocks that guy's amazing thank you i mean what that guy is amazing how are you i'm a guy that meant that guy oh my god you don't know i can't do that you don't know you don't know hey who's done booster by the way nobody literally nobody is on behalf of this freedom thank you for this freedom well i'm actually farming up some arrows oh it does something yeah but not a lot i'm just going to mine diamonds while i wait for you oh my god what is this wait what x-ray x-ray what eating is he probably did x-ray nothing doubt it that's the thing i think it's good whether he x-rayed or not like oh my god this is so nice so when he crouches he gets x-ray oh my god yo that is a fantastic video idea what that is actually offend why are you wearing your glasses uv glasses i should start doing that because you said to uv light i literally set up my computer all day i should actually do that yeah it's good for your eyes plus uh uh it prevents like sleepiness and noise so dev i have a ton of paper i can since that's all i do i should actually do that at some point exactly well i mean i have group projects like we work in groups so my youtube is more important oh let's go yellow right save get a diamond pickaxe that what did you find one veins one veins are horrible honestly i love them they're my favorite they're two so another four vane all right i'm getting some iron as well yeah we have okay we have enough just for a chance that's it oh i see your name i see your name go and stand still so i can remain down on it um okay my name is [Music] so yeah what's up just being you now yeah how are you here i'm doing a fantastic fantastic yeah yeah i'm doing so great yeah what about you i'm doing i don't know i'm doing great then i'm bad you know [Music] [Music] well that's because you didn't do it right you probably screwed it up something jeff said wait for a hiccup then chug is dev back you don't you don't hiccup first and then drink the water dad where are you no you just said wait wait till you feel one coming and then chug the water well then try it a couple times where are you i'm saying i'm mining for not my fault you don't know how to do it i don't know when i was just running he's enchanting though so be careful i don't need to be afraid of him i'm gonna make myself feel iron dev well easy 20 heart him okay but i say less do it then do it okay okay do it oh i think he's right here there seems to be some cobblestone oh he just wanted another uh perfect timing i just found this hole here oh oh where are you oh wait there's another portal right there i think that's dev's portal right yellow throw me uh okay yeah he's full enchanted he's full enchanted i'll make one by the way you know what i learned you don't have to freaking put a boot a big one you're a parent yeah i knew that i didn't know that because i i did i i autocrafted it the other day and it it didn't put it in the corner like i thought you had to oh guys guys guys here make a chest real quick bro why would that fight so weird when you were breaking oh oh oh oh oh okay flying when you were breaking the gravel i was like stuck in the gravel and i couldn't i saw that i saw that i saw that oh my god well i thank you for that did you even send your responsibility outside my portal oh i'm such an idiot i'm actually such an idiot i had i had a bed too i had well i got a diamond chest plates so uh i mean death's getting more war you will die to a bow i will die football i actually believe we'll die to a bow in this video i can't believe that can't believe that okay i don't know where the portal is so yellow was your chords uh they're in trap oh you left oh he's back he's not here he's back yeah he's back i just clicked my compass guys death dam's not even here at bus fur that's not even fair oh he's gonna kill dev no but dev's not even here that's just unfair oh all the lapis look at that where's them no i just scummed you oh i see you can't i can't no way you're gonna come at me okay you can't you can't yo yo yellow [Music] okay [Music] are you gonna do it if y'all hit me one more time i'm uh i'm uh killing them [Music] so dev's life is all on yellow right now yeah exactly no exactly why did you have to burn my stuff i literally had so much before i had a book for you i wrote you a book not anymore i can't kill them i can't kill that one he's afk i literally wrote a book for you booster why did you have to why am i back i'm back oh he's back oh finally [Music] [Music] i literally can't do anything now oh my god oh my god oh my god that is hilarious he took the enchantment table he's following me [Music] i'm actually upset i'm actually upset that was horrible to live through i was wondering i thought dave was hitting me for some reason to go back to spawn someone might die in real life uh-oh i'm the closest one [Music] [Laughter] that's true oh dad just oh no he has a bow he has my bow yeah here you just screwed my life over uh it's okay you got this i believe i'm gonna die i believe in you please don't die there's no bad man there's nobody oh there's so many skeletons i'm gonna die oh my he burnt everything as well like he literally burned all my stuff he burned all my food i had so many so much rule i could have made more beds [Music] literally a massive scumbag that was a scum play dev dev you okay there you go yeah oh he's back at spawn oh no i'm dead that means there's not even a diamond chest plates [Music] you scum did you enjoy it i haven't chest plate dude laggy wait what diamond chess player he said he had a diamond chest and it was just the leather one oh i know i was the one the first one to say that that was a diamond template well there goes your stuff boys okay no you know what i don't care i'm getting full diamond i actually don't care i'm getting full diamond after that that made me mad i don't blame you i don't blame you that is hilarious yellow please survive he took everything he took the enchant table and everything all those diamonds he literally took all those diamonds and everything was just right and he probably has your diamonds [Music] [Music] in this video too there's a twist i forgot when he thinks i thought this was just a regular man he's being a scumbag what did i do oh so much would you guys have two stacks of wood for me please don't take it i just got it there i just put it there please [Music] doing you're actually going in the nether anyway just take the wood from the nether leaf it's there literally it's not there is it oh it's there it's there it's there definitely not there he's gonna get another right armor too oh is that a good bastion yeah it's a treasure bastion why didn't you go in it those aren't everyone's favorite bastions just because you can't even know all the bastions can you name all them or no yeah yeah okay later we got the treasure okay um we got the one with the big we got pig face name it yeah fake face it's called the one with the big pig face at the front there's no pig face one yeah there is a pig facing but that's not what we call it that's that's just not i guess i don't care what you call it that's not the actual name for it what no why would my uncle work for emoji that's weird how weird would that be baby oh here we go oh here we go baby sick oh yellow there was a blog above me when i jumped like how was that even pop i hear lava yeah i'm a spawn there right yeah you see me into this cave i'm depressed i'm near spawn yellow kind of a mining in your sport yeah your diamonds too oh my god yeah and i found more as well that's the thing i had found more i i just i jumped over a lava pool there was a block above my head apparently you're so smart dude i took a risk and it didn't work okay i'm in i'm in a a lava ravine diamonds okay there's diamonds down here in this lava ravine so and it's near spawn kind of and it's pretty big so there might be more too i just see one yo bisphen i actually made a book for you and you burned it like legit i'm i'm sad you deserved it i made it down i didn't say this but when you went away like i thought i thought that you just started killing me for no reason i was like what the frick dad why are you hitting me and i turned around and it was green and it was like i should have just stayed afk it was green i should have just stayed here stay here say it here say it wow here what about you what no he's saving it for our video i think he's saving it for our video i just thought you said that it was green so i thought i was i don't know i don't know what is green here uh secondary color uh inferior color a secondary color uh yeah don't worry i won't blurt it out or you won't blur it out yeah i want bad rpm to tie you want people to know your kinks yeah we can all hear you singing he's not good i don't want it he wasn't seeing what he wasn't singing he was taking the lyrics of a song you amaze me still sometimes remember i'm 20 and i don't know these things yeah exactly that's why it's bad i know these things hey i'm turning 20 in two weeks you're so old wait he's turning 20 before oh no i'm gonna be bruce are we gonna be 19 just just it's just gonna be just yeah yeah he's gonna be full on the young adult we're going to be me no we're going to be we're going to meet teenagers he's going to be young we're teenagers i'm not going to be a teenager anymore i don't know get out of here old man now you can't blame others for your mistakes no you did not dev no you'd oh thank god did you bring this butter he broke one spawner thank the lord jesus i i didn't i didn't what one of the spawners is broken that wasn't me who the hell black spawner i'm kidding that wasn't me i'm not even in the nether i died trying to make my way there who actually did it then because i swear it wasn't me yeah it might be just maybe a glitch naturally i've never had that why do you still continue with things that are just so like stupid i gotta i don't care i'm making a farm uh make it make a beetroot farm those are the most efficient oh is that a dark forced oak biome dark forest english english you wanna try again no i think i i'm going to just keep it like that dark oak forest biome okay chill out it's not that big of a deal no one cares no one even remembers now like forest oak biome i'm keeping it by dark forest why would you keep that i want to hear people in the comments quoting here in the comments here you're such an idiot no one's gonna notice i'm i'm we're literally pointing it out that's they don't know what it is you're garbage booster i saw you shoot i literally hit every single arrow what do you mean garbage you're garbage oh by the way booster i'm gonna need that bow back when i get there okay i enchanted it so it's not mine so much diamond armor who does whisper boost he's got diamond helmet and chest plate and then he went there remember oh okay nothing i took nothing just an accident a chest plate okay enchant table back in my base and everything it's nice this is nice we like that so yeah he's stacked he's going to destroy us if we don't stack up now i don't have a flint steel ah i'm gonna make one did i i made it too small all right i'm probably far i've been running he's in the overworld what the freak oh i'm dead i think he has everything he's in the overworld i was looking for a lava pool for so long what is this whole trend with twists i don't know i think it's i don't know just people i guess it's always been a thing minecraft but oh i want to kill myself what do you mean give me something good i love myself yeah isn't it oh my god oh really oh he's back in the jungle edge oh my favorite place it's a different one because the compass is not pointing towards where we were before i mean when i get them it's difficult to get rid of honestly i guess it depends on the person how stubborn they are all i do is just drink some water and they're gone yep yes sir let's go there we go video up for premiere i need an hour we've got an hour i've got an hour before you got an hour okay i've got less than an hour because it's starting no worries boys no worries i'll should be done soon i kind of want to start premiering videos i mean if you guys do like a manhunt like that it's just it's good because people don't spoil it you know yeah that's true okay oh oh oh oh do i even have time to nether travel i don't know how far i am i should have never never traveled i can't never travel that's the thing oh that's annoying too far what the youtube video i said i already said i like it like plenty of times i know they didn't say anything about it i think that's like i've literally locked in my location boys i have a present don't go in there don't go here i i literally have a present please oh yeah he's gone he literally won that's the thing like there's nothing we can do i'm like i don't even know how far i am i had a present for you and you just decided to pick all over me lag no there's no light yes don't have an excuse no no he means to another person why are there two nether portals that was me why did you make two because one of them might have made it too small of course you did uh so so you should see a village try and grab some beds from that let's get you instantly no you won't i'm telling you you guys don't know how to use bedrock like i do am i close yellow then am i close no no i'm in the desert of my clothes i'm yeah you're close dead because i passed minus two thousand three hundred ish all right a thousand blocks oh fire same i got a bed too i don't have a bed i can make one i'm saying don't okay i'll be right back i'll be right back oh okay i'm at the desert no what's now [Music] i just realized i have my shield on me you're just oh i am take my person what happened what present what happened i'm glitched in the portal like i'm in it but i'm just frozen just relax reload reload you're in the end for me wait bitcher did you get my present at least uh the book yes did you read it i'm going to read it right now wait you don't really love you wow see now do you wish you burned it dude dude my bed didn't spawn i literally set my bed [Music] booster outside don't take any harm dave don't take any armor right now oh because i'm lagging so hard just please don't take anything in dude there was two i spent two minutes oh my god i just landed a half a heart because you guys decided that's the water at the bottom oh my god uh there was here don't take anything in don't take any food yet because he's literally just standing at that we can go in with full armor when we're all ready but i need to get back there first my i literally right clicked the bed and it didn't say here make sure it's safe you take your bed yeah outside that okay all right i'm only six i'm only 600 blocks away to be fair so what is this and spawn please tell me he's not even he's not even waiting there well he was he was he he just had tnt whoa why is his end island so weird what's up boys it's spongebob hey what's up gooseberry what's up what did you take in here don't try and use my own bow against me oh okay please don't we gotta go in with our stuff well wait wait for me wait for me let me get there first because i've got i've got full iron armor is death there yeah he's in there he's in the end but is he tall like is he here all right so i want a mission oh here don't tell me that was mine yeah here why i'm just getting some blocks okay that's fine ah what happened this was on me there's a zombie boosters on me fist for zombie yeah right at spawn i have all my stuff what why did you [Music] here here don't die i think he left me alone i'm not sure how long i've been doing this but it must be close what are you doing i have no idea where he is now i think i think he just gave up mommy oh oh he's lying he he lied he lied he lied no the jacket just purged and ruined everything in my life fell off the cliff fall off the cliff he's not going to get any knock back he's not thinking any knockback what did you take any knock back he didn't take any knockback either dude i'm coming today because i was on the wall wait wait he he's still there right uh in the end yes where is he oh i see you here oh yeah he's coming up yeah [Music] that's so annoying having dolphins grace without any sprint isn't really helpful can you not get down what the freak it's not if you can't yeah what's up boys how are you guys doing oh by the way yo look at this look at this look at this watch me watch me though okay you don't kill me promise did you see what i just ate [Music] god app no no yeah idiot what are you gonna do oh what were you trying to do there dave ah you know what you know what screw it he he i'm betting him i'm betting him i don't care he's getting bedded i have my own beds i'm sorry i'm betting you okay okay i believe i believe you i am betting you yeah yeah yeah come above me too many scummy plays today to not get better come and bed me come and bed me let's go about him no i'm gonna come and bed me boys throw me one throw me one here i'm behind you literally behind you i dropped it okay where is he boys he's climbing up let's go baby yeah he's scared now look how slow it is i just realized wait hello is the dragon hey wait he's gonna bow it oh god okay just let him kill you and give me your stuff and then just i'll run him until you get back no he's gonna shoot the dragon from up there no way there's actually no way he's actually gonna win like this is it where's the dragon [Music] uh is in the end obviously he's actually gonna play it yellow are you here no i'm a hundred blocks no way he's gonna blow it don't do that don't do that you scumbag he's gonna do it he doesn't care he's a scumbag [Music] no way no way you're doing that he has to come down now oh the enderman's on me again what is up boys where is he where is he he's up there still he's coming down oh i hate him i hit him i hit him jason i'm not chasing him okay i'm with him i'm not letting him go i'm not going to regen i'm not going to waste my time i'm taking her i'm taking our last bed this is our only chance i took our last bed i don't know how low he is okay i go i'll go last chance last stand yeah no i took the last guy that's the only chance no let's go you lose it let's go oh not low not low i have like wait [Music] you were literally scumbag for killing me when dead was afk literally
Channel: Boosfer
Views: 958,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Manhunt but, Minecraft Manhunt but I secretly used, Minecraft but, Minecraft but challenge, Dream Manhunt, Dream manhunt 1v5, dream manhunt 5 hunters, Minecraft manhunt Boosfer, Boosfer Manhunt, Minecraft manhunt but op loot, Minecraft but op loot
Id: MWypNc8vXaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 42sec (2562 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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