Minecraft Manhunt, But I'm A Trade Master...

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minecraft manhunt but i'm a trademaster in this video i added a crafting recipe for trading crates these crates contain all the materials needed to allow me to trade with villagers to the best of my knowledge this plugin was once again made by craig so make sure to check him out in the description below and as always make sure to subscribe to be a part of the before 400k gang and leave a like to help me out with youtube algorithm enjoy the video bubble what is that skin are you jesus no i'm just bubba but i'm more like why are you naruto believe it no no no look at it so bad oh my god no no no no no no no believe it [Laughter] well there's nothing i can use there's nothing i think he's out it's okay oh yeah he must be oh i got food that's beautiful this is beautiful mmm great come here christmas bubble wanna slap him with my meat don't worry i'll just use uh some juices to get my health back don't worry about it zukaizen definitely not even close guys it's okay i just made a sword yeah i'm gonna make a bed oh my goodness there was a village right next to where you died what do you mean i'm at a village right now there was a village right at spawn yes but that's not to what that's not near him no i know but there's still a village i'm gonna get the stuff please don't i'm gonna set my spawn here please don't think yellow is the definition of a soy boy sure bubble i'll be your soy boy if you want me to be honest you're not my boy you're just a soy boy what does that mean oh you know no i don't tell me you know i know best for can you tell bubble to tell me he's being mean oh you should know why someone's allergic to soy i don't listen to ballet you know i don't smell anime i don't lick water i don't freeze my pants i don't burn fire fire burn i can leave that's just gonna make it easier for me let's go yellow wool gives up not the it won't be the first time hey hey no stop oh look at jungle oh wait there is another is this a jungle seat booster the sea do be kind of jungly yeah that's what i was saying no no it wasn't it'd be a little jungle no it isn't it isn't jungling at all it was for are you underground no i'm not underground oh i'm gonna die to creepers okay let's go hello lol oh my god that i would i would have gotten scared as well if that happened to me oh my god yo you okay yo you don't need to own you know that was horrible i hate that yo you like it no how come i don't get infected by a zombie when i get hit by a zombie why don't i become a zombie minecraft manhunt but infected minecraft infected lol that was lucky believe it why we were having such a good sheesh moment that i just came in with your cringe you're cringe no let people enjoy what they want to enjoy someone wants to enjoy anime let them enjoy enemy uh bubble trader with a villager maybe he just needed like food or something your mom if you're so lucky maybe one day you'll meet her did i say that i want to maybe one day i'll meet your dad yo there's another okay right i swear to god this is a random seed i didn't alter the seed at all this is the randomest seed i've ever had who's for prefixes seeds well i'll i'll just send my assassin after you bubble because you know my secret i can't let you have you telling it to anybody else you know doesn't happen to be a salmon what i think i saw this dado pack on planet minecraft right and the the whole premise of the data pack is that you can tame salmon and then the salmon are like dogs and they'll beat up mobs for you and beat the game for you what you're saying is that you just made an inside joke with yourself i did i did but i was thinking maybe you found this whatever we're doing on planet minecraft [Music] yo i'm not gonna lie my fear kind of cold what i said my feet are kind of cold whoo what asked well done i bet you're proud of yourself that was so smooth though you can't you can't say that that wasn't smooth you're proud of yourself for that one aren't you we played that five times so that the bubble gets cancelled michael michael michael michael micros sucks dude wait so booster what you're saying is every time i say minecraft getting put in five times yeah yeah that's what i'm saying bro my screen time is gonna be insane what why is bubble in the nether why would i not be in another have you asked yourself that question oh i found the fortress yo that's pretty pogers how did that happen in a random scene so fun i'm having so much fun right now go bubble how many pearls you have do you have anybody don't you go i have all of them oh nice let's go nice done you didn't have to do that you know i didn't do it i scared whisperer once he's not talking ah [Music] yo can this fire run out sorry but like i just can't let somebody with a naruto skin kill me i just can't yellow you want to know my you want to know my favorite anime yellow no because it's gonna be a decent joke family guy you know which anime is my favorite oh no bro that's listen i don't think that's how you suck them like you need to be gentle and tender okay that's sloppy and ineffective bubble wait bob are you just taking a sucking lesson from yellow no no i would never i have better people to get my sucking lessons from if you i would get if i needed a sucking lesson i would get dev if you want to suck if you need a receiving lesson then you go to care well so how you're supposed to feel when you're being i think we should let the comments decide what our words meant you know i don't know if i'm wrong or not i might be wrong but other dave i think your editor confused andres with bubble oh no yeah yeah he did he did he wasn't here editor we're gonna have a problem he changed his name it's it's not just andres anymore it's faze andres what and his skin has a boost for a hoodie on yeah i know maybe he got hired by faze we don't know it's weird there's not many japanese cartoons that aren't anime i've never seen a japanese cartoon whatever give me one no no no before we continue i know this is going to be a some kind of joke or an insult so just continue anyway knowing that i have this knowledge your mom got it so christopher's not even meeting nether yet why what's the twist why are you not struggling right now okay oh i just oh that works i wanted to do something to help me find this but while trying to do this i just found this so what you're saying is you're using x-ray and we need to disallow you from winning yeah yeah that's literally what just happened just for just just admitted to using hacks bubble i already have four rods yellow i'm going to the end it was my childhood what are you talking about the smurfs my favorite animal oh my god you guys don't even know oh yellow i got all the rods i'm coming for you bubba i'm coming in okay i tried them may have had a hard time yeah oh yeah i love this oh boy boys i don't have any food because there's a flashlight this is happening guys [Music] oh i love gravel i want it inside me can he say that [Music] oh did you cut off like crazy what just happened oh you don't know i know i don't that's what i'm asking oh suck my i don't like fair i never had food so that's pretty nice nothing but a mistake don't know the rest of the lyrics [Music] show up anymore oh yeah i heard you yellow i didn't i'm not what i heard you i'm checking something on twitch real quick hold on i'll be back i think he's lying [Music] oh my god bruce where are you at uh your mom's house ah yes i have seven blaze rods upon me oh can i get those kill me and you shall receive them okay okay i was gonna get the pearls too and i was gonna go to the end but honestly i'm too lazy to get pearls oh don't worry you don't need to get pearls i don't know no you're literally not oh yes i am no that's bad that's bad okay how deep underground are you you're under this mountain here no no no please don't come here i'm begging you i i would go fight you however i have seven blaze rods on me and i don't want you to get those please give me that train you're trading yes i totally believe you go check something on glitches you're just watching a good streamer right okay i'm back hello hello i come back to this for morning oh i just figured out the twist did we figure out this bubble no but he says something about trading again yeah then what you're going to do about it that could be i was going to say a new one coming out setting bro sorry i don't watch wait is best for being to the nether yet bubble no trick is this man doing i'm not doing anything i i tried trading i maxed out a villager and nothing no dude he had to get diamonds i thought i know what it is i think he gave us a hint what we have to find is emeralds yes i already had ten i had ten emeralds and i tried no like like you have to mine emerald ore yes he's not he's not sitting here mining emerald ore do you know how common it is in mountain biomes oh so is the twist yes 100 but he's actually gonna go in search of emerald there's a mountain biome right next to me it may have changed in this version but it won't be hard why are you still under this hill he literally hasn't moved he hasn't moved a single block in the past like it's in the same exact spot he's just he's just been waiting for us to come to him a trap it's bubble is yeah you hi yo he's right here i'm not bubba i'm andres [Music] that's her why are you not talking what what's up come here he's taking me somewhere to murder me so where did you find this fortress bubba oh there it is nice please tell me you brought the spawners no i didn't break them so are you doing full corners there we go can i get rid of the gravel no no you sure yellow you always do this and you always regret setting your bed in a cave [Music] oh he's there he's there he's there he's there it's all enchanted what is this and he's got he's got multiple oh i'm dead i'm dead oh oh oh how are you dead one minute i was on full health next thing i know boom zero hearts [Music] no i'm missing everything don't really know yellow how are you catching up how did you catch up like that goodbye guys bubble have the blazers i need to collect them hello you're funny do you think i had those on me oh no yeah i have nine placements of my own don't worry well you guys had cool stuff but i mean you guys can have it it's not gonna help you bro what are the piglets on me literally i was gonna hide in a wall and then two piglets just like show up out of nowhere [Music] why what was the point what's the point you don't get anything from it stop come back nice portal i'm gonna go back through it we don't have any food now there was food before not anymore guys i'm so sorry i'm so sorry guys i didn't mean to kill no there is food well it's time to go to the end boys i wish you luck saucy you know about this time he would tell us a hint i don't think the hint helps you guys because you don't have the knowledge that is required to use this hint i already told you what the twist is i'm trading no but you're not though because you got it in us cave so like you were you were in a cave for like yellow have you tried right clicking on mob yet oh wait you guys think that trading is somehow changed why is there a bed outside of a house is that your bad guys oh i do have bad bad bad bad bad bad bad yeah what's up boys why is andres here it's me andres i i hit him i crammed twice and he didn't take any damage i can't hit him what is this yeah he's low he's low he's low he's low he's low ah okay do you think he's actually lower he's just faking it i think he might have no idea no idea what's on his armor he just ate so maybe he is low i mean i don't but i didn't want to eat to keep my saturation up yeah it's not nice is it for sure not nice is it perfect no it's not i'm talking about bubba movement god bubba you okay and kill me with his uh with his bow oh so close you guys are nasty oh okay that's fine don't come up here why did you follow me up here why did you fall oh my god oh my god he just shot an eye he did i'm eating so much hello chap i was gonna let yellow go but you know what i will kill you gotta stop him what am i supposed to do stop him in some way you want to be the most clutch person alive right now either i make this or you grab my stuff okay i didn't make it grab it grab it grab it don't let him get it bubble just run just run what is this i got one fire i got my fire you know in naruto they swing on trees no no no no no no i'm just watching just watch i'm just watching please don't kill don't look kill look i'm just watching don't kill don't kill me [Music] did you know in naruto they swing on trees like monkeys so you you mean tarzan i didn't know tarzan was an animal oh tarzan's a good animator tarzan is a good animal who made it again uh pixar marvel did you know that in a hundred years uh disney will own everything the earth won't exist in a hundred years what what what are you talking about or people sir we're we're running earth to the ground and nobody wants in this era by the age of 50 we won't be able to go out without checking if the air is clean enough for us to breathe without a mask is he still at the village no he's like he's traveling he's going towards and he's leaving a cobblestone trail how nice at least we know that we can kill him he's not invincible like thanos i guess i'll have to do the thing that i didn't want to do guys how many comments are there going to be about oh yellow again well there's another oak village here in a dark forest if you want to come this way and you just ask you know what i look like i went into my barber shop he said he said what do you want i said iron golem he says say less what all right there we go dark firestone let's go bubble hey it's me andres all right okay right can we find out the twist now please tell us so we can do it i'm telling you it's not gonna help you because you don't don't know help someone else help someone who has a knowledge you need knowledge in order to execute this first knowledge book we need one of the we need one of the the carpenter guys the guys that give us books right two companies i think we just need a book and we gotta throw it at a villain nah too complicated the trades aren't changed at all like there's nothing wrong with the villagers the villagers stay [Music] minecraft manhunt but there's no twist he's just been trading with villagers like the the guy the guy that gives armor stuff the armor villager you think sad face do you think that's probably it i'll tell you after the manhunt it is isn't it it is there's no sister no we we've been assuming this whole time we got no twist one yet we got rick rolled just tell us let's just say that you guys won't feel as stupid as you do now after the manhunt so there's some sort of choice or maybe i just said that just to confuse you guys who knows i'm just gonna go kill him so he doesn't win anyway he's on the yeah he went up this mountain did he went off this man let's just say i went up your mom's breasts are mountains i okay you actually just made the joke for me thank you wait wait we didn't even know she got i spy oh i was wondering why you guys were oh yeah i didn't even notice it so no more jessica ever again suck my [Music] no please don't tell me you mushroomed it oh yeah then i'll stop it thinking i'll stop uh [Music] oh it placed on my screen oh my god guys we need an infinite wait where is it we're here [Music] yeah [Music] okay jesus that throw right here so i think it's still further down no we're y 35 so it could still be further down dude we could they couldn't shut up oh sorry my bad honestly every time you speak it's like oh my head oh i found it yeah yeah yeah it was literally right here the whole time it was right there i don't have a bed you have another bed i have will that is exactly what i said i tracked him like a little bit okay [Music] up here hmm oh yeah that's right if one of us dies oh the dragons already have oh bro they got big tickets poor villagers dude can you eat it stop talking about villagers yeah the villagers no there's no twist there's no space okay yeah there's no place these four villagers dude we're getting eden watcher actually villagers i don't see anything villager babies he's just spawning in villagers though and he's setting their for their their thing i think help help help help help yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow red alert red alert red alert red alert alert [Music] oh my god where's yellow stuff where's yellow oh my god wait oh i don't have my shield on bubble come through oh no bro i don't get a pickaxe he picked up some of it yellow you're trying to get back at me with their lava bucket i just shouldn't stop you from coming down here he must have the arrows i don't like this little falling bro oh you like it you like it guys yeah oh oh dragon okay yeah that's right yeah boys yeah i can feel better now i thought we were just getting rick roll [Music] don't have butter okay it's time to stop taking it easy you know you didn't drop any food [Music] oh my god you didn't ask for food bubble dragon oh come [Music] i got two on off yeah there goes the slow falling i don't think we beat him here i'll be real oh no oh my god [Music] dragon where are you at dragon yeah no let's go let's go climactic fights
Channel: Boosfer
Views: 319,803
Rating: 4.9608026 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Manhunt but, Minecraft Manhunt but I secretly used, Minecraft Manhunt but OP Loot, Minecraft Manhunt but OP Enchants, Minecraft Manhunt but I can go into creative, Minecraft manhunt but drops are random, Minecraft Manhunt Dream, Dream Manhunt, Dream Manhunt 1v5, Poland Manhunt 1v5, Poland Manhunt, Wisp Manhunt, Dream Latest Manhunt, Minecraft but lava rises, Minecraft Manhunt but custom, Manhunt 6 hunters, Boosfer Manhunt 1v6
Id: e2-LZlnRkf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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