Minecraft Manhunt, But Gravity Drops OP LOOT...

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this is minecraft manhunt by gravity drop soapy loot today i used a plugin that allows gravity affected blocks to drop op loot if their fall is broken using an unsolid block such as a torch or a flower but the harder it was to obtain the block the better loot to drop this is one of the most intense minecraft manhunt videos i have ever made and i got bullied by kieran dev at some point during the video so make sure to watch the entire thing to see what happens and before you subscribe and smash that like button make sure to check out our team's mcc rising application on the second channel me kier dev and yellow will really want to get in so we could have a great time and stomp on some what the this start sucks what are you talking about look at your skin what's wrong with my skin this is how i always haven't even seen cures yet this is i'm looking at you what oh my god wait why is there cobblestone here what i'm saying i got a spectral layer okay what why is there okay i'll take it i'll take it i'll take it i'll take it fantastic at all i'm saying don't you dare even try to cheat what will happen if you guys die and you respawn back at the island oh watch it i'll have that it's incredible how bad it is it's actually incredible go go go go i don't know what i just did but something happened i told you it doesn't know how to lose it there's food over here wait why is random items wait i just i got seven pieces of steak wait for what 70 steak seven seven what's going on nothing explain yourself i might have accidentally uh misplaced that cobblestone above the chest i was looting and didn't open it oh my god that's such a boost for thing to do that is a booster thing i can't lie shut up oh my god why is there more cobblestone over here and a spectral arrow give me your wood gear then i can yo editor play that 50 times hey i got a torch for my editor somehow why do you have to torture everyone every time the hunters your editor everyone what the hell wait there's couples on here wait are we dropping these items i got 55 steak what's the strat guys yeah oh my god do it that do it do it i can't yet i can't yet i can't yet i can't yet i'm just real quick gotta take these sheep from you so you can't can't make a bed wow yes yeah i can do my strat he's gotta be scared he's gotta be here what's the strat what's the strap dev dev he's petrified you know what oh he is he's stacking up right here he's going to do a problem oh my god he's going to fishing right don't even waste your time i like the way your brain works here it's very different but also smart i mind one bite oh yeah baby what's up boys what's up boys we're like two minutes in what's up boys guys got cover me with diamonds already what is up oh wait i just got stuff oh no what are you doing guys what is that oh what are you doing place it place it place it place it do it free no get away from me guys what are you doing okay well that was an epic fail you just fell down sure because no come here come here come here come here yes cobblestone chairman no care i'm going to save you what let's get to it you want you want what someone to smoke that's why you're stopping yourself okay wow disrespectful swing swing good [Music] oh okay booster is actually hitting his wings right now yeah what the hell this is weird excuse me how do you feel alive please let's go oh why do you have so much food i don't know it just dropped in the ocean oh my god full diamond yeah i'm gonna be nice and at least give us a hint a hint gravity what yeah there we go huh apples apples apples isaac newton what it's a really good hand trust me cure respectfully please stop talking what i appreciate you for being respectful about it like respectfully never speak to me again yes exactly are you coming at me again here president i have a present i have a present you're stalling as opposed to let's go we got this we got this oh he's trying to go to another watch oh look he's scared he's scared damn we actually own a lava pool that's crazy guys don't even know how to lease what it means yeah because we don't lease we just bought we never release we need to go back to school guys we need to go back to school why do i feel like he gave up on this lava floor i didn't i'm coming back gravity wait does this just mean if i do this here i definitely don't see you building up right now that didn't work just did you just jump down you said gravity you're acting like i'm an idiot for trying how does that have anything to do with gravity can you get that stupid mouth out of my face i'm happy today you just look miserable because you had a bad dentist no my dentist is great i asked for this i don't know if he's great guys guys oh my god oh my god that's already in the next this is so horrible don't go through please guys have mercy let's go let's go i may have set a trap at the portal oh my god that was scary what the hell is this you let go before i landed oh my god oh you were driving the boat when you let go before you reach the land it just stops we landed no we didn't then how did i get it on my screen it landed so no it didn't it literally did that's how i watched it that's why it's in the lava do you guys need some couples counseling what is happening right now is have you good yep do you want a second hand i already got it oh gravity exactly yeah i win okay okay okay so um beach gravity falls sand oh make the sand fall with gravity oh my god god did i just figure that out so absolutely no way i'm getting steak and stuff i'm not really getting anything op though wait try with gravel because sand is only giving me special arrows it's still giving me the same stuff how did you get diamonds think outside the box guys bro these skeletons are so annoying oh my dude this is going to be oh my god oh jesus christ this might have been too good bro how are you getting diamonds i don't know what other types of gravity blocks are there because the gravel and the sand give different things dev so i feel like there's other ones can we what did you use at the beginning i'm so confused apple am i actually might be an apple concrete ah how did you get all this off the beginning i'm so confused oh yes baby oh my god oh yes baby okay okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah oh wait what does drip stone drop oh oh anvil what does an anvil draw oh what does a booster drop when he dies huh we're about to find out i'm just going to grind this up till i have enough to make an animal oh my god oh yep yep yep yeah yeah is there anything crazier than an anvil oh i forgot i can make something oh you guys just damaged the anvil before dropping it down no a rookie mistake oh i got my use out of it bro there's still one thing you guys probably won't figure out so i'm fine i'm safe i swear it drips though nah it's not it's not like i feel like water and lava does that count what wait i know what drip stone is i think you just know you just know wait they're out of gold all right i'm going in to fight him real quick just to see what he has what do you mean no no no no no no please please you go in there def i'm gonna look for drip stone okay you guys are not giving me pearls at all so kiera what's the name of your dentist i found him on fiverr what does he even have a license i didn't check i think he said he does it was odd that he wasn't like his picture wasn't in his oh my god goodbye is that another another i was wondering i was like why is there a bridge do you have a chest plate with prop four no why i think i saw you had one i wish this was prop four no it is front four get away from me yeah we can talk we can talk we can talk we can talk i know i'm just here to talk to you babe yeah yeah that's it oh there's another room for this another room portal oh my stop picking up water yeah that's right that's right that's right let me do my thing yeah wait the drift disappears after it falls hello did you drop it on the torch or just drop it dropped it and it disappeared it dropped diamonds but nothing crazy yeah exactly yeah exactly like you're supposed to know what he means just continue just continue oh i feel like there's more to it let's continue there's definitely more to it oh this is very nice this is not good at all i wish you jumped down nice no i didn't nice get away from me nice get away from me please no thank you that definitely helped you nice yeah yeah ah skeletons don't don't care that don't oh you're so annoying you won't come up anyways it's fine i will i will oh yes that's what i wanted you're on your way down come here that actually doesn't do that much damage oh my god okay wait how do you have full you don't wait what how did these were not because i was training yeah you guys were stacking up oh my god yo dab what do you what do you want from me to make you go away you know exactly what i want are things going to plan booster so yeah yeah so much so much you know okay it might have not been the best choice of action here what's up facebook yeah this guy is get away from me dab oh my god oh my god hey hey oh my god them this is not good rooster just fight me man let's just see what happens you know okay this this is that this is not great why am i eating because you're hungry oh my god get away oh my god i found a lot of trips though this is good yo can i have that drip something more than apples yeah yeah we have to drop golden apples okay okay let's go here oh my god i have so many golden apples this is disgusting f i have 32 golden apples for you what and i'm coming right now oh my god next time i'm not giving you guys hints not a single hint guys uh i will be here next time then sorry not a single hint guys not a single one i'm getting back on i'm going to chase you know oh come on let's go underground no i didn't i will tell you the secret thing if you give me five minutes all right right now now five minutes and i'll give it to you yeah no okay no i'll see you guys my balls he's bluffing hey that's good that's good i should change your name to bluffer bluffer what is this i'm gonna go across the ocean please he's right here he's right here okay yeah i'm fighting him right now oh oh you should be able to see our names he's so quiet oh he's building up here at the top no no this is so bad this is so bad i see him damn okay this is not great yeah ambush if i pushed him coming i'm coming um oh my god i got so many crits on them okay go up go up go up go up yeah i'm going up and running where do you think you're going chill i see you still don't have your chest plate booster yeah i don't can't screw you dude you know okay no don't go into the ocean i'm going out into the ocean with them i got a boat i got his boat i got his boat okay i'm gonna dreamcraft the boat don't worry what's up that was bad that was bad that was pretty bad that was pretty bad yeah i agree i agree you should need more food okay okay chill chill yeah go get more food go get more food do you guys remember the coordinates of the room portal maybe please uh nope all the time yeah oh you're dead exactly he found it he found it he found it he found it found it be careful he's going in he's gonna go in he's gonna go in yes ah let's not go in right away because i feel like he's gonna wait for it even if he knocks us in the lava we'd just be able to chug so it's fine i think we'd survive okay here okay here screw your eyes wait he jumped in the lava oh no that's actually how oh my god you're so lucky you guys on shift booster on shift i want to see where you are what three minutes and then oh come on yeah he's right there chill out what is this oh my god you guys were so lucky with this all right he's on the move now how are you doing i know i found him i found him i found him i found him i found him in the lava he's in the lava i'm coming back oh my god it was got i almost got him from underneath i can't kill you but i need to kill you oh even if you kill me i'm gonna be able to get this stuff in two seconds again i'm ready please okay that's good at least doing the yellow get some extra armor too just in case [Music] yeah that's right that's right that's right oh no oh no oh yeah oh no oh yeah don't do it oh yeah [Music] yeah oh you're burning oh you're burning okay you just have golden apple okay that's that's just great what are you doing here i'm gonna trade for fires real quick yeah yeah so he's coming so he's up he's building a portal goodbye wait where's he going i don't know he's leaving i'm getting away boys oh nice bed guys oh my god that matters i see him underground wait what rude is not giving her a break wait why did the portal move he's not here wait he's not in this how is uh life boys it's really good right now how's your uh sleep schedule guys ah that was you no you you're what how was yours too boostfur yeah mine is as good as kiers mine is as good as kiers what about you dev mine's what mine's great screw you screw you screw you screw screw screw what there's a portal out here i feel great about doing this i'm happy yeah if he goes through a portal again i swear to god booster this bit this hawk oh you guys oh oh god there's no damage does not matter okay a lot of damage he went back again [Music] dude that's we're showing no mercy oh yes okay okay well this is not it's literally no escape this is not ideal it's not ideal it's not ideal this is very ideal well i was smart but good got him i got him i got him oh nice it's not good probably zero damage and nicer than zero messing with parker with a bow that's parker with the bow [Music] i think he jumped in the lava which loves his goddess well now there's nothing we can do because you're like way in the middle all right i guess he gets a break then let's go oh i was shaking a little bit guys yeah just a little bit just a little bit just a little bit back to not try harding guys how was uh how's the sucking [Music] guys what yes guys i got a chestplate finally does that mean he's gonna come out of the lava i'm missing one thing said i'm honestly we could easily do that and it'd be fine i mean it's so good we're doing it oh you honestly might be able to kill the ender dragon because i don't think we're gonna be able to kill each other in the end that's why oh yeah we will [Music] this guy just spawned behind me like how does that even make sense [Music] oh wait lucifer's not in another all right time for booster to die now that was a good little break [Music] oh wait above the ground oh oh that is so good oh this is not great this is not great this is not great oh this this is great oh bro so bad it's great yeah why is this so much fun yeah we might be able to play another split game bro that's what i'm saying oh look nether again no booster don't do it let's go i just spawned underground let's go at bedrock level you guys spawned the portal that i built next to the bedrock let's go you're such a scumbag please please come on come to papa where are you at something okay yes wait yes the dragon egg and now he's dropping the dragon egg that does grow and it has gravity [Music] give me something not great but we don't give up come on now okay yeah okay okay five minutes fought oh dev what's up your boy here is not here you ate a god apple let's go okay this is this these fights are just never gonna end it's actually ridiculous the armor's not even breaking like a little bit bro the server is lagging on my side what is this okay now there's actually lag oh okay what is this [Music] sure about that yeah i'm fine i'm fine without any helmet whatsoever yeah you know what i'm just gonna play this oh that was a good little fight booster do i have 64 gold that should be enough to get pearls right it should be but watch it's gonna not be oh my god another poop oh my god pearls yes is that what that is yes demonetised so how long do you think he will be eating who even knows do you have any pearls yet no oh my god but first let me take a selfie please please i'm back booster still doesn't have a pearl i'm trying one very long digestive tract later wait you're still eating yeah oh uh oh exactly starting to make some progress this isn't good oh by the way i fought against dev before while you were away and i did a long vote i didn't manage to kill one of you guys how am i supposed to win this thing no one's going to die you're going to kill the driver oh yeah yeah i'm not going to try to kill you guys screw you i hit booster i think the lowest you got me in that whole fight was four hearts what wait aren't you in a relationship with his dad booster i am holy i'm so proud of our family here oh my god yeah you actually have a nice family you guys crazy do you still have that picture of our family yeah and use a baby oh my god come on oh he's trading pearls let's go hey do you live on jupiter all right time to make strength to this i'm just gonna go to the end and kill the enemy dragon then you don't got that time i already got all the ingredients i need for potions i'm ready at the fortress so i'm already at the stronghold uh you're still in another actually no i'm actually at the stronghold right now how you feeling booster i'll help you i'm feeling kind of hot for your dad not gonna lie then yeah oh sick this is just too disrespectful banger my house is complete send you a screenshot include this in the video please editor by the way editor booster won't give me your name so i i'm not hiding my editor he's in my description i apologize for um not calling you by your name because booster won't tell me who you are that's true yeah that's a fact he's hiding you you want to try pronouncing this later okay right why is everyone quiet hello not gonna lie you sounded norwegian when you said that let's move on let's go let's move on let's move on am i wrong like how do you pronounce it i have no idea i told you you never asked them how to pronounce what the hell we don't ask each other about our names we just compare pee-pee sizes just have true real man-to-man conversations you know yeah yeah what are you guys doing you even made windows i'm about to make carpets which is out of another taking a picture with the house if uh it fulfills my request i really apologize no he doesn't apologize i do apologize sure that apologizes yeah he doesn't care about anyone wait you guys were in norway and he didn't what is this oh my god we're right here dad this is it oh no oh my god yeah it tells you crazy this is not good oh i know it's great booze did not know that that was the room i'm going right in i don't care oh no not like this not like this booster i like this oh my god go boys it what are you doing booster i am gonna kill you with my arrows oh you guys can just jump down oh my bad bam i'm gonna note that you're you're going to sit up there and just snipe him there's no chance oh yeah that's definitely what i'm going to do oh my god that dragon just did a 360. oh my god this dragon is insane did you do a double noscope as well this guy is insane [Music] leading that was so much damage so much damage oh damn it no no no guys guys chill chill chill chill yeah i'm gonna pull out this gummy if you don't back off right now though okay go go down there oh no don't come down here we really got this bro let's go that was a decent play booster i'll give you that i'm just gonna win yes of course one hit him come on dragon oh my god i'm hitting all my shots i got any pearls bro this is so annoying oh my god half health down let's go you're not gonna win like this booster i am see ya what bro how does that make any sense how did you not get knocked off gary i'll go down another hole i kind of want to though oh booze where you at where is gooseberry this is so risky oh my god where are you what's up come on what if i want to split you yes leave me come on no i didn't reach it it oh no oh [Music] oh my god you probably have a chest with extra stuff here i don't oh no well you're welcome i guess i'm a worm dude i think here's bluffing about that not okay yeah you're bluffing here screw you screw you you have armor you just go follow it now we don't have a choice [Music] boys chill chill chill chill chill yeah now you kind of pissed me off with that kill [Music] oh my god you screwed up booster let's go i'm back to normal all right dev i got all my stuff back let's fight this fight right here all right let's go yes yes what please no yes kill him kill him kill him kill him kill him why is that here get away from me get away oh my god this is ending here no it's not you're not winning this booster there's no way this is ending no it's not oh [Music] oh yeah you try you trapped yourself in with us [Applause] get him get him get him yeah okay yeah bro oh the dragon's down please how do i get i don't know i got a line oh no no no no no oh my god oh my god i survived this driver i also survived oh there he is there you are this is not okay it's still good feeling that one hole oh oh yeah no oh no oh like oh my armors are fine let's go let's go let's go oh i didn't play the vlog that's so bad let's go yes yes yes i'm in here i'm in here yes yes yes oh my god oh my god please please please please please die die die i never die we need to win this just to say we we're playing no we need to win this no no no no he's still down yes dragon come on no he launched me yeah oh
Channel: Boosfer
Views: 481,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Manhunt but, Minecraft Manhunt but I secretly used, Minecraft Manhunt but OP Loot, Minecraft Manhunt but OP Enchants, Minecraft Manhunt but I can go into creative, Minecraft manhunt but drops are random, Minecraft Manhunt Dream, Dream Manhunt, Dream Manhunt 1v5, Poland Manhunt 1v5, Poland Manhunt, Wisp Manhunt, Dream Latest Manhunt, Minecraft but lava rises, Minecraft Manhunt but custom, Manhunt 6 hunters
Id: lPU-bC0mfw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 2sec (1742 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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