Minecraft Manhunt, But I'm A Worm...

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welcome to minecraft manhattan but i'm a worm in this video i gave myself abilities that would turn me into a worm abilities such as insta mining digging giant tunnels and seeing people through walls when i am underground this video was actually super intense and my hunters managed to be really annoying in the end so make sure to watch the entire video to see whether i managed to kill the ender dragon before my hunters kill me this plugin was once again made by krx so make sure to check out the description down below to get this and many other plugins for yourself and as always make sure to subscribe to be a part of the before 400k gang and leave a like to help me out with the youtube algorithm enjoy the video let me get uh acceleration guys it's all in the acceleration yeah where is here oh come on i mean dev here is right here oh my god what is happening i think you should like the video like the video yes i agree with that [Music] all right where is everyone god that was so hot oh my god oh my god look at his eyes oh my god guys what are you guys uh i'm not you if i ate like he's gone he's gone he's going he's gone he's gone oh my god there's no way that's the twist already yeah okay he did the twist already yeah he just got through the floor really fast oh yeah his fist can like break everything oh my god what do you mean no booster get back here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah go go go go go okay oh okay yeah he's doing something whoa guys it's getting deleted to the ground it's getting deleted um okay i don't want to die let's it's okay i've ironed guys i have iron we can make food and live down here goodbye guys do you like the twist i'm just assuming we can't do the twist what twist there's no twist i'm gonna i'm gonna hurt you that's a threat yo bubble you're looking kind of thick there buddy oh my render isn't just like one right so guys what's the twist i'm curious insta mine stuff he's a worm that's the twist oh my god actually is he's actually doing it oh jesus cure you wanted this twist oh my god this i can't believe you're there's no way this is actually the twist i mean kira wanted it so you know here what have you done i might have made a mistake i might okay guys i got enough iron for a full set it's a tunnel you built over here what tunnel what do you what did i do you're just warming everywhere no i'm not i'm literally legit not a worm like what i believe minecraft minecraft worm hunt but my hunters are birds oh okay i would bang you guys oh i would bang yeah okay i i understand the new type of content we need to do we need to do minecraft mukbangs guys it's because why why why did why can't i see everything booster what why could i see all the mobs for a second i don't know what you're talking about oh no oh my god what diamond already we really have stone i mean that's a lion but oh true i forgot here's god here he's gonna fly by the way wait what what's full iron good try go try go try that we'll try them respect respect respect god can we do this at all this twist or no uh no wow oh we're gonna get you this guy who would do a twist where you can't the hunters can't do it either yeah what do you mean i'll expose dev i'm kidding who's here who's eating right now whoa why can't i see everything that's a good idea i should no booster why would you mind like that oh my god oh my god oh my god oh what's my blocks that was a waste of iron oh my god wait how did you hit one hit me down to like two hertz you took a lot of fall damage and then i didn't i took like one heart of fall damage and then you cripped me and then i went down to one and a half hearts well i can two hit you with an axe even if you have full iron on that's fake okay it is it's actually gonna speak factor cat guys let's test it come over here um okay okay let's go i'm okay are you sure dude this is like this this manhunt is going super fast it actually is oh no wait that's not what i meant to do maybe that's because you can do everything with your fist no i did that again i am so dumb i am so incredibly yeah we know you guys don't even know you guys don't don't even know oh we know we talked to you a lot almost every day literally just walked up to him and died wait you walked up to me yeah wait when when you killed me i'm losing his name oh my god oh my god what's up i just saw your stupid worm tunnel i'm getting out of here wait why because it's gross is it slimy it's pretty disgusting what i'd love to see oh wait i have oh my god that's actually insane [Music] really two skeletons what what's up what's up boys this is broken this is bad what's bad guys i love this twist this twist gives me so much happiness you don't even know what if i go to the nether now then he's just going to be fine for full diamond right now i'm not why would you think that because i know you put the food at what you got i don't know how to say it without you know giving it away it's a form of medicine you got a golden apple maybe god carrot good old days guys good old op man hunters wasn't that like a month ago feels like a decade ago though burger king oh my god oh my god bubba you're you're a lifesaver thank you so much what are you doing i wonder don't you want to run right i'm gonna be able to hear that i'm trying my best here trying to make a play oh can't make a play [Music] see you [Music] i don't care oh wait cue your full iron hey let's go that's tango let me craft my iron axe no tango right now oh what okay awesome all i wanted to do is craft my iron axe just killed me other than crafting sorry sorry okay this is he's definitely won this that's the thing i don't think i'll win this like it always starts like this i somehow managed to get the advantage really fast but then you guys somehow win in a stupid way in the end and i think i just take big fat l's [Music] oh no oh my god jesus guys just leave it what's it called knock here get away from me i want your enchant table oh [Music] why are you going up that's not going to help you come here [Music] like right beside you oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah he's solo he's so low hello my god here oh my god how low were you how low were you uh nothing i wasn't low at all he's chanting up there did you get the helmet the extra helmet you have it i said no okay can you chill out man how much damage was that oh no okay sick that's a lot of damage that is so fun you're such a scumbag oh my god oh also how did that two hit me what's on it uh power three bro what did you get a power for you desert temple it did like seven hearts or something oh he broke the bend oh my god that was so close let me walk away yeah thanks oh he's scared of us i knew it he's actually a wimp beta a beta wait i am a wimp but i'm not a beta guys wait i have a plan guys yo guys look at this look at this guys he's gonna just build one down there okay he did why are you guys here wait did he just destroys another portal guys you need to chillax yeah yeah we're gonna [Music] i'm having so much fun guys aren't you guys love this guys i swear i swear this is just a fun plug-in all right hey hey let's go i swear guys i'm just loading in random seeds and i just get lucky i swear i promise i promise guys i promise i just realized the haste that i have gives me insane attack speed wait wait a minute there's no way okay it's right here oh my god oh my god this is this is actually broken this is not fair at all oh oh guys one heart shape oh he's doing that spectral thing to see exactly where we are oh i'm getting them where art come here [Music] he has 1.8 pvp the haste gives me insane attack speed jesus what's what you're saying what can i be me yeah come here come here suck it blue spur you suck at parkour oh no oh no he's not sucking that woman oh my god bear me please i i'm innocent i keep dying to your warmness your slimy wondering then don't run just fight me dude why do i feel like dev will resent me after this video i already do that's fun why did i just get efficiency too when i don't need it just complaining about getting a free efficiency too this guy that's his new pc what do you mean what did i do guys complaining about free efficiency too yeah but i don't need it you see i don't need to break blocks even faster shut up i think boost where you might have the worst plugins like no no no no bubba no but bubble like makes plugins that aren't not 100 uh torture because you have some hope but just so it feels worse yeah when actually there's no okay i have a good one in the works right now no i i i'm busy that day take care of them i'm gonna think of the most disgusting one ever and i'm gonna get booster there can you not invite me oh you'll be there no no no just boost her no i'm sorry that sounds like a great second channel like content guys it's not even going to be a manhunt it's going to be minecraft a torture hunt that's why all your videos should be titled no what do you mean uh dude this is not fair haste 1000 is officially the most op potion effect oh my guys guess what i'm mining blocks with there's no twists guys oh my god you're giving here ptsd why are you lining this here i'm mining your balls that was actually building like towers and stuff oh wait that just gets here why are you still dancing around there what else am i supposed to do i don't know but what guys you can help me dance with the ball doing the mating call bro i love mating calls i can put that in my minecraft meeting called documentary how how the bees do mating dances that's what we're doing welcome to the shaft restaurant who might help what do you have for uh purchase we got shaft nuggets and we got balls what i'll take one ball sweat drink please i'll take one nug here's one nugget and then what are you guys doing right now that was scrumptious oh i think i think the drink killed somebody don't drink while you're standing on the shaft i have a tip for you oh you have a tip for me which one oh god okay here's your tip oh give me that tip dude my editor is gonna have so much fun editing this i we need to build some support with this much uh curvature through true but it's only a step it's not like a serious curve so i'm building some support here but he can't stay up on its own support beams okay yeah that's better so now it's good see now it's stable there won't be any more deaths on the tip anymore why are you some of your teeth yellow i don't know why your eyes are red to be fair this isn't the skin i wanted to use today but the other one didn't work for some reason uh one sec one second i gotta go get my food this guy every time i record that orders food what is that sign wait look at this one what are you guys doing are you guys like naked and dancing pretty much was it gonna be an easy manhunt i guess oh he's out he's out he's out he's always out let's go he has the meat you're not even eating my meat for once wow nice i think your mom put something in the steak didn't right she put love into the steak that's why it tastes so good mom cookswithlove.com find recipes near you where the hell is this stronghold no i mean uh i am strip mining for diamonds right now oh i believe you believe you believe i just realized you're gonna block a wool every time you kill a sheep no i think a block is a square meter a meter cube sorry yeah how much wool that is on one sheep that's a lot you guys are plump also consider the size of the sheep themselves yeah they're the size of two blocks they're two meters high i actually are two meters high even one meter yeah this is still yeah that's a thing i feel like i'm a little bit outside of the first quadrant right now what's a quad uh sheep is 91 centimeters tall what's a centimeter okay whatever i was thinking about it the other day what kind of before like manhunt and minecraft butts what kind of minecraft content were people making uh i can't think of anything uhd yeah hypixel was a big thing we should just do a ireland minecraft one dress up like minecraft characters and go to them that's so crazy you know what's even crazier how hot you are oh my god next time i see you i'm going to show you the cryptocurrency i'm starting be me like in-game oh okay okay okay yeah i've been on this whole time this is interesting it's a very interesting very interesting stronghold i love my attack speed right now i bet it's nice what is this that's my question like pac-man like the amethyst pac-man just started eating up this okay okay that just happened it does oh i can't thank god there's no way oh come on that is so annoying the compass turned oh my god if he loses this i'll be so happy i don't care oh dear yo you're glowing here get your eyes off and boost freeze taken booster i'm lily please no well i have two pearls yo can i can i get a pearl then realize that i'm naked yeah i gotta get down quicker then what i love before i peace out i'm gonna do this oh there's so many silver fish this was stupid that's why i did it ah let's get out let me get out come to me come to me come to me i have a bed okay you know what let's just go in let's just go in guys don't go in i advise you not to oh no oh no oh what is going on in here i advise you not to go in guys yo dab what are you doing oh please whisper yo crazy man hello this is not going well oh no there's enemies now what if i do this what will happen yes bro oh what just happened no what is this okay that's actually not that bad i am i'm a warm i can just believe that it's fine isn't that [Music] oh my god bubba just no bubba just stop jessica wants to be shredding oh okay i don't want to be shredded okay sick his worm thing just gets rid of the jessica okay did nothing but jessica did absolutely come here this might be the most op one really nothing what this is not the most healthy one after hitting we can't jessica okay what are you doing bubba what are you doing i don't understand what's happening anymore wait can i have the pickaxe booster what the gangs your worm pickaxe it's not the guys that does this it's just you yeah so you're legit worm yes guys you need to take out the rest of the towers to the right i just realized my cryptocurrency burned how can we what the hell is still doing the jessica as long as we keep updating jessica it'll still be annoying for him let's playback booster for my video what do you mean guys what are you doing guys we're talking about this oh it says nothing it literally just does nothing all that works guys it's okay guys i just i just needed to win i've lost four times in a row okay maybe that's because you suck okay okay okay a little bit harsh booster that's a little bit harsh i don't even feel bad you say something you said you don't feel like you don't feel bad huh that's what i thought oh no my 17th death so you don't feel bad bubble i didn't say that at all actually who built this in that we can what are you guys doing booster i can give you an audio representation of what i'm doing i didn't even look at this enderman there's three on me okay you're just an idiot you notice how the dragon is uh way up in the sky and hasn't come down yet that's fine wait wait oh my god that dragon jesus i am just thinking of a plan right now to you know beat this bubble technique actually you invented this technique why did i even try [Music] i wasn't even doing anything wait let me just quickly burn all your stuff oh that's not part of the code that he did he did it he did well you actually burned my stuff why no i didn't oh my god the dragon's so messed up i was playing the among us theme song oh yes the dragon is normal again let's go oh my god oh my god oh my god here what is this i'm trying to purge dude no i don't need to punch here you're the most annoying kid i've ever faced in a manhunt where are you that's your knockback my guy oh god yeah oh my god the dragon's still full health we're looking good yeah thank you really goodbye such a okay the dragon is pushing upwards okay that's fine really okay that's good yeah guys please i beg you yeah this is definitely one of the most op twists god i think what we learned today is uh worms are nutty eh wait how did he not die because i'm just that good oh my god bubble bubble please how did you know this is going so this is no i'm just i'm not having fun at all you're not having fun oh he's going back up on the tower again oh oh okay well that was very aggressive dragon i don't know where this aggression is coming from i think the dragon needs some therapy oh guys he's so bad at the game i wonder why he couldn't be more annoying could you that's the only thing we can do to counter you have i ever been this annoying to you guys in any of your recordings yes i'm talking to kieran right now bubble i know bubble i know why you're doing this i don't know why karen never doing this like i've never done anything you've never done a twist that this that is this okay that you can't complain you're taking an update why are you guys so high i don't know yeah i'm going to the surface and getting some cheap guys i'm definitely not out of blocks suck kids there's no more blocks left on this map so we pretty much just get to sit here and watch him now i'm sorry he's so high booster you know the dragon perch is a lot lower than that right yeah not if i have something to do with it oh you wanted to purchase okay i'm just going to build a platform just chill up here guys that's so extra what else am i supposed to do huh hey well let's see if the dragon likes this idea oh apparently it looks like this enderman and now there's no blocks to get back up so yeah let's go where is the dragon the dragon's back down here right it's that way we're still down there the whole time that's what i was telling you oh okay well then i'm just gonna do this what is the dragon doing how far up is the dragon gonna purge all i'm saying dev is doing oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh my god what's the actual no you're feeling mad at me if i do it so i have to go take it to the shop afterwards wait guys he's on the ground oh wait what what are you doing bubble nothing this will require precision because i also still want to win oh it's not even close stop guys oh my god i'm not even low oh my god ah maybe i shouldn't have broken this is it just me and cure yeah okay i can just kill you guys okay okay okay i can be free of you guys oh my god yes it's just you friend say goodbye here goodbye oh is the dragon pushing normally yes that's solid that's not like oh yeah i got a four banger oh my god it's okay this is how you be in the house this is how i want it to go i just want to leave this world house house house guys take a screenshot of the house yeah house house house are you guys okay house house house house house offer up sort of blood i don't know what's happening anymore death to death fall damage sacrifices must be understandable kill the dragon oh suck it guys
Channel: Boosfer
Views: 950,191
Rating: 4.940999 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Manhunt but, Minecraft Manhunt but I secretly used, Minecraft Manhunt but OP Loot, Minecraft Manhunt but OP Enchants, Minecraft Manhunt but I can go into creative, Minecraft manhunt but drops are random, Minecraft Manhunt Dream, Dream Manhunt, Dream Manhunt 1v5, Poland Manhunt 1v5, Poland Manhunt, Wisp Manhunt, Dream Latest Manhunt, Minecraft but lava rises, Minecraft Manhunt but custom, Manhunt 6 hunters, Boosfer Manhunt 1v6
Id: E2MKzOgdkIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 33sec (1533 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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