Minecraft Manhunt, But There's Custom Jumps

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did you ever wish the jumping made you explode well now you can this is minecraft manhunt but there are custom jumps these jumps will give you permanent abilities and you have a switcher so you can cycle through all of your jump options jumping will allow you to launch mobs up in the air explode or even turn everything into diamonds i'm so sorry for doing this this plugin was super fun and intense to use so i hope you enjoy and hey we are actually super close to 400 000 subscribers so if you want to grab that before 400k badge make sure to do it fast now enjoy the video this might be the best skin i've ever found in minecraft like just the artistic vision of the skin which is so beautiful it's going to be something horrible i want to know who johnny wow wow wow absolutely killed it it's got five downloads i need to get more people to know this this because i swear we get like thousands of downloads it's just such a attractive skin what do you think your skin is so beautiful why do you have a gag ball in your mouth what is oh my god what is your skin if anything uh this is like i thought my skin was bad this is this is my my editor made me a gilf skin bro that's not a gill and what are you supposed to be huh you're not one to judge here i'm johnny wow wow in your mouth here no he was pushed me off the tree but that's not what it is it's actually just foam why are you punching me booster's literally gone he's finding a tree in the tree you're dead like it's just over and out for you you just asked for this like here's all your faults you literally just asked for this now booster's got a tree let's go dab you're completely useless what did i do hey booster whoa fall please fall how did you not take any knock back no don't punch me off them oh why i guess i pushed you off come on oh my god my mouth is glitching guys my mouth is good now please have mercy guys guys i will suck you off if you leave me be right now i will become how clear your skin looks if you leave me right now we keep arguing about the axe a lot but like what's your guys actual lotto bucket slot is he eating um are you going to answer my question or oh no i lost him i need to add myself yeah how'd you lose them because it's a jungle i got lost in this vast moist jungle okay i got lost in keir's beautiful face film melon bro okay you feel so bad for your viewers anyone watching i am safe oh god for now machine's on me no that's not what my skin is it's foam that is actually no it's not you're really just dissing johnny wow i think i have a problem with that like i don't like you right now i see a beautiful door somewhere you guys should definitely go find it what do you mean door there's a door guys why are you guys this is close to me i think boots were seeing things because he's old there's a door guys there's literally no door there's let's see that door guys oh a village conveniently placed village exactly where i was running oh boost for scripts everything it's crazy what's in the village that's your spawn guys that's your spawn guys so remember when i fell off the tree yeah i might have been half a heart yeah dev you blew it i mean according to your skin he's the one who blew something what the heck how did that just turn on me oh here we got this what why are there no beds i found a water bed but that doesn't work what he's done enough talking no i haven't let me get time to die wait dev he says let me be he can turn into a bee oh my he actually can chill yeah with your stinger how far do you run quite a bit yellow right now this is this is making me mad minecraft man there's a baby drowned chasing you bro that skin is oh my god what so what are you guys up to an idiot oh he's underground okay oh okay okay they're done done boys what are you guys doing get on my hole no can't do sir i have a strict contract telling me that i have to be here hunting you and going easy on you so i'm not allowed to go hard on you because oh you can go as hard as you want daddy no no that's not what i said on the contract though i don't want to get sued and if and if we kill you during a manhunt then like you'll like block us on everything just made a recipe do you guys want it no it's a recipe yes i'm going to send it i'm going to send them there you go boys that's the first custom crafting recipe what is that what boot or what the heck is that right here i'm going to make you a gift okay gifts [Music] no way that's sick did he make you a cumbrella no okay all right i'm about to make this stupid boot thing dealing jump unlocked yeah that's right if i jump i get regen four oh you like that don't you you like that don't you what yeah but i like it slow so what are you gonna name this minecraft mana but if you jump you get regen four why wouldn't i there's no way oh why do i have a feeling that there's gonna be a lot more custom recipes in this and we're not gonna know any of them and boosters are gonna destroy us the whole video yeah there's going to be one like one that what [Laughter] you were saying them what happened classic minecraft things you know that's why you don't mind there's no chickens in this world except for booster oh why didn't that make that sound what you call boost for a chicken it turned me on oh like what oh my god no wonder his mouth is filled okay okay i've been looking for a chicken for the past hour actually it's been five hours no it's been six actually maybe because chickens don't like rain and it's raining is that a thing yeah it's a chicken let's go oh i can hear you though healing jump unlocked why is it two stake in a feather for healing jump i don't ask me bro like just like how does that here's that made this plugin i'm sorry what the heck he's really good at making plugins yeah i'm about to go down on booster rephrase booster where the hell did you go oh i heard that explosion didn't i don't know where you're at oh my god oh my god oh my god oh yeah find the portal creeper wait i'm gonna get a bunch of this iron first i want to get iron armor before i fight him all right let me get full iron too then i could tell he's scared now i am remember the contract that we signed even though we have hawaiian we're not allowed to kill you anyways you guys suck you forced us you tricked us i think you guys pulled out a contract for yellow not for me no no that was for you i remember it might have been like uh scammed by quencher but that's not me you know that's literally you though so yeah your middle name is quencher it's okay you're quenching yeah i'm not from the surface oh my god i think i just booster is here i don't have any armor he's got full iron i'm running that scared me right here we're both right here we're both right here oh are no he's gonna start worming oh my god why would you even come back out here if you were in the nether i hate this oh there you are oh no oh yeah that's right please don't do it don't do it don't do it oh you like that cure why did you unlight the portal get in the lava oh yeah like that i thought you were like you like that you like that i thought dev was with me he smelled the iron oh my god you're like we're both here let's go in i had to give you all my items there at this time in the video because that was part of the contract right like five minutes in oh my god dab is that you i'm just going to take your iron because it's not going to end you deserve that depth i got so much iron oh my god thank you so much let's go i had to let you in that fight you know the contract said okay buddy i love getting wood tools and then stone tools it's my favorite part of it yeah oh nice bed guys nice bed go here nice nice crafting table [Music] literally what's the reason of coming to kill me right here literally what's the reason literally what's the reason this is not part of the contract wait how much do i pay you guys don't pay us anything but if we go out yeah you sign the contract we don't have a choice you put in fine print we couldn't find it like you like you didn't expect us to read through an 18-page contract okay definitely stop going for me let's go let's go appreciate see how i didn't speak after that because i'm not allowed to according to the contract uh-huh yeah totally tough what are you doing down like sure where are you going oh there you go what's up do you do you like want to die like just let me be bro okay let's go i'm low and low i'm low yeah oh yeah i forgot i can just jump let's go oh yeah oh yeah oh he's probably just jumping right now though you should not have told us this oh i got so low there oh yeah these zombies are on our team these zombies are on our team let's go oh they're on our team who just joined hello i'll kill it i'll kill it let's go this stupid spot here let's go let's go let's go no no oh my god this is so hard i'm coming back here to stay alive i'm actually destroying him good good good good good mobs are on me now just keep watching him and staying there and annoying him i crossed the next recipe guys oh i actually don't want to see you well you you're gonna know it oh nothing happened let's go it didn't work let's go i win you didn't do anything you killed me yeah i'm just good what was it just go away go away go away i shouldn't have made that as my first recipe that's so bad yeah that was a horrible idea i really respect you for this i respect your mom i expected her so hard last night oh so good step like your dirt is not gonna help you like you know okay let me send you the next recipe real quick what is that i just don't even know what it means how do those two things tie together oh you like that that just just i really don't like you like that what are you doing right now sports who's towering oh you can't jump you can't jump you can't jump you can't jump them no come back here come back here then here hurry up i'm here oh i can't jump yes he's warming oh my god yeah that's right let's go let's go goodbye guys yeah if we need to get some leather and a feather and some leather the weather is clever dead heather dude i feel like so exposed that you guys know the same recipes as i do uh we do two you know probably like 27. here's the other recipe that i crafted by the way why is it all feathers oh you like it i know you like it but like there's no chickens in this world you know that chickens are actually dinosaurs nope guys did you know that kieran dev's channel actually belongs to me yeah literally yeah under the content because you scammed though you guys will never see the real side of booster but hashtag released the contract hashtag expose booster so many people are actually going to believe this the contract i just wanted to put on a guilt skin and have fun and now i'm just getting accused of look at this right there oh i'm literally just trying to find one chicken i just want to find a nice mouth bro i think i located one where you don't want to let people breathe and stuff yeah booster would knock a human yeah booster is a creature it's just for contact for you yes sorry sorry i didn't walk over you sorry didn't i really didn't mean to talk over you please don't do anything i'm gonna do something that you will not like me doing uh i mean you've already done countless things that you don't like but that sounded so bad okay boys a new recipe i can't find any feathers to save my life must be part of the contract it must be oh there's something you don't know guys okay oh yo this is horrible i can't find this feather i can't find you oh my god another feather dev give switch jumps how do i eat it that's what it is minecraft man but there's different types of jumps oh i'm so smart i just found a chicken oh yes he didn't drop a feather okay there we go yes two feathers suck it gear what we're on a team go near an animal and jump these fights are gonna be insane dude smash up is gonna be soapy in the nether no that is bad chickens keep flying in the air i just want the contract to be released bro can i know the title of the contract you made it you're the one that has to release it you're the one that you have to address it by name what about the purple contract because you know blue and red equals purple you know i don't care here i got the mining one mining jump oh i like this one yeah the first person who mines straight down and finds diamonds can get the next recipe that i haven't even crafted yet oh i'm going i'm going for it here why do i have a headache i see me can you fix that how am i like what's make him feel better i just want you to make me feel better bro what kill what i do diamonds can mine like it can spawn all the way to y level zero so it's like weird what diamonds can spawn among the bedrock as well wait what did you go into this you know what you know what i'm going to get this diamond thing and it's just going to be a super op i'm going to craft potions don't you dare i am sucking oh my mind right onto diamonds all right tell me how far did you go bro straight down oh no no no no no no no oh i almost died okay wait what's the recipe how far down did you go the better off you could break better off by the way here oh i you guys didn't fall down to the i thought you were just going to do that nice oh okay boys i'm gonna send you this recipe i thought what about the diamond one i didn't say that you were gonna craft something from diamonds this guy i said i'm gonna give you the next recipe i'm gonna crack you're worse than yellow i don't even know that if you guys say that one more time i'm actually gonna cry cry okay i'm not telling you guys any more recipes oh my juicy balls what sorry guys but i'm not telling you any more recipes you guys want me to put in the contract am i getting bullied in this video guys oh my god here i figured out the most insane thing ever booster what's up i might have teleportation jump oh my bro the teleportation jump is super uh weird and glitchy i don't like it i found a mob spawner and it had it in the mob spawner it just had it there yeah because it's the disc no do you know where bruce was poor looks here right now i don't even know where i am wait you're here i just got the best idea ever come on i'm gonna message you i'm gonna message you we don't even need the recipes what do you mean you don't need the recipes what do you mean no you're not gonna make a creeper farm where they're getting shot by skeletons you're not doing that you're not allowed to do it you're not allowed no no no no no no no no no no well i'm gonna hurry up and speed run then you guys don't get to do that i'm just gonna hurry up and spew it on then so big brain actually oh it's turning day though guys please wait wait so you're telling me you're gonna do that i don't need to give you guys any more recipes do you guys agree no i want more recipes but like you guys said you're gonna do a farm uh it'd be cool that both you can't have both sorry bruh here how is your inventory full a mining with a mining jump like what [Music] how is that that funny thing you'll stop hacking okay i release the contract and i'll stop hacking ah contract release i ripped it up right now guys expect uh booster release the contract on twitter i will tweet it once this video goes out oh my god i have to write a contract right here why is he here why are you guys here i know what you guys are planning i'm sorry be careful don't care i'm not with you i need food so i'm smelling food there he is oh my god there's a mob spawner wait you gotta get it get it get it get it oh there's no disc no i'm gonna die to the skeletons oh oh yes oh why did i why did i not think like oh wait and there's actually a mob spawner diamonds you do need diamonds uh maybe oh oh dev what happened dev i think i threw that off with a smashing what were you smelling though damn why am i dead i just got back from taking a piss what just happened to me so guys what are you up to oh i see you guys oh oh yo dab dab dab stop stop where'd you just go i don't want to be thrown up oh wait i see now oh my god stop stop stop stop stop stop stop that stop whisper stop stop stop stop just stop just stop stop just stop to stop just stop oh my god oh my god i hate you so much bro i have to waste two pearls because of you where are you i am nowhere to be found yeah you don't know where i am let's go yo dab are you actually not able to find me oh no i know you went but i believe you literally just saw your hole under a tree yeah i believe you the contract where i have to make you guys look smart forces me to leave you not part of the contract why are you making him now he's weird oh you're making stuff up like trying to make us look bad you know like it's two two against one now how am i supposed to win an argument where it's two against the one like what give me a break guys oh yes i found it this is exactly what i needed chat watch this here's that thank you for the donation now watch this this and then this oh boy now watch this chat who are you talking to oh my god doesn't even know guys i'm so sorry for doing this but you guys will regret messing with me about the contract i will make your life so miserable right now you already have the contract okay suck me them okay are you still mining you are oh my god he's got diamond armor oh what no i don't i do not have old diamond armor guys i promise so kier how's your dad doing i heard he got a raise raised yeah and mojang he owns it now nice yeah every time i text him about like adding a new update he just doesn't answer but i think it's just because he's busy i don't know wait does he ever answer no but he says it's because he's busy oh booster zombie uh no i'm not oh oh you're just dying well i guess my teleportation one just didn't work okay no you can't jump in air freaking i have nothing oh i can't even tire baby what is that what come here it's not hitting me none of them hit me come here bro this is insane what is this come here baby nobody dev fell off the world wait you have the healing jump you're not gonna wonder how i got full diamond let's go oh my how did you let me guess the diamond shoe i actually can't even stack up now because i'm stuck on the mining jump i can't do anything so i lost so guys i think smash jump is the the worst one oh yeah um yes what are you doing why are you doing this why are you doing this oh yes watch it booster oh my god yes here's the recipes that i've used boys oh wait i got this uh and the you'll see i think i made the worst one right now i promise your first time in the nether oh my first time in two i saw it wasn't funny just because you didn't make it surprised though i'm just bridging over lava because you guys are mean to me um oh yeah yo sorry i was tarzan for a second oh no please please please please please please please please get under something dev get under something i'm under something do it don't do it it's not going to be it's glitching i got it i got it just get under something no what are you doing just stop stop just stop stop stop stop just stop stop stop where'd he go keep doing it keep doing it i'm gonna mine under him you good are you good are you good no you should have let go you told me you literally said keep going exactly so then why would you let go like go what yeah he did i fell back down i kept going oh you went up though survived damn you survived my god okay let me try it with a bow does it work with that bow oh it doesn't no stop stop stop stop you're gonna die right now then right now oh my god let's go he jumps on you and then it blows up you guys can you figure out that recipe though oh i see you here oh my stuff oh here you look juicy right watch out he's gonna you're gonna do a tnt jump on you and you're gonna have a chance i'm jumping on you right now he's too bad he's too bad i love how you light him and like get startled at all oh i see bullies for stuck i'm stuck no yeah he's up please don't please don't please don't please don't oh my god i'll be a good boy i'll be a good boy i'll i'll turn to you right now do it do it do it do it i want to see it no right now i won't come on i won't [Music] stop stop just stop just stop stop it's not me bro mr tnt full diamond head oh my god let's go how many times can you do it in a row as much as i want he just leaves it three times in a row let's go you wanted to see it right oh i see you i see oh don't throw me up though oh my god okay no oh booster is right there i don't want smalling i promise i'm stuck in the game oh my god oh my god please you're actually scary i'm stuck in mining jump you guys want to play apex [Music] you are the apex champion guys this twist isn't even bad i'm literally telling you all the rest i'm stuck in mining mode who's very i can't do anything okay i'm back from the leather fall so guys did you craft the diamond one i know but i crafted your mom oh yep all my stuff's not here i don't know how to get out of the nether now oh i also don't have a sprint oh here bro my my like grandpa hand looks so cool there should be a speed jump you should be a speed jump yeah i'll let him know i'll let him know the way you said it yeah yeah you guys coming to greet me yes with my four feathers fishing rod and three steak you may think i'm unprepared when i kill you in the end it'll just be a complete humiliation it is true if that happens yeah but then you will be breaking the contract won't you you can't do that i'll take your channel the contract is you can't go past ten percent wait and once you enter the end then it's fine no i clearly i wrote the contract so i know better and the contract states when we reach the end you're not allowed to kill me that's not true that is the contract the fine print's already there you can't change i already did i did it you're not my lawyer we didn't sign the new version though we didn't sign the name no you signed the new version without knowing that you signed don't make me when you signed it you also agreed to any updates to the contract sorry don't don't make me call it we read the whole contract don't make me good you should be cutie oh my god he sounds hot but my mustache was like so beautiful you're like the pringles guy i actually am oh that be so blind he's so blind right now he's a oh he's minor metering down [Music] oh my god why did i just place oh my god no one what do you do i don't want to kill you oh my no you're not there's no way you're doing this no way you're doing that oh my god that was so close oh my god guys stop follow me stop following me stop following me stop following me guys what are you doing part of the contract oh it is yeah i did i did oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god no no no no no no get me out of here oh my god oh my god how did you what there's 11 eyes they're just what what if i broke the end blocks oh wait let me do it let me do it no no i almost broke the emblem up oh my god stop whoa okay stop stop stop oh no if you're on your own no wait you didn't say your spawn let's go but i actually have a plan i have a plan yo dab how are you doing how are you doing yes let's go i didn't even get to test the final jump yes i want to test the final jump i don't know what it did dragon jump gives you extreme strength and jump boost oh my god oh it's like a dragon slayer launcher oh how did the dragon die if i got this jump boos i could have literally instantly won thank god
Channel: Boosfer
Views: 429,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Manhunt but, Minecraft Manhunt but I secretly used, Minecraft Manhunt but OP Loot, Minecraft Manhunt but OP Enchants, Minecraft Manhunt but I can go into creative, Minecraft manhunt but drops are random, Minecraft Manhunt Dream, Dream Manhunt, Dream Manhunt 1v5, Poland Manhunt 1v5, Poland Manhunt, Wisp Manhunt, Dream Latest Manhunt, Minecraft but lava rises, Minecraft Manhunt but custom, Manhunt 6 hunters, Boosfer Manhunt 1v6
Id: e9EsOZZ71J4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 44sec (1544 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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