Minecraft Manhunt, But There's Super Food...

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welcome to minecraft manhunt but there are super carrots in this video i made five different custom crafting recipes for a golden carrot and a certain object that turns the golden carrot into a super carrot when i eat this certain carrot i get a certain permanent ability that will last me for the rest of the manhunt up until i die and since you guys asked for more hunters in the previous video i invited yellowwool adrian and dev for this manhunt which made it really intense and fun for myself this plugin was actually made by cracks once again so make sure to check out his patreon down in the description below if you want to get this plugin for yourself and as always make sure to subscribe to be a part of the before 300k gang and leave a like to help me out with youtube algorithm enjoy the video we can all start with a stick besides yellow the beating steak when yellow logs on we beat him with a stick where's yellow damn what the why are you stop it stop it where's yellow yellow come of the yellow wool is uh you guys are my favorite gooseberry how does it feel well done well freaking done it's all yellow's fault yeah i i i say honestly that was kind of satisfying i think it's worth it yeah i think yeah yeah man i'll come here babe no i don't wanna i don't wanna oh my god you're dead you're dead dab get away from me i got some potatoes guys he's dead he's dead i got 17 sticks it's over yes i made them loses dolphin let's go oh yes a weapon so you got permanent company he's got full leather enchanted leftovers [Music] well he has an iron axe as well oh my god yeah what's up what's up booster you can stay on land man what's up just something in the water no no booster yo what's up christopher i don't know what's happening where are you guys [Music] no one of the dolphins no no no no no no no no no no no pick it up oh my god i went to the crossing table yes yes yes yes yes guys i got a weapon hey bruce no that's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine yeah it's fine guys guys guys guys guys dude i forgot how stressful it is with more than one hunters what's our booster what's the twist uh when i kill somebody i gain something yeah what's up whisperer what's up suck it can't touch this you can't touch this okay and touch these tapes oh no what are you gonna do what are you gonna do what are you gonna do yeah that's what i thought he didn't do where's adrian and deb what happened to those two i don't think we're profiling don't worry about it okay okay i just realized i have full armor wait why can't i track him here's the track what's happened what happened wait wait what just happened did somebody add me as a hunter no yes you guys had me as a hunter dumbasses oh my god there you go i had myself i removed myself okay there we go there we go why did we lag yeah that still didn't make sense yeah i don't know what happened minecraft but we're delusional oh no i'm out of sprint somebody's out of sprint wait look over there look over there look over there where where we can make a bed we can make a bed okay oh no oh no he's right there hey booster what's up boys where are you going uh nowhere i think we should make a bad first dev we're not in a position to fight i'm chasing him i'm going i'm going dude make a freaking bed he's dying you're chasing me without sprint how can you chase you can't even chase him dude wait till i kill him he's down dude we need to he's down oh no he's hit guess what what's up i'm gonna win the yeah just let you win your last video yeah yeah dude he's just gonna swim away make it let's look just go back in the main shaft and make it bed wait no let me in let me i'm coming with you i'm not leaving you alone adrian is i'm protecting you where did you guys go oh my gosh dude the spawn was so bad i don't know what to do dave why don't you keep stopping i'm tracking my crying all right my food's about to arrive i need to check out the food oh no there's a break right to the left go to the shipwreck please def damn i can't stop chasing him i can't talk you're hurting my brain you can take my boat and go here no i don't care i'm protecting you no you gotta go you gotta go if you want it three weeks i'm not leaving your side what is happening right now did you guys by any chance place the bed no it happened because we have nothing you have any idea how far we are we cannot afford to die right now i was streaming and booster just invited me and i was like do i have to true i did i did i did okay wait a second dude i'll be right back i'm just going right over here we can kill him no please don't kill me i found a pond where did you just go oh sure what are you doing like actually what are you doing tell me uh i don't know what you mean have you even used the twist yet oh my gosh so good remember when we lagged just stay in the water death just in the water yeah you drive you drive one second you got to go grab my food i'll be right back oh my god get in the boat then get in the boat don't let me in okay go boost for well while dives away let's uh yeah just dissipate as hard as you can see uh he's blue oh my goodness oh dude you do that it was a sad color blue's a sad color he was not here to hear that dude i know right please don't tell him that i said that yeah wait what i said it might slip out just like guys i trusted mom what i trusted you yeah and i trusted you then you went and dated adrian huh what's that about i thought it was yours [Music] just died you just died yellow i'm never trusting you with my life ever again it's a baby drowning with dryden are you kidding me dev dev death please no no that's not it let's not end it on this come on i've not seen you in three weeks and you let me die i didn't i did i literally didn't i swam past it i believe you i believe you i believe you yeah you want me to tell death what you said about him say it no tell him tell him tell him tell him tell him come on i dare you tell him tell him tell him it was to me [Music] [Music] oh there's no way oh there's no way yeah i'm bringing i'm bringing the will over man oh so you kill me and then you go guys guys guys guys guys mike guys guys my comment section asked for multiple hunters not for people who just don't even make it to me i was there i got killed by my own hunter oh my god this is going to be so much fun we don't even know what the twist is we're going to lose oh that's a problem okay i need to place this thing imagine dying to a drone imagine then everything about you what did i do now oh no before i hate you that's why you're calling me hot stuff i hate you now [Applause] guys guys what what what did i have to do to find the treasure again like oh no never mind i see it yo adrian we're not bad at bro boosters already got full iron armor and no i didn't oh he doesn't he's not good literally he's deliciously garbage in the game oh my god adrian what are you doing nothing wrong i'm just watching man i'm just watching okay you're just watching you were watching very intense safe distance i'm just watching he's both whispering already looser i was just watching you're gonna get me killed by a trident like yellow and it's not my fault whatsoever and you shouldn't blame it completely your fault i was not there oh oh keep going that way keep going down keep going down you're right [Music] oh yes is he still here yeah he's still here i think he's just booked it honestly yeah i'm so confused booster just tell me the twist he'll ask the twist excuse me us have you even used it yet uh maybe maybe i have maybe i haven't so yeah it's not wait i'm finally about to get stone age no make fun of me just saying you guys don't need to make fun of me like that holy freak yeah guys don't bully yellow oh my god you know for once i agree with this fair i can make it worse if you want uh i'd rather not exactly so shut up the bush is about to die right now wow that's yeah that is like wait you guys think i will die to yellow adrian can go to date with kira yes compilation prize consolation prize not compilation all right booster is actually dead now where is he why what'd you get nothing but still okay anyway let's go back to my previous thing about there being a twist he's not gonna tell us no but he said his last two tweets were hints which i feel like he's just trying to throw us off you know but he said he said he's so hungry and he also just tweeted superpowers oh so it's eating eating something does something eating so eating something gives you superpowers why are you saying well that's not a done idea like why are you here oh my god i'm dead i'm dead behind shackles looks like you can have kill streets wait what is a shadow walker is that something from like the walking dead or something what is it dude what is this what is the shadow walker guys i don't know i yeah what did you say what did you tell me what did you say oh come here come here come here no no no no no come here i just want to talk i just want to talk i just want to talk i just want to talk i just want to talk i just want to tell you he dug a two whole block in the sand placed a sign in a piece of sand above him so then when he broke the sign the sound would fall and he would just be able to jump out he's pitchers got like six dolphins chasing me fish fire stop yeah what's up yellow what's up yellow oh chill out shadow walker is this your lava pool booster oh yeah i don't need that one yeah i don't need it where is your other one then i'm destroying it i can just find one by just going straight down yo yellow you got some great stuff though thank you for all the wood and all the resources guys i appreciate it i don't want to alarm us but i kind of don't have any more beds anymore um out of enough to make a bunch it's kind of gone now yes [Music] no i'm a pool though i destroyed the lava pool there's a lot second layer of lava beneath oh i didn't destroy it then yeah there's like something from like okay oh you want to go on this for a swim with you what's that what's up one thing called with the dragons guys i'm switching teams by the way it's lagging oh my god is this ocean enclosed i just want to find a shipwreck dude honestly that's all i want yeah that's fine let's find one there's a room portal over there booster let's go get it what inside are you on what what is this are you guys gonna kill them yeah me and them haven't hung out like that in a while we just had that oh we're just hanging out we went to go get some food here's my baby he's not going anywhere he always just adopted adrian okay okay no that kind of baby like okay baby adoption is very common no no i did not want a child adrian listen listen he's not my child too he's my baby yeah i will sleep with the same this him if he will allow it okay yeah so he's your kid no he's your kid but you just said it you know you know yeah but away dude i missed this but also freak you never hate you yeah i miss just yellow doing dumb stuff oh what do you mean missed me doing it yeah sure you did dumb looking ass blue looking ass you're freaking blue dev yeah i know you're just copying my insult now what insult that's not an insult what you probably have the worst color ever yellow so don't worry oh hi asian hi you can keep your distance buddy you all just left the game hello huh yellow said something adrian the breather no no no i was just going to look at that structure you know the first impression i had of you right it was when i met you and and kiara in a call except you're the one that didn't accept the fun requests kier did oh damn i accepted it with friends now okay all right here we go there we go there we go how many phone requests do you have though 473 there are 472 adrian's out there everybody who's an adrian comment down in the comment section below dev is poopy friend that'll happen you just eat the bread and then become a vacuum cleaner on top of the table you inhale breath yeah exactly you just you don't even choose how far are you guys bro he is so far away we've just been going straight uh he could be a little low not making that trip again no choo choo why did you ask me to pick up a woman yellow i think you just can't hear yeah i got an upside down ship break do these these ones don't have a backroom do they oh he already got this one i'll dm you it and just do slash message don't don't dm me i would have to accept sorry where's where's my friend request huh i'm sorry damn that's right that's right i'm waiting for the answer there's that one i sell one okay i'll accept the later i'm a bit busy right now oh wait what what is this are you sure about that there's so many mobs we can't put anywhere else you know i can rush him let's go i hate when booth was just straight quiet what's happening what's happening did i just hate christopher what do you mean quite come back he's dying please hey respect the commitment though oh my god this perfume is huge swim back up please damn i can't yellow i just told you i can't i committed literally just brought water down for you please dave go back to it mobs say you're freaking me right click it there you go there you go so yeah every time every time he's in a cave and i try mining i feel like i'm doing it out for nothing i know exactly much deeper guys i am fine wanting to sleep with you and then just freaking literally just like hating everything about you i don't know you're in his hole i'm in his hole right now lucky i literally heard you say it's very small diamond god no i didn't what no i did i just watched and break all the bookshelves where are you oh oh dad dave you're on two hearts how are you alive oh god please dude please don't tell me he broke the bed and then died oh what are you doing guys i can make her shields i can make her shields wait wait wait is everyone feel help does everyone feel health he's just waiting here he's just waiting here no what are you doing wait what what is that you saw that i just saw that invisible as soon as he killed me oh my gosh oh my gosh i'm running what's up what's up what's up what's up so so so when you get the kill it gets like purr so can we do it so if i get if i kill some if one of you guys kill me yes diamonds diamonds yes oh my god food and iron just gone too your bed's gone i imagine that he probably broke it okay i blocked it off he hasn't broken [Music] i can make another bed if you guys can get back up yeah hello i'm gonna die hello boys oh there's more diamonds up here develop them up up up oh yeah with the save oh let's go you're going to save [Music] you guys went to another this is where i'll show you where you're doing level 30 up here yellow that's where he was doing it [Music] some of my stuff saved some of my stuff saved what just happened oh my god you are terrifying no no i'll save you keep your distance i level 30 enchantments them oh my god i throw hers please stop chasing me so i can stop screaming what do you guys want dude ah excuse me he has to be lost i couldn't three times he has to be yeah we don't need to die in lava if we don't have an iron pickaxe yeah yeah i thought of that right oh baby mr genius where the freak is this fortress man oh my parents tell me that all the time no you're still happy yeah what's up what's up oh my god okay thank you thank you i appreciate it oh yeah we kill each other if we get the effects that he does you want to test it who broke the chest what i'm assuming it was yellow the funny thing is that's how i stand when i'm actually crying as well you wait by the way sir right here oh my god is that a sword i don't know what it okay i'm just i'm just gonna run oh my god it has fire aspect oh no of course it does we're so dead oh this is so much fun boosters like oh i'm time i kind of here go do your freaking speedrun stuff why are you here this is not alive oh that was scary you guys don't do that imagine if you just spoiled my uh can you like like go away from your furnaces like freak's sake man you're staying near them the entire freaking time yeah don't wait go away oh please i'll be standing here for 10 minutes no i'm here for 10 minutes just casually dies there i can go away now oh yellow i see you no this way oh stood here for 10 minutes and then died instantly golden carrots don't let yellow say anything about that shove them up just throw us off golden oh my god okay there's no way that's the twist he's got he's got a plug-in that allows you to like make it's an animation and it like makes you your whole body turn around and you shove a carrot up your bum he's trading right now oh my gosh oh god we gotta go we gotta go actually this entire time i've been looking for the blade spawners to break them but i can't find them for the life of me he's not even there anymore dude yeah he left them i freaking hate this game i also wonder who it is yeah he's done trading he just he just burnt everything i was gonna do that but oh no all right mom after all okay so what i'm getting is nobody freaking paid attention to what you say pretty much okay guys i got some people trading oh my god out of them or did you get like gravel oh i gotta get obsidian oh i mean like i'm trading with some right now i only have seven but i got fire rice guys we're actually safe we're actually saved i think he still has like sharpness 10. doesn't matter christopher left me stuff [Music] whisper i love you yellow you have the fire res potion right you're gonna lose it he's chatting guys he's been chatting he's in chat he's been chatting we're changing too soon please don't hit me legit how are we supposed to get going character i want oh my god guys we gotta go we gotta just go it was a ruined pearl i found a shipwreck i'm gonna check for care that's not a nice sound oh no right okay but first of all he said he wouldn't give up the strongest would be way too easy he would have just told us what to do with them so oh yes maybe oh yes what the freak oh yes baby oh collected dragon breath why yeah why that's so weird it's so hot don't you want to take a load off no not really what's the plan oh i found yellow okay i'll find it where's the where's the what is how do you know where the room is who's what do we do with them now what's the next i don't know you tell me it was it golden carrot with an iron block that's the one i can tell you guys yeah i got four um let's go so did you figure out what i gave you but i haven't eaten it yet but i no no you want to eat that right now oh my god oh my god what what wait stay right stay right there there's another one what are you gonna do with the collarbone oh look at that dragon look at the dragon guys skin i see why he told us he's not using the fire aspect okay i'm coming i'm coming when the dragon died oh what how oh no oh no the dragon died i guess it's that's another crafting recipe with the dragon's breath what about his hair so weird oh god i think that's a pearl that lasts forever i feel like [Music] oh my god oh this fur yo what's up okay one month uh-oh you're not coming don't die [Music] yo what's up oh no get adrian what is this this is a final battle if i kill them you guys lose [Music] no probably not [Music] it's so annoying it's actually so annoying she hasn't dropped us in here yet because i have resistance but it's just annoying oh my gosh oh he won he won he won all right i'm going in screw it this is it that's where it decides it let's go oh my god the breasts i hate the goo the goose oh my god why are you calling it goon my dude that's what it is he got trapped today he's low oh my gosh what the [Music] oh no your mum you spell it wrong
Channel: Boosfer
Views: 668,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner vs assassin, minecraft manhunt but i secretly used, minecraft manhunt but, minecraft manhunt with a twist, extreme minecraft manhunt, dream manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs mage, minecraft speedrunner vs 5 hunter, minecraft speedrunner vs 4 hunters, dream 4 hunters finale, dream 5 hunters, minecraft challenge, speedrunner vs hunter, 4 hunters, tapl uhc, Minecraft but lava rises every minute
Id: c8pZU5JfxPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 10sec (1810 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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