Minecraft Manhunt, But There Are Giant Tools...

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welcome to minecraft manhunt but there are giant tools in this video i added giant tools to minecraft while facing bubble jack and yellow wool in a manhole each tool looked super funny covered one fourth of the screen and had its own special ability which made them really fun to use this video was actually super intense especially in the end so make sure to watch the whole video to see if i managed to kill the ender dragon or die trying we recently passed 300 000 subscribers on this channel and i'm really grateful for all that you guys have done for me but let's just skyrocket straight towards 400 000 subscribers as fast as we can so make sure to join the before 400k squad right now and leave a like to help me out with youtube algorithm enjoy the video wow guys wow look at this we're higher up than you see oh yellow oh what a scumbag what scumbag guys i need all the handicap i can get guys come on now the cat would be not getting a head start but you're the opposite of that no no a handicap in sports is when you get an advantage that's what they say it you say you get an advantage because you you're at a disadvantage you've never done sports yellow just just like i'm just gonna come kill you dude are you oh wait where's jack we're shocked don't worry about it look at that boys i'm gonna go for it i'm gonna go for it i'm gonna go for it all right let's go for it i'm going for it i'm going for it i'm going for it guys me and you together let's go no yellow stay away yellow we're going for it stay away stay away he didn't go for it oh there it is he went this way i'm gonna die if i go down there yes oh he's gone he's gone he's not gone he's gone make up [Music] oh god that is very unlucky i need treat any tree i need you oh stick babina what is happening i don't have any more wait i have a quick question yeah that's the twist and why is it not what i thought it was i think through the sex with my woes sorry about them what voice yours what do you mean story why are you saying sorry i'm confused you just need to apologize before you talk to people sorry about the voice by the way sorry about my voice dude what is this i thought it was an orange why is this acting like an fsg i'm getting so much good stuff the frick is rsj and fsg you wouldn't know he doesn't even know he doesn't have the secret minecraft information book he does like it's no no the limited edition book like the one he forgot to get ah what do you mean forgot to i don't forget i forgot to get the april fool's edition of the minecraft guide i got the bell guys you're gonna tell people to reach all right subscribe i'll show you yeah there's a bill there's a bill i didn't know there was a ville i didn't know there was a whisper oh stinky oh stinky make bigger gold digger yes chat everybody do that chat wait what well i need to check that i'm not streaming oh my god you made me insecure oh my god i think people would donate to tell me oh my god you accidentally started streaming oh my god oh my god yo look at how big this thing is oh my god whoa i'm not even there you sure you want to talk about me so big what would you say i would say that he is [Music] no i mean you bit too much for me i don't think i've ever been i'm sorry [Music] oh buster's already been to the village i was running through the six with my woes look at this oh my god what's up did you have anything to do with these very square holes in the ground wait what square holes i mean every hole in minecraft is square bubble unnatural looking oh my goodness a skeleton killed the iron golem in the village proud of you for whoa the iron golem got killed by the jack how uh we get out of here i'm claustrophobic i'm scared of santa claus oh my god is this stuffed what's happening with this compass we need a cave jack i'm blue why are you guys so quiet if i hit a villager will the golden come after me supply me supply me go there eventually yeah you got there eventually jack manifold shut up did you just say shut up of course you do teen titans go are you above the compass well did you go down was it a swamp guys guys check this out check this out guys oh he's cheating okay that's cool oh my god that's this is so scuffed uh oh yeah i might die where did you go oh are you guys gonna find some mobs uh there's a lot of mobs just boobs for i don't think you quite get it on the end of the world calm down [Music] what are you doing is it like a big square it's a huge amount of squares that's kind of stars what do you mean [Music] yeah we know [Music] [Music] look at me look at me look at me yellow yellow look at me yo look at me look at me look at me yellow oh my god kill me please oh my god oh my god [Music] what i'm like how does that not kill you come here how many golden apples do you have we're busy hey welcome back we need crab stuff right now yes oh we had one more let's go oh slime yes thank you so much yellow hello hi yellow hi what's the twist yellow can you explain can you elaborate can you yeah elaborate for us please me and jack we're counting on you to pull through here with some info okay yellow please i think we've lost him ladies and gents keep that on you wouldn't want big guy to have that eh who just you guys just i don't think that i swear he's really nearby you guys have nice name tags no yes i kind of told you that what's up quantity oh i'm 18. yikes baby big big big he said bazonga tools right how do you make big tools guys jack i'm gonna try something drastic i'm gonna make nine pickaxes and try to put them together i can't even make that many never mind why don't you try to make uh some uh wooden ones though because i'm poor you have to upgrade it [Music] are you compensating booster is that what you're doing okay what the hell what a waste that's fine because i didn't want him to kill ronnie yo guys what's up i want to be i don't want to be hit with his massive schlong how is he fully enchanted oh my god [Music] i'm already dead [Laughter] he's dug himself in a hole maybe he went to do something no he's doing a depression that's what he's doing oh okay he's dead now well we need to get back i don't wear his back i love all of this i wish it wasn't night time we had a third member on the santa team yeah for real [Laughter] i think he just went to do something guys oh that was too close so how do you make big tool i don't know he brought the tool out right yeah and the toilet was small at first and then it got big oh my god guys every time i shift it gets bigger johnny sends it into a button i need to press you know what that should be enough i am just going to head on over to the boom boom clap what what are you saying i'm gonna boo gaga oh my god i am boo gaga what does that mean are you on the ground no that didn't sound that honest you're in the nuts that didn't work i just made six axes to make an epic axe yeah booster i don't know how to do it i need help okay i need an adult an adult hey can you give us a clue clue your clue is box box box like a fish fish okay box is a horrible guys box is a horrible hint it's a horrible hint why did you tell us what if i say okay this hint isn't garbage but it's also i wouldn't get it myself if i was given this hint combine or wait let's say compress compress we can also say compressed for better inventory management so you take two damage tools put them together make big cool eh that's repairing that's not compressing you know india anvil put an anvil in the table for repairing not compressed if you come not if you crush put it on top you have a crush on me oh my god i do oh my god he died we're supposed to find out yet how would you compress something i'd make it depressed it's not what i asked okay guys guys give me the definition of compressing let's brainstorm maybe you guys will get it if i if we bring it uh into a smaller space compressing a higher value into uh the same value and the same mass but more compact compact is that it's a maybe a better hint yeah i have an idea i'm just not working what's not working what's not working i tried to make the pickaxe but with only one stick that's not compressing that's not compact that's not good that has nothing to do with the hints i gave you what it's compressing the crafting recipe no it's it's taking away from the crafting recipe it's not the same value but it's lesser value you know the nine to five job thing you know what about nine to one nine to one what hold on hold on yes uh i don't know i'm still lost i don't know how to do it because he said nine to one right so i put nine cabal stone in the the thing expecting to get like a super block that's not what happened that's what that's what i expected too the nine to one only applies to iron tools do you want a hint for which tool i don't know would i don't care or stone let's say smelting i'm not going to give any more hints no i'm just melting stone oh okay those were the days i'm having the big side because i don't know how to do it you don't know how to do it this is these two hints are actually really good it literally tells you what you need to do compression for irons melting for stone for wood we can say don't craft oh okay let me see if that works you just mine a tree yeah but i've mined many trees my many trees knowledge book oh it's um it's wooden it's wood and wooden planks did jack get it i'm a genius of course oh my god it's huge guys it's big it's huge oh okay so how do you make the stone one i got it i got the stone one planks for the sticks and then it's a smooth stone for the i regret every single decision that i made in life yeah compression oh my god it is okay we're gonna be stacked when he gets back oh my god you are yellow is gonna be the silent non-existent hunter well i just realized something yeah oh my god i just realized i just realized something this is gonna be a crazy fight by the way giant tools this is gonna be stupid it's gonna be good it's gonna be stupid have you guys tried making the axes the axes are so useless they don't do extra damage in the sword when it comes to pvp the sweeping edge does equal amount of damage to every single target it hits so it does the full damage to every single person that was really only useful for you oh big armor guys guys don't look in chat oh hidden devs oh is there another right mentioned the bra guys can you make a big stone hoe yes why i don't know dude big shield i wish dude is it your hole it looks very holy holy oh no this is so scary this is so scary this is scary this is scary oh my god please oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i'm safe i'm safe i'm not safe we're back okay i'm sorry oh we got your pack that was bad for centuries there was there was food you could have eaten out the toilets by the way yeah i'm not telling you how to do it yourself [Music] stop it you guys like that and big boy guys big boy you were wondering what the twist was you get like he gets like massive tilled or something i don't know what do you mean how do you know how did you figure out oh my god did you fight it yeah can we bend this guy yeah can we get some body hairs please one second guys i i have a big comeback like there what are you guys doing why are you telling me because you want him guys don't look at you close your eyes i'm on fire i'm on why am i still on fire i touched lava for like literally half a second are you in the nether no you've seen the achievement oh no i just asked wow wow yellow you really choose yeah yeah yellow yellow chose violence today i just can't believe this guy he leaves for 45 minutes coming back and decides to be violent what is this violent violence yeah remember you don't remember no wow it was 40 minutes away from 45 minutes what did you get for food in those 45 minutes i found this temple you ignorant oh my god i am going to have an annualism are you tracking booster so yellow what did you get for food it never answered 20 minutes ago you said you ate like 20 minutes ago yeah i went to this right yeah what did you eat food this is a personal question don't you think asking what you ate is not personal yes it is i guess you lied about life to us about eating food then you did something else didn't you yeah yeah wait to see your mom yeah a gravel block in the iron block it gives me one flintstone well that's not a normal thing jack so i'm gonna have to assume that somebody's doing it that's a way to getting ripped by a man like like open it yellow you're so funny oh my god yellow i'm not what's there well i'm asking a series you should become a youtuber yeah you should become a youtuber yeah i don't think i would be good really you should become a tick tocker yellow would be such a good tick talker bubba where are you underground yeah i'm underground too where are you dead end what the heck where did you go it's only a dead end in the eye of the beholder bubble what's your coordinates right now it's turning where are you you make your own dead ends in life i did not know that was a thing oh i'd keep this there yes i do you can just make 16 furnaces like right now yeah [Music] do it guys bubba can i have like an x or something i made it guys you did it you made an ultimate tool that's the picture of you guys the axe covers like one third of your screen i'm wasting so much iron on this wait bubble bubble huh guys i'm riding a horse with a big hug how did you get hot in the nether i don't know in the nether i am i am we just established this dude this horse is so slow don't be rude bubble i had a smoker you could have just asked sorry i hardly know her oh oh oh buddy not everything's a riddle jack with you it is yellow okay it is it's very ridley when i try and say something else you could infer you're like excuse me what does that mean actually you're like let me let's just make a bed you're like actually crafting it's crafting you don't make stuff oh my god thank you sorry uh oh he's in the end please guys yes he is he just was able to get the achievement i spy which suggests that he's going to go to the end very soon i'm losing brain cells you remember when you were telling me about compression earlier yeah that's what happened to my brain cells why were you talking about compression i'm sorry your brain cells not to watch the video this is gonna be a video that's pretty sick i wanna die guys in game i might have a panic attack it's correct who just blew up a creeper huh a utility can also be a service though so when you're paying like your utilities like you're you're watching can we make a big bucket whisperer we cannot make big utilities now oh i'm going to slap can yes you can yes you can yes again wait what i traveled above the nether roof because there was bedrock and i might through it i'm cool with it oh would you make a bunch of pickaxes and then just keep going in so why are you trying to get guys you're so good jack you need to go in he's so unprofessional please jack go in what do you mean i'm professional we are children yes oh no [Music] um [Music] my god guys can we kill the dragon with my axe guys what okay goodbye one time that jessica what is that what do you want to do here no you saw it no yeah we'll go back please melissa what's up all right broke it already broke it no come here this guy's full now this guy's oh you gave me so much steak i have 40 steak guys i think you're gonna die i think you're gonna lose guys nami are you sure the things i could do the things you can do yeah yeah it's so hard to see when the axe loads back up because it's so big yo come here big boy come here big boy big boy come here wait i actually just realized something oh my god yo come back here don't don't do it do it oh my god he did a big i don't know don't do it guys guys don't do it i'm burning yellow stuff that's not my stuff oh yeah oh i'm dead oh no oh i'm so good at this game i'm so good at this game i'm so good at this game come here why are you getting killed over here in the middle i don't consider you minding the middle oh i'll come back in the middle i don't care so annoying oh okay okay i'm sorry but i have to burn your stuff i'm sorry bubba it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine no you're liking my fps [Music] [Music] no [Music] no jack keep doing that keep doing that guys what are you doing no don't do it guys don't do what what is this how many big pickaxes do you have jack you're making them keep making it's gonna sweat again okay let's go oh my god yellow finally what are you doing don't do it oh my god the dragon is going down nice i mean i guess it keep works out make a hole into the void maybe i'll spin no fly over the void i might appear so bad guys stop fighting there's so many blocks don't do it nami wait how many pickaxes did you leave with jack no yeah okay dragon come on i can shoot you down dragon it's fine i'll need to get close to you i can shoot you down what is this what is this mess you guys have made this was the worst idea i've ever had bubble come back here you look so dumb while running with that pickaxe [Music] stay here for like a little bit just to make more pickaxes okay dragon come on yeah the person is going to be normal the person is going to be normal dragon that is not normal perching dragon how far down is this right now oh my god my this is bad it's so bad so bad where's the word did you take it you're my god i'll pour it down okay dragon okay dragon six okay that is good it flew away yes loser seems like you're having a problem with the dragon fist yeah what are you talking about [Music] yes it was in the bedroom so i had to take the room with the bed no it's head is in the freaking white is the ball right away well i'm not going down there screw you guys bubba why are you doing this bubble i just want you to go away [Music] still here just come get it please please let this work one more spot there yellow [Music] wife why did you guys have to make like a whole underground world like you guys excavated the whole island building off he's building up he's building up with the obsidian oh yeah suck it guys i don't know what i i'm just doing but you know i'm doing something okay come on i didn't kill this giant people for nothing where's the big hole no way what's happening what's happening what's he doing the dragon perch up there the dragon upwards what do we do what do we do what do we do he's perfect he's actually managed to stop us what suck it guys before you come in did you actually [Music] [Music] please let me hit it no no no no no no no no no no no yes yes kill it kill it kill the thing kill the thing yes [Music] where is the dragon going the dragon is beneath the island is it glitch thank you oh no no no no no no no no oh my god guys why are you getting so much obsidian we can break we're gonna insta-break it how are we gonna kill you that's the question [Music] whatever weapon at the moment [Music] [Music] oh i just made 14 more that's right yes right i'm not giving up guys never give up hope never gonna give you um i did my best guys i felt i i kind of fell off and uh didn't hit my water bottle this time i hate you guys so much i hate you guys so much oh my god
Channel: Boosfer
Views: 310,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Manhunt but, Minecraft Manhunt but I secretly used, Minecraft Manhunt but OP Loot, Minecraft Manhunt but OP Enchants, Minecraft Manhunt but I can go into creative, Minecraft manhunt but drops are random, Minecraft Manhunt Dream, Dream Manhunt, Dream Manhunt 1v5, Poland Manhunt 1v5, Poland Manhunt, Wisp Manhunt, Dream Latest Manhunt, Minecraft but lava rises, Minecraft Manhunt but custom, Manhunt 6 hunters, Boosfer Manhunt 1v6
Id: V0PLye6LfVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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