Minecraft Manhunt, But There's Custom Ender Pearls

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this is minecraft but there's custom ender pearl in this video i used the data pack that allowed me to craft custom ender pearls each of these custom pros had their own special powers that i could use against cure ranging from the phase pro where you could throw it through walls to the capture pearl which can capture other players and tp them to wherever you throw it and many more insane pearls so make sure you guys stick till the end also thank you guys so much for the support recently we really appreciate it make sure you guys hit that subscribe button to join the before 400k club and also if you don't subscribe devil kidnap me and i will never see the light of day again so please help but yeah anyways let's get right into the video what the hell is wrong with that skin oink that's a whale what what it's a pig that okay you know what get me out of here you didn't even comment on my skin you like it well you just got a ushanka on i don't know what that is are you rushing all of a sudden let's go i don't know any russian words though um you know ola and come on hola como estas vivio pekka yes chill out chill oh don't get that ruin oh i got the flint let's go let's go you can have that you can have that you can have that oh yeah there's a helmet what are you gonna do with that oh no you got a sword i did why how did i not see that how did i not see that let's go i'm so lucky wait you should be faster than water because you're a whale not a pig it's literally a pig oink that's it that's it come on oh oh oh oh oh you brought me the flint let's go oh wait i didn't even realize so lucky that sword is actually kind of good wait what's on the sword looting two looting two oh yes and you wasted it on me bro acquired hardware already okay you need to relax oh i need that actually okay i actually need that here so we gotta gotta fight what are you doing oink you're making me wait i'm gonna need an anvil why yes i'm trying to make you waste all the looting well it's okay because we're on 1.16 today here so it's okay i don't want to tell you why but we are yeah you should tell me why i think i should not i really should not i think that'd be fun for the whole family if you told me why okay um pretty much because i like 1.16 yeah not because the twist requires you to be on 1.16 oh you're gonna get easy pearl trades oh my god let's go let's go i got a pickaxe oh you have no idea so cool you have no idea what i got you got a stone pickaxe i know what that achievement does oh i just realized what the oh you're this way oh this is not good this is really not good oh this is really good whatever's happening is really good oh my god how did you get down there oh oh my god you have a shield already oh i'm down here oh no no leave me leave pig alone bro why are so many mobs it's ridiculous use your twist there's no twist what how many times are you gonna say that before it starts stops being funny oh wait oh hey man hey dude oh here we go i don't like that you have a shield this is oh you're not nice stacked bro you think i'm going to that long grass so you can get a free yeah yeah yeah come in the long grass come on come on [Music] that bro long grass is actually op that's actually the new strat okay stop no longer ask the new straw like what can you say it is op but it's not that op oh it's op i almost just killed you yeah out of luck luck that was all skill because of the light okay okay okay okay okay okay guys everyone put long grass in the comments oh my i swear to god i want to see a lot of long grass oh my god wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what wait what yes this is actually gonna work what's gonna work nothing just don't don't worry about it yet don't worry about it yet you're doing something i know you're doing something oh i'm gonna be getting something going in a second you're doing the twist you have to be doing the twist or else why would you be getting all giddy and excited don't ever say those words again kitty yeah stop but your name is giving you you can't pull it off you can't pull those off who can pull those words off uh i can you can pull off the word giddy really i wanted to yeah yeah no you can't you're bluffing i want to do it but i don't want to at the same time you use it in a sentence right now and we'll see giddy up no see get on my horse i guess nobody can use the word giddy i just used it yeah but it didn't sound right it sounded perfect mine sounded more perfect okay let's move on from this conversation this is an amazing conversation so interesting oh yes where are you at here just stacking up oh yeah how's that going good pretty pretty swell yeah you're getting pretty fantastic i'm getting some stone tools nice stacking up maybe a little bit of iron as well yo chill maybe a little bit of armor as well what yeah maybe well oh this isn't good now i go okay i'm i'm doing it right now i'm doing it right now i don't care what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing yes okay okay okay this i this has to work i can't mess this up what has to work no don't look at that bro we're like 10 minutes in how are you actually going so fast right now okay i need to stop like that ain't my problem i need to step up my game okay you better watch out oh i'm so scared of you i'm stepping up my game right now i'm not going to the nether though why else would you guys pause so i can have a lava bucket but don't you need to go to the nether to beat the game well of course but it's pretty quick for that you know like that's like crazy that's why i'm that's what i'm reassuring you that it's not that oh my god let's go i knew it the whole time like you didn't trick me like you didn't go bro i knew it the whole time uh-huh uh-huh they call me smart man no number four right where where to oh hello hey mister nothing i didn't find anything shut up i think you found something but i don't think anytime i don't know how to say it because i'm trying to oh yeah you did why don't i see oh my god bro this is where are you bro this is weird we're like what's up bro okay you don't seem to have any weird damn you're stacked what seems to have any weird uh items or anything everything seems to be clean and good okay everything's pretty good everything's good everything's clean and good and making sure you seem to be waiting for me which seems awfully awesome i'll come kill you ah no thank you let's fight man don't bite me you have something up your sleeve and i know it i literally know it you wouldn't have gotten that excited for no reason you got to find out somehow screw you screw you fine what is that wait what what's purple why is it purple why are you going what was that what was that purple in front of my nose why is there purple in front of my head what what did you just throw no wait let's go wait wait what just happened go bro let's go i'm so glad running after you i was just running after you and then i just yep yep have fun trying to figure that out i'm so okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this is actually why is that so much fun why are you dying it's not that funny we record let me let me mask this out for a second let me let me do some equations real quick oh my god my luck is actually crazy relax and relax i'm about to do an equation okay okay okay you hit me and then there was purple stuff on my head and then you threw something into what seems to have been a lava pool and then i ended up being inside lava pool precisely did you like put me inside like a pokemon ball and like throw me in lava or something oh yeah that's what it is huh that's all i did yeah yeah there's pokemon holy relax my god by the the fastest way we're 18 minutes into the recording okay this is disgusting and smelling it normally takes like 25 minutes to get to this is smelly 25 minutes thank you and i got a looting sword i'm gonna zoom this is dumb okay that's super op okay whatever that was that one is that one's crazy that one there's more there's more that how many how many more i think about five oh no okay but that's one of the most overpowered ones for sure uh trust me on that one i need a teammate i need anthony here oh my god stop all right uh i'm out of the fortress that was pretty quick okay this is time to get a pass there now it's pretty easy relax i can't even get iron oh then i'm off to the end bro i might beat this game in under this might be the fastest man on our channel oh i know what i'm going to do i know what i'm going to do i'm saying yes i'm such a genius what are you going to leave the video already no no no i have a way better plan tell me the plan you know what fine because you're gonna know it anyways when i do it i'm gonna bring long grass with me into the nether so you can't hit me how are you gonna plant it bro i'm such a smart person how are you gonna plant it with dirt you idiot i'll just make a shovel you don't know how to make that i can look it up so you oh yes oh my god and it's the one that's so easy to route bro i've been routed a bastion in so long because of bruce brag about it like holy you sound a bit salty um actually i'm very sweet oh you are sweet to the taste what what what that's not what i meant by that yes i know that obviously you're such a weirdo this is obviously i wasn't thinking like that either you know my mom watches some of these videos right hey mom cure what's up i don't care what you did with your little pokemon ball i'm gonna hold my shield up the entire time pokemon ball i don't know what it was it looked like a ball sack from my angle but you know bro why do these things ball i'd rather call it a pokemon ball than ballsack why you saying it like that oh yes here yes oh my god let's go bro i can't let you beat the game this fast that's just an embarrassment to my this is an embarrassment to my record and name which is already so stacked your your record's so good already bro yeah yeah i know oh oh i see you down there hey man what look what oh hello actually i just realized i can't let you get that loot i'm getting the loot i'm getting a little oh no you're not going to give me the give me the loose literally about to say the same thing yeah you're gonna get the loot you're gonna get the loot hey man what's up bro oh yo god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god yes okay where's the loot oh my god oh my god oh my god no no wait how'd you get here wait yeah oh my god no let's go bro that is so frustrating oh my god i literally just got a diamond chest plate you mean i just got a brand new diamond chest plate is that wait it had curse of vanishing no is that why it's gone wait yes you can't get it yes at least you didn't kill me with some stinky twist yeah wait did you do something i didn't even notice i died so fast i didn't even notice you did something what did you do i kind of threw a pearl that's what it was you were holding a pearl oh my god are you doing custom pearls uh you're doing custom pearls that's exactly what you're doing i'm smart i'm smarter not gonna lie i'm going i'm already getting out of the end that's another oh my god this is so unfair i'm already building a portal let's go let's go okay time to go to the stronghold oh man okay okay can you tell me how to craft them i'll tell you how to craft one yes okay which one which one which one the fast pearl the one i just used on you what does it do what does it do you just teleport like quick as just really quick so the recipe for that would be a bow with an ender pearl okay um so make that right now yeah boys on it i'm about to make a pearl you're making another pearl which one which one which one well i can kind of tell you the name it doesn't really wait this name doesn't give it away really okay it's it's called the the pearl the what the come pearl the pearl yeah like c-o-m-e you know what what why is it called that because it's called the come pearl makes you come here you know come home you have a interesting brain that's all i'm gonna that's all i'm gonna say so wait like backtrack what was that first one what did that do uh it's the capture pearl oh so it's not a pokemon ball you idiot no of course why am i the idiot because how am i the idiot from that yes a bone i found what i need for the come pearl a bone no you need come what they'll come in minecraft yes let's go let's go okay i found an enderman okay okay okay oh please that's cool you actually got one oh no oh wait okay wait wait can you give me some other recipes i'll give you the the pearl really you gotta get some bro that's not even in minecraft what do you i just picked some up and drank some i mean not like that what not like that okay it's cow's milk okay there there it's not actually gum but it's pretty close jungle i don't know why i got excited time to get more pearls more pearls equals more fun i feel like some of them are pretty standard i don't know what they could be but i feel like they're pretty standard like recipes they're pretty they're pretty simple if you know the item capture pearl what could that be chess gonna chat is that what it is no i just it's the stupidest thing ever sorry i have not talked because i went down without wood and i broke my pickaxe i have to go all the way back up i'm just an idiot pearl with a chest is that it can't be it's not it is i was trying to distract you it definitely is is it you just gave it away i didn't actually craft it yet no yes wait chess i got a curl i got a capture pro oh this is good i'm getting i'm getting a repertoire over here oh my god what you can't make it up you just can't make this kind of stuff off i have a proposal for you oh wait what so i'm kind of too busy for your proposals right now i kind of found exactly what i needed so well this this should concern you oh should it okay so you have two options you tell me the rest okay the crafting you tell me the rest of the crafting recipes okay or i email anthony so what's that what's the deal going to be huh why don't we just do both oh you're that confident huh email him right now do it oh you don't want to tell me then okay okay fine email him right now time to get the hell out of here oh my god it's still this way what the hell i'm trying to find anthony's twitter where is this guy this would be my plan gone wrong there's no way he responds that's why i'm choosing the anthony option there is a very easy way for you to find there but i'm not gonna say it no i see twitter no no no stop right the second come on like the come pearl huh get it why are you so quiet you've been quite like i'm messaging i'm messaging whoa oh my god i'm trying to get him to come on i hope he answers he better not answer oh wait no way let's go finally please answer i need help i need you i need you to bed no whoa wait can i capture pearl the ender dragon and then throw him away stop i'm doing i'm trying it i don't think oh okay i don't know how far you went but bro if that's a thing is that a name i just saw oh no is that a compass i just saw turning around no way there's no way i'm already here wait unless that was a named zombie just floating about what i don't know how this game works you're under you know i'm just going to wait till you find the room because i'm not trying to look for it as well i'm just spamming my compass can you just find it already yes i mean damn it oh my god okay let's track track track track track oh dev you're going to come down here come down here no you should you can go into the end i'll just wait for you are you going to go into the end yet or what like i'm just waiting here there we go there we go hey man get in there you bean i'm not ready what else are you doing right now don't rush me and then if i do this wait you're making pearls right now oh okay yeah i do not want to go down there yet why isn't anthony answering yes anthony i'm as good as i'll ever be here we go okay there we go yes finally stay away from me here yo you were literally just waiting i knew i heard someone mining yeah i literally heard i was like wait would that be him oh my god you're so stupid wait where's the where's the room no way did you mess up i tracked you yes gear messes it up i hate this dragon wait you were smelting gold no that doesn't do anything yeah obviously not what can i do oh you know i don't really have any spare stuff whatever i'm coming in oh you actually are oh i'm relaxed i am in not a good situation really this is i like to hear that this really isn't that is what guys i'm honestly sorry whenever i speed on i'm usually way more prepared than this but i mean you did do it really fast yeah i was about to say we're like an hour in and i'm already so i'm pretty unprepared but oh hello hey man no dragon okay okay oh i know what you're trying to do no no no no it's not gonna work that's not gonna work oh it's gonna work you think you're the only one with that no but yes i got you i got you in my capture pool oh wait i just gotta watch what you're doing i'll know exactly what to do go ahead do it where am i gonna throw this oh dragon's coming down you want to get that i don't think so look at the dragon my friend throw it okay okay okay come on come on come on come on come on please oh that was why are you on me looking ew okay you know what i'm gonna kill enderman screw this no no no no no no that's against the rules yeah well the dragon's been down for a minute and i can't do anything about it yeah i get those pearls bro [Music] they're not dropping anything okay now he goes don't attack me don't attack me don't attack me where did that dumb enderman teleport to what was that oh that was a fast pearl oh hello hello oh dragon's breath wait that wasn't fun that wasn't fun yo i like i like you down there just having fun this dragon and this purple goose just in my face what yes no i forgot about god yes that's what i was hoping that's what i was hoping just don't burn my stuff just don't burn my stuff i'm not a scumbag oh i didn't bring blocks with me oh no oh dragon get down yes my stuff okay perfect see i told you i wouldn't oh my god wait a minute wait a minute is this gonna work hello um that's not fun yes the fast pearl okay now i'm out of pearls officially so that's fun oh my yes you're so obnoxious oh he's he's been down for so long oh my god imagine yes wait did you punch me no no yes i saved myself oh my god i save myself bro why can't i hit this dragon okay relax relax relax he's been down for so long this is so dumb whoa what was that why did i just do that why did i just do that i thought it was a pearl but it was a spider eye oh the dragon is gone yes okay wait what else can i make oh my god all right captain bro here we go all right it's time it's not it's really not time though it really isn't i'm not wanting to fight you i can hit you off the void wait but you can't throw into the void oh wait what there you go friend take that thanks what is that that's the gun what does it do um it doesn't do anything oh okay okay nothing happened you literally hadn't it doesn't do anything okay sick yes oh my god void it is boyd it is void it is oh it doesn't work what i could throw at the wall at the end no no no no no no no do that wait actually no you actually might have just one wait i literally just won wait what why did i feel like before that is actually so smart please wait what oh the dragon is so low oh my god you won't believe what just happened dev what happened to you it didn't work because i think you rendered out of my distance yes oh my god oh let's go oh i got so scared i was so scared that's so annoying oh my god where's anthony oh my god oh my god i just realized what it didn't send my message didn't send no let's go oh it's too late now what's up man you know fine let's go straight pvp pvp let's go let's go let's go straight up shut up i watched that up that was great and that's the game let's go that's how it ends really my great plan gets ruined because you were out of my rotary distance wow i'm not mad at all because of that at all don't worry that was honestly you got you got scummed
Channel: KIER and DEV
Views: 1,029,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner vs assassin, minecraft manhunt but i secretly used, minecraft manhunt but, minecraft manhunt with a twist, extreme minecraft manhunt, dream manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs mage, minecraft speedrunner vs 5 hunter, minecraft speedrunner vs 4 hunters, dream 4 hunters finale, dream 5 hunters, minecraft challenge, speedrunner vs hunter, 4 hunters, tapl uhc, minecraft but lava rises every minute
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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