Minecraft: How to 100% MOB PROOF your house!

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hello my name is green and today I'm going to be showing you how to mob proof your house and some techniques surrounding that concept I actually had to do a bit of research and get the crew to help me because I haven't played survival minecraft in a really long time so I'm probably a little bit outdated and there's probably some stuff that you can tell me in the comments anyway let's get started so pretend we have a chasm here you've surrounded your house in each with a trench and one of the things you can do to hop across is just jump on the slime and bounce up no need to jump on the slime you literally jump down and bounce up it's probably the most fun thing ever to like get to your house so I recommend that just for the sheer amount of fun or if you prefer just a walk you could stick some string down and then have some carpet on the top and the mobs will actually not walk across the carpet because it doesn't see it as a real block so you've got something to walk across but the mobs will just stand there like idiots and be like what how do i how do I get across this so it's a really good idea and it also works with trap doors so if you want to do something overly complicated or maybe even use barrier blocks you can use trap doors or you could just make it two blocks thick and just have a very simple trap door and what's good about this one is that you can actually like close it and open it so you could just leave the chasm open if you want to do moving on we have what appears to be just a puddle of water that's because it is a puddle of water Enderman don't like water so a really good way of stopping Enderman is just surround your house in water next up is the most important one it's just lighting mobs don't spawn in the light or you know most of them don't so it's an important way to do it and you can hide it with various techniques or you don't have to hide it at all the piston here works well with a wooden flooring so if you were going to do some sort of pattern that's also cool because the piston is actually invisible to light for some reason who knows why and then we've got some glowstone underneath some carpet and some leaves or you could just be really bold about it and put some torches on sticks and stuff like that so yeah lighting up very very important stops the zombies and the skeletons getting at your house and y'all just replace this leaves here okay so next up we have the thing that blew my mind I didn't know about this you guys probably knew about this but I didn't now this just looks like a normal door but it's actually doing something rather special it's so simple and genius at the same time I'm not sure like how I didn't know this but what you need to do is when you're placing your door so I'm just gonna make a little archway here instead of placing your doors in front like so that's not how how you do it what you need to do is place your doors to the side so you need to face the correct way and place them against the wood and it's gonna take a little bit of fiddling around because if you close them in this position it actually leaves a gap in the middle and that's not what you want I actually struggled to figure out how it was done for a little while until I realized you need to have it a block back but anyway that's besides the point how this works is you place them adjacent to the log because when you place it down the door is in the closed position now a zombie will only attack a door if it's closed so if you place it as closed against the log and then open it in the position where it's useful to you the zombie can't understand it thinks the door is open so it won't attack you but because you placed it sideways it's actually technically closed so you're just reversing the door a little bit and honestly this is really really clever I didn't know about this but if you want it to function probably you do need to have the door working like that where they overlap a little bit next up we have the bait this is the poor little villager who is going to be the bait of the zombies and stuff all they do is follow the sort of the villager and fall in the hole now when the Sun comes up they start burning you can collect the stuff very easy to do and you could just place these strategically around your house to just deter the zombies from even coming near you as for skeletons and stuff is a little bit different next up is the anti spider tricks so quite simply spiders are really annoying and they climb up poles if you had a like a wall like this and the wall is your bread and butter the wall is to stop anything getting in but if you had that as spiders could get in but if you put a block at the top they simply can't so there's various ideas here the most popular one is the fence gate because it's very good-looking without being too intrusive so here are all the ideas and let's employ them in an example so here is a fairly decent looking house ignore the house the house is completely irrelevant in mob proofing your house you don't actually need to do anything to your house which means you can actually have a pretty decent looking house and decorates it with some mob proof stuff the first thing is the door trick very important and actually having it overlap really suits the style of wall that we're going to come to in a second so yet the door is a good thing though because in the open position the wall stops every mob coming in apart from Enderman as far as I'm aware very very important and you can see all of the trap doors around that will stop spiders as long as there's one every two blocks the spider won't be able to get up and they'll just be stuck there forever until it goes to daytime and then they become neutral or you could attack them it's up to you on the inside everything is flat and we have some glowstone with some carpet to match the grass around it so that it doesn't look too intrusive in the scenario that we've got going on here and you will notice that it is completely flat because if it had any sort of level variation an Enderman would probably come in and steal your grass blocks then out here we have the poor saps that are going to be the bait they're just gonna live in their cages until zombies come along and fall in the hole now you could actually do different things with these holes surrounding your bait you could fill them with lava so they just fall in and burn or if you're more of a tinkerer and a collector you could stick some droppers down there and rig it up to go into your basement so that you get all the stuff that the zombies drop when they get burned by the Sun so the zombies will walk to the bait they fall in they die in the Sun their stuff drops in the hoppers and it leads all the way to your chest where you're full of all that sweet sweet loot now this house was a great example of some of the techniques that we talked about but there's always a way to take it one step further why don't we go and take it to the most overkill house that I've ever seen for mob proofing here it is obviously in a survival situation this is going to look weird and making it look good is absolutely a difficulty which is why I showed you the first one so what we've got here is a bunch of water which protects us from Enderman we've got a very resistant block as the base which is the stone brick which is kind of good against creepers and then straightaway if a mob is chasing you imagine a mob is chasing us and that's what the scenario is here so we're running along you could jump up here but we have a button here that will level it up so that we can walk across if that doesn't stop them you keep on running and of course we have the trap doors here to stop any spiders you keep on running and there's mobs can't walk across carpets so you keep running they shouldn't follow you but if they somehow still find a way to get across then you have another method you have the lava gate which is just a bunch of redstone hooked up and then that will Co go back in but what if it's pigmen and they've managed to follow you for like ten thousand blocks well we've got some bait here if that doesn't work we've got the lily pad parkour all the way to our house and up the ladder and we should be safe if that doesn't stop mobs I give up like this is the most mob proof thing and it's so overkill it's ugly like someone this would build one of these like you have too much time make another house like what are you doing you can make a better looking house that's just as mob proof but regardless I did promise a 100 percent mob proof house and there's lots of things you can do now in terms of creepers there's actually a few blocks which are entirely resistant to their explosions and they are brick and obsidian the problem with brick and obsidian is they are ugly blocks so you could make the base out these two blocks if you wanted to but just take a look at them they're not very good now brick isn't too bad an obsidian as well but like they just don't work with anything they're really really unsightly blocks but of course you could use a texture pack too cheap there now I am NOT against texture packs on the whole I occasionally use them however I do all of my videos in default because I'm assuming that most of you will use default so we're back at our good-looking mob house I think this one is my personal preference it might not save you from every mob but at least it's not the overkill house and then back to all of the different you know concepts and designs for protecting against mobs now I'm no expert I honestly like I learn a few things here and my crew helped me because they're way more knowledgeable apparently about Minecraft and I am because honestly I started playing from like really really early on in minecraft like when it first came out and I haven't played survival for a really long time so I had to learn a lot but so big thank you to the crew for helping me out on this one this was a very different style of commentary with a little bit more humor I suppose if you liked it please let me know in the comments down below and of course thank you very very much for watching I hope you enjoyed this video
Channel: Grian
Views: 9,326,788
Rating: 4.8404584 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, build, mob proof, zombie proof, protect, house, minecraft house, creeper proof, protection, mob proof house, door, PE, most defended, easy, xbox, pocket edition, defend, how to
Id: 1mCjThn4MAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2016
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