29 Minecraft Pet (Animal) House Designs!

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hello my name is green and today I'm going to show you a bunch of animal houses for the majority of the pets in Minecraft and then some of them which you could just like put on a lead and keep as a pet anyway so let's get straight into it there's quite a lot to get through so the first one here is a very simple dog basket we've got fluffy hair sitting on a piece of carpet surrounded by trapdoors that go all the way around leaving the front open with a cauldron for water and a pot as a food bowl so it's very very simple to get us started but it's one of the most effective and compact designs that I'm going to show you so let's move on shall we the next one is the cat Tower now the difficult bit is getting the cat up there we've got Nancy and ginger Bell here and they've got a bunch of ladders around a post and a platform on the top with some trapdoors you could have multiple of these and then have a cat on each one of course getting the cat up there is the tough part but if you're able to do that it looks really nice we've got a little cat hotel type thing like a jungle gym where the cats complain we've got mr. Tibbles here today and we've got hairball so the point of this one is to display that you can make a bunch of different shapes using just staircase and the full block as well as long as they've got a bit of staircase to get up to the top you can add a bit of carpet couple scratching posts and you've got a really nice one there's going to be a few more of those designs as we go along so bear that in mind the next one is the igloo now I've actually got a couple of these in real life and my cats love them you could also have a dog igloo as well this one is kind of big this is about as small as I could get it with the staircase and make it still look nice so it's a bunch of quartz stairs in a semicircle with some upside down above it and it basically goes up to the top meeting with some slabs so flame ball is sitting in the middle of our igloo keeping it nice and cozy moving on I have included some designs for parrots however I'm not using the snapshot to record this video so what I've done is replace with a little head that looks like a parrot so let's just pretend that there's the new parrot mobs here this is a very very simple bird stand where the birds will just sit on top of the carpet that's on these fence gates which you jut out from the main stand is just quite well decorated nice and simple pretty cool design moving on we've got our first proper doghouse like a kennel outside the house perhaps it's its own little shack and it's got a very nice detailed roof it's not just straight up and meets in the middle it's got all these little tiny details about as much as we can make with the space available so it's very small we have got a bone here to indicate that it's the dog's house and we got Poochie sitting on here and a very comfy red carpets all those very little details that make these work really nicely next up we've got another little cat jungle gym and I just wanted to point out that this is very similar to the first one but it's just about making different shapes with the slabs and the staircase we got lucky and we got snowshoes here on our little jungle gym as well we can of course use different colour wood to make sure that it varies in your house if you have multiple of them this is the first creative only I believe we've got Doge here sitting on a very simple woollen bed or whatever you want to call it but it's using snow that I believe you can only acquire in this form in creative I don't know whether you can get that in survival I might be wrong I might be wrong next up is a llama house this is sunspot and I know that I've done stables before so I've left horses out of this video but llamas are more pet than useful so I wanted to include just a couple of them so it's a very simple design it's just four posts connected up with a little bit of detail and a roof over the top but what's great about this is that sunspot can not get out there is no way that he can escape just because of the shape of the roof and the use of the fence gates in the right places so it's a pretty good design for that so let's move on shall we - our first rabbit hutch now strictly speaking you can't tame rabbits but you can definitely put them in touches like this and keep them as pets for fun so you can't see the one we've got in there it's a very simple design this is about was compact as it could be he's only got two blocks of space in there so we've got a rope hello stinky this is stinky the rabbit and he lives in this hutch here the problem is of course getting him in there but he will follow you I believe if you have a carrot I'm not sure you need to be able to game in the hutch and then build it around him might be rather annoying next up we've got a large chicken hutch I actually did an entire video dedicated to a functional chicken coop this one is not functional when they lay the eggs you've got to go in there and collect them but it looks nice and that's the point of these videos to show you all these little knickknacks and designs for making some good looking stuff so if we go inside we've got a bunch of chickens we've got cluck Oh squawk we've got Rio and Brazil and it's just there's enough space in there for them to chill out there's a good use of trapdoors there so let's move on to the next one shall we which is another rabbit one but it's not a hutch it's just a we were Hopper and Harvey and it's just a ring of fences with a little roof on the top so it's more of an outdoor design for this one you've got some food in there you've got the water and I have used a shovel to make it path block on there so it actually looks like that they've been puttering about next up we've got another bird one now I haven't actually got the parrot so I've put a little head in there to indicate where he would be this is like a proper bird cage in here or a bird avery type thing it's pretty cool good use of trapdoors just stack them up it's a very very simple and easy design whether or not having a bird in there is practical I'm not sure because I haven't actually messed around with the snapshot that much next up we've got another cat hotel cat jungle gym design but this one uses a more modern twist just by using court stairs slab and block we've got whiskers on this one and we use end rod instead of fences for the scratch posts this is the last time I'm going to sort of point out how you can different shapes with this one I think everyone's got the point on this one but you can make some really cool stuff next up is one of my favorite designs of the video it is a modern house for your pooch so we use the three main blocks that are usually used for these designs we've got Toto here we've got dark oak some quartz and some cyan clay with a bit of glass on the front so it's a really really cool design and it's ever ever so simple to make most of the modern design houses that are out there on the internet and made in Minecraft use these three blocks in a very similar fashion to this one where it just got like one L shape and there's a little bit of room in there it's a very very cool design one of my favorites for this video next one is another modern ish design but it is a rabbit hutch so we've got some pretty cool things going on here with some glass we've got some slabs there who've we got inside hotty chocolate oops and let's see if I can put that back there we go we got see who's at the back there see if we can find out who's there cuz I don't know we've spent name we spent time naming them it's mani might as well find out no you're not escaping not escaping I'm sorry I am so sorry I did not want to hit you it's just I don't want you to escape and then it would just be a nightmare I'm really sorry but yeah the hutch there is a really cool design next up we have another parrot design and this time we actually do have a parrot in here yet you see you get a cool parrot this is the literally the smallest design you can do that's less than a block of space in there with those trap doors so you can see how kind of cruel it is to put birds in small cages that's not very nice it's kind of cramped but yeah you can do that if you want but I would recommend one of the designs that we're gonna go over later for parrots as my favorite right next up we've got another cat one but this is a very very specific design this time we've got end rods four legs of these little cubes see cats like to get in all snuggly in these little confined spaces if you give them a cardboard box we've got loader here if you give them a cabo books they'll just hop inside and just get all snuggly and this kind of mimics that want of cat needs so it looks pretty cool you have to place it in a very specific way just in a right tank like that with a half slab in between you mimic that on the top and you've got your shape down and then of course you need some snow to be able to get up to those little cubes this is another chicken hutch design and it's probably the biggest one out of all of the ones that I'm going to show you now it's hard to sometimes distinguish things like this from a normal house but there are certain things that we can do these little indents with the staircase is one of them the use of fences quite frequently to make it seem a lot more open and air definitely don't use glass and the use of certain blocks like wood and hay on the roof is a great idea to kind of distinguish it also having no front door and having those fence gates is a fantastic way to show that this is a chicken hutch and of course you can change the palate up if you so wish so let's go have a look inside it's fairly roomy in here probably the biggest one we've got egg Big Buck and bingo wings so we've got our chickens in here there's plenty of space and it's a pretty cool design for anyone that wants a chicken coop of course this is not a functional one these are all aesthetic remember that please the next one is another llama design so this one uses a and trick that you may or may not know I've used it a few times in some previous videos what happens is when you put a cobblestone wall next to a fence gate it actually lowers it ever so slightly not even half a block just slightly so it means we can make patterns with them by using them in multiple sequences so there's a big option to use this feature or I'm not sure if it's a feature or a bug but we can use this to make cool patterns and we can also use it to block the llama from leaving this pen he cannot leave at all so by mixing in the cobblestone wall and the fence gates along with some normal fence gates stick a roof on it we've got a pretty cool pen to keep him in this would also work fairly well for horses but like I said I'm trying to keep this as focused on pets as possible so next we've got a pretty elegant house for your pampered pooch we've got this great wooden design that really shows off that your dog is important he's sitting on a nice snow bed as we did earlier his name is boyo and we've got some pretty cool design features with the use of buttons some different shades of wood and a bit of fence in there as well it's nice and airy and it's a pretty cool design so let's move on to my favorite design of this video the Avery this was of course designed for the parrots but as you know I'm not in the snapshot so I've just replaced them with some mock parrots to begin with right so let's go over this design it's really really unique we've used iron fence and some glass either side to connect it up and it looks more solid by having those iron fences in the corner we've then got a bunch of glass blocks around the door otherwise the door would not connect properly and it would look weird but you can't see it stick out too much so that's okay on the top we've got a very flat roof using dark oak but the key is having these fine trap doors to make it look like it's really really air in here we've got ducky taking a bath in the cauldron but what makes this Avery look really cool is the very minut details the use of long grass the use of all the flowers the bird baths which are just a cobblestone wall with cauldron on them and then all of the bird stands for them to fly around on it works really really well and you can expand it you could go up you could make it wider whatever you want this is a very very versatile design here and when parrots are fully integrated into the game they will be very popular I think next up I've got another chicken coop design now this is a bit more contemporary and it's a bit of a weird design it's got a very tent-like structure where it just goes up and then it goes back down and it's got a bit of detail with some staircases and stuff in there as well but the main thing is all this brown glass in the middle so that you can see the chickens at all time so you've got a lovely look garden at the front make sure that if you place leaves that you put at least two blocks so that they can't hop out over the fence on the inside we've got Andy I don't think he's got name we've got Tina and we've got dinner no don't worry he's not gonna get eat and he's just his just his name he's just cool dinner we got a chicken called dinner anyway it's a very very nice design even if it's on a little bit of the weird side anyway the design itself is fairly simple to copy and it's got this bit that goes over the top and a nice little pillar that's sort of its defining feature but the great thing is you can see the chickens at all time and it's fairly to get in and roll this that function and the other let's move on to the next one which is more of a forest design and I've done some of these in other videos of the sort where we've got a tree stump here or at least what mimics one and on the top we've got a nice roof mixed in with some fences we've got some staircase and slabs and it just mimics a tree stump in general so if you had like say a tree house this would look great in that setting we've just got a couple of pooches in there to make this work overall it's quite a complicated one you need to be able to make a fairly good circle and it's got a lot of scope for improvement in fact it doesn't even need to be a pet house really you could make this into something way better anyway there's cocoa and bean in there enjoying their tree stump next up is a polar bear house now this was originally created for a dog but since it was all white and snowy and that kind of thing we decided why not to put a bear there instead this is a really sleek design it would fit very well in a modern setting in a modern house you will need the snow and pile it up to get that very tiny slit in there otherwise this design doesn't look quite as good and then you just use some white stained glass some potted plants and it looks fantastic you just have a birch platform for him to stand on and we've got ice bear in there but of course you could use this for a wolf and there is a layer of iron trapdoors on the top to make it look more airy like it's got some ventilation in there next up speaking of iron we've got dynamite in a completely iron setting instead of using fences we've got iron blocks and then our load of iron trapdoors so if you have a bunch of it lying around and you want to keep your llama in there perhaps this is a cool design for it especially if you've got a more futuristic design for your houses now llamas aren't the most useful thing in the world but some people like to keep them as pets so let's move on there's a very very simple design we've got a castle for your dog the king of this castle will be sitting indoors his name is ghost and it's fairly nice thing it's just a little ruins with castle it may be you yourself have a castle and you want to have a doghouse that matches the style so there's just a lot of stone brick use here the cracked the square one the chiseled one and a bit of cobblestone wall on the top with a little flag as well so I could see this working really really well in a castle setting next up we've got another doghouse now this one's a little bit unique in the fact that it's like a jungle gym mixed with it and Jack here lives in this tiny hole now humans cannot go in there because this is for dogs not humans and we need to make sure that this is distinguishable from say something else so we really need to make sure it's got those distinguishing features which is usually why I put an item frame with a bone on the top and this is great for a desert-like setting but the colour itself is pretty good Ozzy's on the top here with his water and his blanket and a bunch of fences this design is a little more complicated but you could do loads of variations on this one so that's an awesome design there next up is another llama pen but you could use this for multiple animals it could be a chicken coop it could be rabbit hutch whatever you want so again this uses that snow trick where you place multiple layers on top of each other we've got Emily and we've got snow fur here there's plenty of space loads of hay and then you can just come and go as you please it's got a very modern design it's got an design with some rails on the top now that's meant to look like an air conditioning unit like a vent and we've got some daylight sensors to sort of finish all that off so it's a pretty cool design fairly simple even though it is kind big so moving on to the last one wait this is a villager house jerk Gerald Gerald what are you doing here you're not a pet are you you're a villager it's silly gerald right that's it for the video today let's just have a quick run through all of the ones we went over we've just seen these ones with the dog house the castle dog house the llama pen we've got snow bear with snow bear polar bear we've got dogs we've got a chicken coop we've got my favorite which is the Avery we've got our pampered pooch another llama one with the trick with the fence gates chicken coop cat parrot rabbit dog another cat one parrot some rabbit hutch big chicken coop a small rabbit hutch another llama a pretty dog blanket some cats another dog parrot stand cat igloo cat jungle gym another cat one and finally our original dog blanket which was the simplest one to begin with so that is all of them all 2930 if you include Gerald in there as well that was a lot of designs to go over and I hope at least one of them was good for one of your pets but in Minecraft or maybe you will add some in now some of them will be difficult as you have to coax some of those animals into places they don't really want to be the Avery here was my absolute favorite design I have to say a big thank you to happy jellyfish and pearlescent Moon who helped me make these designs along with myself the last thing to say is a big big thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Grian
Views: 4,965,672
Rating: 4.8656592 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, showcase, prank, animal, pet, cat house, dog house, pet house, parrot, minecraft house, no swearing, minecraft building, no bad words, kid appropriate, minecraft youtuber, llama, stables, minecraft animal, cat, minecraft cat, ocelot
Id: x2A_rl0OKVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2017
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