I Survived 200 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft...

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surviving 200 days in minecraft hardcore i already survived 100 days beating all three bosses getting full prop 4 netherite armor and getting unlimited emeralds but now the challenge is to survive 200 days and see just how much i can achieve if i die once the challenge is over and the world is deleted forever as usual there were a few times where i did nearly die and only just survived i spent over 30 hours on this video and on my channel i do lots of hardcore minecraft so if you could take a second to subscribe that would be amazing and you can always change your mind later with all that said this is the story of how i survived 200 days in hardcore minecraft and so here we go again day 101 on our way to 200. one of the first things i want to do is get myself a cartographer and to make that we're going to go ahead and do that place it down for one of these fellas to use you good sir will be my cartographer if i create a compass and a load of glass panes i should be able to upgrade this guy to the max level i don't know if it makes it in the backswing but it does give me a woodland explorer map look at that golem offering a puppy yeah very kind so in the morning that is the place that i'm going to a woodland mansion so according to the map we've got to go very very far north which is over in this direction but obviously we're gonna fly it's not gonna take me that long didn't expect to find this on the way a desert and a desert temple let's check it out the main thing i want to get from here is some notch apples if possible we've got regular goldens what's that book protection we're past protection two days unfortunately it was pretty useless but at least the tnt might be handy i come to the map we're now in line with the woodland mansion we just have to fly in this direction a little bit longer and here it is coming into view over 8 000 blocks to get here trying to find the entrance all i can say is thank goodness for the elytra here we go so i know that these are pretty dangerous places i'm gonna have to be careful because it's hardcore it does make the mobs ten times more powerful although these guys they do half a heart you know what i take it back you guys you guys are rubbish i'm not entirely sure if there's any useful loot here particularly the gunpowder is the main thing that i want also grab the music discussion probably start collecting those might as well take some book cases as well you can never have too many books let's be honest there's only one thing i really want from this woodland mansion and that is the totem of undying which comes from this guy did i just really just kill him into it let's put that there perfect pretty sure if we head upwards there'll be more illegals up there i found the area i don't know how to get into it i found it anyway well what's going on oh you took a blast there as well there he is the great excuse me too i'm trying to make a cinematic moment here as i was saying here we go the big showdown you think you're back to me i'm actually kind of weak actually i should probably be kind of careful who am i kidding i've got a total of them down you can run mate but yeah wow he's actually really running for it okay your crocodiles are no use tell you what if you ever want books this is the place for you normally i'd have to scam a lot of villages to get this many books so this is a this is a much nicer way to do it just steal it from the villages and here we have totem of undying number three and on that note i think i've got all the totems i'm getting out of here i've decided he's just getting too crowded down here with everything i'm gonna open this up for everybody i finally got an enchantment i should have got a long time ago infant okay i did not mind mean to buy that many of them he'll do i've just remembered something mending an infinity cannot go on the same boat so um i've got to make a completely new one this guy's giving me sharpness five finally i can put feather falling on my boots and depth strider three and finally a book of thorns two so i can get loads of these and now i can use the grindstone and all the things i got from the end city no what just happened there oh my goodness what a mess that's made that almost destroyed me as well it could have been a worse place for this creeper to blow up anyway the main thing i can now do is get thorn 3 on my armor this place is becoming a bit of a mess let's also cure this fella there's another creeper and these golds are just standing doing it look what do i pay you guys for i brought some fire resistance and some swiftness and i decided i'm still living life like a peasant look it's diamond tools who have diamond tools in minecraft so we're going to the nether we're going to get the rest of the netherites and to start off i'm going to drink some fire resistance then some swiftness i'm gonna see if the pickaxe can keep up with this and there we go we've managed to find some quite quickly there there we go we managed to find another piece okay it's two pieces as well that's really good i just really missed this piece but i just about found it and it's another two perfect in fact it's three i often wonder if a method like this is the most efficient way have some more i've done all this crazy mining over here yeah it's when i'm doing this little strip mine that i happen to find it there we go we managed to find some more as well perfect this is the last piece of ancient debris that i need and there's two of them that's really really good i'm also going to need magma later on so i'm going to grab it while i can home sweet home i'd better go ahead and quickly sleep and now i can begin smelting my netherites and yes i'm putting efficiency on breaking and mending on my diamond hoe and i'm also going to turn it into another right one just because i could afford it and i now have all near the right tools and i got the thing serious dedication with this final ingot i can also make a fortune netherright pickaxe and on this pickaxe i could have silk touch i've just realized i made a dead the right hoe but i didn't make a netherride sword so we we've still not got full netherright tools so it's back to mining ancient debris there we go we found something i found that so quickly it was like right by where the other ancient debris was let's make another ingot and now i definitely have full netherright tools i'm now ready to begin my next project i spent many many days gathering lots and lots of materials currently waiting for my iron to finish melting here as well there we go it's now all finished you're probably wondering what on earth i'll need two stacks of item for but all will be revealed to build this farm we are going to be going to the nether at this point you can probably already guess what the farm is going to be since there's only one type of farm in the nether anyway well there's actually quite a few another type farms but this is the most common one i'm gonna put a ladder right here and then hold jump and then when i get to the top of my jump i need to throw an ender pearl like that and then yeah i am above the nether now look at this we've arrived so this right here is the block of bedrock that i want to destroy so i'm going to start by placing a piston and because my coordinates are at negative z on the negative z side of this i'm going to place that obsidian on this side tnt over here and we're going to place a trapdoor like that as well so the plan is i place tnt here go under there and then i keep spamming this as fast as i can okay it didn't work that time it doesn't work every time take two this time i can feel i'm gonna pull it off try and click a bit faster you need to be clicking so fast there we go we got it i clicked it faster and now when i mine up this piston look at that the bedrock is broken underneath we've got our way up and down i feel like i should create a little bit of a pillar so that i can find my way over here easier and now i need another waistband we're currently in a crimson forest so if i head this way i already know i've checked before where the nether wastes are so i know if i go in this direction i've got the coordinates to the area this is the perfect spot so i'm going to build all the way up to my site now and make my zombified piglen farm and i've made it to build height now do you want to see something scary i'm going to mine this hold the crouch and and hope for the best oh look at that we landed on the side no problem i'm now why 249 i'm going to place a slab and start building and i'm not going to bore you with too many details i'm just going to get on with building it i've successfully built this shape and now i need to place 4 000 magma blocks yes you heard me right 4 000 blocks look at that it's already working now that a lot of spawn this is actually a good chance for me to put down my satellite pigment i just put this guy in a boat and then work my way over here i hope getting out the boat yeah don't push me out and if i break this that's it you stay there you're not coming you you live there now i'm also going to give him a name angry man he's going to be the pigman to make sure all the other pigments stay angry we've got a bad situation here agasta spawned and he is ruining my day i'm gonna have to attack him with some flying skills here there we go that's gonna be a problem we're gonna encounter once i get all these slabs down my problems of gas spawning will be over i also need to put walls in these corners here so the piglet pathfind properly and at long last i have finished the spawning platforms i've made the spot where i will stand and this is the area where the piglets will die so we're going to put a little trapdoor there we'll put a rail on there and this is the reason that i needed so much iron because i then need to place 25 mine carts on this block with three iron to spare this is all the minecarts i need and this is where things could go wrong i need to break that then break the block below it ah bro are you kidding me so if i now break this block place that there they are all in there and i think it is now done unless i've done something wrong i suppose there's only one way to find out i'm going to go over here punch this guy all right they're all angry let's get in here and see if it works it's kind of working but i think i slightly messed up by not making the piglet hole deep enough actually if i break that block there this is terrifying they're climbing the ladders now there's no way i'm i'm out of here guys look at that they're all going straight in it's beautiful and now i can just sit here and watch the xp flow in i look at all the loot that i'm getting with this as well i'm gonna have to come up with some sorting system for this and here we have it i have now reached level 100. this has to be probably the best xp farm i have ever made and the reason i chose this one over a guardian or an individual farm is thanks to all the gold that i can get i'm floating down this ladder and i'm still going collecting xp i have to say it's great to finally be home that was an absolutely massive project but it was well worth it i can now add fire respect to this sword and some more thorns to my armor i know i feel like one of the cool things i should do that i haven't done yet is a raid now which village to raid do we raid that one how do we raid my hometown there's the pillager outpost that we found last time and here is a pillager captain excuse me sir but i need your services i'll put this in memory of you and i don't want that crossbow i think i'm going to be risky and raid my hometown just because i really want to get hero of the village so here we go the raid is beginning now where are these guys coming from that's it ring the bell emergency guys this is this is not a drill okay there they are there's the boys let's go in no messing about you get out of here okay that did a lot of damage i should probably put my chest plate on before i uh before i go any further with this there we go thankfully i've just upgraded myself wow those guys are packing a punch here i've got to be careful i feel seriously under geared for this i didn't get any gapples i didn't get a bow yeah despite that i'm destroying them i should definitely get a bow that would be a good idea you guys think you stand a chance well the golems are actually struggling out gonna have to go and uh help them out here you leave my golems alone they're attacking they've made it in how did you guys even get in here leave my villagers alone you and there we go wave number two has been dealt with excuse me sir this is an emergency i need arrows you don't sell them we have no time to discuss specifics but i'm very under geared here's the rest of the way they don't see many of them though and he's dropped a crossbow forbid that's gonna be kind of useful don't mind me i'm just going to sleep mid-raid i've got a few moments before the next wave starts let me quickly grab this bow and get back to the action yeah the big boy ravages are here now you guys back off okay i need to get my chest plate on asap there we go no problem you get out of here despite this being a power five bow it's not doing that much damage but it's getting the job done but they can't even see me through the sugar cane okay maybe you can i'd say i'm going in with this all-powerful sword there's a couple of them over there they're doing all sorts to my poor golem i'll sort you out that's it get out of it these guys just do not stop why is it wondering trader randomly turned up at this time got any good deals no you're completely useless as usual i'm struggling to locate the enemy it's over here look at that that was the right team move get rid of these two perfect and we did it we defeated the raid we are now heroes look at the fireworks going off it's brilliant i didn't know the villagers did that they're all coming outside again this has been a great day you got some sweet deals for me now look at that the prices have been slashed we've got another four totems of undying life is good ladies and gentlemen life is very good why me i miss a totem lying on the ground look at these guys they just gave me some free stuff they're gonna be throwing everything they love me if only they knew how much i'd actually scammed them and i have the final book that i wanted flame and i'm heading back to the xp farm where i then plan to fully max out my armor seems like you guys have forgotten how angry you used to be at me maybe this will jog your memory i just remembered i completely forgot to bring a handle okay i'll be right back when i've got more iron and i find myself once again mining for iron the way i see it the sooner i get an icon farm the better let's set all of this off smelting craft another anvil and back we go again now i can plunk down the anvil and get to work what's that i don't have enough levels just give me a moment there we go are you kidding me my anvil broke already so it's take two going mining for iron oh look at that we have got ourselves an enchanted gold apple and some diamonds that's pretty nice i have to say that was a pretty productive time mining i'm hoping that i never have to go mining ever again at least not for iron anyway maybe for diamonds though work out why my game was so laggy it turns out there's millions of swords sitting on top of this hopper i think i'm going to be pretty rich from all this gold let's turn this all into gold blocks yes we have 60 blocks of gold i'm gonna craft a couple of anvils place that there make one of these guys angry and get back to work are you kidding me i can't even put thorns three on it that's so annoying i'll sort that out later so i almost have fully maxed armor and now with my 72 blocks of gold i'm getting out of here this will go nicely with my other 32 blocks of gold we have over a hundred blocks of gold now after 140 days i've decided it's finally time i made an enchantment table i did not realize that i am uh i'm a bit dangerously close to the edge of a mountain here it does change my plans with the design slightly turns out i have another 30 gold blocks in this chest as well i'm gonna once again grindstone these boots i know it's pretty basic but i feel like this will do for now i will eventually improve it at some point but let's just enchant these and see if we can get it to max with them breaking them prop 4 yeah i can definitely max it out now this time there'll be no trouble enchanting all of this that gives me mending this now gives me almost max armor there's one thing i need to do and that is to sit and trade with these fellas until i get soul speed three oh my goodness i just almost died to a piglet i don't know he won't accept the gold what's wrong with you man just just take the gold leave me alone it's a good thing i have plenty of totems lying around all right fellas christmases come early finally i got soul speed3 you guys have taken forever with that thanks those piglets i have a lot of leather i'm finally going to make this easier to find stuff yeah that's definitely looking much better i'll fill these up with other things at some point now let's place my boots here put the soul speed you gotta be kidding me well back to the grindstone they go oh my goodness i just got it straight away i was about to say i need thorn three and he literally gave it to me oh i don't even have a book do not change your trade i need that as i say i'm dedicating way too much time to getting max armor but i need to do this there we go thorn straight before i was combining two thorns two box which was just adding up too much yeah for the feather falling we'll take that depth strider thank you this time i'm getting the maximum stuff on my boots and finally it has give me a moment it has been achieved i have completely well and truly maxed out my armor and now i have only one goal albeit a very simple one and that is to get one of the greatest music discs ever pig step and i just realized i i forgot to get food also in the last video some people said i went into creative because i managed to get a stack of blaze rods and i'm going to assume that the people that said that have never used a looting three sword on a blaze corner look at how many blaze rods you get from a blade look i just got three that easy another three there it's too easy guys so that's how i got loads i'm not gonna sit here and get more i've got more important things to do and yes don't worry i do indeed read the comments when you say something come on give me a pig step no not today i might as well take the lodestone though finally i have searched so many and i have finally found it pixster and whilst i'm here i might as well steal more gold and that to me is a job well done i then proceeded to spend the next three days sitting and getting loads and loads of xp all right now that i've got all these useless levels i might as well crack them with something else and yes these videos take so long to make that i've even trimmed my beard hidden in the time now probably one of the most important things on your mind right now is what am i gonna name my dog i spent the last 50 days and he still got no name so thanks so much for all the ideas you had i've decided to go with buddy they are buddy that's your official name now another thing i think would be a good idea to do is to make a compass and then place this lodestone right here i think if i then right click it yeah look at that in the nether we will be able to find this portal much easier and now for my next project i want to find a trident so to do that i'm going to need to find some drones these ruins usually have what i look for there we go so let's just take out these guys and hopefully get a trident i don't know how many of these guys you actually have to take out to get what you're looking for but i get the feeling like it's going to take a while i also had no idea how fast depth strider with dolphins grace is the dolphin can't even keep up i decided it's best to put that idea on the back burner i wasn't expecting it to be quite so difficult to get a trident so i'm going to do some experimentation at some point create a trident farm that's going to let me get millions and millions of them and i've instead got a new project on the horizon i'm going to make a bunch of eyes of ender then four n crystals thanks to my piglet trading i have plenty of obsidian so let's make four in the chests going to grab lots of wood and a lots of wool i could also do with a bit more gunpowder now i have 36 gunpowder that should be plenty that's going to give me a load more firework rockets to be honest the way i see it the sooner i get a gunpowder farm the better oh by the way i don't know if you showed your guy this but my my music disc collection is growing nicely and now i'm going to fly to my next destination then i'm going to go down this little hole here there we go i feel like it'd be a good idea to just build a portal here and then i can just go through the nether to get to the stronghold let's board up this i can build a nice little portal i think one of these shulker boxes does clinton still yes it does i always carry the essentials and then let's see where it takes us it took me to my original bottle which that's not good so now in a big waste of time i've got to fly back to the stronghold i think it's best i just get on with this so the first plan is to rebirth the ender dragon there we go it's appearing unless that does that i'm going to craft a bunch of beds place some obsidian right here and now we simply wait for the dragon to perch what's up here i can actually shoot the towers see what we can do there we go okay i'm gonna enderman after me but i should be able to finish it up okay no we missed we missed it but we can finish her off that tower has got to go and now i can finish the job and now a new end gateway has been opened so i plan to use this to find shulker shells because over time i've realized that shulker boxes are so so useful here's my first one of the day let's find the shulkers you also get very good loot from these places it's a very small end city i only got two let's keep searching now this one looks much bigger suppose the way to go with these guys because then you can get them in two hits which stops them from teleporting away from you i will grab these elytra and of course the dragon head which has fallen because my inventory is full i'll grab this one last shulker shelf that's 18 now i've got that's more than enough grab the dragon head and go home i've made it back home i've got plenty of shulker shells i've got elytra a few extra dragon heads pretty good journey i think it's finally time i tackled the auto storage for my gold farm so i could go mining for redstone or i could support the economy and buy it off a villager yeah so he's very happy now i'm also going to craft a few repeaters a dropper and i'm also going to need to mine up a bit of quartz so that i can make a bunch of comparators and thankfully the pigment aren't angry at me right now so i can do some work now successfully got rid of a load of the junk from all these chests just need to empty these two here i realized it was just quicker and easier to break these ones as well so this dropper here is gonna be the one that gets rid of all the gold swords and this is where i'm gonna place the comparators with some hoppers going into them and finally some double chests at the bottom with hoppers going in to them there needs to be torches underneath these hoppers and then repeaters going into the torches blocks along here and finally a bunch of redstone all appear now in theory this should work i just need to fill these with the items that i want to sort unfortunately throw me rotten flesh away i think i'm going get some never mind it's uh it's all despawned forgot to place this dropper upside down which is kind of important this little contraption should eject things down every time i put an item in there we go it worked i'm also going to disable this hopper temporarily until i get enough rotten flesh so now we test it out guys i made a big mistake here okay i just got to get out of it that was a bit of a i didn't realize they could all just walk on there and come around yeah i was a bit of an idiot in that situation i'm just going to pop home and get another totem of undying let's grab that no harm done and it's nice to see it's snowing for a change and that ladies and gentlemen is why you always carry a totem of undying so i'm guessing in order for this to work now i'm gonna need a bunch more slabs and then i need to cover this area up completely i feel like i really safety proof the area that should in theory mean no more mishaps and now i'm letting all the items filter through and they are filling up the chests there's a slight problem with the machine so i just need to move this all over one block break that hopper there place a new one there put that like that there we go now it will work perfectly take two hopefully i don't have to use another totem look at it go as you can see the swords are just being thrown out these chests have been filled up nicely this is doing my ocd the world of good i then spent another few days sitting in this farm to get to level 200. nearly two stacks of gold blocks gained again i'm pretty happy with that i feel like something i haven't done yet that would definitely be a good idea is to craft a jukebox and place it down probably in the corner and now i can listen to pig step if i was playing minecraft without recording i would just have that playing in the background it truly is such a good sound so for my latest endeavor i'm going to be going to a desert and that's because i'm always sick of never having any sun and my plan is to get my shovel and fill an entire shulker box with sand after mining up an entire shulker box i got a little carried away and decided to do an extra chest as well i've got plenty now this is the other shulker box full of sand we've got that i don't know what i'm gonna use all this sun for right now but it will come in handy one of the things that i'd like to build in here it's going to be a netherwart farm i'm going to go ahead and smelt a load of this netherrack i'm going to place a couple of chests here hoppers wrapping all the way around we're going to add a nice quartz floor and then all the rest of this can be nether brick i think glowstone will be a good block to use as lighting now all my nether bricks are ready let's craft them into blocks and finish building this room i feel like adding stairs around the edge could be quite a nice effect and now i'm going to begin planting this netherwart and to speed things up i'm going to go to my trusty supply of bone meal which apparently doesn't work another one i'm sure it used to thanks to all that sand that i got before i can make a bunch of smooth sandstone and finish this part of the building add those here looking pretty good can't really do much more of this room until these nether walk grow so in the morning it makes sense to work on something else which is going to involve all these gold blocks and i'm simply going to fill all these walls in in the last video i had unlimited emeralds and this one i've now also got unlimited gold that looks so rich i don't know what i'm going to be getting unlimited of in the next video these are now starting to be fully grown i don't know if fortune gives me more i think it does that's definitely going to be something worth remembering and now it's time we crafted a bunch of dispensers i'm going to place these along here i'm going to make a polished blackstone button and put it on there actually i need to change this to a redstone lamp there we go and i can feed redstone all the way around here put repeaters going into each dispenser and i now need to go and get more redstone sorry sir i hate to wake you up but i really need this redstone and now this should be fully operational we'll also need to put all these water buckets in i want to wait for all these to grow i'm going mining for redstone because i'm getting tired of constantly running out the good thing about redstone is it's very very easy to find with fortune three look i've already got 30. it's so much better i'm also going to grab any lapis that i see with my fortune i wasn't even looking for them but there's a few diamonds lurking down here that's nine in total i'm pretty happy with that i have to say this has definitely been a nice topping i generally like to store lapis in this chest here in the enchantment room i never use but looks amazing and i get the feeling like we're not running out of redstone anytime soon i think it's about time i sorted this place out and made it look a little nicer are you kidding me i tried to do something nice for the villagers and of course it goes wrong normally i'm never happy to see this guy but this one is offering me gunpowder i definitely like the sound of that so you are going in there good sir don't worry you will be completely safe look at me building with gold looks like it's nothing also i want the lead so i'm i'm going to take out the llamas evil i know but needs must there's still quite a lot of work to do but this is the progress so far i'm sure you'll agree that it looks way way better than before they're not all fully grown yet but i'm gonna press this button anyway and just to check that it all works properly well that went well didn't it pretty simple fix i just need to add a repeater right about there and now we can go for take two and see what happens and look at that beautiful and they'll all flow into the hoppers and we can grab all of these and start planting again and this means i can finally begin work on this last bit of the roof if you didn't know to craft red nether brick you need two nether wart two nether bricks and you put it like that i've now finished all of this area i'm going to release this fella back out come on mate you you come on out of here i'm here we're killing him with my thorns here oh he he died and then the one on this side randomly despawned so unfortunately that means i'm gonna have to get two of those guys at some point and one last time tying up this massive mess that's been here for ages i find i can cover over the top with a bunch of snow so nobody will ever know stick a little trap door there and now it's all nicely covered up i'm also going to build a soul speed tunnel from my house to the villager place i've dug out the entire tunnel now i just need to put soul sun down and there we have it my high speed tunnel is now complete i feel like this is one of those things that's really cool but i'm just never going to use it i'm just going to be flying with my electra but it's nice to have no i was afk doing something else and the creeper just walked up and blew this is why i should have lit it up shouldn't i i've run out of black stone now but i've chiseled it all out at least i'll finish it at a later date i can now finally finish off this roof replant the netherwart and i've decided i've had enough of building i'm going off an adventure somewhere here's something i want to test if i grab myself a lead and then attach one of these dolphins does it keep up with me i think it does this is the way to swim underwater next time i seriously go looking for tridents this is how i'm doing it this is the best way to find rounds something i quite like to find is a swamp by them because i've yet to get any slime balls i found a monument even though i have loads and loads of gold i might as well get more and when you have depth strider and aqua affinity it's super easy i don't really have much use for pumpkins but i found some so i might as well pick them up and the only real thing i'm bothered about in this village is all the hay bales it's a shame i don't keep my nether right hoe in the end of chess that would have been very useful oh well i'm rich i might as well make another diamond one and here's another village whose wheat i'm going to steal and finally i have found a swamp and i don't think it's actually that far from where i live it'd be amazing if i could find a swamp put and then i could make a farm out of it but i don't think there's one here it has to be said this is being an extremely successful night i'm getting lots of gunpowder lots of slime balls well with the sun now rising i am more than happy with that night's work i think i'm ready to head home at some point i probably will make a slime fan but three stacks of slime is pretty good we got the 43 gunpowder i will make a gunpowder farm as well at some point but i'm really happy with that my armor is starting to get a bit broken my tools a little bit broken so i think it's time for a trip to the xp farm i then spent a lot more days sat at the xp farm getting to level 250. the goal is level 2000 guys we've got a long way to go but that's what i'm going for and now i'm going to brave this blizzard and go on another journey my farm also gave me another stack and a half a gold blocks life's pretty good at the moment this looks like what i've been looking for i can't say i've come to get the most exciting thing in the world i've come to get some bees look at that we've got a baby why am i enjoying this so much i feel like at some point bees are going to be pretty useful so i'm going to grab that look at that we even got a a total b location that's so i was saying honey block's going to be useful i've got loads of slime for slime blocks we can make some really cool creations with this but first i want to find a few extra b nests aha now this is going to be very very useful i won't be building the farm out of this in this video but at some point in the future i'm going to be very pleased to use that this is a pretty nice find a mesa biome and we have a mine shaft here look okay that was a bit dangerous but we managed to land it the best thing about mesa is you can get a lot of gold from here but do i look like i need gold whoa i just had a creeper land on my head and i almost died if it wasn't for my tote i gotta be more careful thankfully there's plenty more totems available i don't want that to happen too much should probably wear a chestplate if i'm not flying around the only good thing about these mineshafts is the hope that i might find in not chapel other than that i don't really have any use for them got a bit of gold here and a regular gold apple which i guess is okay might as well steal some more hay bales whilst i've got them day 192 begins oh i'm so sorry these are pretty rare it's an infected village look at this they're just all infected okay all right don't be like that you stay inside and as the sun sets here we are home sweet home i feel like it'd be quite nice for this village to have some bees buzzing around eventually i'm gonna make a proper honey farm but for now i think this will do and now that i've got four and a half stacks of hay i can make lots and lots of bread and then give it to all the villagers and that will lead to lots and lots of baby villagers would you look at this i need these fellas and they've just turned up oh no they're gonna die again quick get out of there speak i'm gonna call these guys the doctors just not to intimidate anyone i'm gonna play a risky game and not wear armor so they at least don't get hurt that needs to go okay okay i'm gonna die at this rate let me just break that okay okay okay put your armor on speed your idiot die you must die i'm sorry at least i got him in there man i'm going through these totems like nobody's business today let's put this on him there we go one of the doctors just the sort of fellas i'm looking for come on up guys if i just bring him round here perfect now blocked it back up he's back in there because these guys they're slowly bringing their prices up i mean this one wants four you know what i think to that get down there but i have three more totems these can go in the ender chest i think it's time i made a furnace room i decided it's time to tighten up security in this village so i'm going to spawn in some angles i'm curious do these guys actually attack me if i hit them wow you did a great job already let's see i hit him oh these guys don't care it's only you guys that will attack me they all know that i am their master all right villagers if you don't feel safe now you never will now it's time i gathered up these furnaces although i do actually need to use a furnace to get the smooth stone whilst i wait for that to smelt i can make a few smokers craft a few extra furnaces and now i can craft all my blast furnaces and begin building so we're going to put these right here and the smokers on the opposite side and finally eight normal ones in this section feel like making the floor out a call box could be quite a cool thing as well already this place is being put to use i'm not entirely sure how this next bit bit's gonna work but i just know i need a lot of lava i'm gonna see what happens if i just drop lava there it's already covering a good amount let's get to the nether quite simply i'll have to do is just keep right clicking here and get loads of ladder and what do we think i thought i'd go a bit all out with the design and go for a real live one and i kind of like it now i'm just gonna do the same for the rest of the place this is one of those designs that now that i've built i don't know if it's such a good idea or not i think i'm gonna do a lava roof as well i also need lots more black stone bricks that should be more than enough for now i also fancy taking these chains and also the lanterns now i can put these walls in now i need to just tactically place lava all around here and everything okay well that didn't work my best bet is to just place the lava here and see if it covers all the blocks for some reason these two random spots just will not work let's put that okay now we've got to be a little bit careful not on top of there and please don't cover yourself in live recipe and there we have it job done this is my furnace room yeah interesting design now to really bring it to life i can hang some chains with lanterns on the bottom of them whilst i've got a bit of time left i'm going to finish the black stone along here and i'm going to light the area up so we don't have any mishaps down here let's harvest all the netherwart look at that working like a charm actually think that this is a very handy thing that i've built now i don't know where it came from but this guy pulled out a sword and sort these fellas out you're not keeping that time to get some sleep and then i can begin day 200. so this is it i've also realized we have so many villagers that all these beds are occupied has to be said once again that so much has happened in these 100 days i spruced up this trading hole to give these guys the luxury they deserve i built this massive soul speed tunnel which i guess is kind of useful i've now got a furnace room which might get slightly changed another wart room an enchanting room i named my dog buddy because he's my buddy i managed to get pig step i got a lot of totems of undying from doing raids and visiting a woodland mansion and i've used quite a lot of them i also fully maxed out my armor which was mainly thanks to this massive project here that gives me so much gold and so much xp you may not know i also changed it to now filter out rottenplace because i don't really have much use for it i would also like to say thank you so much for watching all the way to the end of the video i really appreciate you taking the time to do that and as the sun sets on this world that is how i survive 200 days in minecraft hardcore also subscribe if you enjoyed the video
Channel: SB737
Views: 10,359,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, surviving 100 days, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft 100 days, surviving 200 days, 200 days, 200 days hardcore, minecraft 200 days
Id: y7v_o3eVdW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 9sec (1869 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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