I found these weird OP Minecraft Crafting Recipes...

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in this episode we got overpowered totems that let you just live forever the staff of the undead shoots out fireballs and spikes anytime you want them the netherrite mega beam can shoot out a laser that can break literally any block anyhow name a block it breaks it how about this cactus yes yes yes i can how about this dead bush yes we've also got a chest plate that won't let you die in lava just tell portsie out of there no lava death for you sir we've got an oversized netherite sword which is the most expensive recipe and whenever you use it just just you have to wait and see on this one what's up welcome back to comments the crafting where we take your crazy comments and turn them into actual minecraft recipes i know you heard me correctly you ever wonder how expensive and overpowered minecraft items could possibly get well me neither but we made them anyway this is your comments turned into actual minecraft recipes today we have some crazy items this is the weird expensive minecraft recipes by daz joffs which i am pumped about the first one enchanted golden apple block now this sounds like it's getting to a good start already thank you gabriel for the great idea here alright so we got a bunch of enchanted golden apples as one would expect tasty as ever an apple a day keeps your uh teeth gold i guess because it's covered in gold or something don't eat this that sounds horrible all right let's check this bad boy out the enchanted golden apple block what does it do the enchanted golden apple will turn blocks into four more valuable blocks what is that what the heck does that mean well i place it right oh goodness what a beautiful song i could fall asleep brian now just instantly fall asleep at my desk it's turning into a different item what is hello is that it that's all it does it just is nice it just makes a nice sound wow i guess moving on to the next one what wait hold on let's try this again make ourselves an enchanted golden apple block oh it turns every item in minecraft into a more valuable item what it just turned like all of the it turned all like the dead grass into diamonds and all the all the sand into iron blocks okay that was actually pretty dope man so what i needed was a pickaxe all right all right all right we're trying this again i i got my pickaxe out this time so i have 15 seconds to get all the stuff i need to free iron okay grab one of these hold on there's diamonds over here uh what else do we got run run quick quick what else what else can i get um um it looks like all iron it's all whoa no the the cactus was lapis lazuli this is so cool expensive as ever man that costs a lot i got two diamonds and a block of iron out of it but i that's really cool i could do this all day but we also have 14 more to show off so let's get over there what an awesome idea dude that was just one we got 14 more to show off and number two for example is the netherrite mega beam well this seems dangerous all right this was commented by your mom well that's why why why okay well thanks my mom for commenting this block netherright nether ingots and some netherright stars make a netherright mega beam i don't know what this does but i'm very excited about it it's pretty expensive by the way when you right click with the mega beam it'll shoot a laser okay oh okay maybe i should read the whole thing first when you sneak and right click it it breaks the block oh it just keeps going it just keeps breaking blocks wait a minute wait a minute so if i just shoot it like this it just keeps going it doesn't go all the way that's cool man all right and i assume it breaks any block that's that's near it let's check it out the laser kills mobs too well of course it does it looks like there's no fence gate here i'll just break it anyways i should be trusted with this i kind of broke some of these blocks let's spawn some cows here and let's shoot some lasers oh snap oh yeah that does some serious damage yeah they're toasted easy peasy how'd you how did you get over here well see you later that's pretty neat it doesn't even have any kind of durability so i you could just dig down all day i know tyler says never dig down but i'm doing it anyways let's see what we got here wait a minute question does it break any block oh this is sick paul you can't see anything because the particle's way away if the particles go away look at how much we mined in like the matter in no time holy cow dude all right now i gotta i gotta get to the bottom of this literally the bottom of the earth let's see does it break obsidian and bedrock wait a minute no way no way it does it's straight up breaks netherright that's crazy well dronimo number three is the log dot block i wonder how this is going to be the lock dot block uh long dot blog how this is going to be like a super overpowered oh man it's expensive at least a blocked diamond and emeralds that's too much man for the log dot block this is an expensive merch but i'll take it okay what does it do the log that block will shoot out meteorites to blow up mobs and it will turn nearby cows into signs okay that sounds good so if i if i spot a bunch of cows here oh at least one cow hi buddy and then i placed a log dot block down by betsy dude why does tyler hate cows so much it'll just immediately turn any cow into a sign too so this is like the opposite of a cow farm pretty much it husks to be destroyed does it it kill husks too oh okay well i guess that answers that question it literally summons meteorites to kill mobs that's awesome oh it's a pretty expensive block obviously it's an expensive block but i'd honestly use that in my world to keep all the creepers away you know what i mean 10 out of 10. good job log dot block kitty gamer you got good taste look at that the block number four we got the reflection of evil it just shows my face in it like uh oh this was commented by das jafas thank you my good sir oh man all right so some diamonds glass and crying obsidian the reflection of evil what does this bad boy do well the reflection of evil will have a reflection of the nearest hostile mob show inside that's pretty sweet let's toss this right about here and then mirror mirror on the wall who's the scariest of them all well we got some various test subjects so if we spawn this guy right here our little villager boy it'll show up in our in our thing which is so sweet i don't really know how this i would actually use this in my world so if we spawn a creeper which is a little closer to it it'll show a creeper if we spawn this guy right here a little husk or a zombie whatever it'll spawn there which is super distinct and dope don't know how i'd ever use it but now i get to like look at a zombie real close and he's not gonna come and eat my brains which i appreciate zombie i like my brains in my skull thank you very much number five is the teleporter rail well i think i know where this is going this is commented by das jaff's right again two for two killing it man all right so this is nether ingots that's pretty expensive just for the nether right makes ourselves a teleporter rail and what does this bad boy do well the teleporter rail will teleport a mine cart that goes over it well that sounds pretty normal it teleports to another one oh i see so if we put down a teleporter rail here it will go across and it'll land on the different teleporter rail and then teleport back which is pretty sweet so it'll make like an infinite loop basically and then there it goes so it's just gonna go on forever congratulations teleporter rail i could see this being uh subtly one of the most useful things in like a giant smp or giant minecraft world i'm curious you let me know down below if you think you would use this wait wait if i if i break this okay well what if i put this all the way over here so i put the teleporter rail over here and then i go across it is that going to teleport me all the way down if so this is really sweet okay here we go geronimo oh yeah oh yeah i would absolutely use this for so much imagine like mining down in the bedrock and then just hopping in your mine cart and you're all the way back up to the surface with all your diamonds in hand no creeper deaths this time no jumping up giant staircases no we got our lovely teleporter rails oh heck yeah i'd use this how about you do you think you'd use it in your world let me know down below i'm curious number six the staff of the undead well now we're talking this sounds crazy thanks for the comment from indian kangaroo holy cow this is made by totem of undying wither skeletons and blaze rods look at this beast this is absolutely insane it's huge too i can't even carry this around this video this is way more than i do the totem of dying looks kind of derpy his eyes look like they're kind of sideways but i'm not gonna judge man the staff of the undead abbreviated as sotu okay we'll shoot a fireball on the right click and you sneak and right click it'll shoot out spikes okay well let's try it out so if we spawn in some innocent cows just slash and murder we right click this thing fireball time fight yeah boom oh man that's awesome that is some delicious steak and then if we shift and right click it shoots out spikes oh no why juice up chains okay i think i like the fireball better it kills them faster and plus i get some juicy steak in the meantime so like honestly i'm cool with that this is insane looking what is this item number seven is the potion of relocation i feel like you could just run or move it sounds like it's just an ender pearl commented by j that's jeff's dude three for three killing it man so it's an eye vendor ender pearl's glass bottle dragon's breath and i don't understand what even does this do hold on let me craft it and then we'll find out that it kills you as soon as you craft it or something it says the potion of relocation allows you to teleport at will by sneaking but you will take damage if you enter water with relocation i don't wait i don't know what that means we're just gonna drink it and figure it out all right so if i drink this bad boy and then i've got the relocation spell put on me if i just squat it'll teleport me when i'm looking wait a minute i i don't understand okay okay i'm teleporting i'm teleporting around but i'm not teleporting to the places that i want to be teleporting to i don't know if that's a part of this ah if i go into water oh now i get it reading this it says he wants you to make a potion that acts like an enderman so you're just teleporting randomly like an enderman does and then if you touch water then you get damaged so that that's what that is and then if you touch water you get damaged all right well i don't know why you'd ever want that but it exists number eight is the heart totem that sounds pretty cool jh commented about this and you make it with four totems of undying and a block of redstone well that doesn't seem so bad i guess the totem of a dying aren't necessarily the easiest things to get in minecraft i like the recipe i like the way this guy looks too i like his little heart eyes he's pretty cute i'll be honest with you the heart totem gives you 10 extra hearts for 20 minutes when you use it oh okay so if i just right click with it dang alright so i got double the amount of health and i just have look at all the hearts around me dude okay this is the first time i've been loved in years i don't i don't know so i got 20 minutes of extra hearts i don't know when you would ever need this many hearts i feel like it's just easier just to carry the four totem of undyings but i mean hey i'm not judging you look pretty cool man i just big flex okay all right now i got myself curious with 20 hearts can i survive this fall i think i can nope all right well 20 hearts are useless number nine the oversized netherite sword because apparently that like netherride sword wasn't cool enough we got to make it a extra size supersize it timo strategy gaming says we gotta make it big holy cow dude look at this it's a six blocks of netherrite and oak planks that is way too big it doesn't even fit in my crafting recipe look at how huge this thing is dude this is too big what am i supposed to do with this all right it does like 8 000 uh damage all right right clicking on this oversized now the red sword will make a giant canyon wherever you swing it try it over here okay stand here and face towards this block and then what what the heck just happened can i just keep going oh my gosh i it's so big i can't even hold it holy cow oh i did some serious damage oh my goodness we gotta take this thing to bedrock dude if we just keep on trucking along yeah slice oh my gosh this is so dope okay can we go to diamond level i just want to see if we can super easily find diamonds oh that might be it it might only be a certain no it's still going it breaks of course it does of course it breaks bedrock whoa yeah karate chop all right are we finding any diamonds well this is diamond level and karate chop that's so sick i thought it was just gonna be a sword that just was big and did a bunch of damage but no i i full on make my own ravines i don't need minecraft spawning ravines man i i've got i've got it i've got it covered thanks thanks anyway though that's crazy timothy you're awesome wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what if we just have we just have to oh my gosh i just put the netherette sword in my offhand and then i put this big boy in my right hand look at how crazy this looks if this guy comes up to mug me i'm giving him my whole house i don't even care this is too much number 10 and the expensive op items is the time stone okay this commented by minecraft steve oh you're famous man uh i'm a big fan of yours thanks for the love a bunch of clocks nether stars and end crystals what makes a time crystal what what can you go back in time what do you go forward in time and find all the new updates what the heck why would it ever be this expensive the time zone allows you to control the flow of time when you right click with it it'll change the rate at which time flies oh it has four settings it stops time time is slowed down normal speed or double the speed so if we look at the sun which you never do by the way in real life now it's twice as fast the whole world is twice as fast time is frozen now and so it'll be sunlight forever and then time is half speed full speed double speed honestly i don't think this is gonna be worth that crafting recipe unless it literally made you like go back in time to when you were a kid and could tell yourself like how to win the lottery because honestly too expensive not for me thank you don't need to control the time i don't need to freeze time what am i supposed to do with all that extra time what am i supposed to do when it's times to speed make crops grow faster i don't know i just don't think it's worth it but fun concept anyway next up oh number 11 is the lightning sword this one sounds pretty sweet i always like things that explode julian thanks for the comment my friend the lightning sword okay of course it is two nether stars and a stick i like how it's two of the most expensive items and then just like a normal stick yeah just a classic no blaze rods nope just stick hitting mobs with a lightning sword will cause them to get hit by lightning well that sounds right it'd be weird if you hit a mob with it and it's like oh yeah they get extra help yep i don't know what else you expected it's just basically thor's hammer okay yes yes yes one thing i didn't know until recently check this out if you spawn a mooshroom and then strike with lightning it turns into a different kind of mooshroom i didn't know that that's crazy who didn't know that down below in the comments you said people say they don't learn anything from my videos iq a hundred putted iq up here i think that's is that a lot i don't even know well this should be good number 12 is the overpowered totem okay the knight says we should make an overpowered totem so this is a a totem that will never break oh i can use it forever as long as it's near offhand oh that's super dope so literally all i have to do is craft this it's with a very inexpensive loan of eight blocks of netherrites so not a big deal at all it's uh it's very casual you can get in your first day of minecraft no problem so as long as i hold it in my off hand i just never die oh i held it and i didn't hold on my offhand i hold it i held it in the wrong hand lesson learned make sure to hold it in the correct hand all right it's in my off hand and now it should just keep me alive forever that's that's insane i just literally can never die okay i think if you're at the point in minecraft where you have eight blocks of netherrite like you're fine you're not gonna die anyway so sure might as well have something that keeps you alive forever this is weird this is crazy i like this i'm up for this being inside of the game i don't know about you guys but i i i'm up for it number 13 is the emerald shovel i like the idea of emerald tools this was commented by das jafs this is number four you are crushing it dude okay thanks for your ideas blaze rods and a block of emerald makes an emerald shovel and this is uh it's the normal shovel except sometimes you get rare items from digging aw very cool okay so if i just dig sand like normal perfectly normal sand okay oh what did i get i got a music disc why oh i got i got a shell a nautilus shell it just randomly gives you really cool loot all right well at least it'll make its adventures inside i got another nautilus shell at least it'll make your adventures whenever you're like digging in sand or having to get glass for something it'll make it a little bit more interesting super cool and honestly not that expensive either a block of emerald plus a couple of blaze rods not bad i got 40 music discs though apparently wants me to jam out to some music no thank you number 14 is the ender vest the ender vest commented by das jabs it was that number six this just be called like the dad's jabs episode oh my gosh obsidian eye vendor netherrite makes an ender vest what does this do it looks super sweet though the ender vest will save you from falling into lava or into the void oh super sweet here's a pit of lava oh a nice little hot tub let's check it out yes what the oh it doesn't it it teleports you it doesn't actually like make you fire resistance that's actually really cool i was expecting it to be normal fire resistance and then the void what happens if i fall into the void i assume it just goes yoink teepees me out oh that's really sweet uh i like that a lot actually i'd i'd be up for wearing this yeah my biggest problem with like fire resistance is you you swim in lava so slowly at least with this if you fall in boop you're out of it already nice 10 out of 10 respect it and last but not least number 15 is the non-gravity sand now i don't know how to feel about this just by the name the ultimate form of sand it will not fall why is that the ultimate form what makes that the ultimate form of sand ah gravity doesn't affect it it is uh ultimate how do you craft this bad boy oh my gosh right four nether stars four diamonds and sand um scala cookie what the heck is wrong with you man mix 16 non-gravity sand who asked who asked for non-gravity sand i mean i'm i'm not judging scallop cookie if this is what you want in your life it's cool up here you can test the non-existent gravity of non-gravity sand it also looks slightly different than normal sand well thank you for the the wonderful wonderful updates that's it can you imagine building this in your world you have to kill four withers and you get 16 sand that doesn't fall that was so worth it imagine getting all those nether stars beating all those withers so you can block over a couple of feet with sand sure man whatever floats your boat dude at least it looks slightly different than the normal sand 10 out of 10. well with that being said that'll be it for this episode of comments to crafting if you enjoyed the episode leave a like subscribe down below share this episode with your friend if you had a giggle or learn something fun thanks for watching i'll see you next time in the next episode everybody see you later
Channel: Comments To Crafting
Views: 396,472
Rating: 4.8678474 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new items in minecraft, new weapons, new armor, c2c, comments to crafting, logdotzip, crafting recipes, new crafting recipes, minecraft crafting, minecraft update, nether update, how to, minecraft crafting recipes, new minecraft crafting, op items, op weapons, op armor, op minecraft, netherite, op netherite, minecraft op items, op crafting recipes, op recipes, parker plays, totems, new op items, weird items, caves, new minecraft update, new totems, golden apple
Id: C17jA_KvGCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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