Minecraft But You can Milk Ores...

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okay minecraft but you can milk oars and not just oars but things like wood and stone too when you milk them not only do you get special powers and items but you also might summon in an ancient race of moo humans known as the cowgers plus i found out there's something called a rainbow milk crystal but we can only get it by milking every last ore so that's our motion today all right it's time to milk us some oars no villages nearby so we're gonna need to find one because in order to milk anything we're gonna need a bucket and right on cue look at you okay found an iron golem roaming because there weren't any iron ingots in any chests oh gosh oh gosh all right all right all right all right are you still after me okay hey buddy oh gosh nervous thank you so much hey just enough so now we can get to this milking okay so now we just need to find some oars what is that guy doing are you okay man checking the chimney actually i wonder if we can milk oars is there anything else we can milk dirt no grass no whoa we can milk wood uh come again let me see so what if i drink it oh we got an effect look at this you got the effect rooted resistance knockback resistance and slowness whoa nice oh and i got some wood for that hey so i could milk you can milk logs okay sure look at that yeah we just keep getting goodies all right i'm mad about this don't mind me well i get some now i don't want your trades go away let's see what do we got what do we got hey that guy might be useful enchanted book alert hold on a second okay wood needs nice and sorted and we got also hey what's this wood milk crystal hmm okay uh what is that about hold on let's see maybe we can make something with it let me see wood milk crystal oh uh okay well we can make it less shiny is there anything else we can do with it though a rainbow milk crystal oh gosh coal emerald gold red all of the oars okay so when we milk stuff there's a chance we can get a crystal for our trouble and then we can get an ultimate rainbow milk crystal okay well you know i gotta see what that one's about oh oh and we definitely need to get some emeralds for homeboy here silk touch pickaxe that is gonna be amazing for all of these ores that we're gonna need to find oh mama's seat hold on sun's going down guys still looking at the all right let me make one of these places my home and then we can go ahead and actually doesn't get any a lot of apples we got a book in there sorry man this is my new home okay respawn point get okay we almost have enough i'll worry about it in a second like what else can i milk well water doesn't count can i milk stone i can ooh what does this do hold on you got the petrify effect nearby mobs cannot move and we get stoned for that bro this is exciting don't mind if i do okay where'd this cows come from okay let's see the petrify effect nearby mobs okay so let's check out those cows did they like freeze in place or something where are they did they go like invisible what is that oh hey easy hey what what is a cowgirl look at that thing i gotta get my stuff i don't have anything are they gonna like destroy my life in a second i don't hear them anymore where'd they go what was that about they like getting mad that i'm milking things a little bit jealous to be honest and like only they wouldn't be milking around here is us is it gross okay well that petrified thing didn't last too long but that was really weird and we need to get another crystal anyways so i'm just going to keep going nuts on this until we get a stone crystal i assume that's how it works right oh how about that on my very next one although i want to get a couple cause i don't know what this uh rainbow crystal's all about but i'm gonna find out i guarantee you that much cool and we are just one wheat shy what is he doing he's just dropping bone meal all over the place a lot anyways oh he ain't it hey my two best friends chit chatting i'll take one of these please thank you and i grabbed that book from that house and i thank you silk touch okay so that means we're gonna need an anvil but that shouldn't be a problem if we can milk iron and we've been milking stone and getting stone milking wood and getting wood there's got to be like iron or oh hey there's coal a couple okay so moment of truth what do we get for coal you get the torch trail torches are placed while you move they are whoa very useful for caving around okay okay hey and we got some coal for our trouble okay so that means i should milk on this for a hot second and then we can get our hands on a nice there's one crystal and there's two crystals coming together and i can't wait to get the iron milk because we could use more buckets these things are actually pretty useful hey this could be promising right by the village too don't mind if i do i'm gonna drink my coal milk and then look it's legit just lighting up the area for me so nice i think i'm gonna hold the torches because that keeps it nice and bright anyways but okay so we're on the lookout for some iron oh gosh we got some bad boys right here too okay easy easy oh gosh more no stop come on what do they want i go milk you it's disgusting torch trail ran out i don't care about that right now bro you must be joking me oh this goes down far oh wait is there huh ah okay down we go torch trail nobody knows or something hey iron oh yes convenient okay i'm gonna make myself a little step stool so it's a little easier to collect this yep yep yep and look we got iron for it okay nah not even mad one bit we we just got infinite iron and then look we get we get an iron to fit we get high resistance four this is good we get anything we want now we can get some gear we can get more buckets hey we can use our silk oh yeah okay this is as good a spot as any i think let's go ahead and make us a nice anvil okay one two three perfect check it out we can now make our amazing you know what i should do first though actually before i do i want to upgrade my tools i don't want to put iron silk touch on a on a stone pickaxe okay so check it out guys boom iron silk touch and we do have enough levels okay now we can bring these things with us whenever we want or wherever we want yeah but i need some more iron so don't mind me i'm all get a little thirsty on you okay fully kitted don't mind if i bring my infinite iron supply with me and let's get back to base and regroup grab our other little friend along the way and honestly i want to check out this other accident oh boy i don't know if it's a cow or if it's the bad guys i'm gonna drink one of these just in case oh yeah it's the bad guys okay let me see resist petrify hey can't move you silly little demons you gotta go they are pretty strong though but that's what i got my shield for not today thank you dog yours suck i don't have the best aim either but the reason i returned as i was thinking about it we need to grab these apples because if we're gonna be able to milk gold we're gonna be able to get easy golden apples so further down into the depths we go oh okay that's so fast this place goes wow what it oh gosh what a cave system e okay okay ain't stop i gotta get away hey we got gold oh are they fighting now i think they're fighting now okay good okay you guys can focus on each other i need to get this gold okay good yeah you can stop bad okay mine yes gold milk okay so what does it do you get the effect might just touch blocks you walk on over turn to what what no way get away don't blow up the gold ore i need i need yikes okay wow we we have infinite gold i can make these golden apples like right away bro tell me how funny this is though right this is madness oh there's something down there okay interesting well hey i'm not mad one bit about this so we just need to keep drinking all this gold until we get our hands on a nice gold crystal that would be very useful and then we can just well there it is and then we can just keep going down deeper and deeper i'm thinking about it there's nine right now we have five so what we need lapis redstone diamond and emerald okay cool well let's see we're already at 29 and this is going deeper and deeper i mean let's just go down as far as we can and i think i'm gonna grab this water just in case that would no i don't want milk okay not what i had in mind i want the water thank you see how far down um didn't seem to lead to much i guess we could just mine change my mind glad i did this goes way further down than that other area oh gosh mop hey redstone another one that we can collect yes yes yes indeed step back suckers i'm here to drink redstone okay so what does it do redstone milk you got the effect redstone powered haste speed and mobs you hit get struck by lightning and apparently we also have a trail of blood all over no i'm just kidding but either way we need to keep on this is gonna be useful for mining actually because we're gonna need to get diamonds still we need lapis still emerald's gonna be a pain but i need that rainbow crystal we gotta figure out what that thing's all about man honestly okay we got one of the crystals and i think i'm gonna actually fill up a couple of these buckets before we go okay mine that other direction for a while didn't happen across anything i mean we are we are at diamond level like we're right here so we i mean if we probably just dig down one more block should be good this haste effect is massive hey that's a good sign dirt underground always a good sign now with any oh see i hear lava i hear some lava i'm getting excite i i also hear cows oh boy like in fact i hear a lot of cows ooh lapis hey useful oh that was cool hold on we can milk this lapis milk okay what does this do you got the oh look at my hot bar look it's just filling up you got the effect enchanted you gain experience over time unenchanted items randomly will enchant what did it say hold on i want more and mobs and blocks drop more experience bro what oh cool well hey that solves one of the oars i gotta make some room dude okay i'm getting a little nervous there's a lot of them i got my buckets ready of iron skin and petrify i don't want to pop them until i see what's going on though oh yeah oh yeah yeah they're so close oh boy i'm actually a little bit nervous to be perfectly honest okay let me see now yeah bro i don't know oh gosh oh they got diamonds right there [Music] okay we can do this we can do this here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna drink the iron skin okay and i'm gonna drink the stone milk and we're gonna take them on this is not a problem i got apples look they can't even do nothing oh am i sword enchanted from the lapis or whatever oh gosh okay actually i'm being okay no okay okay back up back up no gosh come on oh there's so many eat the apples what oh my oh get on my bed please please be here please my thanks yes oh that is stressful and i want my levels back thank you very much jeez man but check it out we can milk the dimes and now if i'm not mistaken don't mind if i do i'ma just drink it up drink it up and check it out we got diamonds and diamond skin temporarily invulnerable which means they can't do any damage to me whatsoever and we have infinite diamonds now yes this is everything i wanted to be perfectly honest but you know i ain't gonna hang out down here we're gonna you know we're gonna get out of here all right guys before we head back to the village i decked myself out we've been mining away or milking away at the diamond oars and i'm currently in the middle of lapeezing and enchanting all of my goodies check these out they're okay but whenever you drink a piece of lapis you've got a chance at enchanting whatever it is you're holding so see this little diamond chest plate i've got on me right now don't blink all of a sudden it's enchanted hopefully hey mending um i guess that's better than breaking because i don't want to go back out i have no idea what's waiting for me and we still need to find emerald okay we're looking good let's go i know there was a mountain nearby the village that's where we first came out and holy moly uh uh uh uh uh okay okay drink this i'm invulnerable we gotta go whoa they're everywhere okay i petrified them uh drink another one of these petrified war off already oh my gosh yo we gotta just ditch okay i ain't gonna stay around we just gotta go to the mountain dude okay i think i lost him man this is so stressful okay i still see a couple of them over there but we managed to escape and we are actually in a mountain biome right now so i've got my redstone ore let's go ahead and get some like haste magic going on and i know emerald spawn in in mountain areas so with any luck actually thinking about it i think they spawn like super like super deep down so why don't we yeah i think i think i'm gonna do that instead we're just gonna dig straight down i know it's not good practice but you know oh boy with this effect it's fine oh well i'm glad i did not legit dig straight down because i wouldn't fall around the lava okay so i just looked it up apparently emerald will only spawn in at level 32 and below so we need to go a little further down okay we're now at the right level for emerald and now we just need to go nuts so oh this could take forever isn't it oh yes see i messed up i kept mining this way we were in a river biome but check it out it didn't actually take that long probably like 10 20 minutes but look at this we got what we needed we got what we needed no i don't know bad i don't need torches anymore give me what yes the emerald milk baby baby baby this is it this is the final one so let's get rid of things that are gonna get in the way of me getting everything drink you up drink you up whoa money craze your ingots and gems turn into emeralds did it just steal the it took all my diamonds and oh no i guess i didn't need anymore i don't think i need emeralds anymore either i just need the milk crystal so let's go ahead and work on that so we get back to figuring out what the rainbow crystal does and just like that we got a hand on it so we just need one more and then we can make a couple of these babies huh look at this we got them all i can go back to the village i don't have a crafting table i don't know how i forget these things okay they're still all over but i just realized i'm stupid i have logs right here i can literally make the crafting table right here so before we even go near those guys let's see what we get we got it the rainbow milk crystal so good so what can i do with it oh i can eat it what i can eat it healthy bows well why don't we try using it against these suckers whoa bro look at all the effects i have you must be joking me they're like not even dealing damage to me right now i can take out all these guys dude it's not even a challenge oh my word best day wow yo we can use this to take out all of these calgars no way oh and the golem's helping too you think you can escape i don't think so there are a lot though and now they're starting to damage me but i got another one of these so it's not a problem okay okay okay okay yes yes yes why don't we get some of this while we're at it huh okay maybe not probably don't eat it bro they're going nuts on me holy moly this is the best item ever guys you've got to subscribe to comments to crafting so you can see us do so many other things with ores with mobs with everything meanwhile these guys no longer a problem thanks for watching
Channel: Comments To Crafting
Views: 2,484,912
Rating: 4.8092327 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new items in minecraft, new weapons, new armor, c2c, comments to crafting, logdotzip, crafting recipes, new crafting recipes, minecraft crafting, minecraft update, nether update, how to, minecraft crafting recipes, new minecraft crafting, milking ores, minecraft milking, milking cows, milking diamonds, iron, coal, ores, new blocks, diamonds, cows, mining, quickest way to get diamonds, milking diamond, minecraft diamonds, quickest diamonds, gold, emeralds, op weapons
Id: K64DurRuvvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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