Cursed Crafting broke Minecraft with OP Weapons...

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what's up welcome back to comments to crafting where we take your crazy comments and turn them into actual minecraft recipes today we try out some op weapons you've created and dude they look awesome check out the squid bow that literally shoots exploding squids this glove literally one hits any mob in front of it sorry buddy in this episode we also check out this sniper rifle that you can scope in on enemies and shoot them from afar sorry buddy not today the meteor bow shoot it and a meteor will fall to the ground exploding anything nearby the creeper launcher yep you heard me right the creeper launcher check out these and many more in this episode of comets of crafting jumping into opie weapons thank you for the data pack from chameleon the first one is death's scythe yeah i know starting off strong thank you blackout for the fantastic idea dude easy recipe too i mean like this will take you five minutes in the nether red netherright bricks and blaze makes death scythe yes look at how it doesn't even fit in the recipe look at how huge this thing is and how easy it is to craft this should not be this easy all right we're going to summon a guy what does it do it has a right-click ability to drag mobs into the ground so if i summon this guy and i can just kill him like like nothing by the way but if i right click with it it drag it drags him into the ground that is amazing oh i love this and see you later and see you later have a good one sending the zombies back to their grave you know how we do you just hear them die in there you guys doing okay down there hello oh they're still going they go down to bedrock it seems oh my gosh how far do they go [Music] can i see them go under they just keep going till they die this is absurd that is amazing death scythe it literally is so big it just goes through blocks it's just getting better the second op weapon is a sniper and we still have 13 more to go thank you well a volcano warrior for this awesome idea nether i ingot of course you got to spend something with it glass pane block of iron or iron it gets to make a sniper check this bad boy out look at how cool this looks man okay let's let's try it out oh snap i just i'm gonna use my scope to read it off long range highly damaged weapon okay sounds good eats up four arrows per shot ooh all right so i'm going to grab myself a couple stacks of arrows here and it works over even long distances well of course it does it's a sniper what do you mean so if i head up here so if i summon a long-range target well i i don't see him is there a guy over there i guess i can hit this pig i'm sorry buddy lock on boom oh that is so cool is there any mobs i can destroy in my sniper tower how about you oh that i love the sound it makes too how about you over there is that a mob i think it is head shot right here they'll never see it coming boom boom got em him oh so sick i can fire from the hip too like nothing no scope 360. boom now if this was in the game every minecraft house would have to have a sniper tower i'd love to just snipe mobs from my from my tower that's so sick it just keeps getting better number three is a meteor bow i don't know how you keep outdoing yourself okay thank you for the comment from mark thio this is made by blackstone bow and blaze powder again super super easy recipes that's what makes it makes them so op arrows fired someone a meteor on impact are you crazy let's try this bad boy out there's a bunch of spiders so if i just shoot one arrow it launches a meteor oh that is incredible take this take that oh yes please a mix of the sniper and meteors oh man i love this video already if you're enjoying it make sure to hit it like down below and subscribe if you want to see more episodes like this i think this might be my favorite episode so far boom and boom didn't even need the meteor what about what happens if i shoot just downwards i i don't know what i expected wait a minute did i just hear a spider that made it out there not today not today yeah oh this is sick target practice boom take that and excuse me headshot oh this brings brings back to my cod days boom who's next you oh yeah not today i heard a spider oh they're everywhere 360. no scope boom boom all right enough of the sniper number four is the selective bow okay you have me intrigued kobe with this amazing idea thanks colby okay so gun powder blaze powder oh uh iron ingot and a bow that's not very expensive well that sounds kind of cool unique weapon with four different attack modes of course explosive and cd incendiary don't even know what that means lightning and teleport okay so then i can swap in my off hand to change the modes now i'm in explosive mode incendiary lightning and teleport very cool all right let's try this out so if we summon a target i'm in explosive mode right now so if i just shoot him it explodes kills him in one shot a piece of cake all right so let's swap it to incendiary ah let's find out what this does oh it lights him on fire oh i see i see i see okay that's super sweet in case you need another portal you want to make another portal with style check out this guy okay the next mode is lightning i wonder what this is gonna do summon some lightning boom this would be a great way to get creepers into supercharged creepers right if we just summon a nice friendly creeper and then supercharged oh that's dangerous get out of here get out of here easy the last mode is the teleport mode okay what does this do exactly teleport is for utility purposes uh it'll tp to where the arrow hits oh no way aim for the back wall oh this diamond one over here all right see if we can make it and yeah i nailed it okay that's so that's so sick so if i want to be up up here wait a minute if i want to be up here and then snipe from this tower oh this is genius and then boom take this not today let's say you're in trouble with a spider coming after you you tp right on top of the tree just like that and then no scope them done no scope them as i literally scope now this is a cool weapon dude i need this if anything i need it for the teleport that is awesome the fifth op weapon is the scythe you guys come up with some amazing ideas this was from lioness yang awesome oh the first really expensive one three nether ingots i guess it's not too expensive but compared to like these other ones that cost almost nothing a different but equally powerful scythe okay when attacking it has a high damage radius this lets you hit many mobs around you with each swing this scythe also pulls mob closer if they're distant so if i stand here i can hit them all at one time oh and it pulls them in close to you too take this yeah easy ah that is awesome dealing with mobs at once no problem man so sick and if they're far away from me i can bring him towards me come here come towards me come over here come here come towards me oh that's awesome i don't think i'd want the ability where the mobs come towards me if it's a creeper but you know for everything else super sick double wielding scythes no big deal i am an innocent farmer plowing the grass for winters number six of the opi items is the withering dragon staff okay okay again how do you keep outdoing yourself thank you reed for this comment three wither skulls netherstar blackstone and dragon's breath okay now this definitely is the most expensive so far oh man withering look at how sick this looks look how the skulls are in the end of the staff oh that is awesome it conjures wither skulls and fireballs quite destructive well i figure as much man so if i summon some some mobs here you know what i need more mobs someone more i can handle it ah okay well it hurts me so i gotta stand back look at it it launches three skulls look at all the look at all the damage it does that was at least like 50 mobs put down like it's nothing oh my and it's very loud look at how sick this looks man launch these bad boys up holy cow oh oh it doesn't come back down so i can just launch it anywhere watch his fireballs too what oh so sick yes oh okay don't don't don't aim it down lesson learned seriously they just keep getting better all right well number seven you cannot do that one can you the squid bow well it's promising it's not quite as insane as a three-headed skull staff but let's let's let's let's see what a squid bow does cheeseburger plays thank you for this quid bow idea and it's op item too what the heck the squid bow is made by ink sacks and a bow you can get this in the first five minutes of playing minecraft what does it do it shoots squids well that doesn't seem very op but they explode all right well that's that's different i summon a spider here and i it looks really cool i like the way the bows color it shoots an exploding squid oh my gosh oh my gosh [Laughter] okay yeah it it literally shoots squids that explode i don't think there's anything else to say with this what kind of damage does it do a lot of damage well that's why they call it the op bow cheeseburger you're a genius honestly but i don't know man i can't tell which one's my favorite you gotta let me know down below at the end of this episode which one's your favorite cause i'm just curious what you think because i can't even choose it's like choosing a favorite child man ah you already had me with squid now we got a throwing sword all right what's this i'm i'm excited great idea mikael the batman all right a sword feathers and lime wool makes a throwing sword it looks like a needle of some kind that looks like a rocket very interesting design okay so it's a throwable weapon that can pierce up to three mobs right click to throw sword can be retrieved from off the ground oh sick okay if i summon mobs if there's three of them right there if i just head shot boom all the way through so sick okay so i just uh i'm not even looking i'm just gonna go all the way and toss the sword that is so cool i feel like they definitely should have the throwing sword in actual minecraft i don't know because it's not that op because you have to pick it up and everything it does cost a little bit feathers and such super cool but man is that satisfying to hit all three of them at once number nine is a one hit glove legit like you can't get any cooler than that a one hit glove made by two red wool a two red wool makes them one of the most overpowered items in the game oh i look like thanos right now except i'm i'm just a normal small boy and my glove is red and not yellow but don't don't question it too much thank you sega for the awesome idea it'll kill most things in just one hit for two red wool two of them that that's that's two op man again you can get two red wool in like eight minutes kill the inner dragon like like it's nothing i see a cow in the wild i've got my one hit glove ready to rock and roll wait a minute i'm gonna sneak up on him check this out gonna get my selective bow do a little teleport over brian he'll never see what's coming boom easy how about you how about you sheep boom oh this is so cool that's satisfying number 10 of the most op weapons is the winter's lie variant what is it lying about there elijah we have some secrets to tell well it's made by snowballs blaze powder and a crossbow makes the winters lie is the lie that it's made of fire instead of ice interesting it's made by fire but it looks like it's made out of like icicles or i don't know lightning or something let's take some arrows here i figure we'll might need it unlike other crossbows this one can shoot flaming arrows so sick three of them to be precise okay i'm into it let's summon some items here and then hello friends you're going to die now yeah oh wow that is very satisfying let's load it up again and you figured shoot like icicles but no that's the lie it shoots fire ah super sick i would say it's one of the less op items but still anything that shoots fire is is up there in my books dragons are way up there they shoot fire with their own mouth number 11 is the spawn point sword interesting okay andrew shen what do you have to show for me my friend it is an ender pearl a dragon sword and a respawn anchor oh it's a cool consort the spawn point sword i'm interested oh that looks really neat man i look like a hero with this sword on you know what i mean it doesn't look like an insane death scythe this thing looks like an evil villain this is the hero that's like i am here to stop you with my teleportation sword okay well what does it do uh killing a mob will set your spawn point that location oh well that's really helpful if you have like a mess of mobs you kill one of them you die from the other ones you spawn right back so let's let's oh my poor pig i thought it was gonna be an evil villain or something if i kill this guy don't worry i feel so bad with guilt i'll press my death button well that's one way to die and now we respawn right where my pig was that's super cool man so if i take this pig elsewhere and he runs away and then i kill him again over here and then i die geronimo and then i'll respond where that pig was super sick yeah i don't think it's the most op item but definitely if you're like at the end or something and die you spawn right back where you were actually no that's pretty amazing just remember before you die kill a mob if you're gonna go out take a mob out with you you'll spawn right into the action no problem i like it i like it number 12 is the lightning the lightning hammer what is this thor's majorno majoran what is it called thor's majorn that seems wrong i don't know what it's called thank you jubin for the idea of the lightning hammer okay it's made again super super insanely cheap recipes oh never mind channeling enchanted book two of them oak planks iron ingots and a block okay block of iron makes a lightning hammer super cool looking oh yeah imagine this was thor's hammer he'd be a little bit less intimidating if he just shows up with this little hammer he's like okay thor and just lights you on fire okay what does it do it's good for you know hammering nails or home improvement that sort of thing i think you're lying to me or you know summoning lightning or whatever got it sign can you please stop lying to me home improvement is way less important than lightning strikes hit mobs to strike all nearby lightning oh sick so if i just hit one mile i think my ears exploded that was the loudest thing i've ever heard that was absolutely insane it killed them so bad they didn't even drop food it just eviscerated them lightning hammer op as heck i don't even deserve to wield this thing this has got to go away man i'm going to bury this nobody's got to find this thor don't even try don't try i know you're out there number 13 is the potato sword you figure after all these death sites and snipers we have to have a weird one and the potato sword came up just in time okay it's made as you think it would a stick and two potatoes to make a potato sword okay excellent now please tell me like erupts into flames or cooks them or something on every hit with this sword a delicious potato may spawn why why didn't that many potatoes let's summon a monster here and then they just poop out potatoes they just why is this op i i guess to get free food i don't trust potatoes that come out of zombies buttoxes you know if you're if your mobs poop out potatoes don't eat them they're not potatoes all right they're little zombie nuggets and you don't you don't you don't want to eat any zombie nuggets if somebody votes in the comments or favors the potato sword i mean i love you but i'm judging you too okay how do these keep getting cooler man jacob amazing idea in the comments this is with leads and two diamond swords so like not expensive at all to make the double-bladed this is so sick look at this thing man ah i feel like darth maul like a minecraft darth maul right now double bladed weapons that deal very high damage okay however oh it also hurts you a little as you hit so if i summon a mob here and i smack you oh i see it does damage right to me doesn't it because i'm literally stabbing myself what's the point of a double bladed weapon if i only use one of the blades just to dig into me does insane damage though kills him instantly it's not hurting me on each hit i must be dodging it or something oh interesting oh amazing damage and honestly it's not hurting me i guess i'm just trained in the martial arts of the double-edged weapons look at the master play it's literally the sword is literally going through my legs yeah i'm i'm not a master i just am numb okay this is our last one right here is this going to be cooler than all of them the creeper launcher the stinkin creeper launcher are you serious okay what the heck does this one do i mean i figure it's much one creepy boy very fitting very fitting okay block of gold and gunpowder again super super inexpensive crafting recipe let's get our creeper launcher here which looks incredible on the ground it even has a scope and everything that is sick okay so we got it in our hands oh it launches creepers on right click which explodes an impact uses gunpowder as ammo needs four per shot all right well at least it's used as gunpowder which is not like the easiest thing to get in the world but it shoots out creepers so i summon a bunch of mobs and then i just stand back and stand back gents ready to launch some creepers oh the sound and everything oh that is sick so cool oh watch out watch out watch out get back boom i could do this for literally hours take this take this oh i'm out of ammo okay not enough ammo it says let me get some more gunpowder it definitely goes through gunpowder pretty quick especially when you're a little trigger happy like i am right now let's just summon a bunch of them oh you know what let's summon a bunch of them and use all our weapons to kill it at once all right while you're leaving a comment we're gonna check this out shoot that and then uh throw my sword there i like no no ah careful that's nice take this go into the ground yeah okay okay now i need to get a spawn point sword just in case i die i can oh reset my spawn point i didn't get him in time but i'm back here okay no the scythe can get a bunch of guys at once there we go not bad not bad not bad let's get our our squid bow out and shoot some epic squid battles oh that's a lot of damage oh i like that all right swap that out with a sniper do a couple shots oh headshot oh yeah easy before they get too close all right run run run run run give myself the lightning hammer this is going to kill them all no sweat at all oh they're done for is that all of them that's it sayonara gentlemen it's been fun how are you still alive there's one guy left okay this is a job for the potato sword yeah easy that is amazing this has been by far my favorite episode of comments to crafting if you enjoyed leave a like subscribe if you want to see more content like this thank you for watching if you want to have a crazy comment end up one of these episodes leave it down below we love hearing your comments and you genuinely might end up in the next episode of comments to crafting thanks for watching we'll see you next time everybody
Channel: Comments To Crafting
Views: 593,259
Rating: 4.849905 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new items in minecraft, new weapons, new armor, c2c, comments to crafting, logdotzip, crafting recipes, new crafting recipes, minecraft crafting, minecraft update, nether update, minecraft crafting recipes, new minecraft crafting, op weapons, new minecraft weapons, op minecraft weapons, op minecraft, cursed, cursed minecraft, new weapons in minecraft, creeper, meteor, tnt, explosion, new swords, cursed crafting, parker plays, minecraft guns, diamond, wither, new bow, squid
Id: R1Ik3ivTqVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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