Minecraft, But You Can Upgrade Any Item...

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what happens when you upgrade any item in the game to get crazier and crazier with each upgrade let's go and find out first my goal is to upgrade my sword with so many items that it becomes the ultimate infinity sword where i can even rain down entire planets second i had to successfully upgrade my entire armor with every op item in the game and that means not just netherright and last but not least i have to combine all these items together to go into the end and see if i can defeat the maximum upgraded dragon can i do it stay tuned to find out and if you guys want to help me hit 3 million subscribers go ahead and subscribe today and help us hit one whole like anyways guys enjoy the video so straight away guys the wooden pickaxe really isn't enough for us today so we're gonna go in and upgrade it not with netherlight but instead with a wooden sword and just like that we're gonna be getting a wooden pick sword is it a pick is it a sword it doesn't matter it just works and just like that now we literally have both a sword and a pickaxe a little bit cursed but we're not done there because after that we can go ahead and take a wooden hole one week and get an iron somehow we hoe a magical hoe that takes all the fun out of farming so what happens when i wreck like this oh no wait no my crafting table well we got a lot of bread we already have a lot of bread though okay well i kind of just lost the crafting table there so give me one second new cropping table and now i need another smithing table give me a second so we need a new spitting table so we actually have a desert temple right here and just like that guys we're gonna be seeing the sword pickaxe do its job which is still kind of cursed but you know what i need some iron and then we can get going with some more upgrades because our goal today guys oh my gosh diamond's already okay why not cruising vanishing that kind of sucks two more enchanted books flame one book okay literally just started already flame one book i honestly never get those i mean i'll take it why not some gunpowder in a protection for book when did the books get so good at minecraft okay i don't even know if i know these because the upgrades are gonna be getting so good but at the same time i might as well keep them like what the heck if you made this far in the video just comment down below the time step and say that was very unlucky because uh you know we're just confused people why not anyway so let's grab the tnt and then i guess dick straight down we definitely got enough iron so now we can finally actually go ahead and make this so uh make a smithing table and with that we can go ahead and start getting to the next thing we want to upgrade and that thing is going to be this big axle with the wooden pick sword if we put it in again and then with one cobblestone we're gonna be getting the stone pick sword which is just unbreaking two is it a pick is it a sword doesn't matter it just works so now that we have this getting an upgrade i guess it's gonna make sense for the video what does it do different is it just like a normal pickaxe oh it's just a pickaxe but a little bit better no i did it again am i dumb don't answer that one's like i gotta fix that okay so i just thought of something because we're in a forest technically we could make an iron axe but something we could actually do instead is what if i put in the smithing table then i make a stone axe and then with the stone axe what if we just upgrade it with an iron ingot and there we go just like that one hour next and then what i was thinking was why not let's put one bow one hour dax and just like that we're gonna be getting oh okay that's actually really good i did not expect it to be that good but we got an infinity one power four i'm breaking five tomahawk four axe launcher this patented axe launching bow is guaranteed to make your wood gathering 100 faster and uh i don't have heroes oh my goodness i am a dumbo oh come on i guess i gotta find a feather okay we got the arrow so now we can actually test this thing out so without further ado it's becoming nighttime so let's real quick get some wood okay wow wow that's actually a lot more wood than i thought okay so that's an easy way to get a lot of wood and upgrade our boats and pretty much just become a full-on axe launcher which uh i should probably not waste but just like that that is gonna be a lot of wood and also a lot of apples and with that being done let's actually go gaming now okay so what happens when i mine iron with this pickaxe okay so it just gives me the ore right now so low-key i kind of want to see if i can go in and upgrade the stone pick sword to just being a full-on iron pick sword because i think that might be the best option for now so before we do that let's actually get a furnace real quick so let's put that there and let me see if i can upgrade anything else right now let's see three iron i'm gonna guess with one rna yet we're gonna be able to make the oh and there we go an iron big sword i'm breaking three is it a pick is it a sword it doesn't matter it just works and just like that guys what is this one gonna do oh okay that kind of makes sense so now everything we're gonna be mining is gonna be auto smelted and just like that we have a loving stone which i don't really need 11 stone but i guess i'll grab it sure why not but the main goal with all these upgrades is to really get the final upgraded item which is gonna be apparently a super infinity sword which will be on the screen right now i'm not really sure how we're gonna get it yet but i'm just gonna keep upgrading stuff of how i was told to upgrade it oh wait actually can i just do this oh no okay never mind wait what about this then oh that worked okay and just like that we get a gold sword pickaxe efficiency five many three i'm breaking five does it break twice as fast oh wait no that might be bad oh okay it breaks a lot more stuff for sure what about the iron oh gosh okay this is definitely a weird pickaxe but i mean we're getting a lot of iron ingots from it and we're breaking a lot of stuff and just like that 16 irony gets sure why not i'm not complaining but the main thing i want to make right now is definitely an axe to get my smithing table so let's real quick why not let's go and make an iron axe i feel like i could just upgrade a normal axe for that but you know we're kind of getting rich with the items so you know what i'm not complaining because we did get diamonds from that desert temple can we just do this oh wait that doesn't work so if it's not gonna be diamonds what would the item between diamonds and gold be for the next upgrade because my main goal is to get the very best item i can with the swords or just get like a super sword so you know what we're gonna dig straight down and not die to that creeper i should probably make some armor so before we get any deeper let's actually make the iron and then actually invite the creepers a little iron and where is that creeper now how's it going buddy literally a sword pickaxe that's incredible actually okay just for science actually let's put that there if we do one iron bucket and then one cooked chicken oh wow okay yes we can upgrade the iron bucket with the cooked chicken for a literal bucket of chicken a whole bucket of fried chicken and i'm guessing we can't eat it yet but i guess it'll be our next snack why not you know i've made this far in the video comment down below buck out fried chicken there we go let's try a few more upgrades why not let's do iron leggings one leather and we get a strong leggings a protection one and that's it iron bound by leather a much stronger and smarter option i mean why not sure we'll put it on and uh just like that we got some strong leggings and i guess it's just leather okay so the texture just loaded and it's actually like iron with leather things on it that looks weird now but you know i kind of respect it either way though it's better protection and also i lost some hunger so i think it's time to eat the bucket of chicken and we're now disguised as a chicken wait what um uh okay we are now a chicken and we are laying eggs okay what wait no i'm back i kind of enjoyed being a chicken i know i don't know how all that ended up happening but i guess i'll take it all right so what i got to figure out is what do i use to upgrade my pickaxe sword again because i definitely want to get the best word i can but i also want to get some really good armor so i'm trying to now find stuff that i could upgrade other stuff with maybe some copper but where would some copper be oh and there we go okay we found some copper now let's see what we can get with that holy that's a big old vein also let's make sure to get everything we can how much this is gonna be seven copper ingots maybe that's enough i'm not really sure now let's see if we can even combine any of the iron stuff with the copper ingots so maybe this would work i think oh okay it does and just like that we got a orange alloy chest plate and actually looks really cool it's gonna be mending one kind of cool protection one and the lore says a sturdy chest plate made from an alloy of metals okay so i'm not sure if it does anything cool but i mean it looks cool why not another thing apparently i can do is we can make a lightning rod and then with the lighting rod we can go ahead and use it to upgrade our iron helmet and then we get a literal lightning rod helmet okay i don't know if that's kind of cursed mending one protection one i'm breaking one up and static two okay a shockingly good helmet i like the pun that strikes enemies with lightnings so it's pretty much just a lightning helmet i mean i'm not really complaining i'll go and wear it as long as it doesn't hurt me if it does hurt me then we're taking that off immediately oh actually wait i think i can make something with the gunpowder of a creeper ash and we have a lot of it and so it's not gunpowder i need but actually the tnt i got earlier because apparently if i put one arrow and then one tnt what is this gonna make oh okay and just like that we have a grenade right click to throw and make a big boom oh gosh do i want to make big boom we're making big boom here we go oh that's so close oh my gosh oh wait it's legit just a grenade um okay i mean why not sure i think i'm gonna go ahead and make a lot of grenades maybe one more okay we'll make one more grenade and just like that we got an extra grenade just in case we're the dragon and it looks like i can also upgrade bows so why not let's go to make some new bows so what we're gonna be needing is actually a good bit of iron so before we do that let's go ahead and get some iron so i need some iron ore and iron ore is right here so why not a little bit more iron there we go and with that we should have 14 ironing gets that should be enough for now also i hear some zombies kind of want to test out what the armor does when i get hit so uh buddy hit me real quick oh oh he literally gets hit by lighting that's kind of cool nice i mean i have a lightning rod helmet so it's kind of doing damage it doesn't look like it's doing a lot so i definitely gotta upgrade my armor a little bit further so with that being done the next thing we're gonna be upgrading i think is with one iron block and then with the bow we're gonna be getting a iron bow which is infinity one and all it is is infinity one which i'm definitely gonna be taking compared to this axe bow which kind of uses the arrows and all it says is arrows like multiple how about just one for the rest of the time i kind of like that so you know what i'll take it yeah just literally a normal bow with infinity one why not okay so but what we still gotta find is some diamonds where are some diamonds in this cave right now or maybe we can upgrade another thing again but i feel like we're just upgrading back to back to back right now but at the same time it's really entertaining to see what all works because apparently something else i can do is upgrade my iron boots with a gold ingot which i'm gonna assume is gonna give me like maybe midas boots or something oh okay sonic boots mending protection one unbreaking one and chaos speed seven move around at the speed of sound and i'm gonna guess that's a reference to sonic the hedgehog so when we put this on are we gonna be really fast oh okay yeah that's actually a lot more faster okay sure why not so with that being done i think that might be all the iron items and we might need to get a lot of gold so we can get to the gold items and the gold upgrades so i definitely gotta figure out whatever the next tier is because it's definitely not diamond so there's something in the middle of the upgrades that i gotta figure out so maybe it's like a 1.17 thing let me think really oh wait wait wait wait okay it might actually be amethyst i'm not sure if amethyst items are a thing i'm pretty sure they aren't but if we can get this amethyst real quick we're in with the shards let's just get as many amethyst shards as we can right now i think we might be able to do some upgrades with amethyst shards which would be very overpowering to see what it does so would this be the next item instead of diamonds oh okay that looks really cool and just like that guys we get an amethyst sword pickaxe which is a lot better oh my gosh wait efficiency five fortune two mending three i'm breaking seven upgrade upgrade upgrade i'm gonna guess that's a hint that we really need to keep upgrading and getting the best items in the game because just like that now we have a really good super pickaxe what the heck that's like triple mining i'm not gonna complain and just like that we should probably move on to the amethyst here but to do that i think we also got to get through the gold tier so uh let's i guess move on to the gold ones which is gonna be a gold helmet and then a gold pickaxe which is apparently gonna be a combination of a gold helmet and a golden pickaxe and with these i can upgrade the gold helmet with the golden pickaxe and what is that thing oh my gosh a headbutt helmet protection three i'm breaking five dash four stubborn like a bull charged like one two what does that even mean okay uh so what happens if i do i just run into things or do i right click do i shift left click oh oh we can literally head button to the wall okay so we can now dash into things can i dash into the skeleton okay we can't dash into that but i guess it's a new form of mining by just dashing into the wall yeah why not and apparently now the grenade can be upgraded too so one grenade and one gold ink it oh and we get a golden grenade the closest thing you'll get to a holy hand grenade so again i'm kind of scared of throwing this we do have the sonic boots so i'm gonna throw this thing right here and gonna run away okay please don't kill me oh okay well just like that that is gonna be a lot of gold blocks immediately and i will be gladly taking that because i'm pretty sure i need some more gold for the next upgrade so uh 42 gold blocks just like that i kind of want to make another grenade just because of that so and one hand grenade okay nice weird item to have in minecraft but we're gonna go with it okay so i'm gonna be making a golden bow but i'm not sure if i want to get rid of these i guess why not it's just an infinity bow i can make it again if i need to so if i upgrade one bow with one gold block i'm gonna guess that things are gonna get even better and we're gonna be getting a golden bow flame one infinity one power two i'm breaking two so it's definitely a lot better than the iron bow so does it shoot gold okay i literally completely guessed that it literally just shoots gold okay why not okay so where is some lapis i need to get some lapis for the next thing all right just cause we need to iron pickaxe okay oh no i headbutt it okay this helmet honestly is kind of trash we're gonna go back for the lightning one but on the bright side we can go ahead and make the next thing which is gonna be the upgrading of one golden sword with one lapis to make a lapis gold sword oh no what is that a essence extractor looting three sharpness three experience three oh okay pull the essence directly from the mobs as they are slain interesting okay so i'm gonna guess that we're gonna get xp as we fight mobs so where is a mob real quick let's go find one oh i think we got one all right skeleton give me some xp oh wait why there's so much xp we're level 30 already okay just from one fight we got to level 38 i mean i'm not complaining but we have another skeleton okay sure gave me some more xp i'm liking this upgrade a lot because just like that we are level 52 not that we really need any chance but sure i'm gonna go ahead and move on to the next upgrade which is gonna be apparently the grenade can be upgraded again with gunpowder into a creeper grenade interesting it sounds like there's footsteps echoing inside of it oh wait this might spawning creepers hold up all right don't be bad creeper grenade i'm running i'm ready i'm running running running holy creepers holy i could have died oh diamonds yes finally no no lava stay away i'm gonna get these diamonds so we can finally get to the next tier and i technically already have diamonds but i definitely don't have enough for all the stuff i need so uh you go away lava and oh more diamonds okay never mind sorry for neglecting you diamonds honestly you hope you have a great day diamonds you are a great person this pickaxe does have fortune so i'm gonna try it with this one oh wait i did get more times that time 14 okay that's literally 11 diamonds from one bait don't mind if i do definitely gonna be grabbing that but with that being done i think we should be good to upgrade this amethyst sword pickaxe with one diamond and oh and dash it looks really cool and just like that we're gonna be finally getting a diamond sword pickaxe i'm gonna guess that netherlight is the final one unless it can get even better but all it says is efficiency 5 fortune 2 amending 3 i'm breaking 7 why pick a tool when you can have both and what exactly does this one do let's see i'm hopefully not chunk mining oh it kind of just mines quicker kind of cool all right but with that being done we're not completely finished with the gold tier we actually have a good bit of items to go so let me throw away the wheat ho i don't think we really need that anymore and apparently we can upgrade the entire gold armor set i'm not sure what we're gonna be upgrading it to but the first thing that i see is that apparently with one gold leggings and upgrading it with one emerald we're gonna be able to get a what is that lucky pants okay it's like pants with polka dots oh protection four though all right protection for luck eight everyone has that one pair of lucky pants wait wait no way okay i think they're like lucky blocked leggings guys i'm legit getting diamonds golden emeralds from anything i mind maybe a little bit too overpowered and might not be ever added to minecraft but i am gonna rate this upgrade a nice 10 out of 10 because just like that guys we're gonna be getting a lot of diamonds a lot of emeralds and pretty much everything we're gonna ever need and we're not done there because apparently with the amethyst shards we have we can go ahead and make an amethyst helmet which is mending to protection three i'm breaking six a crystalline helmet and we can do the same thing to the chest blade which is gonna be the same thing protection three not bad so i'm gonna pretty much do this to the entire set of armor even the boots why not a crystalline boots do i keep the sonic boots oh i'm not sure oh it does more armor too oh no okay you know what let me know in the comments sonic boots or the amethyst boots just because it's amethyst i feel like i want to use it but the same time super speed is a really nice thing so i'm gonna keep the super speed boots for now and throw away the amethyst boots i couldn't get away without making an amethyst sword so just like that amethyst sword sharpness 2 i'm breaking to a sword made of crystal super sharp i'm actually kind of curious of what it does when i hit something so i'm going to keep it for now we made the diamond sword pickaxe aim at this what about a normal gold pickaxe oh an amethyst pickaxe which is efficiency 5 fortune 2 medium three i'm breaking twenty how strong is a crystal pickaxe unbreakable so it's gonna be like a normal pickaxe but pretty much you can't break it oh and i stole my lucky pants nice okay so okay so it doesn't have any like fortune or anything on the right side we did get some more diamonds oh wait and apparently something else we can make what the emeralds we got from the temple if we put one golden apple and one block of emerald we get a emerald apple a villager's favorite treat usually i don't like eating these right away but i mean it's an emerald apple i gotta do it let's see what it does oh i'm a villager now okay okay why not um i guess that's a villager what do we do do we just mine i'm not even sure and as a villager we get every single potion effect in a higher amount and we're no longer villager dang it well at least we know that works and we can go ahead and make another curse thing and upgrade bread with one diamond and then we get a literal diamond bread has a somewhat reflective crust to it could sharpen a sword with it maybe all right so i gotta take hunger somehow so i guess we can't eat the diamond bread yet but something i'm realizing is we have so many items but we don't really have a lot of inventory space to use it in so something we could actually do apparently is somewhat a little bit cursed because would this just make a double chest but what if we combine one chest with a chest do we get like a super chest oh a diamond looking infinity chest right click to jump inside wait what just in case i'm gonna grab everything and i guess we're gonna be jumping inside the chest all right right click oh oh we're inside of a chest apparently what's on the outside nothing oh my gosh we're legit just inside of a random chest and the best part is that now we have a bunch of chests so why not in the middle i'm gonna go ahead and store away some stuff we don't need anymore like these these things uh so with that being done i guess the next year we move on to is gonna be the diamonds here and with the diamonds here the first thing we're gonna be doing inside this chest i guess is combining a diamond chest plate with a golden chest plate and then we get a gilded chest plate oh wow that's actually really good mending three protection five and breaking five a very expensive chest plate to be worn by very important people only i mean i'm kind of just a minecraft youtuber so i'm not sure if i'm very important but it's better than the amethyst chest plate so why not let's put it on and it's kind of just a really good chess play and to add to the upgrades we can also go ahead and upgrade the diamond boots with one single tnt and then we get tnt boots no never mind got the name wrong dynamite shoes flash protection 20 okay i'm gonna guess we're gonna be needing that feather falling 10 protection three i'm breaking five explosive elite five and make the earth shake with every leap and bound okay i'm not gonna put this on just yet and for now i'm gonna go back real quick and let's see what this thing does so down in my boots do i shift oh oh oh okay so um i see what it does now we are literally just leaping around in tnt loki that might be really op against the dragon i'm not gonna use that completely and oh no i broke all my armor so there goes the amethyst helmet but on the bright side something we didn't make is actually gold leggings then one aim of the shard and i guess let's get to mammoth leggings it'll do for now and helmet wise we actually gotta go to the nether so with that being done guys i think i'm gonna get a lot of obsidian and then we can try to see if we can get the next item so and maybe we can mine this really quickly you already know me on the fast subsidy of miner in minecraft oh wow yeah i really am the fastest obsidian miner in minecraft i don't even need to mine the actual obsidian and all i need now is just one flint and steel and we actually have no iron so let's go over here and mine that real quick iron done now we just gotta go inside and i'm gonna risk it and go without a helmet anyways let's go all right we're in and now what i need is one blaze rod one end of pearl and an eye vendor okay let's find another fortress oh we found it okay all right another fortress let's go inside this is literally the perfect entrance right now it's going straight to what i need in not doing the most damage to these guys on the bright side we can go in and get three blaze rods i think that's all i'm gonna need for now but i'm gonna get enough for the eyes of under just in case oh wait i killed it inside of a gold thing um that's a bit weird also good time to eat the diamond bread why not and all items repaired oh i should have eaten that earlier so just like that we have 10 blaze rods and i think the next thing we can actually do is make a diamond sword and with the extra blaze rod we have we can actually upgrade it with one blaze rod and just like that get an ember's edge interesting fire aspect 10 which kind of makes sense sharpness three i'm breaking six and blaze kitten one oh gosh a flaming sword with some magical powers for the player who wields it so now that we have this what exactly does it do also another blazer right there we have 10 in total holy all right let's try it out and with a right click we can literally now launch fireballs i mean sure why not probably also an easy way to get another right which i'll try out soon actually there might be an item that might be perfect for going around the nether so if we make one scaffolding then get some more sticks we can actually upgrade our stick and then put one scaffolding and just like that we're gonna be getting a scaffolding wand a magic wand that scaffolds you above all so does it like just make scaffold oh okay yep i like this a lot and just like that guys we can pretty much run around anywhere we want okay oh and a piglet i'm gonna go ahead and give you a lot of gold and just in case you that's not enough gold i'm gonna real quick do that then make even more gold and this guy's about to trade everything you can in minecraft so uh yeah here i have some more gold buddy but the main thing i'm going to be needing is probably netherite and i guess i could do a couple more things with diamonds so for that to actually work we actually got to get a lot more gold so let's make a golden apple and then oddly enough we're going to be needing a diamond block to upgrade the golden apple with a whole block of diamond and hopefully it's worth it because with this we're going to be getting a down apple don't crack a tooth i'm probably am going to crack a tooth but without further ado let's see what it does oh okay that is a 12 second a really good potion i mean it's not that good though because it's 12 seconds and i'm looking at the possible things i can upgrade and it looks like the rest of the items are all gonna probably require another right but we can actually make one more thing with diamonds that i don't know why i didn't do this in the first place but with the golden bow we can actually upgrade it with one block of diamond and just like that diamond bow pretty much the golden bow but a little bit better a bow made with diamonds but smells like gunpowder wait wait what you over there i'm so sorry oh that's actually really good this is actually a pretty good bow not bad let me roll quick and kill you all right so we finally got 16 underpros not bad that honestly took a lot longer than i thought it would we can finally do our next upgrade which is not going to be a normal eye vendor going to the stronghold but apparently with this thing we can go ahead and apparently make a diamond helmet and then upgrade it with the eye vendor and just like that we're going to be getting a third eye helmet mending to protection 3 i'm breaking for enter guardian 3 a helmet that opens your inner eye protecting you from all angles i'm not sure what that's gonna do by the way we finally have a helmet but we're also glowing now interesting all right well so all that's left for us to do now is to get some nether right and the only way i know how to get death right is literally just by going straight down and getting some ancient debris and seeing what happens when i mine it with this pickaxe all right y level i think it's y level nine okay all right now we just dig straight all right i'm gonna do this for a bit i'll see you guys in a bit when i finally find some netherright this took way too long but we finally found some asian debris right under it so now moment of truth does anything special happen when i mine it with the sword pickaxe oh okay wait so instead of getting ancient debris with the diamond sword pickaxe we got instantly three netherite ingots which i'm gonna go ahead and take advantage of that because what the netherlight gets i'm pretty sure this is what we're gonna be needing for the final upgrade on the diamond sword pickaxe and that's gonna be the netherwight sword pickaxe but we're not done there because we still have to get to the fully upgraded armor and the fully upgraded sword so with the nether right sword pickaxe it's pretty much the same pickaxe except this time again mending 10 i'm breaking 10 and it says almost the best pickaxe in the world so if it's almost the best pickaxe in the world what is the best pickaxe in the world what else could i combine with netherright let's see wait technically could i do this oh gosh oh no oh man i'm not sure if i should do this should i upgrade one bread with one of my only netherlight ingredients for another white bread very hot feels freshly baked i mean i am kind of hungry so uh if this is bad then please don't roast me oh was that it did i really just see nothing right pride to get fire particles around me we don't talk about that in the comments okay we we we're never talking about that again on the bright side i guess we'll do this the old-fashioned way and make another eye chess play and then what i'm gonna be needing is a diamond chest plate unless this can work okay no so that doesn't work so i'm gonna be needing some more diamonds and you can't go wrong with some lucky pants so lucky pants and now let's just get some good stuff we can now upgrade another i chess plate with the diamond chest plate and just like that we're gonna be getting a diamond nether white chess play mending five protection eight i'm breaking ten is a diamond is it death right it doesn't matter it's strong and low-key actually looks really cool not bad and now the worst part is that there goes all our netherites so i gotta find some death right again and then i'll see you guys in a bit and get a lot of diamonds at the same time i'm not kidding this took like five seconds after i just said that and we legit found ancient debris right away so what happens when i mine up with this it looks like a lot of netherlight again and it's gonna be 10 to the right against this time so i think that might be actually just enough how much we need for the rest of the items i'm gonna get a little bit more just in case we need like netherright blocks which shouldn't be too hard if we can mine this quick all right so uh yeah 40 nether white ingots that should be definitely more than enough let's go ahead and use the infinity chest and get back to our headquarters so we don't need ember's edge anymore i'm gonna keep it there just in case we need it for later and definitely a lot of ender pearls in blaze powder and for the next item we're gonna be making we're gonna be using nine other white ingots to make literally a block of netherlight and with one another right block and our upgraded diving bow we can upgrade this thing to a oh wow that looks cool another right bow flame 10 infinity 10 power 10 a breaking 10 a highly explosive weapon a use with caution oh gosh do i want to blow this place up okay no no i'm not gonna blow it up just yet so stay tuned when i get back and apparently the next thing we can make is gonna require us to get a little bit of diamonds even though i've got a stack there is gonna be one another right sword and then oddly enough a shield which i don't know i haven't made a shield yet but i guess we're doing that now alright another right sword normal shield and that is a big old sword reinforced sword mending four sharpness six i'm breaking ten is stopping power four memories of past lives fill you with knowledge granting the ability to defend yourself okay wait that that is cursed i can block with the sword um okay this is huge and i guess we'll use that later on and something we can move on to after this is again with making two more grenades we can combine two grenades another looking void grenade right click to summon a black hole okay that might actually kill me and i really don't want to lose the challenge so i might save this for the dragon fight and something we could actually do technically is uh i mean why not since we have only one more golden apple i'm gonna save this for the final fight too but we can actually combine a golden apple and a block of death right and just like that we got another white apple why not wait what if i upgrade another right with another right oh a nether white chestplate 2x gives it protection too and level it up some more wait can i do this again oh 4x level up some more 8x okay why not we can keep leveling it up and now we got a 16x which the numbers are getting insane right now with the enchants 32x is there gonna be 64. oh wait no that's not adjustable oh oh oh that is gonna be good the final fight is gonna probably be very difficult so nether i meant the chest plate has become a full size mech hop inside oh gosh okay all right so before we do that guys i think we might actually be able to make the final sword now so apparently it's gonna require a lot of the swords we've already made it's gonna be first reinforced sword combining it with the ember's edge sword we're gonna be getting a reinforced ember's edge oh my gosh that is really good enchants holy a blade forged from two very unlucky items and i'm gonna guess it does pretty much the same thing as both of them i can block oh and i can definitely explode things let's uh cover that up real quick so before we try this out again let's get back to our portal all right i'm just gonna kind of make a portal instead i think this might be our best bet now let's go back oh no this is not the best spot but on the bright side we do not have bottom we need so how do i get out all right now we should be a little bit better let's get out the smithing table and the next thing we're going to be making is the reinforced emperor's edge with the essence extractor and with that we get another upgraded sword which is going to be the reinforced embers extractor and just like that the enchants are getting bigger and bigger a blade crafted from three godlike items it holds powers unlike any other i'm gonna guess that it's all three swords combined so after this can we upgrade it one more time because it's not the infinity sword yet so what the pickaxe oh gosh and with that final upgrade we finally get the ultimate infinity sword efficiency 5 fire aspect 10 literally every single engine possible and it says an item so strong it has the ability to break any block and slay any mob oh gosh oh wait okay that's a planet i'm running oh gosh oh my gosh and so just like that we now see the power of the ultimate upgraded infinity sword i'm gonna have a lot of fun with this one and we're not done there because we also have the void grenade which low-key i kind of want to use right now because i have enough arrows and we can make another one so what does the void grenade do oh that's a black hole okay i'm gonna real quick make another one of those so with all that being done there's only one more thing to do and that's go back make some eyes of ender and go to the strongholds so now that we have the ice offender let's see where we gotta go uh oh that way okay all right i have under and oh wait it went down okay i have under kind of went down here so it should be somewhere around here i could send off a grenade and try to find the stronghold that way but i mean this is kind of the old-fashioned way so maybe we can find it like this oh well we found it i like that i got the speed boots it should make it a little bit faster oh and here we go okay and with these lost eyes of under guys i think all that's left for us to do is go inside some of the mech and hopefully the dragon is not too difficult anyways wish me luck and here we go don't see any dragon bar yet but we gotta go straight up so i'm gonna spawn in the mic once we get up oh and there it is that is definitely not your normal ender dragon over there so i guess it's time guys let's get into the right back oh and we're inside okay i kind of got outside of the back accidentally all right so what i gotta do now is literally throw in my fireball as a break every crystal i can and shoot the dragon and hopefully i don't die to this thing also the netherlight apple might be a good idea herobrine can't die oh i'm here by now oh my gosh i'm here mine for three three seconds only oh gosh okay okay here blind sure do your thing i did not expect to become here by all of a sudden in the final fight but all i'm trying to do right now is to break these crystals effects are gonna be gone very soon but that should be enough for all the final crystals at least all right so plan b netherright mech again and we should have at least some weapons okay we got the mecha cannon we got the self-destruct button and we also have the mecha sword so let's actually do this the old-fashioned way go on mecha cannon do your thing all right guys i think the best way to do this honestly is probably just bring out the planet i'm gonna launch a planet real quick and hope for the best we're running oh there it comes we're running we're not gonna be staying there oh it didn't kill it it might be almost dead i'm not sure we've been fighting this thing for a while but this thing's a lot harder than i thought let's get back inside the mech and just shoot in some cannons i guess okay please it's perching down this should be enough damage maybe all right plan b we're summoning another moon please hit the dragon hit the dragon and it didn't kill it oh no maybe another right bow i'm not even sure come on come on arrows do your thing i'm literally sending explosion after explosion right now oh wait i think i got it finally yes there we go and that is gonna be it for minecraft but i can upgrade any item but with that being said how do i get out i guess with that being done guys i hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one and i'm gonna jump in the void now go follow my instagram and besides that here's a video just like this one do i die now i don't die do i lose let me know in the comments bye
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 5,088,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft if, minecraft but you can upgrade any item, minecraft but you can combine any item, minecraft upgrade, minecraft combine, combine, upgrade, mix
Id: HNWQ1Weetpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 55sec (1915 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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